View Full Version : [3.5] Specific Gish Build Help

2015-08-14, 07:01 PM
So, I have a theoretical build in mind (probably an NPC), and I want to squeeze in the following: Sorcerer casting chassis; 1 or 2 level martial adept dip (to get MWP); 1 level of Urban Savant (for light armor with no ASF - 2 ranks in Knowledge [history] will sub for Bardic Knowledge); and then into Abjurant Champion.

Yes, I know this is messy. Yes, I know I should aim for Jade Phoenix Mage instead of Abjurant champion. Yes, I know I can wear a Mithril Twilight Shirt for no ASF. Yes, I know Wizard is better for gishing.

Leaving these obvious things aside, what are my best options for this build? Looking around ECL 10-12.

Cheers - T

2015-08-14, 07:35 PM
For quickest entry, we have:
Desert Dwarf - Dwarf Sorcerer 5/Urban Savant 1/X 1-2/Abjurant Champion x (replace X with desired martial adept class, need either Sorcerer 6, Urban Savant 2, or X 3 for required BAB)
Str 14/Dex 12/Con 11/Int 12/Wis 8/Cha 16 (before racial mods, 25 point-buy)

1 Combat Casting
3 Favored

Sorcerer (3*8): K: Dungeoneering 8, K: Nature 2 (4 pts), K: History 2 (4 pts), K: Local 2 (4 pts), any

2015-08-14, 11:34 PM
Actually, I found a faster entry:
Human Paragon 1/Sorcerer 2/Human Paragon 2/Urban Savant 2/X 1/Abjurant Champion x (replace X with desired martial adept class)
Str 14/Dex 11/Con 14/Int 8/Wis 8/Cha 16 (before racial mods, 25 point-buy)

H Favored
1 Combat Casting

Human Paragon (4*4): K: something required for Urban Savant 4, K: other 2, K: other 2, K: History 2
Sorcerer (2*2): any
Human Paragon (4*2): K: something required for Urban Savant 4

On the other hand, if you just want maneuvers/stances without dropping >1 caster level, we can do:
Spellcaster 5/Urban Savant 1/Jade Pheonix Mage 3/Abjurant Champion x
Str 14/Dex 11/Con 14/Int 8/Wis 8/Cha 16 (25 point-buy)

1 Martial Study
1B Martial Stance
3 Favored
5B Martial Study
6 Combat Casting

Choose Concentration as a Spellcaster class skill

Spellcaster (3*8): Concentration 8, K: Dungeoneering 8, K: Nature 2, K: Local 2, K: History 2, K: Arcana 2
Urban Savant (5*1): Concentration 1, K: Religion 2, any

Edit: gave myself too many point-buy points. Fixed.

2015-08-14, 11:52 PM
Thanks, that looks good!

2015-08-15, 12:05 AM
This reminds me of a Warblade/Dragon Devotee/Abjurant Champion from a while back. The sorcerer casting came from Dragon Devotee in this case, rather than from actual Sorcerer levels.

Mr Adventurer
2015-08-15, 07:54 AM
Which in turn reminds me of an Orc Orc Paragon 3/Duskblade 1/Barbarian 1/Dragon Disciple 5 I played with Reckless Rage. Not a Gish but wow, that raw Str!

Edit: might have been a half-orc Half-Orc Paragon 3/Duskblade 1/Warblade 1/Dragon Disciple 5 actually