View Full Version : MLP: Roleplaying is Magic: Episodes IC 2

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2015-08-08, 11:38 AM
Last time, on Roleplaying is Magic!

Our heroes are knee-deep in trouble! On a business visit to Las Pegasus they stumbled into the action, as they learned that Equestria's most famed former rock star Whammy Bar has fallen into the hands of a blackmailing scheme of a mysterious Helping Hoof! Forced to work for the talentless talent agent Gee Major since he owes the life of his brother to Helping Hoof, our small group of ponies from Ponyville is his only hope!

But surrounding this situation is a whole mountain range of enigmas! How do Savvy Spender and her mother Pas Bien fit into this? And could it really be that Savvy is Whammy's daughter? What awaits beneath the floor boards in Helping Hoof's old home? What role do Gee Major, and the clues of changeling involvement that were found in his office play?

And just who is that strange blue pony who was following our heroes around?

With all these things on their backs, our heroes plan out their course of action, while time keeps passing and Helping Hoof may be about to make his or her next move!

2015-08-08, 11:45 AM
"I'm sorry, you guys lost me. Why do we need to stop the concert? Whammy's not the changeling, surely? We need to focus on catching Savvy out and investigating that basement."


"Uh... stop the...? No, I think we just need to stop the changeling," Reuben says. "Assuming that the changeling looks like Savvy. I'm just not sure how we can do that."

2015-08-08, 11:54 AM

"Und one way to stop it is by making sure the show does not go on. When was the concert by the way?"

2015-08-08, 02:02 PM

"I think we'll keep that as a last resort. There's no indication thus far that Whammy is the changeling."

2015-08-08, 02:51 PM

"So... oh, we might have to find the address of where Savvy and Pas lives," Reuben said. "Probably in the records in Pas' office?"

2015-08-08, 03:21 PM
Gizmo gave a cough. "I know where they live, und Whammy as well." He packs away his book and heads to the door. "Shall we?"

2015-08-08, 03:28 PM

"Yeah. We know Pas is still working, so worst case we just have to deal with Savvy at the house," Reuben says. "Well, not that we should break in. That could be bad for Morning's employment. Just... you know, walk by... maybe peek in a window?"

2015-08-08, 04:06 PM

"Or, we could.....manifest und enter." Once again he mentions his Instant Door Maker ™

2015-08-09, 07:20 PM
Morning Star

"I just cannot imagine what would spur a changeling to do this," Star shakes her head. "Now I not just a little scared, but also a little curious," she paces back and forth again, looking down with pursed lips and a furrowed brow. "Why would one changeling be this far out? If it is indeed only one changeling... this does not seem to add up to me."

"Perhaps we should pay Savvy and the griffon a visit again..." she says, nodding in agreement with Reuben's idea.

2015-08-09, 07:54 PM

"Yeah, lets start with Savvy's place and see if she's left some clues around we can use."

2015-08-09, 08:39 PM

"So we are visiting Savvy first, und then the griffon. I have a few questions for Fraüline Bien myself."

2015-08-10, 09:24 AM
With everything that you've just learned in mind, you decide to leave the agency's tower for now and get moving to Savvy's home. However, this journey does not turn out to be easy, since you notice as soon as you leave the building that yesterday's snowstorm has picked back up again. With the wind shooting countless snowflakes at your heads, your way is rather cold, and even the sights of Las Pegasus can't do much to distract you from it.

However, one thing does manage to catch your attention. Once again, Gizmo cannot help but feel like somepony is following him. It's just like earlier today. At times, he catches a glimpse of something just at the corner of his eye, but when he turns it has already disappeared. And sometimes, he could swear that he just saw that blue pony from earlier in a crowd. This time, Morning notices it too. Unlike Gizmo, she doesn't get a definitive view of this pony, but now that it has been pointed out to her, she is sure that she noticed somepony following your group.

Then, just as you are walking past a mostly calm and pony-less street of Las Pegasus, it happens. Gizmo just happens to turn his head, looking back to see whether the blue pony is still following you. And there he is. He is standing at least 8 houses away from you, but you still get a good glimpse of him. He's definitively a blue unicorn stallion, similar to Whammy, though his mane is of a much darker, grey colour. Around his chest, he wears a warm-looking vest, and by the way he suddenly jerks away you are certain that he knows you have seen him.

Hastily, he ducks away into a nearby alleyway, quickly trying to get out of your sight.

2015-08-10, 10:42 AM
Gizmo quickly turns around and starts running after that pony. He knows that he knows something, why else would he be following them?
"Quickly! Before he escapes! I saw that blue pony again und he will answer my questions!"

2015-08-10, 11:03 AM

"You... what?" Reuben dashes after Gizmo, not entirely sure where he's going, but following because of reflex. If only he had wings!

2015-08-10, 01:16 PM
As quickly as you all can, you dash after the mysterious blue pony, who quickly disappears into an alleyway between two houses, out of your sight. Given how fast he moves, and the fact that he is now out of your sight, you get the feeling that you may soon loose him again if you don't hurry up.

Which is to say, we're going into cinematic mode now. Everyone, take your actions to do something. Running, by the way, counts as something.

Also, since this is the first time we're doing cinematic mode with Bard1c, just remember to make any rolls you think might be needed in your post inside spoiler tags, and don't bother to wait for me to make a judgement call on what is needed. Worst case scenario, I decide you need a different Attribute or can't do something but we can still use the roll itself with swapped around bonuses.

2015-08-10, 01:40 PM
Gizmo runs with his eyes to the ground, following the hoofprints in the snow.


+6 mind to locate the hoofprints
+2 Improved Elementary My Dear to help see which are his in the snow

Total =17

2015-08-10, 01:55 PM

"He's getting away! Or she... or um..." Despite his job as a runner to deliver his pop's sandwiches, Reuben found snow to be a hassle to navigate through. He tried to concentrate on a fantastical magic leap to close some distance between himself and whoever Gizmo said was following. "Just a hop, skip and JUMP!"

Reuben Casts 'Small Area Teleport' from the Canterlot Archive in order to close the gap between himself and the spy (making an educated guess on the spy's location based on Gizmo's direction).
This'll be his second used spell (The other was Arrest movement if I remember correctly, but that needs 'line-of-sight' to the target).

Spellcasting check: [roll0]
+3 Mind

Total: 10
(Spending 5 Fortitude to power spell)

Small Area Teleport
Target: Group
Range: Seen
Duration: Immediate
Effect: Modify
Subject: Space, Light (or Weather)
Spell Level: 8 (Easy, DT 5)
Description: The caster vanishes in a flash of light (or mist) and reappears in a chosen location within reasonable range, taking all small objects that surround him with him.

>If Reuben is allowed a reaction upon teleporting, he will dive at the nearest Pony he encounters (putting him at the mercy of the GM's whims if he botched the teleport roll) :smallbiggrin:

Tackle Check: [roll1]
+3 Body

Total: 14

2015-08-10, 02:32 PM

As soon as she has a target, Autumn tears off after them at top speed!

Body +4
Wing Power +1

2015-08-10, 04:26 PM
"He must not get away!" Star says, turning about and charging after the blue pony, trying her best to ignore the sting of the cold. "Allez, Morning, vous pouvez le faire..." she mutters under her breath.

[roll0] + 1 Body check = 11

2015-08-11, 07:44 AM
Amazingly, both Autumn and Morning shoot towards the blue pony with no hesitation, the latter despite having to drag herself through the snow. They both quickly make to the entrance of the alleyway, just in time to catch another glimpse of the fleeing unicorn. To his dismay, the alley is halfway through cut off by a large wooden fence, too high to easily climb over it.

However, to his left, there is an open doorway, leading into one of the houses. He looks like he is ready to dash into there, when suddenly something surprises him. Out of thin air, Reuben appears with a light show of magical sparks, and doesn't hesitate one second to tackle him down. They crash together, tumbling to the floor and rolling along a bit, right into the house.

The room Reuben and the blue pony find themselves in seems to be the kitchen of a cheap apartment, complete with dusty furniture and cheap wooden cooking utensils lining the walls. At least there is no food out in the open to distract the ponyville colt.

Reuben now also manages to get a good look at his enemy. He is a somewhat older unicorn stallion, with a blue coat very reminiscent of Whammy, and a dark grey mane. His features are quite rough and edgy, and from the rings under his eye and the stubble around his muzzle, he seems quite unkempt.

But even though the blue pony is surprised, he proves adept at thinking on his hooves. A magical glow suddenly surrounds his horn and the door you just rolled in through, and the door slams shut in one swift motion. Even worse, there is an audible click, telling you that whatever spell he just cast also locked it.

From the outside, Autumn and Morning notice this as well. It looks like there's a window leading into the same room Reuben and the blue pony disappeared into, though jumping through it might be somewhat painful.

Meanwhile, Gizmo is slowly, but certainly, following the tracks his prey has left behind. While the effort is sadly wasted, given how quick everyone else was running, at least he would have made sure not to loose his stalker without realizing he went into the house. He ends up barely catching up with Autumn and Morning at the edge of the alleyway, though he gets the feeling if he wants to keep up he'll need to leg it from now on.

Inside the house, something of a struggle is already starting. With the door securely locked, the mystery pony tries to push Reuben away from him, throwing a mean looking right hook in the process.

Alright, reaction time. Which mostly concerns Reuben, since no one else is in immediate danger. And yeah, that just worked out. Nice to see the dice on his side for a change.

Gets to act?




A really mean looking right Hook

2015-08-11, 08:11 AM

"Not in the face!" Reuben yelps as he reacts to the incoming R.M.L.R.H. The stallion attempts to kick off the floor and flip himself to the attacker's left in order to dodge the blow.

"Dude, don't wanna fight you! Just wanna know why you're following us!"

Gymnastics: [roll0]
+3 Body

Total: 12

2015-08-11, 10:16 AM
Gizmo tries the door. Once he knows its licked he puts down his bag and rifles through it for the Instant Door Maker. Once it's out he puts it right under the window. "I believe this calls for some manifesting und entering?"

using the spell Summon Door from the Canterlot Archives as an Artiface spell. Making 2 out of my 6 used.

2015-08-11, 12:13 PM
Reuben, being as quick on his hooves as ever, flawlessly executes his maneuver and rolls away from his assailant. However, now that he is no longer restrained by Reuben, the blue pony quickly gets up himself, not even bothering to answer your question. Instead, he just hurries over to another room of the house, which from what you can see appears to be a living room with a large set of stairs leading upwards.

Since this was just the reaction phase, Gizmo did not actually get to use his portal yet. He'll only be able to that in the action phase, now.

That said, do you want to put down the portal just anywhere on the building or actually at the location where the blue pony and Reuben have entered? Because the latter would require a Body Roll to catch up, at the risk of Fortitude damage if you fail (Due to fatigue, and all that. You'd still place the portal, though.).

2015-08-11, 01:41 PM
Gizmo with no knowledge of the events insides runs around the corner and places his portal on the wall there, hoping to catch the blue pony by surprise. He let's Morning and Autumn in before he closes it behind himself.

got it, still new to the cinimatic mode but i think i understand. Gizmo is placing the door around the corner and hopefully into another room.

2015-08-11, 02:06 PM

Autumn flits through the magical doorway, eager to help Reuben and catch the blue unicorn. If she catches them she'll barrel into the blue pony at top speed without even slowing down.

Body +4
Wingpower +1

2015-08-11, 02:19 PM

"WaitIJustWantToAskYouSomeQuestions!" Reuben quickly blathers as he gives chase.

Running: [roll0]
+3 Body

Total: 13

2015-08-11, 03:43 PM

As soon as the others were in he closes the door and runs full speed toward the kitchen

+2 Body
Total =

2015-08-11, 03:50 PM

+2 body
Total =8

2015-08-13, 10:58 PM
Morning Star

"Reuben!!" Star shouts, charging through Gizmo's magic-mechanical portal and into the house. "Allons-y!"

Trying to chase down the blunicorn:

[roll0] + 1 = lmfao 3

2015-08-14, 09:11 AM
As it turns out, trying to chase a pony you cannot see, through a house you have never been in before, is not a very easy task. Autumn and and Gizmo both quickly realize that they aren't going quickly enough to do any cutting off with how the house is laid out, and put some strain on themselves just trying to catch up with they mysterious blue pony.

For Morning, it is even worse. In her effort to keep up the speed from outside, she stumbles once there no longer is any snow to give her hooves resistance, and takes a nasty trip. Her face lands right on a doorframe, leaving her to see stars for a few seconds. And after that, she still has to get up and catch up with her friends. The result of this is a waggling journey through the rooms of this house fuelled only by adrenaline, leaving her rather out of breath when she arrives.

None of you manage to get into the living room fast enough to cut off the blue pony, and Reuben is just not quick enough to catch him yet. He runs up the flight of stairs, Reuben right behind him, while the rest of you just then manage to arrive in the living room. As the blue unicorn reaches the top of the stairs, he draws some kind of bundle from a pocket on his vest. A minor use of telekinesis opens it as he throws it behind himself. From it, a wave of marbles drops onto the stairs, leaving them very slippery to walk on.

Gizmo and Autumn both take [roll0] (light) Fortitude damage. Morning takes [roll1] (Average) Fortitude Damage. Please remember to mark your current scores on your sheets and tell me if you run out of Fortitude or Willpower. Just as a reminder.

Now, the reaction phase.

Gets to act?

Marbles :D

Marbles :D

Marbles :D

Nothing. She can fly, silly.

2015-08-14, 10:13 AM
Gizmo, being a pony of science, knows full well marbles are okay to walk on unless there are a large number of them clustered together, or a large one in general. Better avoid those. He charges on ahead up the stairs screaming "Stop this madness! We mean no harm und just wish to have a quick word! If this is about the rumors we didn't do anything to Whammy!"

+6 mind

For a whopping total of.....12

2015-08-14, 02:28 PM

"Look out, he's lost his marbles!" Reuben shouted. The stallion attempted to use his balancing and gymnastic skills to take the railing over the marble stampede.

Roll: [roll0]
If Gymnastics apply: [roll1]

+3 Body

Total: 10

2015-08-14, 05:29 PM
Morning Star

"Aie!" Star shouts, stubbing darn near everything on pretty much everything there is to get stubbed by. "Stupide meubles...laissez-moi passer!!" Attempting to free herself from her predicament, she makes it to the stairs and can't help but snort at Reuben. "Sacredieu, Reuben, that was... terrible!"

Surveying the marbled stairs, she scrunches up her muzzle and starts picking her way to the top. "C'est un gâchis absolu..."

2015-08-15, 09:08 AM
Reuben, just as he is about to step on the marbles, manages to save himself out of sheer reflex by jumping onto the railing. For a moment he is tempted to stand only on his hind-legs and run along it like a totally radical ninja, but he quickly realizes that this would be a bad idea, given his already shaky balance. As such, he just scurries upwards like a cat, jumping off the railing once he is past the danger zone.

Behind him, Gizmo and Morning go for a more direct approach, applying their powers of reasoning to simply avoid the actually dangerous spots of the marble avalanche. And for Gizmo, this actually works out rather well. He easily picks out any safe points on the stairs, stepping carefully to only hit them. It's somewhat tricky, but he nevertheless makes it through safely to the top.

Morning is not quite so lucky. While she manages to take the right steps right until the top, at the last second she just happens to overlook one. Her hoof smacks right into the middle of a huge pile, once again causing her to stumble and land face-first on the wooden floor of the building's second story. By now, it's hurting her pride more than anything.

Lastly, Autumn just follows you by taking off into the air, easily flying over the marbles. She even manages to build some momentum due to this, making it easier for her to keep up with the blue pony. He, meanwhile, has not stopped for even a second to answer your inquiries, running forwards through a long corridor that leads away from the stairs. It is lined left and right with numbered doors and the occasional decorated table, and at it's very end lies a closed window. From here, you can see it leads into another alleyway.

