View Full Version : What's this I keep hearing about Sonic fans?

2015-08-16, 03:35 AM
I'm worried I'm creating ban-bait but please note that I'm not making a statement about anyone or inviting nasty comments. I'm just curious about something I keep seeing online.

I only played the first two Sonic the Hedgehog games back in the day, but I've heard the series went severely downhill after switching to 3D. But why do I keep seeing online comments about Sonic having the worst fanbase in the world, and stuff along those lines?

I would just like to hear some calm, polite explanations for why this image has come to be.

2015-08-16, 03:51 AM
Going out on a limb, I'm going to say it has something to do with the very...underground aspect of the fandom who make self inserts and I mean that in more than one way if you catch my drift.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-16, 04:01 AM
I believe they're considered more notorious than most for producing bad fanfiction and fanart. Like, awful, awful, awful fanfiction and fanart.

2015-08-16, 04:05 AM
The vast swerves in direction the series has taken (as opposed to Mario, who has always maintained the same image) will have also created massive divides in the fanbase. Shadow the Hedgehog alone is worth a thousand flamewars, and the series keeps introducing new characters that each new age group to encounter the series considers canon while eliciting Jar Jar Binks level hatred from the older fans. Other than the original Genesis ones I never kept up with the series until I tried one of the DS games, and was completely lost thanks to the explosion of new characters over the past 20 years.

2015-08-16, 06:45 AM
1. Sonic fans are never happy.

Literally no game in the franchise is ever good enough. The most common refrain is that Sonic is "not fast enough", despite the attempts to make him faster leading only to him being increasingly difficult to get any level of control over and made the already poor camera progressively worse, until the trend reached its logical conclusion in the festering wound in the universe known as Sonic '06.

Even when people aren't complaining about the gameplay in ways which will only ever make it worse, they'll be complaining about the ever extending cast of characters which are irrelevant because they'd be fine if the core gameplay wasn't broken. (Also people complain that the wrong cast of characters is involved because they want validation from Uncle Sega for watching the old cartoon despite the fact that the people who invented the character of Sonic don't give even a tiny **** about it)

And then when they do make an actually good Sonic game (which doesn't have some kind of weird padding like a god of war clone every other level) they complain that it's too short now.

Sadly, the only people who have worse ideas about how to make Sonic games than the fandom is Sega.

2. Sonic fans are scarily devoted.

Really, you have to be in order to have put up with the series for this long. There has been precisely one genuinely good Sonic game in the last twenty years (Generations).

3. This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2cTGYFnFfY) (Not Safe for Work, small children, the easily offended, or, well, sane human beings who wish to remain so).

2015-08-16, 07:12 AM
they want validation from Uncle Sega for watching the old cartoon

What makes it even better is that i can totally ask this question: which one?

I kid, of course. One was decent, and the other an abomination unto the gods themselves.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-16, 07:38 AM
This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2cTGYFnFfY)

Why? Just... why?

2015-08-16, 08:16 AM
If you want to get an understanding, just follow these three simple steps:

Go to a Sonic fan forum. Any one.
Say that you think Dr Robotnik is a better name than Dr Eggman (or vice versa)
Run like hell

Seriously. The fanbase is insanely divided and tribal about that one issue alone, as well as everything else to do with the Western continuity vs the Japanese continuity.

For the record, Dr Robotnik is totally a better name than Dr Eggman.

2015-08-16, 10:03 AM
Literally no game in the franchise is ever good enough. The most common refrain is that Sonic is "not fast enough", despite the attempts to make him faster leading only to him being increasingly difficult to get any level of control over and made the already poor camera progressively worse, until the trend reached its logical conclusion in the festering wound in the universe known as Sonic '06.IIRC Sonic's original games were actually slower than Mario's, at least in the parts where he's controlled by the player (i.e. he's faster when being launched by bumpers).

