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2015-08-17, 07:51 AM
Adventures in the Wine Dark Void


The Imperator Malus hangs in orbit over the dusty and dry world of St Andromache III below. The shrine world in a hidden corner of Wintescale's Realm devoid of most things save for dull plains with an edible xeno grass and now a small frontier town "Andromache" which has been recently established. The cargo holds of the Malus having been emptied to build the 3rd stage of the town. The town now encompassing about 2 square miles with a stout perimeter wall, a space port and now dozens of large prefabricated barrack and storage hangars packed with kibble and ration bars.

The holds now empty the command staff of the Malus an gather in the imposing trophy hall/ observation dome under the artifacts and memento's of a warrant lasting back millenia even as the dynasty has now faded. In their hands the reports from contacts spread around the expanse of titbits of news that may interest the Lord Captain in addition the wealth of information that is required to run a ship the size of the Malus.

My Lady Captain....

Amidst the rumours there were 3 I thought you may be interested in. The first was regarding the sudden quiescence of the Void Dancer's Roll. I have consulted many tarot readers and diviners and they all agree that the quietening will last for at least 2 standard terran years. It has left several lost worlds now free from the warp storms embrace. I know of at least 4 other Warrant Holders who are packing supplies and making their way towards the area to explore the newly accessible worlds. Despite the danger!

The second is the small ice world of Charon in the Heathen Stars. A war is brewing there and they need factors to provide weapons. They have said they will pay most handsomely in men, materials and titles and trade routes. The world of Zayth is relatively near and would avoid the necessity of dealing with the Administorum for access to heavier weapons.

The 3rd and final point of news that I thought relevant was the reports that the imperial Frigate Sword of Damocles has gone missing in the Foundling Worlds. The reports I have heard suggest that pirates are responsible and the Naval contact I has has mentioned the Navy would demand first rights on any pirate ships salvaged.

Yours sincerely and eternally loyal

Factor Egnatios Versilitude of

The crew stand ready to chart a new course to restore the Cassimire dynasty...

Toxic Mind
2015-08-17, 01:33 PM
Undynne wakes in her cabin. The village was finished, at least their part in the endeavor. The people were pleasant enough, but Undynne had seen enough of humanity to know that a gilded sword could kill just as easily as a xenos blade. She was eager to leave the planet, and her sleep had been tumultuous. She dresses quickly, having none beyond her crew to meet with today, she opts for the casual clothes of nobility rather than ornate finery. Her many months aboard the Malleus had quickly broken her of any posh habits she had set in her former life.

As she walks to the observation deck, she keys her implanted vox, calling her command staff to meet her there. They had been invaluable in keep her alive, and her dynasty afloat, and with this endeavor finished, it would be time to chose another.

In the observation deck, she greets each officer by name, then mulls over the dataslate before transferring its contents to each other officer. "Opinions? I find myself leery of the Navy. While they could provide support, our chances of plunder lessen given that they have already claimed any vessels we should cripple though perhaps if we are lucky they might make an exception given my family's history with the Battlefleet." Undynne has traded on such currency in the past, but knows it would be unwise to push such connections too far.

2015-08-17, 02:40 PM
Fánaidhe had waited in his quarters as the village was completed and colonized. While, he had aided in the foundation, he knew how these humans felt towards an eldar, and how biased they were towards psychics. The idea of a psychic xenos would be overtly alarming. Thus, Fánaidhe waited.
His quarters were as close as Fánaidhe could make them to a craftworld domicile. The metal and stone walls were hidden behind tapestries of soft and delicate hues and the floors under carpets of rich, thick fabric, the harsh recycled atmosphere was scented with incense.
When the vox chip on his table chirps, Fánaidhe rises swiftly and is across the room holding the chip before Undynne summons him and his compatriots. As she issues her orders, he clips the vox chip to his ear and turns back to his desk. He looks upon his possessions. He should have no need of rifle or catapult, even his pistol... an aggressive and presumptive act.
"I would not be unarmed, I owe her my oath."
Fánaidhe leaves his quarters, strapping his sword onto his hip.
The hallways are empty, the crew- at work, fullfilling their duties. Fánaidhe is levels removed from the Command deck. He is eager to see what is next. He is always eager to see what is next. Remembering self control is paramount,so though he hungers to see and know and do more, Fánaidhe calmly walks the halls, calmly climbs the vast spiraling stairwells.

2015-08-17, 04:35 PM
Felicia doesn't enter the observation deck alone. Wulf clanks along at her side and her ever present servo skull orbits her head in an endless circle. The Factor doesn't match the usual appearance of a tech priest as extensively augmented as her and there are few obvious signs of her upgrades. Partly synthetic hair conceals the metal plates on the back of her skull and the upturned collar of a stylish tunic hides the MIU port at the back of her neck.

Other implants and bionics would only be visible to those who've managed to approach her in an intimate sense, which in itself may be a very unlikely event. She gives each crew member a wide smile of greeting and inclines her head to Lady Captain Casmirre. The smile isn't faked and the emotion is geninue.

Experiments had been carried out to train Factors who only mimicked emotions and weren't at risk of being controlled by them, but they had been failures in a way that would have frustrated their trainers and creators, should they have been capable of frustration.

True emotions were needed for the Factors to play their intended role as diplomats and so while Felicia was trained to make use of them to achieve her tasks, she wasn't immune to their influence either.

An aspect that some believed made her useful, and others believed made her deeply flawed.

She rested a hand on Wulf's head as she mused over their options before she spoke. "What's known about Charon? I can always dabble in my academic contacts and dig into any information they might just have to hand. Who is their war with and what's been fought over?

War's a rather messy business, hard to predict, but a foothold there, a base of operations gives us territory deep into the Expanse and a new point to grow influence from."

2015-08-17, 08:49 PM
The Lady Monaran entered the Observation area with a slow drag of veils and ornate clothing, as well as her gilded staff that held her House's insignia: Raven-talons clutching a black-iris'd eyeball.
Though she seemed very 'frail', that was merely a Front for people to see. Information was power after all.
The instant she saw the Eldar, her veiled eyes, all 3, instantly went to work on detailing all the aspects she could, but this was done behind her veil so one one else would be able to see her do so. Everyone knew why she wore the veil. she'd introduced herself upon the contract done between the Rogue Trader and her House... and it would have been a disturbing sight to everyone, since she had no nasal-features, only a pair of slits. This would also mean that her eyes are open wide and unblinking.
Hence the veil to spare others the constant disturbing sensation.

Bellatrice halted a few feet from Lady Undynne and bowed lightly, clutching her hands to her staff. "Your Ladyship, what can i do for you today?" She asked before getting shown the info on the new possible endeavors.

