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View Full Version : Spelltouched Galore [feats, flaws, classes]

2007-05-07, 02:54 AM
Heya folks, far from my first homebrew but my first submission to this forum that I can recall.

This is in-progress. So far I only have the feats written up. I'll update this post and alert the thread as I contribute more. What I am concerned about:
1) how do these balance with the regular feats? Spelltouch feats that are weak in comparison are fine; I will counter most of those with some attractive Spellchanged powers related to them later on. If there are feats here that are too powerful for their prereqs I would love to hear about it so that I can either nerf them or raise the prereqs though.
2) do you have any more suggestions? I would like to create a few more very low-power feats, some of which (like Stench of the Dead in the original set) are almost purely flavour and mainly for NPC use.

I will be adding some more flaws soon, along with the Spellchanged option which got me started working on this in the first place.

A note about formatting: this is just loosely CPed from the text file where I am making this stuff. I will upload the text file itself when I am done, which is much easier to read. In the meantime I will try to format it legibly but it's annoying to bbcode format large chunks of text.

Without further ado:

Advanced Spelltouch Rules
Spelltouched feats are fun and allow a wide range of non-skill-based feats and versatility for characters of any class and ability. In my campaign setting, I am making Spelltouch a relatively common occurence, and creating a vast range of Spelltouched feats and abilities, for player characters and NPC's alike.

First up are a number of spelltouched feats, some with more specific or difficult to achieve criteria, and some so easy to get that they can be gained at level 1 (it's assumed that any character has had opportunity to meet the criteria). Some are designed more to add flavour to NPCs, rather than add useful abilities for adventurers (like Stench of the Dead in the original feat list), and others are relatively useless on their own but can be "stepped up" to potent powers by use of the new Spellchanged option.

Second are "Burnt" flaws. These are the same as regular flaws, allowing the character to select a bonus feat in exchange for accepting permanent penalties. Like spelltouched feats, they have the Prerequisites of having been in contact with the spell effect that causes the flaw.

Next is the Spellchanged option, whereby a character can augment Spelltouched feats they already possess by expending a character level. They gain no new hit dice, saving throw bonuses, base attack bonuses, or other class levels by expending levels in Spellchanged: in essence, the character adds a racial "level adjustment". This is pretty much identical to spending a level on a Bloodline. Spellchanged levels are usually quite powerful, although most of them have drawbacks as well. As a general rule, feats that are useful on their own have less powerful Spellchanged options, while feats that are relatively weak in and of themselves become significantly more potent when augmented with a Spellchange level.

Finally, there are two new Prestige classes. The Evolved class (based on the Spellchanged option) is a character whose body and mind are slowly changing to a new species with each new Spelltouch, so that he is no longer truly a member of the race that spawned him. The Spelltwister is a sorceror/bard prestige class whose command of Spelltouch allows her to absorb and rework spells cast on her.

New Spelltouched Feats
Aligned Direction
Prerequisites: Exposure to Find the Path spell.
Description: The character has a flawless internal compass towards a single object specified when the feat is taken.
Effect: When the feat is taken, the character must specify a single object, place, or person. As long as the character is on the same plane as that object, he has a permanent compass-like direction sense of where that object is. The feat doesn't give any idea of how to get to the object, just a beeline sense of where the object is.
If the object is destroyed or the person killed, the feat continues to function, pointing to the largest intact fragment of the object or person. The character with the feat has no idea what condition the object is in; just where it (or the biggest piece of it) is.

Divine Smile
Prerequisites: Exposure to either Bless or Aid, and the beneficial bonus of a Prayer spell.
NOTE: one should also choose a deity granting the "divine smile" feat; that deity should be associated with the cleric who cast the spells and should be of similar alignment to the character. This is merely for flavour and has no in-game effect.
Description: Some individuals have been given holy blessings by clerics so often, the gods seem to smile on them all the time.
Effect: You gain a permanent +1 save vs. fear, and Cure Wounds spells heal you for an additional 1 hit point. Your alignment aura increases by 1 level (eg. a level 3 Lawful Neutral fighter with the Divine Smile feat has a level 1 aura of law. A level 5 paladin with Divine Smile has a level 6 aura of good).