I believe they're considered more notorious than most for producing bad fanfiction and fanart. Like, awful, awful, awful fanfiction and fanart.
Try typing "X the hedgehog" into Google sometime, where X is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:

2015-08-16, 10:40 AM
Ahh, as someone who mildly enjoyed a few Sonic games but never really delved into it. I have learned the old adage is true: fans ruin everything.

2015-08-16, 10:42 AM
3. This (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2cTGYFnFfY) (Not Safe for Work, small children, the easily offended, or, well, sane human beings who wish to remain so).

That's a joke. It's meant to be creepy, like that Too Many Cooks thing.

Sonic's fandom is full of bad OCs (Coldsteel was linked already, he's a parody but pretty on mark), people who harbor unhealthy amounts of PSL, Sonic purists who are never happy with anything that happens with the franchise and will explode in your face for the Eggman/Robotnik thing mentioned above, and porn artists who cater to an incredible variety of fetishes - all with Sonic characters. Which only reinforces the PSL people. There's also nostalgia, grognardism, stupid fanboying, etc - but every fandom has that.

And to address the elephant in the room: yes, Chris-chan is a Sonic fan but the fandom is not his fault in any significant manner.

2015-08-16, 02:16 PM
IIRC Sonic's original games were actually slower than Mario's, at least in the parts where he's controlled by the player (i.e. he's faster when being launched by bumpers).

Sonic at full normal speed is about as fast as Mario's run, but he has more inertia on starting up. The "speed" of early Sonic games was more about keeping your momentum by skilful play (Sonic retains more momentum after hitting an enemy or spring than Mario).

2015-08-16, 02:22 PM
Try typing "X the hedgehog" into Google sometime, where X is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:I've actually done that with some friends on another forum. It was pretty funny and/or surprising just how true this statement is. Also, basically 90% are super edgy to the point where you're not sure if they're masterfully crafted parodies.

But yeah, the Sonic fanbase is basically regarded as such because of the sheer dedication required to still remain a fan after all this time. This, in turn, leads to some things that are pretty silly/horrifying (depending on your interpretation). Over time, and with the natural exaggeration that the Internet does, that's where their reputation comes from. I've never actually been on a Sonic fan forum or anything, so I can't say for sure just how hardcore they are, but there has to be some basis for all the parodies that are made.

2015-08-16, 02:57 PM
Try typing "X the hedgehog" into Google sometime, where X is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:

I tried this over and over, trying to find a name that it didn't work for. Then I typed in "Tyler the hedgehog" and the results for that one broke me. **** you, creepy Sonic fans.

2015-08-16, 03:03 PM
And to address the elephant in the room: yes, Chris-chan is a Sonic fan but the fandom is not his fault in any significant manner.

I'm fairly sure he might be their fault though.

There's a certain amount of "we're bored let's go poke the weird kid".

(and really, attacking a display stand of copies of Sonic Boom was probably some kind of service to mankind and videogames).

2015-08-16, 06:54 PM
That's a joke. It's meant to be creepy, like that Too Many Cooks thing.

Yeah, it was made by Arcane Kids, a studio which exclusively makes bizarre meta jokes in the form of "video games."

See Also:
Bubsy3D (http://bubsy3d.com/) and my personal favorite, Room of 1000 Snakes (http://arcanekids.com/snakes)

But yeah, generally when talking to a fandom member about a given 3D Sonic game, they'll always return to the idea that it's never as good as the original Sonic Adventure 1 or 2, but having played them with no nostalgia to draw upon, I really don't think 3D Sonic games have ever been good, which is probably what has been holding them back. as GloatingSwine said, the original 2D Sonic games were about keeping up momentum, not purely about platforming or speed, which is generally what 3D Sonic games devolve into: Sections where you run really fast, and sections where you platform, which are generally mutually exclusive, not transitioning seamlessly, leading to situations where you have to stop and meticulously platform where seconds before you were rolling around, at the speed of sound, which is really disconcerting.