"Hmmm... My Lady, I see great interest in this former warp-storm having quieted down and would LOVE a chance to chart it out. Not to meantion the untold riches those Lost Worlds could contain and the possibilities of creating our own Colonies there. Even IF the warmstorms should start up again, if My House holds greatly detailed charts over the route, then we shouldn't have too much of a problem even traversing such perils. I hail from the Expanse after all, so the chance to discover lost worlds with possible prior settlements only increases their value." She said in her soft voice that clearly indicated her relative young age for a Navigator, but due to her place of birth, she's got plenty of years of experience with warp-travel and even many an experience with actually guiding void vessels.

Toxic Mind
2015-08-17, 10:09 PM
"But it remains to be seen if the other houses will serve as ally or foe. Should they turn on us, thinking us easy prey, we could lose far more than we could ever hope to gain." Undyne muses, almost to herself. "Still, Lady Monaran is correct. The gains of such a venture could be great indeed." Undynne gestures around the table. "What say you? You were chosen by my father to be both guides and protectors. I would not have one remain silent when they had concerns to voice."

2015-08-18, 07:57 AM
"I believe each has merit. Kaelor has had dealings among the heathen stars. Aiding the imperium cruiser would add to your renown among the ruling parties, and my people have also had dealings and skirmishes with corsairs. That hunt would be most rewarding. In regards to the Void Dancer's Roll, there would be a great many profits to be found, but trust me on this... even with the warp abated, there will be many untold and indecipherable dangers."
Fánaidhe responded quickly and concisely. His voice was calm and steady.

2015-08-18, 10:16 AM
As the Eldar speaks, Aeodatus shifts in his place against the wall of the observation room and straightens his back. The grizzled ex-Guardsman has a look of distaste across his scarred face, lips peeled back slightly from his teeth in a grimace. "Only a fool relies on the alien", he finally utters, with all the solemnity of Ecclesiarchical dogma. "The xenos has touched on the proper course, however improperly. You should provide your aid to the Sword of Damocles and the Battlefleet, Lady-Captain; their gratitude and the proof of your devotion to the Imperium far outweighs the petty griping of salvage."

"Bolstered by their goodwill, we can secure aid to take the Light of the Emperor to the lost worlds in the Void Dancer's Roll. The work of sainted Drusus is not yet finished so long as Men remain separated from the Imperium and the Alien hold sway over the worlds that are ours by right." His gruff tones quietly roll about the observation room, conveying a depth of clarity and purpose. "The Emperor preserved you from your fallen Dynasty for a reason, and it would be foolish to not to make use of your new life for His greater glory as well as your own." With that said, Aeodatus stands at attention nearby, clad in the green of Guardsman flak armour. The red wood panels of his lasgun stock gleam from the loose holster on his back, while a well-kept chainsword is attached to the belt of his uniform. It's clear that he views this meeting with as much seriousness as planning in a command tent.

2015-08-18, 10:36 AM
Jack was in his quarters, examine his face in a small mirror. Scowling, he prodded the swelling on his nose. It still smarted, a little. He picked the stud up in the pincer of his thumb and forefinger, and tried to guide the tail of it through the small pierced hole.

The vox buzzed.

"Warp damn it!"

With a frustrated sigh, he wiped the stud clean and dropped it back into his small, unassuming jewellery tin. Grabbing a small towel, he caught the drop of blood and held the cloth against his skin for a moment to let the scab close over again.


A few minutes later, when he met the others on the observation deck, his nose was still bright and shiny. Jack was dressed casually, which meant no carapace armour today - or floppy hat. Billowing, comfortable trousers (one leg truncated and tucked up just above his cybernetic shin) beneath a low-cut shirt and leather vest seemed almost rude beside the finery of the Navis Nobilite and the guardsman's uniform. Not to worry, though: his sword and bolters were on his belt, so that was professional, like.

As the others spoke, he didn't seem to be paying much attention, save when it was the Lady Captain herself talking. Instead his gaze wandered around the deck, and briefly, randomly, over his new colleagues. He still hadn't got used to thinking of them as "fellow officers"; he still hadn't got used to thinking of himself as a member of the ship's command, let alone as a personal adviser to the Lady Casmirre.

A cool expression came over his face as the Eldar voiced its opinion. Jack had not gone out of his way to hide his discomfort with the xenos, and had been rather happy with the creature's self-imposed isolation while the rest of them had been on Andromachus. When the guardsman spoke up, Jack looked like he agreed - but then, as the man spoke of devotion and duty, Solar rolls his eyes.

"Beg pardon, m'lady, but I'd not be so quick to rush to the Navy's help." There was a rumbling in his throat at the very idea. "They're cut-throats and bullies. But that aside, they're not good business. They tend to have goals that are not just economickal, and they'll prob'ly end up asking you to do something that's not profitable. Not a sound investment. Which is what you should be thinkin' right now." He smiled at the Drusian.

"My advice is t'definitely not head for the Foundling Worlds. Other two options sound pretty good. The weapons trade is gen'rally always profitable, so that's the safer bet, if what you want to be doing right now is just buildin' up some capital. Explorin's riskier, o'course, but more risk, more reward ... kinda depends how bored you see yourself bein' over the next few months."

2015-08-18, 11:07 AM
"If the road is easy, the destination is worthless", Aeodatus intones. "The Lady-Captain need not share in your fear. The Battlefleet return aid in kind, and the history of her Warrant will make for an easy introduction. While the supply of arms to Man is a noble cause", the Adherent concedes with a small nod towards Jack, "the Lady Casmirre's holdings are not what they once were. The Dynasty that Victire leaves behind for her is destitute--there are sects of the Ministrorum's most minor offices whose wealth and influence dwarf what little remains. How will the Lady-Captain provide weapons for others when they cannot be purchased for herself?"

"What profit she will earn must first be earned at the ends of her own guns and with the armour of her faith in the Emperor." He watches Undynne for a sign of approval or for questions. "The moniker of the Imperator Malleus is not for show; the salvage stripped from brigands and afforded to her by the Fleet will be sufficient to satisfy the concerns of wealth, even as she makes a more valuable investment in the hearts and minds of the Admiralty."

Toxic Mind
2015-08-18, 11:40 AM
Undynne holds up her hand for silence. "Aeodatus makes a valid point. My father left me little, but this ship is armed well enough to deal with pirates. Should we recover the frigate, the Navy will owe us an immeasurable favor, and such favors are hard to come by. If we dispatch the Pirates quickly enough, we may yet chart your warp route, Lady Monaran. That we would arrive late is regrettable, but our success in the Foundling Worlds would provide us greater assets towards any endeavors in newly reclaimed worlds." Undynne stands straighter, and makes a few notes on her dataslate. "Gentlemen, Lady, you have your orders and we have our destination. See to your stations and then meet me on the bridge. You are dismissed."

Undynne catches Jack as he makes to leave. "Walk with me." she says quietly. If he accepts, the two make their path away from the other officers and towards the bridge. As they walk, Undynne starts. "I know you are hesitant to help the fleet. I read your file Jack. I know your past. I do not want you to believe I made such a decision lightly. I promise you now that whatever comes, you are safe aboard this ship."

