View Full Version : [D&D 4e] Saga of the Nentir Reach

2015-08-14, 12:43 AM
It is evening--a cold, wet, windy evening--in the Nentir Vale as a young human girl and her elven companion approach the tower where Lady Treona dwells. Inside the tower, a deva chats companionably with the Lady and her companion while he watches for the returning travelers. As the duo nears the ancient bridge leading to the tower, they meet two other journeyers, also heading to the tower, in a strange coincidence of timing. A lull in the gusting winds offers an excellent opportunity for introductions, though both the girl and the elf keep one eye on the woods; faint sounds and half-glimpsed movements suggest that they've been stalked by some sort of creatures for the past half-mile....

Link to: Outside Treona's Tower - Map (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2j3EEQubfRUZDU0aXRyU181VXc)

Everyone except Oskar can take this opportunity to introduce yourself--or not. Oskar, it's up to you whether you've spotted Jessica, Dhrydis, and the new travelers, and whether to act on that information. If you choose to step outside (your character is at the tower door, you can take one move action (potentially reaching J-13) before events progress. Everyone else starts along the top two rows within one square of the road (anywhere from J-1 to O-2).

Jessica and Dhrydis are aware that they are being followed by at least four creatures (Jessica only spotted two of them, but I assume Dhrydis has informed her of the other two). Garrett has also noted the approach of two of these creatures.

I made character tokens out of the pictures on the character sheets for those that provided pictures. For Korinn and Oskar, I found something reasonable on google. Please let me know if you'd like to use some other image for your character token.

2015-08-14, 02:07 AM
It took a long time for Jessica to recover from her ordeal at Gorizbadd, And the loss of her father did not help matters. While she tried to be brave and strong, inside she was weak and hurting. She had spent most of her time indoors, studying and keeping to herself. While Lady Treona was kind and caring to her and she acknowledged that, she spoke very little save on research matters, and basically for the most part shut down emotionally save for the occasional crying at night and awaking from her constant nightmares from the recent tragedies that befell her.

She did recover physically regaining her lost weight and color from the last few weeks. But emotionally she was fragile. But sometimes time healed, though it was too soon, and she began to come out of her shell, thanks to Treona and just her will to live and survive. She gradually began to regain her appetite. And with the love of magical research and development, started to relax and enjoy herself more. But she was not willing to leave the Tower, perhaps out of fear of what might happen to her outside after her harrowing experience nearly a month ago. So Lady Treona decided she needed to get out of the Tower, to get her out into the open again and out of her rut.

Using the need to retrieve a very important component from Valthrun of Winterhaven as an excuse, Lady Treona tasked the job to Jessica with Dhrydis as an escort. Remarkably Jessica made it to Winterhaven without incident, for she was jumpy and had her wand out throughout the entire trip. Mind you she was used to road travel and being alert and ready was not a problem for her to begin with. But she seemed a little too tense and way to paranoid.

But in Winterhaven things started to change. The change of venue did her a lot of good, not being bottled up and somewhat stifled. She found some kids around town she started to hang out with and play like a regular child. Though she did not forget about the component she needed to retrieve from Valthrun. And the more safer and spacious change of scenery made her relax and be, well, normal. Well as normal as any 11 year old girl mage could be. Nonetheless she began to relax and by the time they were to head back to Treona's Tower, she was less paranoid, though still cautious and prepared, and more relaxed. It was a step in the right direction, getting Jessica out of her self imposed isolation and emotional shell, at least for a little while.

Jessica if anything though was far from an inexperienced young traveller. While most children would complain about long trips on foot, she simply kept soldiering on and never once bellyached about being tired or having sore feet. One of the advantages of spending half of your childhood on the road and constantly on the move, you got used to it. Even the cold weather did not deter her. She simply pulled her hooded cloak close to her and simply moved slowly and deliberately to conserve energy, knowing that there was no rush to get to the Tower. She did suggest that every time they needed to set up camp before nighttime that they do so early, even if there was a few more hours of daylight, wanting to set up shelter immediately before the much more colder night started. It was something her father always taught her when dealing with bad weather while travelling, caution and slow pacing were much better at ensuring survival. Moving too quickly and rashly only led to more mishaps and less likelihood to spot danger.

It was that kind of training and instinct that really helped her now. For by following her instincts, it also enabled her to stay calm and think things through. She knew she and Dhrydis were being stalked. But she also knew that running or acting all tense and paranoid did little to improve the situation. So instead of looking directly at any movements or clues she spotted, she simply acted like she did not notice anything at all but quietly told Dhrydis when she saw something. She had her wand out just in case. Thankfully other adventurers were in the area and hopefully there was safety in numbers.

Um normally I would say hello but I think we should wait till we reach the Tower and are safely inside. We are being stalked by 4 creatures. I don't know what but we are being followed and I don't know if they are friendly., she says to the two newcomers.

2015-08-14, 05:58 PM
Korinn's hand went to her axe immediately, as she scanned the area. "Are you certain, little one?" she asked quietly. Normally, she would introduce herself as befitting both a Paladin and a Dragonborn, but somethings couldn't wait, even for introductions.

Yeah, Korinn doesn't have good perception, but it makes sense that she would look anyway.[roll0]

Honor Guard
2015-08-14, 08:45 PM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: One.