On your left, you notice another corridor just like it, though with a window that appears to lead back to the main street. From one of the doors, a young earth pony mare is peeking out, but once you notice her she quickly slams it shut. "Get out of here, you vandals!" you hear her shouting from inside her room.

Morning takes [roll0] (light) Fortitude damage from landing face first again. And Reuben just didn't roll roll well enough to be a ninja, sorry to say.

Otherwise, it's time for another action phase. Actions from everyone, please. Autumn, due to her unbroken momentum, get's an Advantage to any rolls made to run/fly quickly on this turn.

2015-08-15, 09:27 AM

"I will not table this discussion! Ensnare Decorium!" Reuben bull-rushes one of the decorated tables and gives it a hefty kick to send it sliding toward the fleeing pony of interest in hopes of tripping 'em.

Rye Kick! [roll0]
+3 Body

Total 8

2015-08-15, 09:29 AM
Gizmo pulls out what appears to be one of those small noise making horns used at parties from his bag. "While I do not have a pun, I hope this trick works in my favor." He put the horn in his mouth and blows, sending a cloud of paralyzing spores at the stalker pony.

Artifice spell arrest movement. DT5 according to Archives

+2 Body +1 advantage

Total =9

2015-08-15, 03:34 PM
Morning Star

"Ugh!" Morning yelps as she hits the floor, taking her time in getting back up. When she finally gets back to her hooves, however, she is furious. "Je ne vais pas tolérer cette," she growls under her breath. With a sharp intake, she prepares to bellow forth a most imperious Canterlotian command. "CEASE THY FLIGHT, MISCREANT! FREEZE! ARRÊTEZ!"

[roll0] + 5 yeah thats right


2015-08-16, 02:24 AM

Autumn Gale continues the chase. At this stage another pony might be starting to wear out, but Autumn is only just hitting her stride!

Body: +4
Wing Power: +1
Talented (Tireless): +1
Advantage: Not slowed.

Total = 18
Advantage not even needed. :smallamused:

2015-08-16, 09:48 AM
You all make one final spurt of action, trying everything to catch the blue pony before he escapes. Reuben, with all his might, grabs one of the nearby tables and delivers one might buck at it, shooting it towards your target. It misses only by an inch, as the blue unicorn makes a leap to the left at the last second, leaving it to harmlessly bump into a wall.

Then, Gizmo takes his shot. His blast seems to be on target, the spores flying right towards their intended destination, and for a moment it even looks like they are about to hit. But suddenly, the blue unicorn's horn starts glowing, and he conjures up a tiny shield right behind. It actually doesn't catch all of the spores, though most of them do vanish into sparks upon contact. The few that make it through the hastily created shield do hit him, and he seems to slow down a tiny bit, even if the effect is far less than what you intended. You actually hear him mutter something under his breath in a rather deep voice, though you cannot make out what it is.

That is because Morning's shout drowns out any other sound in the room. She yells with the kind of commanding presence you'd expect from a princess, not from a model, making even the walls around you shake slightly. Her words actually are so powerful that the blue pony stumbles in his run, before turning his head to ensure himself that only a group of normal ponies is following.

He does this just in time to see Autumn smash into him. Throughout all your efforts, she has shot through the corridor, going at record speed even for her own standards. With all the help from her friends, she easily manages to catch up with the now much slower blue escapee, and wrestles him to the ground before he even comes close to the window. At this point, he doesn't even attempt to fight back anymore, just guarding his face from further attacks.

"Alright, alright! I give up!" he cries out, sounding more surprised than anything else.

And that concludes cinematic mode. Back to narrative mode. Nicely done, everyone.

2015-08-16, 12:09 PM

After seeing that Sonic Galeboom Gizmo finds himself quite stunned. He quickly composes himself and goes up to the now tackled unicorn. "Who are you und why were you following us?"

2015-08-16, 01:16 PM

Reuben discreetly bumps the table against the wall neatly as if it was always there.

"Yeah... please explain yourself," he added, catching his breath.

2015-08-16, 01:29 PM
By this point, a few of the doors around you open up, various citizens of this home peeking outside to investigate the source all the sound.

"What's going on?"

"Did somepony just shout something?"

"Mommy, are those two mares the princesses?"

The blue pony on the ground begins rolling his eyes at all of that, floating another thing out of his pockets. You are about to stop him from doing this when you notice just what he is telekinetically showing to everypony around him. It's a police badge.

"Everything's alright, citizens. This is just police business. You can go back to your homes." After a few seconds of confused muttering, the crowd starts to get lost, as the blue pony sighs in exhaustion. "Guess there's no hiding it. I'm Blue Velvet, officer of Las Pegasus' SPAM unit." The word SPAM rings a bell with you. If you remember correctly, it is an acronym that stands for 'Special Ponies and Magics'. They are usually called upon to investigate magical crimes in large cities such as this.

"You're, uh, investigating a certain Helping Hoof, right?"

2015-08-16, 01:53 PM

"Mien Gott. I am so sorry. If we had known you were SPAM I would have not fired those paralyzing poofshroom spores at you." He helps Blue back up to his hooves. "One question, if you knew we were investigating Helping Hoof, why not offer a helping hoof instead of run away?"

2015-08-16, 05:42 PM
Morning Star

Morning's cheeks flush as she heard the clamour in the halls, barely believing her own force and volume. She quickly trots past to catch up with the unicorn, and notices his badge. "Officer? Je suis vraiment désolé...!" Morning says, offering a bow of her head. After hearing his explanation, she tilts her head. "I must profess that I am as confused as my friend here - should we not be working together on this? Blackmail is a serious crime, is it not? We would be much better off if we were to join together." She looks to Reuben, Autumn and Gizmo for confirmation.

2015-08-16, 06:39 PM

"Yeah, I agree with Morning," Reuben said.

2015-08-17, 02:49 AM

Autumn grudgingly removes her hoof from his horn as he reveals himself to be a police officer. She doesn't fully believe him until he shows his badge.
"Sorry for tackling you, but we've already been threatened by thugs and being tailed set us all on edge. If you're looking into this Helping Hoof thing we'd be happy to help with your investigation."

2015-08-17, 08:29 AM
Once Autumn lets go of him, Blue hurries back onto his hooves. Once standing, he pats away some of the dust and grime he accumulated during the chase. "No, don't apologize. You didn't know who I was, and you didn't hurt me or anything." Now that you get a good look at him, he is obviously somewhat sheepish about this whole event, though he tries to hide it behind a huge frown.

"I heard about you from Savvy. She told me that you were also looking into this. Thought that you'd only cause trouble." He tilts his head slightly to the side, trying to avoid looking into your eyes. "I had to see what you are like, and whether you could help me. And trust me, I wasn't too happy when you caused Pas Bien to make a big ruckus about finding Helping Hoof. But now..." Blue hesitates for a moment, before looking back at you. "Well, you seem to have your hearts in the right place, seeing as none of my bones are broken. And you probably really do want to help Whammy."

2015-08-17, 08:39 AM

"Yeah, we do," Reuben said. "So, why'd you go run off instead of talking to us? I mean, you are the law, right? Were you worried we'd be rough with you? Well, moreso than what just happened in this chase."

2015-08-17, 08:50 AM

"Of course it would be Savvy who set you on us," says Autumn with a resigned sigh and a sideways glance at the others.

2015-08-17, 09:48 AM

"We have reason to suspect that Savvy might not be who she says she is. But maybe here is not the best place to discuss this, ja? We should move sonewhere a little less crowded with ponies who are curious as to why the police are here."
Gizmo starts to head back to the stairs.

2015-08-17, 09:49 AM

"Yeah, let's continue this outside or something," Reuben agreed.

2015-08-17, 10:48 AM
"Not who she is? What the heck are you talking about?" Blue seems genuinely taken aback by what you just said. Only after some hesitation does he slowly nod. "Fine. I'll listen to what you've got to say. But if you're talking about who Savvy's real dad is, I already know."

He starts walk past you, leading the way back to the door to the alleyway. "Let's go back outside. If anyone tries to listen in on us there, I'll be able to spot them. And then I want to hear just what you've come up with." If none of you object, the officer swiftly leads you back the way you came, opening up the magically locked door by dismissing his spell.

2015-08-17, 10:58 AM

Once outside Gizmo goes through his bag to pull out the red cloth."Her father, is it perhaps this Whammy I keep hearing about?"

2015-08-17, 01:14 PM
"You're right on the money, kid." Blue does not appear too impressed by you having figured this out. However, his eyes do widen somewhat when you pull out the red cloth, and he immediately grasps for it. "Where'd you get that? That's Savvy's ribbon! Don't tell me Gee Major found it!"

2015-08-17, 02:04 PM

"We found it. In Gee's office though, which makes me wonder why a little filly is sneaking around other pony's offices."

2015-08-17, 03:34 PM

"We also found what I believe to be some changeling wax, and a witness saw somegriffin address her as Helping Hoof," Autumn fills in.

2015-08-17, 03:57 PM

"How did you...ACH! Of course! Now I see what's happening. I believed you are more involved in this case then you let on, Herr Velvet. Gizmo let's him keep the ribbon for now. "In fact, I believe you were involved in this from the start. Am I right? Are you Fraüline Spenders uncle? If not you just seem to know quite a bit about Gee und his feelings about Savvy und her style choices."

2015-08-17, 04:25 PM
Blue seems to calm down somewhat once you reveal that you were the ones to find the ribbon. "Good. That's good. And yeah, you figured right. I am Whammy's brother." His answer to you figuring this out seems rather nonchalant, as though he expected that much.

"Savvy actually informed about what was going on a few weeks back. How she had noticed those thu- didyoujustsaychangeling?!" At this point, Autumn's words actually make it through to him, and he reels back in shock.

"Where? Where did you find that wax? And who is that witness you are talking about? Is it Gee Major? It's Gee Major, isn't it? That heartless piece of horseapples!" If the look in his eyes and the fact that he is getting really close to your faces are anything to go by, he has become very angry just now.

2015-08-17, 04:57 PM

"Well, it's a changeling," Reuben points out. "If we already know their identity, it wouldn't be a very good changeling, would it?"

2015-08-17, 05:05 PM
Morning Star

"It was, indeed, monsieur Gee who overhead Savvy - or, should I say, 'Helping Hoof'. However... if what we found is true, then the Savvy we have seen may not be the real one, if indeed a changeling is about," Morning says and shakes her head. She looks into the cityscape, toward the Pas Bien tower, and sighs. "It was in his office as well that we found the wax..."

Suddenly, she starts and glances about. "Wait! That house... the one Helping Hoof sold. What if the real Savvy is there somewhere??"

2015-08-17, 07:07 PM

"Like a secret cavern under the floor? Herr Velvet, can you get us legally into that house?"

2015-08-18, 03:29 AM
"I knew it! Of course he'd tell you something like that!" Blue takes a few steps away from you, stomping around angrily. It takes him a little while to cool back down, all while he spews a torrent of somewhat creative insults about Gee Major.

"Listen." he finally says. "How do you know you can trust anything that Gee is saying? Have you ever talked to some of the ponies who recommended him to the agency?

Some of them confessed that they've been blackmailed, just like Whammy. And most of them claimed that they didn't even remember doing anything like that. He's a weasel, and behind all of this somehow!"

2015-08-18, 04:07 AM

"Gee Major's a talentless prick," Autumn agrees. "And Whammy defends him despite that, which could be a sign changeling infatuation. But it's also true that Savvy Spender has been the biggest obstacle to our investigation, and that evidence links her to Gee's office. Let's check out this basement together, I'm sure it will give us more puzzle pieces, and I'd feel a lot better about checking it out if there's a police officer with us."

2015-08-18, 06:14 AM
"And Whammy defends him despite that, which could be a sign changeling infatuation. But it's also true that Savvy Spender has been the biggest obstacle to our investigation, and that evidence links her to Gee's office. Let's check out this basement together, I'm sure it will give us more puzzle pieces, and I'd feel a lot better about checking it out if there's a police officer with us."


"Yeah, we need to get some 'search warrenty goodness' and investigate these places for ourselves. The basement, the houses... gotta start somewhere."

2015-08-18, 10:19 AM

"Plus you could confirm if the house in question belongs, or has once belonged to, Savvy. If it is no trouble I would like the ribbon back please."

2015-08-18, 02:41 PM
After some more time of mulling over everything that you have said, Blue nods reluctantly. "I did know that Savvy was in his office already. She has been way too eager about helping me with this whole investigation. Good thing she didn't get herself into any trouble. Fine. Let's check out that house. I don't know how a little filly could have bought a house under her mother's nose, but let's check it out anyways. How'd you learn about this house anyways? I never heard of it."

At Gizmo's request, he simply puts the ribbon away, into his own pocket. "Let me get this straight. You'd like back this evidence that never belonged to you in the first place? I don't think so." While his delivery is pretty deadpan, you can still pick up the sarcasm from it.
After that, he begins to march forwards, trotting out of the alley.

"Now show me where that house is at. I'll get us in, pronto."
With him at your back, you depart towards the old griffon's home, ready to figure out whatever its awful secrets may be. The snow, as ever, makes your journey very unpleasant, especially since your journey is somewhat longer than last time. It takes you about an hour to reach your destination, a time during which Blue is rather quiet, and by the time you get there even he is shivering somewhat.

The house is just decrepit and shoddy as you remember it. Inside, there once again is some sort of candlelight lighting up the rooms. If you had to guess, you'd say that someone is home. As such, Whammy's brother just knocks on the door a few times, causing the griffon to once again angrily call out.

During the ensuing conversation, you get some deja vu to your first encounter with this guy. He hasn't grown any more polite since yesterday, and starts of ranting and shouting once again, though he quickly quiets down once he sees an actual badge.

"I knew it. I knew you were cops... Shouldn't have trusted that pony even for one second...." he mutters under the breath of his lead, leading you inside with several more disgruntled remarks. Morning quickly recognizes the spot where the floorboards sounded hollow, and points it out to everyone else. "Alright. Somepony, help me with these boards. And feel free to ask that griffon some more questions. I'm getting the feeling he'll be a bit more cooperative than last time."

"Stupidponiescan'tevenletagriffonhavehispeaceandqui et....."

I skipped ahead there a little bit. Just to get the boring bits where nothing would have happened anyways out of the way.

Also, opening up the boards (without damage to yourself and/or the house) will require some rolls.

2015-08-18, 02:46 PM

Autumn steps down on one end of a board whilst prising up the other with a wing.

Body +4
Wing Power +1
Total: 15

2015-08-18, 02:50 PM

Reuben helps Autumn out with getting the boards pulled up.

Wingpony (haha, how appropriate)
15 --> 18

2015-08-18, 03:12 PM

Gizmo pushes from the underside of the board trying to make sure it doesn't snap

18 is now 19

2015-08-18, 04:50 PM
Morning Star

"My apologies, monsieur griffon; but did you happen to notice anything... unusual about Helping Hoof while you were in the office, purchasing this home? Perhaps her demeanor, or eagerness to sell the property?" Morning takes to questioning, given her latest bout of physical scrapes has left her a little exhausted.

[roll0] + 4 (no canterlot voice this time)

2015-08-18, 05:21 PM
The griffon looks up from his muttering, eyeing Morning as though she had just said something incredibly idiotic. "What in the name of King Grover are you talking about? Helping Hoof isn't no mare. He's a stallion, like that one!" He angrily gestures towards Reuben, as his words sound increasingly indignant. "But in different colours. Green, something like that, I don't remember! And I never met him in some office! What'd I even do there?" It doesn't seem to you like he is lying, at least not obviously so.

