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2015-08-17, 02:52 PM

A few days ago, you received a summons from Lydia, a faerie Queen whose domain encompasses your village. Although she has no direct power over you, she is well-known throughout the region and her aid was instrumental in rebuilding your village. And besides, she asked for you by name!

As you arrive at her palace, hidden away in a mushroom grove, you wonder why you have been summoned here. What could Queen Lydia want with you? Her seneschal guides you into an anteroom fitted out for big-folk, with massive chairs and benches all covered in blue velvet. One other is already in the room, a nymph whose helmeted head almost touches the ceiling.

Moments after you enter the waiting room, another tall woman, dressed like a human knight, strides in and takes a seat. No one says anything for a few minutes, before a golden faerie dragon glides in, followed closely by the seneschal.

“The Queen will be with you shortly.” He says, walking over to a heavy wooden door. “Please stand when she enters the room, and speak only when spoken to.”

Moments later, the door creaks open, driven by a pair of faerie-knights at the top and what looks like a human girl at the bottom.

The letter said you would be rewarded, but it was vague about how. The messenger, however, was covered in copper jewellery: dragonscale pendant, dragontooth earrings, clothes embroidered with draconic text.

You hurried to Queen Lydia’s palace as quickly as you could. It has been years since you were last here, but the layout has not changed all that much. It seems busier, perhaps.

Some faerie-functionary greets you and leads you towards the receiving rooms; you follow to an anteroom that is already crowded with diverse fey creatures. A pixie, an oread and a half-nymph are making themselves comfortable, with varying degrees of success. The seneschal walks over to a heavy wooden door.

“The Queen will be with you shortly. Please stand when she enters the room, and speak only when spoken to.”

Moments later, the door creaks open, driven by a pair of faerie-knights at the top and what looks like a human girl at the bottom.

It is not very often that you receive letters, especially not from royalty. The coure messenger who bought you the summons certainly seemed surprised to have been sent to such a lonely place. Since then, you have had plenty of time to think and wonder about why Queen Lydia would send for you – or even how she would know of your existence.

When you arrive at the palace, you are guided in by a sort of faerie-seneschal. Something about him seems familiar, but you can’t quite place it. He leads you to a small, dark chamber filled with expensive furniture, where you wait for several hours. Normally, you would barely have noticed the passing of such a small amount of time, but in this chamber, you mark every second. You have no choice – a mechanical device mounted on the wall ticks at you continuously. Tick. Tick. Tick.

Eventually, the seneschal comes back and ushers in a pink-haired pixie. Not long after, a half-nymph strides in. Next a pause, before the seneschal returns with a faerie dragon.

“The Queen will be with you shortly.” He says, walking over to a heavy wooden door. “Please stand when she enters the room, and speak only when spoken to.”

Moments later, the door creaks open, driven by a pair of faerie-knights at the top and what looks like a human girl at the bottom.

You had already heard of Queen Lydia before you received her summons, so it was a great honour when she personally called upon you to attend her court. When you arrived, you were greeted by her seneschal, who showed you around the palace. It was extremely busy, so he tended to lead you through hidden passageways and servants’ quarters, of which there seemed to be an endless maze.

Your apartment was finely-appointed; hosting big folk is clearly nothing out of the ordinary for the Queen. The bed was so comfortable that you slept in late and missed breakfast, though you did find some delicate morsels waiting outside your door. Once you had finished with those, a handsome young faerie invited you to stroll with him in one of the private gardens. This you did, while enjoying tiny sips of very strong wine.

On your way back, you notice the seneschal escorting a pixie into a small room. On seeing you, he waves you over and lets you in as well. Inside, you see a land-nymph and the pixie; you are soon joined by a faerie dragon and the seneschal.

“The Queen will be with you shortly.” He says, walking over to a heavy wooden door. “Please stand when she enters the room, and speak only when spoken to.”

Moments later, the door creaks open, driven by a pair of faerie-knights at the top and what looks like a human girl at the bottom.

You have just finished cleaning up from breakfast when the Queen herself slips into the kitchen. She is still dressed up in her formalwear, looking every inch the warrior. Standing on the counter in front of you, she says:

“I know you’ve been itching to leave.” You try to say something, but she shushes you. “La-la-la-la, don’t worry. I understand. You’re an artiste; you need to travel, meet new people, learn about new cultures. I can’t keep you cooped up here forever. So! I’ve arranged for you to join a delegation I’m sending to Cormanthor. They should be arriving now. Shall we?”

She leads you up through the receiving hall and into one of the private antechambers. You leap forward to open the door for her. Inside, you see two nymphs, a pixie and a faerie dragon, who all leap to attention.
The Queen flies into the anteroom and stands on a wooden table at its centre. She turns to the seneschal:

“Is this it? You misled me, Winterglow.” She looks at each of you in a way that barely acknowledges your existence. “Well, you’ll have to do. Listen closely, for I will only speak once.”

“Some friends of mine in Cormanthor are having some difficulties and they’ve sent to me for aid. They claim the ‘difficulties’ relate to the local wildlife, but I rather suspect the wildlife to be a secondary concern. Personally, I am concerned that my dear friends are about to come to blows over some trivial falling-out or another.”

She takes a breath. “So you see, I mean to keep the peace. That is why I am sending you North. You will seek out King Soren and Queen Reena, find out what has set them at loggerheads and put it right. Madame la Chevalière,” she fixes her gaze on Orianna, “I charge this quest to you. Here is a purse of human-gold, which is yours to discharge in whatever way you see fit, pursuant to the mission.”

Winterglow, the seneschal, holds out a large pouch, which clinks heavily (it contains 100gp).

“These four will accompany you. Opal here is a warrior who will keep you safe in the human-lands. Korialstrasz is an expert in nature and wildlife; his skills will surely be needed in Cormanthor. The pixie, Astra, is a healer and a wizard, and this is Sakura, my chef. Every adventuring band needs a chef!”

To Opal, she says: “Do not worry about your hill. I have sent my own forces to secure it against any humanoid intrusion,” and to the group, “bon chance.”

With that, Queen Lydia sweeps out of the room. Winterglow steps forward and presents you with some sealed envelopes. “These are a map (http://www.pocketplane.net/volothamp/images/faerunlarge.jpg) and your characters, in duplicate. Please ensure that you present them unopened to King Soren and Queen Reena. If you need any supplies or equipment, let me know and I will escort you to the market. Otherwise, I implore you to make haste – you have a long distance to travel and very little time.”

Queen Lydia Seaspray is tall for a faerie, fully 11 inches, and she is decked out in military regalia: gleaming half-plate, a silver-and-blue tabard and a bejewelled sabre that does not look like a dress piece. Her ebon curls roll gently down her shoulders and her cerulean wings sway as if caught in a breeze. Her face is stern, though her demeanour is calm.

2015-08-17, 03:04 PM
Today is the 1st of Tarsakh, 1492.

The party is at Queen Lydia Seaspray's palace in the Shilmista.

Today's weather forecast: Heavy rain and overcast skies throughout the day and early evening, clearing a little overnight. No wind. Average temperature 12.0°C
Forecast for the week ahead: Moderate temperatures and heavy rain will persist throughout the first half of the week. Temperatures are expected to drop in the second half of the week, with a strong chance of sleet and snow.

2015-08-17, 07:38 PM
Opal whispers to herself Wow. Like a real quest. With an assortment of colorful characters and everything.

Opal waves her hand hesitantly to Orianna. Excuse me, Madame la Chevalière. I'm Opal. but I guess you just heard that. Anyway, I can help find provisions along the way. I guess you're the leader of our team. Do you have any initial plans? Is there anything we should acquire before setting out. I think that we should set out as soon as possible. Not that I'm trying to rush you or usurp your position, I just want to set things right before it's too late. Well, let me know when you've decided how to proceed. Do you have a 'marching order' or any cool maneuvers in mind?

Oooh, what a pretty little dragon!

2015-08-17, 08:13 PM
Astra initially sat on a chair (that is, the very top of a chair back), curious and watchful to all that was happening. The queen was more aloof than she would have thought, and she frowned both from disappointment but also because it seemed Queen Seaspray hadn't really wanted to see her, or much of anyone else for that matter.

She flew forward to receive the missive from Winterglow, a tiny letter or package of some sort that easily fit in her bag when tucked between some book pages. Also very tiny books.

Turning her attention briefly back to the group, she was just in time to see Opal the Oread begin speaking. And keep on speaking. Astra stared for a bit, forgetting to blink, as the questions and statements piled on.

The last thing she remembered: Marching orders? Cool Maneuvers??

Finally she blinked several times, flitting a bit closer to the conversation. "Uh. Uh.. what??" she squeaked.

2015-08-17, 08:30 PM
Sakura raised an eyebrow at the mention of provisions. I was just introduced and someone already forgot I exist? Sheesh. she thought to herself. She also pondered the meaning of "cool maneuvers" and tried to figure out if it was a cooking technique she'd yet to discover, since otherwise she wasn't sure what they'd be cooling.

2015-08-17, 10:46 PM
Returning to faerie lands was always a treat. Orianna knew, of course, that she was here on some sort of business, but no harm in enjoying herself a bit before her queen-given quest began. The wine here was, after all, quite lovely.

Of course, enjoyment for Orianna often begot a rather uncomfortable awakening.

Princes, is it the hour so late? Oh, I've missed breakfast. This will certainly be a long day. Well, time to get to work.

Orianna listens intently to Queen Lydia's speech, keeping her head slightly tilted out of respect. She seems a bit surprised to be chosen as the lead on things, but it is a fleeting glance. The bag of coins weighs little in comparison to her armor, yet Orianna feels her spirit sag a bit under its weight.

