View Full Version : Zinc Saucier XXXIV: HMS Damsel Rescuer

2015-08-16, 04:13 AM
Welcome one and all to the thirty-forth Zinc Saucier challenge, where Playgrounders come to test their skill in the art of beautiful and bizarre (and bizarrely beautiful) builds, summoning a savory dish of superb swordplay and sublime sorcery.

The challenge? To come up with a build that has the same abilities and feel as the Secret Ingredient WITHOUT actually using it!

For the thirty-forth challenge, its all man on deck presenting arms, directly from Complete Warrior, it's the Swashbuckler

Our challengers will have about 2 weeks to build a complete build up to Effective Character Level 20 using a 32 point buy and all official WOTC D&D 3.5 materials (excluding Dragon Magazine, but including any WOTC online enhancements) with the abilities and feel of a Swashbuckler without actually using any levels in it.

Entries must be submitted by Sunday, 10:00am UTC, 30 August, 2015. As usual, please submit your entries via private message to the chairman, so as not to influence the other sauciers.

Judges will then have until Sunday, 10:00am UTC, 13 September, 2015, to post scores for all dishes.

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 4 categories;

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

Presentation would be best in the style of how the iron chef does their presentations, however any style is allowed so long as it is clear on how the build was made.

Recommended style:NAME OF ENTRY

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

Code immediately below (spoiler).

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

New Class Level
New Class Abilities

For entries with spellcasting, use the following table for Spells per day and Spells Known. (Spells Known only if necessary, i.e. Sorcerer or Bard, but not Wizard or Warmage)Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Code immediately below (spoiler)Spells per Day/Spells Known






















Please do not post details of your build on the board before it is ready, so as not to spoil the surprise for others.

Sauciers may submit as many builds as they want but please don't use Leadership, as we don't want to overfeed the judges.

Previous challenges;
Soulknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=225187)
Bard (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=229736)
Monk (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=233749)
Assassin (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=239294)
Barbarian (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=243627)
Warlock (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=247169)
Paladin * (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=252932)
Warblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=256004)
Pyrokineticist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=259654)
Ninja * (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=263278)
Druid (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=265347)
True Necromancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=276267)
Dervish (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=280212)
Whisperknife (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=285337)
Epic Infiltrator * (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=289233)
Master of Vipers (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=295287)
Ranger * (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=298478)
Flayerspawn Psychic (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16076729#post16076729)
Totemist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16448992#post16448992)
Walker in the Waste (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=322436)
Drunken Master (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?p=16879574#post16879574)
Cleric (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=333648)
Duskblade (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=339182)
Psibond Agent (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=346900)
Argent Fist (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=353923)
Fighter (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=360816)
Artificier (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=365391)
Knight (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=370235)
Spellthief (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=377945)
Factorum (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=386586) no cooks submitted
Dragonfire Adept (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=418282)
Battle Dancer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=423798)
Illithid Slayer (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=430066) one cook submitted

* Classes marked with an asterisk have had their original posts updated to reflect the final results.

This competition is inspired by the Playground Iron Chef Competitions and uses mostly identical rules.

2015-08-16, 04:14 AM
A few administrative notes:

Competitors will be free to use any official 3.5 rulebook in constructing their builds. Dragon magazine is disallowed, and Unearthed Arcana is allowed; but see Elegance below. Web-exclusive 3.0 or 3.5 materials by WotC are expressly allowed, but take care to verify that an updated version did not appear in print elsewhere, as this may cause an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion. Alternate rule systems from UA such as gestalt and generic classes are not allowed, as they create a different playing field. Also, item familiars are forbidden because I hate 'em.

Power level is up to you. Cheese is acceptable, but should be kept to a sane level unless you're showcasing a new TO build you've discovered. In the words of one of my predecessors, a little cheddar can be nice, but avoid the mature Gruyere unless you're making a cheese fondue.

Elegance could bear a little elaboration. It basically measures how skillfully you put your build together, and whether you sacrificed flavor for power. We're cooking here - if your dish doesn't taste good, it doesn't matter how well-presented it is. Use of flaws is an automatic loss of one point per flaw in this category. Other things that will cause lost points here are excessive multiclassing, and classes that don't fit the concept - using Cloistered Cleric in a front-line melee fighter, for example, may lose you points. Please note the following: a legal source's relative obscurity should not be considered as penalizing Elegance, excepting the aforementioned issues with Unearthed Arcana. Using too many sources may be an Elegance deduction at the judges' discretion, but a book's relative obscurity may not.

Concerning Experience Requirements: Each build is allotted exactly 200,000 EXP. This is roughly 10,000 EXP more than necessary to get to 20th level. Please take note of this when planning your character for circumstances like LA Buyoff, Item Crafting, Magic Use, Multiclassing EXP Penalties, etc.

Definition of Power for scoring: Since this has been a point of contention, let me lay down this guideline. Since the goal is to emulate the Secret Ingredient, achieving much higher power than the Secret Ingredient is capable of is overkill and should be marked accordingly. Likewise if the build cannot match the power of the Secret Ingredient it should be marked accordingly. Individual judges can decide how much is too much for Power scoring, as each judge will have different tastes. The goal here is to prevent all entries being Wizard 20 because "they do it better."

What's the minimum score in a category? Assuming an entry is legal, the minimum score in any category is 1. If a judge is convinced that an entry is illegal by the RAW, the judge may give a 0 or decline to score a given entry. Because this contest focuses on Player Characters, an entry that is not technically allowed for a PC, but is viable as an NPC, counts as a legal entry, but may receive a minimum score at the judges' discretion.

Is Dragon Compendium Allowed? Yes, but individual issues of Dragon Magazine are not.

What about 3.0 materials? 3.0 materials, whether online or in printed form, are allowed unless they've been officially updated to a 3.5 edition.

Are Dragonlance, Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, or Kingdoms of Kalamar allowable sources? The Dragonlance Campaign Setting is allowed, but the subsequent books for Dragonlance are considered 3rd party, and are therefore not eligible, despite the "WotC approved" status of those books. The same holds for Oriental Adventures (1st party) and the subsequent Rokugan books (3rd party). Materials from Ravenloft, Planescape, Dark Sun, and Kingdoms of Kalamar are considered 3rd party for purposes of this contest, and are therefore not allowed.

What about online sources in general? If the online source is a) published by WotC, and b) not replaced by an updated version at a later time, it is eligible. Use it, link it.

Where's the line drawn with "acceptable/unacceptable" for Unearthed Arcana? This will likely vary a bit from Chairman to Chairman. Variant class features and variant character classes are espressly permitted. Item Familiars and Gestalt have always been verboten; don't expect that to change. Flaws have similarly always been noted as warranting a deduction; even now that its me that is Chairing, its still extended to Traits, though they warrant 1/2 the penalty in Elegance that a Flaw would because they're roughly 1/2 as useful. Alternate spell systems, alternate skill systems and alternate crafting rules all create an uneven playing field, and as such, will be disallowed for as long as I am Chairman. Bloodlines are ripe for abuse, and will be discouraged as long as I am Chairman. Note that judges are allowed to look askance at any use of Unearthed Arcana not specifically mentioned above, at their discretion, and otherwise penalize Elegance according to their preference.

What, exactly, does the ban on Leadership mean? As folks have started to try to work around the edges of this one, I'm forced to spell it out more plainly. No Leadership, Draconic Cohort, or Feats that grant a similar ability are allowed EXCEPT Wild Cohort while I am chairman. Any PrC you choose with Leadership or a Leadership-analog has that ability entirely ignored for this contest, as it may neither be used nor traded away via any means whatsoever.

How the heck do I even do this? Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to select a combination of race, templates, classes, alternate class features, prestige classes, skills, and feats, meld them into a single character that progresses from ECL 1 to ECL 20, that is as close as possible to the secret ingredient as possible in look, feel, class features. How you do it is up to you, I recommend you read previous competitions if you are interested in seeing how others have done it before you. Capture the essence!

A thread for your amusement/edification: Handy Tips for the Iron Chef in the Playground Noob (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=287603)

2015-08-16, 04:31 AM
Definitely submitting for this, assuming that I don't let Vizzini talk me out of the awesome idea I just had.