Enhanced [attribute]
Prerequisite: Exposure to an attribute-raising spell (Cat's Grace, Bull's Strength, Bear's Endurance, Owl's Wisdom, etc)
Effect: +2 to any two skill checks related to the attribute. For example, Enhanced Dexterity requires exposure to Cat's Grace, and grants a +2 skill check to two dexterity-based skills.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time it can be for a different attribute, provided the character meets the spell prerequisites, or to the same attribute again: the skills selected for bonus must be different each time.

Exhausting Aura
Prerequisite: exposure to Touch of Fatigue, Chill Touch, or Ray of Enfeeblement.
Description: Something about the character is just tiring to everyone nearby; touching the character makes it worse.
Effect: Everyone within 20' of the character fatigues at twice the normal rate, and anyone who touches the character must make a will save (dc equal to 10+1/2 the character's hd+the character's CHA modifier) or be fatigued for the next round. The character cannot turn this ability off, so it affects a necromancer casting Touch of Idiocy or a Paladin's Lay on Hands equally. It is not carried through armed melee attacks, only unarmed touches. In a grapple attempt, the grappler must only make one save when the grappling begins, not in subsequent rounds of grappling.

Prerequisites: Exposure to Invisibility, Greater invisibility, Mass invisibility, or Invisibility sphere
Description: When looked at straight-on, the character appears pretty normal. As soon as the viewer looks a bit away though, the character seems fuzzy and transparent, fading into the background. If onlookers look too hard at the character, they start to see through her a bit. Looking too long can give the onlooker a bit of a headache.
Effect: The character gains +4 to Hide skill checks, and the duration of Invisibility spells cast on the character is increased as though the caster was 2 levels higher. However, the distinctive nature of the fade effect gives the character a -2 to all nonmagical disguise attempts (using a magical disguise such as Alter Self can temporarily negate this penalty, but also negates the +4 Hide bonus).

Familiar Form
Prerequisites: Exposure to Polymorph or Baleful Polymorph
Description: The character has a secondary form that she can change to and remain in for a significant amount of time. While the secondary form is not powerful, it may be extremely useful as for stealthy purposes or to get into and out of small places.
Effect: The character can voluntarily change into a secondary shape. This shape must be a Small or smaller animal of no more than 1 HD and is always the same whenever the character uses this feat. She retains her normal Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, class levels, base attack bonus, saving throws, and non-magical class abilities. Any magical/supernatural class abilities (such as spellcasting, undead turning, or bard song) are lost, as are any racial bonuses. No matter the character's level, the second form always has only 1 hit die. If the character cannot fly under her own power, the second form cannot be a flight-capable form either; the same goes for water-breathing and other unusual powers. The second form cannot have any intrinsic special abilities the character does not herself possess.
If reduced to 0 hp while in her much weaker secondary form, the character reverts to her primary form (unless the shapechange has been made permanent as described below), at 0 hp and unconscious. Otherwise, damage taken while in the secondary form is transferred normally to the primary form: if the character took 3 points of damage in her secondary form, she has taken 3 points of damage in her primary form as well.
Duration: The character can change to her second form once per day. The change takes five minutes of absolute concentration. Once changed, the character can remain in her secondary form for 30 minutes with no difficulty. To remain in the form longer requires the character to make a Will save after 30 minutes have past, and every 5 minutes thereafter, against a DC of 12 +2 for every subsequent save (12 on the first save, 14 on the second, 16 on the third, et cetera). As soon as a will save is failed, the character reverts to normal shape. The character can choose to revert to her primary shape any time after 1 full round of concentration.
If the character manages to remain in her secondary form for over 1 hour, she must make another Will save of DC equal to 10+her character level+her new form's Con bonus or be trapped in the secondary form permanently exactly as if affected by a Baleful Polymorph spell (gaining the Intelligence, Charisma, and Wisdom scores of her secondary form). If the character succeeds at this will save, she automatically reverts to her primary form safely.
Special: This feat can be taken multiple times. Each time can either add a new shape, or allows the ability to be used one more time per day.