This is due, in part, to the fact that they've never truly figured out how the exact physics of Sonic should work in a 3D context. I watched a friend of mine playing Sonic Unleashed, and there was one part where he was going fast on a flat plane, when the floor suddenly dropped off at a right angle, and he just stuck to it and ran straight down. This was mind-boggling to me, since, were this real life, he should have run off of that edge. Obviously they implemented this in order to keep up the pace, but... instead of installing this artificial means of maintaining inertia, why not design the level to take actual physics into account, by having a ledge above your could jump to and another one below you would land on if you missed the jump, instead of this annoying cop-out?

And then the fast sections that aren't attempting to recreate the old 2D experience are annoying as well (as GloatingSwine said in a different post), for much the same reason. You just kinda stick to this path that's narrow as hell while avoiding obstacles that you can't see until its too late because you're hurtling through it at the speed of light, and generally you reach a point in your playthrough where you go out of your way to avoid going fast. In a Sonic Game. Because they've never evolved from this mentality of making 3D games replicate 2D platforms, because they somehow can't figure out how to design levels and physics that ensure that Sonic can go fast and still be fun while doing so (While Nintendo has made at least 7 games that do exactly that (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Kart).)

Anyway, that's my little Sonic rant, which may or may not actually be on topic.

2015-08-16, 07:13 PM
The only sonic game I have ever played extensively was Shadow the Hedgehog. Aside from the whole Dr Robotnik/Dr Eggman thing that was disconcerting (Robotnik is much more interesting as far as names go), I felt like I was entering a world that was a parody of fun. Half the time I was forced to do things that were boring and hard, and the rest of the time I was doing thing that were boring and easy. The worst was the weird loop-de-loops in 3D where stopping half way through, because I was fighting something, resulted in falling to my death. There were some interesting bits of story that popped up, but they felt somewhat forced. Overall, it felt like a game that didn't know what it wanted to do.

2015-08-16, 08:03 PM
And then the fast sections that aren't attempting to recreate the old 2D experience are annoying as well (as GloatingSwine said in a different post), for much the same reason. You just kinda stick to this path that's narrow as hell while avoiding obstacles that you can't see until its too late because you're hurtling through it at the speed of light, and generally you reach a point in your playthrough where you go out of your way to avoid going fast. In a Sonic Game. Because they've never evolved from this mentality of making 3D games replicate 2D platforms, because they somehow can't figure out how to design levels and physics that ensure that Sonic can go fast and still be fun while doing so (While Nintendo has made at least 7 games that do exactly that (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mario_Kart).)

The Sonic game I played on the DS was Sonic Rush, and despite being a 2D game they didn't really "get" the fast portions either. The fast portions in the previous games were all about seeing the enemy/spikes at the last second and jumping over them at high speed, and eventually you would screw up and hit an enemy and be knocked out of your shield or lose your rings. Not a big deal, you gather some and keep going. If you failed a jump, chances are you would be dropped from the upper path on the level down to a lower one, and you'd keep going.

The problem Sonic Rush had was bottomless pits and dead ends. Going the speed of light and then...hit a wall, and either fall to your death or fall into a lower section of the level where you could not progress forwards but instead would have to backtrack and laboriously climb back up. It was intensely frustrating because the game actively punished you for doing what Sonic was supposed to be doing - going really freaking fast.

I've heard good things about Generations and Sonic 4, but by that time my trust in the series was so eroded that I no longer want to subject myself to it.

2015-08-16, 08:27 PM
Try typing "X the hedgehog" into Google sometime, where X is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:

That was the 3rd time in 33 years I've encountered my spelling elsewhere. The other 2 were in Ultima 6, and SkyMall magazine of all places (Myles).

I will never see my name on a Coke bottle.

Dusk Eclipse
2015-08-16, 09:45 PM
IIRC Sonic's original games were actually slower than Mario's, at least in the parts where he's controlled by the player (i.e. he's faster when being launched by bumpers).

Try typing "X the hedgehog" into Google sometime, where X is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:

I shouldn't have done that... I shouldn't have done that... I shouldn't have done that.