Meanwhile, Autumn and everyone else easily pry some wooden planks out of the floor. The wood and nails are both old and weathered, so they do not offer much resistance, and you are able to neatly remove them without damaging them. Underneath, you indeed find a hole in the floor, though it is not the kind of cavern filled with evidence that you had hoped for.

Instead, it is just a small hole, filled only with a small stockpile of bits and a small, wooden chest, about the size of Reuben's torso. There's barely even enough room for those things as it is. "The money is mine! I hid that there! Don't you take anything!" croaks the griffon. "Only the chest has always been under those boards. It's sealed with some kind of magic. You'll never get it open!"

Indeed, attempting to open up the chest fails, as it actively seems to clutch itself shut. Upon closer examination, there is no keyhole either. Those of you more inclined to magic think that enough brute force could open it, though at risk of damaging whatever is inside.

2015-08-18, 05:25 PM
The Great & Powerful Reuben

"Hmm, perhaps there's a command or trick to opening this without using a hammer?" Reuben said out loud. He turned the chest over in his hooves and looked for some writing or clue.

+3 Mind

Total: 9

2015-08-18, 06:32 PM
Morning Star

"Thank you, monsieur griffon. Your answers will be duly noted," Star says, turning to her friends and Velvet. "His story does not corroborate with Gee's... I believe we, once again, cannot trust our favorite egomaniac director." She glances over the chest, keeping her eyes trained on it as she continues. "What if... what if both Savvy and Gee have been replaced by changelings?"

2015-08-18, 07:36 PM

Knowing all about griffons and their hospitality, Gizmo thought it was a good idea to hand this one a few bits for his troubles. "This is for the slight property damage, the disturbing of your peace und for your time. Now, you say that Helping Hoof was a green stallion? Are you sure it was not a green filly? I am not questioning your memory, we want to make sure. Did you get a look at the mark upon their flank?"

What's this? A heart roll?

+2 Heart equals


2015-08-19, 09:10 AM
Reuben, despite giving it his all, cannot find any helpful markings or writing anywhere on the chest. The only thing he discovers are a few scratch marks on several points of the lid, making it look as though someone unsuccessfully tried to force it open. Whoever locked this chest wanted themselves to be the only one to open it again.

Meanwhile, the griffon's mood brightens up considerably at the offer of some extra bits. "Oh, it is no problem whatsoever, officer! None whatsoever!" He greedily snatches up your coins, pocketing them while Blue silently shakes his head at this whole situation. "Yes, I remember it just like it was yesterday! Helping Hoof was a young, wiry stallion, just like that one!" Once again, he points at Reuben. "But his cutie mark wasn't food! It was like....well, a sheet of paper, with something scribbled on it! Nothing readable, but it was like, well, like a contract." Again, you don't think that he is lying, at least not obviously so.

Which is somewhat disheartening, since none of you can think of anyone you've met recently with such a cutie mark. Blue Velvet, in response to any of your questions in this regard, also seems clueless. "Haven't heard of a pony like that before. And this is the first description of Helping Hoof I've heard, too. Not that it's of much use, given that he's probably a changeling."

2015-08-19, 09:50 AM

"I'm guessing this box belonged to the changeling... or at the minimum a spell caster. Anyone know their way around magic locks?" Reuben asked.

2015-08-19, 09:53 AM

Autumn shrugs and looks at Morning.

2015-08-19, 10:01 AM

"Danke for your time Herr Griffon. I am no officer, but your help is appreciated." Gizmo turns to Reuben and the mysterious, possibly bunny holding box. "Allow me, sometimes the crafter leaves a little signature making it theirs."

Looking for clues as to who made the box in the first place, any good artisan leaves their mark on a project.

+6 Mind
+2 Improved Elementary My Dear

Total will be a holy sweet mother of mind rolls a 19

2015-08-19, 10:45 AM
Gizmo scans the box, looking for any clue, hint, or pointer towards who could have created it. His eyes scan every inch of its surface, and his hooves try to feel out any nook and cranny for a word-like pattern. He turns it around multiple times, hearing something inside of it faintly clank about.

Then, he finds something! Something written, in tiny, washed out letters in a corner on the downside of the chest.

Calamity Mane Incorporated™

Great. With some annoyance, Reuben, Autumn and Morning think back to the recent events in Canterlot, and realize that this is a cheap, mass-produced product. And from the looks of it, it is also quite old.

2015-08-19, 11:16 AM

Looking quite pleased with himself, Gizmo holds the head high. "Well then, I say we find this Calamity Mane and have them open this. Herr Griffin, is it okay if we keep this since it was on your property?"

2015-08-19, 11:25 AM

"I dunno... Calamity was an earth pony, right? Doesn't seem like she'd be making magically sealed boxes."

2015-08-19, 01:58 PM
Morning Star

"I believe she was a pegasus, Reuben," Morning says with a smile. "But this last time we saw her, she was in Canterlot; I do not think we have time to travel there and back before our case grows cold..." Turning her attention back to the chest, her horn starts to glow. "Allow me to try something..."

Casting Counter-Spell on the chest

[roll0] + 4 vs. DT 5

Paying 5 Willpower, so 45/50

2015-08-19, 05:57 PM
With a small shot of sparks, and a faint hissing noise, Morning feels the magic on the chest dissipate into nothing. That was easy. Surprisingly easy, in fact. Whoever cast this spell either wasn't that good of a spellcaster, or had to really rush the job. Nevertheless, you now are able to open the chest, and immediately flip it open. Inside is not quite what you expected.

There's no ring, or jewelry, or any valuables at all. No, lying in there, covered with a thick layer of dust, are a bunch of glass jars with some kind of powder in them, a bundle of flowers, and a slightly crumpled up piece of paper. "Those flowers..." Blue mutters to himself. "I think I've seen these before....But why are they here...?"

You take the evidence from the chest, wiping away some of the dust from it. Luckily for you, the jars do have labels on them, letting you quickly figure out what is inside each and every one of them.

Cruel Prank Pollen
Do not bring in contact with skin! Causes severe allergic reactions!
If reactions occur, immediately apply Ambrosia flower and consult nearest doctor!

"Ambrosia. Yeah, these are the flowers they needed to heal me. What in the heck?"
In total, there are about 4 jars of this stuff. And on the note, written in scraggly handwriting, are some rather worrying words.

Have to bring jars to these locations before next month. Dont forget!

Underneath this are two adresses, both crossed out with a thin line. You can still read them, though the jars of this pollen have likely long since been delivered to them. The first address, behind which is a '3' to perhaps indicate the amount of jars to be delivered is written, you have never heard before.

The second, with a '1' and the words 'use back entrance' behind it, you do know. That is the location of Pas Bien and Savvy Spender's home.

That'll be 20 bits worth of sandwiches, then.

2015-08-19, 06:04 PM

"I... don't get it. So, was Blue just the victim of a terrible prank and someone is cashing on it?"

2015-08-20, 02:56 AM
Morning Star

"What is...?" Star rummaged through the chest, glancing over the various objects within. "I do not think it was simply a prank... monsieur Blue fell ill, and this flower was used to cure him, non? It appears that this was a deliberate attempt to get to monsieur Whammy. But... why?" She puts her hoof to her chin, thinking out loud.

"I do not think it would simply be for the bits. If Gee is a changeling, then perhaps it is to feed? But why pick such targets, and go to such lengths...?" Her eyes widen with a start, as she holds up her thinking-hoof. "Wait! The Savvy we met at the hotel... I do not think that one was the real Savvy! It could have been the changeling, attempting to buck us from its trail! When the thugs left, they reported to their boss - 'Helping Hoof' - and then the changeling planted our suspicions in Savvy instead of Gee!"

"But... it still addles me so - why would this changeling go after such high-profile targets?" She shakes her head, following up with a mane flip. "Regardless of this, I think we should pay madame Pas a visit. We should make sure Savvy is safe...!"

2015-08-20, 03:01 AM

"It seems like you and Whammy have been badly scammed," Autumn tells Velvet, bristling with righteous indignation. "I'm still not sure who's behind all this, but I feel like we're closing in. Do you recognise the first address?"

2015-08-20, 06:27 AM

"Changelings... feed on... love, right? So... who or what does Whammy love?" Reuben was talking to himself, but just loud enough that anyone here could hear him. "His music? Hmm, but why sabotage that? His daughter? Maybe sabotaging his tour means more time at home with her? Oh, but does he even live around here to see her often?"

2015-08-20, 08:04 AM

Guzmo started to pace around. "Maybe they are feeding off the love for the artists of this town, they see who is becoming big and feed off the energy gathered in the concerts."

2015-08-20, 09:40 AM
After spending some time in shock, eventually Blue drags himself back to the situation at hand, clearing his throat to get your attention. "You're all making some good points. It looks like... It is obvious to all of you that he has some trouble saying this, given the way that he hesitates. "That changeling or Helping Hoof, if they aren't just the same person, was the one behind my illness all those years ago. And Savvy..." He takes some more time to compose himself. "....she's involved in this all somehow. Or at least, she was back then."

He starts to head for the house's entrance, already getting ready to go. "Yeah. I know where that first address is. It's a bar, not too far away from here. The department always suspected that some illegal stuff was going on there, though this is the first real piece of evidence that links something to it. If you want we can make a stop there right now, but Savvy might be in danger." His head turns back towards your group, looking at you worried eyes. "What do you think? Where should we go next? If the changeling impersonated Savvy, then it may already be trying to clean up evidence."

2015-08-20, 09:46 AM

"We could split up," Autumn suggests. "Savvy's safety is of course paramount. But Reuben and I could investigate the bar and then catch up."

2015-08-20, 10:03 AM

"I agree with this plan. Does Las Pegasus have any caves underneath it und if so is there a map?"

2015-08-20, 10:09 AM

"Hmm, splitting up means less of us versus the changeling, but we don't know where that bug is... so yeah, two teams would work best." Reuben agrees. "Just remember to be careful if it attacks. We gotta keep the real Savvy safe."

2015-08-20, 02:13 PM
Morning Star

"I will go to find Savvy and, if necessary, the changeling as well." Star says, steeling herself against the possibility of a fight. She didn't like the idea of it, but if it came down to it...

"Who will accompany me?"

Using 2 Valor to recover [roll0] Fortitude

2015-08-20, 02:46 PM

He wants to help morning find Savvy, but he wants to see if Helping is at the bar. It's hard to decide. "Err... well, I guess there's nothing wrong with Autumn's team. Ah... do be care Morning."

Reuben spends 1 Valor on Morning for +[roll0] Fort/Will

2015-08-20, 05:07 PM

"I will go meet with Savvy und Pas as well, maybe we can invite Herrs Bar und Major as well. The more eyes the better. Plus if one of them is the changeling then we can easily discern whom." As an aside to Reuben, he adds, "Do not worry, I promise on my pride as a pony of science she will be safe."

2015-08-21, 06:13 PM
After some discussion among yourselves, you eventually decide to split up into two teams to simultaneously cover the bar and Savvy's home. While Blue is at first somewhat reluctant to let you check out the bar by yourselves, since he desperately wishes to go after Savvy, reminding him of how easily you chased him down makes him reconsider.

"Alright. I'll trust you two on this one. But be careful. Could be that some of Helping Hoof's thugs will await you at that place. Try to keep as much of a low profile as you can. We can always send in a team later, once we have evidence."

With everything said, he picks up the chest and uses his magic to teleport it someplace else. "I'm sending it back to police lockup. It'll be safe there." Then, he leaves alongside Gizmo and Morning, while Autumn and Reuben go their own way. Behind you, the griffon gets to putting his floorboards back into place with an angry mumble on his beak.

Outside, the cold winds of Las Pegasus are really picking up again, bringing with them a snowstorm even worse than the one yesterday. As you begin marching through this icy city filled with snow and neon lights, the sun is already hanging dangerously close to the horizon, and by the time both of your groups arrive the sky is slowly taking on a coldly orange hue.

You all arrive at your destinations freezing, glad that you'll soon be standing somewhere semi-warm. The thought of leaving into this weather again later brings you dread, as it'll certainly drain some of your energy then.

Morning, Gizmo and Blue

Savvy and Pas Bien's home turns out to be, appropriately enough, a rather fancy looking mansion in the middle of the richest streets of Las Pegasus. Seemingly built entirely from marble, and with a large rose garden and pool behind it, it calls to mind a more tacky version of Canterlot. A gated wall surrounds it, though the gate seems to be left open at this time of the day.

You walk up to the door together, ringing the bell to inform Savvy that visitors are here. Soon after, the door is opened by an elderly pegasus in a black suit, who seems to recognize Blue on sight. "Ah, Master Velvet. Madame Bien is not here at the moment. Shall I inform Madame Spender of your visit?"

After some confirmation by Blue, this butler hurries back into the house, while Blue leads you into what appears to be a large living room. It's a large hall, filled with comfortable couches and finely crafted tables. The walls are covered with various bookshelves and gaudy souvenirs, and somewhere in the corner to your great relief is a large fireplace, in which burns a cozy fire.

Before too long, you hear a door squeak open, and in steps Savvy Spender, who looks somewhat confused to see you here. "Uncle Velvet? Why are those-....uh, why did you bring those two here? Did something happen?" Looking at Blue, he seems to hesitate, as though he really does not want to bring up what he discovered.

Autumn and Reuben

The locale you two arrive does not happen to be quite as fancy as Savvy's home. In fact, it could be more accurately described as a dump. The building the address has lead you to is rickety mess of bricks and wooden panels, seemingly thrown together without rhyme or reason, with cracked windows covering all two of it's floors.

Flickering letters on an old neon sign tell you the name of this place. 'Greased Horseshoe'. While the name does not fill you with much confidence, from the lights and sounds of shouting inside, at least you are certain it is populated. Up on the second floor, there seems to be some sort of apartment, given that there seem to be quite a few less ponies walking around there.

Stepping inside does confirm your worst suspicions. This place is filled head to hoof with musclebound ponies, griffons, and even a few diamond dogs here or there. Some of them are engaged in contests of hoof-wrestling, while at another table bits are exchanged over a game of cards.

At the counter, and old pegasus stallion is handing out salt-licks to everyone who asks, behind him a huge assortment of cheap beverages. Next to the counter, you spot a stairway leading up, apparently the only way to the second floor.

2015-08-21, 06:42 PM
Reuben looks around the bar. He probably should of asked Velvet what kind of questions to ask, but you know what they say about hindsight. "Maybe we can get some gossip out of the bartender?" he asks Autumn.

2015-08-22, 04:51 AM
Morning Star

"Apologies, madame Savvy, for showing up to your home like this," Star begins, trotting over to the filly. "But, we believe somepony has been assuming your identity - and others' - and using it to their own benefit. And several other ponies' detriment," she says, looking back to Blue and Gizmo. "We came here to ensure you had not come to harm, and to ask if you would accompany us to the Agency? We must find the culprit, and it will only help us if everypony that has possibly been imitated is together for the counter-spell."

Heart check: [roll0] + 4

2015-08-22, 08:43 AM

"We want to make sure everypony is safe und would appreciate your cooperation."

Acting in Harmony to make Mornings score a 17

2015-08-22, 11:15 AM
Morning, Gizmo and Blue

After some hesitation, and a few more glances at Blue, Savvy eventually nods. "Alright then. I'll come with you. But, I don't understand..." she says, still as confused as before. "Who'd be impersonating me? Does this have something to do with Helping Hoof? I swear, I didn't want to drag you into this." Eventually, she turns towards towards Blue, who has been oddly silent so far. "Uncle Velvet? Why aren't you saying anything? What did you all find?"

2015-08-22, 04:37 PM
Reuben looks around the bar. He probably should of asked Velvet what kind of questions to ask, but you know what they say about hindsight. "Maybe we can get some gossip out of the bartender?" he asks Autumn.

