View Full Version : My Little Pony: Slice of Life is Magic Season 3 part 3

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Emperor Ing
2015-08-15, 05:56 PM
Spark is lead to the back kitchen. It seems to be light at this time of day, but then again dinner is not for several hours. There, the familiar heavy steel door can be seen.

Well...here it is. Will you be waiting outside or do you need to be inside? I'm sorry I don't know enough about dragon resilience but if you have to go inside, well... The manager opens the door, sending a rush of cold air out. However it's only a bit chillier and nowhere near as cold as the other times the completely frozen lockers were inside. To say nothing of the fact that this locker seemed to be in perfect working order.

The manager then walks up to where the door would open on the inside, directing his attention to a red painted switch. If you're going in I will have to close the door behind you. The exit is by pulling down on this emergency lock. It will unlock the door and you will have to push it open from there. Don't worry it won't spring an alarm or anything but if you find yourself catching hypothermia, nopony will blame you for wanting to take a break.

Speaking of which would you like a coat or a blanket or...?

Legends? Aaaahhh...mmm.... Tidal looks over awkwardly to the side. That's not this kind of museum. I think they have a book cataloguing some old legends at the gift shop though.

You want to hear about some of the unsung heroes of Equestria, though? Through mercantile they made our world a better place, one bit at a time? That's here. There's some villains, too. Like Obsidian Shield's compass. She was Nightmare Moon's second-in-command during the Lunar Rebellion. What makes the compass unique is that it always points towards Princess Celestia, and it still works.

Ha! Told ya! Blaise barks in cheer towards Canthid at Sabina's affirmation of his own opinions. Canthid only rolls his eyes in response.

It's subjective. Some ponies don't appreciate twists and turns as much as normal 'lings do.

I'm fine not being a normal 'ling then.

Sedona chuckles in response.

Stop right there! He suddenly shoots up from his inner-tube, pointing a hoof imperiously at his sargent. I know that chuckle!

2015-08-15, 06:08 PM
Spark once more bows before the manager. He then proceeds to take his goggles off.

Thank you Ms. Midnight, but I will be fine. My own fire will keep me warm. Also you do not need to keep any lights on, I will be able to see just fine in that freezer even if the lights are off. In fact i will see better if the lights are off. However before i go in I should let my superiors know what I am doing. One second.

Spark takes out another paper and writes a message to Monah and Arlia.

Dear Moms,

This is ment to be short, but i have been tracking the Ice creature all day so far. I believe i have found the location of its next attack. I will be waiting for it in ambush. I should be fine, but if anything does go wrong I will Thuum for Monah.
Just so you know I believe the next place to be hit by this meat thief is the *inserts hotel name here*.

Spark of Olith.

He then wisps the letter off for his mothers to receive as he enters the Freezer. He first looks around the Freezer for anything out of place. Such as the creature being here early.


2015-08-15, 08:14 PM
"Sure, what legends do you know? Maybe we can compare notes."

Sabina giggles at their antics.

2015-08-15, 08:35 PM
I'm pretty sure he's talking about the stuff they have here, about the merchants.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-16, 12:41 PM
Although chilly, this meat-locker is very much more pleasant than the others Spark has been inside, being only slightly below freezing in temperature. Very little ice can be seen. Occasionally it collects in the corners of the room but otherwise the walls, floors, and ceiling are solid steel with only the thinnest frost covering them. The meat held on hooks and in packaging is undisturbed as far as Spark can tell. There's no sign that the creature has been here yet.

In short order, Spark sees a letter materialize into existence right in front of him.


Don't do anything reckless. We'll be with you at a moment's notice if you need it.


The legends guide thing is in the Gift Shop. As for legends, I only know of one. Some two-hundred-something years ago, there was this ship contracted to bring a large shipment of wood to Manehattan. Then there is a rogue storm. Really big one that strikes Manehattan, causing a lot of damage before the Pegasi can destroy it that came in from the sea. Now that happens every now-and-then, but you remember the ship that I mentioned before? They arrive, completely unscathed, and deliver the wood. Given that there are no immediate needs for exports, the ship and crew dock and stay on shore leave.

The next day though, a makeshift raft is spotted several miles off from Manehattan port. It's really just a whole bunch of slabs of wood roughly held together through friction alone. On there is a starving, dehydrated earth pony who claims to be the sole survivor of a ship destroyed by the rogue storm that was delivering wood to Manehattan. Now that might have been a coincidence, except that the ship that was docked on port mysteriously disappeared, with no workers having any recollection of the ship ever leaving, as though it was gone the moment they looked again, even though they could corroborate the story of the ship being there in the first place. None of the sailors on shore leave or even the captain, who the company branch manager had personal meetings with, were ever seen again, again just vanishing. Their shipment of wood was still present and accounted for.

Upon further investigations, they found the survivor's story of the ship being torn apart by the storm to be truthful, as they found the shipwreck, the bodies of the sailors and the captain.

The wood shipment, however, was missing.

It was as though their ghosts couldn't stand to see the job half-done.

What's so funny?! Chalcos queries his immediate superior inquisitively.

There's dozens of guards in the Olith Hive Guard. Sedona chuckles. Sure, you're the best fighter-

Don't you forget it! He interrupts Sedona, beaming with pride.

-dozens of guards in the Hive Guard, Queen Arlia chose you specifically, because she knew you would help Blaise find the magic of friendship. Arlia you bucking con-artist-Oh! Sorry! Sedona backtracks on remembering Sabina is nearby.

WHAT?! Blaise exclaims in alarm. I'm being played by a bug?!

Humble Master
2015-08-16, 01:19 PM
"I've definitely heard a great many tales which speak of spirits lingering in our world, unsatisfied that death took them before they could complete some vital work." Subtle said. "A cool story though, almost like something you'd see on Twilight's Zone."

2015-08-16, 01:22 PM
I'd believe it. Sailors seem more liekly to leave ghosts behind than not.

2015-08-16, 01:24 PM
Sabina gets on an unused floatie donut to relax and listen to them be silly.

2015-08-16, 01:25 PM
Spark once more before going about and setting up the trap thinks what this thing is doing. He thought what if it was not eating the meat but rather collecting it, trying to make something like a body for the Unity if it is working with it. He things on all the items that have been taken and where they would fit in a body.


Either way however Spark decides to set out and make sure the most enticing meat is available for this creature as Spark set his bait. Then once done with that He works to find a hiding spot for him, making sure the racks and shelves will conceal him though he can get out freely. Once set he also decides that if needed he would set up more traps incase this turned into a fight. Having frozen meat hit your head or blocking your path would make things harder.

Can i take "20" as it were for this since I have several hours?

Emperor Ing
2015-08-16, 03:57 PM
Spark can't imagine what sort of abomination could be created with processed hunks of dead flesh without a lot of very powerful and hopefully forbidden magic.

Spark finds a particularly delicious looking slab of meat. He decides to lay it on the ground as bait for the creature, should the creature decide to come in, all the while deciding to hide himself inside a rather large box that's otherwise completely empty. There is a hole that allows him to see it

Several hours go by of nothing happening whatsoever. That is, until Spark faintly hears something climbing just outside the walls. Something that can't be any bigger than Spark. Then it suddenly stops, ending to Spark's rightmost blind-spot. He can hear metal being faintly tinkered with, and the occasional ping of something small and metallic hitting the metal floor before something larger falls onto the metal floor, the locker briefly echoing with the sound of metal-on-metal. Spark can then hear something else fall, though far more gracefully, like a creature with four claws. Wing-beats can then be heard, and some metallic sounds that sound as though something were being re-attached.

Then it lands again. Sure enough it takes the bait, as Spark can hear the sound of claws slowly approaching the meat Spark has laid down in bait. There, it comes into view. A dragon, to be sure, with four short, stubby clawed legs and a set of folded wings. Its whole body is covered in icy blue scales with a snow white underbelly. Its wings appeared feathery, but the feathers appeared to be made out of shards of ice rather than anything soft or cuddle-able. Its neck didn't appear to be that long either but that's to be expected given the dragon's apparent age. Its head also had a stubby snout. Its eyes were as the terrified hotel worker said this morning: Completely coal black. Short, stubby icy blue hornlets can be seen growing from the back of the dragon's head, as well as one icy horn growing from the creature's forehead. Not unsimilar to a changling horn in the way it jets straight upwards and terminating at a point, but from what you have seen with Zurkar and Indigo Eclipse, it's very unlikely it can use magic with that horn.

Perhaps the most distinguishing feature of all was that Spark can make out between and underneath the dragon's icy scales, it's body glowed a faint blue.

After probing the meat for a minute with his claws and briefly with his snout, the dragon takes the meat with a claw, lifting it up and opening his mouth. A jet of super-cold air bursts forth, flash-freezing what moisture is in the air around the cone in an instant, and coating everything in its path with over an inch of solid ice, including the meat and the dragon's own hand. This doesn't seem to bother him at all as he pries his hand from the ice in an instant, then begins to devour the flash-frozen meat with gusto.

Tidal shrugs. Supposedly the branch manager defended the story until the end. Did it happen? I dunno, probably.

So now what? Want to go into the gift shop or explore some more?

Hey, you don't get to hog all the moral outrage! I'm being played too!

What in Tartarus did Monah ever see in her?

Someling crazy-smart?

Someling who could facilitate a friendship between a dragon and a changling? Sedona offers an alternative explanation?

Eh, let's go with that.

What does that even mean, anyways? Friendship? Is that something you have?

2015-08-16, 04:05 PM
Spark remains hidden though he uses his thuum to make his voice sound as if it was all over the room. He first speaks in Draconic the Dovah, and finally in Common trying to decide how best to communicate with his fellow dragon.

Do not be alarmed. I am not an enemy. Why do you stalk at night and steal from others?

He says this in all three languages trying to be understood by the poor wyrmling.


Emperor Ing
2015-08-16, 04:44 PM
<W-what?> The dragon looks around the room, trying but failing to find the source of the voice, not at all receptive to Spark's plea to not be alarmed.

<Show yourself, or i-i'll freeze everything and it'll get really cold!>

2015-08-16, 04:55 PM
Spark was not afraid, for one ice versus fire, fire wins. However for two he could also feel like this dragon was scared, like Spark had once been long ago. He had to help the poor little wyrm.

<No you won't, for i won't hurt you, why would you hurt me? Why are you hiding and stealing? Are you afraid of Ponies?>

Humble Master
2015-08-16, 05:05 PM
"Oh no, I don't doubt the truth of your tale by any means." Subtle said before turning to her pair of friends. "What do you want to do? I personally would be ready to browse the gift shop and then head out."

2015-08-16, 06:14 PM
I don't think we actually went through the exhibits about merchants.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-16, 09:02 PM
<I-i, j-just leave me alone!> The dragon pleads before running off to the right, out of Spark's sight. Spark can hear wing-beats, it seems like the dragon might be trying to escape through the way it came in.

However you remember the dragon putting it back in place. Spark still has time before the dragon escapes.

Well there might be some more interesting stories at the merchants exhibit. Adepha mentions.