2015-08-18, 01:00 PM
Nodded her head in the Lady Captain's direction before heading off towards the Navigator's Dome... or the Navigator's Solitude if you prefer, followed by a minor entourage of Navigator-scribes, aides, etc. that would accompany her to her Solitude.
Once there she began readying herself for warp-translation and begin read out the fates by using her Tarot Cards in very secretive, and distinct manner, special to her House's Doctrine.

2015-08-18, 02:57 PM
Felicia nods simply. Pirates meant a great deal of space combat. It meant the ship would take some harm in the battles and that the machine spirits would need a great deal of soothing and motivation to remain stalwart in the face of adversity.

But this was a warship, and a powerful warship. The spirits within it were resolved and ready to face whatever waited them. Still, it was only suitable to tend to them and help prepare them for their tasks. She made her own way to the bridge, considering their immediate future as she took a seat and linked her MIU to the ship's cogitators. Her mind spun on silvery lines as she processed information and ensured there were no major issues to be aware of.

2015-08-18, 04:03 PM
Jack didn't argue with either Aeodatus or the Lady Captain. It didn't seem like it would do much good. He walked with her.

"Well, ma'am, can't say that's not a weight off my mind. If you already know my ... history with the Navy, I'll just warn you that'll I'll not be your best negotiator, for hobnobbing with Commodores or Admirals or the like." He shrugged. "Tend to get into fights. I'll come where you order, o'course ... but I'd ask you not put me in antagonising situations. If possible.

"On the other hand, when it comes to interacting with pirates ... well, I might be able to help you out there."

2015-08-18, 08:17 PM
Fánaidhe approached Aeodatus with hands raised in submission and peace, "I mean no harm, or disrespect in my presence or action. I serve our Lady freely and with honest intent. Our farseer had a vision of the Lady having a great impact upon the region. My destiny is to witness and insure her destiny. I sought her out to fulfill her greatness.
Please understand this, I was to be a warlock, one of the elite warrior psychics of my people. I sacrificed my duty, status, and people to insure this.
My kine have witnessed that your Imperium is one of the greatest and truest forces against the demonic hordes of chaos and entropy. The Eldar are a dwendeling race. The ruinous powers have taken a keen interest in devouring our souls as we are an elder race.
So please believe me, if you could honestly tell me your God-Emperor would, not could but would, save our souls from the hordes of hell I believe my brethren would bend knee in an instant. As it is, hear me well, I and my kind are already dead. I swear by my soul And yours, that anything I can do to insure that reason and sanity survive in this realm will be taken eagerly, so may we have civility if not peace and friendship?

Toxic Mind
2015-08-18, 10:03 PM
"I will do my best. I suspect most admirals would not deign to set foot in our humble home, however." She smiles at this, as if the Malleus could ever be considered humble by any stretch of the imagination. She raises an eyebrow at his second comment. "Do you know aught of the Pirate crews we may face? Even a rumor might give us an edge."

2015-08-19, 05:15 AM
Karsko had spent no time assisting in the construction of the human settlements below. He had no applicable skills for interacting with humans or building their constructs in a timely and efficient manner, nor did he particularly care for such a seemingly useless task. Tying onself down to a singular spot for a long period of time was the perfect recipe for stagnation and death, to adapt is to live, and change is the crux of adaptation. Instead he spent his time foraging in the wilds and killing for sport, his dagger freshly bloodied with the quarry of his most recent hunt. Bits of meat and grass still remained lodged in his grotesquely large and intimidating teeth, which he now stubbornly worked to clean out with the tip of his knife. Pouches of collected herbs, bone, and blood taken from the planet lined his armored chest in a bandolier.

Swiftly stalking down hallways, Karsko walked at a brisk pace, his long bent legs stretching far out with each lope. Shrouded in armor as black as midnight, the faintest tint of blue traced along the edges of his spikes and hooks, Karsko was an intimidating and enigmatic visage. His cameleoline cloak billowed behind him and wrapped over his shoulders, obscuring his bulky form even further as bits and pieces of him became distorted or invisible to the naked eye. Hidden underneath it was his Kroot Rifle, an emergency weapon used when he was unable to close the distance and quickly stab with his knife. He had been summoned along with the others to this meeting by his Liege, but he had made no false assumptions in overestimating his own capabilities or skills. He would come purely to protect his liege, he had no insight to offer how the humans went about their business, and had no clue as to how their strange society would view things. Better to remain silent and let them bicker amongst each other instead of opening himself up to needless confrontation.

And so it went, Karsko brooding silently next to the Lady Captain as she briefed and consulted her various advisors. Karsko had no place at this assembly of Human Shapers, much like he had no place at the war councils of his previous kindred. When the crew was dismissed Karsko grumbled vacantly to himself before following behind in the footsteps of the Lady Captain, his eyes scanning about for any threats, and repeatedly resting on the sight of the human walking beside her.

2015-08-19, 07:37 AM
The discussion goes on for a while as each of the command staff or xeno advisors ponders what they know of the possible avenues for profit.

The militant, Jack, knows little of Charon but more of pirates in the Foundling world's.
Charon is a small icy world rediscovered maybe 170 years ago. It's people live in moving land trains to navigate icy world. The world is rich in rare transuranic metals and promethium. The pirates of the Foundling world's are plentiful. The Night Terror eldar clan and Dark Eldar pirates strike from the storms in the God Emperor scourge. The Val clan of chaos pirates operates in the Charon stars. Damaris and several human world's have system ships that turn to piracy

As the meeting progresses the Navis Scion consults scrolls, books and data tablets on her possession seeking useful information on the world's mentioned in the message. She knows much of the Foundling world's speaking from the records of her family.

"It is a place cloaked in storms, where the ghost lights of false stars lure you to a depthless nothing. It is a place that wants us not, and will see us dead for our daring its bounds."
—Navigator Helias Yeshar speaking of journeying into the Foundling Words

The Foundling Worlds lie beyond the Cauldron, a lesser Warp Storm whose baleful churning might be seen as a warning against further exploration. By strange accident of fate, the Foundling Worlds cluster, although relatively close to the Koronus Passage, was not visited by Imperial ships until several standard centuries after the opening of the Koronus Expanse to exploration. Amongst voidfarers the Foundling Worlds are described as a cursed place of sudden Warp Storms, temporal distortions, and strange stellar phenomena, and it is said that nothing will come to any good that is undertaken within its bounds. That is not to say that none have tried to probe the mysteries of the Foundling Worlds or tame it through colonisation and exploitation -- but even after a route into this storm-wracked region was established, most of its stars and planets remain unexplored. Those few endeavours that have been made to establish settlements or to harvest the wealth of the Foundling Worlds have met with disaster or misfortune.