Dhrydis had been travelling with Jessica as they returned from Winterhaven, he had noticed a change in his companion. She seemed to be somewhat more a young child, than she had been to that point, he too had lost his father to the goblin war party he had tracked through the Harken forest. As they shared the road, Dhrydis was careful to point out various herbs, and their various uses. He had tried to show her how to stalk, and set snares for small game, though she had no real skill for it, he did enjoy their time together.

He had noticed that they were being stalked several hours ago, their stalkers were of no small skill, and able to remain relatively hidden. As Jessica and Dhrydis came across the two strangers just before the Tower, he turned his attention back to their stalkers. The sudden appearance of a draconian warrior, and a halfling scout of sorts would be sure to make they small party following them more cautious, and perhaps they would begin to make mistakes.

"Greetings travelers, be wary, for the child and I have been followed by a small party, no greater than four." As he spoke, he paid particular attention to the bush, and other terrain that could conceal their hidden followers, "Though, if they are affiliated with the clan I believe, they could well be an advance scout for a larger war party."

As he spoke, he scanned the horizon line, drawing a greatbow, etched with fine elven runes. He smoothly knocked a long arrow with green fletching, and held another two arrows loosely in his hand.

OOC: A Perception Check 1d20+10, to spot and identify our pursuers. Also, remember that all non elf's within 5 squares may add a +1 racial bonus to their perception check. Huh, why didn't it do the roll ... did I do the formatting wrong.

2015-08-14, 11:06 PM
Korinn scans the woods, but the freezing drizzle and branches waving in the breeze prevent her from spotting any creatures. Dhrydis can tell that the creatures are closing in, but is unable to determine what they are.

Just to be clear, Korinn will not be surprised even though she didn't spot the creatures; knowing that they're coming is sufficient warning.

First a random test die roll: [roll0]
And now a test die in ooc tags:
edit: clearly I don't know how to do the OOC thing.

2015-08-14, 11:46 PM
Jessica is starting to get worried. Instinctively she knows that there is trouble coming. And the only safe place was the Tower. She starts beckoning everyone toward the tower as she quickens her pace. Pulling a sunrod from her backpack, she strikes it on the ground, lighting it, and throws it in the general direction of where the stalkers might be.

2015-08-15, 03:31 PM
Garrett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=293981), Halfling Monk

After speaking with Avernus in the Monastery, Garrett decided to help Lady Treona. He was hoping to get at least some kind of compensation out of it, nothing major, but something. He may have been trained by monks, but the whole philosophy of not seeking material possessions was not something he shared with them, he was not so greedy as he was in his youth, but he still needed something "After all...I may be small, but I still have to eat!" he thought, partly justifying his attitude.

After a long and lonely travel, Garrett was beginning to see Lady Triona's Tower, he was relieved, the full moon was going to rise in a couple of days and he always got restless when he was alone during full moons. First, it was during this period that his wererat side grew stronger, sometimes he even spent hours in his alternate form, just walking around the sewer or the lower parts of Winterhaven. Second, because the full moon always made him remember the day Barmalk was attacked.

Garrett was lost in thoughts about his family and friends when he noticed he was not alone. There was an Elf, a Kid and a Dragonborn traveler near him, but also something else...something that was following them. He then repplied to the others calmly "I noticed that too, I know nothing about clan and scouts, but sure there is something following us..." He quietly unsheathed his dagger and then kept saying "It is better if we get ready, it can be anything...but I think we should hurry to the tower."

First, Garrett will draw his dagger, but he will try to do it without attracting too much attention to the fact that he is doing it, specially on the direction that the followers are comming from. Second, Perception roll: [roll0]

Honor Guard
2015-08-15, 04:02 PM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: One.

Dhrydis nodded at the halfling as he spoke, "Jessica speaks true, there will be time for introductions in the safety of the tower, for now it would be prudent to make some measure of haste." With that he proceeded to the North Western support of the bridge. Once there he took a knee, turning to face his companions scanning the tree line, while he held arrow to bow string.

"I will cover your advance my friends."

OOC: Removed actions from this post to avoid confusion, and duplication.

2015-08-17, 04:56 AM
As Jessica's sunrod lands near the trees, the sudden illumination reveals the low-slung forms of several wolves moving into flanking positions. Flinching slightly from the light, the lead wolf howls, and that howl is answered by more howls from the other side of the river. Half of the wolves are starved to the point of desperation, while the rest merely look ravenously hungry. All of them gather themselves to charge forward....

Link to map. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2j3EEQubfRUNjlBdU5YMVU0bWc)

Initiative order:
Garrett (24)
Dhrydis (23)
Jessica (18)
Korinn (5)
Oskar (3)

Gray Wolves: HP: ?? AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: ?? Will: ??
Ravenous Wolves: HP: ?? AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: ?? Will: ??
Starving Wolves: HP: ?? AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: ?? Will: ??

TAG: Garrett, Dhyrdis, and Jessica

Honor Guard
2015-08-17, 08:06 PM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None. Two Fanged Strike & Elven Accuracy Expended.
Action Points: One.

As he crouched by the Bridge Support structure, Dhrydis took careful aim and let fly two arrows with deadly accuracy aimed towards the grey wolf's center mass.