Humble Master
2015-08-16, 09:05 PM
"Sure." Subtle says. "If you want to check that out I have no problem."

2015-08-16, 09:06 PM
Spark bursts out of the box, and zaps for the young wyrmling. He tackles him if he can just so he can talk to the bore boy.

<Look I am not here to hurt you, I am a fellow dragon. I want to help you, but first you need to stop fidgetting!>

Emperor Ing
2015-08-16, 09:54 PM
AAAH!! The dragon cries out in alarm, seeing Spark just at the last second as he is tackled to the ground, landing on his belly. He struggles, but it's clear the older, stronger dragon has the better grip.

<b-blas-pher...> He says, struggling to fight back sobs. Even now you could see ice forming around his solid black eyes. <you...you said you wouldn't...*sob* h-hurt me...>

2015-08-16, 09:57 PM
I am not hurting you, but you running would not help either of us. I will only let you go if you promise to not run away.

sense motive=15

Emperor Ing
2015-08-17, 05:25 PM
The dragon reluctantly nods as best he can from Spark's grip. Fortunately for Spark he's very easy to read, and he doesn't believe that he'll run away. He does seem to be as scared as Spark thought, though. A lot of it directed at him.

Once Spark releases the dragon, he quickly scampers over to the other side of the locker. While there isn't much room for him to go, it's clear he's still very apprehensive towards Spark. <blas-pher!> He says accusingly.

Down the stairs brought the group to the last exhibit, where several glass cases showed various odds and ends that clearly seemed old but in what context they were important was difficult to immediately determine.

One of the first exhibits shows an old, slightly torn-up flag. Very old, actually. It was a midnight blue cloth with a white circle towards the top-left corner with grey sunbursts coming forth from it.

Apparently this was the flag of Captain Storm Front. A naval captain who defected to Nightmare Moon's Lunar Rebellion, but when he found ponies suffering under her, he chartered his ship to transport refugees towards Celestia-controlled ports. This flag was designed to appear as friendly to both sides of the conflict. When Nightmare Moon was defeated, he was apprehended and arrested as a traitor, and served time for two years until an appeal learned of his heroism and offered him leniency.

So, now what? Canthid asked. Sabina? You have something you wanted to do?

2015-08-17, 05:30 PM
<Ya ya, I know ancestral dragons hate us of the 4 clans. But look I don't hate any of you. I want to help. I am called Spark what is your name?>
Spark looked to the wyrmling as he sits up against the wall looking as non threatening as he can.

2015-08-17, 05:33 PM
So, now what? Canthid asked. Sabina? You have something you wanted to do?

"Not really... I came for a relaxing vacation and this is pretty much doing just that," she replied. "Really nothing pressing to do. Least maybe not till tonight anyway so my schedule is open."

Humble Master
2015-08-17, 05:57 PM
"At least his heroism was recognized in the end." Subtle commented, before she turned to Gear. "But you still don't believe that Princess Luna ever became Nightmare Moon."

2015-08-17, 06:25 PM
Nope. Makes absolutely no sense.

Think about it scientifically, if the moon was held up in the sky for long enough to have a whole rebellion, allof theplants would have died and all of the ponies would have frozen to death.

Furthermore,if Princess Luna turned evil and tried to take over the world twice, then she wouldn't have been given her throne back after the second time.

Besides, somepony good and nice like one of the princesses could never be evil. Ever. Under any circumstances.

The "Luna got sick and had to hide or maybe she was in a coma and they made up this story to cover it up so the country didn't look weak and then they took advantage of it to make a holiday" explanation makes much more sense.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-17, 07:23 PM
<...Xarzith.> The dragon answers.

Tidal looks puzzled for a moment before realizing just who he was talking to. Right. Crystal Pony.

Adepha rolls her eyes. We went over this Gear. There's thousands of eyewitness accounts, including hundreds of ponies who saw Nightmare Moon when she returned. Princess Celestia and Luna have all cooberated the story, and everyling. Literally everything. Who wasn't gone for a thousand years and ever looked at a night sky remembers seeing the Mare in the Moon.

Well why don't you hang out?

I think I understand that pony term well enough to know that that's exactly what she's doing. Blaise replied.

Yeah, well i'm just making conversation.

So what's going on? You've been pretty quiet, what's making Sabina tick?

2015-08-17, 07:26 PM
<It is nice to meet you Xarzith. Why are you so far away from home? Why are you not with your family? > Spark continued his aires and friendly demeanor. He could not help but underneath feel worried for this dragon.


2015-08-17, 07:26 PM
Sightings can be faked with actors or illusions, ponies can be paid to tell a story, and historical events can be altered after the fact to place events in a different light.

Humble Master
2015-08-17, 07:32 PM
Subtle sighed. "Either they pulled off a deception that puts all of the Arbiter Hive's exploits to shame or it really happened. Seriously, Luna has personally confided in her pupils that it really occurred. What proof do you need?"

2015-08-17, 07:38 PM
Well why don't you hang out?

I think I understand that pony term well enough to know that that's exactly what she's doing. Blaise replied.

Yeah, well i'm just making conversation.

So what's going on? You've been pretty quiet, what's making Sabina tick?

"Uh, you asking me? Cause it's not all that mysterious these days," Sabina replies. "I'm just trying to get good grades so I can join the academy, help my parents by babysitting my brother, and I hang out with my friends on weekends. Sometimes. I mean, they're good friends and all, but occasionally they can be weird even for me. Like, I used to be the weirdest one, but I think I grew up faster then all of them. I think that's it."

2015-08-17, 07:42 PM
To travel back in time and see it first hoof, while wearing illusion piercing goggles and a device that can detect Princess Luna's unique magical signature.

Anything else can be faked with actors or magic. This isn't like one of those crack pot conspiracy theories. Princess Celestia is how old? She's had how many centuries to plan or practice magic?

she could easily pull of a simple deception to cover up her sister's absence, and expand upon it later. I mean, it happened a thousand years ago, that's plenty of time for ponies not fooled to forget the truth. Which is also a thousand years to plan a series of "second sightings" to explain Luna's return.

Besides, if the ponies in charge of the Sun and moon can't put an illusion on the moon, then who could?

Gear moves on to the next exhibit.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-17, 08:13 PM
<...I got lost.> Xarzith sniffs.

<There was an iceberg I was sleeping in that broke off, I think. I was drifting out to sea for a long time. I...I ended up drifting here.>

So why would Princess Luna corroborate a story that makes Princess Luna look bad? Adepha queries.

The next exhibit shows a compass. This one belonging to the old privateer Iron Belt. He was a freelancer who lead his ship and crew to patrol the high seas as a vigilante, defending innocent merchant-ships from malicious pirates and criminals hiding in the high seas. Over the course of his career he is credited with the sinking of 61 ships, his own ship being sunk 7 times, each time he successfully commandeered a pirate-ship. Reportedly his special talent was locating and identifying ponies of ill-intent.

2015-08-17, 08:15 PM
<So then you want to go home, I understand, that. I can also help you with that.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-17, 08:15 PM
Well, things change. Canthid says. It's a part of growing up. Looking back, you'll wonder how it was you ever thought the way you did before. How ridiculous some of your old hobbies might have been...things like that.

But...I noticed you went to your family first, when I asked what made you tick.

2015-08-17, 08:22 PM
Well, things change. Canthid says. It's a part of growing up. Looking back, you'll wonder how it was you ever thought the way you did before. How ridiculous some of your old hobbies might have been...things like that.

But...I noticed you went to your family first, when I asked what made you tick.

"Yeah, I love my family," Sabina said. "Part of who I am is because of them, you know? That uh... shoot, what do they call it? Nurture! I guess if you want to analyze me you could just get to know them."

2015-08-17, 08:41 PM
Gear ignores Adepha's question, clearly wanting the subject dropped.

Humble Master
2015-08-17, 09:09 PM
"Sure are a great many tales of daring do and righteous scoundrels upon the high seas." Subtle commented, sensing Gear's intent.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-18, 04:56 PM
<You *sniff* you can?

W-why would a blas-pher want to help me?>

The rest of the exhibit follows similar patterns. Exhibits showing old historical artifacts credited with having belonged to a particularly heroic pony who used their position in the navy or as a ship captain in general to improve the lot of ponies. There's a ship captain who smuggled slaves out from the Crystal Empire before King Sombra's fall who was unfortunately found and killed by the tyrant, a blockade-runner who bypassed a naval blockade embargoed by a hostile pony Barony to deliver crucial food and medical supplies, and who later delivered evidence of the Rockefeller Barony's crimes to Princess Celestia to strip the family of their noble title and benefits, and other such acts of, as Subtle said, daring do and righteous scoundrels.

You might ALSO think about joining the Hive Guard! Just saying. We're small but elite. So elite that our army is stocked with crochet mallets and emergency top-hats, and we're trained to be able to deploy our OUTRA-A-AGEOUS PRENCH ACCENTS!! at a moment's notice.

2015-08-18, 04:59 PM
Spark moves closer to the dragon if he allows it.

I believe we of the 4 clans and the ancestorals can be allies and friends once more. I already know and am friends with Zurkar I also know Indigo, he and I are not on great terms, but we at least have a respect for one another. I respect Zurkar too, despite him ruining my eyes.

Spark waves his claw in from of his eyes as he lights it up, showing how they are bleach white and shine with light around.

2015-08-18, 05:01 PM
"They let ponies in the hive guard? Hmm, guess I didn't know that," Sabina said curiously. "Though, I do like the idea of going abroad for my studies. Living in Canterlot for several months would be certainly different. And who knows where I'd get stationed next!

2015-08-18, 05:12 PM
I wonder if Rime is related to those Rockefellers...

Humble Master
2015-08-18, 05:35 PM
Subtle shrugged. "Maybe. But then again Pony names tend to be very strange and fickle things, especially when concerning lineage."

2015-08-18, 05:59 PM
I don't know, with families the names tend to at least follow a theme, even if they don't have a proper family name. My entire family have been named after gems, all the way back to my Direct Ancestor Adamant Pillar and his wife Lapis Lazuli. Mother's family have all named after plants, and usually also include something valuable. Golden's family were all named after Precious Metals. My pen pal Jonathan said that a lot of rock farmers were named after some kind of stone and tended to have family names related to baked goods, but that was a thousand years ago, so that might have changed.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-18, 06:42 PM
<Wait, you know Indigo? As in "Indigo Eclipse?!"> He sounds very surprised and a bit fearful by this claim.

Pony names make no sense to me. Tidal replies.

I always thought they just threw a bunch of nouns into a hat and see what came out.

I actually don't know if ponies can join the Hive Guard or not. Canthid admits. Just thought i'd throw it out there as an option. There's plenty of room for growth and it's more prestigious in the Royal Guard, but you don't know if you'll ever see your friends again, especially if you end up stationed on some fort near Zebrican lands.

2015-08-18, 07:00 PM
Ya I know Indigo, won a bet with him once too. Spark looks at the fear in the wyrmling, so he tries to shift topics.