"Well met, Opal. Please, call me Orianna. Or Ori, if you prefer." :smallwink: "I'm not much for formalities despite my... charge. Duty? Ah whatever." At mention of provision, Orianna takes a thoughtful tone. Managing others is such a chore. Well, I suppose this isn't only my weight to bear after all... She nods to Opal's suggestion but allows her to continue, deciding she ought not stop the waterfall of words. "I think getting properly equipped would be a splendid idea. Does everyone have everything they could possibly need?" She holds up the purse and shakes it for a moment. "While I can think of uses for this purse, you all know your own needs and particulars more than I, seeing as we have just met. Oh! Of course, we've just met! Perhaps we should go somewhere and chat amongst ourselves before we begin our journey. It has been some time since I've traveled with real company. Maneuvers can wait, we've got greetings to attend to! Also food. Is there food somewhere?"

2015-08-17, 11:24 PM
Astra flits closer still, trying to keep track of the conversation. She just decides to interject on the first and most important subject she could remember. With a faint cough, she cleared her tiny throat and said, "It seems time is of the essence, and we must travel far. So what you need first will be transportation. You bigger folk should look into horses, wagons, and such."

"Secondly there are provisions: food, water, and supplies for a long journey. I hear we have a cook..." Astra eyes Sakura with much respect and interest. "A royal cook at that, which I am happy to have with us! I'm looking forward to see what you can do," she says to her with a smile.

"But it also seems Winter is coming back one last time for vengeance before it subsides to summer, and the cold and wet will be upon us... you'll definitely want warm, dry shelter and clothes." As she expounded on the needs of the others, it might have seem odd that she never mentioned the fact that all she wore at the time was a little sundress, and who knew what was in that small little bag of hers. Probably not that much, considering its size.

2015-08-17, 11:31 PM
In reply to Orianna Sakura says, "Yes! Yes there is! Well if you're ok with the leftovers from breakfast. Or I could whip up something new if you'd like? If we're securing supplies then I suppose I should get what I need from the kitchen. Such a wonderful kitchen. Did you know they have a kind of flour here made from a plant that only grows where a unicorn has bled? Can you imagine the scones!?" Sakura says, glad to be of help and have a valid excuse to be in the kitchen since she wasn't sure she was going to get to go back after being suddenly told she was leaving.

As she led the group into the kitchen, just assuming they were coming along, she spoke to Astra, "Am I a royal cook now that I've cooked for royalty? Is that how it works? Is nobility a thing that just sticks to you like oil? Interesting. Although you can't cook nobility, at least not in civilized company, so I guess someone else can ponder that since it's not really my area. Well, either way I'm glad to have company on a journey. That will be new. I hope you won't mind if I make the occasional stop to gather some plants or do a bit of hunting." She pauses as she thinks to herself "Really I hope they don't mind since I'll be doing so regardless". Continuing she says, "I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do with what ingredients we find along the way as well! I think we're going to get along well Asta. And you do make an excellent point about finding something to ride. I have absolutely no idea where that zebra went."

((Ok sorry for the kind of sloppy nature of this post. I got ninja'd and kind of liked my original content too much to drop it even if it was kind of awkward now.))

2015-08-17, 11:42 PM
Orianna takes a mental list of everything Astra mentions, motioning to Winterglow as Astra finishes. "Where would we best acquire transportation of some sort, any sort of transportable shelter, and clothes to protect us from the elements?" Once Winterglow finishes, Orianna follows Sakura, the draw of food drowning out her earlier concerns for preparation.

As she walks behind Sakura eagerly, Orianna gestures to her comrades to move closer together, lowering her tone so they might move closer. Her voice comes out more measured this time, though her face remains a calm smile. "Opal has suggested that some provisions might be obtained en route, so if we can avoid spending too much of our purse on them that might be wise. Especially if we consider the expertise of our friend here." She gestures to Korialstrasz, offering a respectful nod.

As Sakura finishes speaking, Orianna sidles up to her. "I look forward to whatever you can create on our journey. I've become quite accustomed to the typical ration, so anything better than that will be marvelous. Do you have any suggestions on what we might want to collect now that will be harder to obtain along the road? As you are likely the best cook among us, I would respect your judgment when it comes to food." Her voice and stance indicate a calm reverence for Sakura's station. Also hunger.

Then she turns back to Astra. "You seem quite knowledgeable about these sorts of things. What is your name, friend?"

(I got ninja'd by someone who got ninja'd, so there was some adjustment to be made.)

2015-08-17, 11:57 PM
Astra smiles at Sakura, following them along. "Oh, I didn't mean you were royalty... are you? But certainly if you cook for royalty, that must mean you're among the best in the world!"

Then she turns her head the other way, listening to Orianna and replying, "I'm Astra." With a small laugh she adds, "I don't know that much! I just gave you my opinion and repeated something an elder said when he was muttering about the weather and Winter."

2015-08-18, 12:01 AM
As they enter the kitchen Sakura takes a large sack out of her kimono. It's not clear exactly where she was carrying that. Which is something the party will soon enough find themselves wondering about a great deal of other items. "Well Orianna" she says, somewhat oddly as she tries the sound of the name out on her lips, "Do you have a sack?" she finishes, as if that would answer everything.

On the counters there are various leftover dishes. The ones that stand out are: two dozen pink muffins with a variety of berries in them, a few bowls of bamboo shoots, quail eggs, and pickled vegetables, two plates with some kind of fried chips made of beets next to a sandwich that contains lamb, and a single salad somehow suspended in the shape of a triple helix half a foot high with croutons shaped like animals balancing on the top.

While the others perhaps take a moment to take that in, Sakura proceeds to open up cupboards and toss both strange ingredients and hard to find cooking implements into her sack as if she had every right to do so. As she does so she responds to Astra, "Well I don't know about now after I've encountered the royal oils, but I wasn't before. I guess I don't know about the best in the world. I mean, how would I? I've barely traveled to most of it. I am trying though. I mean, to travel. I don't need to be the best. Though that would be nice. What about you? Are you royally oiled or the best at something?"

2015-08-18, 12:01 AM
Orianna smiles at Astra. "It's been a long time since I've experienced rough winter. Things were a bit more temperate where I come from. It does get a bit cold at night, though. Your elder sounds like a wise man."

As Sakura begins "packing," Orianna quietly shakes her head and studies the leftover dishes. "May I try one of these? They look delicious."

2015-08-18, 12:10 AM
"Oh please do! But please don't judge me by them. Some of them have been sitting around for almost an hour." Sakura replies, her eyes now glued on Orianna's face to see her reactions despite her words. A close observer will note that her pupils have changed to a star shape.

2015-08-18, 12:24 AM
"Oh of course. I'll only judge you by your best work." Orianna then gingerly picks up the salad, attempting not to drop any, and looks about the table a bit frantically. "Do you have a utensil of some kind?" Not waiting for an answer, she then puts the salad gingerly but swiftly back down and picks up one of the quail eggs, taking a small bite before Sakura can reply to her question.

2015-08-18, 12:27 AM
"Uh..." Astra begins uncertainly but lowers her head, answering Sakura morosely, "No. No, I'm not..."

The food they're talking about takes the pixie's interest. She flies on over to a pink muffin, picking off a handful of crumbs and nibbling on them. "Mmm!" she muffles eagerly, taking more bites.

2015-08-18, 12:32 AM
Sakura, being the size of a human child, reaches for a drawer above her head and attempts to pull out the utensils. Which results in the drawer getting pulled in such a way that it shakes so hard a couple forks come flying out. Does one of them come dangerously close to spearing Orianna in the shoulder? No probably not, if only because she's wearing armor. "Uh....whoops." Sakura says kind of sheepishly.

Sakura looks over at Astra, clearly puzzled at the pixie's tone.

2015-08-18, 02:06 AM
Orianna tries her best to catch a fork on its way down, but with one hand occupied by delicious quail egg and her mind on said egg, she fumbles every falling utensil. As they clatter to the ground, Orianna checks herself for marks or cuts (or dramatically embedded forks) and then holds up her hand. "No harm." With her height, she has little problem reaching into the drawer and taking a fork herself, after which point she sits down to enjoy the nice salad.

Though she says nothing while eating, Orianna hums and gives little moans to indicate the delicious flavors of the food she's enjoying. Despite her rather large interest in the food, she takes her sweet time eating it, savoring every small bite for a few seconds.

Depending on how long she's there, Orianna may move on from the salad to other foods. She gives them all quite the interested eye, mainly focusing on the more filling meals. Though she'll be sure everyone else has taken a share if they desire before she slowly consumes everything allowed.

2015-08-18, 02:26 AM
Sakura finishes stuffing things into the sack and then puts it inside of her kimono where apparently it simply vanishes as there's no sign of what should be a massive bulge nearly her size. She then looks to the others and asks, "While we're here and have such marvelous ingredients on hand would any of you like me to prepare anything? Oh and I'm pretty sure I saw some jerky, salted fish, and incredibly peppery crackers around here somewhere if you want to pack something for the journey in case I don't have an opportunity to cook or we get separated."

((Basically trying to get at least a bit more interaction in here, figured it might be interesting to know what everyone's favorite foods or dislikes are.))

2015-08-18, 02:54 AM
Orianna responds quickly. "A nice butternut squash soup. I had one once when I was a kid, as a sort of rare thing. They don't grow much where I'm from. We traded quite a bit for one." Orianna seems to speak into the distance, slowly and with flare. She almost seems to grow a bit younger as you watch, a bright look reappearing in her eyes that was either hidden or not present before. "I couldn't tell you everything that was in it, but it was delicious. And very different." She looks as if she is about to continue, but stops short and seems to return to present. She pauses for a moment to eat a bit, then looks up. "What about you, Sakura? Anything you particularly enjoy eating? Or preparing?"

At the sound of the rations, Orianna shakes her head. "Fouling this delicious salad with the idea of salted fish. I will eat jerky for months so long as I do not have to taste fish again."

2015-08-18, 03:02 AM
Kor was really excited about this quest. Summoned by the queen, to take part in an important misssion. Now that was something he could brag about to his friends back at the forest. Although, since many of them were animals, Kor doubted they knew what it meant. He looked at the magnificent palace in awe, lost in his thoughts, barely paying attention to people talking around him. He had been here before, some years ago, but it still had the same effect as the first time.