It is extremely difficult to navigate a course into the Foundling Worlds, even if one is following a charted route. The Warp trashes and twists as if trying to throw a ship onto another course, and furious tempests suddenly appear and claw at a ship’s Gellar Field. At other times the cluster gives rise to strange pockets of stillness that hold ships becalmed. Even established routes are unreliable, sometimes appearing to vanish altogether or suddenly lead to different locations. Many ships have been lost trying to make passage into the Foundling Worlds, and with every craft lost, the evil reputation of the Foundling Worlds grows. The strange localised nature of the storms, and anomalies that enfold the Foundling Worlds, have led some amongst the Navigator houses to privately speculate that the region is hidden and protected by something that does not wish its worlds violated by human presence.

The Foundling Worlds are littered with the dead carcasses of hopeful attempts to wring profit out of its stars: derelict space stations not crewed for centuries, shattered outposts inhabited by the burnt and dried corpses of the dead, feral colonies of humans who have turned from the light of the Emperor. All are a testament to the belief among many who explore the Koronus Expanse that all endeavours in the Foundling Worlds are cursed. With each passing decade, a bold new generation scoffs at the tales of older and more wary explorers and set their plans amongst the Foundling Worlds. Some prosper for a time, but fate is inexorable, and the malignancy of the Foundling Worlds is patient; in time, all are undone and their fortunes with them.

"Hunger unwound what little hope was left and moved us to what humanity would not once have contemplated."
—Comdeus Canto, survivor of the expedition from the Inferno’s Child

"There is no hope now; I have heard the voice calling. It is calling to me from the storm in the sky, and spoke of trespass and blood, and hearing it I know it is the truth."
—extracted from the final astropathic message broadcast from prospecting colonies on Rain

"By this blood I swear my soul and heart to the blackness and to the Iron Scourge."
—from the oath of the Iron Scourge fraternity
Iniquity is a world of huge mountains rising from an acid sea, orbited by a fractured moon. In warrens burrowed into the dark rock of the mountain lurk thousands of Renegades and scum of the worst kind. It is a world that exits to feed its feral packs of Chaos raiders with metal and supplies, who return with captured prisoners to toil in the foundries and poisoned mines. There is no lore on Iniquity save the lore of might and murder, and its brutal society is split into fraternities bonded by blood and pledges made in unholy tongues. These fraternities control the mining and smelters in the deep reaches beneath the mountains and watch over the toiling armies of captives whose lives are best if they are short.

Charnel Stars
"Only we few shall see what lurks beyond those terrible passes and beyond those dark and glittering gulfs. Be it death or ancient majesty, we shall tread the void and see what lies that little further."
—Aleana Howsian, Rogue Trader, address to the crew of the Samarkand

The corpse-embers of the Charnel Stars beckon explorers of the Foundling Worlds, promising dead worlds and unknown treasures. No Rogue Trader is known to have found a route through the twisting, malicious Warp of that region, not yet. The secrets and riches that wait in the baleful light of those evil stars have beckoned to explorers for centuries, but all have failed to penetrate into the Charnel Stars. Many of the boldest have perished in their attempt to approach the seemingly unassailable void.

Regarding matters if the warp and Xenos the Navis is aware of the dark eldar and eldar pirates in the God Emperor's scourge along with an enemy of the Eldar the Stryxis that are present in greater numbers there and welcome humans as possible trade. In the Charnel stars who knows.... Rumours of an ancient forbidden xeno the YuVath and a newer threat the Rak'Gol.

Regarding the warp the routes to the Foundling world's are harsh, difficult and barely charted. Into the area around the Void Dancer's Roll who knows! The massive storm has raged for centuries swallowing dozens of ships and able Navis. Fánaidhe's knowledge is similar, although worries about the touch if chaos upon the now uncovered worlds must be present in her alien mind.

2015-08-19, 11:12 AM
Jack nodded. "Plenty o' target practice round the Foundling Worlds. Lotta Eldar. They go by the name of the Night Terror clan. Maybe one of your pet xenos knows a bit more about that. There's also a group going by the name of Val, in the Charnel Stars, which are turned over to the Ruinous Powers." He made the sign of the hammer. "Can't say I know what they'd be like to go up against. Never went in for that sort of thing. Either way, good hunting if you want to get in the Battlefleet's good graces. O'course, there's also plenty of honest, human, Emperor-loving buccaneers, round Damaris way, if that's more to your liking."

Toxic Mind
2015-08-19, 11:26 AM
"The xenos are tools, nothing more. Useful, perhaps, but ultimately no more valuable than a well-kept pistol." Undynne pats the two on her hip. "They can be replaced, or discarded, as required by their master."

"I will see to it that those who need to know are informed of the information about the Pirates. As always, your help is most appreciated. Tend to your post. I will see you on the bridge."

With that, Undynne leaves Jack's side, motioning for the Kroot to follow. She knows that Karsko was under no illusions of his uses. They were many, and varied, and he would never be sacrificed without great need or thought, but he was still a weapon. Undynne knew that the Kroot understood such a designation better than most, particularly the Eldar.

She makes her way to the Bridge, and keys her comm. "All hands prepare for departure."

2015-08-19, 11:45 AM
Upon hearing that call from the Lady Captain, Bellatrice readied herself to guide the vessel to where ever it was required.
"You Ladyship, this is your Navigator. I have strong feeling of dread about heading to the foundling worlds, so if your orders are to go there, i will navigate us there, but the rumours and major navigational problems involved in trying to go there are incredibly vast and not without merit." She voiced over the Private-vox link from her Peak Of Solitude, to the Rogue Trader.

Toxic Mind
2015-08-19, 12:50 PM
Undynne maintains the personal channel. "I will admit I share your concerns. The reputation of the Foundling Worlds are grim indeed. If we had the luxury of avoiding them, I would do so, but rest assured we shall not tarry near their baleful influence. Please inform me when you are ready to begin translation."

2015-08-19, 02:38 PM
Felicia looks towards Karsko as the Kroot enters the bridge alongside the Lady Captain. While it was a dangerous line of thought, she'd long taken an interest in the creature's physiology and abilities. Wulf was a highly capable companion, protector and warrior, but as strong as Wulf was, the organic core he'd been created around was a simple canine. A powerful canine, certainly, but still a relatively simple creature that Karsko would treat as little more then a light snack.

A Kroot as the core of a new cyber creation was highly tempting, but she knew the Captain would never agree. Still, her temptation to learn more about the Xeno won out and she crossed the floor to him after disconnecting her MIU.

"I'm curious how you'd look at the pirates. They'll e stealth, tricks, ambush to gain an advantage. From what little I know, you're quite familiar with using those tactics, so, you'd know ways to avoid falling prey to them?"