2015-08-16, 05:46 AM
I have an idea

2015-08-16, 06:16 AM
And first build is in, in record breaking time. 1.5 hours, helped by the fact that it appearently was premade for whenever Swashbuckler came around :smallcool:

2015-08-17, 10:22 AM
So, funny story: the last time I binge-watched old Futurama episodes was before I noticed this game. I now know where the title of this competition series comes from.

That is all.

2015-08-17, 01:15 PM
I actually have an idea about this although my inability to do tables and such will probably preclude any chance in entering. Hope others submit though.

2015-08-17, 01:17 PM
I actually have an idea about this although my inability to do tables and such will probably preclude any chance in entering. Hope others submit though.

You do know that the code for creating tables is in the post right?

2015-08-17, 01:37 PM
I actually have an idea about this although my inability to do tables and such will probably preclude any chance in entering. Hope others submit though.

sent you a copy of the table code stuff that is included above with minor instructions - hope it helps

2015-08-26, 11:12 AM
bit less than four days to go before its time, and still only have 1 submission ... anyone else having a go at it?

2015-08-27, 09:47 PM
I've got my build done, but not much of the flavor text. (which is, admittedly, the same state as the last 7 days.) Also I keep hoping to find some possible tweaks to avoid/reduce elegance issues.

2015-08-28, 07:59 AM
Just realized that I haven't said anything yet in a Zinc Saucier thread.

The Demon Real Life again plagues me.

2015-08-30, 03:55 AM
Still only one build ... is there something wrong with my dish selection or is it merely general lack of time?

Overtime till someone enters a second build (and some time beyond that if more than one is scrambling)

2015-08-30, 06:01 AM
well here is hoping that zinc does not die after this...
"Listen to me, mister. You're my knight in shining armor. Don't you forget it. You're going to get back on that horse, and I'm going to be right behind you, holding on tight, and away we're gonna go, go, go!"

2015-08-30, 07:25 AM
Second entry in, calling time at 10am UTC tomorrow

2015-08-30, 04:15 PM
My real life partner is having medical issues so I haven't been able to focus on the contest even though I love the ingredient. Good luck to those who do enter.

2015-08-30, 08:04 PM
Chairfrau, could I get a time extension. I just got to the thread five minutes ago.

2015-08-30, 09:50 PM
Still only one build ... is there something wrong with my dish selection or is it merely general lack of time?

Overtime till someone enters a second build (and some time beyond that if more than one is scrambling)

Somehow, I though the due time was 10pm PST, rather than 10 UTC.

Thanks to the 24 hr extension, I'll be submitting shortly.

2015-09-01, 05:45 AM
Don Karnage's Airborne Shipping and raiding service

Wesley of House Lyrandar

NG: Half-Elf: Duskblade 4/ Dragonmark Heir 1/ Storm Sentry 5/Windwright Captain 5/ Dread Pirate 5


When Wesley was young, he was orphaned as a young man he would often take walks down to the local harbor and look at the majestic Elf Wingship’s that would come in with supplies. It was then that he decided that he to would become a member of the honorable House Lyrandar. When he was old enough he went to the windwright’s guild and became a member of the guild becoming a hired ship's hand and cabin boy. Over the years he grew in knowledge and skill. When he went forth to petition for admittance into House Lyrandar they already knew of his desires, abilities and service to the guild and it was one of their wealthiest that decided to officially adopt him into the house. Wesley then was given a grand celebration before he put back to sea this time as an officer on a wind galleon belonging to his new parents he spent the next year learning about commerce and trade as well as gaining the skills he would need to eventually captain such a ship. Until one day his parents and those of House Lyrandar brought him forth and said "Wesley" while in the service of House Lyrandar you have become favored in our house we have decided that you will pilot the wind gallon, taking it between the various trade cities as needed having been hired on as Captain you will take command of the wind galleon. Wesley knew that this was a great honor and left for sea once again. Wesley and his crew of the wind galleon provided commerce for many locations and it was while out to sea that he learned that his adoptive parents those who had given him everything had been killed at sea by a rival house. When the wind galleon made port he was greeted by those of House Lyrandar they shared in his loss and said "Wesley" House Lyrandar thanks you for your excellence in service to the House Lyrandar, we have agreed to lend you the wind galleon for which you have shown great ability to command, a ship worth at least 40,000 gp that you can freely operate on the high seas with a 1/5th tithe back to the house. Along with the ship comes Letters of Marque, these will also allow you to hunt down the ones responsible for your parent’s death. Wesley to the letters as the new owner of the wind galleon he put back to sea this time with vengeance in his heart. Over the next few months commerce was still provided by the wind galleon to the local cities but every ship that bore the rival house's flag was pursued and either captured or sunk. This action quickly earned Wesley, the nick name of Dread Pirate Roberts. His crew all knew his adoptive parents last names was Roberts and that he earned the right to be addressed as the Dread Pirate Roberts or as "Wesley of House Lyrandar" depending on if they were at sea or at a friendly port.


32 point buy
Str 13 Dex 12 Con 14 Int 16 Wis 14 Cha 09
L4 Con +1
L8 Con +1
L12 Wis +1
L16 Wis +1
L20 Str +1

Str 14 Dex 12 Con 16 Int 16 Wis 16 Cha 09

Effective Character Levels
Effective Character Levels

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Duskblade 1
Balance 2cc, Climb 4, Swim 4, Tumble 2cc, Use Magic Device 2cc
Least Dragonmark
Arcane attunement, armored mage (light), <gust of wind 1/day, +2 balance checks>

Duskblade 2
Balance 2.5cc, Climb 5, Swim 5, Tumble 2.5cc, Use Magic Device 2.5cc
Combat Casting
Combat Casting

Duskblade 3
Balance 3cc, Climb 6, Swim 6, Tumble 3cc, Use Magic Device 3cc
Favored in the house
Arcane channeling

Duskblade 4
Balance 3.5cc, Climb 7, Swim 7, Tumble 3.5cc, Use Magic Device 3.5cc
Armored mage (medium)

Dragonmark Heir 1
Appraise 3, Balance 4cc, Swim 8cc, Tumble 4cc, Use Magic Device 4cc
lesser dragonmark
lesser dragonmark <wind's favor 1/day>, house status

Storm Sentry 1
Appraise 4cc, Balance 5, Profession (sailor) 2, Swim 9, Tumble 5, Use Magic Device 4.5cc
Quick Draw
Heir’s mark, improved gust, wind’s embrace

Storm Sentry 2
Appraise 5cc, Balance 6, Profession (sailor) 4, Swim 10, Tumble 6, Use Magic Device 5cc
Lyrandar’s shield, powerful winds

Storm Sentry 3
Appraise 7cc, Balance 7, Profession (sailor) 6, Tumble 7, Use Magic Device 5.5cc
Lyrandar’s fist

Storm Sentry 4
Appraise 8cc, Balance 8, Profession (sailor) 8, Tumble 9, Use Magic Device 6cc
Weapon Finesse
Storm strike

Storm Sentry 5
Balance 11, Profession (sailor) 11, Tumble 11
Gale force

Windwright Captain 1
Balance 12, Climb 9, Profession (sailor) 12, Swim 11, Tumble 12, Use Magic Device 9
Dragonmark control, master pilot, shipboard fighter, +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting

Windwright Captain 2
Balance 13, Climb 11, Profession (sailor) 13, Swim 13, Tumble 13, Use Magic Device 10, Use Rope 1
Intuitive Attack
Acquire ship, uncanny dodge

Windwright Captain 3
Balance 14, Climb 13, Profession (sailor) 14, Swim 14, Tumble 14, Use Magic Device 12, Use Rope 2
Rebuke elementals, +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting

Windwright Captain 4
Balance 15, Climb 15, Profession (sailor) 15, Swim 15, Tumble 15, Use Magic Device 14, Use Rope 3
Lesser shipbond

Windwright Captain 5
Balance 17, Profession (sailor) 17, Use Magic Device 17, Use Rope 5
Greater shipbond, +1 level of existing arcane spellcasting

Dread Pirate 1
Appraise 10, Balance 19, Climb 16, Profession (sailor) 19, Swim 15, Tumble 15, Use Magic Device 19cc
Two Weapon Fighting
Seamanship, two weapon fighting