Fine Line in the Mind
Prerequisites: exposure to confusion, insanity, or symbol of insanity.
Description: Experience with the darker side of the mind has made the character able to function even when the world has gone mad. To the caster, the character still appears utterly confused.
Effect: When confused (no matter the source of the effect), the character does not entirely lose free will. Though her mind is still present and lucid, the world becomes a blur of confusing shapes and colours. Rather than use the normal percentile chart for actions, the character rolls on the following chart:
01-10: the character identifies the caster of the spell in the blur of colours, and can choose to move directly towards him/her and attack normally. If the character breaks eye contact with the caster, she must reroll on this chart and can only locate the caster again if she rolls 01-10.
11-20: the character gains total lucidity for a moment, and can act normally. She must retain concentration: as soon as her concentration is broken, she must roll again on this chart.
21-50: the character cannot discern anything recognisable in the swirl of colours. However, her hearing and speech are still working normally, and she can communicate freely with party members. If she has the Blind Fighting feat, she can close her eyes and act normally using her other senses. If she cannot fight blind, she can still protect herself with a Full Defense Action, and can roll again on this chart next turn to attempt to get a better hold on her situation.
51-80: All the character's senses are scrambled, and she can do nothing but take a Full Defense Action. If she attempts to take any offensive action, she can only strike the creature nearest to her (no matter what she believes she is trying to do) as per the confuse spell. She is aware of this limitation. She can reroll on this chart next turn to try to improve her situation.
81-00: All the character's senses are scrambled, but somehow she can identify her friends and allies in the swirl of colours around her. She can attempt to lash out at enemies as though fighting blind; even if she has the blindfighting feat she receives no reduction to base blind fighting penalties, as she has no other senses to help her out. However, she can identify her friends and avoid attacking them.
Every turn, the character can choose whether or not to reroll on this chart. The only time the character is forced to reroll is if she has either identified the caster or gained lucidity, and then her concentration is broken.
If the character attacks the caster while able to identify him/her, she gets her first attack as though the caster was flatfooted, thanks to her surprising lucidity.

Prerequisites: Exposure to dismissal or banishment while on another plane
Effect: When away from his home plane, the character can at will return to his home plane as though affected by the dismissal spell. Any kind of magical interdiction that prevents planar travel also prevents the use of this feat.
Note: This ability does not conflict with Naturalised Denizen: a character with both feats still returns to the dimension he originated on.

Larger than Life
Prerequisite: Exposure to enlarge person
Description: While the character's size hasn't changed, others perceive him as being taller, stronger, and just generally bigger than he really is.
Effect: Whenever the character uses Intimidate or Bull Rush, the target must save vs. illusion (DC 10+1/2 the character's level+the character's CHA bonus) or suffer a -2 morale penalty on opposed checks.

Prerequisites: Consume something that has been purified using Purify Food and Drink.
Effect: Anything the character eats is purified by a weaker version of the spell. All rotten or spoiled food becomes edible; the character can eat almost any non-poisonous organic matter, even rich soil. Poisons are not fully neutralised, but the character gains a +3 to save vs. natural ingested poisons. She gains no bonus to save vs. artificial ones (magical or chemically synthesised poisons, for example, or even poisons which are refined past their natural state).
Special: In settings where magic is common, this feat can be selected at first level: it is assumed purified food is readily available.

Poisonous Blood
Prerequisites: Exposure to Poison or Delay Poison. (Delay poison must be cast while the character has a poison in his system.)
Description: Some poison has infused itself into the character's system, becoming a natural part of his body. The character is still vulnerable to normal poisons, and attempts to slow or inhibit other poisons affecting the character have the side effect of hurting the character by detoxifying the poisons in his blood.
Effect: The character's bodily fluids can be used as a poison, on any weapon that inflicts lethal damage or as a bite attack. On successfully injuring the enemy, or on succesfully hitting with a bite attack, the enemy must make a save vs. a poison DC equal to 8+the Poisonous character's level+ the poisonous character's constitution bonus, or suffer 1d6 points of constitution damage immediately. Another poison save (same DC) is made 1 minute later, and if failed causes an additional 1d4 points of constitution damage. The effects of the poison do not stack on a given individual (ie. multiple poison attacks on a given target do not continue to damage that target's constitution).
Any spell that would remove or inhibit poisons from the character's system requires the character to make a fortitude save against the caster's spell DC, or suffer 3d10 nonlethal damage. Any antitoxins used on the character have the same effect, with a save DC of 15 or the healing character's heal skill check, whichever is higher. Whether or not the poisonous character succeeds in the save, the antitoxin or magic still works normally to counteract any other poisons in the character's system.