"Either that or see if we can recognise the thugs from earlier," Autumn suggests. "Let's get a couple of drinks. We'll be less conspicuous."

2015-08-22, 04:44 PM
"Either that or see if we can recognise the thugs from earlier," Autumn suggests. "Let's get a couple of drinks. We'll be less conspicuous."


"Good idea," Reuben agreed. He walks with Autumn up to the bar. "Bartender, a couple drinks." He puts some bits on the counter and points to the beers, glancing to Autumn in case she wanted something else?

Perception to glance around looking for familiar thugs
Mind +3

Total: 11

2015-08-22, 04:46 PM

Autumn indicates a glass of white wine, also scanning the crowd.

+2 harmony bonus (2 ponies)

2015-08-22, 05:11 PM

"He is just having a stressful time with a current job." Gizmo quickly speaks up before Blue has a chance to. "We are here to help him with some of his work to ensure he gets some rest. Mien name is Gizmo und I deal with forensics. We do appreciate your cooperation with this." He turns to the butler. "Can you call ahead to Fraüline Bien to have her and Herrs Bar und Major meet us at the agency?"

2015-08-23, 09:46 AM
Morning Star

"It is alright, Savvy. And yes, it has to do with Helping Hoof. Monsieur Gizmo overstates our importance, however," Morning says with a chuckle. "We are helping your uncle Velvet with a case now - just as concerned citizens of Equestria. But," she turns to Velvet and ***** her head to the side. "Do you know something we do not, Velvet? Your silence is ...a little unnerving." She raises her visible eyebrow, mane still drooping across half of her face.

2015-08-23, 01:07 PM
Morning, Gizmo and Blue

While Gizmo's claims only serve to confuse Savvy even more, Morning manages to intervene just in time before things go downhill. "Riiiiight....." Still, she seems to have become slightly wary of the unknown earth pony before her, as though she is unsure of what to make of him.

However, when Morning brings up Blue, she slowly walks towards her side, growing visibly more worried by the second. "Uncle Velvet, what did you find? Is everything alright?" Blue, meanwhile, still seems hesitant to say what is on his mind. Only when he notices the expectant stares from all of you does he finally speak up.

"Savvy. Wh-....What happened six years ago? When I was hit with that awful sickness? We know that Helping Hoof must have poisoned me somehow, but.....why did he send that poison here? I visited you during that time, so why did he need the poison here?" A sad, desperate look in his eyes, he stares down Savvy for an answer. The little filly's eyes widen in shock at his question, and she tries her best to avoid his gaze. "I-I..uh, I mean-..I never did-"

Autumn and Reuben

The pegasus working the bar greets the two of you with an overly wide and obviously fake smile as he swiftly snatches up your bits. "Well, well! Haven't seen you here before. You're not here to make any trouble, are you?"

From behind the counter, he snatches up two smudged and dirty glasses for the two of you, before filling both of them with what appears to be the same frothy, white-ish liquid and slamming them down before you. If smell is anything to go by, there indeed seems to be alcohol in this stuff, though you shudder at the thought that it most likely is the least unhealthy of the ingredients.

After that, you just sit down for a little while, occasionally pretending to take a sip of the awful broth in front of you. Meanwhile your eyes scan the crowd for known faces, hoping to once again see one of Helping Hooves' thugs.

For a while, there's nothing. You've never seen any of these people before, though you wouldn't be surprised if they also were involved in some sort of unsavory business. Still, none of them are involved in the unsavory business you are attempting to track down.

You are about to give up, when Reuben suddenly notices something out of the corner of his eye. Down the stairway next to the bar comes a griffon, the same one you have been fighting just yesterday. He seems in a rather cheerful mood, not even noticing you as he strides up to one of the card-playing tables and grabs a chair to join them in their game.

2015-08-23, 02:22 PM
Reuben suddenly notices something out of the corner of his eye. Down the stairway next to the bar comes a griffon, the same one you have been fighting just yesterday. He seems in a rather cheerful mood, not even noticing you as he strides up to one of the card-playing tables and grabs a chair to join them in their game.


Reuben nudges Autumn and discretely points out the griffon from the day before. "Want to join a little game of cards with me?"

2015-08-23, 02:56 PM

Gizmo starts to pace about, muttering to himself in germen. "What if.....no that's stupid, but then again.....I GOT IT!" He turns to Blue and Savvy. "Now I have no evidence to back this up, but what if you, Herr Velvet, were NOT the target of that cruel joke. You were just in the wrong place at the best possible time. Or worst in your case."

2015-08-24, 02:16 AM

Reuben nudges Autumn and discretely points out the griffon from the day before. "Want to join a little game of cards with me?"

"All right. I've got a few bits on me I could live with losing."

2015-08-24, 07:21 AM

"I think I got a few in one of these pockets I can spare." He gets up with his drink and casually walks over to the griffon, sitting near him.

"Hey there, room for two more?" Reuben said with a smile and a pat on the griffon's shoulder.

Roll: [roll0]

+3 Heart

Total: 6

2015-08-24, 10:32 AM
Morning, Gizmo and Blue

Both Blue Velvet and Savvy Spender turn to stare at Gizmo after his outburst. He seems more confused than ever, while she appears to be more shocked than anything. "You've lost me. What the heck are you talking about?"

"Uncle Velvet?" Savvy interrupts him, slightly lowering her head. "That pony's a bit of a weirdo. But, I think he's figured it out already. You there...." She turns back to Blue, actually looking him in the face. "Can we...can you just say what you're thinking right now? I-I just wouldn't want mom to know about this, alright?"

If appearances are anything to go by, she seems determined not to leave before you told Blue about your theory. And she probably expects a promise not to tell her mother, too.

Autumn and Reuben

"Sure thing, fell-" As the griffon turns around to face you, he freezes mid-sentence. It's painfully obvious that he just recognized you. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?" he shouts, surprised, right in your face.

Almost as if on command, the entire bar turns utterly silent. It's so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. And even worse, you feel the eyes of every thug, criminal and miscreant in this place on your backs. The barkeeper, with a panicked expression on his face, dodges behind the counter in fear of what may come next.

Recovering slightly from the sudden panic of seeing you, the griffon slowly gets up from his chair, cracking his knuckles. "Well, well. I didn't think you'd be stupid enough to come looking for me here. You two want another beating? I'm happy to oblige." Luckily enough, he does not attack you yet, seemingly looking to intimidate you and put on a show for the rest of the patrons.

Whelp. Cinematic mode for Reuben and Autumn it is, then. It's not a real fight yet, per se, but more of a verbal sparring match. We begin with a reaction phase for you to avoid backing down.

Gets to act?



2015-08-24, 10:54 AM

"Actually, it ain't you I'm looking for," Reuben replies as he slowly gets up. "I'm here to find your boss."

He appeared calm, but underneath that scruffy face he was expecting to get decked. Reuben puts some bits down on the the table. "We could fight, but how about a civil round of cards instead? Two on two; if Autumn and I win, you tell us what we want to know. If you win, we leave peacefully. Game?"

Heart to resist Intimidation
+3 Heart

Total: 13

2015-08-24, 11:26 AM

"I promise to not tell your mother about what I am about to say, and I hope Herr Velvet will do the same." He finds the most impressive spot to stand and clears his throat. "Now, the time is six years ago. Somepony came up to the back door of this house. You were home alone while your mother was working when this happened. The pony behind the back door, let us call him H, gave you a jar full of powder. He probably said something along the lines of he was a fan of Herr Bar, und that powder was good for the throat."

He looks right at Savvy."Now I can safely say that you are not Helping Hoof, but another victim of his. Herr Velvet," Gizmo turns to Blue. "Can you tell us what exactly you came into contact with that day? As for you Savvy, do you still have that jar?"

2015-08-24, 11:30 AM

All right, they may be heavily outnumbered, but that only counts after the fight has started. Somepony has to be mad enough to start things, and that somepony is sure to face retribution. Autumn rears up on her hind legs, her wings snapping out to stabilize her position as she falls into one of the fighting stances they taught in self-defence class. This is a mare in the peak of physical condition, not likely to go down quietly and fit enough to last ten rounds. Muscles ripple and bunch under her silky coat in preparation. Her wingspan rivals that of Princess Cadence, hinting at reach long enough to strike with impunity. And let's not forget she can fly!

So who wants some?

Putting up a discouraging defensive stance.

Body +4
Wing Power +1
Talented Tireless +1 (obviously fit)

2015-08-24, 05:57 PM
Morning Star

"So you are thinking that Savvy was tricked into setting up something against monsieur Whammy, but monsieur Velvet fell victim instead? And then Helping Hoof capitalized on the situation?" She looks down to Savvy, her eyebrows upturned in a mix of concern and sadness. "Or... something else?"

2015-08-24, 07:12 PM

Despite the seriousness of this, Gizmo can't help but give a small smile as his theory unfolded. "That is exactly what I'm saying. Helping Hoof was going to use little Savvy as a pawn in his plan to feed off of both fans und family mourning over a beloved star. Plus it would make a good article in the paper. It was nearly a perfekt plan, until Herr Velvet came along."

Once he realizes he's smiling he composes himself. "Am I missing anything?"

2015-08-24, 09:41 PM
Morning, Gizmo and Blue

"How did you-?! Woah, I guess you're smarter than you look." Though they are insulting, Savvy says those words with an enthusiasm that makes you certain she mean it positively. Blue meanwhile, seems to be taken aback by the whole, barely able to say anything.

"I-..That'd explain everything...Savvy, is what he just said true?" Again lowering her head and not looking at him, the young filly answers. "All of it. Some kinda yellow earth pony approached me, and gave me that weird jar. I was supposed to give it to dad as a present. At that time, nopony was supposed to know about him being my dad, so I thought that earth pony was a friend of his.

You were visiting him on that same day, Uncle Velvet, and your vest was hanging right by the entrance." Confirming that detail, Blue gives you a slow nod. "I did visit Whammy just a day before I got sick. And I did always leave my vest hanging there." With the interruption over, Savvy finishes her tale.

"I was still kinda clumsy, and because I was so excited to bring my dad this present, I tripped and fell. My wing lost its grip on the jar and, well, it broke open all over the vest. It's a bit of a miracle that none of it got on me when I tried to wipe away the most visible spots with a tissue. At first, I didn't want to mention it because I was so embarrassed at having broken his gift, and later I wanted nopony to know that I was responsible for what happened. I do still have the shards, though. Fished them out of the trash with some gloves once I realized there was poison on them. If you want, I can get them before we head for the agency."

Autumn and Reuben

The griffon grins a wide, smug smile. Clearly, he does not seem entirely convinced by what Reuben is saying. "Hah! You think you can talk your way outta this one? You ponies are so-" At that moment, he notices a particularly angry glance on Autumn's part, staring directly into his eyes.

From one moment to the next, his entire self-confidence collapses like a house of cards. "Actually, yeah, let's do that. Guys, get these two some chairs." Groans of disappointment are heard from a few patrons of the bar, though most actually seem to agree with the griffon after Autumn's showcasing. You see expressions of relief on an awful lot of faces. The barkeep, still looking as fearful as ever, drags himself back up to get back to serving drinks.

Meanwhile, two chairs are pulled aside for Autumn and Reuben, and the griffon sits back down to deal out some cards. "Alright. We play the standard game, with real bits. That's Go Fish for you two. Not that you're gonna beat me, cause I'm the champion in these parts. If you do, I'll tell you whatever you want, and then you leave me outta this." Despite his peculiar choice of game and pathetic attempts at bravado, he seems to be too scared to lie to you.

Yeah, that cinematic mode is over. You diffused the situation quite nicely. Back to narrative mode for now.

2015-08-24, 09:59 PM

He is currently attempting to hold back the biggest grin due to the compliment. "Sadly I do not believe just the shards will help, but maybe your uncle can use them as evidence. For now let us keep them there. Now, you said he was yellow? Did you see his cutie mark? Or catch his name?"

2015-08-25, 05:45 AM

He expected a tough game, perhaps Spades or Rummy, but... Go Fish?! These folks are cut throat! Reuben holds out a chair for Autumn and then sits down himself, ready to win.

2015-08-26, 02:48 AM

After staring down the crowd for a few more moments, Autumn takes her seat at the table. Go Fish isn't a game she's played before, but how hard could it be, right?

2015-08-26, 05:44 AM

The stallion attempts his poker face (not easy when you're used to smiling all the time) and play the game.

[Total: 9 from ooc]

2015-08-26, 06:14 AM

Well the cards she's dealt at first aren't great, but with a little luck she soon works out who has what and it becomes a case of whether she'll finish her collection before anypo- anyone else.

OOC result: 12

2015-08-26, 07:56 PM
Morning Star

"Let us head to the Agency," Star says, looking back toward the front door. "It will be night soon, and I do not think getting stuck in a snowstorm at night is a good idea. Particularly without a winter coat..." She shudders, thinking about trekking back to the agency in the cold and harrowing storm outside. "If we can get Gee and Pas with us, then we may finally be able to sort all of this out."

2015-08-26, 08:35 PM

"Und Herr Bar as well." He heads to the door and opens it for the rest of the group.

2015-08-28, 07:09 AM
Morning, Gizmo and Blue

Savvy scratches her head as she tries to remember the answers to Gizmo's questions. "He didn't really give me his name back then. Only that he was a friend of dad. I think his cutie mark was something like a bandage, so I trusted him because of that."

As Morning brings up the topic heading for the agency, the little filly immediately nods in agreement, though Blue seems hesitant until his brother is mentioned again. Yeah, we gotta make sure that Whammy's okay. I just- Heck, I can't believe that I never knew about all of this." With a worried frown on her face, Savvy turns back to her uncle.

"I'm sorry I never told you, uncle Velvet. You must be so angry-" Blue suddenly interrupts her, gently patting her on the head. "I'm only angry at Helping Hoof, Savvy. You had no idea what you were doing. And now you're trying to stop him before he hurts more ponies."

Savvy looks like she is on the verge of tears for a moment, though she quickly manages to compose herself again. "Thanks, uncle Velvet. I'll do everything in my power to make up for my mistake."

With their little talk done, both of them turn to follow you, and you head for Pas Bien's agency together.

Well, looks like this team is done. The other shouldn't need much longer, especially since they opted for a less violent than planned route.

Autumn and Reuben

What results once the two of you sit down, is perhaps the most spine-tingling and high-stakes game of Go Fish you have ever participated in. The griffon chooses some earth pony at the table you have never seen before as his partner for the game, though it quickly becomes apparent that he is the only one of the two with real talent.

The bets start out low, only a few bits each, but the longer the game goes on for the higher they rise. And the game goes on for quite a while, as the griffon apparently wasn't kidding when he said he was the local champion. The way he is able to predict what cards you have on hand seems almost precognitient, and you barely are able to keep up.

Soon Reuben and the griffon's partner are pretty much out of the game, their scores trailing behind despite the ponyville stallion's desperate attempts at bluffing his way through everything. Only Autumn and the griffon are left, with pot of nearly 200 bits forming.

In the end, it is very close, but Autumn's strategy of keeping track of the cards wins out. When only a few points seperate the two of them, she manages to make a critically important guess and get four of a kind, just before the game ends. The griffon, despite his best attempts, finally falls behind, and Autumn wins both the game and nearly 200 bits.

Defeated, your opponent slumps down on the table while you take your reward. "Urgh...Fine, I'll tell you whatever you want to hear, just make it quick. I can't risk the rest of my crew seeing me talk to you..."

2015-08-28, 07:18 AM

Autumn resists the urge to do a little victory dance. That was awesome! She totally needs to play more card games in future. But yes, time isn't exactly an abundant commodity.

"Tell us about Helping Hoof. Description, Aliases, Where to find. That sort of thing. I assure you we're not interested in your little gang, only in Helping Hoof."