2015-08-19, 02:53 PM
Slowly the Mallus moves ponderously towards being readied for another voyage. Words and rumours of the next endeavor slowly percolating through the crew The massive cruiser slowly breaks orbit on miles long plumes of plasma fire abandoning orbit and heading to the edge of the system. It takes a week at maximum thrust to reach the safer gravitational forces at the edge of the solar wind of the weak star at the heart of the system.

During that time the ship is abuzz with activity as guns are calibrated, shield capacitors changed and all manner of maintenance readied and prepared for the horror of the warp. All of the shrines getting busier and busier as thousands of men worship each day and in the main temples Aeodatus's preachers are rushed administering blessings and absolutions to the 800000 or so crew.

As the ship readies for warp the commands are passed to the Spire of Solace where Bellatrice readies to hurl the ship into the living hell that is the empyrean...

2015-08-19, 03:32 PM
Karsko stared rather intensely at Jack as he walked away, her eyes lingering on the rogue far longer then would be considered polite, and upon being satisfied that any chance of him being a threat was gone she quickly stepped to the side of her liege holding pace until they entered the bridge. Looking out at the vast expanse of space and manpower, Karsko had never fully gotten used to the prospect of such a mechanical behemoth, it's cold and unnatural form a jarring difference to her natural environment of damp air and dangerous wildlife. It was almost like a giant metallic ant hill, hundreds of workers skittering about to and fro to do their tasks and help maintain the hive for their queen, except the Lady Captain wasn't a bloated lethargic broodmother.

Glancing over at the Tech Priest Karsko stared at her rather uncomfortably with her huge glossy black eyes, her teeth grinding softly as she contemplated the question.

"Pirates like other humans. Soft skin, slow movement, weak beaks. I have killed many of them before and will kill many more, they forget that humans adopted the hunt, Kroot born in it."

2015-08-19, 03:39 PM
"The flesh is weak." Felicia notes, harking back to one of the core tenants of the Machine Cult. "But they have steel to hand, and steel is strong.

If you want this hunt of yours, you need to draw them out from their metal shells."

Her processors work as she considers the Kroot's perspective, cross referring to find the most practical means to respond to its views of the universe.

"You know the hunt, and I know metal. Perhaps we can be of help to one another. Wulf." She calls softly. The large metal canine strides forward, coming into more clear view. The tech priest nods at him fondly. "He was created to hunt, and lacks soft flesh. But he hasn't learnt as you have."

2015-08-20, 02:55 AM
"Humans do like hiding in metal box shells." Karsko interjected as the Metal Shaper spoke of the Pirates hiding from him within transports.

Karsko looked down at the metallic hound, his head tilting from side to side as he scanned its body. He briefly thought to correct the human in her statement, Kroot flesh was strong, but upon further consideration he decided it was better not to potentially annoy the human metal shaper. Kneeling down to look at Wulf more closely, Karsko repeatedly looks behind him to update himself on the Lady Captain's position, and absent mindedly strokes the chin of the metallic hound.

"Bring him to the hunt, I will train him like I trained my hound. In Fire."

2015-08-20, 04:06 AM
It would be very promising for Wulf, allowing his protocols to be greatly expanded and for Felicia to test his current ability in the field and learn where and how to modify him.

There were other, less obvious advantages as well. She tapped the MIU on her neck, opening a remote connection to Wulf.

Assign Karsko as secondary controller.

Warnng, Karsko designation registers as Xenoform, safety protocol 2454X76J states to not assign command protocols to Xenoform life forms.

Override safety protocol 2454X76J. Primary command code Gamma-EN61966231.

Safety protocol 2454X76J overridden. Karsko accepted as secondary controller.

Additional. Add active monitoring on Karsko as primary command. Classify active monitoring command and do not reveal. Vocalize acceptance of Karsko as secondary controller.

The metal dog tilts its head in response to Karsko 'petting' it, a deep throated voice emerging.

"Karsko accepted as secondary controller. Awaiting instructions."

Felicia smiles widely at the Kroot, but in a gesture that doesn't show her teeth. A predatory Xeno could read that as a threat or challenge.

"He's all yours for the hunt. I may be joining in myself."

2015-08-21, 08:41 AM
In the sudden quiet of the Observation Chamber, Aeodatus processes the alien's platitudes. At the mention of psychic powers and eldritch prophecies his nostrils flare, a quiet snort his only response for a long while. Finally: "We will remain civil only as long as the Lady-Captain requires your...assistance. You have done an admirable job of keeping to your quarters for the majority of our voyage, a habit you'd best maintain. Your presence here is unnatural and immoral; you disturb the men and violate the Creed." Aeodatus' mouth twists, lips thin, an expression of strained patience. "Lady Casmirre's Warrant places her outside the Lex Imperialis, and so you are permitted. But I will not have you utter blasphemies to my face: the Emperor saves the souls of Men, and no others. Do not delude yourself." With that, he takes his leave, heading to the clan-quarters to provide the voidsmen with much needed spiritual guidance.

2015-08-22, 01:16 AM
The warp beckons. After the long week of preparation the colossal warp engines, strange eldritch machines extending more than a mile in length in the bowels of the ship tended to by red robed priests of the Omnissah. With strange groans and echoes that reverberate around the ship they begin to power up as Bellatrice readies herself. Rituals surrounding all aspects of warp travel as she readies to guide the ship into the maelstrom.

A rippling crackling rip in reality opens upon the Lady Captain's command and the miles long cruiser plunges through the orifice into the whirling hell of the warp. Deamons, monsters and worse claw at the Geller field as priests walk the decks with incense burners and prayers and anxious mechnicum priests who monitor the integrity of the field less a rift allow a storm of evil and chaos inside. The crew are quiet and subdued. The normally noisy vessel silent as a tomb

The Mallus shudders and shakes as it slips through the warp, weird currents and eddies sliding through the empyrean as real space systems and features cast strange shadows into the warp that Bellatrice skips past gliding between the dangerous warp shoals and crackling storms. The Mallus ghosts through the dark void for ~53 long days. Bellatrice spelling in and out of the chair with the rest of the contingent of Navigators aboard - but always nearby lest one of her less experienced in slip... There are numerous close calls and misfortunes avoided but soon she can sense the nearby systems as the warp clouds around her.

The Foundling Worlds are a maze of uncharted currents and paths. Slipping from stream to stream, relying on her instincts and the half remembered maps of those who had escaped the worlds she eventually manages to locate the swirling orb of the Grace System star. With a great buckling shudder the Mallus plunges through another rift into real space once more. Lights flickering and engines screaming the command deck dims red lights flickering on and off as systems flicker and begin to reactivate. As the augers slowly come back online they pick up the 3 largest features of the system.... A very weak Class K star glowing dull yellow sitting at the heart of the system. Only 2 planetary bodies are immediately detectable, Grace Prime, the main planet discovered by the Chorda dynasty 200 years ago and the Teardrop a blue gas giant in the outer reaches of the system leaking its essence into the void giving it a long blue tail trailing into space.