Dread Pirate 2
Appraise 11, Balance 20, Climb 17, Profession (sailor) 20, Swim 17, Tumble 17, Use Magic Device 20cc
Fearsome reputation +2

Dread Pirate 3
Balance 21, Climb 19, Profession (sailor) 21, Swim 19, Tumble 19, Use Magic Device 21cc
Eyes in the Back of Your Head
Rally the crew +1 (1/day)

Dread Pirate 4
Balance 22, Climb 21, Profession (sailor) 22, Swim 21, Tumble 21, Use Magic Device 22cc
Acrobatic charge, steady stance

Dread Pirate 5
Balance 23, Climb 23, Profession (sailor) 23, Swim 23, Tumble 23, Use Magic Device 23cc
Luck of the wind

Spells per Day

Spells per Day/Spells Known
lvl 0 1 2 3
1: 3 3 - -
2: 4 4 - -
3: 5 5 - -
4: 6 6 - -
5: 6 6 3 -
6: 6 7 4 -
7: 6 7 6 1*
1* Bonus spell only if a DM were to allow it

Spells Known/Prepared/Memorized

Spells Known/Prepared/Memorized
0 Level:
acid splash x2
ray of frost
touch of fatigue x2

1st Level:
blade of blood
Kelgore’s fire bolt
swift expeditious retreat
true strike

2nd Level:
Melf’s acid arrow
stretch weapon

SI Emulation

SI Emulation

Levels 1-5 wesley is just coming into his own as a sailor, combatant, arcane caster with some minor social skills
Levels 5-10 wesley is a decent sailor, combatant, who has some arcane magic, magical device and minor social skills
Levels 11-15 Sweet Spot: wesley is a full on captain great sailor, decent combatant, who has some arcane magic, magical device and minor social skills
Levels 16-20 Dread Pirate Roberts scurge to some deliverer of commerce and goods to others, he is a great sailor, good combatant, who has some arcane magic, magical device and minor social skills

At level 20 this build is on par with fort save and the others are much better, the base attack still gets a full set . < Bab:17/12/7/2 Fort:12 Ref:15 Will:12 >

HP and SP per level are on average with the SI, Most if not all the skills are available & used.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: the build has similar
Weapon Finesse (Ex): taken
Grace (Ex): not truly emulated
Insightful Strike (Ex): the build has similar
Dodge Bonus (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Acrobatic Charge (Ex): taken
Improved Flanking (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Lucky (Ex): not truly emulated
Acrobatic Skill Mastery (Ex): the build has similar
Weakening Critical (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Slippery Mind (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Wounding Critical (Ex): not truly emulated


Half-Elf (PH p18)
Duskblade (PH2 p19)
Dragonmark Heir (Eb p74)
Storm Sentry (DrMrk p124)
Windwright Captain (Expl p70)
Dread Pirate (cadv p39)
1: Least Dragonmark (Eb p56)
2: Combat Casting (PH p92)
3: Favored in the house (Eb p53)
5: Lesser Dragonmark (Eb p56)
6: Quick Draw (PH p98)
9: Weapon Finesse (PH p102)
12: Intuitive Attack (BoED p44)
15: Close-Quarters (CWar p97)
16: Two Weapon Fighting (PH p102)
18: Eyes in the Back of Your Head (CWar p98)

2015-09-01, 05:47 AM
At least she wasn't named Purple Ryebeard

Scarlett Pumpernickel
Damsel · Rescuer · Hero


LG Paladin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/paladin.htm) 3 / Martial Rogue (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogue) 13 / DervishCW25 1 / Nightsong EnforcerCA60 1

Name: Scarlett Pumpernickel
Alignment: Lawful Good
Race: Rilkan (Magic of Incarnum 12)
Deity: Ilmater (Faiths and Pantheons 30)
Organization: Order of the Golden Cup (Champions of Valor 42)

STR 14 -2 racial = 12
DEX 14 +2 racial +1 (@ 8) = 17
CON 10
INT 14
WIS 14 +1 (@ 12) = 15
CHA 14 +2 (@ 4, 16) = 16
Named at birth for scales varying in hue from bright red to the dark brown of hearty bread, Scarlett Pumpernickel always seemed to be at a disadvantage. She was a Rilkan, and encouraged to cover her scales to pass as Human. So she grew her hair long and let it cover her throat scales, and took to wearing loose long-sleeved shirts to cover the scales on her arms. That sort of prejudice was easy to bypass. Being female was harder.

Scarlett grew up listening to stories of damsels being rescued by dudes who clearly needed some help buckling their swashes. Why, she thought, couldn't the damsel be the rescuer? So Scarlett set out to become a hero. Regardless of sex, it wasn't as easy as the stories made it out to be. She wanted to start as a Paladin, because they're supposed to be heroic champions of Good. That might have been OK as a single class, but Scarlett found their approach to being a champion of Ilmater inflexible. The morally rigidity wasn't a problem, but the skills were physically inadequate, and the big sticking point was the organizational restrictions on other classes. To be an effective rescuer she needed more athletic grace: in short, she needed to be a Rogue.

Scarlett did get in some levels of Paladin, knowing as soon as she left she'd never be allowed back. As a hero of upright moral character Scarlett skipped the Rogue thieving skills and concentrated on athletics. She even studied martial dancing, which led to a brief foray into Dervish for Dervish Dance. Wanting to be a responsible member of a team of heroes led Scarlett into another brief departure from Rogue levels, as a Nightsong Enforcer for Teamwork benefits. And then back for more Rogue training. Discretion being the better part of valor, Scarlet learned to Hide and Move Silently as well as Jump and Tumble. (She'd be a poor hero if she got killed before she even got to the rescuing; stealth in a just cause is good.)

Wherever the winds of heroic destiny blow, there's where you'll find Scarlett Pumpernickel.

Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Class Features

Rilkan RogueMoI47 substitution level 1
Balance 4, Bluff 4, Climb 4, Diplomacy 4, Hide 4, Jump 4, Listen 4, Move Silently 4, Spot 4, Tumble 4
Combat Expertise (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#combatExpertise)
MimicEoE21, Improved Flanking

Martial Rogue (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#rogue) 2
Balance +1 (5), Bluff +1 (5), Climb +1 (5), Diplomacy +1 (5), Hide +1 (5), Jump +1 (5), Listen +1 (5), Move Silently +1 (5), Spot +1 (5), Tumble +1 (5)
Weapon Finesse (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#weaponFinesse)B
Bonus Feat, Evasion

Paladin (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/classes/paladin.htm) 1
Diplomacy +1 (6), Gather Information 1, Sense Motive 1, Tumble +1 (6)
Dodge (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#dodge)
Aura of good, detect evil, smite evil 1/day, Favored Enemy (giants) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#paladin), Skilled City-Dweller (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a)

Paladin 2
Diplomacy +1 (7), Gather Information +1 (2), Sense Motive +1 (2), Tumble +1 (7)

Divine grace

Golden CupCoV42 Paladin substitution level 3
Diplomacy +1 (8), Gather Information +1 (3), Sense Motive +1 (3), Tumble +1 (8)

Defend the Weak, divine health

Martial Rogue 3
Hide +4 (9), Move Silently +4 (7), Sense Motive +1 (4), Tumble +1 (9)
Mobility (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#mobility)
Spell SenseCM35 +1

Martial Rogue 4
Hide +1 (10), Jump +1 (6), Listen +1 (6), Move Silently +1 (10), Perform (dance) 3, Sense Motive +1 (5), Spot +1 (6), Tumble +1 (10)
Weapon Focus (scimitar) (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#weaponFocus)B
Bonus Feat

DervishCW25 1
Perform (dance) +6 (9)

AC Bonus +1, Dervish dance 1/day, Movement Mastery, slashing blades

Martial Rogue 5
Knowledge (local: Fortress of Disciplined Enlightenment) 8, Tumble +2 (12)
TouchstoneS53 (Catalogues of Enlightenment: Luck (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/spellLists/clericDomains.htm#luckDomain) domain)

Martial Rogue 6
Hide +3 (13), Move Silently +3 (13), Perform (dance) +3 (12), Tumble +1 (13)
Improved Unarmed Strike (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#improvedUnarmedStrike)B
Bonus Feat, Spell Sense +2

Martial Rogue 7
Hide +1 (14), Jump +5 (11), Move Silently +1 (14), Perform (dance) +2 (14), Tumble +1 (14)

