View Full Version : New Weapon and Item ideas

Chained Birds
2015-08-13, 08:21 AM
When playing my last session, a fellow player was a bit disappointed by the lack of any exotic weapons or weapons with more unique properties. I too feel that there are not enough stat'd weapons available, so I was thinking of making a Blacksmith who crafts unique weapons with enhanced abilities at a much higher price than a common item. Maybe some Bloodborne inspiration mixed in. And seeing as how I may be DMing soon, I was wondering if this would be a good idea?

Here of soon ideas for non-magic weapons:

Hunter's Axe (Prof: Battleaxe): 1d8 Slashing, Special, 6lbs, ??gg
- Special: Weapon Dmg becomes 1d10 Slashing, Gains the Two-Handed and Reach Properties. Can use a [Bonus Action] to return to 1d8 form.

[B]Roper's Claw (Prof: Unarmed): 1d4 Slashing, Thrown (10-30ft), Finesse, Special, 1lb, ??gg
- Special: On Thrown Hit, weapon digs into target and is attached to target. [Action] By target or wielder to remove.

2015-08-13, 10:32 AM
What makes the first weapon different than a regular battleaxe other than needing a bonus action to use a versatile reach?

2015-08-13, 02:27 PM
I see no need for these...

1) Allow the Battle Axe the versatile property. Why would you need reach? Throw that sucker two-handed for up to 20 feet and draw another weapon... reach issued solved, or be a total BA and run up wrench your axe from it's skull/chest and hit it again.

2) Using the grappling hook as an improvised weapon could do the same thing, or the whip could be used, say grant it a DC 12 for the whip to grab an opponent, then next turn you could use an opposed strength check to knock it prone or pull it closer... be advised...the enemy could do that to your player, as well.