View Full Version : 3rd Ed Greenbound SNA Summonlings List v1.4: It still ain't easy bein' green!

2015-08-10, 12:08 AM
Version 1.4 of the creature stats list is ready! (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5j6iD8ffNt7SVhISWhLd3VGYW8/view?usp=sharing) Alleluiah!

Zilzmaer from Giant in the Playground has contributed errata for this archive, as well as making versions that include stats for Rashemi Elemental Summoning, Augment Elemental, and Augment Summoning creatures!

ZIP with Summonling Stats: Version 1.4! (https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5j6iD8ffNt7SVhISWhLd3VGYW8/view?usp=sharing)

Format: .DOC (Word 97), 496K.

Why not use board code? I made this in Word for easy printing. (I also greatly don't want to try formatting this for a board.) The full list is 50+ pages per file, typically with 2 creatures per page, and includes every creature from the SRD's lists for summon nature's ally I-IX with the Greenbound and Ashbound template applied appropriately. Another document has Greenbound and Ashbound stats.

Additionally: WotManiac wrote up board code versions of creatures using Rashemi Elemental Summoning and Greenbound Summoning (but no Ashbound nor other abiiities) here (http://www.minmaxboards.com/index.php?topic=14245.0). Enjoy!

Finally: If you were wondering why the Greenbound Summoning feat is so powerful as written, see here (http://www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.php?128424-What-have-i-missed-about-Greenbound-Summoning/page5&p=2195156&viewfull=1#post2195156) and here (http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-author=Ed%20Bonny&page=1&rh=n%3A283155%2Cp_27%3AEd%20Bonny). (It was originally intended as a +2 spell slot level metamagic feat, a cost that was never included in the print version for some reason.)

2015-08-10, 01:20 AM
Interesting. Two notes. First, it says that you seek non-core creatures in the documents. If so, then the summoner's desk reference is a resource that I think is complete with regards to summoning options. Second, I haven't seen a note along these lines, so you may want to state that the matter of rashemi elemental summoning's applicability to creatures outside of pure air and earth elementals is ambiguous. In other words, it's not clear that you can pull out a thomil thoqqua.

2015-08-10, 02:39 PM
Given that Greenbound summoning is so powerful, why is the title "It still ain't easy bein' green"?

2015-08-10, 09:44 PM
Greenbound summonlings exist for brief periods then die or pop into nonexistence; hence, it still ain't easy bein' green.

The templates state as part of their first line:

"'Orglash' is a template that can be applied to any elemental creature with the air subtype..."

"'Thomil is a template that can be applied to any elemental creature with the earth subtype..."

If there's debate on whether these templates apply to these creatures, I believe these blurbs settle that. As for the feat Rashemi Elemental Summoning:

"When casting a spell that summons air or earth elementals, you may choose to summon an orglash or thomil instead."

The RAW is ambiguous in that it could mean true Air/Earth elementals or any creature of the Elemental type. My logical next thought is, "What do the templates say?" Looking above, these apply to any elemental creature of the Air/Earth subtype. It's how I've played.

2015-08-10, 09:54 PM
The templates state as part of their first line:

"'Orglash' is a template that can be applied to any elemental creature with the air subtype..."

"'Thomil is a template that can be applied to any elemental creature with the earth subtype..."

If there's debate on whether these templates apply to these creatures, I believe these blurbs settle that. As for the feat Rashemi Elemental Summoning:

"When casting a spell that summons air or earth elementals, you may choose to summon an orglash or thomil instead."

The RAW is ambiguous in that it could mean true Air/Earth elementals or any creature of the Elemental type. My logical next thought is, "What do the templates say?" Looking above, these apply to any elemental creature of the Air/Earth subtype. It's how I've played.
The ambiguity does indeed come from the feat rather than the template, and the template rules do not imply at all that the feat is pointing to type rather than name. It's worth note, on a broader perspective, that the more lenient reading has a tendency to cause problems elsewhere, as the language here is similar to the language that applies to summoning elemental (any), and using elemental wild shape. By which I mean, this ruling could plausibly be interpreted to mean that you can use SNA to summon anything from the elemental type, and elemental wild shape to become anything of that type, of course within the given size and HD limits. Ultimately, the RAW is indeed ambiguous, as the term "air or earth elementals" is not a well defined one within the rules, so while I think it's fine to include these options as you have, it might be worth adding the caveat that there is ambiguity underlying the issue.