Anyways ya i want to help you, but would you not call me a blasphemer Xarzith. I am Spark, and I want to be your friend.

Humble Master
2015-08-18, 07:01 PM
"The nouns-in-hat method is sometimes more or less true. I know my parents basically took a number of words they liked and stuck them together in various configurations, almost like writing poetry. Though, my dad conceded he was originally named Surefire Fix and changed his name once he came of age. As such, I think they almost expect me to choose a name for myself once I get older."

2015-08-18, 07:06 PM
I actually don't know if ponies can join the Hive Guard or not. Canthid admits. Just thought i'd throw it out there as an option. There's plenty of room for growth and it's more prestigious in the Royal Guard, but you don't know if you'll ever see your friends again, especially if you end up stationed on some fort near Zebrican lands.

"I know, I'd miss all my friends terribly, but... I want to see the world too. Even Zebrican lands are something interesting. I dunno, I just... want to go places." Sabina watched a passing cloud. "Kind of like wanderlust, but more responsible."

2015-08-18, 07:31 PM
At least Pony names mean something. What does Adepha mean, really?

Actually, what does Adepha mean? Gear did decently well in changlic, he might be able to pice it together if he thinks about it for a second.

Linguistics:[roll0]+6 12

Humble Master
2015-08-18, 08:02 PM
"But that's why Changling names are so great!" Subtle exclaimed. "'Adepha' doesn't mean anything but Adepha. It's not like Pony names which are sometimes almost titles or something."

Emperor Ing
2015-08-18, 09:47 PM
<...friend?> He asked curiously. While he does flinch back slightly at Spark's approach, he doesn't retreat.

<I just want to go home. It's so hot here...>

While there are many words Gear doesn't know, he's pretty sure "Adepha" doesn't mean anything except "Adepha." This seems to be the case with virtually every Changling name Gear can recall off the top of his head without fail.

It's like how a cutie-mark is unique to a pony. A name is unique to a Changling. Adepha suggests.

Don't think there's much exploration in the Olith Hive Guard. Blaise suggests casually. Sedona and Canthid look at the dragon, who merely shrugs in response.

Well he's not wrong. Not unless there's some foreign war that desperately needs a Company-sized military force.

2015-08-18, 09:49 PM
Well then. Spark starts to absorb all the heat he can within the area he and Xarzith occupied.

How are you feeling now? I am from the south you probably could guess it is even hotter there, but I have also traveled the Northern wastes. I really got use to the cold there.

Humble Master
2015-08-18, 10:08 PM
"Right. For Ling's names are all unique and cool!" Subtle thought for a moment. "Sevasin. That would be the name I took if I was a Changling, I think. Sevasin."

Emperor Ing
2015-08-19, 01:45 PM
mmm... Xarzith didn't reply. Apparently he doesn't seem thrilled by the prospect of living in blasphemous dragon lands.

That works! Adepha chirped. You said your dad changed his name? Maybe you can too.

Suddenly you all hear Queen Arlia's voice in your head.

Spark has found the creature responsible for the locker-freezings. Meet me at the hotel lobby.

Suddenly Sabina hears Queen Arlia's voice in her head.

Spark has found the creature responsible for the locker-freezings. Meet me at the hotel lobby.

2015-08-19, 01:46 PM
Gear rolls his eyes.

Whatever. Let's hit the gift shop. I want to see if they have something I could give Monkey.

Then his eye twitches.

Of course.

2015-08-19, 02:00 PM
Suddenly Sabina hears Queen Arlia's voice in her head.

Spark has found the creature responsible for the locker-freezings. Meet me at the hotel lobby.

"Annnnd we're back on the clock," Sabina says. "Did Queen Arlia just page you two? Meet in the lobby because spark found something?"

2015-08-19, 03:27 PM
" I'm not suggesting that you come live in the South in the Badlands. I'm simply trying to gain your trust tell you about myself. I want to help you. So do you want to meet my parents maybe we can all help you I hope not I know I can for sure."

Humble Master
2015-08-19, 04:07 PM
"Well, at least he found it. Arlai didn't sound urgent so hopefully it is just a misunderstanding." Subtle said before proceeding to the gift shop.

2015-08-19, 04:22 PM
Gear follows to the gift shop,then once there looks for something Monkey would like. Monkey likes building things and taking them apart to see how they work, his special talent is repair work... So, probably a model, or maybe a book about how ships work?

It can't be too expensive, since Monkey doen'st feel comfortable accepting expensive gifts. And also because Gear only has so much money on him. At the same time,it can't be something to cheap, since Gear would feel bad giving a cheap gift to someone he cares about.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-19, 07:44 PM
<Mmmm...so...I go outside and I get to go home...?> Xarzith asks hopefully.

Eeh, she didn't sound that urgent.

The group goes to the gift shop. There you are surrounded by wall-to-wall coverage of various odds and ends. There's several miniature ship figurines, primarily replicas of the Pointy Stick. There's nautical wind-up toys like ships that when wound up, would float in a bathtub and move themselves. There's also several plushies that look like ship captains, pirates, and sailors. There's also an assortment of candies available, including large selections of salt-water taffy.

I...didn't hear anything. Canthid answers. Sedona smiles.

You're an honorary Hive Guardspony already.

2015-08-19, 07:48 PM
Ya, but you can't just run, you need to trust me ok. I Promise to help you I promise to get you home safe and sound, but you have to trust me Xarzith. Spark gets up and extends his claw for Xarzith to take. It was a symbol now of whither this Ancestral Dragon will trust a Southerner.

2015-08-19, 07:54 PM
Gear keeps looking, to see if there's something Monkey might like.

2015-08-19, 08:00 PM
"Well, I'll go check it out. I didn't hear any screams nor do I see smoke in the distance, so it's probably not an emergency, but maybe I'll start making sense of this side-show. See y'all back at the hotel later." Sabina got out of the river, dried off, and walked back to the hotel.

Humble Master
2015-08-19, 08:47 PM
Subtle browsed the shop, looking for a miniature ship that she thought Ectato might like. She knew Ectato would care mostly about the history of the ship being modeled so she looked for one of the boats which had a cool story behind it, like the craft piloted by the two-turncoat captain Storm Front or the ship who's ghostly crew had completed their task undaunted by death.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-19, 09:40 PM
Xarzith raises a claw. With a bit of reluctance he pulls it back slightly, but in just a moment he thinks better of it and takes Spark's claw.

Gear finds a particularly interesting toy. Another one of those ship bathtoys, except slightly more expensive, and activated with the push of a button rather than a wind-up crank. In addition, the ship's interior lights up.

Subtle finds models for both ships.

After everyling buys their goods, Adepha not buying anything, you all move out towards where the submersible is supposed to be. It seems it hasn't arrived back yet.

Sabina finds that quite a bit of time has gone by while she was riding the slides and relaxing on the river as Celestia's sun has long since gone past high-noon and has begun its slow descent to the horizon, but it won't hit it for at least a few hours.

Sabina arrives back at the hotel without incident, where she meets Monah and Arlia waiting for her.
Hello Sabina. She waves at the filly. Are Adepha, Subtle, or Gear with you?

2015-08-19, 09:45 PM
Sabina arrives back at the hotel without incident, where she meets Monah and Arlia waiting for her.
Hello Sabina. She waves at the filly. Are Adepha, Subtle, or Gear with you?

Sabina bows first. "No, your highness. they went to a... sunken ship museum if I remember this morning's discussion correctly. I was at the water park with Blaise, Sedona and Canthid."

2015-08-19, 09:51 PM
Spark took the claw, and helped the poor lost wyrmling up.

Now are you hungry? I can get you some food that is not stolen and will taste amazing compared to that raw meat.

Humble Master
2015-08-19, 09:59 PM
Subtle selects the ghost ship, pays for her purchase and returns to the underwater dock where the subaquatic boat was schedules to appear.

2015-08-19, 11:21 PM
Deciding that it's better than nothing, Gear purchases the toy, before waiting for the return vessel.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-20, 12:59 AM
<You mean...something tastes better than frozen meat?> Xarzith sounds genuinely confused by the concept.

Fortunately you all don't have to wait long as there is a faint rumbling, and at the bottom of the pipe beneath the surface you can see the lit boat-submersible slowly rising up and eventually breach the surface. It takes a minute to reach the end and dock before opening its door to you all.

Going up! The pilot cheers as you all head inside. The door closes a minute after you all go inside as the submarine descends back underwater, enclosing you all in the dim passenger's seat.

Now just a word of warning: We won't be breaching right away, because even in the air-bubble the museum uses, it's still very high-pressured, your bodies got used to it. If we breached too quickly you'd get the Bends. Something that's not fun to have, trust me. So we'll be rising slowly so our bodies can adjust. As she says this, the submersible exits the pipe, the motor moving the boat along the ocean floor. Tall coral reefs and schools of fish moving past the ship over the several minutes you are all underwater. The colorful seabed sponges and other nautical wildlife helped make the time pass more quickly, making it difficult to notice that the ride back probably took twice as long as to get there. By the time the submarine finally breaches the surface, the dock is within sight. In two minutes, the ship arrives, docking onto the wharf.

Thank you for visiting the Pointy Stick Museum, we hope you enjoyed your visit!

After this, the group is free to continue their way to the hotel, where Arlia is presumably waiting for them. There, they see Arlia, Monah, and Sabina already there.

Yes, I had just assumed you all would have regrouped by now. Arlia remarks.

I know Blaise will be happy to know that this ice creature is potentially being apprehended.

Yes, well...that's beside the point. She sighs. Sabina, were you having fun before this? At about the time she asks, Subtle, Gear, and Adepha walk in.

2015-08-20, 06:13 AM
"Well, yes, it was a fun and relaxing time at the park. Spent at least an hour chillin' on the lazy river."

2015-08-20, 07:11 AM
Spark nodded, as he guided the little wyrm out of the freezer. Though even being out Spark made sure the area around the two dragons stayed cold for the misplaced dragon.

Yep, I will show you.

Spark assumes the Manager was close. He addressed her. As he led Xarzith out.

Mrs. Midnight, I have solved our problems, and I wish to request a table, may it be large enough to hold 6 families.

Humble Master
2015-08-20, 07:21 AM
"Hey Sabina!" Subtle called out as she approached the group. "We had a good time at the museum as well. Learned a lot of cool stories about pirates and such. There even was an exhibit on a pirate we already know quite well."

2015-08-20, 07:35 AM
Sabina waved. "Oh hey, Subtle. Gear. Adepha. Glad to hear you three had fun."

2015-08-20, 07:54 AM
Spark also writes a letter for everyone explaining he was getting a table the the other hotel, and that they should join him.
Once finished he sends it to his mothers.

2015-08-20, 01:09 PM
Queen Arlia, by any chance do you know who officially owns Jackie's ship?

Does the city own it? Or is there some "right of discovery" thing going on?

2015-08-20, 01:22 PM
"I think the city owns it, like a public park or something," Sabina says. "I mean, it's open for anyone to hang out there as long as they behave, though not many folks come by."