Martial Rogue 8
Hide +1 (15), Jump +4 (15), Listen +1 (7), Move Silently +1 (15), Perform (dance) +1 (15), Spot +1 (7), Tumble +1 (15)
Improved Initiative (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#improvedInitiative)B, Law DevotionCC61
Bonus Feat

Nightsong EnforcerCA60 1
Listen +3 (10), Spot +3 (10)

Sneak attack +1d6, teamwork (hear/see allies)

Martial Rogue 9
Hide +2 (17), Jump +2 (17), Move Silently +2 (17), Perform (dance) +2 (17), Tumble +2 (17)

Spell Sense +3

Martial Rogue 10
Hide +1 (18), Jump +1 (18), Listen +2 (12), Move Silently +1 (18), Perform (dance) +1 (18), Sense Motive +1 (6), Spot +2 (10), Tumble +1 (18)
Stunning Fist (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/feats.htm#stunningFist)B, Savvy RogueCS80
Bonus Feat, Crippling Strike

Martial Rogue 11
Hide +1 (19), Jump +1 (19), Listen +2 (14), Move Silently +1 (19), Perform (dance) +1 (19), Sense Motive +1 (7), Spot +2 (14), Tumble +1 (19)

Martial Rogue 12
Hide +1 (20), Jump +1 (20), Listen +2 (16), Move Silently +1 (20), Perform (dance) +1 (20), Sense Motive +1 (8), Spot +2 (16), Tumble +1 (20)
Rattlesnake StrikeS51 B
Bonus Feat, Spell Sense +4

Martial Rogue 13
Sense Motive +2 (10); Acrobatic BackstabCS84, Back on Your FeetCS85, Extreme LeapCS86, Up the HillCS90

Extra StunningCW98
Slippery Mind

Skilled City-Dweller (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) makes Gather Information & Tumble Paladin class skills in place of Handle Animal & Ride.
CA = Complete Adventurer
CC = Complete Champion
CM = Complete Mage
CoV = Champions of Valor
CS = Complete Scoundrel
CW = Complete Warrior
DM = Dragon Magic
EoE = Exemplars of Evil
MoI = Magic of Incarnum
PH = Planar Handbook
S = Sandstorm
SC = Spell Compendium

Scarlett Pumpernickel

Balance, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Escape Artist, Jump, Profession, Sense Motive, Swim, Tumble, Use Rope
Appraise, Balance, Bluff, Climb, Concentration, Craft, Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Escape Artist, Forgery, Gather Information, Heal, Hide, Intimidate, Jump, Knowledge (local), Knowledge (nobility and royalty), Knowledge (religion), Listen, Move Silently, Open Lock, Perform, Profession, Ride, Search, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Spot, Swim, Tumble, Use Magic Device, Use Rope

Swashbuckler Feature (@ level)
Emulation (@ level)

Proficient with all simple and martial weapons, and with light armor @1
Proficient with all simple weapons + Rogue weapons, and with light armor @1; proficient with all martial weapons, with all types of armor, and with shields (except tower shields) @3

Weapon Finesse @1
Weapon Finesse @2

Grace +1 @2: +1 to Reflex saves
Divine Grace @4: +CHA bonus to all saves

Insightful Strike @3: +INT bonus to damage with finesse weapon hits
Favored Enemy (giants) @3: +2 damage vs. giants; Sneak Attack +1d6 @13: +1d6 bonus to damage when foe flanked or denied DEX to AC

Dodge Bonus +1 @5: +1 to AC
Combat Expertise feat @1; Dodge feat @3; Mobility feat @6; Defend the Weak @5: Combat Expertise, fighting defensively, or total defense dodge bonus also applies to adjacent ally; Spell Sense: +1 dodge bonus against spells and SLAs @6; AC Bonus +1 @8

Acrobatic Charge @7
Charge using Balance, Jump, and Tumble checks without Acrobatic Charge

Improved Flanking @8: +4 flanking bonus
Improved Flanking @1: +4 flanking bonus

Dodge Bonus +2 @10
Spell Sense +2 @10; also see first Dodge Bonus emulation

Grace +2 @11: +2 to Reflex saves
Divine Grace @4: +CHA bonus to all saves

Lucky @11: 1/day reroll any failed attack roll, skill check, ability check, or saving throw
Luck domain @9: 1/day reroll one roll that you have just made before the DM declares whether the roll results in success or failure

Acrobatic Skill Mastery @13: "take 10" always on Jump, Tumble
Movement Mastery @8: "take 10" always on Jump, Perform (dance), Tumble

Weakening Critical @14: add 2 points STR damage on critical hit
Crippling Strike @15, w/ Savvy Rogue feat: add 2 points STR damage w/ sneak attack, even against sneak-immune foe

Dodge Bonus +3 @15
Spell Sense +3 @14; also see first Dodge Bonus emulation

Slippery Mind @17: retry failed save vs. enchantment spell or effect
Slippery Mind @18: retry failed save vs. enchantment spell or effect

Wounding Critical @19: add 2 points CON damage on critical hit
Rattlesnake Strike feat @17: expend Stunning Fist use to inflict poison analog, 1d3 CON/1d3 CON damage

Dodge Bonus +4 @20
Spell Sense +4 @17; also see first Dodge Bonus emulation

Grace +3 @20: +3 to Reflex saves
Divine Grace @4: +CHA bonus to all saves; CHA bonus increased +1 @16

This was a hard Zinc Saucier dish, because Swashbuckler has a bunch of unique features. Even Duelist Grace doesn't match precisely, because it's "Grace" rather than "Grace +1". I did find an exact match for Improved Flanking, but that locked me into both Rilkan and Rogue (not a Rilkan favored class). That's not all bad, of course; Rogue was one of the ways to get Slippery Mind, another exact match. Plus, even with only 18 levels, this mostly-Rogue build ends up with way more skills than Swashbuckler 20.

Scarlett Pumpernickel has to accomplish everything a Swashbuckler can, but in only 18 levels instead of 20. Rilkan favored class is Incarnate, so she's subject to a 20% XP penalty when her Paladin and Rogue levels get more than 1 level apart: starting at level 9, through the rest of the build. 200,000 XP only brings her to 18th level + 14,200 XP. Because she's an efficient hero, she still gets the job done, with verve. :smallsmile:

Scarlett's BAB only reaches +14. However, Law DevotionCC61 adds +7 to her attacks, and Dervish Dance adds another +1, so she ends up comparable to Swashbuckler BAB +20. She's only got 1 level of Dervish, but the duration of Dervish Dance is 1 per 2 ranks in Perform (dance); with 20 ranks that means 10 rounds of Dervish Dance, enough to last Scarlett through most encounters.

2015-09-01, 05:52 AM
Fighting for the dishonored true heir.

Design Concept:
Near-pure Fighter. Striving for simple elegance with minimal distractions.

Additional, self-imposed constraints:

No Class Levels with spellcasting. Noncasting levels (Ranger/Paladin 1-3) are allowable, but non-ideal.
No Prestige Classes.
Power Level target: the same tier 4/5 as Swashbuckler.

These are the benchmarks I'm using to see if this build is matching the Swashbuckler, by 5-level groupings.

(Save modifier targets are from Class Features/Feats only, as opposed to equipment or spells.)

Character Level
Base Attack Bonus
Fort Save Modifier
Ref Save Modifier
Will Save Modifier
Replicated Class Features

+4 or +5
Weapon Finesse, Int modifier to damage with Finesse weapons, Shield Bonus when wielding 2 weapons [1]

+8 to +10
+4 to +5
Charge over difficult terrain, increased flanking bonus, increase to Shield Bonus

+13 to +15
Limited daily Rerolls, Improved Tumble and Jump abilities, Ability to do Strength damage, improved shield bonus

+17 to +20
Secondary Save against enchantments, Ability to do Con damage, improvements to Shield bonus

Robert, the Targe-gent at arms (NG Human)
Ranger 1/Fighter (Thug) 6/Rogue (Martial) 1/Fighter +5/Ranger +1/Fighter +2/Warblade 1/Fighter +3
(Ranger 2/Fighter 16/Rogue 1/Warblade 1)

Hob had just entered the service of the Prince and was stationed on the border with Guilder, when the Coup d'Etat occurred. The official line was that the King's Miracle Worker, with the help of a Dread Pirate, revealed a plan of the Prince to seize the throne before his father was dead, but Hob knew better.