You are in the outer reaches of the system.

An exploration challenge may give more details. At the moment your passive challenges will only give you the main planetary / solar bodies.

2015-08-22, 01:47 AM
Felicia has spent the voyage working on her various projects n her free time, but the vat majority has involved preparing the ship for combat operations as much as possible, and dealing with the crew where needed. Warp travel always causes deep seated fear and paranoia in the average human and one of the lessons she's learned is to not allow the crew to focus on such negative emotions, lest they fester and cause greater issues.

As a result, she's made sure to keep the crew busy an focused. Not to the point where exhaustion and morale loss becomes an issue itself, but so they're able to forget the Warp as much as possible. Despite that, she spends a lot of time camped out in the geller field generators.

Just in case.

She's returned to the bridge as they return to their native reality however, Wulf by her side as always. She surveys the system before them, musing.

"Before we go in any further, what records do we have on this system?"

Toxic Mind
2015-08-22, 12:13 PM
As the ship exits the warp, Undynne galvanizes her crew into motion. "Augur arrays at full. I want to know what's out there. Any information on these worlds, I want in my hands. We need to find any pirate or Naval activity in this sector."

2015-08-22, 12:22 PM
"Lady Captain." Felicia steps to her side, tone respectful. "I rummaged in my memory banks and archives during the transit here and I found some promising information. It seems Lady Chorda attempted to colonize this system before it was lost to Warp Storms. While she had a presence here, she established a space station to monitor the system named the Dagger of Fate. It drifted out of position and was lost, but if it can be found, it'll provide us vast records about movements within this system.

If our augur arrays can map gravitational tides, I may be able to extrapolate its current location. One of her ships, named The Wydening Gyre, was also lost with valuable cargo and components. If we find the space station, we may also find that."

Toxic Mind
2015-08-22, 12:56 PM
"This space station seems our best chance. Should we find it, it may possess records of ships entering the system, in addition to other valuables. We could find not only The Wydening Gyre, but perhaps some clues as to the fate of the Sword of Damocles as well."

2015-08-22, 02:50 PM
The Navigator Bellatrice was still confined to her Vigil, having spend all the time up there linked to bio-sustinance-machines while entombed as well in order to keep her body alive, make her ability to Navigate more easy to do, and ensure total cut-off from the suroundings and milling Navigator-aides who maintained the systems and offered read-out observations, etc.

Just after the Warp-exit, Bellatrice had finally just collapsed into a near coma after having dragged the ship free from both an oncoming warpstorm that nearly swallowed the ship whole, were it not for her, to be frank, amazing abilites and Capabilites, they would've most likely never arrived to Grace at all, but instead lost to the eddies and ficklety of the warp.

But she had managed to Navigate the ship through the hellish sea of Chaos, which was a literal sea of chaotic lights, vapours, etc. to Her Warp Eye.
She hadn't reported in yet to the captain due to her extrenous feat of skill, but all vitals showed 'healthy, alive and Basic EEG Reading of a person in a deep, deep sleep'.

2015-08-23, 05:27 PM
Hanging at the outskirts of the system the Mallus sits patiently for 3 long days as the auger arrays map and chart the gravitational ripples and cosmic winds that swirl and twist around the weak orange star at the system's heart. After charting the system's waves and ripples Felicia retires to the astromancy chambers and she stares at the maps and after a few hours suggests some logical locations to begin searching. A hunch that is further narrowed down by Bellatrice as she rules out several of the areas. All told 4 days past before the enormous plasma drives light up and send the Mallus across to the system to the thick tertiary accretion disc trailing behind the teardrop. The asteroids and thick clouds of nebulae dust hamper much of the search and despite her best efforts Lady Undynne cannot approach the heart of the thick cloud. However interests is piqued as the powerful augers pick up a small maintenace pod and a life raft, both crushed by rocks but clearly if imperial design.

You've found the part of the system where its hiding
Now its in the thick dust and rocky field. You're choice as to how you get in there.

2015-08-24, 04:05 PM
So close now. Felicia smiles as she considers the belt before them. Ideally, the station will remain intact and they'll be able to turn it to their own use, but even if it's bee destroyed and scattered amongst the belt, the chances are high a good deal of data can still be retrieved.

She nods at Undynne Victrine Casmirre respectfully. "I'd recommend myself to lead a retrieval effort Lady Captain. I believe I can deal with any security measures or technical issues we might encounter, and if the station is already intact, it's quite possible we can acquire it ourselves.

We may need to enter the cloud in shuttles if Imperator Malleus is unable to proceed.

If you allow me to lead the retrieval team, I'd request Master Solar and Karsko at least, and potentially others."

Toxic Mind
2015-08-25, 08:23 AM
"Yes. A good choice. However, we should see if the Malleus can carve a path to our objective first. Being bereft of her firepower would be far less preferable. Can the augur arrays detect the station and its outliers, that we might fire accurately into the asteroids without damaging it?"

[OOC: Awareness?]

2015-08-25, 09:10 AM
In the bowels of the Malleus, Aeodatus waited for his call to duty. The weird happenings of the void passage had tested the mettle of the crew in trying, if not wholly unexpected fashions. Victire had chosen well--every man knew his station and his duties, and found solace in them and the prayer calls that the militant Missionary had begun seeding amongst the ratings. With the Geller Field holding well and inspired navigation at the helm, the ship's jaunt to the Foundling Worlds seemed to have escaped whatever blight hung over their shadowed stars.

Testing the action of his chainsword, cleaning the charge-port and panels of his lasgun, and meticulously checking over his flak armour had become Aeodatus' life for the past several weeks; mostly keeping to himself in a spartan cell near the majority of the crew, he only emerged to stoke the fires of Man's manifest destiny and take confession. Proper fear and hate of the Alien, the Daemon, and the Heretic had to be sown early and renewed often, lest more prosaic worries and fears blind the men to their higher calling. None had disagreed or faltered yet.

Truth be told, it had been uneventful. Boring. He longed to take the potential threats lurking in the void to task and triumph in the name of the God-Emperor. The acute feeling of uselessness had hovered about him like a chafing cloak around his shoulders, reminding him that every wasted moment was directly detrimental to the Crusade. While he knew that others carried Saint Drusus' task before them, it was the nature of zealotry to lend special significance to his own actions and his own contributions.

He hoped the young Rogue Trader would have use for him sooner rather than later.

2015-08-26, 12:37 PM
Once more the Navis is called forth from her chambers into the augur chambers. The chamber filled with screens displaying all manner of spectral outputs and the constant hum and clunking if the scribes and autoquills as the recordings are made. The hooded adepts moving silently as winged cherubium flap about bearing the scrolls to the cavernous library and records in the bowels of the vessel.