OOC: Initial Attack Check. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19689936&postcount=2). Elven Accuracy Usage (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19689944&postcount=3). Assuming that 26 Hits & 18 Misses, that's 18 Damage (15+3 from Quarry), if 18 hits as well that's 34 damage (15+14+3 (Quarry)+2 (Two Fang Strike Bonus)

2015-08-18, 12:35 AM
Jessica moves towards the bridge and fires a lightning bolt with her wand that weaves towards her enemies. Unfortunately she slipped and the bolt missed the first target but she was able to adjust and right herself to make the bolt hit the second.

S3: [roll1] Use Heroic Effort to add +4 to attack making it 17.
Damage if Hit: [roll]1d6+5
Reroll Damage(if necessary): 1d6+5

2015-08-18, 12:39 AM
Damage: [roll0]
Reroll Damage Roll of 1 if necessary:[roll1]

2015-08-18, 12:56 AM
Already frustrated that she missed badly the first time, she suddenly spots three wolves on the other side of the bridge. Creating a ball of ice she slings it towards them and it shatters in between the three, sending shards of ice into two of them.

Q13: (1d20+6)[13]
R15: (1d20+6)[19]
S14: (1d20+6)[19]
Damage if Hit: (1d6+5)[8]
Reroll Natural 1 Damage: (1d6+5)[7]

2015-08-18, 04:53 AM
Two arrows fired by Dhrydis slice open long, bloody gashes on the flanks of the gray wolf. It howls in pain but remains standing. Meanwhile, Jessica calls forth powerful elemental forces, dropping one of the starving wolves and damaging two of the larger wolves.

Link to map. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2j3EEQubfRUcW1lY2FRTUFCM1U)

Dhrydis hits with both arrows after Elven Accuracy. Jessica hits the Gray Wolf with Arc Lightning after Heroic Effort, and hits the Ravenous Wolf and the Starving Wolf at S14 with Freezing Burst. Since you didn't specify, I slid the Ravenous Wolf to Q15, getting it out of the trees.

Bridge posts and rocks grant cover. Moving through these squares requires a DC12 Acrobatics or Athletics check, and occupying these squares requires you to be balancing or climbing.
Walls are blocking terrain.
Forest squares are difficult terrain that provide concealment.
River squares are difficult terrain.

Enemy status:
Gray Wolf (D2): 34 damage, bloodied
Gray Wolf (S3): 7 damage
Ravenous Wolf (R5): untouched
Ravenous Wolf (Q15): 8 damage
Starving Wolf (C1): untouched
Starving Wolf (S1): untouched
Starving Wolf (Q13): untouched
Starving Wolf (S14): dying

Initiative order:
Garrett (24)
Dhrydis (23) - ACTED
Jessica (18) - ACTED
Korinn (5)
Oskar (3)

Gray Wolves: HP: 34 < ?? < 78 AC: 16 Fort: ?? Refl: 15 Will: ??
Ravenous Wolves: HP: 16 < ?? AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: ?? < 19 Will: ??
Starving Wolves: HP: 1 AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: 11 < ?? < 19 Will: ??

TAG: Garrett

2015-08-18, 08:22 PM
Garrett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=293981), Halfling Monk

Garrett dashes to a position where he can cover the little kid and the elf, attacking one of the ravenous wolf, trying to get it off guard, with an series of punches and kickes, while using his dagger mostly as a defensive option and to increase his balance. After that he puts himself in a defensive stance, ready to take an attack from those feral beasts.

Move: Move 6 squares to Q,6
Standard: Open the Gate of Battle [E] on the Ravenous Wolf R5.
- Attack vs Reflex: [roll0]
- Damage: [roll1] (+1d10 from the target being full health already added), on hit I will also use Iron Soul Flurry off blows, for extra 5 Damage, also the wolf can not shift.
Trigger: The first attack that hits Garrett will trigger Second Chance.

2015-08-18, 11:04 PM
Garrett charges in with a vicious kicking combination that addles (and bloodies) the ravenous wolf, then follows up with a perfectly placed strike to the back of its neck, snapping its spine.

As that wolf collapses to the ground, the others spring forward, charging towards Jessica and encircling Dhrydis and Garrett. Jessica's leg is caught in the jaws of the remaining ravenous wolf while a starving wolf mauls at her arm, drawing blood as it tries to feed on the girl. Garrett is unable to evade the bite of the gray wolf near him; he is dragged to the ground and bloodied when attacked by another starving wolf. Dhrydis is more fortunate, managing to duck the snapping teeth of a gray wolf while dodging the lunging bite of a starving wolf.

As the wolves converge on Jessica, a window in Treona's tower flies open, and Treona calls out in a clear voice: "Get inside the tower! You'll be safe here!" A small pot flies out the window towards the wolf hanging on Jessica's leg, exploding in a brilliant burst that momentarily blinds the wolf and startles it into letting go of Jessica.

Link to map. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2j3EEQubfRUOXFuazNvYm9xU2M)

Garrett does hit, bloodying the Ravenous Wolf with Open the Gate of Battle, and then killing it with Iron Soul Flurry of Blows (exact damage!).