I hate you Prime... I really do, why in the nine hells of Baator and the Seven Mountains of Celestia would you share that knowledge?

2015-08-16, 10:24 PM
There's also the fact that sonic fans are basically patient zero for every other annoying fan-think you see swarming over the internet these days. X the Hedgehog was kind of funny in and of itself, since it's a one-off you need to go looking for. But then you get a bunch of edgy post apocalyptic My Little Pony stuff and it becomes a bit less funny. Then you get someone's edgy Steven Universe fan gem that's obsidian or onyx or some other black edgy thing and you realize it stopped being a one-off problem and started to just be how crazy fans are.

And for the record, those of you with only fan hedgehogs are lucky. I have to deal with being one of Ken Penders's ridiculous recolors that he won in a legal battle to use as a weapon against the medium of art itself. Just being someone's OC would be a cakewalk by comparison.

2015-08-16, 10:40 PM
I don't really think sonic fans are worse than other types of fans, there's just way more of them, more diversity, and there's so many different "canons" for the IP which always breeds discord in any fandom. Doesn't help that furies which share a large overlap with the Sonic fandom are on the bottom of the internet totem pole and have all kinds of nasty stigmas placed on them. There are many young people in the Sonic fandom, which also lends instability to it.

I think the other part of the equation at least in terms of art and OC's is that the style is pretty easy to emulate, I've seen the same stuff from The Lion King fandom. The main difference being that TLK has a super small fandom so the weirdness isn't as visible.

The only sonic game I have ever played extensively was Shadow the Hedgehog.

I'm so very very sorry, I hope you didn't subject yourself to it for too very long.

There were parts in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 that I liked, mostly the music, but I really enjoyed some of the end game of Adventure 2, and was really hooked on Chao breeding for a while there. Sonic Colors played fairly well, though there were still some frustrating control issues on certain levels. Rush and Advance I thought were good titles too, though they're pretty old now.

2015-08-16, 11:05 PM
Really, you have to be in order to have put up with the series for this long. There has been precisely one genuinely good Sonic game in the last twenty years (Generations).

Blasphemy! Chronicles for the DS was a fairly decent game :) I have no idea about any others, haven't played any since the days of Sega Genesis. Well, I guess there was the one for the gamecube which was amusing, but not exactly good.

What makes it even better is that i can totally ask this question: which one?

I kid, of course. One was decent, and the other an abomination unto the gods themselves.

The one with Sally! Like, back in the early-mid 90's iirc. Loved that cartoon, it was my favorite Saturday Morning cartoon ^^

If you want to get an understanding, just follow these three simple steps:

Go to a Sonic fan forum. Any one.
Say that you think Dr Robotnik is a better name than Dr Eggman (or vice versa)
Run like hell

Seriously. The fanbase is insanely divided and tribal about that one issue alone, as well as everything else to do with the Western continuity vs the Japanese continuity.

For the record, Dr Robotnik is totally a better name than Dr Eggman.

Yes, Dr. Robotnik is a bajillion times better than Eggman. The first time I saw one of the newer cartoons where they called him Eggman I was like "what in the world?! Who in the hell is Eggman"

F.H. Zebedee
2015-08-16, 11:49 PM
WARNING: SFW images, but the word bubbles may conjure up some NSFW mental images. David Willis has taken Craft: Disturbing Mental Image.

Not to say the whole fandom is like that, but yeah, with most fandoms, the most extreme elements tend to be the most visible. So while some less intense Bronies write perfectly in character and enjoyable fanfiction, what the outsiders see the most are the grimdark MLP concentration camp fics. With Sonic, a lot of it's mostly discussion of what is good and bad in the games/media, but the kinky fursona wasteland ends up being what catches people's attention, and man, it's so easy to mock and so... devious that it's kinda hard for a fandom to overcome that stigma.

2015-08-17, 06:18 AM
Try typing "X the hedgehog" into Google sometime, where X is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:

Your meme has no power here...