In truth, Hob knew that Guilder had hired the Dread Pirate Roberts, no relation, to tortured the old King and put their puppet on the throne. "The Crown fit so nice, he said I could keep it," is no way to determine the line of succession.

Hob knew his destiny at that point. He would train to become the last Wizard; not a spell caster, but a master of the art of the blade. None had earned the title in a generation -- there were rumors of a Spaniard who had been close, but he lost in a duel to a pirate, of all people -- but he would become one.

Mechanical Build:
Uses Elite Array

(Per level increases, no magic except final line)








20th with persistent magical increases

Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Skill Ranks
Class Features

Ranger 1; ACF:
Skilled City-Dweller [2],
Urban Tracker [3],
Voice of the City [4],
Rival Organization [5]
(36 skillpoints)
Balance 2,
Bluff 2,
Diplomacy 2,
Knowledge (Arcana) 2,
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) 4,
Knowledge (Local) 2,
Knowledge (Nature) 4,
Knowledge (Religon) 2,
Knowledge (The Planes) 2,
Sense Motive 4,
Tumble 4,
Rope Use 4

Weapon Finesse,
(Human) Able Leaner,
(Urban Tracker Ranger) Urban Tracking [3]
Voice of the City [4],
Favored Enemy (The Duke of Guilder's Men)

Fighter 1;
Class Variant: Thug [6]
Bluff to 4 (+2),
Gather Information to 5 (+5)

Figher 2
Bluff to 5 (+1),
Knowledge (Local) to 5 (+3),
Jump to 3 (+3)
Knowledge Devotion [7],
Two-Weapon Fighting (Fighter)

Fighter 3
Balance to 5 (+3),
Bluff to 5 (+1),
Jump to 5 (+2),
Tumble to 5 (+1)

Fighter 4
Diplomacy to 5 (+3),
Knowledge (Arcana) to 5 (+3),
Knowledge (Nature) to 5 (+1)
(Fighter 4) Improved Buckler Defense [8]

Checkpoint: Robert has Weapon Finesse, On target BAB, better-than-target saves, and a shield bonus when two weapon fighting. All of those are on target or better. Instead of Int to damage rolls, Robert has the Knowledge Devotion feat, giving him a means of applying his Int bonus to attack and damage, albeit indirectly.

Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Skill Ranks
Class Features

Fighter 5
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to 5 (+3),
Knowledge (Religion) to 5 (+3),
Knowledge (The Planes) to 5 (+1),
Combat Reflexes

Fighter 6
Intimidate to 5 (+5),
Sense Motive to 5 (+1),
Use Rope to 5 (+1)
(Fighter 6) Vexing Flanker [9]

Rogue 1;
ACF: Mimic [10];
Class Variant: Martial [11]
Balance to 9 (+4),
Tumble to 11 (+6),
Bluff to 6 (+1)
(Martial Rogue 1) Combat Acrobat
Disguise Self SLA once per day using Caster Level of Rogue Class Level

Fighter 7
Escape Artist to 5 (+5),
Knowledge (Local) to 7 (+2)
Sly Fortune [12]

Fighter 8
Bluff to 7 (+1),
Knowledge (Arcana) to 7 (+2),
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to 7 (+2),
Knowledge (Religion) to 7 (+2)
Shield Specialization [13]

Checkpoint: Robert is on target for BAB, better-than-target for Fortitude and Reflex saves, although he is a little behind on Will saves. He has improved his Shield bonus, has the ability to ignore difficult terrain (Combat Acrobat), and improved bonuses for flanking (Vexing flanker). saves, and a shield bonus when two weapon fighting. All of those are on target or better. Instead of Int to damage rolls, Robert has the Knowledge Devotion feat, giving him a means of applying his Int bonus to attack and damage, albeit indirectly.

Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Skill Ranks
Class Features

Fighter 9
Knowledge (Arcana) to 8 (+1),
Knowledge (Nature) to 8 (+3),
Knowledge (The Planes) to 8 (+3)

Fighter 10
Bluff to 10 (+3)
Tumble to 15 (+4)
Unbelievably Lucky [14],
(Fighter 10 Feat) Shield Ward [15]

Fighter 11
Diplomacy to 10 (+5)
Social Recovery Skill Trick [23]

Ranger 2
Escape Artist to 8 (+3)
Jump to 9 (+4)
Easy Escape Skill Trick [23]

(Ranger Combat Style 2) Improved Two-Weapon Fighting [16]

Fighter 12
Diplomacy to 14 (+4)
Jump to 10 (+1)
Back on your feet Skill trick [23]

Leap of the Heavens [27],
(Fighter Feat 12) Greater Two-Weapon Fighting

Checkpoint: Robert is on target for BAB, and is better-than-target for all saving throws. His Shield bonus has started to fall behind the Shield of Blades feature, but he can compensate by enchanting his buckler and he can apply the shield bonus to touch attacks and to defend against combat manuevers (Shield Ward). He has a much more limited ability to re-roll than the Swashbuckler, but that will get better. He cannot take 10 when jumping, but always counts as taking a running jump (Leasp of the Heavens), which is often better. Similarly, he cannot take 10 when tumbling, but has the ability to re-roll his Tumble checks multiple times a day (Sly Fortune, Unbelievable Luck). He does not, yet, have the means of dealing Strength Damage and is behind on that.

Fort Save
Ref Save
Will Save
Skill Ranks
Class Features

Fighter 13
Diplomacy to 12 (+2)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to 8 (+1)
Knowledge (local) to 8 (+1)
Knowledge (Religion) to 8 (+1)
Knowledge (the planes) to 9 (+1)
Nimble Stand skill trick [23]

Warblade 1
Diplomacy to 16 (+4)
Knowledge (Arcana) to 10 (+2)
Knowledge (The planes) to 10 (+1)

Martial Maneuvers [17]:
Iron Heart Surge,
Iron Heart Focus,
Lightning Recovery,
Absolute Steel Stance

Fighter 14
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to 9 (+1)
Knowledge (Local) to 9 (+1)
Knowledge (nature) to 9 (+1)
Knowledge (Religion) to 10 (+2)
Collector of Stories Skill Trick [23]

Make Your Own Luck [18],
(Fighter 14) Martial Study
(Shadow Hand:
Strength Draining Strike) [19]
Weapon Aptitude [20],
Battle Clarity [21]

Fighter 15
Diplomacy to 18 (+2)
Knowledge (Dungeoneering) to 10 (+1)
Knowledge (Local) to 10 (+1)
Knowledge (nature) to 10 (+1)

Fighter 16
Diplomacy to 21 (+3)
Spellcraft to 2 (+2)
Up the Hill skill trick [23]

(Fighter Feat 16) Mage Slayer [22]

Checkpoint: Robert is on target for BAB, and is better-than-target for all saving throws. His Shield bonus has to be supplemented by magic to stay on par with the class ability, but that's not overly expensive. His ability do re-rolls has shot well beyond the Swashbucklers, between his luck Feats and his Iron Heart Maneuvers, which are usable at least once per encounter and can be easily recovered using the Warblade's recovery mechanism. His ability to do Ability Damage is pretty strong between his Shadow Hand strikes; not the same as doing damage on Critical, but his also works on crit-immune creatures. He does have a faster movement speed, a better ability to shrug off enchantments than the Swashbuckler, albeit it a standard action rather than a free (Iron heart Surge), and could pick up nearly anything at 20th level, instead of Mage Slayer, if something better were available.

