View Full Version : Fun role playing characters for dnd.

2015-08-13, 01:35 PM
Title says it all in looking for a character that's out of the normal and is fun to role play they don't even have to be good with combat thanks guys. :)

2015-08-13, 01:38 PM
lol Whatever you want? Currently playing a halfling Bardadin and that's fun for me, YMMV.

2015-08-13, 01:45 PM
The most fun I ever had playing a character was a LE blue goblin factotum//shaper/constructor. He was not a nice person, but he was loyal to and played nice with the party (mostly because they were one of the very few groups of people willing to put up with him, and he used them as meat shields against all the people he'd pissed off that were trying to kill him). He even risked his own well-being to protect them when necessary, though he usually played up his own sacrifices to make them seem larger than they were.

And no, he didn't perform senseless violence against innocent people, and he wasn't Evil for the sake of being Evil -- he actually had a genuine liking for animals, if not most people, and he actually did go out of his way to help others on occasion, if he liked them. He also never went out of his way to hurt someone who (according to him) didn't deserve it. He was, however, incredibly vindictive and enjoyed causing a lot more pain than absolutely necessary when someone had ticked him off. The party was generally aghast at the level of malevolence and violence he displayed on the battlefield, including the cleric of a war god, a warblade//barbarian, and a necromancer of all things.

He was all sorts of fun to play. He was a lot more complex of a character than most (especially for an Evil character), and I surprised the party fairly frequently with my portrayal of Evil. None of them believed I could play a reasonable Evil character, but I proved otherwise.

2015-08-13, 02:31 PM
Ok thanks guys the reason behind this question is I'm running 2 campaigns and one is starting fresh so I just need a good character idea thanks guys.

2015-08-13, 03:00 PM
Fun is subjective. Some players think the most fun is getting the best and greatest gear and abilities and winning heroic battles. Some like being subtle diplomats and social characters. other like silly or improbable concepts. Some people like being a frontliner with a giant 2 handed weapon. Some people like standing back and slinging spells. Others prefer to hide and maybe buff in battle.

Any of those is viable, and all can be "fun" to the right person. What is a fun concept? Well, what do you enjoy? What you and I find fun is probably different.

I don't like playing clerics-I find them to be boring and lacking depth. I love playing bards-they get to interact with the game in many ways. Many people would disagree, but neither person would be wrong.

So if you want a concept-what do you find "fun"?

2015-08-13, 03:31 PM
Fun? Half orc monk 20 strength 7 intelligence at level 1. Didn't have to be dumb, just a little lost in the world. It was a very very low level homebrew campaign. But I just got to try to see the world he was walking in to through a new set of eyes. No over thinking, just trying to do the right thing basically from the perspective of a child. Beat up the bad guys was easy at that level too.

2015-08-13, 03:32 PM
Sir Bearington

2015-08-13, 03:38 PM
In a Rise of the Runelords campaign, I played Dr. Blelyj, a tiefling witch who behaves in an emphatically Good way (usually Lawful, but with enough Chaotic moments that his sheet says just Good), but who is absolutely convinced that he's actually Evil. He calls the rest of the party his "minions", and he gets offended whenever anybody says detect spells say he's not Evil. Also, he laughs maniacally all the time (The fact that they made maniacal laughter a class feature is perhaps the biggest reason I decided I'm okay with Pathfinder). He justifies everything he does on Evil grounds.

Donating to the orphanage is "investing in potential future minions". He helps defeat the goblins who are harassing the townsfolk because nobody gets to harass the townsfolk but him, plus the townsfolk exist to serve him. He declares surrendered foes his "minions" and just lets them go (it helps that the only foes to surrender have mostly been the most hapless of mooks).

He always coöperates with the rest of the party as much as possible, often giving up his share of the loot (usually when it involves coppers or silvers, so he doesn't have to carry it) and using most of his wealth to craft potions and wands for the party's use, on the grounds that such trivial matters as wealth are beneath him and that making his "minions" more effective is a more efficient use of his resources.

Killing, too, is beneath Dr. Blelyj: he's never defeated an enemy himself, has only cast maybe two damaging spells in his life, doesn't even carry a weapon, and he usually only debuffs the foes and buffs his "minions".

If there's anything morally questionable that I can't think of a specific eeeeeevil reason why he would oppose, I fall back on the catchphrase, "_____ is beneath me." A not remotely exhaustive list of things that Dr. Blelyj has declared to be beneath him: jaywalking, theft, racism (though he did announce himself to be "racist against cops"), alcohol, prostitutes (but not in the literal sense), piracy, and deities.

2015-08-13, 03:42 PM
How about Tiny Von BigMcLargeHuge? (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?132294-Tiny-Von-BigMcLargeHuge) You can officially qualify using Human Blooded or Human Heritage.

