View Full Version : Player Help What to Choose?

2015-08-09, 10:15 PM
I'm going to be starting in a game soon but have run into the problem of having too many characters I would love to play and was wanting to get the opinion of the playground on which one sounds the best/coolest/most interesting for me to flesh out the backstory for. I've narrowed it down to three. It should be noted that no one else will likely be playing a healer but the DM is not opposed to NPCs filling that gap. Which would you choose and why?

Iteir Icewind: Frost

Iteir is a Necropolitian saving up for Spellstitched. He has a two at will abilities able to create Small blocks of ice and conjure icy terrain. And 1/day control an increasing number of water elementals(refluffed to ice) with concentration. He also can summon light snow storms 3/day and has warlock abilities to fill in the gap of not having a consistent single target attack.

Itova Sthyr: Heals

Inspired by the disciple of Herocraft(which I understand was a ripoff from FF), Itova is a Dvati focused on unarmed combat with the ability to heal allies slowly out of combat, or slightly more significantly in combat whenever he punches someone. He focuses on battlefield control with trips as opposed to shear damage.

Drache: Ice Drake

Uses shenanigans to get a bipedal lizard body and give it dragon wings. Can create gusts of icy wind that don't scale with level, but as a small creature can be a speed boost by jumping into them. Has the ice creation of Iteir, but no terrain, extra spells or elementals. Has the slow, out of combat healing of Itova, but not the in combat healing. Focuses on natural attacks for devastating damage, but not battlefield control. Suffers from his ice powers and melee abilities being an either or as opposed to a true gish where magic enhances the melee.

2015-08-09, 11:00 PM
It should be noted that no one else will likely be playing a healer
Good. The dedicated healer role is the most un-fun and least effective in a party, for reasons explained in most cleric handbooks. They can be replaced by wands of CLW/Lesser Vigor/(at higher level) summoned monsters.

I think Iteir Icewind sounds the most interesting. An undead specializing in cold magic, who can stitch spells and control the battlefield with ice blocks/icy terrain/snow storms sounds pretty cool.

2015-08-10, 09:49 AM
To be clear, he is saving up to buy Spellstitched on himself. As a warlock base, he does not have a sufficient number of spells to actually spellstitch anything himself. But the idea of a icy undead (http://images6.alphacoders.com/335/335547.jpg) is a cool one.

Iteir Icewind's village was decimated by a blizzard early in the season, destroying a large portion of their much needed crops. As the cold deepened and supplies ran low, they sent for help but no one came. As a final option Iteir went to the dark forest and begged the queen of the Unseelie fey there to save his village, that they didn't want to die. The dark fey smiled and agreed, saying "No one from the village would suffer the eternal sleep in the winter snow", and then she vanished. Iteir left hopeful, but with a feeling of unease. The fey were so rarely helpful and she hadn't even asked for anything in return.

A few days past and he heard nothing from the fey. Then a plague came to town, everyone seemed to get sick. The old and the young who had survived the brutal cold were the first to perish. When Iteir's love succumbed to the illness and lie bedridden, Iteir's grief-fueled anger drove him to the court of the fey once more but there was no one to be found. He screamed in his anger at how the village was dying and that they had not held up their bargain. He screamed and cried until he was hoarse and exhausted. He collapsed in the snow covered glen and fell into a deep sleep.

He awoke to the queen of the dark fey smiling at him. "My word has come to pass, no one in your village lies dead in the snow. You should return to your loved ones, we will discuss payment when you return." She fadded into the darkness of the forest, it was night and Iteir had no light to guide his way, but the moon must have been full above the trees because he could see well enough and slowly made his way home. The fey had lied. At every house he came to, dead, they were all dead. Frozen solid, not one fire was lit to warm them. He rushed to his home to find his love trying to crawl out of bed, reaching weakly toward the door. Iteir ran to the bedside, the fire was still burning weakly and he thanked the heavens that at least his house had been spared. But as he neared, he saw what the fey had done.

His love's skin was too pale, the eyes glazed over, words came out as only groans. The fey had done as they said, no eternal sleep in the winter snow, only undeath. His love began straining, as if the body and mind were opposed, and carved into the wooden floor "KILL ME" before reverting to the mindless undead once more. The souls were still trapped within, Iteir couldn't bear it, he ran into the street to find his neighbors gathered, blank icy stares surrounding him. He curled into a ball and sobbed whispering "Please just kill me." "Now what would be the point in that?" came the soothing voice of the fey queen. "I went through a great deal of trouble to make you special." She grinned as she conjured a mirror so Iteir could see himself. Hallow cheeks, pale skin, glassy eyes and he realized he hadn't felt the cold since he had awoken. "Now, you can kill yourself or whatever you wish, wallow here in your sorrow. Or you can help me and in return I will free your dearest love from my control, let the soul take back the body and do what you will from there." Iteir looked down at his nearly skeletal hands, what had he done? He looked back up to the queen and nodded his acceptance of her terms. A wicked grin crossed her face, "Your first task is to head south out of the mountains, we will be in touch with specifics when we need you. I would suggest you cover up a bit first though, not many people are terribly fond of undead, even kind hearted ones like yourself."

The queen gave a parting gift to Iteir before he left, a torrent of dark, arcane power filled him. The queen smiled and faded into the horde of undead, and Iteir gathered supplies and began his arduous journey south.

Edit: How does that sound for a backstory?

2015-08-10, 09:16 PM
What a wealth of replies. In addition to the above Frost, Drake, and healer Monk, I've added another potential after rewatching X-Men, Storm. The officially legal version is quite powerful having a storm as a Druid companion and druid casting in addition to being able to create storms with windstorm winds, flash floods and several lightning strikes per round. Going by RAW it is either lightning and wind or flooding but it is also instant unlike similar things such as Control Weather. The power is a little high to be pulling off at low level so I made a modified version that splits lightning and wind so it is a choice between three options and builds up in power and duration based on how long you concentrate and on how high level you are. There is a more balanced Spheres of Power version, but being PF and 3rd party does not bode well in 3.5. She is an endless human with a bit of an Ororo inspired backstory and appearance.

Aja'Oya Orisha a princess of a desert land with silver hair, caramel skin, and storm grey eyes. Her family all share a dream of storms and jungles and were able to project those dreams onto the world and was the only thing that allowed the people to survive in the desert and is what elevated them to royalty. A coop took out almost all of the royal line, but Aja'Oya was able to escape through the servants passages. Raised in the desert by a living storm from her dreams, Aja'Oya has forsaken the emerald jungles of her forefathers to call the full might of the sky down upon those who murdered her family. Unoriginal plot, I know, but I like it all the same.