Emperor Ing
2015-08-20, 02:30 PM
Midnight nods. Currently the restaraunt is rather empty, but it's gotten a few extra guests since Spark came in. She doesn't notice Xarzith, who's hiding behind Spark.

So you've taken care of it? What happened?

Technically it is the property of the Town of Vanhoover. Queen Arlia answered Gear. This is by default, however. To benefit from Equestria's Right-of-Discovery laws you need to go to City Hall and have a deed drawn up. However you will also need an adult to sign on your behalf.

This is really just a formality.

Apparently our clubhouse is a shipwreck that was lost and never seen again. Adepha added. Did you see or hear anything interesting at the Water Park, Sabina?

Just as the conversation begins, a letter materializes in front of Queen Arlia. She opens it and reads it before looking at you all.

Well the good news is that it looks like Spark's taken care of it. He's waiting for us at the hotel restaurant next door.

2015-08-20, 02:48 PM
Apparently our clubhouse is a shipwreck that was lost and never seen again.

We talked about telling them where it was,but we'd like to make sure that some museum owner or private collector doen'st try and take away the ship we've been using as a club house after we've spent... Over two years now using it and restoring it and sorting the Jackie artifacts left in it. Not to mention Jackie's grave on the shore.

Gear's got a plan now to deal with this problem.

2015-08-20, 02:50 PM
Apparently our clubhouse is a shipwreck that was lost and never seen again. Adepha added. Did you see or hear anything interesting at the Water Park, Sabina?

"No, nothing about shipwrecks," Sabina replied. "There was an odd conversation I heard about... Unity or something, but nothing about our clubhouse ship."

2015-08-20, 02:56 PM
"No, nothing about shipwrecks," Sabina replied. "There was an odd conversation I heard about... Unity or something, but nothing about our clubhouse ship."

Great. I was hoping we wouldn't have to wait until tonight to deal with that horse apples again.

Obvious Sarcasm is obvious.

2015-08-20, 02:59 PM
Great. I was hoping we wouldn't have to wait until tonight to deal with that horse apples again.

"Do what now?" Sabina asked. "You knew that stallion?"

2015-08-20, 03:01 PM
"Do what now?" Sabina asked. "You knew that stallion?"

The ghost that's been trying to brainwash us in our dream with a bunch of lies about "Unity?" We did the thing last night but you forgot the thing cause it was your dream? Clearly it got somepony.

Also, just a heads up, I think the ghost is Narada.

2015-08-20, 03:18 PM
"Uh... I really don't remember any of that, but if you say so. If I don't remember it, does mean I'm brainwashed too?"

2015-08-20, 03:25 PM
"Uh... I really don't remember any of that, but if you say so. If I don't remember it, does mean I'm brainwashed too?"

Do you feel the need to preach a load of horse apples about "Unity" and conformity and all becoming one and actually belive that this will lead to greater harmony instead of civilization stagnating and dying?

Are you at all offended by me referring to this blasphemous interpretation of harmony as hose apples?

If the answer to both of those in no, then you're not brainwashed.

Besides, we both know you're too strong and too good to be brainwashed.

2015-08-20, 03:34 PM
"Fair enough, so I'm not brainwashed. I'm just... whatever the word is for for not remembering stuff," Sabina said.

2015-08-20, 03:38 PM
Spark holds Xarzith's claw so he at least is close to Spark.
"A child who has been away from home far to long. He was scared and confused in A place he did not understand. So I will take him home after he has had a proper meal."

Humble Master
2015-08-20, 06:26 PM
"Yah, it seems that you have amnesia about whatever you experienced while you were dreaming." Subtle said. "If you're still confused, I guess I didn't explain it all that well. Should I relate the events of last night now?"

2015-08-20, 06:43 PM
"I guess," Sabina answered. "Unless we're pressed for time?"

Emperor Ing
2015-08-20, 07:15 PM
Midnight's eyes look over to the hidden form of Xarzith. The wyrmling tries his best to keep himself as small and hidden as he can, shying away from her gaze.

The mare is silent for a moment before nodding. I understand. Please come with me. The manager leads you to a table, where the two of you are sat next to each other. The table is on its own, but several servingsponies push additional tables adjacent to yours.

After one waiter pours water in a glass at your table, ice slowly forming inside the glass around Spark's cold aura, you two are currently left together. Xarzith doing his best to avoid looking anypony in the eye, let alone Spark.

If we were in a hurry Spark would have Shouted. Monah explained. We can talk about it on the way there. The disguised dragon then begins to lead the group to the other hotel.

I...don't remember much either. Adepha admitted. It sounds like Nadara's giving us nightmares.

2015-08-20, 07:21 PM
Spark does not look to Xarzith, though he does speak to him in Draconic.

" hey you ok am i keeping it cold enough for you? what do you want to eat I could show you and tell you what's on the menu?"

Humble Master
2015-08-20, 07:24 PM
"Alright, well in that case here is what I know." Subtle said before taking a deep breath. "Last night, I had a very bizarre dream. It seemed that some shadowy-creature was controlling the dreamscape and attempting to indoctrinate me with this concept of Unity. The thing controlling my dream grew angry towards the end and attacked, revealing it can make dreams have very real effects upon sleepers. I fiddled around with my Spell Investigator spell and began looking around to find strange trails which I think where left by the shadow-creature. There were trails leading to you, Adepha and Gear, in fact I think that this thing might be responsible for Aeslia's recurring nightmares. It seems, for whatever reason, you forgot what occurred in your dreams." Subtle paused. "Does that make some sense now?"

2015-08-20, 07:30 PM
"Not... really?" Sabina replied. "So, there's a shadow or ghost, or... whatever the heck you're calling it in everyone's dreams causing nightmares? And... it can hurt you in those nightmares?"

Humble Master
2015-08-20, 07:32 PM
"Pretty much, yah. Shadow thing in our dreams causing nightmares which can hurt you in real life. Gear seems to think it's Nadara ghost doing this."

2015-08-20, 07:47 PM
If it helps, all I remember from my own dream is that when I woke up I was the second angriest I've ever been.

2015-08-20, 07:47 PM
"So... how come I don't remember any of it?"

Humble Master
2015-08-20, 07:50 PM
Subtle shrugs. "Sorry, I've no idea where your amnesia comes from."

2015-08-20, 08:07 PM
Spark sends one more letter to his mothers as this one contains instructions.

Be careful when you come in and not so loud this little guy is kinda skitches.

2015-08-20, 08:27 PM
Subtle shrugs. "Sorry, I've no idea where your amnesia comes from."

"That's so frustrating," Sabina sighed. "So what can be done to stop this shadow ghost thing?"

2015-08-20, 08:45 PM
"That's so frustrating," Sabina sighed. "So what can be done to stop this shadow ghost thing?"

Well, we did a spell so we could all go into one of our dreams, and we went into yours. We kinda sorta talked with it, but Spark got frustrated and attacked it and then you through a doodle I drew at it.

2015-08-20, 08:53 PM
"I threw a doodle?" Sabina asked. "Uh... guess it's dream weirdness, never-mind. Did attacking it do anything? Can it be hurt?"

2015-08-20, 08:57 PM
"I threw a doodle?" Sabina asked. "Uh... guess it's dream weirdness, never-mind. Did attacking it do anything? Can it be hurt?"

Don't know. It got pissed and ended the dream after.

And to be fair, the doodle was on a blackboard.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-20, 09:19 PM
<mmm...the red meat is tastier...> Xarzith suggests, but something catches his attention as he looks past you towards the entrance. If Spark turns to look, he can see his friends, fillyfriend, and moms there coming in.

I've actually been reading up on dream magic. Arlia added. I don't know if it will do anything but I have a few ideas. You all cross over along the boardwalk into a Romane garden walkway, passing through vines and rose bushes climbing on white marble columns that mark your pathway. As you come inside, you all find your way to the restaraunt. There, you can all see Spark sitting down at one part of a large table. A very young icy-blue dragon sitting next to him, looking at you all somewhat nervously.

2015-08-20, 09:20 PM
"Huh... did anyone come up with a plan then?" Sabina asked.

2015-08-20, 09:22 PM
Spark moves to block Xarzith's view.

<"It is ok Xarzith, those are my friend and family. they came to eat with us. ">

Spark then looks over the menu and finds what meal that piece of meat he laid out would have made.

<"I think you will like this buddy, It is what you were about to eat, but even better.">

2015-08-20, 09:27 PM
Hello, young dragon. Do you speak Equestrian?

Humble Master
2015-08-20, 09:27 PM
"Well, I sent a letter to Princess Luna which might give us some more information." Subtle said, before noticing the young icy dragon. "Or did you mean a plan about this new friend of Spark's?"

2015-08-20, 09:31 PM
Spark takes a minor protective stance over Xarzith with the others, mainly just standing in front of him.

Lets take it a little slow Gear, ok he is rather scared right now, and home sick. I don't think he can speak Equestrian, i only have heard him speak in Draconic.

2015-08-20, 09:32 PM
"So who is he?" Sabina asked.

2015-08-20, 09:33 PM
His name is Xarzith, he is from a very cold area in the world. colder then the Northern Wastes I assume. He got stuck on an Iceberg till he drifted his way here.

2015-08-20, 09:54 PM
"Oh, okay. well, good to meet you Xarzith," Sabina said with a little wave. "So... are you helping him get home?"

Emperor Ing
2015-08-20, 09:59 PM
As you approach, you feel a very strong cold surrounding Spark and this unknown dragon biting at your bodies as you get closer. While not particularly dangerous, it is noticeable.

RRrggh. Adepha shivers. Is it cold in here...?

Monah, meanwhile, was fascinated at seeing a real living Ancestral Dragon, who in turn only stared blankly at Gear for a moment with his coal-black eyes in response to the question of his comprehension of Equestrian. Equuis renthisj vi bvecko xanalre. He says in response. It doesn't look like he speaks or understands Equestrian.

Ponies speak a strange language.

He looked at the filly who seemed to have gotten his attention. Although he couldn't make sense of the noises she was making, he mimed her waving.

2015-08-20, 10:05 PM
Spark turns to Xarzith.
<Ya ponies do speak strangely. Let me introduce you this one is> Gear, <this one is > Sabina, < This is> Subtle, <This one is my mother> Arlia, < here is my other mother> Monah <And my soul mate my rider> Adepha.

Spark points out each person to Xarzith and says there names in common. He then smiles and shrugs to Adepha.

Sorry Dephy he likes it cold. I am absorbing all the heat in general area to keep him cold.

Words between <> are Draconic.

2015-08-20, 10:14 PM
Gear nods when his name is said.

Humble Master
2015-08-20, 10:15 PM
"Well, tell Xarith I say hello." Subtle said, curiously observing the ancestral dragon. Then, she realized that this might make the already uncomfortable dragon much more on edge so she ceased her investigation.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-21, 01:07 PM
Well he seems nice enough. Adepha waved to the dragon who mimed the action again.

Well you shouldn't have to rely on someone else to speak for you. Monah said, looking at Subtle with a slight twinkle in her eyes, before speaking again.