Polarity Reversal
Prerequisites: Exposure to any Inflict Wounds spell and any Cure Wounds spell (ie. the character must have been affected by one of each).
Description: The characters body energy flows have been interrupted, and with concentration the character can alter his reaction to positive and negative energy.
Effect: After a full round of concentration, the character can reverse his energy polarity: living characters become negative-energy beings, and undead become positive-energy. A living character powered by negative energy is harmed by Cure spells and healed by Inflict spells, and immune to negative-energy effects such as level draining attacks. Undead who become Positive Energy are temporarily immune to effects that only target undead, such as Turn or Rebuke undead, and weapons with bonus damage against undead. The change lasts for 1 minute, but the character can cancel it before then with another full round of concentration. The ability can be used once per day without penalty; the character can attempt it again in the same day, but must make a fortitude save of DC 20 or take 2 points of constitution damage (the change is still successful). The DC increases by 2 for every subsequent attempt, and the constitution damage by 1. If the character's Con is reduced to 0, he dies. (Since they have no Con score, Undead take 1d10 HP of damage for every point of constitution damage they would take.)

Questing Heart
Prerequisites: Exposure to a lesser geas or geas/quest spell.
Description: The character has become somewhat romantic about the idea of a quest, even a magical one, and has an affinity towards magically-enforced quests.
Effect: While under the effects of a quest spell and working to complete the goals of the quest, the character receives a +1 morale bonus to all skill checks, and attack and damage rolls. This bonus is not applied to anything not at least somewhat related to fulfilling the quest's goals (GM's discretion to some degree). The character still suffers the normal penalties for disobeying the quest.
At will once per month the character can inspire a Quest on himself, with his own specified goal. Inspiring the quest takes 8 hours of sleep and meditation. Once inspired, it functions exactly like a geas/quest spell cast by a caster of the character's level.

Prerequisites: exposure to a stone-to-flesh spell (the character does not have to have been stone before. In fact, it's more appropriate if she wasn't).
Description: The character's body doesn't look any different, but it's softer and more pliable than it was before. When stretched, it still springs back into its original shape: the character is not putty, nor rubber. Just squishy.
Effect: The character takes half-damage from any fall, and gains a +2 to all escape artist checks. However, the character's natural armour bonus (if she had one) is reduced by 1. If the character had no natural armour in the first place, her AC is unaffected.

Titanic Voice
Prerequisites: exposure to Whispered Conversation
Description: Perversely, exposure to a whisper spell has increased the character's volume. She can shout in a massive, booming voice that can be heard for a great distance.
Effect: At will, the character can shout at enormous volume, about four times a regular being's shout. The cry can be heard over combat, through brick walls (even in a dungeon), and for a range of about three miles. The character's normal speaking voice is also very loud. The shout causes no combat bonuses or penalties unless the character shouts directly in an individual's ear, which causes a -2 to listen checks for 1 minute thereafter. Trying to do this in combat provokes an attack of opportunity. Any attempt to speak while also attempting to Move Silently - even the barest whisper - appliest a -4 penalty to Move Silently for that round.

Prerequisites: exposure to Reduce Person
Description: Although not actually smaller than she was before, the character seems smaller and less remarkable to onlookers.
Effect: the character gains +2 on all diplomacy skill checks and +2 to hide attempts made in a crowd of people.

Prerequisites: exposure to a calm emotions spell, or a successful save to resist rage or cause fear
Description: The character is relaxed and serene, and everyone around starts feeling pretty chill themselves.
Effect: The character gains a +2 save against fear and a +1 against other morale-reducing spell effects. Everyone in a 15' radius gains +1 against all morale reducing effects, including fear. However, anyone under the effects of this calming radius suffers a -2 penalty to saves against magical sleep inducing spells (the character herself is not affected by this penalty). Even elves lose their normal immunity to sleep spells (but don't get penalised on their saves, and still have a +2 bonus against the enchantment).
Characters under the effect of an Inspire Courage bardsong, rage, or a barbarian's Rage ability who enter the Unflappable character's effect radius must make a will save (dc 10) to maintain the effects of the spell or ability; if the will save fails, the character inadvertantly chills out and loses the effects of the song/spell/ability. This penalty applies to the Unflappable character herself, as well. Characters with a will save bonus of 5 or more don't need to bother rolling and are immune to this side effect (unless they choose to let the Unflappable character calm them down).