Wealth By Level: 760,000 gp

Stat Boosting:
Tome of +2 to Intelligence (55,000 gp)
Tome of +2 to Dexterity (55,000 gp)
Tome of +2 to Con (55,000 gp)
Gloves with +6 to Dexterity (36,000 gp)
Headband with +6 to Intelligence (36,000 gp)
Belt with +6 to Constitution (36,000 gp)

Defensive Items:
Millennial Breastplate of Nimbleness [24] (As per the item, but Breastplate rather than Chainmail) (20,200gp) (+5 Armor, +1 Enhancement, max dex bonus of +11, ACP -0, ASF 15%)
Vest of Resistance +5 (25,000 gp)
Mithral Buckler +3 (10,200 gp)
Crystal of Arrow Deflection, Greater (5,000 gp) [24] (+5 AC v ranged and Deflect arrows 1/round)
Crystal of Mind Cloaking, Lesser (4,000gp) [24] (+3 competence v Mind Affecting spells/abilities)
Ioun Stone, Dusty Rose (5,000 gp)

Offensive items:
Short Sword +1 of Wounding (18,400 gp)
Cold Iron Short Sword +1 Magebane (8,700 gp) [24]
Short Sword +1 Metaline (18,400 gp) [24]

Other Items:
Ioun Stones - Dull Gray, (with Continual Light cast upon it), Clear, Iridescent, Pale Green (200gp; 4,000 gp; 18,000 gp, 30,000 gp)
Headband of +10 competence for Knowledges (Arcane, Dungeoneeering, Local, Nature, The Planes, and Religion) (60,000 gp)
Shax's Haversack Type IV (69,187 gp) [25]
Additional Handy Haversack (2,000 gp)

Other Mandatory Effect items:[26]
Winged Mask (13,000gp)
Custom Continuous (Amulet) of Protection from Evil (4,000 gp)
Custom Continuous (Ring) of Favor of the Martyr (128,000 gp)
Scouts headband (Base item for Int item/Knowledge bonus item) (3,400 gp)
Dimension Stride Boots (2,000 gp)
Spellblade (Dispel Magic) on short sword of Wounding (+6,000 gp)

Itemized Total: 720,687. Nearly 60,000 remaining.

Shield of Blades ACF -- PHB2, page 63. Ex. Gain Shield Bonus until start of next turn when attacking 2 light weapons in a round. Starts at +2 @ 5th level, increases every 5 levels until +5 @ 20th.
Skilled City Dweller ACF -- http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a Web Enhancement -- Citysacpe, Part 1: Urban Class Features. Trade Class Skills of Handle Animal, Survival, and Ride for Gather Information, Sense Motive, and Tumble (Respectively)
Urban Tracker ACF -- http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a Web Enhancement -- Citysacpe, Part 1: Urban Class Features. Trade Tracking feat for Urban Tracking feat.
Voice of the City ACF -- http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a Web Enhancement -- Citysacpe, Part 1: Urban Class Features. Trade Wild Empathy for ability to communicate with those who do not share a language.
Rival Organization ACF -- http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a Web Enhancement -- Citysacpe, Part 1: Urban Class Features. Select an Organization as a Favored Enemy rather than a Type/Subtype.
Thug Class Variant -- http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm -- Variant Character Classes (from UA, originally). No 1st Level Fighter Feat; 4+int Skill points per level. Bluff, Gather Information, Knowledge (Local) and Sleight of Hand added to class list. Urban Tracking added to fighter bonus feat list.
Knowledge Devotion Feat -- Complete Champion, page 60. Make a (free) knowledge check at the begining of combat for each opponent creature type. Gain a bonus to attack and damage based on the result of the check, from +1 (DC 15 or less) to +5 (DC 36+)
Improved Buckler Defense Feat -- Complete Warrior -- get AC bonus from buckler when attacking
Vexing Flanker Feat -- PHB2 Increases attack bonus when flanking
Mimic ACF - Exemplars of Evil pg 21. Disguise Self as a SLA
Martial Rogue Class Variant -- Unearthed Arcana pg 58. Lose Sneak Attack, gain Fighter Feats
Sly Fortune Feat -- Complete Scoundrel - gain a luck re-roll per day; can use luck re-roll for Hide, move silently, or tumble check.
Shield Specialization Feat -- PHB2. Increase AC bonus from shield
Unbelievably Lucky Feat -- Complete Scoundrel -- gain 2 luck re-rolls and a luck bonus to worst saving throw
Shield Ward Feat -- PHB2 Pg 82. Apply shield bonus to touch attacks, and to resisting bull rush, disarm, trip, and similar.
Ranger Combat Style 2 -- Robert already has Two Weapon Fighting, and has been using Gloves of the Balanced Hand for Improved Two Weapon; at this point, he retires the Gloves and takes Improved Two Weapon Fighting for real.
Iron Heart Maneuvers and Stance -- See Tome of Battle: The Book of Nine Swords. Iron Heart Surge cancels an ongoing status effect, Iron Heart Focus allows an attack re-roll (as a swift action). Lightning Focus allows a save re-roll (as an immediate action). The Stance grants a bonus to movement and to AC after moving. Robert had an Lesser Iron Heart Vest with Wall of Blades that he retired at this point.
Make Your own Luck Feat -- gain a luck re-roll. Can use re-rolls for any trained skill
Strength Draining Strike -- Robert has a set of Lesser Shadow Hands; prior to this level, they were granting Cloak of Deception. After gaining Strength Draining Strike, Robert removed and re-synchronized with the Hands to gain Drain Vitality.
Weapon Aptitude -- Book of Nine Swords, Warblade ability. Irrelevant for this build.
Battle Clarity -- Book of Nine Swords, int (max class levels) as Insight Bonus to Reflex Saving Throws
Mage Slayer Feat -- Complete Arcane, +1 to will saves, casters cannot cast defensively when threatened.
Skill tricks -- Complete Scoundrel, pages 83-90. Skill tricks cost 2 skill points each. Maximum of 1/2 Character level skill tricks. Social Recovery allows for retrying a failed Diplomacy check. Easy Escape gives bonuses to escape a grapple. Back on your feat allows a reaction to stand from prone. Nimble Stand allows stand from prone as a swift without AoO. Collector of Stories gives a bonus on identifying monsters/creatures.
Items from the Magic Item Compendium. Millennial breastplate is based on Millennial Chain-mail, which is a relic mithral armor. Armor & Weapon Crystals add enhancements to sufficiently enhanced magical (or masterwork, if least) armors./weapons . Nimbleness Armor Enhancement increases Max Dex Bonus and Reduces Armor check penalty. Magebane does extra damage to arcane casters/ability users, and does not increase the enchantment cost on cold iron weapons. Metaline allows the weapon to become different metal types for penetrating DR.
Leap of the Heavens -- PHB2 pg 80. Do not double DC for jumps w/o running jump.

Hob's bonus to damage provided by the Knowledge Devotion is lower than the bonus would be from Swashbuckler class (a Max of +5 at 20th level, vis a vis +6 at 20th level from this build's Int bonus), but as the bonus applies to both attacks and damage from the Knowledge Devotion, this more than makes up for it.

The Re-roll from the Lucky class ability is much more flexible than the re-rolls that Hob gets from his luck feats and Warblade Maneuvers. On the other hand, he gets significantly more re-rolls from the various abilities, even if they are immediate/swift actions, rather than free. Hob is doing better in almost every case than a swashbuckler would be, but there are a few edge cases.

I wanted to try to re-write this as Fighter (Thug) 12/Rogue (Martial) 4/Warblade 4 or 14/4/2, but I lacked the time to make that work in the end. Alas.

2015-09-01, 05:53 AM
Those are it. Judge away :smallsmile:

2015-09-01, 07:03 AM
I'm glad that you were able to get three entries for this round, Sian.

That being said, with only three entries I hope that the Demon Real Life can be persuaded to allow me to judge these.

2015-09-01, 03:18 PM
Dread Pirate was the idea I had, but I kept trying to tack too much on top of it, and ended up scrapping a whole slew of potential builds for being too complicated.

2015-09-05, 06:29 PM
so 3 entries any updates on judging (judges) ?

2015-09-05, 07:11 PM
I'm relatively new here, but I've been lurking on these competition threads as long as I've known about this site. If theres no restrictions on newcomers judging, I'd be happy to help out this thread and get in on some judging action!

2015-09-05, 08:51 PM
I'm relatively new here, but I've been lurking on these competition threads as long as I've known about this site. If theres no restrictions on newcomers judging, I'd be happy to help out this thread and get in on some judging action!

I do not think there is any requirements on judging or entering... but as judging goes just follow this guide (copied from above).

Judges will then have until Sunday, 10:00am UTC, 13 September, 2015, to post scores for all dishes.