Just as Kor started thinking how there weren't any snacks offered, the human-looking girl, who was apparently the queens chef, mentioned something about going to the kitchen. "Finally, food!" Kor thought and flew after the rest of the group.

In the kitchen, Kor flew around, gathering delicious sweets in his claws and munching them. His diet normally consisted of bugs, occasional mouse and dry rations travelers had, so faerie queen's kitchen was something else.

Now the Chef was asking what everyone wanted for the road. Kor Glided over to her and said: "Something sweet and tasty. Jerky is nice too, travelers often carry it with them."

2015-08-18, 03:44 AM
"Hmmmm." Sakura mummers and makes a mental note that Orianna doesn't like fish and that Kor likes sweets. While she waited for the others to reply (or not) she got to work on the first two requests. She looked around for the squash while considering what kind of sweets could be made with what was around. Eventually she found something very similar to the requested squash, though for some reason or other it was a brilliant red color and had a fairly strong scent. Shrugging she brought together some pots and pans and threw together a soup of mysterious red squash, melted butter, cloves, and a leek. She tasted a bit of it then served it into a bowl where she added a bit of milk and moved the spoon through it to give it a nice swirling appearance and shredded a bit of almond atop. "Allright here you go. It's a bit on the rich side, hope that's ok." she said to Orianna.

She looked again at Kor and looked back at the almonds and an idea sprung to mind. First she finely chopped the almonds to bits, then made a small pie crust only about the size of her palm, cut up some peach and added some berries. She then made a small amount of cream and put all of those things into the little pie crust and put that in a small ceramic bowl. Then she completely ignored the oven and pans and other things you'd expect and stuck it into a kiln. She spun around a few times and hummed to herself and then pulled it back out again and fanned it off before handing Kor a small fruit and almond tart.

((In case it's not clear, she's managing to prepare and cook things in a fraction of the time it should take.))

Rich Red Mystery Soup [roll0]
Tart [roll1]

2015-08-18, 04:01 AM
Rich Red Mystery Soup 17
Tart 11

So, the soup came out pretty good, but the kiln must have been the wrong temperature, because the tart isn't quite right. Definitely not your best work.

2015-08-18, 05:55 AM
Opal stands back a bit at the food to make sure everyone gets what they want. Then she steps in and helps Ora consume everything that would not travel well. With her larger size and dwarf-like density, Opal weighs about as much as the rest of the group put together. She has little daintiness in her feeding.

While still eating, Opal starts talking again.

Oh Sakura, this is shooo good! Whatever you want to cook is really fine. I bet Korialstrasz and I can gather whatever ingredients you like on the trip so we can travel well. I brought along some herbs that grow only at high elevations or in rocky soil in case I couldn't find them later. I also bought 22 different kinds of mushrooms for snacks and things. You're welcome to look it all over and make use of things that you could, well make use of.

Turning to Orianna, Ora, do you think we need mounts or a wagon? That would attract more attention and restrict us mostly to roads where we would see more humans. I can keep a good pace and don't mind carrying others when their little feet get tired. Or their wings. I'm not sure what to buy. I've never been on a royal quest before.

2015-08-18, 07:18 AM
Astra flits about between the various dishes, sampling morsels from all of them. "Well, I'm not hungry in the slightest anymore!" She giggles, then adds more seriously to the questions asked, "Anything you decide to cook will be ok for me. Well, I don't eat meat. So almost anything. But I don't need much food anyway, so I guess it doesn't matter."

2015-08-18, 07:19 AM
Korialstrasz happily took the offered food and settled onto a table, then started nibbling on the tart. "Oh, this ish tasty!" Kor exclaimed and ate the rest. "I hope we can eat like this on the road".

To Opal, Kor said: "Yeah, I'm totally good at foraging and stuff. Best prepare for some snow though. Oh, and you can call me Kor".

2015-08-18, 07:23 AM
Astra flew up to the faerie dragon, the only other creature roughly her size. Extending a small hand, she said, "Pleased to meet you, Kor."

2015-08-18, 07:35 AM
"Ah, there you are," says Winterglow as he enters the kitchen. "I've been looking everywhere."

"I have procured travelling clothes for all of you." He beckons in another faerie with a cart full of fabric (2x medium travelling clothes, 1x small travelling clothes, 1x tiny travelling clothes, 2x tents). "They should keep you dry until the weather clears. Unfortunately, we do not have tame horses here, but our druids may be able to help - I can take you to them now if you like."

2015-08-18, 07:41 AM
"Ah! That is very kind of you Mr. Winterglow. Erm.. would you mind if I asked a question?"

2015-08-18, 07:45 AM
"Please, go ahead."

2015-08-18, 09:07 AM
Kor shook the pixie's hand. "Nice to meet ya! Astra, right?"

Then, the faerie who had guided Kor to the receiving room walked in and started talking with Astra. Kor turned to listen.

2015-08-18, 01:08 PM
In-between going through Opal's things and making various oohs and ahs and asking for what a few specific things are called, Sakura says, "I usually collect my ingredients myself, but the help would be appreciated and I'm sure you both know things I don't so we can probably find all sorts of stuff on our travels." and gives Opal a smile.

Afterwards she gathered up the set of clothes clearly meant for her and like everything else stuffed them inside her kimono somewhere while pondering what kind of mounts the druids might offer. Boars? Giant insects or arachnids? Animate plants? I wonder if they found that zebra.

2015-08-18, 03:38 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
AC: 16, Save DC on all effects requiring one: 13, Passive Perception: 11

Sakura's soup is unlike anything Orianna has ever tasted. "Amazing. If all your dishes are as good as this one, we'll be eating well on our journey."

Orianna helps Opal get any food she wants that others aren't already sampling.

Turning to Orianna, Ora, do you think we need mounts or a wagon? That would attract more attention and restrict us mostly to roads where we would see more humans. I can keep a good pace and don't mind carrying others when their little feet get tired. Or their wings. I'm not sure what to buy. I've never been on a royal quest before."

"Hmm, that is a good point. I could see that traveling through open roads raise some questions. I can certainly carry a bit more, and I presume it wouldn't be too much trouble for the two of us to assist anyone else who couldn't. We may want access to a cart in the future, but I suppose for now it might not be necessary. I'm quite used to traveling with little."

"Ah, there you are," says Winterglow as he enters the kitchen. "I've been looking everywhere."

"I have procured travelling clothes for all of you." He beckons in another faerie with a cart full of fabric (2x medium travelling clothes, 1x small travelling clothes, 1x tiny travelling clothes, 2x tents). "They should keep you dry until the weather clears. Unfortunately, we do not have tame horses here, but our druids may be able to help - I can take you to them now if you like."

Orianna stands carefully as Winterglow speaks. "Ah, yes. Thank you very much." She examines the clothes in the cart for a moment, then passes them to to the others, judging by size to properly accommodate everyone. She leaves the tents, though she says to Opal "The two of us should likely take these." As Winterglow begins describing the potential mounts, Orianna considers for a moment, then says "Perhaps we might not need mounts after all. Would anyone be opposed to passing on the creatures?"

2015-08-18, 04:09 PM
Opal takes one of the tents and her travelling clothes.

Hmm, on second thought, I bet we could still manage off road travel with a pony if Sakura would like one.

<ooc: I was thinking that Sakura has the slowest speed and a pony would bump her to be among the fastest. I realized as I was typing it that I was asking the small female if she'd like a pony.>

2015-08-18, 04:42 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"It would be nice to not have to be on my feet all the time, but I can if I need to. But maybe we should just see what the druids have to offer before we make a decision?" Sakura replied.

2015-08-18, 04:56 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
AC: 16, Save DC on all effects requiring one: 13, Passive Perception: 11

Orianna nods to her friends. "Well, there's no harm in us taking a short moment to look, is there? We can afford it, certainly."

2015-08-18, 05:05 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13

"Oh, I should probably buy a herbalism kit." Kor said to others. "I could brew some potions".

2015-08-18, 05:18 PM
"Follow me then, if you please." Winterglow leads you out of the kitchen, indeed, out of the palace.

You now stand (or flutter, as the case may be) just outside the palace, in what looks like a garden. Most of the colour is provided by mushrooms of various types, though there are some small flowers as well. A faerie-druid stands in the middle of a lawn, facing away from you. Winterglow approaches her.

"Have you had any luck?" He asks.

"Yes, Kit is on his way back now."

Moments later, another faerie-druid crashes through the mushroom-tree-line, sitting astride a dog (image below). After him come four moose, at a much more leisurely pace.

"Ah, Mr. Winterglow. Good to see you. And these must be the Queen's delegates..." He takes off his helm. "As you may imagine, we do not keep tame animals here. Even Thunder," he pats his dog on the neck, "is completely wild. Fortunately, I have been able to call in a favour from these fine beasts - they are willing to carry you as far as the edge of the forest*."

The moose walk forward. Two are clearly bulls, with bulky yet elegant antlers (they use the elk stat block), and the other two are smaller, surely cows (deer stat block). The largest bull makes some vocalisations, and Kit, the druid, translates:

"This is Cloud. His brother is named Clear-water and their mates are called Rose and Nugget. He says he would feel honoured to carry you - the champions of Queen Lydia."

It is clear from the faeries' body language that they do not expect any kind of payment for their efforts.

About 120 miles.

2015-08-18, 06:17 PM
Wow, thanks! I guess I should take a bull moose.

2015-08-18, 06:26 PM
Sakura smiles in thanks at the druid and then walks over to the deer he called Rose.

2015-08-18, 06:33 PM
Orianna walks to Cloud. "Thank you for offering your assistance." To Kit, she adds "And thank you for your assistance. I would not have known such noble allies could be found." She offers a slight bow to all four animals.

Then, Orianna turns to the rest of her friends. "If anyone has anything more to do before we depart, we should do so. I'm a bit uncomfortable carrying this around." She shakes the bag to indicate its jingle. "Does anyone have anything they might need? I'd rather carry supplies than coin."

2015-08-18, 06:41 PM
Astra asks Winterglow, "So... it seems the Queen did not actually send for us personally. She seemed rather... disappointed." A sad frown forms on the pixie's face again. "If I had to guess, you did. So what did she mean when she said you deceived her? And.. why did you choose us out of all our people?"