Burnt Flaws
Not all spelltouch is positive in effect. Some characters find themselves unable to completely recover from a spell, permanently scarred by its effects. Like all flaws, Burnt flaws allow the character to select a bonus feat in exchange for the flaw. There is no strong play-balance reason for requiring the character to have been spellburnt, of course, but I think it gives these flaws a powerful roleplaying flavour.
(HOUSE RULE: in my campaigns, taking a flaw after level 1 allows the character to select a bonus feat in his/her next level, not the same level as the flaw is taken. For example, a character who takes a flaw at level 4 then gets a bonus feat at level 5. This helps cut back on min-maxing of feats/flaws a bit and can be roleplayed as the character working hard to counteract the flaw, and gaining a new feat in return).

Addicted to the Sky
Prerequisites: exposure to any spell that grants flight, including a shapechange to a flying form.
Description: Tasting flight has made movement on the ground feel awkward, slow, and lackluster.
Effect: Movement rate is reduced by 10' for L or M sized creatures, 5' for S creatures, and the character receives a -2 to Balance while on land.

Imperfect Restoration
Prerequisites: character died and was magically resurrected.
Description: The character was slain, and brought back by magic; however, something went wrong. The character is alive, but the tethers holding him to life are a bit frayed.
Effect: The character is affected by Turn or Rebuke Undead as though he was an undead of hit dice equal to his character level + 2. He cannot be destroyed by Turn Undead even if the cleric's turning level is significantly in excess of his character level. Likewise, he cannot be Commanded by an evil cleric, only Rebuked. The character takes 1/2 the normal extra damage from any ability which inflicts extra damage against undead. He is still healed by Cure spells and hurt by Injure spells, and affected by critical hits and sneak attacks.

Prerequisites: exposure to confusion, insanity, or symbol of insanity (or other magical effect causing the confused state)
Description: Even after the magic was dispelled, the character remained a bit unhinged.
Effect: -1 on all concentration checks, -4 on will saves against confusion-causing effects, and choose one quirk from the following:
1) the character tends to babble and blither incoherently from time to time. -2 diplomacy.
2) without warning the character occasionally twiches and spasms alarmingly. -2 animal handling.
3) the character has a very difficult time remembering things. -2 to one trained knowledge check.
4) the character tends to accidentally eat things that aren't food. -2 survival.

Vulnerable to Chaos/Evil/Good/Law
Prerequisites: exposure to Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, or Magic Circle spell
Description: When outside of a Magic Circle or Protection spell, the character is especially vulnerable to a particular alignment axis. Choose one when selecting this flaw: for example, Vulnerable from Law has the requirement of being exposed to a Protection from Law or Magic Circle against Law spell.
Effect: Against any creature that would be affected by a protection or magic circle spell, the character suffers -2 to AC and saves, and an additional -2 to will saves vs. that creature's enchantment-school spells. A protection or magic circle spell cast on the character with this flaw neutralises these penalties, but does not add its usual additional bonuses besides countering mind control and hedging out elementals and outsiders.

Weighty Skin
Prerequisites: exposure to stoneskin, barkskin, mage armour, iron body, or similar spell
Description: An armour spell never entirely wore off, leaving the character's skin feeling heavy and cumbersome, but offering no protective bonus.
Effect: The character suffers a permanent -2 armour check penalty and fatigues at twice the normal rate. Although he receives no armour class bonus, he is treated as wearing light armour in any situation where wearing armour is undesirable.

Wound That Will Not Heal
Prerequisites: physically injured by a spell.
Description: The character has an injury that remains open. If caused by piercing or slashing damage (eg. by a Mordenkainen's Sword or a weapon enchanted with Magic Weapon) it might be slowly trickling blood. It might be a permanent burn that never fades, or a bruise from a Shillelagh. It is a weak point for the character.
Effect: The wound has no effect on the character's hit points, but is very tender and painful. Any physical skill check with a DC over 15 has a chance to tear the wound open: any time a physical skill check is made over DC 15, roll a fortitude save of DC equal to the DC of the dexterity check-5 (for example, if the dex check is DC 18, the fort check is DC 13). If the fortitude save fails, the wound tears open, causing 1 point of damage and irritating the wound (see below). The GM should use some logic with this: for example, if the wound is on the character's leg and the skill check is for Open Locks, there should not be any chance of tearing it open.
An enemy aware of the wound can intentionally attack it in combat. The attacker must declare he is targeting the wound, and must successfully make an attack at -4 to hit. If the attack hits, it causes 1 more point of damage than usual, and irritates the wound.
Irritating the wound:
In the first round that the wound is irritated (directly attacked in combat or torn open from overactivity), the character suffers -8 to all concentration checks, -3 to all other physical skill checks, and -1 to attack and damage. AC is reduced by 1 but cannot fall below the character's flatfooted AC. For 1 more minute after the first round, the character suffers -2 to concentration checks and -1 to physical skill checks.
Once the wound has been opened, it cannot be irritated again until the damage inflicted to open it has been healed.

