View Full Version : Vaas. Land of the dragon gods!

2015-08-13, 08:35 PM
Vaas is a continent at war. The two main players in this war are the Elves and the Humans. Led by their respective gods, they each want control of the continent and the races that inhabit it.

The Halflings have allied themselves with the Elves while the Gnomish people have thrown their cards in with the Humans.

The Orcs just love a good fight, they don't care who they are fighting and have been a thorn in both the Humans and Elves side without discrimination.

The Dwarves have retreated underground with their god, concerned mainly with mining and gathering treasure. They are nearly impossible to find unless you've found them before.

Under the noses of the other races a new player has emerged vying for control. The Half-breeds have quietly been gathering strength hoping to end the war that is tearing Vaas apart, or so they say.

This campaign will take a standard group of 4 players through level 14 or 15 as you travel across Vaas. You will be disrupting supply lines and taking on covert missions, discovering secrect vaults, and barganing with kings, queens and even gods! Eventually you will be taking part in great battles that bards will sing about for generations to come, and even taking on gods themselves as you discover sub-plots and twists that will make you consider who your allegiance is to and why.

Stay tuned for updates on the campaign setting, lore, and story as my friend and I build this world. Comments, suggestions and pointing out plot holes are more than welcome!

2015-08-13, 08:54 PM
Gods of Vaas

The gods of Vaas are 12 powerful and unique dragons. Some dragons have a race that follows and worships them, while others don't have time for mortals because they are so busy with godly duties, or partying. These are diefic beings that have a wide array of ideals and morals. Some believe that they have a duty to mortals to lead them down a path their path through example, while others couldn't care less about what the mortals do because they have their own godly things to take care of, others take pleasure in interacting with the lesser beings seeing them as a fun distraction from the responsabilities that come with god-hood.

Ith: Goddess of the Half-breeds. She is the daughter of Inioth and Syrreth. She inherited her mothers cunning and drive, and he fathers bravery and will-power. Her parents continuous fued has caused them to push Her to the side to fend for herself, and she resents them for it. She was drawn to the Half-breeds because their plight resonated with her, never fully accepted anywhere although never really shunned either. She petitioned the Half-breeds to be their patron God, at the same time Umbaroth petitioned them as well. The half-breeds decided to follow Ith, feeling more of a connection to the daughter of the Elven and Human Gods than with the God of the seas. Umbaroth didn't take this too well and a great battle ensued between the two of them, neither have been seen since. Ith is a large bronze dragon with an orange and green tint to Her scales when in the right light. She is skilled with both magic and hand-to-hand combat and is as formidable on the battle field as she is with her words.

Umbaroth: God of the seas. Proud and quick to anger, He controls the waters in and surrounding Vaas. He has always felt shunned by the other Gods because he cannot fly and often has to miss the great meetings because the time it would take him to get to the meeting place. This isolation attracted Him to the Half-breeds, feeling He could connect to them because of their lack of acceptance throughout the world. He petitioned them to become their God at the same time Ith did, and the Half-breeds chose Ith, feeling more of a connection to Her than to Him. Umbaroth got angry, believing that He deserved to represent the Half-breeds beacuse He is older. Ith refused to let Umbaroth become the patron for them and a great battle began between the two Gods, when it ended both were no where to be found and haven't been seen since. Umbaroth is a great, pliosaur like, dragon who lives in the seas and lakes in and around Vaas.

Hudraer: A fun loving and carefree God. He loathes responsability of any kind, evident in His refusal to become the god responsable for the Halflings despite their many requests for His blessing. He has a knack for everything fertile and will bless crops or a marriage if He feels like it (or if bribed with a nice bottle of wine). He has a close freindship with Stiria as the both love freedom and the lack of pressure that comes with few responsabilities. Not much bigger than a Human, He is often seen partying with the Halflings or kicking his feet up doing nothing.

Verioth the Redeemer: God of order and justice. Strong willed and unshakeable in His beliefs, He is a staunch protector of order and law. Verioth has a great temple, built by his followers, where he resides. From this temple He sends out His followers to to right wrongs in the world. He is beholden to no land or race choosing, instead, to shoulder the burden of bringing about order to the land. This has attracted many like-minded individuals to his cause, from all walks of life. Some choose to abandon their ties to any land or race, others choose to use those ties try to influence their people and lands to guide them to a more orderly way of life. However Verioth's followers choose to pursue thier goals, they are always devoute and true, they often wear white to help remind them of Verioth, a large pure white dragon.

Apophis: God of anarchy. He is a serpent like dragon that shifts colors depending on his mood. He believes that each individual should decide for themselves how to live, and that rules and laws stifle the development of the individual. Many see him as a bit crazy and even evil, disrupting societiesand killing with no regards to how it disrupts others lives, but those that follow Apophis know the truth to his way of thinking. Apophis' way of life grants a freedom that cannot be experienced any other way. His followers come from every faccet of life, from thieves and assassins who believe that everything in this world is theirs for the taking and nothing is sacred, to artists and diplomats whop use their influence to try and bring more personal freedom to the average people.

