View Full Version : KnockDown feat(3.5e/3e)?

2015-08-17, 05:54 AM
So, i was pl;anning on taking this feat, untill i saw its from the 3rd e.
my party plays 3.5e, so my question is: is there a version for 3.5e for this feat? is there an errata for it that says after you trip so may make a free attack?

2015-08-17, 06:17 AM
You should post in the 3.5 forum for such questions. The answer is here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm).
EDIT: Can't remember the source of the errata, but I'm pretty certain it says you can't trip make an extra attack after a trip attempt caused by the knockdown feat. By the way, it is a very good low-level feat, in conjuction with Hold the line and Combat reflexes. In my campaign, a level 3 fighter cut down 4 charging orcs in one round.

2015-08-17, 06:31 AM
You should post in the 3.5 forum for such questions. The answer is here (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/divine/divineAbilitiesFeats.htm).
EDIT: Can't remember the source of the errata, but I'm pretty certain it says you can't trip make an extra attack after a trip attempt caused by the knockdown feat. By the way, it is a very good low-level feat, in conjuction with Hold the line and Combat reflexes. In my campaign, a level 3 fighter cut down 4 charging orcs in one round.

Ya, but does it count as 3rd e or 3.5e?

2015-08-17, 11:35 AM
Knockback was published for 3.5 in Races of Stone p142.
The feat may have changed so you ought to look it up.
You don't get a free attack — you're thinking of Improved Trip.

Ed: Oops misread the feat name.
It's 3.0 only so in principle you can use it just fine, but you ought to check with your DM.

2015-08-17, 11:43 AM
The errata for bringing it to 3.5 is that it doesn't stack with Improved Trip. Knockdown just gives a free trip after a hit, you don't also get a free attack again with Improved Trip if you took both.

2015-08-17, 01:12 PM
Ya, but does it count as 3rd e or 3.5e?
I was under the impression that whatever is in the SRD is 3.5
I might be wrong on that account.