The Gray Wolves move to H6 and R6, and ready actions to attack when they have a flank.
The Ravenous Wolf moves to the bridge and charges Jessica to K8, hitting and grabbing Jessica.
The Starving Wolf at S1 moves to P6, avoiding OAs, triggering the Gray Wolf at R6. The Gray Wolf hits despite Second Chance, knocking Garrett Prone. The Starving Wolf then attacks and also hits, dealing extra damage because of Prone and bloodying Garrett. **attn Estralita: Korinn's Shield of Devotion can be used on Garrett after either of these attacks.**
The Starving Wolf at C1 moves to J1, then charges Dhrydis to J4 (no OA--Garrett is not in K1 at this point). Its movement triggers the Gray Wolf at H6, which misses badly. The Starving Wolf then barely misses with its attack.
The Starving Wolf at Q13 moves to the bridge and charges Jessica to L8, hitting and bloodying Jessica.
Treona attacks the Ravenous Wolf at K8, hitting and Blinding the wolf. I've ruled that the blinded wolf loses its hold on Jessica from startlement.

Bridge posts and rocks grant cover. Moving through these squares requires a DC12 Acrobatics or Athletics check, and occupying these squares requires you to be balancing or climbing.
Walls are blocking terrain.
Forest squares are difficult terrain that provide concealment.
River squares are difficult terrain.

Status tracker:
Gray Wolf (H6): 34 damage, bloodied
Gray Wolf (R6): 7 damage
Ravenous Wolf (R5): dying
Ravenous Wolf (K8): 8 damage, Blinded
Starving Wolf (J4): untouched
Starving Wolf (P6): untouched
Starving Wolf (L8): untouched
Starving Wolf (S14): dying

Jessica (K7): 7/21 HP, bloodied
Korinn (O1): untouched
Oskar (E14): untouched
Dhrydis (I5): untouched
Garrett (Q6): 9/28 HP, prone, bloodied

Initiative order:
Garrett (24)
Dhrydis (23)
Jessica (18)
Treona (15) - ACTED
Korinn (5)
Oskar (3)

Gray Wolves: HP: 34 < ?? < 78 AC: 16 Fort: ?? Refl: 15 Will: ??
Ravenous Wolves: HP: 25 AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: ?? < 19 Will: ??
Starving Wolves: HP: 1 AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: 11 < ?? < 19 Will: ??

TAG: Everyone!

2015-08-19, 01:29 AM
While Korrin would never admit it to anyone except herself and her god, she was caught a bit off balance by the sudden attack. She was caught off guard, and now her fellow travelers were all in pain.

And while her first instinct was to help the hatchling, she also knew that by the time she got to her, she would either be dead, or she would have used her magic to escape. And there were others that needed protection too. All of this calculation was already taking up too much time. Korrin made her choice and sprung into action.

The halfling was the closest, with two wolves cornering him. Korrin rushed towards him, throwing up a healing shield to offer him some form of protection as he lay on the ground. Reaching his side, Korrin brought her axe down on one of the wolves, while sending divine power into both. If either dared to attack him again, they would not only feel her wrath, but also the wrath of Moradin.

First, Interrupt Shield of Faith, healing 4 HP for Garret. Unfortunately, Korrin doesn't have a high enough speed to reach the Grey Wolf, so no attack bonus for me :smallfrown: It happens. Unless you can move diagonally without penalty. Whoops.
Move to Q5
Standard Action using Ardent Strike on Grey Wolf, applying Divine Sanction.
Damage(If hit):(d12+4)[16]
Minor action applying Divine Challenge on Starving Wolf

Honor Guard
2015-08-19, 05:42 AM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None. Two Fanged Strike & Elven Accuracy Expended.
Action Points: One>Zero.

As the two wolves broke cover and rushed towards him, Dhrydis was able to maneuver himself and pull back from their snarling and snapping jaws. Even as he did so he could hear the savage sounds of their attack on his companion, as Jessica was mauled by the unnaturally aggressive wolves.

He shifted his aim, and nimbly stepped between the wolves flanking him while firing a single arrow at the wolf who had his teeth sunk into the young girls arm, he then quickly turned his attention towards the larger wolf who he had already injured, and sank two more arrows into it's chest in a desperate attempt to disengage and move to his companions aid.

OOC: Standard Action to Nimble Strike the Starving Wolf at L-8, Shift to H-4 before attack check (as per Nimble Strike) to avoid AoO. Action Point to Twin Strike the Grey Wolf at H-6, if the Twin Strike kills the Gray Wolf, movement action to move H-5>H-6>I-7 and end my turn in I-7. Results of Attack Checks & Damage. (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19696868&postcount=10) Resulting in 6 Damage to the Starving Wolf at L-8, and 13 more damage to the Gray Wolf at H-6. If it's still standing (I hope not!) Dhrydis ends his turn in H-4.

2015-08-19, 06:20 AM
Oskar, Deva Artificer|Shaman

A head peeks from the window of the tower, the face a marbled white with scattered purple markings across it. It seems extremely nervous, as the hands resting on the edge seem to shake wildly. He shouts to the group who's fighting ahead: "Protect the young one!"

It pulls out a small, throwable lance, and draws in the air with it. A green rune appears near the elf and the girl, revitalizing the girl and compelling the archer to make an attack.

Move - Move to F11

Free - Call Spirit Companion at J6.

