View Full Version : Left 4 Dead

2007-05-05, 07:08 PM
I'm especially looking forward to this upcoming ("28 Days Later meets CounterStrike") online FPS. I read about it some time ago, but just got an info update and saw some developer interviews and gameplay. Looks very interesting, as it is a co-op game, with small teams making sure that each player makes a difference.

Anyway, what are your thoughts on this? Excited or apathetic?

2007-05-06, 11:57 PM
Seriously looking forward to it. From what I've seen, they've added a lot to the basic Source engine, like getting knocked down and having to fire from your side if you are too heavily injured, or (as they mentioned in one of them) automated survivor notifications ('pills here', 'infected!', etc.). I'm always up for a good bit of zombie shootin'.

2007-05-07, 08:51 AM
I just hope that only head shots down the zombies. Otherwise, what's the point of shooting zombies? I remember playing the Land of the Dead: Road to Fiddler's Green and on the first level, omgzohmbeez bust in your house and you run upstairs to grab your lever-action .22. Took 5 shots to the head to down the first one. 5. Head shots. Then I realized five shots anywhere would down them. What a disapointment. Although finding the fire axe makes up for the useless shotguns and assault rifles.

2007-05-07, 10:00 AM
But it doesn't fit the flavor of the game that only headshots would down the Infected. Ordinarily I would agree with you--that's one of the features of the zombie mythos--but in the case of 28 Days Later-style zombies, it doesn't make much sense.

2007-05-07, 10:05 AM
It looks very much like it won't be headshots only to kill, when you look at the playable infected types they're not very zombish...

I knew about the firing-on-the-ground addition and it looks really cool when you see it in action, very action-movie.

2007-05-07, 02:08 PM
I can't wait for it either. The demo video with the team talking was awesome. I like how they're putting a greater focus on teamwork than going solo.
I wish there was some more info on what gameplay will be like when you're a (zombie?) though.

2007-05-08, 07:10 AM
When you're playing as one of The Infected, you can choose between a Hulk (massive ogre thing that can throw debris and cars) a Boomer (fat thing, full of poison gas that explodes) a Smoker (I think that's what it's called, it hides in a smokescreen, strangling people with it's tongue like a roper) and a Hunter (again, not sure about name, but this one is very agile and can jump incredibly well). The Infected have infinite lives, but the Survivors do not. The Infected are tricky to learn how to use, but very fun if you can pull off attacks just right. I'm looking forward to playing as a Hunter myself.