2015-08-13, 03:57 PM
I once played a character raised as a Drow slave as a 5 year old. After escaping the Underdark (somehow) during a slave revolt, he returned to the surface world. Unfortunately, since he had lived with the Drow his entire life the surface world was alien to him. Even concepts such as love were foreign to my little Rogue/Monk. All in all, it was a fun RP experience. :)

2015-08-13, 04:54 PM
Well all those sound fun ok I think it's my turn then my "most fun" guy was akala an elf fighter who the party disliked because elves in this universe were hated for one reason or another long story short he ended up with no hair, red skin and tattoos all over his body after he was forced to eat a scroll of summon demon and was supposed to be used as a sacrifice for a demon worshipper a cut man did I have some wacky adventures. :)

2015-08-13, 09:20 PM
How about a troubleshooter?

How about a Gray Elf Artificer?
Play it as an inventor/blacksmith who thinks up crazy new applications and items to use in solving problems for the public. Advertise yourself as a traveling engineer that can build whatever a customer needs.
Ramp up that Int and Cha and promote yourself and get out there and be a crafting hero.

2015-08-13, 09:24 PM
Ooooo that sounds beyond awesome I may use that thanks man. :)

Hiro Quester
2015-08-13, 10:10 PM
This Barbarian who thinks he's a Wizard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?416321-Barbarian-Who-Thinks-He-is-a-Wizard)has been tickling my FUNny bone for a few months.

This concept sounds like tremendous fun to play. I think I might make something like it as my next character.

Edit: the original concept for this is in this thread, started by a post from Gnome Alone (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?195049-Help-Me-Be-Annoying-with-a-Barbarian-Wizard). His "spellbook" is a hilarious read.

2015-08-13, 10:13 PM
Hmm sounds interesting thanks.

2015-08-13, 11:28 PM
My previous character was an Illumian Truenamer. It was a FR campaign were we played through the Twilight Tomb and then on through the Tearing of the Weave trilogy. His concept was pretty basic, he was a researcher looking for ancient true speech lore. He was also a devoted follower of Denier. He believed Denier to be the creator and patron of his race, and that the meta-text was actually true speech in written form, hence the language of creation. By researching true speech he was aiding Denier in his holy mission.

Pretty generic and bland actually. What made this character particularly fun was how his world view interacted with the campaigns we played. It started with researching some ruins, which my character was all about. Then through no fault of his own he gets tangled up in a war between Mystra and Shar. He didn't ask for the Gods to come running to him with their problems. Nor was he looking to pick a fight with Shar, but that's what happened. By the end of the campaign he had come to the conclusion that he would have to kill Shar in order to have any peace, and for Mystra and Azuth to stop bugging him. It was hilarious.

My current character is a LN Necromancer 5/ Palemaster. Born in Karnath, he was raised on war propaganda and was ready to be all he could be. Two weeks after enlisting and being stationed at Ft. Bone, the Great War ended. He saw absolutely no action, and had no chance at glory or advancement. So he and a fellow soldier stationed there decided to become sell swords together after their two year enlistment. They travelled together to Sharn, found a patron to hire them, and now he leads their up and coming mercenary band.

Just like the last campaign, this character's world view is causing hilarity. So far the bulk of our opponents have been undead, which as a Necromancer he has no bias or animosity toward, and the Emerald Claw whom he sincerely respects and admires as heroes and patriots. This has turned many encounters that should have been cut and dry with no moral ambiguity into role play and diplomacy sessions. We are approaching linear missions from an oblique angle, and I am loving it.

The next character I am planning is a female mongrel folk Druid 1/wizard 1/ sorcerer 1/Totemist 3/ beastmaster 10. Her concept? Crazy Cat Lady. She will end up with 8 cat animal companions, with which she will share her soul melds. She will never refer to herself in conversation. Instead she will project herself through her cats. Each cat will represent a different aspect of her personality. For example, Mr. Tuggles might represent her aggression. "Mr. Tuggles does not like the smelly goblin, no he does not". While Princess Bootsie might be her wild and fun loving side. "Oooh, Princess Bootsie loves fancy dress parties! Yes she does, yes she does".

I don't expect her to be particularly effective, but an absolute blast to role play!

2015-08-13, 11:30 PM
That last character idea sounds hard to do but like you said a blast to do I wish you the best of luck with pulling that character off. :)

2015-08-13, 11:40 PM
Dr. Blelyj

You know, I can't help but think of Okabe, from Steins;Gate, when reading your description. The self proclaimed mad scientist...

2015-08-14, 12:09 AM

The Sorcerer and wizard dips are for trading up their familiars for animal companions via alternative class features, plus the Druid lvl for a third animal companion. Beast master gives you 4 more, and I'll take the wild cohort feat for number 8.

My main offense will come from 2 levels of totemist and the share soulmeld feat. Weapon of choice will be manticore belt bound to her totem chakra. You get to launch a spine for each essentia you invest into the meld. You can get a max of 8 essentia in a Meld. With share soulmeld you can give them the benefit of your meld, meaning the build will fire a max of 64 spines, each dealing a d6 plus 1/2 strength. I won't get that pre-epic, but I will get 7 essentia capacity for 56 spines. Not huge output, but it will let her contribute. Beast master is full BAB, so it will help with accuracy.

2015-08-14, 12:10 AM
Hmm I've heard that name before probably not from the book itself but still.