View Full Version : Pathfinder The Killer Lorax

2015-08-11, 12:14 PM
Hello Playground,

So a new Pathfinder campaign is starting and I am look to play a a Grey Warden Prcs, so here is where I need your help. My friends tell me that its a class meant for an Inquisitor to enter, not knowing this I met the prereqs by taking Druid 3/ Rogue 2. I wanted to know if any of you could give some suggestions on how to play a Grey Warden or just a mono classed Inquisitor. Some of the concerns I have is being no fun paladin-esque wet blanket, you know the "kill the heretics with fire and brim stone" fellow, so I am looking for Deity suggestions as well. So to recap I need opinions on entry into Grey Warden, tips on how to have the most fun with an Inquisitor, and Deity suggestions. The nuts and bolts are: anything off of the Pathfinder SRD, 32ptb, and I'm looking to be a melee Inquisitor( for any of you who have seen it think Tiberius from Kingdom of Heaven). I look forward to hearing from you.

Mando Knight
2015-08-11, 12:31 PM
It may be meant for an Inquisitor to enter, but it's built so that any Divine caster that meets the prerequisites basically gets a fast-track multiclass into Inquisitor when they take it. If you want to make a Druid/Rogue Gray Warden, I'd say go ahead. Your Gray Warden features won't be quite as strong as if you were an Inquisitor/Gray Warden, but you'd have slightly better Sneak Attack and at level 15 you'd have 10 levels of Druid casting instead of 13 of Inquisitor, giving you fewer spells per day but the entire Druid spell list known instead of only a few of the Inquisitor spells.