Ah. Dang. But still, he looks nothing like me. His hair is too short.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-17, 08:14 AM
There's also the fact that sonic fans are basically patient zero for every other annoying fan-think you see swarming over the internet these days. X the Hedgehog was kind of funny in and of itself, since it's a one-off you need to go looking for. But then you get a bunch of edgy post apocalyptic My Little Pony stuff and it becomes a bit less funny. Then you get someone's edgy Steven Universe fan gem that's obsidian or onyx or some other black edgy thing and you realize it stopped being a one-off problem and started to just be how crazy fans are.

Though, the fact that Sega seriously made Shadow the Hedgehog makes it all considerably more hilarious.

2015-08-17, 08:23 AM
There's also the fact that sonic fans are basically patient zero for every other annoying fan-think you see swarming over the internet these days. X the Hedgehog was kind of funny in and of itself, since it's a one-off you need to go looking for. But then you get a bunch of edgy post apocalyptic My Little Pony stuff and it becomes a bit less funny. Then you get someone's edgy Steven Universe fan gem that's obsidian or onyx or some other black edgy thing and you realize it stopped being a one-off problem and started to just be how crazy fans are.
Oh it's been around much longer than that. Before the internet, even. It was just harder to run into it by accident back then.

2015-08-17, 08:41 AM
Oh it's been around much longer than that. Before the internet, even. It was just harder to run into it by accident back then.

See: Sherlock Holmes.

Beacon of Chaos
2015-08-17, 08:43 AM
Really, you have to be in order to have put up with the series for this long. There has been precisely one genuinely good Sonic game in the last twenty years (Generations).
I hate to be that guy, but what about Generations made it good? I found it to be just as disappointing and glitch-filled as any other Sonic game. And god, the tedium of completing challenges for boss keys. :smallyuk:

Also, Sonic Advance 3 was the best Sonic game of the past 20 years. :smalltongue:

Blasphemy! Chronicles for the DS was a fairly decent game :) I have no idea about any others, haven't played any since the days of Sega Genesis. Well, I guess there was the one for the gamecube which was amusing, but not exactly good.
Was Chronicles the RPG one? Always wanted to try it. Also, I've heard good things about Sonic Colours.

Yes, Dr. Robotnik is a bajillion times better than Eggman. The first time I saw one of the newer cartoons where they called him Eggman I was like "what in the world?! Who in the hell is Eggman"
Agreed, though Eggman has kinda grown on me lately. I blame Sonic Boom for that.

2015-08-17, 08:49 AM
Yes, Dr. Robotnik is a bajillion times better than Eggman. The first time I saw one of the newer cartoons where they called him Eggman I was like "what in the world?! Who in the hell is Eggman"

Agreed, though Eggman has kinda grown on me lately. I blame Sonic Boom for that.
His name has always been Eggman in Japan, but the early English translations called him Robotnik (it was a time where most "translations" were complete rewrites).

When Sonic Adventure came out, Sega decided to sync up the canons and established that Robotnik was his real name, while Eggman was a nickname. In the English version Sonic starts calling him "Eggman" to make fun of him, but he grows fond of it and starts using it himself.

2015-08-17, 12:49 PM
Blasphemy! Chronicles for the DS was a fairly decent game :) I have no idea about any others, haven't played any since the days of Sega Genesis. Well, I guess there was the one for the gamecube which was amusing, but not exactly good.

I dunno, I mean it wasn't as bad as Mass Effect 3's ending, but it was clearly not Bioware at their peak (the game balance is wonky as hell, it's got a generic "Bioware three locations" structure, etc.)

2015-08-17, 04:37 PM
This much-safer-for-work video sums it up. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXsSgzKJ0fY)

The only sonic game I have ever played extensively was Shadow the Hedgehog. Aside from the whole Dr Robotnik/Dr Eggman thing that was disconcerting (Robotnik is much more interesting as far as names go), I felt like I was entering a world that was a parody of fun. Half the time I was forced to do things that were boring and hard, and the rest of the time I was doing thing that were boring and easy. The worst was the weird loop-de-loops in 3D where stopping half way through, because I was fighting something, resulted in falling to my death. There were some interesting bits of story that popped up, but they felt somewhat forced. Overall, it felt like a game that didn't know what it wanted to do.