Stiria: Goddess of the woods and wildlife. She mostly keeps to herself. Like many of her followers, She likes the peace that nature and the solitary hunt can bring, She dislikes being dragged into affairs that don't concern Her forests or animals. She a drake the size of a golden eagle, green as the tree leaves, She can sometimes be seen soaring just over the tree tops.

Rhaegos the Gray: Also known as Rhaegos the Grumpy (though not to his face). He is a god blessed with the power of foresight, although what He sees is often blurry or incomplete according to Him. His visions come with cryptic warnings or riddles that must be deciphered in order to understand. Unpleasent and often rude when approached, He wanders the land in search of those He has seen in His visions. He is roughly the size of a sheep, though it is best to keep that observation to yourself.

Vorlianth the Magnificent: The Dwarven God. A large golden dragon that couldn't care less about mortal affairs. He cares only for his treasure. He has the largest collection of magical and mundane treasure in Vaas, this collection is said to contain an item powerful enough to bring down the gods. He is willing to bargain with mortals if you have something valuable enough to justify the trade, just be sure to lavish Him with compliments as well as treasure when you see Him, or he can be quite moody.

Razeth the Barbarian: Orcish God and God of war. A blood red dragon that loves nothing more than fighting. Loud and with a short fuse, he is always looking for an excuse to fight. He holds great tournaments in the Orcish homeland where the greatest fighters travel from around Vaas to prove their bravery and skill. If an Orc wishes to lead one of the roaming tribes they, not only need to defeat the current leader, but also must prove themselves worthy in one-on-one combat with Razeth Himself. This has lead to the Orcs having the most formidable foot soldiers in the land. Although they are rarely for hire in subsantial numbers because Razeth doesn't believe in taking sides for money, just in finding a good fight. Roughly the size of a barn, he may not be the biggest God, but he may very well be the strongest.

Leomaris: The Gnomish God. Light blue and as large and long as a horse drawn covered wagon. She is clever and shrewed, She loves to bargain and trade. Her leadership has lead the Gnomes to have the strongest economy in the land, only the Dwarves rival them in assets, although they give most of their wealth to their God. Her power comes from her quick wit and silver tounge. She is willing to deal with mortals, but be ready to walk away with the short end of the stick.

Inioth: The Elven God. A large bronze dragon, She is calm and collected and highly intelligent. She is a proud dragon, skilled in the arcane arts. She believes herself superior to the other gods and far above interacting with mortals, She uses a champion that She has selected to communicate with Her followers. She is ambitious, and willing and smart enough to do what it takes to get what She wants. She has a long standing feud with Syrreth Braveheart.

Syrreth Braveheart:The Human God. A large orange and emerald green dragon. He is skilled fighter, corageous and of good heart. Never afraid to tell it like it is, He believes that all races should come together under one banner, if that banner must be His, then so be it. He dislikes the shrewed and behind the scenes way that Inioth plays with mortals, even though He also acts through a champion, the irony is lost on Him.

2015-08-13, 09:10 PM
I am saving this post for future editing to expand on Vaas and its story

2015-08-13, 09:12 PM
I am saving this post for future editing to expand on Vaas and its story.

2015-08-14, 07:12 PM
Vaas is a continent at war. The two main players in this war are the Elves and the Humans. Led by their respective god, they each want control of the continent and the races that inhabit it.

The Halflings have allied themselves with the Elves while th Gnomish people have thrown thier cards in with the Humans.

The Orcs just love a good fight, they don't care who they are fighting and have been a thorn in both the Humans and Elves side without discrimination.

The Dwarves have retreated underground with their god, concerned mainly with mining and gathering treasure. They are nearly impossible to find unless you've found them before.

Under the noses of the other races a new player has emerged vying for control. The Half-breeds have quietly been gathering strength hoping to end the war that is tearing Vaas apart, or so they say.

This campaign will take a standard group of 4 players through level 14 or 15 as you travel across Vaas. You will be disrupting supply lines and taking on covert missions, discovering secrect vaults, and barganing with kings, queens and even gods! Eventually you will be taking part in great battles that bards will sing about for generations to come, and even taking on gods themselves as you discover sub-plots and twists that will make you consider who your allegiance is to and why.

Stay tuned for updates on the campaign setting, lore, and story as my friend and I build this world. Comments, suggestions and pointing out plot holes are more than welcome!

I highlighted a couple of typos, but otherwise this is a good start. I do think that for now we should keep the setting and the campaign separate. If we develop both enough, each will be able to be used independently if people want, so there is no need to tie them so closely together.