Minor - Curative Admixture on Jessica (no surge spent!) for her Healing Surge value+4

Standard - Dhrydis makes a basic attack with an extra +2 to hit and +4 to damage.

2015-08-19, 11:03 AM
Jessica yells in pain as she is attacked. Out of instinct she lashes out at the wolves in front of her, unleashing a torrent of flames that engulf them and burn one badly.

K8: [roll0]
L8: [roll1]
Damage Roll 1: [roll2]
Damage Roll 2: [roll3]
Reroll Natural 1 damage roll: [roll4]

2015-08-19, 07:01 PM
Korrin's axe bloodies the gray wolf as she moves to protect Garrett. Dhrydis's flurry of arrows drops the other gray wolf and the starving wolf near Jessica. As Oskar joins the battle, Jessica surges with renewed vigor and flames spray across the battleground, searing the remaining ravenous wolf. It has not been a good day for the wolves. Sorely wounded and with half his pack down, the remaining gray wolf lets out a peculiar wimpering howl, and the wolves begin to scatter.

Link to map. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2j3EEQubfRUYUFPdkZMNFVWa0k)

If you're willing to let the wolves flee, the battle is over and you've won. Otherwise I'll update statuses with details and we can continue, starting with Dhrydis's free RBA.

Bridge posts and rocks grant cover. Moving through these squares requires a DC12 Acrobatics or Athletics check, and occupying these squares requires you to be balancing or climbing.
Walls are blocking terrain.
Forest squares are difficult terrain that provide concealment.
River squares are difficult terrain.

Initiative order:
Garrett (24)
Dhrydis (23)
Jessica (18)
Treona (15) - ACTED
Korinn (5)
Oskar (3)

Gray Wolves: HP: 34 < ?? < 78 AC: 16 Fort: ?? Refl: 15 Will: ??
Ravenous Wolves: HP: 25 AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: ?? < 19 Will: ??
Starving Wolves: HP: 1 AC: ?? Fort: ?? Refl: 11 < ?? < 19 Will: ??

TAG: battle over?

Honor Guard
2015-08-19, 07:37 PM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: Zero.

As the strange rune cast from the Shaman filled Dhrydis with a surge of primal energy, he let the arrow slip off his bowstring. Despite his frustration with his inability to keep Jessica from harm, she would survive, and the wolves were acting in accordance with their nature, and as such there was no reason to needlessly pursue the feeling pack.

He quivered the arrow he had been about to loose to the wolves, and sprinted to Jessica's side helping offering her his hand, wincing as he saw her ragged breeches and blood stained sleeve. "Quickly Jess, we must make the tower and have your wounds attended there." Pausing to look at the odd gathering of strangers, they were unknown to him, and seemed both well armed and competent, but they had come to his, and more importantly, Jessica's aid, and so he included them in his warning.

"Lets make haste my friends, I am sure the Lady of the Tower could spare a hearth to take the chill from the night, and a bed to tend our wounded."

OOC: I'm willing to call it quits on the combat, no need to chase them down, lets get inside and take care of our wounded.

2015-08-19, 07:47 PM
Korrin gives a small nod as the wolves escape. She turns to the halfling "Are you all right?"

2015-08-20, 06:19 AM
Undaunted by her wounds, Jessica runs as fast as she can to the Tower.

2015-08-20, 09:06 PM
Garrett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=293981), Halfling Monk

Garrett thinks after the battle is over "I must be getting rusty...those oversized dogs getting the best of me is not great.". He then repplies smiling to the Dragonborn Paladin "I'm ok, it is just a couple of scratchs nothing major, thank you for the backup!" He then looks around checking if the little girl was still alive, he then end saying relieved "Let's go to the tower before another pack of beast attack us..."

2015-08-20, 11:39 PM
When Jessica enters the tower, Lady Treona greets her with a brief hug. "Welcome back, child. Here, let's get you settled and get those wounds cleaned." While Treona fusses over Jessica, a regal man descends a staircase and walks over to stand near the the cheery fireplace. As the others follow Jessica into the tower, he nods a greeting to Dhrydis, and then his eyes light on Korrin and Garrett. "Welcome to Treona's Tower, and our thanks for helping to chase away those wolves. I am Kiris Alkirk, and this is the Lady Treona."

Treona nods and smiles at the newcomers, and says, "Please, gather near the fire, warm and dry yourselves. I will be with you in a moment."

As she continues her ministrations, Kiris asks, "What brings you to the tower? Are you also companions of the young miss?"

2015-08-21, 12:37 PM
Jessica genuinely returns the hug, happy to return to Treona again. As Treona administers to her she heads to the fire at the heart and places the spell component that she attained from Winterhaven on a nearby table before taking a seat and warming herself.

No they just so happened to arrive and meet us just outside when the wolves attacked. Good thing too given that there were lots of wolves out there. I don't think we would have made it without them.

2015-08-21, 06:45 PM
Garrett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=293981), Halfling Monk

Garrett looks to Kiris and says relieved to be inside of the tower "My name is Garrett Slade, Avernus is my master and my oldest friend alive, he said to me that Lady Treona might be needing some sort of assist and since I was doing nothing useful with myself I decided to come here and maybe help out."

