View Full Version : Amerhikan Wasteland version 2.0

2015-08-14, 02:45 PM
Disclaimer: This is a work of Fiction, while based upon our world much artistic license has been taken, as such assume that everything is made up and any resemblance to the real world is a coincidence.

Since the last thread was Necroed recently i realized that i should probably reincarnate it, and actually finish this :smalltongue: The Original Thread (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?362872-Amerhikan-Wasteland-%28an-Exodus-Setting%29)

This idea started as Exodus with fantasy races, it has since evolved into an alternate earth timeline. In a nutshell its a 1970s nuclear apocalypse with a coating of sci fi tech.

Heres the races and a snapshot of each;

Humans: Humans are strange in the fact that they are on almost every continent (except North and South Amerhika) and are almost always an underclass. Some of the more famous Human Cultures: The Celts, The Romani, and the Mongols.

Elves: The Elves originated for the Roman Empire, and after its fall formed the nations of France, Britain, Spain and Italy as well as several others. They conquered many humans and made them their serfs, an arrangement that has lasted many years. In the modern age humans are still an underclass in predominantly Elven countries.

Dwarves: Dwarves originated in Greece and the Roman Empire, eventually spreading through Germany, Russia, and the Nordic Countries. Humans in Dwarven lands are treated a bit better than in the Elven nations, but they are still an underclass.

Goblins and Bugbears: Goblins and Bugbears originated in Africa, and by and large that is where they remained for many years, until Elven slavers came in the 17th century. After that they spread around the world. Strangely there are Bugbears Native to Australia, however there are no Goblins native there.

Orcs: Orcs lived throughout Canada and Eastern Armerhika. They had many tribes spread throughout the continent. When the first elven explorers came to North Amerhika they met with orcish natives. It didnt go well. Also Amerhika is a bastardization of an Orc word meaning "Free Land" and this is what the humans called it.

Gnolls: Gnolls live throughout the Amerhikan West all the way south through Mexico. They too have many tribes throughout the continent.

Saurans: Saurans, sometimes called lizardmen, live in Southeastern Amerhika as well as all across the South Amerhikan continent.

The Timeline:
For brevity's sake im only listing important events, starting with the discovery of Amerhika (as thats where the game is set, obviously)

Late 12th century: Famed Dwarven explorer Lief Ericson sets off to colonize Newfoundland. 5 years later a second wave of colonizer a set off, planing to restock with Leif's party. But when they arrive, they find the corpses frozen next to their burn she'll of a ship. The bodies haven't been touched or even decomposed. They are just frozen with arrows sticking out of them. Black arrows.

1492 Columbus Discovers Amerhika- Christopher Columbus, an Elven explorer discovers Amerhika. Initial contact with Sauran natives was inconclusive as the Saurans appeared uninterested in anything the Elves had.

1585 Roanoke founded- Roanoke was one of the first colonies founded on Amerhika and it was the first to be wiped out. The Elves the colonized there were killed by local Orcs, while the humans where taken to the tribes camp and eventually adopted.

1586 Roanoke re founded- The humans go back to Roanoke several weeks before ships from Europe were expected, they tell the Elves on board of a mysterious illness that killed all the Elves at the colony. Some of the Elvish colonists disembark but most return to Europe. The elves that disembarked are slain by the same "illness".

1595-Elvish settlers stop coming to Amerhika, humans are sent instead, as they are immune to the "illness"

1608- The first permanent settlement in Canada is founded, apparently the "illness" is not present in the northern climes.

1609-1769 Exploration and colonization of Amerhika continue. The human colonies expand quickly with the help of the local Orcish tribes.

1770- After nearly 200 hundred years, through methods unknown, the Elvish nations discover what the "illness" actually is, and begin to send large punitive military units to Amerhika as well as put punishing taxes into place.

1775- After 5 years of punishing taxes and large scale military oppression, the humans rise up and declare independence, many orc tribes join with them as they begin to fight the allied Elvish forces.

1783- After 8 bloody years, the Revolutionary War ends, the United States of Amerhika is officially recognized as a sovereign nation. Canada is now part of Amehika.

1810- Amerhikan Navy begins "emancipation raids" off the coast of Africa. Many rescued slaves are taken to Amerhika after it is discovered that the Amerhikans have no way to get them home.

1812- The War of 1812 erupts over the price of slaves, which has almost tripled because of Amerhikan raids.

1815- After two and a half years, the war ends, Amerhika agrees to stop the naval raids.

1817- Many Sauran tribes in the Amerhikan Southeast agree to join the United States.

1856- The Plains Wars begin. Amerhikan settlers clash with Gnoll tribes on the great plains.

1865- After 9 years of bloody conflict a peace is forged between several Gnoll tribes and the United States.

1898- The Spainish Amerhikan war occurs, Amerhika gains Mexico.