What irritates me about Shadow (I mean... besides the guns thing... who the hell had the bright idea to put guns in a sonic game? I mean, really???) is just how badly made it was. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHHqgjE-W9o#t=5m45s)

2015-08-17, 04:40 PM
I hate to be that guy, but what about Generations made it good? I found it to be just as disappointing and glitch-filled as any other Sonic game. And god, the tedium of completing challenges for boss keys. :smallyuk:

Also, Sonic Advance 3 was the best Sonic game of the past 20 years. :smalltongue:

Was Chronicles the RPG one? Always wanted to try it. Also, I've heard good things about Sonic Colours.

Agreed, though Eggman has kinda grown on me lately. I blame Sonic Boom for that.

Yeah it was the RPG one ^^ It was quite fun, though it apparently didn't do as well as they had hoped, and the totally awesome hook at the end will never be resolved now since they won't do a sequel.

An Enemy Spy
2015-08-17, 11:51 PM
Try typing "X the hedgehog" into Google sometime, where X is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:

I tried that with my name (Patrick the Hedgehog) and found a youtube series with horrible MS Paint art.

2015-08-17, 11:55 PM
I'm so very very sorry, I hope you didn't subject yourself to it for too very long.

I think I ended up beating every final mission and most of the missions in the middle. The worst part was that the game was 5 hours long with 14 different endings, so you had to play something like 70 hours of the game to get all the story. I think my brother actually did something like 2/3rds of the grunt work.

What irritates me about Shadow (I mean... besides the guns thing... who the hell had the bright idea to put guns in a sonic game? I mean, really???) is just how badly made it was. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHHqgjE-W9o#t=5m45s)

Wow, I had no idea. That would have made my life so much less boring for the 70 hours it took to beat the game 14 times. So much regret.

Beacon of Chaos
2015-08-18, 04:08 AM
Wow, I had no idea. That would have made my life so much less boring for the 70 hours it took to beat the game 14 times. So much regret.
I recently discovered it's much worse than that. I saw a post on Tumblr explaining it (the post contained swearing so I'll paste the relevant info below)

look how many endings and routes this game had

this is also ignoring the true ending

fun fact

in shadow the hedgehog, completing a playthrough unlocked a cutscene sequence of that playthrough in the extras menu

literally just the level cutscenes placed in the order that you just played

each sequence had its own name and all 300 of them needed to be unlocked to 100% the game

you literally with no exaggeration had to do 300 playthroughs of shadow the hedgehog to 100% it

Giggling Ghast
2015-08-20, 06:24 PM
try typing "x the hedgehog" into google sometime, where x is your name. No matter what your name is, something will come up. :smalltongue:

oh god it's true

2015-08-22, 07:30 AM
It looks like those are from some type of RP forum filled with insecure teenagers who have sub-par english skills.

X the Hedgehog for me is apparently a tristalt character who has all of the powers of three main characters, as well as some alternate forms and powerups.

Bulldog Psion
2015-08-22, 04:33 PM
Great Pelor's nostrils -- is there no name that doesn't have a hedgehog attached to it??? :smalleek:

(Fortunately, there doesn't seem to be a Pelor the Hedgehog. :smallbiggrin:)

An Enemy Spy
2015-08-24, 07:26 PM
Mine is a half demonic hedgehog who lives in Hell, wears a black trenchcoat, and has a red eye and a blue eye.

2015-08-24, 08:10 PM
Mine (just Cobalt) is a bright blue hedgehog that looks sort of like Silver, looks to have some sorts of powers, and is a prince?

Cobalt Starfire the Hedgehog is a female hedgehog who looks similar to Shadow...I'm not going any further down that rabbit hole than seeing google page results.