2015-08-28, 07:23 AM

The Earth Pony puts his hooves together and nods to Autumn's statement. "Yes, we're curious to know. What's he got that he's holding over the rock star as blackmail?"

2015-08-28, 10:45 AM
Autumn and Reuben

"Tell you 'bout Helping Hoof? You two really have a death wish, don't you?" The griffon chuckles to himself, as he waves the other patrons around the table to leave you alone. They all depart at a moment's notice, eager to keep their heads out of this.

"Helping Hoof is this mountain of a stallion. Biggest unicorn I've ever seen! And he's, like, this dark red colour with a picture of some kind of contract on his flank. Only met him a couple of times, but he's scary as buck." He throws a few glances at the room, filled with suspicion. "I don't know who else works for him. Usually, he just contacts us by sending one of his messengers with a letter, and he's got dozens of those. Like, every time it's someone different! It's like he's got a whole army!

You don't screw around with that kind of guy and ask where he leaves, so I don't know where he lives. But I do know one thing. The thing he's blackmailing Whammy with, it's not only the money. I have no idea where he gets the information, but this is gonna knock your socks off." The avian criminal leans in closely, now speaking only in hushed tones.

"You know that lady Whammy works for, Pas Bien? He's got a daughter with her. Her name's Savvy Spender. Unbelievable, ain't it?"

2015-08-28, 11:05 AM

"Inconceivable." Autumn deadpans poorly, fumbling even that level of deception. Fortunately it comes out sounding a little surprised even though she's not remotely surprised by any of this. To be totally frank this sounds like Helping Hoof's the changeling and his messengers are him under a different guise each time. We're still missing a few pieces, such as motive and final identity, but maybe the other group have had more luck.

"And that's everything you know? Alright, we'll let you get back to your games."

2015-08-28, 11:22 AM

"Huh, interesting," Reuben said. At least that theory is confirmed! He gets up. "One last thing... Does Helping Hoof stand to gain anything if Whammy's career goes bust and he's broke?"

2015-08-28, 03:12 PM
Autumn and Reuben

As you get up to leave him, the griffon tenses up for a moment, only to then visibly relax. Apparently he really expected you knock him out at any point now. To Reuben's question, he then just shrugs. "Dunno, man. I leave that kinda thinking to the big fish. I'm just glad my gang's got to keep most of the money we pressed outta him."

Turning around to leave, you hear him also heading back towards the staircase. Under his breath, he mutters something about leaving town and cutting his losses. Meanwhile, you exit from the bar, the curious eyes of its patrons resting on your backs.


You once again head out into the cold of Las Pegasus, confident that this time will be the last for today. By this point, it is downright freezing, and even Savvy and Blue are shivering somewhat despite being locals of the town. The fact that the sun is starting to set, thus depriving you of its shining warmth does not help matters one bit.

Nevertheless, you make you make your way through the dark and icy streets of this town, past the few peddlers who have not yet found their way home into one of the various clubs or the secure walls of their homes, and past the limitless walls of steel and neon.

It does take a little bit of out of you, and by the time you meet up at Pas Bien's agency, its tower stands against the moonlight like a gigantic shadow, tall and imposing. Not too many lights flicker up in its many windows anymore, though at least the entrance hall provides some much needed warmth.

With it being the nearest location, you immediately take the elevator to Pas Bien's office. You enter it to find the mare herself, still looking over some paper work at her table. She greets you in her usual bombastic way, until she notices just who is with you.

"There you are! How pleasantful to have you back! Have you finally discovered the truth behind that mat-..S-Savvy? What are you doing here? And, uh, who, uh, is that strapping young stallion with y-" Savvy decides to interrupt her mother with an annoyed sigh. "Mom, they know. Stop pretending."

"Know what? I have no idea wh-"

"They know Whammy's my dad, mom." With that, a long period of awkward silence ensues. Everyone seems to shuffle about, unsure how to proceed.

All of you take [roll0] (light) fortitude damage. Snowstorms suck, don't they?

2015-08-28, 03:37 PM
Morning Star

"It is alright, madame Pas. We are hoping to find monsieurs Gee and Whammy... and hopefully end all of this mess." Star glances to Velvet before continuing. "If you would follow us? We must discover the truth about what has been happening, though I think we -" she motions to her friends, plus Savvy and Velvet "- all already know what it is that is happening."

"There is a changeling about. And we believe that Gee might know who it really is."

2015-08-28, 03:49 PM
Snowstorms suck, don't they?
No, they just blow. :smalltongue:


"One curious detail Autumn and I discovered is that this Helping Hoof is probably not blackmailing for the money," Reuben said.

2015-08-28, 03:55 PM

"And we're now pretty sure Helping Hoof is the changeling."

2015-08-28, 05:31 PM

"Und we found out the truth of what happened six years ago. Speaking of which, may I speak to Savvy for a little, alone. It will not take a minute." He motions to the hall for Savvy.

2015-08-29, 05:58 AM
Even after you explain yourselves, even more awkward silence ensues, as Pas Bien stares at you with the most confused puppy-eyed look you've ever seen on her. She didn't understand a word of what you just said.

"Uncle?" Savvy eventually interrupts, as she begins head for the hallway. "Get mom up to speed on everything. I'll see what the weirdo detective has to say."

As Blue Velvet begins giving a somewhat more concrete explanation of everything that has happened, Savvy steps out of the room with Gizmo, impatiently waiting for what he has to say.

2015-08-29, 10:32 AM

Once seperated from the group, he turns to Savvy. "I'm going to keep my promise to you und not say a word about your involvement, but if you feel like the guilt is too much, feel free to speak up. They are your family, except for Herr Major. I'm sure they will all forgive you just as your uncle did."

2015-08-29, 11:29 AM
"I-I see." Savvy stumbles over her words, rather surprised that you brought this up again now. "Maybe-.....Maybe you're right, Gizmo. Maybe I should tell Mom and Dad. I mean, I've been keeping this secret from them for six years now."

She turns her head towards Pas Bien's office, doing her best to sound determined. "I'm sure they'll forgive me. But, uh, if you don't mind, I'd like to wait until we've arrested Gee for everything he's done. Thanks for the kind words and all, but can we wait with revealing everything until everypony is safe again?"

Savvy waits a few more seconds for Gizmo to answer, before she steps back into the office, were Blue has just finished explaining everything to Pas Bien. "I think I get it. So Gee really had a hand in all of this, and a bigger one than I thought too. Not to mention that whole changeling thing." A worried sigh escapes her lips as she gets up, ready to lead the way.

"Whammy and Gee are still up in the rehearsal hall, practicing. If we hurry, we can get to them before they leave."

2015-08-29, 11:52 AM

"The best friends a pony can have is their family. Now let us go back und see what we missed."

He enters with Savvy just as Pas was finishing up. "If that is the case we have no time to be wasting. Lead the way!"

2015-08-29, 12:03 PM

"Let's do this!" Reuben excitedly says as he runs with the group to the rehearsal hall.

2015-08-29, 04:42 PM
The walk to the rehearsal hall is a long one, past empty offices and dark rooms and through the sheer endless hallways of the agency's skyscraper. With the wind blowing against all windows, and the snow blocking your view of the city except for a handful of especially bright lights, everything about this place seems just a tiny bit more oppressive than last time you were here.

As you walk, Blue, Savvy and Pas Bien all seem lost in their own thoughts, not speaking a word for the entire way. The only sounds you hear for the most part are the shaking windows, the howling of the wind, and your own hooves, clopping along the ground. When, in the distance, you begin to hear a familiar voice singing, you know that you are near your target.

You enter the brightly lit rehearsal hall together, where Whammy Bar is currently on stage, still in the same ridiculous outfit as last time and still singing the same awful songs as last time. There's no background dancers this time, though, leaving him alone to bear the embarrassment of his own performance. Right before him, in the first row of seats sits Gee Major, cheerfully watching the performance.

Then, Whammy spots you, and suddenly all music comes to a halt. "Hey dudes! What are you all doing here?" He seems to be genuinely surprised, as is Gee, who turns around with widening eyes. However, the expression of shock on the brown earth ponies face quickly turns back to an all too happy grin.

"Aha! I see you brought that little filly here! It is time to reveal the truth behind all those awful rumors now, isn't it?"

2015-08-29, 05:45 PM

"You bet your süße flanke we are. Und we are also going to reveal the identity of this Helping Hoof!"

it means sweet flank. Yes I know it looks silly

2015-08-29, 05:57 PM

"Yeah, what gizmo said. There are some interesting questions that need answers."

2015-08-30, 06:17 AM
"Questions? Hmph!" Gee scrunches up his nose at what you say, looking more annoyed than anything. "As if such things were needed! Clearly, you already realize that Helping Hoof is none other than that little filly over there!" He lifts his hoof, pointing directly at Savvy with no small amount of confidence.

Whammy, meanwhile, jumps off the stage at this accusation, trotting closer to Gee. "Woah! What are you talking about? Savvy, like, didn't do anything!" Turning his head to you, he eyes your group with a sudden fear in his eyes. "Gee's gotta be wrong, right?"

2015-08-30, 07:39 AM

"Totally wrong. Savvy's too young to have poisoned Velvet back then. Yes, it was poisoning. And we now know how it was done. Morning, I think now's the time for your spell," Autumn prompts.

2015-08-30, 08:59 AM

Reuben pats Morning on the shoulder and offers his encouragement to make with the magic voodoo she do so well.

a.k.a. Acting in Harmony: +3 Bonus total
+2 Assist (Reuben, Morning), +1 Wingpony

2015-08-30, 11:34 AM

"Ladies und gentlecolts, I give you the real Helping Hoof!" He then points at Gee in a very dramatic fashion.

Acting In Harmony by pointing out the true culprit for a +4 bonus

2015-08-30, 06:18 PM
Morning Star

Focusing on all of the occupants of the room, Star squeezes her eyes shut and attempts to cast a powerful counter-spell, seeking to disrupt the illusion of any changeling nearby - along with any other magical effect that might be obscuring the guilty party(ies).

[roll0] + 4 (Mind + arcane talent) (+4 assistance) = 18 to cast MASS COUNTER-SPELL on all parties involved (DT 10)
Paying 10 Willpower to cast it.

2015-08-31, 06:14 AM
With the help and encouragement of all her friends, Morning begins to charge spell more powerful than anything she has cast so far. Magical energies spark and sizzle at her horn, basking everything in the room in a bright blue light. Normally, this amount of magical energy would be too much for her to control, but with everypony else watching her back and with so much riding on this one spell she manages to pull through.

You barely are able to hear Gee scream in surprise as the entire hall is covered in a shower of arcane sparks, blinding everyone for a few seconds. As the wave washes over you, you all momentarily feel somewhat weak, as your own intrinsic magic is suppressed. Then, the cloud of energy slowly fades away, letting you once and for all see the real Helping Hoof.

Where Gee Major stood only moments ago, there now is an pony-like insectoid creature, with black chitin and large, glossy eyes. Its fanged mouth hangs open as it still appears to be unable to comprehend what just happened.

"Wh-What did you d-do?"

"Helping Hoof, you are hereby under arrest." With a very satisfied smirk on his face, Blue dashes forward, floating up a handcuffs from his vest. In the blink of an eye, he places them around the still not very reactive changeling's hooves.

Meanwhile, Morning, can't help but shake the feeling that just now, something about her magic has changed a tiny bit. As though somehow, the support of her friends and the way she used her magic has caused it become slightly more stable, more harmonious. Something, certainly, feels different, though she does not have much time to think about this as Whammy interrupts the proceedings.

"Uh, can somepony fill me in on this? Why is Gee a changeling?"

By the by, Derjuin, how are you feeling about finally replacing that Chaotic Magic edge? We talked about that a long time ago. :smallwink:

2015-08-31, 07:08 AM
"Uh, can somepony fill me in on this? Why is Gee a changeling?"


"I suspect he was born that way," Reuben said. "...or did you mean why he's here posing as your choreographer? Why IS he posing as Whammy's choreographer? I never could figure out the motivation part."

2015-08-31, 08:41 AM

"I think I might have. It was to feed off the love he felt for his family. Even ex rock stars can run out of bits, so when it finally happened, Herr Bar asked for another form of payment." He turns to the changeling formally known as Gee. "The reason it was so bad was because Herr Major, or Helping Hoof, wanted to feed off the strong feeling that Whammy felt for his brother und his daughter. So the more humiliating the performance was, the stronger Her Bars feelings were as he endured it."

He gives a quick apologetic look at Whammy. "Sorry, we know Savvy is your daughter. What I don't understand is how did Gee know?"

2015-08-31, 12:31 PM

"I'm just curious whether he's actually inept or whether he just didn't want Whammy to go away on tour," Autumn muses.

2015-08-31, 04:18 PM

!If he went on tour then he would be constantly be thinking of his family. If he didn't, his family would help him any way they can. A simple win win for Herr Major." He scrunches up his face, as if trying to recall something. "Actually I change my mind about what I don't know. What I would really like to know is who left you the note in your office. The one about Savvy."

2015-08-31, 05:23 PM
Morning Star

"It is as they say." Star says after her friends speak, her voice airy as if she were not entirely paying attention at the moment. She shakes her head and takes a deep breath, finally looking up to Helping Hoof in his-or-her natural state. "An awful amount of effort went in to your endeavor, Helping Hoof. I only wish to know, why go through such effort? Would it not be easier to find somepony else?"

I would still like to replace it, and now sounds like a good time to do so :smalltongue:. It costs 5 XP, so I was wondering if I could switch it out with Leadership? Like her magic is free from the chaos that unbalanced it before, and now she can use it to save her friends.

2015-08-31, 05:26 PM

"Yeah, was it just for the.... uh feeding thing you do?" Reuben was semi-fascinated at the changeling. It was like a train-wreck. Scary and he didn't want to get too close, but at the same time it was hard turning away.

2015-09-01, 12:34 AM
The changeling formerly known as Gee mostly sits quietly before you, still in a stupor over what just happened. He doesn't react to your questioning at all for a while, until suddenly he snaps his head towards Morning, futilely trying to bite at her. Needless to say, the fact that he is still bound makes this difficult for him.

Once he realizes that he cannot quite reach her, he begins to yell at you, in a different, higher pitched and more guttural voice than before. "Why?! Why won't you ponies love me?! If it weren't for you, I could have reaped all the love for myself! I could have returned to my hive!" Some magical energy seems to gather at the tip of the changeling's horn, as though he is trying to cast a spell, but it soon dissipates into nothing without any intervention on your part. Autumn figures that he hasn't fed too much lately, as his sorcery seems to be lacking any kind of power.

"What does some stupid family's love matter to me? I could have had a dozen of adoring fans at my feet, both as the pony who brought Whammy's career back from the brink and then as Whammy himself! But you made it impossible for me to replace him! I did everything to imitate his work! Why won't you love me?" Looking around, you see that Whammy, Savvy and Pas Bien have all taken a few steps away from Helping Hoof. They appear to be somewhat unsettled by his ranting. Only Blue seems to be unimpressed.

2015-09-01, 01:09 AM

"Calm down, from what I have seen of your work, I highly doubt that you would have gotten far." Gizmo, not wasting a chance to get up close to study this rare creature...gets up close to this rare creature. "Is that what this was all about? You're lost und just want to go home? Perhaps, in lieu of your secret identity, we can help if you do something for us. I'm sure a deal could be made. Und no, you have to stay restrained."

heart roll to calm down and talk it out with the changeling

+2 heart

Total= 8

2015-09-01, 01:10 AM

Autumn shakes her head sadly. "It wouldn't have worked. You have none of Whammy's talent. And it's not your form that makes you unlovable, it's your altitude. You wish to know how to gain a pony's love? Earn it."

2015-09-01, 05:47 AM
"It's not your form that makes you unlovable, it's your altitude."