As the animals are brought out, Astra smiles, slowly flying up to one and reaching out to pat his mussel. "And I'd be happy - no, honored - to have you carry or merely accompany me." After a moment, she looks back to their mates. "Erm. Which one of you was Rose?"

2015-08-19, 12:20 AM
Winterglow flies close to you, wringing his hands. "...You're right. I arranged all of this. Her majesty depends on me for such things. She was disappointed because I promised her ten delegates... It seems as though some have not answered the summons."

"I chose you because of your special talents, and because I know we can rely on you." He pauses. "We can rely on you, can't we? This quest is most delicate and must be handled with care and discretion."

Kit says: "the Zashiki-Warashi is with Rose. Perhaps you and the dragon could share Nugget?"

2015-08-19, 12:32 AM
Orianna listens to Astra and Winterglow's conversation with interest as they walk. She's more aware than she gives herself credit for.

If it seems proper, Orianna will step in to offer a word. "Of course. I will do as the Queen has asked. And if I have not said before, Winterglow, thank you for all you've done."

2015-08-19, 01:04 AM
Sakura wasn't really sure if Winterglow had anything to do with her being on the mission or not, so she wasn't sure if she was being included in what was being said. So instead, while she mounted Rose, she opted to say, "It was nice meeting you Winterglow. I left you a pie and a loaf of apple-cinnimon-cheese bread for later. Maybe you could share some with our new friend?" indicating the druid.

2015-08-19, 01:20 AM
"I will. Thank you Sakura. I wish you all safe travels." He bows, stiffly.

2015-08-19, 02:03 AM
Thanks for the help you guys!" Kor said to the moose and the two fairies.

Then he landed on Nugget's back and offered her a fruit: Hiya there, Nugget! Nice to meet you. I'm Kor".

2015-08-19, 07:14 AM
"I understand. Don't worry, you can count on us! ... I think." After a short pause she laughs. "Oh, this shouldn't be too hard! Right everyone? All we have to do is be careful, plan our routes. We only have to travel.. uh.. Oh."

Taking out her little map, she looks at it. "Is that fifteen hundred miles, if we risk crossing the Dragonmere by boat?"

She really doesn't look as confident as she did before. And this journey was certainly a bit longer than she anticipated. Just getting here to the Queen's palace seemed to be a long journey for her, and it was less than three days.

Astra stayed relatively silent for the rest of the conversation in a bit of shock. "Farewell.." is all she could muster before they rode off. She chose the same deer as Kor.

2015-08-19, 07:24 AM
Today is the 1st of Tarsakh, 1492. It is now 2pm.

The party is in the market square in the faerie-village. You have just finished dealing with an elderly glassblower, from whom you bought an assortment of alchemy supplies. The forest beckons.

It is still raining, but the mushroom-canopy keeps out most of the water.

All of you gain Inspiration as a result of your excellent roleplay!


2015-08-19, 09:14 AM
Orianna Blossomheart
AC: 16, Save DC on all effects requiring one: 13, Passive Perception: 11

As the group finishes the last of their purchases, Orianna seems quite a bit more jovial and much less formal than before. "Please, someone take this bag of money from me before I start throwing it away!"

She laughs, then holds opens the map Winterglow gave her. "Anyone have a suggestion on our route? I think the swiftest path will involve a boat across the Dragonmere. Thus, our route should take us to Westgate, likely pausing in Reddansyr along the way. Since that's our destination, we can pass through the plains, going around the Snowflake Mountains and meeting up with the road to cross the Deepwash, and then follow a direct route through the Shining Plains and along the Lake of the Long Arm. We could also travel south and attempt to pass on the road through the Snowflakes, though that could be filled with all sorts of dangers, especially given the season. We could also travel through the Giant's Plain and then take the road to Reddansyr, but given our company it might be best to avoid the more populated roads.

"Once we cross the Dragonmere and most likely land in Urmlaspyr, we can take as direct a path as possible to Queen Reena. That would likely take us through Archenbridge so we can cross the Arkhen. If we then cut through the Archwood, we could likely reach the Queen in the shortest amount of travel. Once we get to the queen, hopefully we can secure a faster means of travel to the King." Despite the seriousness of the discussion and Orianna's focus on the task at hand, something in her's voice makes it seem as if she's simply enjoying looking at the map and plotting the potential routes. She looks about to the others once she's finished.

2015-08-19, 09:41 AM
Opal offers to take the coin bag to be helpful. She would never dream of spending it but doesn't think it's fair for a smaller fey to carry additional weight.

Um, yea, we should head north first to take advantage of our animal friends here. I'm fine with going through mountains but I suspect the rest of you would prefer forest so what you said would be fine. Or we can just keep going north until we hit the road to Elversult. I'm not thrilled about it but I think a boat ride is the best option.

But really, whatever others want is ok with me.

2015-08-19, 01:06 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura, spends most of the time the group looks at the map just trying to mentally mark off which places she's been before, but chimes in with, "Shining Plains sounds a lot more inviting than Giant's Plane."

2015-08-19, 02:14 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13

Kor looked at his own fairy-size map. "Wow. We sure have a long way to go". Then he looked at one of the names in the map. "Ooh, do you think there are many dragons in the Dragon Coast?"

Kor pondered for a moment. "Yeah, I think taking a ship would be good. We'll save buncha days, plus I've never been on a ship, so that'd be fun. I wonder if there are any sea monsters..."

"Opal, could you carry my gold as well?"

2015-08-19, 04:02 PM
Opal looks momentarily touched that she would be trusted with another's valuables.

Kor, I'd be happy to. And anything else that you don't need all the time. The more mobile you are, the better for all of us.

2015-08-19, 06:08 PM
"Oh wow! These are way nicer than that chemistry set I used to have.." Astra says, looking at the collections of tiny vials, flasks, beakers, small burners, and other things that made up the alchemist's supplies.

Maybe we could start a conversation about this? Because OOC while I thought they would be useful, it occurred to me that a brand new shiny set complete with everything would not be something on Astra's mind or even considered a 'need' for the group.

Sorry. I guess this is a last minute chance to reconsider what we buy! :smalleek:


Astra smiles and says to Opal, "I certainly wouldn't mind if you held my bag for me. It is rather full and feels like it's been weighing me down..."

Then commenting on the route they would take, she says, "Why don't we head through the Gulthmere Forest? It seems to be a more direct route to Westgate, plus I think that would be preferable for us as opposed to an open Human road, wouldn't it?"

2015-08-19, 06:34 PM
Opal smiles and takes the goods from Astra.

2015-08-19, 06:49 PM
Sakura looks at the map, then looks at Astra. Then back at the map. Then back to Astra. Confused she says, "No? That would be a much longer trip if this map is accurate. And travel through a forest is a lot slower than on the roads or on plains. Were you thinking of...." Sakura pauses while she looks back to the map for the name. "Starmantle? Because Westgate is over here to the west. Of the forest I mean. And so are the places we're going to in Cormanthor. Not that I wouldn't love to see what kind of plants and animals might live in Gulthmere and for that matter all the recipes all the humans and dwarves and elves and halflings and dragonborn and other folk would have to teach me, but aren't we supposed to try to get there quickly? I mean, if it's not a big deal great. But it kind of sounded like it was?"

((I'll abstain from whether we should buy more stuff at this point since if you think we need it that's fine, but I also do want us to be able to buy that pearl at some point.))

2015-08-19, 07:41 PM
Astra flies closer to Sakura, looking at her map and her own duplicate back and forth. "... Oooooh!" she says in comprehension. "You're right, I... was looking at this thing and got mixed up and thought the cities were somewhere else. Stupid cities..." she grumbles.

2015-08-19, 08:34 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
AC: 16, Save DC on all effects requiring one: 13, Passive Perception: 11

Orianna gives Opal a concerned look. "If you are all right with it, I understand crossing the water is a bit more difficult for you than the rest of us. But it will reduce our travel time greatly if we can afford it.

"I'll be sure to carry more supplies in exchange for you carrying more money. It's simply best if I'm not the one holding our money when we get to a populated area. I tend to...find uses for it."

She doesn't elaborate any further on this. As the others discuss potential travel locations, Orianna makes sure to point to things as they are named, partially to help others and partially to help herself figure out where things were. Usually I just travel on a whim. A true quest is a bit of a different matter. Oh, I hope I don't mess things up...

2015-08-19, 08:45 PM
Gee, thanks for you concern Ora. No, I'll be fine on a boat, as long as we don't have to swim for it.

2015-08-19, 10:55 PM
"What kinds of uses?" Sakura asked curiously, not used to purchasing much of anything.

2015-08-19, 11:04 PM
"Oh, I know!" Astra says beaming. "Presents! Birthday parties! Cookies! ... uhm, am I on the right track?"

HP: 7/7
AC: 12
PP: 12

STR: -3
DEX: +2
CON: +0
INT: +3
WIS: +4
CHA: +2

2015-08-19, 11:52 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
AC: 16, Save DC on all effects requiring one: 13, Passive Perception: 11

"Oh, you know. I have some fun." Orianna winks at Sakura.

Orianna laughs joyously as Astra lists a variety of uses for money, enjoying her excitement. "You aren't too far off. I do enjoy celebrating life whenever I can. Who doesn't love the gift of a life well spent?" She raises an imaginary glass.

2015-08-19, 11:57 PM
"Oh...." says Sakura, getting it now. Which might be surprising for any of the others if they also get it and don't realize her race doesn't get any older looking than this.

2015-08-20, 12:23 AM
"Well don't you worry, Miss Chevalière, we'll make sure you don't blow it all in one place! At least without inviting us first. But yeah, that money was from the queen and for the mission... oh.. oh my, we need to go soon, but there's something I have to do first!"