Contestants will be judged and awarded a score out of 5 in each of 4 categories;

* Innovation (Uniqueness in character concept, race, class, etc)
* Power (How powerful and versatile it is compared to the base class)
* Elegance (What can only be described as how well the build "flows", i.e not using lots of 1-2lv dips, sacrificing flavour for power or using flaws)
* Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

2015-09-06, 04:01 PM
Aww, man. I didn't even know this thread was a thing until today.

I'd have definitely jumped in on this if I had seen it. I am now morose.

2015-09-06, 08:15 PM
Alright, I've written up most of my judgments on the characters here. I'll work on getting them formatted, then see about proofreading, checking my metric for consistency, and uploading them tomorrow.

2015-09-06, 09:48 PM
Aww, man. I didn't even know this thread was a thing until today.

I'd have definitely jumped in on this if I had seen it. I am now morose.

there is always the next one

2015-09-07, 12:37 AM
Bah. I had an idea as soon as I read the intro for this one, but it might not be the same next time.
(Savage Bard/Rogue with a couple warblade dips)

2015-09-07, 03:31 PM
Judging time is finally here!

First off, I wanted to explain a bit on how I graded each category.

Innovation was determined by how unexpected each element used in the character was, as well as getting additional points from clever ways to gain the abilities normally owned by the SI class.

Power is fairly self-explanatory, however I will judge each entry based on its power relative to the SI class. For example, if a build is much more powerful, it may be docked points for not being in the spirit of the SI. Too low power and you get the same deal, however, pushing power levels slightly above the SI by improving on features or clever tricks may net you bonus points if they gel with the spirit of the SI. Slapping T1 casting on a monk will not get you bonus points, no matter how much of an improvement it is.

Elegance will be judged on how few templates, races, and classes you used while also making sure that they are all necessary to the build and not just a 1-2 level tack-on to add another SI ability.

Ingredient is probably the trickiest one, but I’ll give it my best shot. I’m looking for a build that manages to not only capture the abilities mechanically of the build, but the flavor as well. If you do that through fluff, excellent. If you do that through matching themed abilities and tying them together neatly, excellent as well.

As I am fairly new at this, I am open to any disputes you may have with my scoring. I will review your claims along with my own and may award a higher score than the original. I will not, however, lower any scores from my original grading.

Innovation: 4 Duskblade was unexpected, given the casting abilities. Using dragon marks for abilities are also unexpected, and the progression of Storm Sentry and Windwright Captain into Dread Pirate gives a nice combination of similarly themed classes working together nicely. However the Dread Pirate (especially) and Windwright Captain prestige classes are almost too easy, and is what kept you from a perfect score.

Power: 4 This character will easily beat pure swashbucklers in a one-on-one fight, mainly due to its casting and channeling abilities from Duskblade. I appreciate your focus of spells on self-buffs, instead of just blasting from behind lines of his pirate crew. However, not much besides spell casting seems any different from what a normal swashbuckler could do (or at least it isn’t more effective than what a swashbuckler could do), so no perfect score there either.

Elegance: 3 Five classes, one race, and no templates. It feels to me like this build is split in two, one half focusing on the dragonmaked side and the other on the duskblade to Windwright Captain to Dread Pirate progression. As such, the elegance is lacking there, but you still get an average score as you avoided overly complicated things like template stacking and excessive dips.

Ingredient: 5 Finally, onto the actual swashbuckling. This character feels right at home on board a pirate ship, swinging through the ropes and dueling enemies to the death while carrying on witty banter. The spells that can be used for dramatic effect during combat are just gravy at this point.


Innovation: 5 Wait, you got a Paladin into this build somehow? Color me impressed, I didn’t see Divine Grace coming. Also, you easily used few levels outside your main class to get exactly what you need for rescuing those non-gendered people in distress, and doing so in only 18 levels is marvelous.

Power: 3 You can move and attack as easily as a swashbuckler, but your bonuses to damage only apply when flanking (or if facing giants), and that is never a guarantee in combat. I rate it on par with the SI thanks to some increased defensive abilities, but a straight up fight between them is uncertain in outcome.

Elegance: 2 Hmmm, this is where those dips come back to bite you. Although I appreciate the dips being used to their fullest to grab abilities, 3 short dips in an otherwise unbroken class progression hurt you rather much. Also, they don’t particularly mesh with each other well in mechanics or fluff.

Ingredient: 4 Again, this is a build that I can see swooping through the battlefield to stab enemies in the back. Although the features it mimics are plentiful, some aren’t quite mimicked perfectly, which prevents you from a perfect score in this category.


Innovation: 3 All of your abilities come from fairly reliable sources, Knowledge Devotion for example, but Leap of the Heavens and Shadow Hand are nice touches and got some bonus points there. The biggest gripe I have with this build is its dependency on magic items to achieve the correct abilities, when other builds did so without. In the end, I decided to give you an average score because all of these tend to balance out.

Power: 4 This character is rather powerful when compared to a normal swashbuckler, but still manages to pull off some tricks better than the SI, while maintaining a very swashbuckle-y feel. The maneuvers also help a lot, giving this character an edge in mobility and defensive options (Iron Heart Surge!).

Elegance: 3 Your dips hurt you the same way as with Scarlett, breaking up your progression every few levels or so to switch to a different class. However, each of your classes mesh nicely together and have consistent flavor, so you still manage an average score here.

Ingredient: 5 This is where this build truly shines. Every class ability is emulated to near perfection, and even close to the levels where the original class gets them! If I were to play this character, I’m sure I could fool anyone into believing I was playing a Swashbuckler.


2015-09-07, 07:17 PM
some very insightful comments from a first time judge in my opinion. thank you for judging..
now to see how many more judge these.

2015-09-08, 12:12 AM
Disputing abound

Ingredient is probably the trickiest one, but I’ll give it my best shot. I’m looking for a build that manages to not only capture the abilities mechanically of the build, but the flavor as well. If you do that through fluff, excellent. If you do that through matching themed abilities and tying them together neatly, excellent as well.

Ingredient (How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class)

Ingredient: 5 Finally, onto the actual swashbuckling. This character feels right at home on board a pirate ship, swinging through the ropes and dueling enemies to the death while carrying on witty banter. The spells that can be used for dramatic effect during combat are just gravy at this point.

Ingredient: 4 Again, this is a build that I can see swooping through the battlefield to stab enemies in the back. Although the features it mimics are plentiful, some aren’t quite mimicked perfectly, which prevents you from a perfect score in this category.
Your scoring for Ingredient seems to be fanciful and generous for Wesley, and overly critical for Scarlett. While there's nothing wrong with a character being at home on a pirate ship, there's absolutely nothing in the Swashbuckler class description about either pirates or ships. Ingredient is stated to be "How well the build captures the abilities and feel of the base class", so if you're rating builds on whether they'd be at home on pirate ships you're not comparing them to the base class. And, while pirates and ships aren't part of the stated Swashbuckler class flavor, some characteristics applicable to a Swashbuckler emulation are.
A common shared element among swashbucklers’ backgrounds is life in an urban environment, whether the back alleys of a slum or the cultured halls of royalty.
You'll note that both Scarlett and Robert have the Skilled City-Dweller (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/we/20070228a) ACF which reflects an urban background. While Wesley has lots of pirate ship elements (which you like, but aren't part of the Swashbuckler class), he specifically highlighted a number of places where the emulation wasn't true.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: the build has similar
Weapon Finesse (Ex): taken
Grace (Ex): not truly emulated
Insightful Strike (Ex): the build has similar
Dodge Bonus (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Acrobatic Charge (Ex): taken
Improved Flanking (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Lucky (Ex): not truly emulated
Acrobatic Skill Mastery (Ex): the build has similar
Weakening Critical (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Slippery Mind (Ex): the build has similar, but not truly emulated
Wounding Critical (Ex): not truly emulated
You've awarded him a perfect score. :smallconfused:

As I am fairly new at this, I am open to any disputes you may have with my scoring. I will review your claims along with my own and may award a higher score than the original. I will not, however, lower any scores from my original grading.
How is Scarlett supposed to compete when you've picked a favorite and won't judge it fairly based on the written characteristics of the base class?

Scarlett's main problem with emulations is that, while almost all of them are good duplications of Swashbuckler abilities, a number of them come earlier than in the Swashbuckler class and thus the character is more powerful than a Swashbuckler at an equal level.