2015-08-23, 05:47 PM
Korinn stood up straight to her full height of 6'4". While she was a bit short for a Dragonborn, there weren't any Dragonborn in the room. "I am Korinn of the Clan Bloodbane." Her jaw clenched slightly as she spoke her clan's name, but she continued. "Paladin of Moradin. I too was asked to perform a task of protection for Lady Treona."

2015-08-23, 10:07 PM
The shaken-looking Deva in the corner walks slightly awkwardly to the group of adventurers who have just reached the tower, makes sure his back is straight and notices that he is slightly taller than the dragonborn in front of him, at 6 feet 5 and a half inches - in fact, the tallest person in the room. He talks quickly and with a mix of excitation and aprehension as he swiftly scans the group around him. First, the small Halfling looked tougher than average when compared to himself, and probably was deceptively tough. Second, the Dragonborn woman had a clear air of being ready for battle and dedicating herself to finding her place in the world. Third, the Elf seemed to be precise with the bow and also seemed to be searching around the room for some reason that he still didn't know - slightly suspicious. He also had some magical residue from the rune that Oskar had cast. Fourth, the young Human girl appeared to be fine thanks to the sigil that had protected her from further worsening of her wounds, and was intertwined with Lady Treona. Oskar decided that it was time to finally present himself to the group.

"I am Oskar, the resident arcane specialist. There are a few things that are interesting me right now - the first is the power of such a young girl and how it seems to be already decently developed compared to what I've seen of her since some time ago, the second is what is such a task that Lady Treona has mentioned to these two newcomers, and the third is why did those wolves attack the travelers. For each thing, there has to be an explanation behind it."

Honor Guard
2015-08-24, 05:03 AM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: Zero.

Dhrydis watched the assembled company as they warmed themselves by the hearth and introductions began in the cozy room. He nodded to Kiris as his pacing took him closer to the man, and then he turned to look over his new companions as they spoke.

"Master Slade, a most noble heart beats within your breast, your willingness to come to the aid of Jessica and I is very much appreciated, it is my hope that your wounds do not aggrieve you overmuch." He laid a slender hand on the halflings shoulder as he turned to speak to the draconic warrior who stood at least a head taller than him.

"Mistress Korinn, Chosen of Moradin, we are also in your debt, the courage and selflessness of your patron are on display through you actions. I thank you on behalf of both myself, and the child." As he spoke, he placed curled his hand into a fist, and placed it over his heart as he bowed his head. "And you as well Arcanist Oskar, if it were not for your runes of protection, things may well have ended," he paused considering the situation they had been in prior to Oskar ancient sigils and runes protected them, "in a much different fashion."

His pacing had carried him to the chair the Jessica was seated in, "I am Dhrydis Olendran, an aspirant Fey Warden of Mithrendain." As he mentioned the name of the fabled city, he face grew saddened, "Though it is now closed to the roads and pathways of this realm. I have been this child's warden for some number of weeks now, and Oskar speaks truth, the wolves seemed unnaturally bold to me, predators though they are, they would rarely set upon such a large gathering of travelers."

2015-08-27, 04:04 PM
Garrett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=293981), Halfling Monk

Garrett repplied to Dhrydis "Well meet, Oskar, Korinn and Dhrydis! And there is no need to thank me, I could not stand idly while wolfs were attacking the little kid." For just an instant Garrett remembered the scene of his dead siblings being slaughtered by werewolfs. But he quickly covered his sadness, trying to focus on what was going on in the present rather than the past.

Bluff roll: [roll0] a roll to try to cover Garrett's true fellings - sadness - due to the memory of his dead siblings and parents.

2015-08-27, 05:29 PM
Korrin looked into the room impassively at the elf's words, nodding slightly in acknowledgement. Her own ego was less important here, it was for both her god and her clan that she traveled. Personal ego led only to trouble in her line.

Once he was done speaking, she spoke up. "It seems we are all here for a similar purpose, then. To protect the hatchling. Is that correct?"

2015-08-29, 06:39 PM
Oskar spuns his hand around as if retrieving some sort of arcane string from his ear - nothing came from it, of course, and spoke:

"Well, I'm here to research alongside the child - as well as the child - but it seems we all have the same purpose in this... scenario of sorts."

2015-08-29, 11:15 PM
"Ah, a happy coincidence then. Allow me to again express our gratitude." Kiris nods slowly, as if to himself, as he assesses the assembled visitors. "We do indeed have a task to request of you. I shall let the Lady explain, for she understands the particulars better than I."

Lady Treona pats Jessica fondly, then stands and addresses the group. "In simple terms, we would like you to infiltrate the town of Kiris Dahn, find and retrieve a certain item, and return it here to me. The object in question--a slaying stone--is small and easy to transport, and you should experience no difficulties with a short-term exposure. Jessica knows the town and should be able to provide considerable assistance." The lady sighs, and continues, "Of course, there are certain complications that will interfere with this task. Kiris Dahn has been occupied by goblins for the past 8 years, ever since they overwhelmed the town's defenses. I believe they are now calling it 'Gorizbadd'. Your task will become significantly more difficult if the goblin leaders learn of your presence and mobilize their forces to hunt you down. I am certain you can easily handle a few goblins if needed, but you cannot stand against the entire horde. Furthermore...."