The pixie settles down near one of the merchants with a dry, open spot on their table and begins pulling out parchments, ink, and a pen, and then she begins to scribble upon the tiny sheets which bigger folk would need a magnifying glass to even have a hope of reading. It was a letter to her family. It went something like this:

Dear Mom and Dad and Little Thistle and Aunt Buttercup (and everyone else too!),
I am going on a much longer journey than I expected! I don't know when I'll be back. I know I said I'd only be gone a few days, but I didn't know what Queen Lydia wanted of me. I am to accompany three other brave champions and a royal chef on a daring mission to Cormanthor! Somewhere around there, I forget. The Queen has two other friends, King Soren and Queen Reena, who need help with something.

It will be a long journey, much longer than anything I'd ever imagined doing in my life, and I am quite scared. But I can't turn the Queen down and fail to help these heroes! We will be traveling through lands controlled by Humans. Who knows what will happen? If what happened to our village is any indication of their temperament, they will need all the help they can get!

I wish I could go back and visit you all one last time, but it is too urgent, and I must go now. Please tell Little Thistle to not cry. I promise I'll be back for his birthday! Only 8 months from now! Until then, I'll miss you all.


She hurriedly folded the paper up and begged people to deliver it back to her home, anyone who had free time, even offering a gold piece or two if they would agree to do it.

2015-08-20, 12:37 AM
A young faerie lad with curly red hair takes your gold piece and says: "I'll do it, miss pixie! Where is it going?"

2015-08-20, 12:49 AM
Astra has to stop and think for a minute. "Um... South. South-southeast. My home is in a grove of trees, a clearing, not too far from a brook to the east. I'd love to say you couldn't miss it, but you very well can. We have a village called.. um.."

She couldn't really remember much of anyone referring to the place by a name. And even so, it was relatively new since most of her village had been forcibly moved. But someone somewhere else, like here, called it something, didn't they..? "You know what, the Queen and her emissaries got a letter to me somehow. I'm sure one of them will know."

2015-08-20, 09:51 AM
Opal Oraith, AC 18, Passive Perception 13

Opal takes time to stow everyone's things in her pack in such a way that she can remember what belongs to whom.

You're right, the Shining Plains sound nice. At any rate, shall we start heading north through the forest now?

2015-08-20, 04:14 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on: -

Kor had found a little herbalism kit from the marketplace. He frowned a bit and said "You know, it's sorta weird, spending money. Usually I just put every copper piece into my hoard. But I guess I understand the idea".

"Oh yeah, we should totally hit the road. I think there's a few hours of sunlight left" Kor said to Opal, zipping around excitedly.

2015-08-20, 07:21 PM
HP: 7/7
AC: 12
PP: 12

STR: -3
DEX: +2
CON: +0
INT: +3
WIS: +4
CHA: +2

Astra sends the wee fairy off, hoping he'll find her home. "Oh! And make sure you keep the letter dry!" she yells at him.

Turning to the others, she says, "Yeah, I guess we'd better go! I kind of wish we could leave while it's sunny and in the morning, but we shouldn't waste time!"

She has to go and bug Opal to get in her bag so she can find her own bag and change into the traveling outfit. The weather was only getting colder and worse...

After she pops out of the bag, she says, "Hmm, you ever feel like you forgot something but you can't figure out what it is?"

2015-08-21, 01:43 AM
Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18, AC: 18 (I have a shield now!), Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 11

Orianna reaches to collect something from her bag, and then realizes that she isn't actually wearing such an object; simply the sack containing all the objects she bought at market. An oversight of the morning. "Shall we get a move on, then? I simply have to collect my things and then we can be off. I can meet you all back where Kit had brought us the moose" Orianna makes some sort of gesture towards her living quarters. This moment might be the first anyone notices that she doesn't have a scabbard; one might expect such a chevalière as herself to carry a sword, but it's clearly absent.


It doesn't take her long to collect her things, and she meets the remainder of the group at the moose. Her armor, though it was previously visible, is now covered in a variety of heavy traveling clothes. The metal is barely visible beneath the mass of fabric. She prepares to ride bare-back, tying her bags over the moose so as to be easier for it to carry. One could notice a shield, very similar in colors to her armor bearing no special seal, over one of the bags. One might also notice a spiked ball dangling from a chain on the opposite side.

Upon seeing Opal, she waves her over. "I think one of us should take the lead, with the other at the back of the group. The two of us seem most able to protect the group if anything should happen. What do you think?"

(In-character playing off the fact that I never described Orianna wearing any of her equipment! Just assuming she's had her armor and such on this whole time and forgot all her gear/weapons in her room.)

2015-08-21, 01:56 AM
Astra flies up to Opal and Orianna, wearing some thicker, darker clothes that covered much more of herself as well. Seems it came with a hood, but her hair was much too long for it to conveniently work as it should anyway, so she fiddled with it trying to get out of her hair.

"That seems like a good idea! With you guys around us front and back, you should be able to protect us in case we run into trouble!" She beams and looks over to Opal.

2015-08-21, 01:59 AM
Sakura was at the meeting location before everyone else (except maybe Kor?) since she already had everything with her the whole time. Not that anyone else can tell that. Except maybe Rose who she's been riding since they met. In regards to the question about riding order, she shrugs and feeds Rose a rice cracker.

2015-08-21, 02:51 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor commented about the riding order: That's a good idea! Dibs on being the second!

"Good thing I'm a dragon, don't have to worry about clothing and stuff like that", Kor thought, looking especially at Orianna's heavy gear.

2015-08-21, 09:26 AM
The party leaves the market atop their agile steeds, swaddled in your new moss-green overcoats. Outside the faeries' mushroom grove, the woods are dense and tangled but you make good progress as Cloud and Ori pick a path through the undergrowth. You see several faeries as you go, including a patrol of soldiers bearing Queen Lydia's colours, and the forest creatures are calm and friendly. At one point, a brown rat actually approaches you, offering a juicy strawberry to Korialstrasz.

As night falls, you set up camp in high spirits, excited to be pitching tents together for the first time. After a few hours of talking, drinking, and possibly singing, you settle down for the night. It passes quietly, with nothing unusual to catch your attention.

The 2nd is a grey and damp day; an invisible mist clings to your faces as you walk. You are wet and cold, but even so it is much nicer than yesterday's downpour. You press on Northwards, encountering fewer and fewer faeries as you go.

2015-08-21, 09:28 AM
Today is the 2nd of Tarsakh, 1492. It is now 1pm.

Random Encounter!

You were following a sort of path, but now it seems to have ended. The forest in front of you is completely closed: packed with dense and forbidding brambles. Huge, dark trees rise out of the thicket, their ancient branches blocking out the sky.

Now that you think of it, the woods had been pressing in on you for a while, getting gradually tighter and thicker. You might have to backtrack for hours before you get back into a more open area of woodland...

What would you like to do?

2015-08-21, 10:26 AM
Opal frowns and looks around.

Well this is a pickle. We can't go forward but if we try to go around, that might be equally difficult. Especially if someone is controlling it. Kor, in your opinion, does this look like natural, dense growth or something magically created? Also, if you don't mind and if the branches aren't too thick, would you and Astra mind going up for an aerial view? Before we pick a path, it would be helpful to know how far the thick vegetation extends and in what direction.

If there is an intelligence behind this, maybe one of you who are better at saying things nicely can trying talking to them?

2015-08-21, 10:39 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Shilmista was a very pleasant place and the first days of the trip had been nice. However, now it seemed the forest itself stood on their way.

"I'm not really sure", Kor said to Opal. "I bet there's plenty of magic here that's changed the forest. Also some druids can be awfully mean. I'll fly up and take a look around.".

Does the growth look normal to a druid? Can Kor see anything from the sky?

2015-08-21, 10:44 AM
Kor, please make an Intelligence (Nature) check.

You fly upwards through the canopy, but from above, the thicket seems to spread out for miles around. It kind of looks like a second forest floor, the only difference being that it is much thornier. You can't even see the others; it looks like the party is right in the middle of the dense growth, about 30 feet from the base of one of the largest trees in the forest.

2015-08-21, 10:49 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor ponders...

I use Guidance cantrip on myself

2015-08-21, 10:58 AM
You take a close look at the plant life, then crush some leaves up and taste them. You are certain that these plants are natural in origin, and that they have been here for a long time. There is some magic running through them, but no more than the natural magic that fills the entire forest.

2015-08-21, 11:12 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor landed. "Yeah, forest's really thick for miles around. I couldn't see any paths from up there". Then he looked at the trees, crushed some leaves and tasted them. "I'm sure these trees haven't been magically manipulated to grow here, doesn't taste magicky enough. There's a really tall tree that way, if you wanna climb and take a peek yourselves" Kor said, pointing to a tall tree.

2015-08-21, 11:20 AM
Opal listens and nods.
That's impressive that you can learn that much!

Opal looks around and ponders.
If we're this close to something that impressive, maybe we should try to squeeze through and get a closer look. But I don't want to endanger us if we see warning signs. What does everyone else think?

2015-08-21, 11:34 AM
Oh, sorry Kor, I forgot to mention something...
Due to your high passive perception, you also noticed that some of the branches of the trees above the thicket were marked with Druidic symbols, but you couldn't really make sense of them - they were just random words in random places with no rhyme or reason.

A sample of the first few markings you see:


2015-08-21, 01:11 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura looks around to see if she can find anything unusual or at least any useful herbs, fruits, vegetables, or particularly nice looking bugs for cooking.

Nature: [roll0]
Perception: [roll1]

2015-08-21, 02:00 PM
The forest teems with life and you have no trouble finding edibles. Several of the ground-level plants are bearing fruit - though you don't recognise most of it - and you also spot a big juicy caterpillar that might be good if you fried it and dipped it in honey...

Oh, and look! There's a whole family of mice running through a tiny hole in the brambles! And more coming the other way! Mice are really tasty at this time of year!

2015-08-21, 02:11 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura gathers up all of the stuff she finds, except the mice running through their hole, which she instead points out to the others and asks, "Can any of you speak to animals? Maybe these little guys know something."

2015-08-21, 03:45 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18 AC: 18, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 11

As the party stops, Orianna considers the tree for a moment, but says nothing. With the others discussing other options, she decides her best bet is to ask for divine assistance. "Hefeydd, grant me clarity."