Rot Buld Tinvok! You all feel different after Monah uses her Shout. Your thoughts changed somehow. Xarzith seems confused but otherwise continues.

<...well, I don't know if you understand me but it's nice to meet you all...> Although he's still clearly speaking Draconic, the meaning of the words make perfect sense, as though you have a fluent understanding of the ancient dragon language!

Monah's shout lets you understand others' languages.

2015-08-21, 02:24 PM
Gear offers a hoof of Friendship to the young dragon.

2015-08-21, 03:59 PM
I will have to remember that Thu'um for next time Mom. I like it! He grins up at his mother.
So everyone okay having dinner a little early? I know Xarzith is hungry and i was about to order him something.

2015-08-21, 04:06 PM
"I snacked earlier, but I guess I can have something light," Sabina answered.

Humble Master
2015-08-21, 06:05 PM
"I could certainly join in a welcome feast for Xarzith." Subtle said.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-21, 07:23 PM
Gear extends his hoof to the dragon. Xarzith looks at the hoof, then to Gear, before back to Gear's hoof. He grabs the colt's hoof.

Adepha smiles at this gesture of friendship before looking back at the group. We can call this lunch and just have a really late dinner.

I'm okay with that. Xarzith then looks around, confused.

<Wait, I can understand you...?>

Monah smiles to the dragon in response. If we want to get to know you, we'd like to hear it from you, directly.

The waiter then returns, carrying a tray on his back. He opens it, showing a large, cooked porkchop, serving it to Xarzith, who looks at the meat, confused but interested. He looks at Spark expectingly.

Meanwhile the waiter looks at the rest of you. Would you like menus? Can I start you all off with something to drink...?

2015-08-21, 07:27 PM
Spark looks at Xarzith and takes the porkchop and cuts it up for him. Spark then picks up a fork and pierces one of the pieces. Go head Xarzith. Though we eat differently here. We use tools rather then our own claws and teeth.

Spark shows Xarzith how to hold the fork and hands it to the younger wyrmling.

Humble Master
2015-08-21, 07:55 PM
"I'll have some water and a menu, thank you." Subtle said before turning to Xarzith. "Though I think we would all understand if you'd rather use your claws." She wanted to make Xarzith feel welcome and knew that forcing him to try and learn Pony table manners while he was hungry might hurt that goal.

2015-08-21, 07:56 PM
That is true. Subtle is right. Do what you feel most comfortable with Xarzith.

2015-08-21, 07:56 PM
"Just a house salad, please."

2015-08-21, 08:16 PM
A simple salad and some water.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-22, 01:10 AM
<Ponies bring...other ponies food...?> Xarzith inquired, tilting his head before looking at the steaming slab of meat in front of him. Any meat-eating creature would find the aroma succulent and enticing, certainly it got Monah's and Adepha's attention.

Before he began, however, be blew on it. A narrow, thin, and focused blast, but one which encased the meat, plate, and anything nearby with a thin layer of ice. If the glass of water near him wasn't already frozen solid, it was now. He then pried a fork from its icy sarcophagus. Looking at Spark, he tried holding it like he did. Prying the now frozen-cooked slab of meat from the plate, he took the fork, and proceeded to stab it, over and over again as though trying to kill it with the pointy utensil.

Uh, you use that to hold pieces of the meat that you already cut. With the knife...? Adepha suggests. Confused, Xarzith takes the knife in his hand, now holding both the fork and knife in the same hand, and continues stabbing the meat, though in more of a slashing motion.

The waiter comes back with your orders, pouring you all glasses of water, hoofing a menu to Subtle.

2015-08-22, 01:13 AM
He turns to the waiter, can I get a vegetarian Steak? He then looks to Xarzith, and safety stops him from stabbing the meat.

You don't stab the meat. It is already dead. You can eat right now. well, do you eat the ice?

2015-08-22, 01:33 AM
It's a restaurant. A Business. That is, a place where goods or services are exchanged for currency, or something which has value or represents something that has value.

In this case, currency is exchanged for the good, food items, and thes service of having that food preared and brought to the customer, or the pony patronizing the business,in this case the restaurant.

Other business would be a stare, where goods are purchased directly, like food at a market or grocer or tools at a hardware store, or a hotel, where one exchanges currency in exchange for a safe and comfortable place to stay when away from home.

Do you understand that, Xarzith?

And would you like one of us to help you? I mean, show you how to use the knife and fork?

Gear carefully, and somehow using his hooves to do it*, picks up his own salad fork and demonstrates it's use with his simple salad.

*Since of course he can't hold the fork with his mouth.

Humble Master
2015-08-22, 07:09 AM
Subtle perused the menu, finally settling on a thick tomato soup. She then quietly sipped her water, feeling that Xarzith might feel a little crowded with all of these strange ponies eager to make friends and explain these bizarre things called restaurants.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-22, 12:02 PM
<So it's an Exchange, but for food...?> Xarzith asks, coming to an understanding. Seeing Gear using his fork, the dragon puts the meat down, then picks up the whole slab with his fork, taking a crunchy bite from it.

He then turns to Spark. <Wot, eu dun' luck fruzun food?> He attempts to speak with his mouth full.

I'll just have a pineapple juice, hold the rocks.

I'll try this "Bloody Mary." Arlia and Monah order, the waiter nodding at the four requests and leaving.

2015-08-22, 12:06 PM
Not really I prefer Gemstones Xarzith. use Southerners can eat them. Spark moves a claw behind his back like he is reaching for something and plucks a topaz off his back without Xarzith seeing him do this. He then reveals the Gem and eats it.

I think i understand you eating Ice though it is some what similar to Gems, Ice has a semi crystal like structure to it.

He then waits for him to sallow his food.

So what do you think of cooked meat versus raw meat?

2015-08-22, 02:50 PM
That's um, one way to do it.

2015-08-22, 03:05 PM
So how was everyones day? what did you all do? Spark asked everyone uncluding his mothers.

2015-08-22, 03:27 PM
"Relaxed at the water park a bit, did a couple slides to settle a bet."

2015-08-22, 03:40 PM
"What bet? Didn't you go with Blaise, Canthid, Sedona, and Chalcos? Where are they?"

2015-08-22, 03:42 PM
"Yeah, with them. They were discussing which was the better water slide."

2015-08-22, 04:11 PM
Subtle, Adepha, and I went to that sunken ship museum. We met a nice pony there, found out that Jackie's ship is apparently some lost historical treasure. We're thinking of letting ponies know we found it, but we need to do some stuff first to make sure no pony tries to take it from our town, once we get back, before we can tell anypony.

Also, I picked up a souvenir at the gift shop, to give to Mon-mon when we get back.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-22, 07:15 PM
Oh? What did you get him? Queen Arlia asked as the waiter returned with the remaining orders.

Also, I might have mislead you all as to why we were here. Arlia began in answering Spark's question, speaking rather casually. I mean here, as in Los Mareamos specifically. Yes, this place is paradise, but it's also the location of a Changling Hive. I mean, the whole city is a changling hive.

<they...aren't ponies...?> Xarzith asked quizzingly.

The tourists are. Probably, anyways. The majority of the employees, no. This vacation? It was just an excuse for me to do talks with the Queen.

2015-08-22, 07:20 PM
I knew it! Most ponies would not serve meat! But that is ok, is everything going well in the talks?

Spark then looks to Xarzith.

You see my Dephy and my mother. Motioning to the only two changlings at the table.
They may look like Ponies but they are actually Changlings. They can shapeshift and they feed on emotions like Love. Which I am always happy to give. Spark grinned proudly to Xarzith, as he considered it point of honor to feed a changling.

Humble Master
2015-08-22, 07:47 PM
Subtle shrugged in response to what Arlia said. "I mean, we got to have a vacation I guess. " She did feel somewhat unsettled that Arlia would be willing to conceal her true intentions from them. "I assume you were trying to get them to join the big happy Equestrian alliance family?"

2015-08-22, 09:05 PM
"Sucks that you don't trust us though, Queen Arlia," Sabina said.

2015-08-22, 09:11 PM
Guys! It is not that mom did not trust us. We have to respect another hives and their secrets. By not telling us she was doing that. It helps when it comes to diplomatic relations.
Being her son and prince he understood why the secret was kept.

Humble Master
2015-08-22, 09:14 PM
Subtle turned to Spark "She still could have said something, even just that we are going on this trip partially for official reasons."

2015-08-22, 09:16 PM
Spark looked a Subtle like we are going through this again?

No Subtle she could not have. This is just like when Mom had me living with her that first week I was here. She had to know she could trust me before I left the hive. Mom must have been dealling with them all day, which means she has earned their trust.

2015-08-22, 09:19 PM
"If she wanted to 'respect their secrets' then why did she tell us now? Or really why at all?" Sabina asked armor piercingly.

2015-08-22, 09:29 PM
"If she wanted to 'respect their secrets' then why did she tell us now? Or really why at all?" Sabina asked armor piercingly.

The reason I would assume that Mom has told us, is the fact that this hive is now taking part in the peace treaty that we had at the summit. What hive is this?

Humble Master
2015-08-22, 09:32 PM
Subtle shrugged "I'm the last one to deny ponies the right to keep secrets. I realize now that Queen Arlia had her reasons, just the way she said it put me off for some reason, I don't know."

2015-08-22, 09:34 PM
Oh? What did you get him? Queen Arlia asked as the waiter returned with the remaining orders. Nothing major, just one of those bath toys. Lights up, moves on it's own.He likes to take thing apart and see how they work, then put them back together, so...

Gear laughs.

I remember him telling me that he got his Cutie Mark when he took apart the toaster to figure out how it worked ant then put it back together, but his parents caught while he was putting back and since he didn't ask they grounded him for a month, but ten two days later they ungrounded him because the toaster didn't burn bagels anymore.

Adepha may notice that Monkey himself told her about this, around the time he became Gear's coltfriened...Though he didn't say it was how he got his Cutie Mark.

Also, I might have mislead you all as to why we were here. Arlia began in answering Spark's question, speaking rather casually. I mean here, as in Los Mareamos specifically. Yes, this place is paradise, but it's also the location of a Changling Hive. I mean, the whole city is a changling hive.

<they...aren't ponies...?> Xarzith asked quizzingly.

The tourists are. Probably, anyways. The majority of the employees, no. This vacation? It was just an excuse for me to do talks with the Queen.

...You know,I was thinking that the locals were paying a bit much attention to the group with the shiny ponies radiating delicious crystal love.

2015-08-22, 09:38 PM
The reason I would assume that Mom has told us, is the fact that this hive is now taking part in the peace treaty that we had at the summit.

Subtle shrugged "I'm the last one to deny ponies the right to keep secrets. I realize now that Queen Arlia had her reasons, just the way she said it put me off for some reason, I don't know."

"Sounded like it was going to turn into an apology," Sabina said. "Does it matter that we specifically need to know this place is a hive now?"

2015-08-22, 09:45 PM
Did it Sabina? It sounded like she was answering my question to me.

2015-08-22, 09:57 PM
Did it Sabina? It sounded like she was answering my question to me.