1914- WWI begins, Amerhika remains in isolation

1917- At the request of France and Britain, and the promise of lucrative trade agreements, Amerhika enters WWI

1918- One year after the United States entry into the War, the War ends. Amerhika counsels against the harsh reparations France and Britain wish to levy against Germany. Amerhika's counsel is ignored and the trade agreements promised are never signed.

1920- Amerhika begins to explore the southern tip of the Mexican territory and discover the Cueva tribe of Saurans in Panama. Peaceful contact is made by Jean Maurice, a Sauran supervisor on the exploration team, and the only person the Cueva would communicate with.

1922- The Strait of Panama is discovered. Led by Cueva guides, Jean Maurice, now a respected explorer and "expert" on the Cueva, discovered the Strait of Panama, a natural pass from the Atlantic ocean to the Pacific ocean.

1926- After several years of negotiation the Cueva decide to become a protectorate of Amerhika. The Cueva begin the process of modernization.

1930- The Great Depression begins. Not being as dependent on international trade the United States isnt hit as hard as Europe. The Dust Bowl begins.

1938-The Great Depression and the Dust Bowl end. The Cueva, in their attempts to modernize, purchase all of their modern goods from Amerhika, thus shortening the Great Depression.

1939- WWII begins. Hitler asks Amerhika to join him against the Allies. Amerhika politely refuses. France' Maginot Line holds Germany back.

1942- Operation Valkyrie is a success and Hitler is assassinated along with many of his increasingly crazed staff. Henning von Tresckow, now Chancellor of Germany sends request for Amerhika to reconsider joining the Axis. While Amerhika deliberates this change, Britain and France, acting on partial intelligence, launch an attack on Manhattan. The Battle of Manhattan Harbor is fought with Amerhika coming out bruised but whole. Amerhika joins with the Axis.

1945- After 2 years of being hammered in two directions, Britain and France surrender to the Axis. Russia swears to fight "to the last man". Amerhika deploys Little Boy, a nuclear weapon, on Stalingrad, where, by happy coincidence, Joseph Stalin was giving a speech. Russia agreed to a ceasefire 3 days later.

1960- After presiding over the reconstruction of France and Russia, Amerhika withdraws from the world stage and focuses on internal problems.

1982- Edward Cochran and Floyd von Braun create the first Fusion Reactor.

1987- Sparked by Chinese aggression Amerhika begins research on Power Armor, the first suit is a success, mass production started almost immediately.

1990- Victor Holonyak creates the first man-portable laser weapon, though man-portable was debatable it started the "laser revolution". The first Fusion powered car hits the market.

2012- Day 0. Longstanding anger at Amerhika comes to a head. China, France, and Britain open "WWIII" with a massive barrage of Rad Missiles targeted at the United States. The Amerhikan laser defense system shoots down the majority of the missiles but more than enough get through, forcing the populace into the ARC Vaults. President Ron Jones gives his famous "Final Speech" before launching Amerhikan counter-measures, two multistage "bus" missiles loaded to the gills with fusion warheads. China refers to this day as "The Day of Heavens Fury" and Europe simply calls it "The Rain of Fire". There are no exact numbers on casualties, but is guessed that only 30% of the Amerhikan population is left, either in ARC Vaults or above ground.

2062- ARC Vaults begin to open.

Mechanical Stuff
All races are Medium
+2 Int, +2 Con
30 ft movement speed
+1 to three skills or +3 to one skill

+2 Dex, +2 Int
30ft movement speed
+2 on Search, Spot, Listen, and Sense Motive
Automatically gets a Search check when within 5ft of a hidden door or compartment
Low light Vision

+2 Con, +2 Wis
20ft movement speed
+4 vs Bull Rush, Trip, and Overrun attempts
+4 on Fort saves vs Poison and Radiation
Take no movement penalty while in medium or heavy armor

+2 Str, +2 Wis
30ft movement speed
+2 on Knowledge (nature) and Survival
+4 on Fort saves vs Disease and Fatigue

+2 Con, +2 Str
30ft movement speed
+2 on Ride, Handle Animal, and Survival

+2 Str, +2 Dex
30ft Movement Speed
+1 Nat Armor
+2 Spot, Listen, Hide and Move Sliently
+1 to all saves

+2 Int, +2 Cha
30ft Movement Speed
+2 on Diplomacy, Bluff, Repair, Disable Device and one Craft Skill
Slight Build

+2 Str, +2 Con
30ft movement speed 15ft swim speed
+2 Nat Armor
2 Claws (1d4) and a Bite (1d4) natural attacks
Hold Breath

+2 Dex, +2 Cha
30ft movement
Low Light Vision
+1 on Will and Fort Saves

Trans-Genetic Mutant
+4 Str, +2 Con, -2 Int
30ft movement
+4 Fort vs Disease and Radiation
Combat Bonus: Trans-Genetic Mutants can only use Large or bigger Ranged weapons and Medium or larger melee weapons. Additionally they can only wear armor specially sized for them (this increases the cost by 50%) but their thick skin grants then PDR 3.
Powerful Build

Sorry for the WALL OF TEXT, yes this is my "short version" any help the playground can provide would be great.