Activate Divine Sense, bringing remaining uses for today down to 3. Full description of the effect is on page 84 of the PHB, but short version is on my character sheet.

(I have altered spells prepared for the day to suggest Orianna's initial impressions of the party.

I just remembered that since we don't all speak common, our default speech is probably Sylvan. Not yet relevant, but I'll have to remember.)

2015-08-21, 03:47 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor noticed something on a branch. He flew to it and looked closer.

"Guys, someone's been here. There are druidic symbols carved on this branch, I can't make heads or tails out of them though, like someone was just scribbling randomly. Wonder who did it" Kor said and ran his claw over the runes. He shrugged and jumped down from the tree.

"Yeah, I can do some translating" Kor said, walking over to where Sakura is.

Kor casts Speak with animals, if any animals are still nearby(maybe the mice?). He asks about a possible route, if there's someone nearby or if there has been something the animals find odd. He also translates if anyone else wants to ask anything and shares what he finds out with the rest of the group.

Persuasion, in case it's needed:[roll0]

2015-08-21, 03:55 PM
There are no celestials, fiends or undead within 60 feet of you. It's ok. You can breathe now.
Yeah, you can speak to the mice. They seem friendly. You learn that they are using a tiny path through the thicket to get to an "ancient man" who looks after them. If you would like a small favour, it looks like they would be willing to help.

2015-08-21, 04:20 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"The mice say they are going to an 'ancient man',who helps them. He sounds nice, maybe he could help us find a path through the forest?" Kor said to the rest of the party.

Kor asks mice to show them a way to the ancient man.

2015-08-21, 04:27 PM
The mice wait at an opening in the thicket, squeaking and pointing with their noses. It is clear to you that only a tiny creature could get through this path unhurt.

2015-08-21, 04:37 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Oh, I guess the way's too small for big people. Well, I'mma follow these guys".

Kor follows the mice (if he's too large, he transforms into a mouse).

2015-08-21, 04:50 PM
You don't need to transform, you're ok as you are (though you do have to walk).

You follow a winding path through the brambles, guided by the mice. You're not sure you could have found it without their help. After about a minute, you emerge into a small clearing - or what passes for a 'clearing' this deep into the forest. Massive ferns form a sort of grotto where soft mosses and bright flowers cover every surface. In the middle of the grotto, you see a very old human with a long grey beard and no clothing, surrounded by mice and other small creatures. He appears to be asleep.

Kor, please make a Dexterity (Stealth) check. You have advantage.

2015-08-21, 05:01 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor followed the mice through the thick growth and found an old man sleeping naked."Hmm. Odd, humans usually have clothes. Maybe he's a druid", Kor thought. He looked over his shoulder to see if Astra had decided to follow, as she was the only one besides himself who could have followed the mice.


2015-08-21, 05:34 PM
Astra ponders at the thick growth of impossibly dense and thorny vegetation. At Opal's suggestion to fly up with Kor, she says, "Sure thing!"

After some effort weaving through all the thick branches, she reaches the top and views the open sky, flying higher still. She notices how the forest does look darker and thicker for miles around, and she tries to see if she can spot any irregularities or points of interest anywhere.

Basically, just looking for things that "stick out" among the dark forest. Hope that isn't too vague.

I don't think I'll get any information that will change what is currently happening now, so moving on...

Descending back down with Kor, she hadn't noticed anything very insightful. Eventually they begin speaking to mice, however, and Astra winds up following them through the bramble. It's rather tough with her wings trying to squeeze through and hair frequently getting tangled on thorns.

On the way she asks, "Um.. so can you ask them something? So this man helps them. Is he nice to all living creatures? Is he really a man or something else?"

Then they get to the clearing. Yes, quite a strange man indeed. She thought the same thing as well, that humans usually wore clothes. Heck, even many fey did. She hoped in her heart the man would have good intentions and be kind, and didn't want to disturb his sleep. But she didn't really know what else to do. For now, she crept closer as well...

stealth: [roll1]
advantage: [roll2]

2015-08-21, 05:43 PM
Well, that perception roll isn't going to get you very far, but since you specified that you flew all the way above the canopy, I'll at least describe the view.
It basically looks like this in all directions:
It's cold and wet and you can't see anything other than leaves and clouds.
Kor and Astra make it into the grotto without disturbing the sleeping man. On closer inspection, you can see that he is breathing slowly (and quite noisily), so he's definitely not dead. The small woodland creatures are gathered around him, as if they are waiting for something.

The man is sitting with his back against the trunk of the massive tree Kor mentioned earlier - so the others are about thirty feet behind you as the crow flies. You both notice that the tree's bark is slightly worn and eroded in places - it looks like someone has been climbing up and down it every day for years.

What would you like to do?

2015-08-21, 05:52 PM
Astra stares for a bit, not sure what to do. Noticing the marks on the trunk, it makes her look up to see where the marks may lead and what is up there. She also looks around to see if it appears the sleeping man has any other possessions to speak of.

perception up tree: [roll0]
perception for items: [roll1]

She gives Kor a somewhat confused look, as if wondering what to do for a moment, but then she beckons the faerie dragon closer and whispers, "Can you still talk to them? What are they waiting for?"

Of course she could guess the answer would be for the man to wake up. But what would he do after that?

2015-08-21, 06:02 PM
You don't need any rolls for those things. Up the trunk of the tree you see that there is a gap in the bramble-canopy big enough for a human to fit through. In the grotto you see no possessions whatsoever.

Kor still has about 8 minutes of Speak with Animals left.

If you ask the animals as Astra suggests, you will learn that they are waiting for him to finish his nap, because he always gives out treats when he wakes up.

2015-08-21, 06:11 PM
I think for him to ask that is a reasonable assumption. I'll leave further actions up to Kor, but I'll suggest one thing...

Astra whispers again, "Well I think if they can wait, so can we. Shall I go back to the others and tell them what we've seen so far, or do you want to?"

Then again, Astra didn't exactly like traveling through all that bramble. And she'd want to return. She wondered if Kor felt the same way. Or maybe she could try flying up through that hole, past the canopy again, and back to the others that way? Hmm...

2015-08-22, 03:35 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Oh, he gives them treats when he wakes up" Kor whispered to Astra and looked back to where they came from. He shook his head. "Nah, I don't wanna go back. You can if you want to, but I'll wait for the old man to wake up".

2015-08-22, 07:04 AM
HP: 7/7
AC: 12
PP: 12

STR: -3
DEX: +2
CON: +0
INT: +3
WIS: +4
CHA: +2

Astra nods, seeing if she can find her own way back. She flies up through the hole where it appears it has been climbed every day. Assuming she can actually make her way to the canopy tops again, she goes back in the general direction the party was at to the same familiar sight and area she was at moments ago before descending the same way.

stealth: [roll0]

"Hey guys!" she says randomly coming from the tree tops. "So, there is this naked old man there. There's many animals waiting next to him for treats too, but he is napping right now. I guess he's a druid, but I dunno... why don't we just settle down and rest a bit in the mean time? I think it would be awfully rude to wake him."

2015-08-22, 07:21 AM
Astra: You fly up through the gap and along the top of the canopy of brambles and sneak up on your friends below. They don't spot you until you start talking.

Opal, Orianna & Sakura: As you all wait patiently for news from Kor and Astra, a sudden voice appears above you! It is Astra, who has somehow returned to you from above the bramble canopy.

Kor: The old man is still asleep.

2015-08-22, 08:35 AM
Opal Orlaith
AC 18, HP 22, Passive Perception 13

Oh! There you are Astra. Well, I suppose it is about time for lunch anyway. And how often do you get to meet an ancient druid? Apparently never you are as big as a human. Sakura, would you mind fixing something to eat while we wait?

Not having seen this old man, Opal hopes he's naked in a back to nature way, and not naked in a creepy old man way. Many a nymph has had to put down a leering, grabbing, possessive human. Then the locals get upset and the whole thing escalates to a big mess.

2015-08-22, 10:25 AM
"Oh, lunch does sound good! Maybe I can bring something back to Kor too!"

2015-08-22, 01:49 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Sure thing! Hope somebody likes caterpillar." Sakura replies and finds/makes a good spot to make a small fire. She goes off a bit to gather some twigs for the fire or something and comes back pretty quickly. She then places a cutting board in mid-air somehow and begins making small balls of dough. She then lights the fire and hangs a frying pan above it. She tosses in the caterpillar and the dough balls and fries them, occasionally reaching over to the pan handle and giving it a shake so the contents flip or roll over. While the frying goes on she takes out the fruit she just gathered earlier and quickly cuts it up into bite size pieces (relative for each member of the party). Not knowing anything about these fruit she simply leaves them raw, though she does save plenty of them for later. As the stuff frying is nearly done, she takes out a jar of honey and slathers some on the caterpillar and the dough balls. She then pulls the pan off the fire, but it remains in the air when she lets go. Then she cuts up a few walnuts and tosses them onto the dough balls. Then she puts everything except the caterpillar on some plates (which don't hang in the air, they're just on the ground) and says, "Ok, so who wants some caterpillar?" and puts out the fire as she awaits answers.

Edit: She cuts up some caterpillar for anyone who wants some and adds it to their plate.

((Cooking: [roll0]))

Stealth: [roll1]
While she gathers twigs she casts Unseen Servant.
I just think the roleplaying will be more amusing here this way.

The Unseen Servant is holding the cutting board and the frying pan.

2015-08-22, 02:06 PM
A virtuoso performance! Opal, Orianna and Astra witness a show of culinary skill that is exceptional, even by Sakura's standards. Sakura has a really good feeling about the food, like she knows it is going to taste perfect.

2015-08-22, 02:07 PM
Astra watches with glee as Sakura does her juggling and cooking. A spell was used, it seems, to help hold things in the air, but overall it just made things look much more interesting anyway. She puts her little hands together over and over again clapping at the performance.

"Wow! That was really good!"

