View Full Version : A good feat at 4th level for a Beastmaster Halfling Pteranodon rider.

Joe Eskimo
2015-08-15, 03:19 PM
I'm gonna use a Shortbow to make the most of the range but I haven't quite decided on what feat to take. I'm looking at two obvious options; Sharpshooter and Mounted Combatant. So which is better? Mounted Combatant helps my mount's survivability a lot and Sharpshooter allows me to strike way farther which puts me more out of harms way. Anyone with actual experience on this? Which feat helps more?

2015-08-15, 06:05 PM
I'd go Sharpshooter if it were me.

2015-08-15, 06:36 PM
How hard do you you think it will be to get a new pteradon if yours dies?

2015-08-16, 12:58 AM
Was that a rhetorical question?

2015-08-16, 12:59 AM
I'm gonna use a Shortbow to make the most of the range but I haven't quite decided on what feat to take. I'm looking at two obvious options; Sharpshooter and Mounted Combatant. So which is better? Mounted Combatant helps my mount's survivability a lot and Sharpshooter allows me to strike way farther which puts me more out of harms way. Anyone with actual experience on this? Which feat helps more?

To give an answer, I'm a level 15 ranger BM, with +13/11 (snake) to hit and average of 56,6 damage per turn. But without sharpshooter, I don't think you need sharpshooter for damage builds. But it is nice, mounted comabatant is more useful now. With 16hp your beast isn't very tanky.

2015-08-16, 01:45 AM
Mounted Combat seems much better if you're:
1 - Flyers who keep getting into melee with you (in spite of flying);
2 - Area attacks; and
3 - Archers who target your mount.

Those three things are VERY dependent on your specific DM. Since you're using a shortbow, I assume you do NOT see a lot of #1.

A nice compromise feat might be Lucky. The bonus rolls can be used for anything, including not falling off in midair or whatever. It's a very general safety net.

Joe the Rat
2015-08-17, 12:14 PM
If you don't take Mounted Combatant, you might want Magic Initiate for feather fall.

More seriously, Sharpshooter will be useful whenever you are using a bow. Unless you are always outdoors or exploring gigantic caverns, there will be times where flying on your mount isn't an option. But not being able to fly does not preclude using a mount - or using your pteradon as a mount. They do have a land speed. And a halfling riding a knuckle-walking pteradon makes for a unique visual.

If you like to gamble a little, you can have your pteradon Dodge for its turn as a defensive measure while you pinpoint strike your enemies.

Joe Eskimo
2015-08-18, 05:52 AM
Lots of good ideas here. Thank you. 👍

2015-08-19, 03:48 AM
Lots of good ideas here. Thank you. 👍

Thats the point of the forum!