The stallion had unconsciously stepped back as well. "Yeah, you're aiming a bit too high by trying to be something you're not. You should like... come down to earth and be more yourself. That's how you really earn the love."

2015-09-01, 11:22 AM
For a moment, a hint of comprehension seems to wash over Helping Hoof's face, as though he understands where your arguments are coming from. You think you might even be getting through to him. However, your hopes are quickly dashed as his face turns back into a snarl and he futilely takes a few more swings at Gizmo.

"I should earn your love? You are food, nothing more! I may be cut off from our queen, but I still remember her lessons!" Finally, he shuts up for a moment, though more out of an unwillingness to talk to you any further than him having calmed down.

Blue Velvet, meanwhile, raises an eyebrow as he slowly begins to drag the changeling towards the room's exit. "If you don't mind me asking, what did you have in mind for him? He still has to see some time for, well, everything that he's done. There's no way for me to go around that. Badge and all that."

Sorry, but even assuming that you all work in harmony on this one, you didn't reach the DT. Though that doesn't mean you can't still continue trying.

2015-09-01, 11:29 AM

"Uh... I don't know. I just got caught up in the moment," Reuben says sheepishly. He tries to be approachable. "So... Gee, you said that you're cut off from the hive. You mean to say you've lost where they are and don't know how to get home?"

2015-09-01, 11:37 AM

Autumn cuffs Gizmo upside the back of the head. "No, we don't want anything from him. If he can't see the error of his ways, some jail time ought to be entirely suitable."

2015-09-01, 01:07 PM

Gizmo recoils back from the Changeling, then back to it after Autumn slaps him one. He starts to rub his ow sore head. "Well maybe...ouch...instead of my plan of asking a few small questions now, you can perhaps write to me. I would appreciate if you tell me your story, und any lessons you learn during your sentence. I hope Las Pegasus can help you learn how to earn a ponies trust. Mien name is Gizmo, und if you don't mind me asking, what is your real name?"

I know the episode is over, but should I roll fort damage when Autumn slapped me?

2015-09-01, 07:10 PM
Morning Star

"If you are willing to hurt and oppress ponies for no other reason than your own greed, then you do not deserve any love at all." Star says, eyes narrowed at the changeling. "Look at you. You say you wish for ponies to love you, but you have done nothing for them. You have only assumed the guise of another and attempted to steal love that was never meant for you. If we are nothing but food, then you are nothing but a petty thief. Are you willing to let your entire identity be defined by that singular aspect of your self?"

She huffs and flips her mane over, revealing her whole - and very serious - face. "If you wish to know love, then you must be true to yourself, and to others. True love - platonic or romantic - will not come for the deceiver." She looks over to Velvet, then to Autumn.

"What I am worried about is what happens after his sentence. If he still believes he is a monster and we are but prey, then he will not have learned his lesson. Imprisonment is not without benefit for the people if he will not change from it..."

Heart check I guess? [roll0] + 5

2015-09-02, 03:10 AM
The changeling does again seem to be shaken in his confidence by Morning's speech, this time just turning away and muttering something under his breath. "Nonsense. How would I bring back enough love for the hive if I can't hunt for it... It looks like he is still unwilling to actually answer any of questions.

Meanwhile, Blue pats Morning on the shoulder, a reassuring smile on his face. "Hey, this is Equestria's judical system we're talking about. I heard they even managed to turn around Discord himself. But heck-" he throws a short glance towards Gizmo, then to the changeling. "Maybe it'll go faster if he's got a pen-pall. Under strict supervision, of course. How about it, Helping Hoof?"

The changeling stops at this, eyeing Gizmo with some distrust. His answer comes only reluctantly, with his snarl only lessening a tiny bit. You can call me Tagma, pony. Feel free to send me as much love as you want. I'm hungry, after all." Somehow, deep down, you are not sure whether this was a good idea, though at least you've gotten through to him on some level.

Then, Blue starts leading the changeling towards the room's exit, only to be stopped again, this time by Whammy, who has remained very quiet ever since you revealed the truth. "Hey, uh, bro? Like, thanks. I'm sorry I never told about, well, you know, that thing with the blackmail. I totally would have if I'd known that you were poisoned and all that. What I mean i-" His rambling is suddenly interrupted by Blue.

"It's alright. You didn't know, and I'm just glad you're safe now. Besides, I think there's someone else who wants to talk to you about something." he gives a nudge towards Savvy, who suddenly looks very worried about what is coming up. Blue then leaves the room, taking the changeling with him.

The little filly turns towards Gizmo, then towards her parents, not sure where to start. "Mom? Dad? I-.....uh, I need to tell you something. That uncle Velvet was poisoned......that was my fault. I was involved in all this."

Both Whammy and Pas Bien look at their daughter with widening eyes, and from the tone their answers take it seems as though they don't quite believe what they are hearing. "What do you mean, involved? Helping Hoof was behind this all, wasn't he?" "Yeah! You'd never try to poison somepony like Blue! What are you talking about?"

2015-09-02, 05:53 AM

"Her involvement was more an accident than anything else," Reuben explained. "Apparently a jar of the poison was delivered to the house as a gift to Whammy, and Savvy accidentally spilled a little on Blue's jacket. She was completely unknowing of it's nefarious nature at the time."

2015-09-02, 08:00 AM

Gizmo walks up and stands next to the filly. "Yes indeed it was Helping Hoof who was behind this, but the truth of that event has yet to be spoken. I'm afraid you were the intended target Herr Bar. Savvy, I give the floor to you."

2015-09-02, 03:11 PM
Morning Star

"But of the poison, I am almost certain Savvy saved your life; if such a small amount as monsieur Velvet came into contact with did as much to him, imagine if the entire jar had come into your possession, Whammy...?" Star glances between Savvy and Whammy, letting the implication hang.

2015-09-03, 11:37 AM
"I-.....Oh dear, I hadn't actually thought of that." By the look on Savvy's face after Morning's latest comment, you are not sure whether she is happy about that revelation or utterly terrified. Her parents, meanwhile, seem to become even more confused and worried than before. With a heavy, painful sigh, Savvy then begins her story, subtly leaning against Gizmo in the process.

It, well, it all happened six years ago. You know, just before uncle Velvet got ill..." Over the next few minutes, she recounts the events of that awful incident, this time in much more detail than when she told you back at her house. It seems like she's really trying not miss a single thing about what happened, quoting what Helping Hoof said to her back then and how he convinced her.

Her voice wavers, the stress of everything that has happened and the difficulty of what she has to admit now hitting her in full force, and at times a few tears even roll down her cheek. If you weren't here, she probably would be unable to finish her explanation, but with some encouraging words from your side she makes it through.

"And that's what happened. I'm so sorry for it all, it was so stupid of me-" At this point, Whammy interrupts his daughter, shouting in concern. "Savvy!" The filly flinches back somewhat, afraid of his reaction, though quickly calms down once she notices he does not look angry. "Look, it's alright. You....like, how could you have known. All this time, you were just trying to help me!"

"He's right, Savvy." now, Pas Bien interjects too, speaking in a tone that you haven't heard from her before. It's a far cry from the usual bombastic ranting or sheepish confusion that you've seen from her so far. This is something far warmer, and caring. "You're the best daughter I could have hoped for. I'm so proud that you were so couragian and tried to actually take down Gee alongside your uncle."

"It's called courageous, Pas."

"Yeah, but still."

Savvy, meanwhile, shakily looks up to her parents. "Re-really? You're really not angry? Just like that?" The answer, coming from both Whammy and Pas Bien in unison is a resounding "OF COURSE!" followed by a long and tearful hug.

Eventually, after quite some time has passed, Pas Bien manages to let loose of her family, and turns to you after everything that has happened. "Morning Star, I cannot believe what you've done for me...no, for us. I can't believe what all of you did, really. You managed to single-hoofedly rescue Whammy and figure out all of Gee's schemes. How can I ever repay you?"

2015-09-03, 12:12 PM

"Well, could... coul you call us a cab back to our hotel? It's really cold out," Reuben remarks, rubbing his shoulder. He's happy that Pas' family is better off now, and the warm feeling in his heart makes him miss his own family just a little bit more.

2015-09-03, 12:21 PM

After that hit to his pride, he starts to skulk off in a corner before turning around with a smile on his face. "Herr Bar, are you still putting on the show? Perhaps make it a final farewell instead of a comeback. Only you choose the numbers you want to play. Und I can help with the special effects!"

2015-09-03, 11:37 PM
Morning Star

Star smiles to Pas and gives her a hug. "I would like to think that any upstanding pony would help out somepony in need. But it was not just me; without the help of my friends, I do not think this case could have been cracked. It was only thanks to all of our efforts that we could figure everything out." She turns to Reuben, Autumn and Gizmo and smiles. "A cab would be nice, oui" - her stomach growls rather loudly - "and perhaps some dinner," she says with a giggle. "We have been running around all day, and have not had time for even a bite to eat...!"

2015-09-04, 12:22 AM

"Sandwiches are on me!"

2015-09-04, 01:11 AM

Autumn cuffs Gizmo upside the head again with an outstretched wing tip. That would defeat the point of being bought dinner!

2015-09-04, 05:50 AM

He stands there and smiles, nodding with Morning. Food and rest would be grande right now. Especially food.

2015-09-04, 12:22 PM
Pas Bien nods enthusiastically to everything you say, cheerful like never before. "Please, there's no need to be so humble! I'll gladly pay for anything tonight, and as long as you stay in Las Pegasus as well! You all are heroes!" Meanwhile, Whammy also finally turns back to you, while floating his guitar into the air. He strums a short riff before directing a few words at Gizmo.

"A farewell? No way, dude! With Helping Hoof off my saddle, I can finally play whatever I want again. And maybe spend some more time with my family, too." With that said, he puts a hoof on Pas Bien's shoulder and gives her a short kiss on her cheek.

Behind the two of them, Savvy walks up to the door, eyes still reddened from all the relieved crying that has taken place. She wipes a few tears out of her eyes, and then calls you all over. "Come on, everypony! We gotta hurry if we still want to get a place somewhere! Maybe uncle Velvet can join us later, too!"

With that, you leave, glad to finally bring a close to these last few days. On this night, and the rest of your stay in Las Pegasus, you celebrate all that has happened. You see all the sights of this massive city, visit all manner of shows and events, and eat exotic foods from all over Equestria, all with the family you saved in tow.

And on your last day in the big city, you finally get to witness Whammy's concert. Of course, much has been changed since you last saw it. The music is good, Whammy is actually the focus of it all, and the production values have grown exponentially, the last of which you figure is due to a little help from Gizmo's part. Whammy himself seems quite a lot happier and enthusiastic, too, standing there on the stage. He really must have missed this.

But eventually, all good things must end, and you depart after a long goodbye from Savvy's family to go back home to Ponyville. As Blue promised you, you are able to keep in touch with the changeling you now know as Tagma. Like you expected, his letters seems somewhat reluctant, and getting anywhere takes much time to accomplish. He certainly avoids directly answering any questions you have on changelings as a species.

Over the next few months, you do get a little bit out of him. It seems as though he has been banished from his hive for reasons unknown to you, and has lived in Las Pegasus ever since. Apparently this whole convoluted plan of his was an attempt to gather enough love and power to return to his hive as a hero.

By changeling standards, of course.

However, you do get the feeling that he feels to some degree glad about your letters, even is he often and vocally expresses his anger at not getting too much love from them. One day, in the distant future, Tagma may even become a friend. But deep down you know that this will be another story for another time, and you are most definitely not up for more adventure that soon after the last one.

Nicely done, everyone! Have some credits! (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6ZaCY0sToo)

Whew. I'm glad we made it through this one alright. It was my first attempt at creating an adventure of my own, so any criticisms and things to watch out for in future ones would be welcome.

Anyways, you all get 10 XP to spend on whatever you like! Post on the OOC thread what new Edges you take, and then we'll begin with the next episode.

2015-09-05, 06:35 PM
Episode 4
The Myth of Marelantis

After your most recent heroic actions in Las Pegasus, life has returned to normal. You are back in Ponyville, far away from any rock stars in need of saving, or any thugs in need of a beating. And right now the town is actually quite peaceful, aside from the occasional incident. Sure, every now and then something goes wrong, and sometimes a new invention or spell goes wrong, or another eccentric visitor causes trouble. But for the most part you enjoy a peaceful few months, watching Hearth's Warming and Winter Wrap-Up pass by and the harsh weather turn into a pleasant and warm spring.

You still enjoy the occasional visits from Page Turner's wagon, filled to the brim with magical comics of all sorts. You still enjoy the letters you get from Rodeo and Lariette, or from Tagma. But most of all, you enjoy simply sitting together in Reuben's sandwich shop and sharing the latest news and rumors, eating your fill as you do.

Today, you are also in this rustic, yet inviting place. Sitting down comfortably on the old wooden chairs topped with fluffy pillows, you gather around one of the many large tables of this place. The bright noon sun shines through the window, basking you all in a warm light, and you are surrounded by a smell that mixes the wooden floorboards and the delicious frying cheese from inside the nearby kitchen. All around, various other ponies gather to do much the same as you, the air filled with their chatter.

At the counter, an older stallion who looks quite a bit like Reuben himself is taking the orders of various customers. With the same tan coat, a slightly more subdued grey head of hair with a thick mustache, and a sandwich cutie mark, you instantly recognize him as Reuben's father, Texas Rye. Though you often wonder what a 'Texas' is supposed to be, this rather corpulent stallion is just as agreeable and friendly as Reuben himself, and always happy to see you visit the family business.

Alright! Time for a new episode! This time, with quite a peaceful start. Feel free to use the opportunity for a little calm RP. I'll eventually get things moving.

2015-09-05, 07:33 PM

"Hmm, I hear lettuce wraps are coming back now that it's spring." Reuben wasn't eating as much as he usually does, his mind actually in thought about trying to get the jump on the spring-time food trends. "I wonder if it'll work with corned beet?"

2015-09-05, 10:31 PM
Gizmo Stien

While Rueben was busy pondering the mysteries of life, Gizmo had various watches and music boxes in front of him, figuring out which tune went with which watch. "Hmmm, well I suppose the more upbeat tune could go with the Cloudsdale order, but the one for Canterlot may enjoy it as well. Und I have no idea what to do with this one. I need brain food. Herr Rye, may I please have a ham und swiss? With sauerkraut?"

2015-09-06, 03:10 AM
Morning Star

"The way the colors would play off of each other, I believe it would work well and look quite nice," Star chirps, pointing to some nearby plates for examples. She wields a stick of celery in her mouth, occasionally slipping it from one side to the other, and then taking a bite of it. "Have you considered taking carrots, celery and grain, and making them into a pâté? It is wonderful on bread, especially a little bun. Oh! If you make them into miniature sandwiches, you could do so much with them on the plate..."

2015-09-06, 08:15 AM

"A pâté? Oh, I didn't think of carrots! Thanks for the idea, Morning!" He got up and stretched. "Ham, swiss, and sauerkraut, coming right up."

Reuben went over to the kitchen to make Gizmo his order.

2015-09-06, 02:44 PM
As Reuben steps into kitchen, his father shouts for him across the room. "Reuben, did you remember to go to the market this morning? We're running low on carrots!" Waiting a second for his answer, he then turns back to his own work of keeping the shop running.

The inside of the kitchen looks more like something out of an old country home than a commercial restaurant, and inside it the Rye family prepares food not just for its guests. Right now, the only other cook present is Reuben's mother, Caraway Rye. "Do remember to wash your hooves before preparing the food, sweetie." The beige mare with wine-red hair barely looks up from her work as she chastises her son for something he has not yet done.

Feel free to respond to both of them as much as you want while already making the sandwich. That's just as a measure to avoid things slowing down. Besides, we're in narrative mode, so time is flexible.