The pixie was so enthralled by the performance, she forgot it had caterpillars in it. "Uh.. I think I'll pass on the caterpillars..." She reaches for the chopped fruit and dough balls with walnuts and begins munching on them instead.

2015-08-22, 02:11 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18 AC: 18, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 11

Unable to assist much with moving through the thicket, Orianna nods as her party members move through the brush. When Astra comes back to report their findings, Orianna responds nonchalantly. She speaks softly, trying to keep her voice low in case she might awaken him. "He must not be too evil; I didn't sense any of that taint in this area. Perhaps he was just tired." Despite her calm, she still holds her flail a the ready.

As Sakura begins cooking, Orianna loosens a bit, the glorious smell of her food lightening the mood a bit. Eventually she leans in to watch as Sakura's skill shows itself. Upon being offered food, Orianna is quick to say "Please."

2015-08-22, 02:38 PM
A little while after Astra flies off, you notice the smell of cooking coming from where your friends were. It smells delicious! It seems the old man is smelling it too, because he's starting to stir. You reckon you have a few seconds before he wakes up if there's anything you want to do...

2015-08-22, 03:11 PM
Astra licks her fingers and lips. The meal was very delicious, and there was plenty to go around. Heck, a single walnut could probably make a whole meal for her, if it was a big one.

"Oh yeah! So Kor is still waiting over there. How about I bring him a plate or something? Do you have anything I can carry back to him?"

2015-08-22, 03:50 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor waits until the old man fully wakes up and takes a few steps towards him.

"Hi! I'm Korialstrasz, nice to meet ya. It smells like my friends are cooking over there, do you wanna to go and see if there's any left?" Kor asks the old man, pointing to where his friends are.

If it looks like the old man doesn't understand Sylvan, Kor repeats the same message in Druidic
"<Are you a druid? Did you carve those messages into the branches?>" he asks in Druidic.

2015-08-22, 04:02 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Well can you carry a bowl? Because perhaps the guy in there might like some too and we are about to ask him for a favor." Sakura replies and puts food in a bowl she thinks Astra might be able to lift.

2015-08-22, 04:04 PM
Opal sits back and watches in wonder at Sakura cooking. Opal has a tiny bit of magic but nothing that can make pans float or caterpillars taste like sweet pine nuts. Afterwards, she sits back and pats her stomach - good thign she isn't the kind to worry about her weight. No wonder Sakura is a royal chef. Opal wonders how she'll return to her own cooking after all this is over.

After eating, Opal stands and stretches. Good thing nothing ambushed them during the meal as she was transfixed.

2015-08-22, 04:05 PM
When the old man opens his eyes, he takes a few moments to come to his senses. He sees you, and doesn't seem particularly moved either way at first. When you address him in Sylvan, you get the impression that he understands you, indeed, he replies fluently:

"Hello Korialstrasz. I am... Ceol. Yes... I smell it: it's making my old mouth water already." He leans forward and picks a few berries that are growing nearby. Then he strokes the plants with his fingertips and flowers bloom in the places where there was fruit before. He does all this very delicately and slowly, not paying much attention to you.

"Who are your friends? If they are creatures of the forest, they are welcome in my grove." He starts distributing the fruits out to the woodland creatures who had been waiting. Then, gesturing towards the big tree, "the entrance is up there."

"And yes, I am a druid... Or maybe I was. But I did carve the markings. They help me to... find the safe paths over the brambles."

2015-08-22, 04:16 PM
"Uh... a bowl?" Astra asks with some worry. "That depends how big it is..."

Her low strength was one thing, but even if she could lift a human-sized bowl loaded with food, the matter of grip and handling was an entirely different beast to tackle.

2015-08-22, 04:21 PM
Astra might struggle with a whole bowl, but even a small morsel of Sakura's cooking would be a satisfying meal for a human. If you want to take some through, you can.

2015-08-22, 04:58 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Oh yeah, they're cool, all faeries" Kor said to Ceol. "I'll go and fetch them, we can bring the food here. You're gonna love Sakura's cooking".

Kor walked to the tree Ceol pointed to, and tried to find a way back to his friends, intending to bring them (and the food) back to the grove.

2015-08-22, 05:03 PM
"Wait, Korialstrasz! Did you say faeries? You're not with that awful warrior-queen, are you?"

2015-08-22, 05:08 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Warrior queen? Oh, I don't think Lady Lydia is like that..."

2015-08-22, 05:22 PM
Kor leaves the conversation there for now.

As the faerie dragon flies up out of the grotto and Astra flies up above the brambles, you see each other. Do you want to say or do anything?

2015-08-22, 05:46 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Oh, hey Astra. I see you've got some food with you, the old man's gonna be happy. His name is Ceol by the way. I think I found a way the others can use, I'll see if I can bring them to the grove. Ceol also said something about a terrible warrior queen, can't be Queen Lydia, right?" Kor said to Astra and kept flying to the rest of the party.

2015-08-22, 06:02 PM
"Oh... hey!" Astra says, struggling with the food. "This was... gah.. it was going to be for you and some for him when he woke up. I guess he already did though."

She pauses at something about a terrible warrior queen. "Uh.. I don't think so? Hmm, Queen Lydia was wearing an outfit that looked pretty militant.. naaah, couldn't be her! Well... there's... plenty of ... omigodhelpmeholdthisasecond."

Astra had been slowly making her way to Kor and was almost about to drop all the food. Once she got it stabillized again she said, "Ok, I'm going back there before I drop it! See ya!"

Then she flies down the entrance to meet the old man. "Hi! Ceol, right?"

2015-08-22, 06:19 PM
The old man looks up slowly and smiles. "Yes... that's right. Hello there, miss pixie... I assume you're a friend of Korialstrasz? I see you've made some food." He chuckles a little. "Usually it's me giving out the treats... this is a welcome change! How can I help you?"

2015-08-22, 06:31 PM
Astra offers up the food. "Yes, that's right, I'm his friend! It's nice to meet you! My name is Astra, by the way. And no, I didn't make the food, Sakura did!"

"Hmm... help us? Oh, that's right! Seems my friends and I have wandered into this forest that's way thicker and thornier than normal. We needed to keep traveling north, but the whole place is pretty much impassible for my larger friends. Um.. so then we heard you were here... is there any way you can help us get through? Come to think of it, what are you doing here all by yourself anyway?"

2015-08-22, 06:43 PM
"Hmm, yes I could help you get through... Or over, at least. It's good that your friend speaks Druidic... I would not be able to help otherwise." He eats some of the food, sharing it with a pair of squirrels. "Ah, this is... I have never tasted anything like it! Who is Sakura? I must meet her."

He spends a long time now fussing over the squirrels, straightening out their coats and brushing crumbs from their whiskers.

"I came here to get away... away from people, from civilisation. I just couldn't take it anymore - it just wasn't right!" He coughs and slumps back onto the tree. "I was... a druid, for a while... but they didn't understand... they thought that civilised people could live in harmony with nature! Ridiculous!"

2015-08-22, 07:04 PM
"Hmm..." Astra ponders. "I suppose it depends on your definition of civilized... I think if you can strike out a balance, give back what you take, that's as close to living in harmony as anyone should be. One needn't give up all comforts to have an appreciation of life and respect for all living things..."

"Sakura is over that way," Astra says pointing in the general direction of the group beyond the thick briars. "The others are there, too."

She thinks a bit more before letting her curiosity get the best of her. "Kor said you said something about a warrior queen? What was that about?"

2015-08-23, 02:39 AM
Astra, please make a Charisma (Persuasion) check.

Meanwhile, outside the grotto...

Opal, Orianna & Sakura: Kor explains to you that the way for big folk to get into the grotto is via a gap in the bramble-canopy where the big tree pierces it. What do you want to do?

2015-08-23, 11:53 AM
That would be neat. Do you think we could climb a rope to a higher branch to follow to the trunk o the big tree? If so, Kor, would you be able to fly up with this grappling hook, loop it around a branch and hook it on it's own rope?

2015-08-23, 12:25 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Sure, follow me!" Kor says to Opal and the others and flies to the big tree.

"That hook looks pretty heavy, give me the other end and I'll just tie it to a branch" Kor says to Opal once they've both arrived.

Kor ties the rope to the tree. He also casts Guidance on everyone trying to make it across

2015-08-23, 12:30 PM
Opal forgot that that four pounds is heavy to some.

Since it was her idea, Opal goes first, climbing the rope, then trying to swing over to the trunk.


2015-08-23, 12:49 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura doesn't climb very fast, but makes it up with Kor's magical assistance. When she gets to the she smiles at Kor and says,
"Thanks! That's a handy spell."* and then attempts to jump from branch to branch.

((Acrobatics: [roll0]

*Seriously, it's an amazing cantrip, if it's ever on your list you should always get it.))

2015-08-23, 02:56 PM
"Don't talk to me about the Queen," he grumbles with clear distaste. "Damned faeries, with their towns and markets and... palaces. It's not natural. You've never been out of the forest, have you? You couldn't know... there is no harmony... no balance to be found with civilised people."

You hear your friends climbing down the tree into the grotto.
Outside the grotto, Opal, Orianna and Sakura follow Kor up into the trees. Opal swings across to the big tree and stands ready to catch little Sakura... who proceeds to run across on a tiny branch, ginning from ear to ear*. Orianna waits for a moment, watching to make sure the others make it across alright.

Kor, Opal and Sakura descend into the grotto and see Astra talking to the bearded old man. Opal's fears about leery old humans appear to be unfounded in this case; the man seems to have discarded manufactured possessions of all kinds in order to be closer to nature.


2015-08-23, 03:20 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18 AC: 18, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 11

Orianna attempts to follow the rest of the party via the rope and grappling hook, trying to remain somewhat vigilant. She seems pretty calm and casual about the whole situation, though.

(Are we threatened? If not I could take 10 and get a 16 on this athletics check. Also what kind of check are we supposed to be making?)

2015-08-23, 03:23 PM
Astra frowns, nervously biting her lip. She loved nature but also loved her home, her people, and well, everything else... As the others make noise above, she says, "Oh, that must be them."