2007-05-07, 09:57 AM
To be as direct as possible, these are awesome. I have always been intrigued by the Spelltouched feats, and these fit in very well. I especially like the feel of Fine Line in the Mind.

Prerequisites: Exposure to Read Magic or Comprehend Languages (in combination with its use on writing the character would not understand otherwise).
Description: The character still remembers some of the structure of magical language and the languages he has read from Comprehend Languages.
Effect: The character may use Read Magic at will as a spell-like ability. In addition, the character may read any text written in a language he has read a portion of text of while under the effects of Comprehend Languages as if he was fluent in the language. Later castings of Comprehend Languages still enable continued reading after the spell has worn off, but the spoken benefits fade as normal.
Special: Characters may take this feat at first level, although it may only apply to the effects of Read Magic.

2007-05-07, 05:33 PM
Thanks Maldy :) I like the Bookish idea, going to try to tone it down a bit though. I want the feats to be useful stuff, but I don't want them to outright replace spells or abilities. Once the character forks out a level to get the Spellchanged powers associated with the feat, though, that might change ;)

Howabout this?

Bookish Theoric
Prerequisites: Exposure to Read Magic or Comprehend Languages (in combination with its use on writing the character would not understand otherwise).
Description: The character still remembers some of the structure of magical language and the languages he has read from Comprehend Languages.
Effect: The character may use Read Magic as a spell-like ability 1 time per day plus 1 for every point of Wisdom bonus. While this spell-like ability is in effect, the character also becomes literate in any language he has gained literacy in from a Comprehend Languages casting. That list can grow as the character develops: if he selects this feat after using Comprehend Languages to read Draconian, then later on uses Comprehend Languages to read Dwarven, he can from then on read Dwarven while his Bookish Theoric spell/day use is active.
The Bookish Theoric effect lasts as long as a Read Magic spell cast by a caster of 1/2 the character's level.
Special: Characters may take this feat at first level, although it will only initially apply to the effects of Read Magic. Characters can take this feat multiple times, increasing the uses per day every time.

2007-05-08, 07:36 AM
That direction one would be nice for a lich (ie: knowing if the phylacetry is moved. Oh yes-not to be nitpicky but what aura (for divine smile) would a neutral character get?

2007-05-08, 11:23 AM
I don't think Neutral characters GET auras. But if we rule that they do, then it would probably only affect people who have no neutral segments of their alignment--LG, CG, etc.

Watering it down is probably good, in retrospect, it was a bit powerful. Connecting it to Wisdom was probably the best choice, as it represents the person's common sense and willpower, both of which would have an effect on exerting the power.

I get the feeling that Enhanced [attribute] should be a little stronger--I see that you based it off of the equivalent feats that boost 2 skills by 2 points each, but it has a prerequisite that those feats do not have--exposure to the boosting spell in the first place.

You should also probably allow combining Constitution for Concentration with Strength-based skill checks, so Constitution isn't completely worthless.

2007-05-08, 05:14 PM
TN characters wouldn't really fit having powerful auras, since the effect of a powerful aura is to overwhelm someone using Detect Aura. How can an aura of neutrality be overwhelming? "Wow, that guy is soooo middle of the road... I'm awed..."

for Enhanced Attribute, perhaps add a third skill selection but also add the requirement "the attribute to which Enhanced is applied cannot be higher than 15". The explanation is that after being enhanced, the character's normally weak attribute "sponged" some of the spell power. That slows it down from being used to minmax high attributes, but keeps it useful for shoring up low ones a little. It's not supposed to be very powerful.

2007-06-06, 11:14 AM
What about that evolved prestige class? that sounded really interesting.
completely awesome feats, btw.