Power: 3 You can move and attack as easily as a swashbuckler, but your bonuses to damage only apply when flanking (or if facing giants), and that is never a guarantee in combat. I rate it on par with the SI thanks to some increased defensive abilities, but a straight up fight between them is uncertain in outcome.
I think you're out of line to dismiss flanking, seeing as Improved Flanking is a Swashbuckler class feature they get at level 8. (Scarlett gets Improved Flanking at level 1, so she's able to get more advantage from flanking for 7 more levels than a Swashbuckler.) But you're incorrect about damage bonuses requiring flanking. Dervish Dance adds a damage bonus which doesn't require flanking, and sneak attack also applies when Scarlett's opponent is denied their DEX to AC (and she has plenty of Hide skill to make that happen). Her Mimic ability may help her get a surprise attack, and sneak attack applies when an enemy is flat-footed. Smite Evil doesn't require flanking for its attack and damage bonuses, either, and Paladins are merciless when confronting Evil foes. You seem to have emphasized Insightful Strike (the ability which Scarlett emulates least effectively), while specifically ignoring Swashbuckler Improved Flanking (an emulation imperfect only in that Scarlett acquires it much earlier). Scarlett also deals ability damage more reliably than a Swashbuckler, who does so only on a confirmed critical hit: Crippling Strike only requires sneak attack for STR damage, and Rattlesnake Strike delivers on a successful Stunning Fist attack (on average) twice the CON damage of Swashbuckler Wounding Critical.

I tried to make Scarlett just a bit more powerful than a Swashbuckler, and I think I've done that mostly by giving Scarlett more defensive abilities and many more useful skills than a Swashbuckler would have.

2015-09-08, 10:58 AM
First off, thank you samduke for your compliments.
And now for my defense/concessions.

INGREDIENT: Ingredient was by far the hardest for me to judge, and I drew from the entire write-up, fluff and all, when considering how similar to the SI the builds were. Although you are correct in stating that the Swashbuckler class has no pirate fluff in its description, I believe this was to keep this a viable class in any campaign, regardless of the setting. In my mind (and I google image searched swashbuckler to make sure I wasn't crazy) and the mind of the public in general, "swashbuckler" is heavily tied to themes of tricorn hats, fluffy undershirts, and Jack Sparrow. Although all swashbucklers may not be pirates, the archetypical pirate is a swashbuckler. As far as judging this goes, Wesley fit very well with my internal view of what a swashbuckler is. Scarlett did too, but not to the same degree (this is when I wish there were more judges to balance that out).

For mechanical emulation, you'll notice that of the 7 places Wesley does not truly emulate an ability, more than half of them still share a similar ability that comes closer to emulating the SI than having nothing at all. For a final note, Wesley's high score comes from not just the mechanical emulation, nor the fluff description, but the combination of the two working together. I realize this all seems a bit nebulous, but I found it very hard to objectively judge a category that focuses on comparing a fully detailed build with a class stub.


POWER: I freely admit here that I was wrong in my judging of Scarlett's power. I dismissed the flanking bonus, as you said, and I didn't look deep enough into the class features that stacked damage, ability damage, and maneuverability. With the flanking bonus applying, Scarlett's power dramatically increases and can easily best any (pirate-y or no) swashbuckler out there. Nothing much more for me to say, except thank you for your detailed and courteous disputes.


2015-09-08, 02:31 PM

While your scoreing in some areas seems to be fairly accurate I would have to disagree with jumping scarlets power score from a 3 to a 5 for the power that the character does gain.

while your statement
POWER: I freely admit here that I was wrong in my judging of Scarlett's power. I dismissed the flanking bonus, as you said, and I didn't look deep enough into the class features that stacked damage, ability damage, and maneuverability. With the flanking bonus applying, Scarlett's power dramatically increases and can easily best any (pirate-y or no) swashbuckler out there. Nothing much more for me to say, except thank you for your detailed and courteous disputes.

I would ask that you look again at each build's Power how they stack with effects & spells that each build brings and see if you feel that you are missing anything for any of the builds

Chairs Word:

While I in no way am going to rule on how the judging is done I have to say that i'm somewhat ... uncomfortable with the judging being done depending on what the class is called instead of what abilities it have. It is, after all, when it comes to it an optimization challenge in duplicating a class' mechanical abilities and shouldn't be a question if you pair up with the precieved meaning of the name of the class. It shouldn't matter if the class is called Swashbuckler or Professional Bananapeeler, if they had the exact same mechanical abilities and the same actual fluff they should also be judged the same.

Even if that was the case, Swashbuckler is not inherently a alternate name for Pirates, but rather a heroic archetype from romanticism era literature, encompassing characters such as Zorro, The Three Musketeers, Don Juan, Dread Pirate Roberts or Count of Monte Cristo, and only in very recent time did pirates supercede other subtypes as the primary character interpretation. While, sure, in modern popular culture, Guybrush Threepwood and Jack Sparrow is the primary characters springing to mind, they in no way have patent on the genre much less on the name.

2015-09-08, 02:43 PM
Chairs Word:
Dread Pirate Roberts or Count of Monte Cristo, and only in very recent time did pirates supercede other subtypes as the primary character interpretation. While, sure, in modern popular culture, Guybrush Threepwood and Jack Sparrow is the primary characters springing to mind, they in no way have patent on the genre much less on the name.

anyone seen the movie pricess bride? dread pirate Roberts, princess bride hero hahaha

2015-09-08, 08:47 PM
I don't want to go changing my scores around some more, and you've already heard my reasoning behind them, so I just wanted to use this post to say something in general.

I've noticed, and am genuinely saddened by the recent lack of interest in these competition threads. Not just Zinc Saucier, but The Villain Competition and even Junkyard Wars as well. Iron Chef is still going, but it is the original.

I was at first a bit nervous when I volunteered to judge a thread, I saw this as an opportunity to begin posting more frequently and eventually join the ranks of regular posters. I'm also not terribly excited that I was the only judge on this thread, as that means the entire competition hinges on my opinions, and I apologize if I've caused a departure from some old standards the threads are used to.

I hope these threads keep going strong, and next time I think I'll compete, rather than judge.

Edit: Also wow that's an unfortunate typo, I meant to put Scarlett's power up to 4.

2015-09-09, 05:18 AM
I don't want to go changing my scores around some more, and you've already heard my reasoning behind them, so I just wanted to use this post to say something in general.

I've noticed, and am genuinely saddened by the recent lack of interest in these competition threads. Not just Zinc Saucier, but The Villain Competition and even Junkyard Wars as well. Iron Chef is still going, but it is the original.

I was at first a bit nervous when I volunteered to judge a thread, I saw this as an opportunity to begin posting more frequently and eventually join the ranks of regular posters. I'm also not terribly excited that I was the only judge on this thread, as that means the entire competition hinges on my opinions, and I apologize if I've caused a departure from some old standards the threads are used to.

I hope these threads keep going strong, and next time I think I'll compete, rather than judge.

Edit: Also wow that's an unfortunate typo, I meant to put Scarlett's power up to 4.

some build some judge some flip flop depending on real life and this may yet see another judge: don't feel to bad I don't think there has been a single contest without some dispute of any sort from 1 or more chefs.

2015-09-09, 08:44 AM
The Iron Chef thread isn't really the same as it has been either.

But it is a shame that the "side contests" haven't been able to gather a lot of interest as well.

But as samduke mentioned real life hits all of us differently at different times. I know that is my reason for not being as active as I once was.

2015-09-11, 05:58 AM
well with 2 days left on judging wonder if there will be another?

2015-09-11, 07:02 AM
I had hoped that the Demon Real Life would allow me to get to judging these but I knew it was a longshot even with only three entries.

And it's not like I've been working on Iron Chef entries either. I probably won't get to enter that either (which is probably a good thing considering all of the BS surrounding the SI this month). :smallsigh:

2015-09-12, 12:56 PM
any suggestions for the next one?

2015-09-13, 05:11 AM
suggestion something that gets more than 3 entries and 1 judge - thanks again judge.

2015-09-13, 05:34 AM
well, samduke, thats argubly a even less useful response on my question than not giving a comment at all.

and for the scores



Scarlett Pumpernickel

Robert Hob

2015-09-13, 05:46 AM
Next one is Chameleon (http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?t=441621)