Also, you need not make a roll to make sandwiches for the rest of the party, since the DT for it is 5 and you cannot fail. However, if you want to make a really good sandwich........

The attribute for that roll, in case you want to know, would be Mind.

2015-09-06, 03:29 PM

"Ooh, sorry mom," Reuben replies. He washes his hooves and ten sets to prepare Gizmo's sandwich.
[roll0] (Cooking Skill)
+3 Mind (Ignore Gluttony drawback when Cooking)

Total: 14

He meekly approaches his father on the way back to the table. "Pop, I uh, heh sorry but kind of forgot the market this morning, but I'll totally do that right now!" He brings Gizmo his sandwich.

2015-09-07, 02:16 PM
With the combined powers of bread, meat substitutes and Sauerkraut, Reuben manages to cobble up a very tasty looking sandwich. It's not quite the best he ever made, but most restaurants wouldn't be ashamed to put something like it on their cards, either. Luckily, as he does so, his mother sees is it fit not to reprimand him for anything else, allowing him to leave the kitchen in peace.

Even Texas Rye doesn't seem to angry at his son's actions, and the slightest hint of disappointment on his part melts away once he notices the sandwich that Reuben has made. "Oh, don't worry about it. Just make sure to get to it after your friends have eaten. Your sister won't have time for it, what with her flight training." He appears to be somewhat proud of you, at least for the moment.

2015-09-07, 03:46 PM

As he takes the first bite of the sandwich, he is filled with the sudden urge to break out into song. (https://youtu.be/QXePrBbgXxg) However he quickly remembers the watches his father sent to him to fix up and continues his work, still enjoying the sandwich.

2015-09-08, 01:06 AM
Morning Star

"I will help you with your errand, Reuben!" Star chirps, finishing off her celery with a crunch and sticking another stalk in her mouth. "I need to get up and move around anyway; my legs could use the trot." She stretches her legs out and arches her back, before hopping off her seat.

2015-09-08, 05:43 AM

"Aww, thanks, Morning!" Reuben says. "You all can finish your food first. The market shouldn't be going anywhere."

2015-09-10, 02:28 PM

Whilst the others are bantering and going about their business, Autumn is only keeping half an ear on the conversation. Her mind is mostly focused on tucking into a hearty lunch as fuel for an afternoon's hard labour to bring down several dangerous boughs in the woods' north-east sector. In fact, it's notable how much fit and stronger she's become lately! A metabolism like that burns through a lot of energy. The other part of her mind is directed towards a journal connected to her work (Tree Care Industry Association magazine), which she's taking the opportunity to catch up on.

2015-09-10, 06:08 PM
Morning Star

"It is no problem at all!" Star says with a wide smile, taking her seat again. Pursing her lips, she reaches into a small pouch and pulls out a small, glowing red gem. "You know, it is funny, but I still have no idea what is special about this gem..." She holds it up and eyes the jewel, her reflections catching in its facets. "It has some special magic, but not unicorn magic. What could it be?"

2015-09-10, 06:11 PM

"Hmm, I dunno," Reuben said, looking at the gem and recalling the odd adventure that happened back then. "I could see if Maleficent knows anything about it. She's pretty good at identifying magical items. That is if I can take anything over to see her. I haven't been really successful with that."

2015-09-11, 08:34 AM

Gizmo quickly scarfs down the rest of his meal before scooping the watches and music boxes back into his bag. "I'm sure I have a book on magical rocks back home. You may borrow it f you wish."

2015-09-11, 02:06 PM
As your discussion turns to the magical gemstone that Morning has been carrying around for so long, your minds wander back to the day you picked it up. To how you found that cave in Everfree Forest that had been opened only hours before then. How whatever escaped from there caused a storm of chaotic energy. And more worryingly, how that thing must still be walking around Equestria.

Back then, Twilight told you she'd handle it. But with the recent news of a similar incident in Las Pegasus, you are not certain how well the Princess is doing. And-....wait, what's that outside the window? There's something flying through the air, something grey. Is it....coming closer?


Your thoughts are interrupted as suddenly, there's a loud crash somewhere outside of the shop. Whatever was flying through the air has just hit the ground with the sounds of splintering wood, earth being pushed aside and ponies and animals screaming in terror. Soon, the sounds cease, though by this point everypony in the shop has frozen up in momentary panic.

Then, the door swings open, startling a few more ponies before they realize who just entered. The pony standing there is a very grey, very blonde, and very cross-eyed mailmare, known to you as Derpy Hooves. Her fur still covered in dirt and various remnants of whatever she just crashed into, a sheepish smile sits on her face.

"Uh....I've got a special message for one Reuben Rye?" she asks into the room in her usual bubbly voice.

2015-09-11, 02:13 PM

"Uh, I'm one Reuben Rye." He stands up and raises a hoof to identify himself.

2015-09-11, 03:24 PM
"Oh! Great! I've got a let-" For a second, Derpy becomes genuinly cheerful, though when she notices the annoyed eyes of half the shop on her, she stops dead in her tracks. "Sorry for scaring you, everypony. I promise I'll fix that house..." With the same awkward smile as before, she slowly slinks away from the door and towards you, her head sunk.

Once she arrives at your table, she raises her head back up to greet, but suddenly lets out a surprised gasp. "Hey, Autumn and Morning! You're here, too! And Gizmo! I've got letters for all of you!" She snaps open the saddlebag she wears on her big with a flick of her wings, and dives her head into it to look for your letters.

"Princess Twilight said these were really important, so I got here as quickly as I could."

2015-09-11, 03:32 PM
If the loud thump and arrival or Derpy weren't enough to get Autumn's attention, name-dropping the princess certainly is!

"Oh! Hey Derpy. How's Dinky? Letters from the princess you say? I suppose I'd better open that right away!"

2015-09-11, 03:43 PM

"A letter from the princess? Wow, thank you for delivering this promptly, Derpy. I wasn't expecting one!" Reuben opens his letter as well.

2015-09-11, 06:16 PM

"Odd, considering that I rarely leave mien home unless I'm off exploring or with you guys. There is no reason that the Princess would write to me. Unless....MIEN PUBLICATION WENT THROUGH!" After that outburst he was positive he made a bigger outburst than Derpy's entrance did. He calmed himself down and gave a little embarrassed cough.

2015-09-11, 06:51 PM
Morning Star

"A letter? From the Princess? For... moi?!" Star grins wide and giggles, her cheeks turning a fiery red. "Oh! How exciting!" She begins bouncing in her chair, hastily attempting to open the letter with her magic.

Not sure if a check to TK the letter open is needed, but here it is:
[roll0] + 3 (or +4 if Arcane Talent counts towards Telekinesis)

2015-09-12, 11:06 AM
"Dinky's fine! Thanks for asking, Autumn!" Derpy replies as she begins shuffling through her saddlebags. "Ever since we went to the Rodeo competition, she hmpf-hmm-mr-" Her words turn into incoherent mumbling as she uses her mouth to grab your letters, leaving you unable to understand anything. A few seconds later, the mailmare emerges with your mail in her muzzle, putting them down into her hooves. "-so she wrote a letter to the seaponies."

The letters, though chewed up a little bit at this point, unmistakably carry the royal seal upon them, and are signed in Princess Twilight's handwriting. Hastily, you rip them open, Derpy even jolting back in surprise at how enthusiastic Gizmo is about this all, and how eagerly Morning grabs the letter from her hooves.

"Wow. That really must be a good publication! Can I please tell the doctor about this? He's gonna love it!"

Sadly enough, as it turns out, this letter does not in any way address Gizmo's latest attempt at earning himself some measure of respect. Really, all of them appear to have the same subject matter, with Reuben's in particular quickly getting to the point.

Dear Reuben Rye.

I am writing this to you because I desperately need the help of you and your friends. After hearing about some recent events in Las Pegasus and Canterlot involving all of you, I am certain that you are the only ones who can help me.

There's some more writing praising your individual abilities, mentioning Reuben's and Autumn's athleticism, Morning's charisma and skill at speech, as well as Gizmo's brilliant mind. The letter insists that whatever you are called for, all of these skills will be desperately needed.

Please, I urge you to gather with your friends and head for my castle as soon as possible. This is a matter of Equestrian security.

Yours faithfully

Princess Twilight Sparkle

2015-09-12, 11:15 AM

Gizmo let's out a sigh. "It seems as if Equestria is not ready for the the concept of a carriage being propelled by its own power instead of a pony dragging it along. Probably a good thing too since I have yet to find an energy source capable of doing such a feat."

2015-09-12, 11:24 AM
Derpy looks somewhat confused at what Gizmo says, putting a hoof to her chin. Her eventual answer is far too cheerful to mistaken for malice. "Maybe you should build them a train! I'm pretty sure they work just like that!"

2015-09-12, 01:21 PM
Morning Star

"A matter of Equestrian security? How grave!" Morning murmurs upon rereading the letter. Her eyes widen as she considers the implications; what kind of threat could they be asked to confront? "We should not keep Princess Twilight waiting...!" She quickly stands, tucking both letter and her gem back into the bag and rushes outside, toward the castle.

2015-09-12, 02:05 PM

"Uh... sure Derpy, you can tell the doctor about it. I think we'll be on a trip in the meantime." She wanted to tell a doctor? Doctor who?

Reuben races back into the kitchen and show his mother the letter. "Um, mom? I apparently got a summons to see Princess Twilight ASAP. Uh... I might be late getting around to the market."

2015-09-12, 02:08 PM
"Morning, wait!" Autumn calls out after her. "Sorry Derpy, this seems urgent. We'll catch up later? Say Hi to Dinky for me!"

Autumn hurry out after Morning, leaving a small pile of bits on the table. "Morning wait. We should all arrive together, and it won't do to turn up for the Princess out of breath."

2015-09-12, 03:02 PM
Morning Star

Coming to a screeching halt upon hearing Autumn's voice, Morning looks up and around for her friend. "Oh! You are absolutely right, Autumn." Her gaze floats up to her mane, which she quickly attempts to muss with. "Is my mane alright? I simply cannot be in the presence of royalty with a disheveled mane... pauvre de moi...!" While waiting for the others, she pulls out a hoofmirror and tries to fix what tiny errors she manages to "find" in her mane.

2015-09-12, 05:14 PM

He leaves a few bits on the table and rushes after his friends, the obvious slowest of the bunch

2015-09-14, 10:50 AM
"The Princess?!" Reuben's mother actually bolts into the air as Reuben drops this piece of information, immediately jumping away from her work and towards her son. "Texas! Come here! Our son has an invitation to the princess!"

Just like his wife before him, Texas Rye also becomes airborne at these news, leaving his place at the counter to enter the kitchen. "The Princess?! Holy moly with guacamole! Reuben, you'd better get to that fast! A princess won't wait for you!"" Meanwhile, Caraway Rye has already grabbed a brush from Celestia-knows-where, going through Reuben's mane like a windstorm. "And gussy up for goodness sake! You can't face Twilight Sparkle like this."

In this way, Reuben is held up for several more minutes, and only arrives as the very last, but second-most well groomed of the group at Twilight's Castle. Derpy, meanwhile, just waves Autumn goodbye with a big smile on her face. "Yeah, let's catch up at weather patrol practice! I'll tell Dinky you said hi! Good luck with your summon thing!"

Eventually, you all make your way to Twilight's castle, some faster than others. At least you all look semi-presentable, as well as you could after just getting called up out of nowhere. You stand before the looked doors of the tree-shaped citadel, basking in the radiant shimmer of its crystalline build. It is just as beautiful as it has been the first time you've seen it, like a gigantic and majestic version of the destroyed Golden Oak Library.

Up on the balcony, you spot Princess Twilight watching you approach, though she heads back inside once you come close enough to the castle. From here, you cannot tell the expression on her face, though her body language makes you suspect that she is anxious about something.

Then, nearly a minute later, the gates of the castle swing open with a glow of purple magic. Right behind them emerge two figures, who you know as heroes of all Equestria-....and Ponyville in particular. These two are Twilight Sparkle, the newly crowned Princess of Friendship, and her most loyal assistant, the baby dragon Spike. "I'm so glad you all are here!" the purple unicorn begins.

"Please, come inside. I need your help."

2015-09-14, 11:08 AM

After getting the brush-down by his mother, Reuben felt like the mane on his head was off kilter. He hoped it was still mostly presentable as he walked into the castle with his friend. Reuben bowed before Twilight. "Like, it's an honor to help, princess!" he said.

2015-09-14, 11:14 AM

"Princess...did you get mien transcripts? I can send more if I need to." He remembers that this is not the best time to ask why his findings have not been published yet and clears his throat. "I believed fraüline Hooves mentioned something about seaponies? Is that the subject of or curious summons?"

2015-09-14, 11:45 AM

Autumn shares an anxious glance with Reuben and Morning. What exactly is it that Twilight's regular friends can't help with? Why Reuben Rye, Morning Star, Gizmo Stein and Autumn Gale? Surely there's nothing Autumn can do that Rainbow frigging Dash can't accomplish!?

2015-09-14, 06:59 PM
Morning Star

Morning returns Autumn's nervous glance, though not before dipping low into a bow before the Princess. "Of course, princesse. We are all honored to be able to help you!" She says, and with some hesitation she continues. "But, I must admit I am... assez curieux. What is it that we can help with that you and your friends cannot accomplish?"

2015-09-15, 03:55 PM
At Gizmo's words, Twilight actually seems to brighten up a little. "I loved your transcripts! The scientific concepts expressed in them are unlike anything I've ever seen! I sent several of them to Canterlot's universities, even though they haven't answered to any of-"

"Uh, Twi? The Fate of Equestria, and all that?" Spike interrupts her rather un-princesslike squeeing, causing her to give a small, embarrassed smile. "Right. Sorry. That can wait for another time. And, uh, no. This has nothing to do with sea ponies. Please, come with me."

She waves you to follow her into the castle, and proceeds to trot down that crystalline hallway inside. Spike quickly follows behind, though not before rolling his eyes. Meanwhile, Twilight begins explaining things to you, not pausing for even one step.

"To be honest, me and my friends will be sort of busy for the next few weeks. We're going on a mission just as important as yours, and can't deal with everything that is going on. I've heard about how you prevented a catastrophe at the Canterlot Rodeo Competition, and how you managed to arrest a changeling that had been hiding among ponies for years.

Not to mention that you are some of the most talented ponies in Ponyville. You are the only ones who could possibly do this in our absence. But first things first."

Twilight's speech pauses for a moment as she guides you through a large, arching doorway, into a room absolutely littered with tables and bookshelves. Scrolls and papers are strewn nearly everywhere, opened books lie on nearly table and a feather still dripping with ink lies nearby an open inkwell. Somepony has been working in here a lot recently.

"You probably remember that blast of chaos magic that shocked Ponyville last year. The one where you found that cave in Everfree Forest. And you may have heard of similar things happening in other cities. Those rumors are all true. There's been five of theses incidents so far. And, well, I think we finally managed to figure out what is behind those explosions."

She turns towards you in a somewhat overdramatic fashion, her face carrying a very serious expression. From the sidelines, Spike comments "Oooh! Now for the good part!"

"How much do you know about dragons?"

2015-09-15, 04:57 PM

"Uh... dragons?" Reuben said. His eyes darted between his friends because... well other than flying, spitting fire, and weighing more than mama's Triple-Chocolate Fudge Cake, Reuben didn't know all that much. Darn! He kind of hoped it would be something from one of the Ars Unicornia comics, like a basilisk or three-headed hound.

"Well, I know they fly, spit fire, and weigh more than mama's Triple-Chocolate Fudge Cake."

2015-09-15, 05:44 PM

"You do realize Herr Spike is a dragon. Anyway, I believe I have a book about them." He sets his bag down and pulls out a book so thick, its up to Spikes' stomach just on its side. "The Draconia Historia. A first edition at that."