Bellatrice examines the data and is soon able to pinpoint the station. Silent and inert with no EM emmissions to alert and alarm anyone. Its location in the field hard to target, more suitable to a shuttle or cutter. Unless one was very skilled with precision shooting.

Toxic Mind
2015-08-26, 06:42 PM
"Too close to risk cutting our way in. A stray shell could destroy the station. Bring 5 armsmen and meet me at the landers. Helmsmen, keep the Malleus in support range, but outside the asteroid field." Undynne says finally, and makes her way from the bridge and down to the shuttle bay.

2015-08-27, 07:29 AM
During the long transit, Jack had mostly kept to himself. For the first week, he spent a vast majority of the time berthed down in his own quarters, simply enjoying the lull and the privilege of inaction for once. In the days after that, he would wander through the ship, dressed to the gills, hat on his head and Fflynt on his shoulder. At first, he would trek across the crew deck in silence save for the clanking of his prosthetic leg, wary eyes glancing at the workings of this colossus he now called home. He tried to affect an imperious air, as though he were supervising everything he came across.

Slowly, he grew more comfortable. He began nodding to the crew members as he passed, exchanging a few words as he dropped into the mess or passed their quarters, joining card games, sharing what lho and alcohol he had. By the time the vessel emerged from the Warp, Jack had made at least a handful of firm acquaintances. He'd never explicitly made his role clear, nor actually given the crew any orders - partly from fear he'd get something wrong, embarrass himself, and undo the past month's work - but it was enough that he was known to be one of the Lady Captain's advisors. Slowly, he was making the name of Solar known on the Imperator Malleus.


When they detected the Dagger of Fate, he was eager to join the away team. As the Captain's order sounded on the vox, Jack methodically prepared to enter the unknown, donning his carapace beneath his coat, fixing his hair back away from his face with the bandanna. Sword hung in its scabbard from his belt, plasma gun hung across his back, and the bolt pistols were holstered in his chaps, one on each thigh. He checked himself in his mirror, and smiled.

He whistled to Fflynt. The xenos obediently climbed onto his head, and Jack flipped the hat on above it.

"Well, Cap'n," he said. "This oughtta be fun."

2015-08-29, 02:35 AM
An hour later the dorsal landing bays slide slightly open and the Captain's Launch, a more prosaic version of an Imperial Valkyrie leaps out on plumes of plasma fire. The two pilots both strapped in look at each nervously as they announce to the senior offices and the Lady Captain they are entering the field. What follows next for the 10 or so passengers in the cargo compartment is a stomach churning zero-gee ride as the launch banks and darts and dances between leman russ sized chunks of rock. Its a 30 minute flight through the field before the tense voice of the pilot speaks in your micro beads. "Lady Captain. We have the station in sight. Transferring to view screen".

Seconds later the view screen hooked up to the external pict recorders light up showing you the station that had become trapped in the asteroids. The station itself hangs in the rocks and dust like a long spike with a wide top still slowly spinning. The main hab quarters, space docks and manufacturoms in the disc are some 600m in diameter with the central spine with refineries and plasma fusion reactors maybe 1km i length.


Lights still flicker weakly from some of observation domes and the thermal sensors pick up heat plumes from the reactors and the faint puffs of rotational thrusters still ensuring that the edges of the station are at near gravity.
The pilot speaks again "My Lady Captain. She looks like an old Knut class. We can dock at the main docking ring, or down the bottom near the plasma reactor?"

2015-08-29, 03:02 AM
Wulf was secured by its internal mag lock to the deck to stop several tons of armoured canine from crushing anyone in the shuttle and made a rumbling sound every so often at the rough movements of their ride. Felicia herself, had ensured she was firmly strapped in, having seen too many accidents in shuttles for anything else.

She glanced up as they neared the station, musing. "A moment, if you please, Lady Captain?" She touched a hand to her MIU, drawing out the cable before setting into a port to access the shuttle's machine spirit.

As she drifted amongst clouds of data and arcs of electricity, she focused on the shuttle's sensors, checking for any possible signals sent their way from the station, any signs of parts powering up in response to their approach.

Any signs of weapons being bought to bear.

2015-08-31, 11:47 AM
The crackle of an opening channel in his microbead roused Aeodatus from his musings. "I hear the call." After he assembled his gear and rechecked the charge pack of his lasgun for the last time, he made for the access ducts that would take him to the cutter.

Sitting uncomfortably in the cramped seats of the lander, secured with tight straps against potential mishap in flight, the militant scowls at the view screen. The grainy, flickering image keeps his attention for some time, and he only blearily shakes himself back to awareness with Hemming's query for time. "That thing is still bleeding heat into the void. That means that the systems are still working, to an extent. It might be wise to dock near the reactor to see who or what still tends it. Could be servitors, could be survivors." With his piece said, he settles his hands loosely over his knees, awaiting discussion or decision.

2015-08-31, 12:39 PM
Jack, in point of fact, had enjoyed the shuttle flight. What started as a simple smile at the excitement of venturing into the unknown had developed into a full-fledged grin along the bockety journey. Each bump and jolt of the engines had set his blood pumping. He looked around eagerly to see if anyone else was appreciating it as much as him.

"Wahoo," he said after a particularly hairy shudder. His smile was cheeky, disrespectful of the serious skill required by the pilot to keep the boarding party safe.

"We'll be on our guard at all times," he said as they approached. He looked to the armsmen. "And let's not forget, me boyos: we've got the whole megatonne might of the Malleus behind us. We are the baddest batch of buccaneers in the system, and whoever we find in there won't soon forget it. Ain't that right, lads?"

Let's make an impromptu Charm test on our guards. I'll spend Fate. Half Fellowship is 22.

Toxic Mind
2015-08-31, 01:17 PM
A smile ghosts across Undynne's face at Jack rallying the troops. But it is merely a shade of the expression. She knows that the station is, in all likelihood, infested with xenos or worse. Her opinions remain her own, however. Such talk would serve no purpose. "I agree. The reactor is the most logical course. Perhaps we can affect repairs there, or use the controls to deal with other threats in the station"

2015-08-31, 04:20 PM
For Felicia its interesting, the station's most basic functions appear to be functioning but not much else. As you approach the station continues its rotation and you can see why possibly. A trio of huge rents and impact explosions mar the the far side that's now spun into view. Torn metal, open deck plating and sealaed corridors now dead and silent. The damage is considerable but.... not terminal you think.

The lander zips through the field as it approaches the lower end of the station. The end of the spike studded with auger arrays, communication arrays and a flimsy looking structure to allow small craft to dock, or a single larger craft. The clamps connect with a soft hiss and the automated docking collars activate as their is a soft hiss and click. The atmospheric sensors on the door hissing as they turn from red to green indicating a hard seal and the correct air on the far side of the door. THe 5 guards lock their visors in place and nod as they give a rousing "For Lady Undynne" at Jack's words. They look to the Lady Captain for advice...