Gods of Vaas

The gods of Vaas are 12 powerful and unique dragons. Some dragons have a race that follows and worships them, while others don't have time for mortals because they are so busy with godly duties, or partying.

Ith: Dragon goddess of the Half-breeds. Cunning and powerful, she is will to do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She is presumed dead after a great battle with Umbaroth.

Umbaroth: Dragon god of the seas. Proud and quick to anger, he controls the bodies of water surrounding and into Vaas. He is presumed dead after a great battle with Ith. He takes the shape of a pliosaur.

Hudraer: A fun loving and carefree dragon god. Though not the god of the Halflings he is often in their company. He loves taking part in mortal festivites and is always looking for the next good time. He has taken on the responsibilities of fertility and will personally bless your crops or marriage if you ask nicely (and give him a nice thank you present). Seen most often in mortal form, usually happily drunk.

Verioth the Redeemer: Dragon god of law and order. He claims no race instead deciding to uphold the values of good and order. Proud and unwaivering in his ideals he is seen by some as a prude and to others as a role model worthy of devotion. He is a large dragon of pure white.

Apophis: Dragon god of chaos and disorder. He promotes all types of chaos, if you want to do it he says you should. Many see him as evil, but those that follow him see the freedom that his way of thinking brings to life. A dark, seprent like dragon, with dark colors that shift and change depending on his mood.

Stiria: Dragon goddess of the woods and wildlife. She mostly keeps to herself. Like many of her followers, she likes the peace that nature and the solitary hunt can bring, she dislikes being dragged into affairs that don't concern her forests or animals. She is the size of a drake, green as the tree leaves, she can sometimes be seen soaring just over the tree tops.

Do the dragons view themselves as truly deific beings? Do they see themselves as the embodiment of a concept or ideal? Or are they (or some of them) just really powerful beings that do what they feel like?

What about Rhaegos the White/Grumpy? Are he and Verioth both white colored?

In regards to Stiria: How big is a drake? Are we talking ducks or dragons here?

2015-08-15, 02:57 PM
I've edited some grammar mistakes and added the rest of the dragon gods.

2015-08-16, 01:09 PM
This is starting to take a little more shape! Very nice. I'm going to highlight/suggest some grammar/syntax changes, and throw in a few fluff suggestions as well. Feel free to change or use as much or as little as you like.

I'll do grammar/syntax/spelling corrections in bold in the original quote.

Ith: Dragon goddess of the half-breeds. Cunning and powerful, she will do whatever it takes to get what she wants. She is presumed dead after a great battle with Umbaroth.

Does this mean that all half-breeds are ruthless cutthroats? I would add something about her other more positive (or at least positively perceived) qualities, such as ambition, cunning, and a desire to control one's own destiny. What if she was somehow the underdog in the fight with Umbaroth? That would help the half-breeds gravitate toward her even more.

Umbaroth: Dragon god of the seas. Proud and quick to anger, he controlled the bodies of water surrounding and within Vaas. He is presumed dead after a great battle with Ith. He takes the shape of a pliosaurus.

Are the seas now seen as wild and unpredictable because of his absence? Are there creatures that dwell in the deep that were only kept in check by his presence? What has happened since his disappearance?

Also, maybe rather than saying "presumed dead" for Ith and Umbaroth, which basically means "not really dead," you say "has not been seen since the great battle with" or "disappeared after his monumental battle with Ith". The difference is subtle, but I think it lends more mystery to the event.

Hudraer: A fun loving and carefree dragon god. Though not the god of the Halflings, he is often in their company. He loves taking part in mortal festivities and is always looking for the next good time. He has taken on the responsibilities of fertility and will personally bless your crops or marriage if you ask nicely (and give him a nice thank you present). He is seen most often in mortal form, usually happily drunk.

I really like the fluff here. I would clarify things a little, such as saying that he has refused to become responsible for the halflings, though they have asked repeatedly for his blessing and protection. I can also see him blessing crops and such, but on a whim (or upon accepting a nice bottle of wine) rather than it being something that he sees as a responsibility. He doesn't strike me as the kind of god to handle regular duty very well.

Verioth the Redeemer: Dragon god of law and order. He claims no race instead deciding to uphold the values of good and order. Proud and unwavering in his ideals he is seen by some as a prude and to others as a role model worthy of devotion. He is a large dragon of pure white.

Here I just want more. He comes across as that good dragon that paladins follow because there has to be a good god, and it all seems generic and flat. How does he pursue his goals? Does he have a sacred order that he sends on missions of justice? Is he lenient and merciful or harsh and unforgiving? Does he see himself as the head of the world's police force, tasked with upholding good whether the people want it or not?