"Wasn't you question to me though? About the bet and being with Blaise, Canthid, and Sedona? I was with them at the water park."

2015-08-22, 09:58 PM
No my first question was to everyone remember. "How was everyone's day, what did you all do?"

2015-08-22, 10:04 PM
"My question still stands, is it important that we needed to know this information, especially if Subtle is right and it's supposed to be a secret."

2015-08-22, 10:13 PM
"My question still stands, is it important that we needed to know this information, especially if Subtle is right and it's supposed to be a secret."

I don't know about you, but I am glad to know now.

2015-08-22, 10:15 PM
"Maybe it has something to do with that... ghost thing that's bothering everyone's dreams?"

Emperor Ing
2015-08-22, 10:15 PM
Everyling! Please calm down! Arlia said, raising a hoof to try to catch everyling's attention.

Are we in any danger? Adepha asked. Xarzith remained quiet meanwhile, as did Monah.

I admit I did bring you here under false pretenses. The Alliance was contacted by an Inquisitor of Hive Sygarius, that is to say the hive that runs, or I should say is Los Mareamos, saying they wished to begin talks with joining our alliance. Queen Anosta was preoccupied and Magma-Queen Brexxis was...occupied with the local situation. Arlia avoids making any mention of the Southern Dragon Civil-War. The duty fell on me. Our preliminary talks were promising, and I was able to negotiate a position where I was able to bring you all and your families on an expenses-paid vacation for the long weekend.

So I was not lying when I said this was a vacation. Just not a vacation for me or Sedona, Canthid, and Chalcos, though I won't demerit them for relaxing.

For the time being Hive Sygarius wishes to keep its truth hidden. Not necessarily a secret, but they want the truth spread slowly, through rumor to introduce Equestria to the fact that their go-to vacation destination has been feeding off of their enjoyment for generations, while enjoying the same privileges it enjoyed as an Equestrian city to ensure their customers' vacation experiences aren't disrupted.

If I sounded casual, it is because I came here merely projecting positivity, when in reality I was absolutely terrified I was leading you all into a trap. However everything their Queen has told me has me feeling even more optimistic than ever.

Humble Master
2015-08-22, 10:19 PM
"Well, that's all good I suppose." Subtle said. "My apologies for my misunderstanding your intent Queen Arlia."

2015-08-22, 10:19 PM
OOOOHHHHHHH!!!! This is Hive Sygarius! I met one of there inquisitors back at the Summit. It was propably thanks to him this is all happening? What his name again?


2015-08-22, 10:21 PM
Why worry that it was a trap? That would have been the stupidest thing they could have done.

2015-08-22, 10:23 PM
What if these guys were the Arbiters and mom did not know? I mean i already met Xanthe and his family here afterall.

2015-08-22, 10:26 PM
"So... no problems then?" Sabina asked.

2015-08-22, 10:34 PM
What if these guys were the Arbiters and mom did not know? I mean i already met Xanthe and his family here afterall.

I mean absolutely no disrespect, but After three encounters with the Arbiters in Olith territory, if Her Majesty hasn't made it a habit to use spells to force non-Olithian lings requesting contact with her into their true forms to make sure they're not Arbiter Agents in disguise, since we know such spells exist, then she's seriously slacking in the queenly department.

Um, again, no disrespect. Opposite. Too much respect to believe you wouldn't do that, your majesty.

Anyway, that leads us with the assumption that it is, in fact the hive that it's inquisitors claim it to be. Which leads back to my question. Trying to trap us would call down the wrath of three nations upon them, four if the Hierarchy of southern dragons gets involved on Monah's behalf... though granted some of them are busy and couldn't help as much as others, and would furthermore expose there secret to the world when we inevitably beat up a bunch of them.

So that leads me back to "Why?" What's benefit to they get from it?

And I'd say that Xanthe and his family being present is evidence against this being Arbiter territory, since he's a traitor to their cause.

speaking of whom, do you know if there's away to meet with Xanth while we're here? Um... I do still kind of owe him 100 bits.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-22, 10:43 PM
He introduced himself as Peguros. To the best of your knowledge none of the Sygarians you've seen or met have matched his surfer-dude demeanor, so you haven't encountered yet.

Wait, you met a Sygarian? And they were looking to join the Alliance too? Wow, what took 'em so long? Adepha joked.

Why worry that it was a trap? That would have been the stupidest thing they could have done.

Those were my assurances as well. Arlia answered. The Sygarians are businesslings, and always have been. To capture or bring harm to a Changling Queen allied to Equestria whom they have already exposed themselves to as a gesture of trust would have been bad for business, to put it simply. Just in case, however, Chalcos casts a signal every six hours to let our allies in Equestria know everything is okay, and will continue to do so until the conclusion of our, well, your vacation.

"Well, that's all good I suppose." Subtle said. "My apologies for my misunderstanding your intent Queen Arlia."

Arlia nods at Subtle's understanding. Thank you Subtle, and no need to apologize, you couldnt've known all that was going on, and much of that was my own fault.

No problems, in fact quite the opposite. There are a few nitpicks we will have to discuss but Queen Brevil's proposal is very agreeable, me and Princess Luna being in agreement.

Uh, Xanthe? Adepha looked at Gear. I think Spark would know.

2015-08-22, 10:45 PM
If you come with me to the pool on the roof at 10:00 tonight he will be there too. You can pay him back then ok.

2015-08-22, 10:47 PM
Sabina goes back to her salad, and in tandem, her vacation.

2015-08-22, 10:51 PM
Those were my assurances as well. Arlia answered. The Sygarians are businesslings, and always have been. To capture or bring harm to a Changling Queen allied to Equestria whom they have already exposed themselves to as a gesture of trust would have been bad for business, to put it simply. Just in case, however, Chalcos casts a signal every six hours to let our allies in Equestria know everything is okay, and will continue to do so until the conclusion of our, well, your vacation.

Gear facehoofs.

Please tell me you have a backup plan just in case something happens to him that is unrelated to the sygarians? Because now that you've told us about it, well... There's that other thing we have to deal with.

Gear nods to Spark.

2015-08-22, 10:54 PM
Ya mom I met one of them before, his name was, Perugos.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-22, 10:55 PM
Gear facehoofs.

Please tell me you have a backup plan just in case something happens to him that is unrelated to the sygarians? Because now that you've told us about it, well... There's that other thing we have to deal with.

Oh of course. Arlia replies matter-of-factly. I hope you don't blame me for not wishing to discuss the details of my security contingencies out loud, of course.

Oh, Peguros? Arlia asks. Can't say that we've met. I'm just glad we were able to set an example other Hives would willingly decide to follow.

2015-08-22, 11:00 PM
Oh of course. Arlia replies matter-of-factly. I hope you don't blame me for not wishing to discuss the details of my security contingencies out loud, of course.

Of course. It just concerns me when every any says such things out loud, because it usually means that it's going to come up later.

2015-08-23, 12:16 PM
Spark looks to the Wyrmling again.
So Xar what do you think of cooked meat?

Emperor Ing
2015-08-23, 05:24 PM
<It's....pretty tasty!> Xarzith admits.

<Just...how am I gonna get home?>

2015-08-23, 05:47 PM
Let us figure that ot, just relax. We're the good guys... Just hope this doen'st end up like the last time we helped a lost kid get home.

2015-08-23, 06:30 PM
You ever Gone Between before Xar?

2015-08-23, 06:59 PM
Just hope this doen'st end up like the last time we helped a lost kid get home.

Sabina was amused, but didn't outwardly mention it. She just listened as she finished up her salad.

Humble Master
2015-08-23, 07:44 PM
Subtle finished the last of her soup before speaking up. "Between train travel and Going Between I think that you could be returned to your home quite quickly Xarzith."

Emperor Ing
2015-08-23, 07:50 PM
<"Going Between?" What's that?> Xarzith asked.

<Can...can you even Go Between that far, Spark?> Monah asked. <Our ancestral homeland is very far.>

2015-08-23, 08:41 PM
Going between Xar is an ability you should or will have one day. You can teleport to any place you have memory of. There is risk however, if you do not mentally visiulize the place you are going, you will go no where and be stuck between the folds of Space and Time. But where are you from? When you and I talked it does not sound like you were from the ancestral homeland?

2015-08-23, 10:03 PM
Gear goes back to eating his salad.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-23, 11:08 PM
<Well, I mean...it was the homeland, I think. There weren't any blas-phers anywhere, I mean.>

So...don't you need to know where you're going when you Go Between...? Adepha asked. I don't think you've ever been to the Ancestral Homeland or...wherever that is, or in the frozen part of it.

Are we gonna need to, I dunno, find a picture or something?

2015-08-23, 11:12 PM
Spark's eyes flash a rainbow of colors, as he sees the ancestral homeland.

I have images of the past version of the Ancestral Homeland. Having all those memories, especially Alduin's certainly comes in handy sometimes.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-24, 02:16 PM
<So...I can go home? Now?> Xarzith asks excitedly, then he suddenly deflates visibly.

<But...I mean, do I have to leave now? This is such a wierd world but...but I want to know more. I wanna learn more...>

2015-08-24, 05:06 PM
Well, I suppose we can teach you.

2015-08-24, 05:25 PM
We don't have to leave right now Xar, if you want to stay and hang around that is fine. We are going to fight a ghost tonight. Spark says in such a way that it can be viewed as a form of entertainment.

2015-08-24, 05:26 PM
"Uh... I don't think you should bring him along to that. Could be dangerous."

2015-08-24, 05:39 PM
True, but that would also mean he can't sleep tonight. Given that this thing jumps between dreams, we need to find a way to lock it into one mind. LOCK IT INTO ONE MIND!!!! What if we did that! What if we locked it in a mind that it could never alter! then it could be stopped and fought.

Humble Master
2015-08-24, 05:40 PM
"I'm with Sabina. Xarzith can certainly stay and learn more about this place but I think we should probably not bring him along on a potentially dangerous foray into our dreams." Subtle then turned to Spark. "I mean, that would certainly help but I don't think we know how to trap it in one mind and what sort of mind would it not be able to alter? We really don't know enough about it."

2015-08-24, 05:45 PM
"Well, Xar, you been having any scary dreams lately?"

2015-08-24, 05:45 PM
It can't alter Me or Monah. Since our minds are split given to Adepha and Arlia respectively. Then we are immune to its influence. Plus all the ancestors that are locked in my mind means I have an army on my side! Spark looks like he has hope for once against this thing.

2015-08-24, 06:16 PM
Or we could just double kill it. If we can form a shared dream between all of us and trap it in our dreams, then all of us working together should be able to manipulate the dream to defeat it.

2015-08-24, 06:17 PM
"How do we trap it?"

2015-08-24, 06:26 PM
Gear tries to imagine a method of trapping ghosts.

Occult:[roll0]+6 14

Emperor Ing
2015-08-24, 07:10 PM
<I, uh, no. No scary dreams. Why?> He looks up. <You think the two are related...?>

We tried the shared dream before. Arlia pointed out. Maybe...all we need is more minds. Or...we can find the conduit, whatever that is.