(Cobalt Starfire...well my Cobalt Starfire is a grey fox audience surrogate, or a self insert (human) when it comes to pokemon related stuff)

The other screen name I commonly use does not have a hedgehog attached to it, but it is also one that rarely has duplicates even in games like World of Warcraft, so that's not too surprising.

My real name probably has a billion hedgehogs associated with it because it's a fairly common name for my generation. (seriously most classes up until college had anywhere from 1-4 other people who shared my name)

2015-08-24, 08:25 PM
My is apparently someone's fursona. I am... hesitant to look further into it.

I never imagined making a Sonic character when I played those old Genesis games. I wonder what younger me would think about all these knock off characters.

2015-08-24, 09:07 PM
Agreed, though Eggman has kinda grown on me lately. I blame Sonic Boom for that.

Err. The show or the game? :smallconfused:

2015-08-24, 09:49 PM
Err. The show or the game? :smallconfused:

The Sonic Anime from a couple of years ago had a pretty epic Eggman in Japanese, especially his laugh...but that was Sonic X I think. Sonic Boom is a show too?

I don't understand the schism that exists for his name, I think either/both work just fine personally and tend to use them interchangeably.

An Enemy Spy
2015-08-24, 10:00 PM
The Sonic Anime from a couple of years ago had a pretty epic Eggman in Japanese, especially his laugh...but that was Sonic X I think. Sonic Boom is a show too?

I don't understand the schism that exists for his name, I think either/both work just fine personally and tend to use them interchangeably.

Because it's a minor difference on the internet, which means people who are on the other side are evil and must die. Just like every other thing that is possible to have more than one opinion about.

Kitten Champion
2015-08-24, 11:11 PM
The Sonic Anime from a couple of years ago had a pretty epic Eggman in Japanese, especially his laugh...but that was Sonic X I think. Sonic Boom is a show too?

I don't understand the schism that exists for his name, I think either/both work just fine personally and tend to use them interchangeably.

I suppose it's a status thing, declaring yourself a "true fan" by using the original Japanese name versus those who grew up with the English version and insist on that as the default. I've seen similar sentiments in arguments over Rock Man/Mega Man.

Though I've always thought he should've been called Blues.

2015-08-24, 11:32 PM
It's such a teeny tiny insignificant difference though. (I like them both!)

Even the Megaman Vs Rockman thing, I've not witnessed any bloody battles over it but maybe I'm just good at avoiding those parts of the internet...

Ahh well, I guess that is just the nature of the tubes as has been pointed out.

2015-08-24, 11:42 PM
For the Rockman thing is simple. Rock makes more sense as name. That's at least my reason to use it.

Easiest example: The main character in Megaman Legend (which is an action rpg) is either named Rock Volnutt or Megaman Volnutt. He's supposed to be a "normal" boy. One of those makes more sense as a human name than the other :smallwink:

2015-08-25, 04:56 PM
In addition, his sister is named Roll (even in the dub/translation) and his brother is named Blues. It just makes sense for his name to be Rock.

2015-08-25, 05:04 PM
The Sonic Anime from a couple of years ago had a pretty epic Eggman in Japanese, especially his laugh...but that was Sonic X I think. Sonic Boom is a show too?

Sonic X used the same voice cast as the games in Japan.

The voice actor for Eggman (who died at the start of this year) was one of the absolute legends of Japanese voice performance (not just animation, he did all sorts of dubbing roles as well), with a career going back to 1963. (Also the father of Solid Snake's Japanese voice actor)

2015-08-25, 09:54 PM
But then you get a bunch of edgy post apocalyptic My Little Pony stuff and it becomes a bit less funny.

Hey! Fallout: Equestria was a great piece of writing!

So while some less intense Bronies write perfectly in character and enjoyable fanfiction, what the outsiders see the most are the grimdark MLP concentration camp fics.

Rainbow Factory, however, was only good for the song. (www.youtube.com/watch?v=YRx_iXgLAyw)

2015-08-26, 09:47 AM
Well... Have you ever heard of... Sonichu?