2015-08-14, 02:59 PM

The East Coast
The Compound
Unbeknownst to most people President Ron Jones's Final Speech ends with standing orders for all Military personnel to protect as many civilian as they could. Sadly this order didnt make it much past the borders of Maryland. Thankfully a regiment of Trans-Genetic Mutants heard the order and hurriedly got many civilians into a military ARC Vault. Currently The Compound is a fully functioning military base run by Colonel Star, one of the oldest Trans-Gen Mutants on base. While they don't suffer from the issues other Trans-Gen Mutants do, namely the increased growth rate impeding mental development, they still suffer from a lower average Intelligence than others. They compensate for this by rigorous training.The Civilians are free to leave, and many do, but its usually only to go on week long scavenging mission escorted by soldiers.

The Midwest
The Family
A group of Mutants based in Chicago, led by Uncle Vlad. They believe that Mutants are the heirs to the world and as such wage war against the "normals". they are made up primarily of Ghouls and people with fairly visible mutations as well as numerous Transgenic Mutant Defectors.

The Metal Militia
A pseudo-religous/paramilitary group. As their name suggests they are big on Metal music, as well as all forms of Rock n Roll. They started out as a small group of bikers and have blossomed into a large organization whose primary goal is protecting wasteland towns and innocents. While united in cause and name they are actually made up of dozens of smaller "gangs" these number from as few as 3 people to well over 100 and most are named after songs or bike gangs. While they are partially religious it isnt a requirement to join. They believe that Metal music, specifically Heavy, Power and Symphonic metals tell us all how to live our lives with honor. Their motto is "Honor, Loyalty, Brotherhood" this is joking turned into "Booze, Sex, and Metal" by the less serious members of the Militia, though never around an Iron Priest.

Children of the Elder Gods
A group of ARC dwellers that heard the "voices of the gods" in the sound of radiation trough the ARCs speakers. These depraved and crazed individuals will kidnap people and offer them to their "gods". They view technology as almost something akin to magical, and they perform lengthy rituals when making repairs. Also they will "summon" horrible creatures to fight for them. This is general them just luring mutated creatures nearby with the sacrifice of Sapient creatures.

NEMO is just as its written in the Southwest Survival guide, they just have more light vehicles that they fight with.

Panama survived the Nuclear holocaust mostly thanks to the fact that no one particularly cared about them. Pre Apocalypse Panama was trying to modernize itself and had succeeded in reaching a tech level synonymous with 1950s Amerhika. Post Apocalypse Panama looks closer to 1970s Amerhika, but most of their economy is supported by war. Panama is constantly at war with NEMO and only their functioning infrastructure keeps them free. The symbol of Panama's military strength is the Mk VII Hammer tank. The tank is built off of old blueprints of a King Tiger Tank. Many of Panama's fighting units are made of escaped slaves from Northern Mexico.

2015-08-19, 03:10 PM
I do love me some Exodus! Are you primarily looking for feedback, content suggestions, something else?

2015-08-20, 04:43 PM
I do love me some Exodus! Are you primarily looking for feedback, content suggestions, something else?

All of the above. I will largely be pilfering the Western stuff from Exodus, so the South, the East and Canada need some stuff.

2015-08-27, 11:38 PM
I am uncomfortable with the fact that you apparently decided that Africans are goblins, that Aborigines and Africans are both the same thing, that Native Americans are orcs, gnolls and lizard people, that no Native American is actually human, that the savage, inhuman indians in North America secretly murdered the Roanoke Colony, that America was never involved in the slave trade and that America joined the Axis instead of the allies. I'm not saying its necessarily racist, but someone overhearing you talk about your setting without context would probably get really the wrong impression.

2015-08-28, 12:35 AM
I am uncomfortable with the fact that you apparently decided that Africans are goblins, that Aborigines and Africans are both the same thing, that Native Americans are orcs, gnolls and lizard people, that no Native American is actually human, that the savage, inhuman indians in North America secretly murdered the Roanoke Colony, that America was never involved in the slave trade and that America joined the Axis instead of the allies. I'm not saying its necessarily racist, but someone overhearing you talk about your setting without context would probably get really the wrong impression.

Did i not put the disclaimer? Yup, didnt put the disclaimer up, thats going up now. Also note that its just the Elves that were killed, as they were jerks, the Humans where happily invited to join the tribe.

2015-10-08, 07:31 PM
Added two new factions, one on the East, The Compound, and Panama in the Mexico section.