Lady Treona breaks off with a fretful expression. Coming to a decision, she says, "Furthermore, you may run into another set of complications. I have only recently learned that a slaying stone still exists. I suspect that my source has also given the information to a... less scrupulous party. If so, there will certainly be others hunting for the stone. It is imperative that you be the ones who find the stone; I do not wish to dwell on the possibilities that may arise if it falls into the wrong hands."

2015-08-29, 11:29 PM
Korinn nods in understanding. "Sounds like a worthy quest."

Honor Guard
2015-08-30, 05:09 AM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: Zero.

Dhrydis regarded Lady Treona as she spoke, he himself was more used to speaking with Kiris, as Treona was not a woman to divulge her secrets with anyone. Yet, as she hesitated towards the end of her request, Dhrydis raised an elegant eyebrow, nodding slowly.

"'tis indeed a noble quest, yet our goal is most ominously named, 'the slaying stone', and the Lady believes it shall not be harmful to be exposed to it? What form would that harm take should she be wrong I wonder, and from where does this information flow." He paused eyeing the group, "Are you not concerned with the nature of this object, for what purpose is it intended, and whom our adversaries are? Information would aid us in planning our expedition to the fallen town, and increase our odds of returning successful."

2015-08-30, 08:06 PM
Jessica sighed inwardly. She still had nightmares of her time in Gorizbadd. But she knew her duty. She felt guilty being reluctant to help find the Slaying Stone. But she was inwardly afraid. Still she decided it was time to speak up.

Lady Treona...do you have a recent map of Gorizbadd? I know it has been 8 years but perhaps looking it over might help us plan out our search for the stone. Hopefully from what I can remember from my and Dhrydis time there we can correlate a plan of entry and escape, and maybe where would be the best places to search for the stone?

2015-08-30, 11:33 PM
As Dhyrdis questions the source of the information, Kiris smiles. "I believe that I am the answer to your question about how we know so much about the stone. You see, it was my ancestors who commissioned the creation of the slaying stones, to help us secure Kiris Dahn against invaders. My parents believed that the eighth and last of the slaying stones was used by my grandfather while defending the town. However," Kiris nods towards Treona, "thanks to the Lady's research, we have recently discovered that nine slaying stones were created. It is this ninth stone that we are asking you to locate."

Lady Treona nods in confirmation. "The stones were stored and used without ill effects for decades after their creation. However, it is undeniable that the forces they control are evil and deadly in origin. As such, our purpose is to see the remaining stone safely destroyed before it is used for evil purposes. Indeed, the errand young Jessica has just completed gives me the last of the components I need for the ritual of destruction--aside from the stone itself, of course."

"If the stone should fall into the possession of the one I fear--a talented but unscrupulous scholar named Dreus Matrand--the consequences could be worse. Dreus has been studying similar magics for years, seeking to learn how to create such items."

In response to Jessica's request, Treona says, "We do indeed have a rough map of the town." As she speaks, Kiris retrieves four scrolls and a pouch from the mantlepiece and offers them to the party. "In addition," continues the Lady, "I have prepared three scrolls containing rituals that will help you find the stone. It has a limited range, but it will show you an image of the stone's location if you can get close enough. I recommend using the rituals at the center of any buildings you wish to investigate. The pouch contains the reagents Jessica will need to activate the scrolls."

Kiris adds, "Important locations in the town are labeled on the map. I believe the most likely resting places for the stone are my family's estate, the old library, or perhaps one of the temples."

Link to Map. (https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B2j3EEQubfRUNmdYZkg0R2Uyb3c)


City Gate
Slum District (Kobold occupation?)
Kiris Dahn Library
Holy Shrines
Trade District
Inn of the Tallest Fir
Kiris Family Stables
Baths of Kiris Dahn
Kiris Dahn Estate

Honor Guard
2015-08-31, 07:46 AM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: Zero.

Dhrydis looked at the map, studying it's features and trying to orient it's position to his experiences along the outskirts of the town some time ago. He placed a finger on the river flowing north then bending west, "Here, were we to follow the river north, then use the woods as cover, and approach from the east, it would put us within striking distance of two locations." He tapped the map twice, indicating the Old Library and the Shrines, "Where the Stone may be held. It would require us crossing tilled land, with little cover, so we would need to be quick, and move low. There does appear to various hovel's once we clear the fields, which would afford both us and our adversaries cover and concealment. So regardless we will need to move with caution and guile."

He continued to look at the map for a moment, before glancing around to his companions to see if they had any insights to offer to the initial approach.

2015-08-31, 08:06 AM
"I'd argue that creating a distraction somewhere in the west would be beneficial to us."

Honor Guard
2015-08-31, 08:23 AM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: Zero.

Dhrydis looked up as the tall spiritualist spoke, nodding slowly, "There is wisdom in that, though what manner of distraction? Had I two units of rangers to perform this, one could certainly do so, but to split our already meager forces would concern me."

2015-08-31, 09:30 AM
"You're nimble on your feet, aren't you? If I give you a torch, you'll know what to do."

He the cackles maniacally.

2015-08-31, 09:54 AM
Jessica looks at the map and also tries to search her memory of details of the current Kiris Dahn/Gorizbadd. She tries to remember any patterns she may have seen in the goblin patrols, where goblin guards were located and stationed, and back alleys and paths through the city the party can sneak through with the least amount of exposure or notice from goblins and any other denizens of the city currently. She also tries to find the most accessible and safest routes into and out of the city without being spotted by goblins.