Aeslia. Adepha points out. Gear, think about it. You think it might be Nadara. Aeslia is Nadara's hatchling, and she's been having these nightmares for months. We don't need to fight it in our dreams, there's only one changling who's dream really matters.

Ghosts cannot pass through areas marked off with salt. Ghosts can also be disrupted by direct contact with salt.

2015-08-24, 07:12 PM
Then we help Aeslia, that is all there is to it. So Xar what do you want to do here first?

2015-08-24, 07:12 PM
And we use the shared dream spell to fight it in Aeslia's dream, then.

Also, ghosts hate salt

Humble Master
2015-08-24, 07:25 PM
"Aeslia was also having those chronic night terrors." Subtle pointed out. "That could have been whatever we're fighting making her the conduit or something."

2015-08-24, 07:41 PM
"So... make a circle of salt around Aeslia?"

2015-08-24, 09:48 PM
That seems silly are you sure Gear?

Emperor Ing
2015-08-25, 01:45 AM
<Well, salt is reper-sative of purity. I dunno if that's really true, but it's anamana-anth-ma to evil and unnatural things. An evil ghost won't go near it.> Xarzith explained.

...huh. Queen Arlia remarked at the dragon's sudden knowledgeability.

Well you all won't need to worry about that. I'll do some shopping, get several different kinds of salt just in case.

So I guess that means that we're on our own again. Adepha noticed. So what do you guys wanna do? She asked, looking at all of you.

Humble Master
2015-08-25, 07:17 AM
"Well, I kind of got to pick the museum so I'm open to ideas." Subtle said.

2015-08-25, 07:41 AM
Spark also gives Xar a curious once over. Though he looks to his special somepony quickly.

I don't know I did not get to spend any time with any of you today. So I think maybe we could all go to the beach for the later half, but the heat won't do well with Xar.... I am not sure either.

2015-08-25, 07:54 AM
"Does Xar know any sports?"

Emperor Ing
2015-08-25, 03:00 PM
<Actually I know one but we need a really really big, hollow ball of ice, some markers, and three smaller balls of ice. About as big as me.>

Adepha's eyes then widen with realization. Wait, Your Highness, what about that spell?

Which one, Adepha? Arlia replied back.

The one. You know, back at the Summit, when the Magma Queen arrived, you needed to protect us from her heat-aura thing?

Huh, I see. That might work. The Queen's horn lights up with a violet aura as the spell shoots out and covers Xarzith.

That should keep him covered for a while.

<So...it won't be as hot outside...?> The dragon replied hopefully.

It will be, but you won't feel it at all.

Well that solves that. Adepha nods. So how about the beach? I wanna try bodysurfing.

2015-08-25, 04:53 PM
Spark can't help but adore Adepha right in this moment thinking she was the smartest nymph ever. He honestly felt like the luckiest dragon in the world.
"I thinking going to the beach would be awesome. I want to know if surfacing is as easy in water like it is for lava."

2015-08-25, 04:55 PM
"I guess the beach will do. Could comb it for some seashells to take home."

Humble Master
2015-08-25, 04:57 PM
"I'd certainly be willing to tag along." Subtle said.

2015-08-25, 05:41 PM
It'll be nice to do something together.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-25, 11:50 PM
Well it's good you all stick together. Arlia remarked.

Is everything alright...? You see a black-coated mare Spark recognizes as Midnight immediately, if that is her real name, as she doesn't seem to give the presence of two Changlings a second thought.

Yes, everything's good. We're ready to take our check. The manager nods, walking off. After the meal is paid for you are all excused to go towards the beach.

From the neighboring hotel it's a short walk to the beach. Xarzith accompanies you, though he slinks under the shade of buildings and palm-trees whenever possible. Crossing the boardwalk leads to a wooden ramp that deposits you on the soft sandy beaches of the resort city/changling. Here, as far as the eye can see the beach is teeming with life. Ponies of just about every color and stripe line the beaches, resting on towels and covering themselves with a veritable rainbow of umbrellas while the more active among them put themselves in front of the blue ocean in front of you all, several ponies can be seen rising with a wave as it crawls to shore while several more float in its path, waiting for the chance for it to curl, and provide them with the thrill they so seek. You can make out the white, narrow curved shapes of surfboards against the navy blue water, and see them glide across the ground as ponies ride the wave.

Around you you can also make out several stands, places where peddlers are selling various knick-knacks, treats, drinks, and even sports equipment, including but not limited to wave boat rentals, surfboards, surfing lessons, some wierd contraption that looks like a giant floating tricycle. Maybe you ride it on the water or something? There's also banana boat rides, jet-skis, and parasailing.

2015-08-25, 11:57 PM
Spark stands next to Adepha, as he also makes sure Xar stays within ear shot.

So Dephy, do you want to try that body boarding like you talked about? I can get you a board. Spark smiled at his nymph-friend, He wanted to treat her before he went and did what he wanted.

Humble Master
2015-08-26, 07:16 AM
Subtle takes out her own umbrella and claims a small patch of beach where she might relax in the shade latter. "So, shall we go combing for sea shells?" Subtle inquired of Sabina.

2015-08-26, 07:29 AM
"So, shall we go combing for sea shells?"

"Yes, lets," Sabina replied. "Maybe we can find a few nice ones for our colt-friends."

2015-08-26, 05:11 PM
Gear just sits on the beach and starts relaxing for a bit.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-26, 07:50 PM
The sun-baked salty sands provide a warm seat for the crystal colt to rest, the sound of rushing waves and the rumbling murmur of a thousand voices speaking in a thousand different conversations provided a backdrop for the waves periodically crashing against the shores.

Subtle and Sabina find that although the beach is heavily populated, along the shores are numerous seashells of all sorts of different beachy colors, from those half-shell thingies that look like they radiate outward from that knot thing, to snail shells for really giant snails. Or possibly hermit crabs.

((Make a search check to find particularly interesting shells))

Come on, Spark! Adepha waved to her coltfriend as she flew towards the water. We don't need rentals where we're going! She quickly then zipped ahead, towards a crashing wave, flying straight towards it before abruptly turning and flying parallel to the wave. She dropped, extending her hooves and dropping into the wave, riding along it, using her body like a board.

2015-08-26, 08:00 PM
((Make a search check to find particularly interesting shells))

[roll0]+10 = 21

Sabina walked along the beach with Subtle, keeping an eye out for interesting shells to collect. "Does Ectato like the beach?"

2015-08-26, 08:05 PM
Spark followed his nymph-friend out into the waves. He uses his curved belly as best he could to mimic Adepha though he was no were near as talented as her. He still laughed and enjoyed himself. The pure excitement, coupled with the absolute joy doing something like this with her was just amazing. He eventually joined her in a tunnel while the wave cascaded over them. the soft blue surrounding was enchanting and romantic. It was truly a wonder to behold an share with Adepha. He could not help but gaze at her with this backdrop.

The tunnel and the experience would not last for ever though as the water came crashing down. It slammed down on the the couple, as they tumbled into the water. Spark was amazing at the force of it, though he soon found his center of balance again. He swam for Adepha once he saw her, grabbing hold of her hoof. Allowing his wings to spread out, he floated back to the surface with her.

That was amazing Dephy. We should do that again.

Humble Master
2015-08-26, 08:17 PM
Subtle trotted beside Sabina, eyes keen to find any marine debris of unique interest and cutie mark unconcealed. "I think he likes beaches, just not the crowds." Subtle responded "When we sit by Trout Lake he loves just laying in the sand with me. I think the sensation must be different with a carapace."


Emperor Ing
2015-08-26, 08:20 PM
As Sabina's glance turns back to the beach she notices a large peach-colored conch right next to her left front hoof. Subtle finds a large light-blue clamshell. While the size and texture would be interesting enough, the other-side, once Subtle turns it over, is a lustrous rainbow texture. The smooth and gleaming mother-of-pearl shifts its iridescent hues with even the slightest change in how the light hits it.

Adepha's head popped out from the ocean as she grinned at Spark. Everything's better with my Sparky at my back. the long mound of water slowly rising and moving towards the shore. Why wait? She grinned in response as she jumped into the air, hovering just above the water in anticipation.

However her anticipation turned into trepedation as the wall of water grew and grew until it rose, towering over the two until it must've been at least 10 hooves up from the water's surface.

2015-08-26, 08:31 PM
"Ohhh pretty!" Sabina chirps. "Tenn might like this, even though he doesn't like the beach."

2015-08-26, 08:32 PM
Spark rose up with Adepha, as he saw the same thing she saw, a tower of water. It was terrifying to see something so large so powerful heading before them, but Spark simply took hold of Adepha and flew for it. He flew straight at it, and with Adepha he prepared himself to ride the wave. This time they would take that tunnel and complete it together.

When they reached the swirelling vortex, Spark was right next to his Dephy, as he surfaced with her. The tunnel's collapse was chasing them both as they rode the water like their lives depended on it. It was catching up with them but they could see the light of the end, and right as they reached it, the water smacked down. Though alone Spark would have stopped, but with Adepha next to him he kept pushing through till he and her were floating again together awaiting the second one.

I knew it would be better the second time.

Humble Master
2015-08-26, 09:19 PM
Subtle levitates the clamshell and appraises it. "And I think I found something for Ectato. Hey, what's that thing with conch shells? Like you can hear the ocean in them?"

2015-08-26, 09:21 PM
"I think if you hold it up to your ear? Though, check to make sure there isn't a crab in it."

Humble Master
2015-08-26, 09:25 PM
"Unless you like having crabs in your ear for some reason." Subtle said, probing about inside the shell with her telekinesis and, once found clear of any pincer-equipped crustaceans, put it to her ear before offering it to Sabina.

2015-08-26, 09:28 PM
Gear keeps laying in the sand, watching his friends enjoy themselves, letting the sunlight warm his fur and letting his crystalline coat glitter in the sunlight, mingling with his natural happy sparkles. There's gonna be trouble later, but for now, Gear's just gonna enjoy the moment.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-26, 09:33 PM
Oh, you know you can blow into that and it sounds like a horn, right? An Earth Pony stallion says, approaching the two fillies.
Subtle puts the conch next to her ear, where she hears a low rumble emanating from it that sounds as though a miniature ocean were indeed trapped somewhere inside the conch's seemingly endless spirals. Of course it might also be that there's an ocean within spitting-distance of where they were standing.

Go on, try it!

While Gear is relaxing, he can hear something approach, settling down next to him.

<Hey. Gear, right?> He can hear Xarzith's voice. Still speaking draconic but the colt can still understand everything he's saying without error. <So, uh, what do ponies do? There's so many here, all climbing over each other, bumping into each other, entering their terr-terries and eating all that food...all while outside where it's so hot, all the ice is melted. All of it!

Uh, sorry if i'm bothering you but...how does this work?>

Although Spark can see others around the water, he doesn't see any white-maned changlings.

2015-08-26, 09:38 PM
Spark was confused she was just there! they finished the wave together! He flies up into the air to get a better look for her.


2015-08-26, 09:45 PM
That... Is hard to explain. Well, the ice never melted, because this is an ocean. It was always water.