Apophis: Dragon god of chaos and disorder. He promotes all types of chaos, if you want to do it he says you should. Many see him as evil, but those that follow him see the freedom that his way of thinking brings to life. He is a serpent-like dragon, with dark colors that shift and change depending on his mood.

I'd change him to embodying hedonism and personal freedom rather than chaos and disorder, which have much more negative connotations. This allows for followers that aren't deranged evil cultists, even though others may perceive them that way.

Stiria: Dragon goddess of the woods and wildlife. She mostly keeps to herself. Like many of her followers, she likes the peace that nature and the solitary hunt can bring; she dislikes being dragged into affairs that don't concern her forests or animals. She is a drake the size of a golden eagle, green as the tree leaves. She can sometimes be seen soaring just over the tree tops.

Rhaegos the Gray: Also known as Rhaegos the Grumpy (though not to his face). He is a god blessed with the power of foresight, although what he sees is often blurry or incomplete according to him. His visions come with cryptic warnings or riddles that must be deciphered in order to understand. Unpleasent and often rude when approached, he wanders the land in search of those he has seen in his visions. He is roughly the size of a sheep, though it is best to keep that observation to yourself.

This one I've fallen in love with so much, I'd like to take a slightly different approach to the write-up.

Rhaegos the Gray: The Dragon of foresight. He is a solitary god who spends his days walking the lands of Vaas, reading portents in the world around him. He sees the future in the clouds, prophecies in the whorls of tree rings, and revelations in the bones of the dead. His visions are usually blurry or incomplete, and as a result are often delivered in the form of cryptic warnings or vague riddles. He knows the importance of telling what he sees, although he is loathe to do so. He is gruff and blunt with the individuals he seeks out to share his messages, and he is downright rude and unpleasant with anyone who asks too many questions. As such, he is often called "Rhaegos the Grumpy," although never to his face. He is the size of a sheep (an observation best kept to oneself in his presence).

Vorlianth the Magnificent: The dwarven Dragon. A large golden dragon that couldn't care less about mortal affairs. He cares only for his treasure. He has the largest collection of magical and mundane treasure in Vaas. This collection is said to contain an item powerful enough to bring down the gods themselves. He is willing to bargain with mortals if they have something valuable enough to justify the trade. He loves to be lavished with compliments as well as treasure when meeting with mortals; failure to do so has been know to result in a quick but painful death.

Why does he agree to patronize the dwarves? Does he offer protection in exchange for treasures that they unearth from far underground?

Razeth the Barbarian: Orcish Dragon and Dragon of war. A blood red dragon that loves nothing more than a good brawl. Loud and with a short fuse, he is always looking for an excuse to fight. Roughly the size of a barn, he may not be the biggest god, but he may very well be the strongest.

I like what you have here and I want more. Are there gladiatorial bouts held in his name? Does he demand sacrifice in the form of captives and the weak? How does he reward the strong?

Leomaris: The Gnomish Dragon. She is clever and shrewd, she loves to bargain and trade. Her power comes from her quick wit and silver tongue. She is willing to deal with mortals, but be ready to walk away with the short end of the stick. She is light blue and as large and long as a horse drawn covered wagon.

What does she have to offer that is worth bargaining for? Magical secrets? I'd love to see a myth/story of her getting the better of Vorlianth.

Inioth: The Elven dragon. A large bronze dragon, she is calm and collected and highly intelligent. She is a proud dragon, skilled in the arcane arts. She believes herself superior to the other gods and far above interacting with mortals; once every few centuries, she selects a champion to communicate with her followers. She is ambitious, and both willing and smart enough to do what it takes to get what she wants. She has a long-standing feud with Syrreth Braveheart.

She sounds very similar to Ith personality-wise, although maybe a touch more arrogant. What else can you do to further differentiate the two? Or are they twin sisters? Why does she like the elves?

Syrreth Braveheart:The human Dragon. A large orange and emerald green dragon. He is skilled fighter, corageous and of good heart. Never afraid to tell it like it is, he believes that all races should come together under one banner. If that banner must be his, then so be it. He dislikes the sneaky and behind the scenes way that Inioth plays with mortals. Even though he also acts through a champion, the irony is lost on him.

Seems like a good foil to Inioth. Maybe he's a little dumb to go with his self-righteous arrogance? Why does he take sides with the humans?

One other note: "Dragon" and "god" are synonymous in this setting correct? As in, there are no dragons that are not gods and there are no gods that are not dragons? If that is the case, you sometimes refer to them as "Dragon god" (with a capital D) and sometimes simply as "dragon". I would recommend picking a consistent term, or at least a few consistent terms, along with consistent capitalization, to use every time.

I also liked it when you described the form of each god, and think that the ones that just got a color deserve a little more.

2015-09-21, 06:15 PM
The Gods of Vaas are done! Moving on to building the lands of Vaas.