View Full Version : What happened to the polls?

Lord Herman
2007-05-07, 03:00 AM
I'm trying to post a poll in the SMBG forum, but the 'add a poll' field in the new thread page is gone. I'm running a contest (Wizards and Warriors in the Playground), and I need a poll for that.

So... is this an error? Or have the mods/admins/whoever disables things decided to disable polls?

If that is the case, why disable polls in the SMBG forum? I've never seen a problematic poll there - most spammy polls are either in the OOTS forum or the Other Games forum.

2007-05-07, 03:25 AM
We've temporarily disabled all new polls due to database concerns. What is to become of them has not been decided.

Lord Herman
2007-05-07, 05:05 AM
Ah, okay. Thanks for the quick response.

I'll use a temporary solution for my contest (voting by post), but it would be a shame if polls were disabled permanently.