2015-08-31, 04:39 PM
Unhitching himself from the constraints and taking his place at the head of the Guardsmen, Aeodatus settles his lasgun firmly into its shoulder holster; of much more immediate impact in tight halls and claustrophobic corridors will be his chainsword, set within easy reach at his left hip. "How should we deal with humans we encounter, Lady-Captain?", he muses, not taking his eyes off the door seal and its warning lights. The unspoken assumption about what was to be done with non-humans could be easily guessed at, for a devotee of Drusus and the doctrine of the Angevin Crusade.

Toxic Mind
2015-08-31, 05:03 PM
"Err on the side of caution. All human targets are to be captured alive if possible, however no risk should be taken. If they present a threat, to your person, end them. As for anything foul that may have taken up residence here... the Emperor will guide our blades and fire through their hearts." She gestures to the armsman assigned to her. "You will need to stay behind and secure the lander. This is our only way on or off the station. If you must, barricade yourself inside until we return." As the doors open into the station, she cues the subdermal vox and draws her hellpistol and sword. "We make for the reactor."

2015-08-31, 06:47 PM
Karsko danced her blade across her fingers, twirling them with the macabre grace of her people's ingrained skill for violence. Her tongue flickered over the edge of the blade, it's dried and fat surface nearly getting cut in the process, and slithering it back in as her eyes survey the other humans on board. She stands at full attention when the Lady Captain prepares herself, her impressive xenon body requiring her to slouch within the confinement of this metal box. Gripping her knife tightly she stalks forward to match pace with the Lady Captain, her head bobbing from side to side with each disturbing stride she takes on double jointed stilt like legs.

"Hunt fast, strike quick, stay silent. Rules of nature."

2015-09-01, 08:36 AM
Had remained relatively silent throughout the whole travel to the space station, mostly due to her slight nervous feeling about being here. After all, the stories about this region of the Expanse are littered with horror and bad luck.

She had still armed herself up in her regular armour and voidsuit, since her xeno-mesh was thin enough to be worn as clothing. She still had her veil along, althoug not ON, since the void suit had tinting for the helmet, and thus also stopped people from looking at her rather unnerving face.

2015-09-01, 01:36 PM
Felicia follows Wulf out, the heavy metal construct leading her as it takes up a position by the opening airlock. The tech priest also tosses a small sphere into the air, that turns out to be a floating servo skull. "He's far less chance of being seen, and he can move ahead to find possible danger. I'll attend to any security systems or damage we might find on the way to the reactor."

She checks her hellgun, nodding contently as she interfaces with its systems for better coordination.

"I'll guide us as much as I'm able." She nods to Jack. "Between us, we can spot most hints of anything unusual or out of place." She taps the skin next to her eye, both indicating her internal augur and activating it.

2015-09-01, 04:20 PM
With a hiss of metal upon metal the door swings slowly open and a great rush of stale and vile smelling air floods into the small shuttle. The tang of old blood and viscera is upon the air as the armsmen glance at each other with a worried look, fingers tightening upon weapon stocks. The scene beyond is one of chaos and devastation. White powder from fire suppression systems coats everything, concealing both the carnage and what appears to be at least half a dozen bodies scattered around the landing bay. Darkness shrouds the area as not even emergency lights are active in the shuttle bay, but in the lights of your glo-lamps you can see that a fierce fire fight clearly happened here. Doorways and a spiral staircase upwarads lead out of the circular shuttle bay, both liberally damage by weapons fire and in places twisted by the force of some explosions.

2015-09-02, 09:12 AM
Aeodatus is the first one out of the lander, his boots crunching in the fine white powder. The ex-Guardsman peers around in the darkness before motioning behind him with one hand, gruffly ordering: "Form up behind me, like a wedge. Lady Captain in the middle, backmost men watching our rear and flanks." His voice (and indeed, his expression) are eerily serene as he leans down to peer at one of the bodies, as if the scene were not that far out of the ordinary or expected. "...Solar, point or rearguard?" All business. A gloved hand begins to clean the dust off of the body in front of him, while his other rests lightly on the grip of his chainsword.

If the cause of death isn't immediately apparent, or if anything appears blatantly out of the ordinary, Aeodatus will ask Explorator Hemming to: "Take a look and see what killed them. Better to know if it's human or xenos before we get too deep."

2015-09-02, 02:14 PM
Felicia's servo skull moves forward, a faint light from it shining over the horrific scene. She's flanked by Wulf as they advance carefully, her augur array scanning the area.

Provided the immediate area is secured, she signals Wulf who pads to a body and uses his front legs to roll it over onto its back, better to reveal what sort of injuries the poor man took before his death.

Perception check with augur array


2015-09-02, 05:16 PM
Bellatrice followed suit alongside the others, either tactically or by accident finding herself in the middle of the grouping. She was breathing relatively deep and calmly, since she was used to much worse, what with having to navigate a great void ship repeatedly, even IF all the horrors of the warp was filtered away by her third eye, it still immunized her somewhat to more 'basic' horrors, like a hissing pipe, the rattles of chains or the sorta-sounding clawed skittering noise of something big, inhuman and scary.... okay that last one WOULD possibly scare her a bit, she's admit that much to herself.

While everyone was using their mundane senses to stay alert, Bellatrice had instead turned her gaze into the warp itself instead, looking for any hints of disturbances that would indicate either an active psyker or something much much worse.

Basically spending 'half' an action each 'turn' to use Psynicience. will only roll if requested to do so by the GM, though. cuz otherwise i'd need for my character to roll ever 6 seconds of in-game time, which is just a stupid amount of rolls.:smallbiggrin:

2015-09-03, 05:11 AM
"You're already ahead," Jack responded to Aeodatus, "I'll take the rear." Still, he peered through the gloom, brow furrowed, as he tried to make out anything he could.


2015-09-03, 01:22 PM
The cleric leans forward. Hands brushing off the dried and sticky retardant foam that has long since decomposed to a fine dust. Looking around the bay nothing seems to be moving save the small spinning motes of dust disturbed by your passage.

The nearest two bodies died of violence. A savage rent in the decomposing body where it looked like some sort of massive melee weapon near enough hewed him in half. The other body nearby slumped over some crates with massive crater like wounds in his spine and back suggesting a death by some sort of firearm.

2015-09-04, 12:52 AM
Mundane violence was an easy enough explanation for the resident of a Fortress World. Blade and bullet could be avoided conventionally, and their wielders were usually mortal...or at least what passed for mortal amongst the Xenos, if it came to that. Straightening, Aeodatus draws his sword from its loop and begins to pad out farther from the bodies. "As the Lady-Captain says: we will make for the reactor." He'll follow the directions of Hemming, Undynne, or whomever will be decoding the correct path ahead to the core; confident in his flak armour and new augmentations, he carries the Crusade to the darkened halls.