Kitten Champion
2015-08-26, 10:20 AM
Is there anything... redeeming about the Sonic fandom? I mean, some fan-work you can point to and say "that's pretty cool" without being ironic about it, not just someone who is a Sonic fan and pretty okay.

2015-08-26, 01:39 PM
Is there anything... redeeming about the Sonic fandom? I mean, some fan-work you can point to and say "that's pretty cool" without being ironic about it, not just someone who is a Sonic fan and pretty okay.

Under the parameters you've set, I'd say not, but I'm fairly biased in that I personally believe that all "fandoms" are inherently awful, as even the good ones eventually culture a mentality that I personally dislike.

Also, my Sonisona is apparently a black and green punk rock hedgehog, actually drawn by multiple different people, giving me the impression that he's popular in certain RP circles.

2015-08-26, 01:55 PM
Sonic X used the same voice cast as the games in Japan.

The voice actor for Eggman (who died at the start of this year) was one of the absolute legends of Japanese voice performance (not just animation, he did all sorts of dubbing roles as well), with a career going back to 1963. (Also the father of Solid Snake's Japanese voice actor)

That's kind of sad, I don't describe many things as "epic" but that VA's Eggman definitely was it. I may go looking for other things he's voiced though, his performance made me really love Eggman.

Beacon of Chaos
2015-08-26, 03:35 PM
Err. The show or the game? :smallconfused:
The show. They call him Eggman in that (I don't think they've ever used Robotnik) and frankly, he's the best version of the character there is. They should just rename it "The Eggman Show". :smallbiggrin:

Also, you don't want to know the results for [my name] the Hedgehog. I don't want to either, but I cannot unsee.

2015-08-26, 03:36 PM
Is there anything... redeeming about the Sonic fandom? I mean, some fan-work you can point to and say "that's pretty cool" without being ironic about it, not just someone who is a Sonic fan and pretty okay.

The music remixes are pretty cool. Though I'm not sure if they're actually made by people from sonic fandom instead of video game music fandom.

2015-08-26, 11:56 PM
For the Rockman thing is simple. Rock makes more sense as name. That's at least my reason to use it.

Easiest example: The main character in Megaman Legend (which is an action rpg) is either named Rock Volnutt or Megaman Volnutt. He's supposed to be a "normal" boy. One of those makes more sense as a human name than the other :smallwink:

OTOH, he was officially named by a little girl after the main character of the cartoon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akJygsSXcjw) in the English version.

I suppose it's a status thing, declaring yourself a "true fan" by using the original Japanese name versus those who grew up with the English version and insist on that as the default. I've seen similar sentiments in arguments over Rock Man/Mega Man.

Though I've always thought he should've been called Blues.

My headcanon was always that Blues was originally blue or going to be painted blue, but he ran away before that could happen.

The show. They call him Eggman in that (I don't think they've ever used Robotnik) and frankly, he's the best version of the character there is. They should just rename it "The Eggman Show". :smallbiggrin:

I suppose I'll have to investigate the show then. XD I keep hearing such good things about it.

2015-08-27, 02:00 AM
OTOH, he was officially named by a little girl after the main character of
the cartoon (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=akJygsSXcjw) in the English version.

Yes, I know that, and that's just silly :smalltongue:

Your parents bring you a new stepbrother, they ask you to name him, and you name him "Spongebob." And your parents just agree with that. At least name him Patrick, guys.

An Enemy Spy
2015-08-27, 02:29 AM
Yes, I know that, and that's just silly :smalltongue:

Your parents bring you a new stepbrother, they ask you to name him, and you name him "Spongebob." And your parents just agree with that. At least name him Patrick, guys.

A little girl named Pluto, and that turned out alright.

2015-08-27, 02:41 AM
My headcanon was always that Blues was originally blue or going to be painted blue, but he ran away before that could happen.

I assumed he was painted red and yellow in homage to the song Crawlin' King Snake and only just now realized that that is almost certainly not the case.