Perception Roll: (1d20+7)[21]
Dungeoneering Roll: (1d20+9)[16]

2015-09-02, 07:37 PM
Garrett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=293981), Halfling Monk

Garrett study the map for a second, listening to what Dhrydis and Oskar had to say and then repplies "I'm in favor of a distraction, it is like my master used to say: 'When outnumbered try to separate the enemies forces', I might be able to help with the distraction part. It is not something I'm proud of nowadays, but when I was a kid I was pretty sneaky and also I can create a trap or two with enough time and material."

2015-09-03, 10:39 PM
What sort of contraption would that be? One that wouldn't give it away that it's a distraction immediatly once they found it, yes?"

2015-09-05, 04:08 PM
After examining the map closely, Jessica has made up her mind. She is uncertain but she is positive she is right on some accounts.

Well if I may throw my own thoughts into the fray. The front gate is out of the question. It is always being guarded and might be difficult to sneak by. And even if we could attack quickly without them raising the alarm they might get suspicious if they go missing when they are replaced by the next shift. I say we try to find a safe way to cross the river and enter the slum area. Might be faster.

2015-09-09, 03:02 AM
Kiris quietly says, "I shall leave you to your discussions. Good evening." With that, he retreats up the staircase.

Lady Treona adds, "Let me know when you are ready to sleep, and I will show you to your rooms." She then settles on the couch and begins to read from a tome.

Feel free to continue planning if you like. When you're ready, we'll move on to tomorrow.

Honor Guard
2015-09-09, 05:22 AM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: Zero.

Dhrydis nodded as his ward spoke, "I concur with our young companion, an approach from the south east, fjord the river and continue in through the slums, dispatching patrols quickly and quietly." He traced his slender finger along the route, "Thereby gaining access to two of the potential sites of this relic, the Library and the Shrines. Then if need be, we sweep north and east past the family stables to the Estate if we have yet to locate the relic."

I would prefer a simple plan for expediency sake, simply to get the ball rolling so we don't stall at this stage of the game. That's just me though.

2015-09-10, 09:54 PM
Garrett (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=293981), Halfling Monk

"As long as we act fast and without calling too much attention to ourselves, I think your plan can work. For what I saw during our encounter with the wolfs I think we can handle a couple of goblins, but not a horde of those bastards." Garrett did not know the place that well, so he decided just to follow the elf and the young spellcaster call for this one.

2015-09-12, 12:31 AM
As the discussion winds down, Lady Treona shows you to some guest rooms. The rooms are small but clean and comfortable, and the night passes peacefully. As you make preparations to head out in the morning, Lady Treona says, "Ah, yes. I do have a request of a personal nature. It is by no means as important as securing the slaying stone, but I'm afraid I was forced to abandon some rare books when we fled the town. If you can find and return them, I would be most grateful." She offers a list of the books she is looking for to whomever seems interested.

The party encounters no difficulty with the region between the tower and the town. Soon enough, it is time for your final approach and infiltration.

You can time your arrival at the outskirts of the area for whatever time of day or night you think is most beneficial.

2015-09-12, 03:35 PM
Jessica takes the list before giving Treona and grateful and genuine hug.

Those books might be located in the library. So maybe when we check the library for the Slaying Stone, we can also do a quick search for those books., she says before leaving, to give Treona assurance that she will try.

Jessica takes her place in the middle of party, 4th from the front and at a distance. When they approach the town, she stays low and crouches as she walks. She squints her eyes and tries to assess from where she is where any goblins patrols are or might be if any can be seen and where might be the best place to spot to cross the river.


2015-09-13, 01:36 AM
Jessica points out some details about patrols and the surrounding terrain. The comments should be useful when the party makes their approach.

The next skill check gets a +2 bonus thanks to Jessica's contributions.

Honor Guard
2015-09-13, 09:04 AM
Dhrydis Olendran, Winter Touched Fey Warden (http://www.myth-weavers.com/sheet.html#id=304552)
Hit Points: 25 of 25, 6 Surges Remaining
Conditions: None.
Action Points: One.

Nodding as Jessica's eyes picked out the details of the goblin patrols, Dhrydis was confident that the approach just before dawn was the right choice. Goblins were typically nocturnal, and as such any patrols they encountered in the dawn would be groggy, and less attentive than if they had approached during the night. It also afforded his young ward a better chance to observe the movements and their foes.

He led the party towards the river at the narrowest point, before it's course took it north-east again. The young girl was perceptive, and had managed to pick out some of the patrols that he himself had been observing. He made his way across the river, and approached through the thin woods to the south west of the farmers field, he would have to be cautious with his approach, but he moved carefully from tree to tree, before he began using the corner of the farm house for cover from the few patrols he saw.

Once in position he waited, and then whistled the pre-arranged signal so that his companions knew it was clear and could move to his position.

The results of his Stealth & Perception Checks (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showsinglepost.php?p=19811068&postcount=13) are 31 & 23 respectively. Hopefully that will give us some insight and get us into position.

2015-09-13, 07:20 PM
Dhrydis skillfully guides the party to a spot near the river and mostly devoid of patrols. There's some rough terrain ahead, and then the river to deal with.