Ponies don't really care about individual territory. Only the territory of the nation.

As for the bumping and climbing over each other, well, ...that's difficult to describe.

and ponies like it when it's warm...though not to warm.

Humble Master
2015-08-26, 09:48 PM
"Here, you've got better lungs." Subtle said, handing the conch to Sabina. "Give it a blow."

Emperor Ing
2015-08-27, 02:06 AM
Spark sees several heads pop out of the water after the abnormally large wave passes over and crashes onto the shore, destroying more than a few sand castles. Through a bit of vigilance, Spark sees that one of the heads rising out of the water does happen to belong to Adepha, as she spits out a mouthful of salt-water.

She notices Spark approaching, and scratches the back of her head nervously. Eeeh, guess that one was a bit too much for me. You all right?

<Things melt when they're warm...> He replies with a bit of melancholy. <I...just don't know where to begin in figuring out how ponies work. You said "Nation." Do ponies also have a High Lord?>

2015-08-27, 05:41 AM
"Give it a blow."

Sabina blows into the shell.

2015-08-27, 07:33 AM
Spark lands next to his Adepha, and nuzzles her.

I got out of the tunnel just fine. I thought you were with me. I am glad you are okay.

2015-08-27, 10:04 AM
<Things melt when they're warm...> He replies with a bit of melancholy. <I...just don't know where to begin in figuring out how ponies work. You said "Nation." Do ponies also have a High Lord?>

Ponies have rulers, yes. Equestria proper is ruled by Princess Celestia and her Sister Princess Luna, the Alicorn's who raise the sun and the moon. Equestria also has a third Princess, Princess Twilight, but I'm not sure what she's in charge of, just that she's the sister in law of Princess Cadance and that the hero who rescued my homeland.

Speaking of Cadance and my homeland, to the North of Equestria proper is the Crystal Empire, ruled by Princess Cadance.

The Changelings have rulers two, the Queens. Arlia, Spark's changeling mother, is Queen of hive Olith. Other hives have their own Queens.

Emperor Ing
2015-08-27, 12:59 PM
Sabina finds an opening in the base of the horn. She blows into it, and a deep, resonating note (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w-T7lnw_auY&t=1m15s) comes forth that echoes all along the shoreline.

When Sabina is done the stallion claps his hooves together excitedly, smiling. Woo! Yeah! Good work!

As he sits up though, something falls out from him onto the sand.

You see a brochure, depicting a sun rising over a horizon, with the headline "Have you heard about UNITY?" The last word being in bold letters.

Adepha nuzzles Spark back. Come on, it takes more than that to slow me down!

Then you see a surfer paddle up to you, a unicorn with a sandy coat, white mane, and green eyes. Whoa, hey. Haven't I, like...seen you before...? I totally feel like i've, like, seen you before. He asks, pointing to Spark.

<Alicorns? Ponies who raise the sun and moon?> Xarzith asked, confused. <That's impossible. Even Indigo Eclipse couldn't do that.>

2015-08-27, 01:11 PM
Sabina subtly alerts Subtle to the subtly subtle clue dropped by way of a nudging nudge while being subtly subtle of alerting Subtle.

Deception: [roll0]+8 = 19

2015-08-27, 05:13 PM
<Alicorns? Ponies who raise the sun and moon?> Xarzith asked, confused. <That's impossible. Even Indigo Eclipse couldn't do that.>

It's not impossible. We've met these ponies ourselves. And honestly, how did you thinkthe sun and moon rose and set?

An alicorn is... Well, there's a unique pony magic that gives us our cutie marks, but every kind of pony also has it'son kind of magic. Crystal Ponies like me, we've got an aura that makes us all Sparkly when we're happy, and it also protects us, and some of us can us it's enrgy to heal ourselves and others.

The three most common types of ponies are Pegasi, Unicorns, and Earth Ponies. Pegasi have wings, like a bird, and there magic lets them control the weather and walk on the clouds. Unicorns, like subtle, can cast spells. Most unicorns can only cast a couple of spells, usually related to their talent, but really strong ones can learn a bunch of spells. They can also use their magic to make lights or move things without touching them. Finally, Earth Ponies, like Sabina, have magic that makes them stronger and tougher than other ponies. Eath Ponies also tend to be better at taking care of plants and such.

An Alicorn, like the princesses, is an Earth Pony, and a Pegasus, and a Unicorn. All at the same time, with all three kinds of magic. We don't know for sure, but we think the Alicorns are also immortal, because Princesses Luna and Celestia are over 1000 years old and sill look young. Most ponies are lucky to make it to 100, and the oldest we know about, other than the princesses, are like, a little over 200.

Of course,there are other kinds of ponies. I told you about Crystal Ponies, like me, but there's also bat ponies, who are like pegasi but they have bat wings instead of bird wings and can see in the dark. Then you have Zebras, who are kinda like ponies, but they have some other symbol instead of a cutie mark. They have stripes. Sabina's mother and her little brother are zebras. And we have changelings, like Adepha and Arlia, who aren't really ponies, but they're like ponies, and are closely related to crystal ponies like me.

Do you understand me?

2015-08-27, 07:18 PM
Hey Peguros! We met back at the peace summit. Remember I am Prince Spark! Spark grinned at the surfer ling in disguise.

This is my Special Someling, Adepha, Adepha this is Peguros.

Humble Master
2015-08-27, 07:34 PM
Subtle took note of the fallen brochure and attempted to position herself so the stallion would not notice it. "Yah, that was awesome!" she explained with genuine enthusiasm. "Thanks for showing us that."

Aid Another Deception:[roll0]+4=10

Emperor Ing
2015-08-27, 08:31 PM
It's something cool to check out. The Earth Pony shrugs. Hey, can I buy that off of you? I'll give you twenty bits for it. He doesn't seem to have noticed the brochure.

Prince Spark? Who-ho-hoah! Everyling's getting promotions! I mean, like, last I saw, Olith didn't have any Elites! He nods to Adepha. It's, like, rockin' to meet ya.

Um, thanks.

Yeah! I saw you rockin' those waves without a board. You're pretty rad!

<I...I think I get it. So there's a whole bunch of kinds of ponies. And not-ponies.> Xarzith attempts to understand. <And ponies like to live in places that are so hot that ice melts.

But...i've always thought the Sun and Moon were just...chasing each other. Like they were playing tag.>

2015-08-27, 08:56 PM
So what have you been up to since I last saw you in Vanhoover?

2015-08-27, 09:06 PM
"Sure, I suppose it's a pretty enough shell." Sabina trades the shell for bits.

Humble Master
2015-08-27, 09:41 PM
"I guess we'll need to find another shell for Tenn." Subtle said. "Or maybe buy him something with the 20 bits."

2015-08-27, 09:43 PM
Well, Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are sisters, and they're the ones who move the sun and moon,so maybe they might have played with them at some time...

2015-08-27, 09:56 PM
"I guess we'll need to find another shell for Tenn." Subtle said. "Or maybe buy him something with the 20 bits."

"Yeah, I have options now. Thanks buddy... uh, didn't catch your name?"

Emperor Ing
2015-08-27, 11:40 PM
Oh, just call me Lantern. He replies, taking the conch from Sabina while giving her the promised twenty bits. Thanks for the shell! Have a nice day! He waves as he leaves, never noticing the lost brochure.

That's classified i'm afraid. Peguros replies, his expression becoming suddenly serious.

Whoa! Classified? Huh? Adepha notices the abrupt shift.

Hey, sorry, don't mean to be a bummer-bug, but the things I do as an Inquisitor, like...I shouldn't talk about it, y'know?

Wait, Inquisition? Like the Arbiters?!

<Yeah, well...Cells-ta and Luna are immortal...> Xarzith whines to himself.

<You said there were two other alicorns. Cadance, who rules over your homeland. What's that like?>

2015-08-27, 11:45 PM
No not like the Arbiters. Spark says trying to reassure her.

No We met at the summit he was there as an inquisitor to see if his own hive should take part in the peace treaty later. Which may we know how that is going?

Spark says as if he does not already know.

2015-08-28, 12:28 AM
Well, my family left soon after she took over,but from what my fri-cousin, she's a cousin now, from what she says Cadance and he husband are wonderful ponies who take great care to protect the Empire.

I did meet her once, the last time I was there, for the Crystal Fair last year, and she was really nice. The was a treaty, so to celebrate she invited the ponies and changelings of Olith and the city my friends and I live in to attend,but there were some ponies and a ling who didn't want the Empire to be friends with changelings. so they did some stuff and a friend of mine and myself got foalnapped. We got rescued fast and we were okay,but it scared the heavens out of us and our friends, and my special somepony punched a guard in the face.

Anyway, the next day was the fair proper, and since the problem was taken care of, we were allowed to go, and my special somepony, he's a pegasus, wanted to pick me up and carry me up above the city so I could see my home from above, and Adepha and Spark flew with us so that they could see, and it was so beautiful, and Adepha said something about the rest of the group being able to see it, and we were, um, by the crystal palace, so Cadance heard her, and when we landed, she sent a guard to talk with us and invite us up to the royal balcony to see the city from above so the rest of our friends could see.

2015-08-28, 05:47 AM
Once Lantern is a ways away, Sabina scoops up the brochure and gives it to Subtle. "Well Holmes, looks like this ghost mystery got weirder. I don't know of any ghosts that have brochures."

Humble Master
2015-08-28, 07:11 AM
Subtle took the brochure in her telekinetic grip and looked it over. "Ghosts might not have brochures, but Ponies and Lings indoctrinated by ghosts can make them." she observed.

2015-08-28, 07:25 AM
Subtle took the brochure in her telekinetic grip and looked it over. "Ghosts might not have brochures, but Ponies and Lings indoctrinated by ghosts can make them." she observed.

"What does a ghost that invades dreams need with a brochure?" Sabina asked. "...hmm, maybe its reach is finite and needs others to come here to the resort?"

Emperor Ing
2015-08-28, 03:27 PM
Subtle reads over the brochure and opens it. It seems to be advertising a collectivist movement that claims to be growing across Equestria. The idea being that everypony is different and unique, but united with one body and one voice their aggregate would change the world into a utopia where crime and conflict are words that need no longer exist in the common lexicon.

It also asked that whether or not you agreed with these ideas that you give the pamphlet to somepony else and let them come to their own conclusions.

That's classified-actually no. Peguros suddenly corrects corrects himself. It's, like...gonna be public knowledge in a week or somethin' anyways. He smiles.

Things are doin' good! We're gonna be chillin' with the alliance any day now, it'll be awesome. You hear the rush of water, and see a wave creeping up on you three. Smaller than the previous one but still respectable in size.

Whoa! Sweet catch! Wanna ride...? He smirks to Adepha and Spark

<mmmm....> He mulls over what Gear just said. <You sound like this happens to you a lot.>

2015-08-28, 03:54 PM
Yeah. It happens a bit more often than it should, but we're good at handling it.

2015-08-28, 04:07 PM
Come on Dephy lets tackle this wave together! Spark says with pure joy!