He puts the book on the table and starts flipping through the pages. The do more that fly und breathe fire. They have a taste fore gemstones, the more pure the gem the better. It can also be said that each dragon belongs to a specific genus. Herr Spike would most likely belong to a more magically inclined genus due to his curious ability with notes."

2015-09-15, 05:47 PM

"Well, yes, Spike is a dragon, but I would think Twilight wanted us to investigate one a little bigger than him?"

2015-09-16, 01:32 AM

"Uh, not much. Dragons were a course module I didn't take. I'm, uh, more into trees," Autumn admits.

"'Extremely dangerous, kill on sight?'" she mumbles as she trawls through her memory. No, that doesn't seem right. "Or was it 'Never engage a Dragon. Your only chance: Hide and pray it does not find you...'" Well, that sounds optimistic. Hopefully it won't come to that, once Twilight explains.

2015-09-16, 03:14 AM
Morning Star

"Not much at all, I am afraid," Star admits, glancing to Spike. "I have not had much experience with them until moving to Ponyville, you see. Even then, the most I have seen is of Spike."

2015-09-16, 11:48 AM
A proud grin appears on Spike's face as Autumn and Morning explain their personal lack of knowledge about dragons. "You're right about that one! Never try and take on a dragon. Maybe I don't look the part, but we're all mean, lean, fighting machines!" Twilight, in turn, just looks somewhat annoyed, though once again she cheers up somewhat at Gizmo's surprising amount of knowledge.

From his book, Gizmo has learned a few more pieces of information. For example, he knows that dragons grow stronger and bigger the more wealth they amass in their massive hoards, and that this is the only way for their bodies to actually mature. Also, that their scales and hide are almost completely unfazed by fire, only harmed by dragonfire itself. And then there is one more interesting tidbit. As it seems, dragons have not existed as a species for very long, the first reports dating back to the time after the foundation of Equestria.

At this point, Twilight stops you. "There. That part is important. Dragons haven't existed for too long. In fact, they were only created some time after Equestria was founded." Spike seems somewhat uneasy at the mentioning of his species being created, shuffling in place. "In researching those blasts of chaos magic, I figured out that the magic behind them is of draconic origin, and managed to connect them to a series of ancient Equestrian legends predating the Princesses' reign.

Apparently, after Equestria was founded, it became under attack by many creatures of chaos, culminating in Discord himself taking over the land until Celestia and Luna stopped him. And one of those first attackers, perhaps the very first, may be behind what is happening. Spike?"

"R-Right on it, Twi!" The baby dragon quickly hops over to a nearby bookshelf, pulling out a torn, leather-bound book and carries it over to a nearby table. A burst of magic from Twilight opens it up, revealing a rather curious illustration. Depicted in simple ink drawings is some large body of water, reaching all the way to the horizon, and splitting cleanly into two in its middle. From this split, some sort of creature appears to be emerging. It is a long, lizard-like thing, with sleek scales and horns covering its entire body and leathery wings protruding from it's back, darkening the water below it. There appears to be a blast of crimson red flame emerging from its mouth, aimed downwards.

"It is said that the defeat of the Windigos by Equestria's founders and the resulting sudden warming of the world awakened some sort of leviathan that had been sleeping in Equestria's oceans for thousands of years. A monster who seemed a lot like modern dragons, breathing fire and getting stronger the more wealth it amassed, but with a kind of magical power only seen in the greatest unicorn mages. It made many attacks on the new cities of Equestria, stealing all wealth that it could, and causing much misery. But because the sudden end of Equestria's winter had awoken it too early, it was not at its full power, and eventually was defeated by the combined Pony forces.

That's where the legends split." She pauses for a moment, flipping the page. Once again, there is an illustration, portraying the same creature as before, though against a blank background. At its feet, there seems to be a much smaller creature cowering, one that looks a lot like the baby dragon next to you.

"Some say that shortly before it was defeated, that creature created the first dragon with its magic, so that they would one day take revenge on us ponies. Others-" another flip of the page, to a picture similar to the last one. This time, instead of a baby dragon, there appear to be seven small stones lying in front of the creature. "-say that it bound its magical essence into seven rubies and hid those, which through some long lost magic would one day allow it to return to life.

I, for one, believe this to be the truth. These recent surges of chaos magic have always originated from ancient, hidden and artificially created caves, filled to the brim with similar, though much less powerful magical gemstones. And there always had been something taken from them.

I need your help to find the last of those rubies before it is too late, before that creature rises again."

2015-09-16, 12:09 PM

After taking in the legends and trying to make sense of it, Reuben raised a hoof to his chest. "You can count on me, Princess Twilight!" he states happily. Reuben looks to his friends,hoping they'd want to join in this adventure too.

2015-09-16, 03:48 PM
Morning Star

"Absolutely, Princess! We will do all we can to help you." Morning bows again, and as she stands back up, she fishes out the glowing gemstone she had been carrying. Levitating it before herself, she ***** her head to the side. "I found this gem in one such cave around Ponyville... so then, is this a part of that monster's power? Or something else?"

2015-09-16, 03:59 PM

"Perhaps the legend is split because it is so old, everypony forgot the truth. Perhaps it reverted back into an egg or baby dragon after splitting its power into the gems." At this point he forgets why he was here in the first place. So many questions! So much to learn! And the possibility of discovering an ancient beast from a neatly forgotten era! Truly everything was coming up Gizmo.

2015-09-16, 04:47 PM

"I don't know that you could unscramble an egg and get it into a shell. Maybe with magic, but... why?"

2015-09-16, 11:18 PM

"Perhaps egg was a poor word choice. How do I explain it? In winter, you conserve your energy by bundling up in a blanket, ja? What if after he split his power into those gems, he reverted back into a smaller, more protected form in order to save his until he was strong enough to go out and find his lost power contained in those gems?" Gizmo paces about the room, a giddy smile on his face as he thinks this out.

2015-09-17, 01:15 PM
"Thank you so much! I knew you wouldn't disappoint me!" Twilight responds at your enthusiasm to help her, appearing very relieved. "Now, do you have any other questions?"

When Morning shows the gemstone to Twilight, she eyes it only for a few moments, before slowly shaking her head. "I'm afraid not. You might remember gemstones like this one being all around the cave you discovered. They are something of a magical residue, created by the presence of the magical rubies over thousands of years. They do carry an imprint of the creature's magical force, though without much power of their own. Maybe you'll find an use for it, though."

She listens to Gizmo's new theories intently, shrugging as he finishes explaining them. "At this point, we can only speculate what truly happened to the creature. If it regressed into some weaker form, then potentially it is now wandering Equestria, trying to find the gemstones. Or maybe someone is trying bring it back to life. Either way, it is returning for some reason, and that's the important part." At this point, Spike jumps onto the table, interrupting the princess.

"Hey, Twi. You still haven't told them what they are looking for. We already did some research, so we know where to search!" Magicking up a roll of parchment from a nearby table, Twilight expands on what he said. "Well, we don't exactly know where to search, but we know what you need to find."

The scroll unfolds, revealing to you the drawing of a large, metal helmet, topped with a steel replica of a Mohawk manecut. Right above the helmet's window, a ruby appears to have been inserted into the metal.

"As it seems, the founders of Equestria were able to find one of the rubies shortly after it was created, though they did not yet have the means to destroy it without releasing the leviathan's power. Commander Hurricane had the gemstone molded into her helmet, so that she could always keep it nearby and secure from danger. But, well....."

"The helmet's been kinda lost. Nopony knows where it is."

2015-09-17, 01:20 PM

"Lost, huh? Well, my mama always told me that if I lost something, I should start where I last remember seeing it and retrace my steps from there," Reuben commented. "So... do you know where it was last seen?"

2015-09-17, 04:42 PM

After hearing the new information, Gizmo is trying with all his might not to run out and pack his things with a speed only rivaled by the current Turkey Call champion of Ponyville."So not only am I given a chance to possibly study and ancient beast, but I get to find a lost artifact of great importance to the history of Equestria?" Eat your heart out Doctor Hooves.

2015-09-18, 02:09 PM
"I'm sorry-" Twilight sighs sadly at Reuben's question. "-but no. We have no idea where it was last seen. To be entirely honest, we only found this clue three days ago. And recently, the fifth of the seven rubies was activated, so me and my friends must take off immediately if we want to have any chance to find it before it is too late."

At this point, Spike interjects again, his claws confidently held on his hips. "I've got a pointer for you, though. The Canterlot History Museum is holding the hats of two of the Equestrian founders. Platinum's crown and Puddinghead's, well, hat. They can probably get you in contact with somepony who knows more."

"At least, that's the best idea we could come up with. If you've got anything better, please do pursue that way. But before you go, do you have any other questions?"

2015-09-18, 02:42 PM

"Well, one other question-- what do we do when we find Hurricane's helmet?"

2015-09-19, 09:58 AM
"I'm glad you asked." Twilight answers. "The idea was that you'd remove the ruby from it, and then we'll meet back up in Ponyville where I can dispel them. However...."

She points towards Reuben and Morning. If you want, I could teach you the spell that can destroy the rubies right now. That way, you'd be able to do it yourselves. You'd need to be careful though, since destroying the ruby while it is still inside its socket could potentially damage the helmet as well. But I'm sure you can find a way around that."

2015-09-19, 10:25 AM

"What do you suppose will happen if we put the helmet on with the Ruby still intact?"

2015-09-19, 11:06 AM

Reuben looks over to Gizmo. "I'm not a smart science pony, and even I think that's not a good idea." He looked back at Twilight. "I would like to learn the spell though. Just in case."

2015-09-19, 03:22 PM

"But you can not throw away the fact that we might learn more of the gems purposes if it is still intact in the helmet. If it is deemed too dangerous to keep in the helmet we can destroy it."

2015-09-19, 03:28 PM

"Okay, but... evil is not a fashion accessory. Don't wear it."

2015-09-19, 05:39 PM
Twilight turns to Autumn for a moment, looking somewhat annoyed. "Autumn, I was told by Rainbow Dash that you are a reliable pony. Could you please make sure that nopony tries to get themselves possessed by pony knows what?" After that, she returns her attention to the rest of you.

"To answer your question, I'm not sure if anything would happen. Commander Hurricane wore the ruby on her helmet so that she could keep it safe, and there are no records of anything happening to her. However, we can't be sure about anything, especially now that several thousand years have allowed the magic on it to weaken. Don't do anything risky just to get some information out of it.

Anyways, about the spell." Twilight goes on to explain the dispelling magic required for the gemstones to you. It is a very complex, and very powerful effect, one that you are certain you could not possibly achieve alone. "But together, you will be able to do it. With the power of friendship on your side, even the greatest magic will seem like foal's play."

Target: Mass (+8)
Range: Seen (+2)
Duration: Persistant (+8)
Effect: Diminish, Separate (+2)
Subject: Earth, Magic, Mind (+3)
Spell Level: 23 (Daunting, DT 20)
Description: The powerful chaotic magic enchanted into one object within sight is immediately cleansed, removing the force that is corrupting it and destroying it utterly. Due to the great power involved in casting this spell, the targeted object is usually destroyed in the process, leaving behind nothing but ash.

2015-09-19, 05:52 PM

Autumn shares a pained grimace with Twilight. "I'll do my best, princess. Some ponies are just too curious for their own good!" She cuffs Gizmo upside the head with an outstretched wingtip.

2015-09-19, 06:12 PM

Reuben mentally ticks another point on his scorecard.

2015-09-19, 09:55 PM
Morning Star

When Twilight offers a chance to learn the spell, Star gasps. "Oh, absolutely, your highness," she dips into a bow. "It would be wonderful to learn magic from you!"

Regarding studying the helmet, Star shakes her head. "Chaos powers are pas une blague; they are fully capable of making a pony's life truly miserable. I do not think it would be too wise to spend much time studying it, especially with the circumstances as they are."

2015-09-19, 10:29 PM

"Blah-gue? That means it's bad, right?" Reuben asked.

2015-09-19, 11:08 PM
Morning Star

Morning nods to Reuben. "They are no joke. For a long time, I had to struggle with them myself. It was only in Las Pegasus that I finally managed to overcome it..." On a tangent now, she looks away for a moment. "...and I think it was thanks to all of you. I never did get the chance to thank you all for that..." She sniffs and wipes away a tear, but then quickly shakes her head.

"Je suis désolé..."

2015-09-20, 12:20 AM

"Well it's what friends to. Glad we helped out." Reuben smiled, though he didn't know what a désolé was.

2015-09-20, 12:54 AM

"But.......the things we can learn." He tries to plead with Morning. One way or another he was going to try on that helmet.

2015-09-20, 08:11 AM

"Dude..." Reuben softly pleaded for Gizmo to reconsider whatever idea he thinks he might have.

2015-09-20, 10:53 AM

Gizmo hesitates for a moment."Well, I suppose there is an off chance that some of the magic has leeches into the helmet with minimal or possibly no harmful seife effects. Very well, I shall put on the helmet after we safely remove und dispose of the ruby."

2015-09-20, 11:04 AM

Reuben nods once, feeling that such a compromise would be much safer. "Though, your bowler better suits you."

2015-09-20, 11:22 AM

His hat seems to give off an appreciative spark at Ruebens words. But then again it also sparked when someone said buttercup. So maybe its nothing. "Bowler hat? Am I still wearing the hat from Las Pegasus? Where does my mind go?"

2015-09-20, 03:21 PM

Autumn sighs internally. "You can count on me princess. I'll make sure he doesn't get himself into more than his usual amount of trouble."

In this case Gizmo would need to react faster than Autumn. Or if all else fails, strong enough to escape her restraint. Neither of which seems likely. He's just a nerd after all.

2015-09-20, 05:07 PM

"Ah! Princess, may I borrow a few books? Perhaps anything regarding that first Hearthswarming Eve und some of the greatest battles of the Pegasus army at that time. Preferably one with some pictures." He trusts that Twilight did her reaserch, but it never hurts to quintuple check.

2015-09-20, 11:43 PM
Morning Star

"If five of seven have been found, then it would surely be a good idea to search for both of the remaining two, oui? Will you and your friends be looking for the other one?" Morning asks, holding up a hoof. "And, will this dragon be stopped if we purify those last two of its gemstone collection? I shudder to think that if we do so, it might still awaken..."

2015-09-22, 02:21 AM
The princess nods towards Spike, who immediately goes rummaging through some more of the bookshelves. "To answer your question, yes, me and my friends will be looking for the other ruby. As far as we know, it is currently far in the south, hidden way in the badlands. It's a dangerous journey, and we have just as much to work with as you do, but we'll do our best.

About whether it will stop the dragon." She sighs for a second, looking somewhat disappointed with herself. "I'm sorry, but we don't know. If the creature already has absorbed the power of five rubies, it might already be strong enough to return. The only thing we could hope to do is prevent it from coming back at full power, and then stop it before it hurts anyone. Either way, the first thing we need to do after destroying the last rubies will be to determine who or what has been activating them."

Finally, Spike re-emerges from a nearby shelf, a thick book on his back. Twilight quickly picks it up with her magic, floating it towards Gizmo. "I can give you this copy of 'Friendship of the Three Kingdoms'. It's fairly expansive and contains most of the known history surrounding the three founders. If there's anything you want to know more about, you can always check out the Canterlot archives and find some more detailed information.

Is there anything else you want to know?"

2015-09-22, 05:45 AM

Reuben mentally goes over what he's learned. Got to find Commander Hurricane's helmet, Don't know where it is so seek the Canterlot museum on effects from the other two founders because an expert there might know, find the helmet and either bring it back if possible or destroy the ruby with the fancy magic Twilight taught, avoid fighting the dragon if possible... what else was there?