2015-08-23, 03:27 PM
(Are we threatened? If not I could take 10 and get a 16 on this athletics check. Also what kind of check are we supposed to be making?)

Swinging on a rope over a bed of thorns is too dangerous to take 10 on - if you fall, you'll be in a pickle! You're welcome to come up with alternatives, but the obvious option of swinging across on the rope is Strength (Acrobatics), because you've got to stick the landing for it to work. You're welcome to try something else if you can think of a better way.

2015-08-23, 03:33 PM
(Wanted to confirm what we were trying to roll, since I think I missed it somewhere in the thread.)

Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18 AC: 18, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 11

[roll0] except -1 because I miscounted my bonuses = 19
Edit: I misread the guidance spell, so my result should be 19 (only +3 str bonus, not +4). But that should still be plenty, right? Right?

Once the others are safely across, Orianna grabs the rope and pulls herself up a bit, then swings across the thorns. Landing safely herself, she takes a moment to collect herself and looks down over the gap. "Seems these woods are a bit more dangerous. Shall we get the rope back?"

2015-08-23, 03:49 PM
So, now you're all in the grotto (either of the fliers can go reclaim the rope at their leisure). Old Ceol looks at you and smiles. "Which one is Sakura?" he asks, and to Orianna, says: "are you... a half-nymph? You have a fey look about you, but... with my old eyes..."

2015-08-23, 04:21 PM
Opal gets to the ground and observes, letting others do the talking.

2015-08-23, 04:44 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"That would be me." Sakura replies. "How do you do?" she greets him politely as she believes is human custom.

2015-08-23, 04:51 PM
"I am well, thank you. You are an incredible chef, child... I only wish there was some way I could... repay you."

2015-08-23, 04:59 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18 AC: 18, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 11

...to Orianna, says: "are you... a half-nymph? You have a fey look about you, but... with my old eyes..."

She nods. "You have a good eye, friend. Comes from my mother's side." She says nothing else, but her stop seems to make it seem as if the topic ends there.

2015-08-23, 05:16 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Thank you. Though I'm not a child, but that's ok. I'm just happy you enjoyed my cooking. But I'm sure my friends would appreciate it if you could help us on our way out of the forest." Sakura said smiling wholeheartedly.

2015-08-23, 05:35 PM
Ceol waits for a few seconds after Orianna stops talking. Perhaps he is waiting for her to continue, or just taking his time to collect his thoughts. "I see. What is it like, to be born with fey blood in your veins?" He continues, lost in thought. "I have... struggled all my life to become... close to the wild magic of the earth... but I am afraid I will... never match you in that respect." He looks sad.

Once Sakura has identified herself, he snaps back to the present. "It's funny, isn't it? You all belong to the wild, yet here it has defeated you. Just goes to show... no person is greater than the living earth." He hands back the makeshift crockery on which his food was served. "You have been kind to me, and respectful of my home, so I will help you. Do you have some paper and a pen?"

2015-08-23, 06:32 PM
Ora, didn't you just buy some paper?

2015-08-23, 06:35 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18 AC: 18, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 11

"You are certainly closer to the earth than I have ever felt."

When he asks about a pen and paper, Orianna says "I should have some" and removes her bag, setting it on the ground and looking through it to find her inkpen and ink.

2015-08-23, 06:48 PM
Astra chuckles a little. "Oh, don't be silly, Ceol! There is no contest we have with the wilds. I mean.. hrm.. I suppose we could just have turned back and taken a long way around, but our task does seem to be time-sensitive..."

When the old man asks about paper, Astra also responds. "Oh! I have paper too! No wait, Opal does now!" Darting inside the pack, she rummages around for her own, muttering something and then the inside of the backpack glows. Fiddling around more, she retrieves her book, with the paper stuffed in it, and her own tiny ink and pen.

"Ok, what needs writing?"

two things: first, I assume comprehend languages would work for Astra if she were to fly up and touch a branch, so she can glean its literal meaning, correct? This should work perfectly, as there are only single words anyway.

Second, where did the deer we were with go? Did they get left behind?

2015-08-24, 01:22 AM
Ceol takes up the pen, looking uncomfortable at first. "It has been a... long time since I held a pen. Let's see here..." He starts writing, never pausing to think and only speaking when his work is finished.

"The secret to passing through this area is to follow the names. Wherever you see a name of one of my animal friends, it is safe to walk..." He chuckles. "It's a secret, you see. Only I know which ones are names and which ones are gibberish!"

Handing you back the paper and pen, he sits back and watches something fly through the gap you came in through.

You gain a list of animal names (and lose a sheet of blank paper)!

"Before you go, Kor... I must warn you. In the North, you will meet other druids: the Emerald Enclave, they call themselves. They are not to be trusted! Especially Vimook the Green, who lives near Lheshayl... he has a dangerous interest in... technology." He practically spits the last word.

2015-08-24, 02:30 AM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Well I guess this means we're leaving the deer behind. Kor, could you thank Rose for me?" Sakura says while also trying and probably failing to immediately understand this new map out and mentally noting to find those druids since they sound interesting and maybe they have some kind of technological drudic cooking device.

2015-08-24, 05:12 AM
Astra looks a bit disappointed, as there was nothing she actually had to write. "Oh.. so basically, when we climb back up there, we just need to step where the names are?"

Then she turns to Sakura. "Hmm. I don't even think we've been traveling a whole day yet. Do you think perhaps if Rose, Cloud, and the others were willing to backtrack, we'd save the time after a few more days?"

And then when Ceol mentions the Emerald Enclave and to watch out for them, she says, "Ah... yes. How dreadful. We'll, uh, watch out for them..."

deception: [roll0]

2015-08-24, 05:17 AM
Ceol says to Astra: "I'm glad to hear it. They've got cells all over... Vilhon and the Dragon Coast, so you'll have to be careful."

2015-08-24, 05:25 AM
"I'm not too familiar with druids and their secrets... Cells?" Astra asks. The first thing she thought of was something like prison cells or living cells. Maybe he was just talking about smaller groups of them, but she just wanted to make sure.

2015-08-24, 05:33 AM
"Yes, cells... small groups, sometimes just one druid. They move around... but there are some places where they often gather. You should steer clear of stone circles and anywhere with wind chimes."

2015-08-24, 05:47 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Y-yeah, thanks Ceol. I'll be careful. You've been a big help!" Kor says to Ceol, a bit wary. That druid group didn't sound that bad, but Kor didn't want to upset the old man.

To Sakura: "Yeah, I'll go say goodbyes. They've already helped us a lot".

To Astra: "I dunno, this forest seems pretty wild, we might run into another dead end. Besides, Rose, Nugget and others were only going to help us get to the edge of the forest".

Then Kor flies to the deers, thanking them and saying goodbye. After that he flies back to the grove.

"Now, let's take a look at that list..."

2015-08-24, 05:58 AM
Thank you Mr. Ceol for all your help. Is there anything we can do for you?

Opal looks at the list in Sylvan and notices a bit of an indecipherable word on a branch.

I believe this is going to require fluency in multiple languages. Kor would you mind leading us through?

Opal looks around to see if anyone has anything they want to say or do before we leave.

2015-08-24, 06:13 AM
Having secured a route forwards, you say goodbye to the forest creatures as well as your moose friends and Ceol the human. For the next half-hour or so, Korialstrasz leads you across the top of the huge bramble-thicket, skipping across tree stumps, mushroom caps and a scattering of thornless bushes. Small branches reach down from the trees above and scratch at your faces, and all of you catch a few splinters and spikes in your legs, but in the end you are unhurt.

You each gain 75XP for successfully crossing Ceol's thicket!

It looks like Sakura misses her steed; she spends the next couple of hours scouring the forest for movement. At some point in the mid afternoon, during a brief break in the rain, she squeals and runs off. A few moments later she returns, riding a huge snake! It looks like it will be big enough to carry all of you, and might even be able to find shortcuts through the undergrowth.

You travel for another 13 miles on the back of the snake, its green-brown scales turning out to be quite comfortable. By now, you reckon you've gone about 51 miles since you left the palace. Night will soon be falling and you reckon it is about time to rest...

2015-08-24, 06:18 AM
Today is the 2nd of Tarsakh, 1492. It is now 6pm.

Scripted Encounter!

As you make ready to camp, half a dozen faeries in chain shirts (except one, who wears mage robes) and blue and silver colours approach. The biggest, burliest faerie you have ever seen says:

"Halt, travellers. You are now leaving the territory of House Seaspray and must pay her majesty's toll of 10gp per head in human-gold."

What would you like to do?

2015-08-24, 07:13 AM
"A toll?" Astra questions, rather bewildered. She is surprised by this encounter with patrolmen (patrolfairies? :smalltongue:) of some kind. After a few seconds to compose herself, she flies a bit forward and responds. Her answer is not disrespectful, though it carries a weight of its own authority.

"We are currently on a mission in her majesty's service as it is. She did give us money for travel expenses, though she mentioned nothing of a toll..."

She squints at the insignias of blue and silver the other fey wear. Does it match up with what Queen Lydia and her knights wore too?

perception: [roll0]
persuasion is 1d20+4

HP: 7/7
AC: 12
PP: 12

STR: -3
DEX: +2
CON: +0
INT: +3
WIS: +4
CHA: +2

2015-08-24, 07:39 AM
You... actually can't remember what Lydia's guards looked like. It was the same colour scheme, wasn't it?
"Are you now?" He scratches his chin. "Look, I like you, so I'm going to make this easy. If you can show me some proof that you're travelling on the Queen's business, maybe we can waive the toll, see?"

2015-08-24, 09:43 AM
Opal whispers to Ora, who is more majestic so better to deal with guards (and close to the same height for whispering). Others might be close enough to hear as well, being on the same snake and all.
I remember that Seaspray is Lydia's family name but don't remember what their uniforms looked like. Isn't it normal to assess tolls at entry, not exit? Would it be enough to show them the seals on our letters as proof? I have no experience with bureaucracy.

2015-08-24, 11:47 AM
Opal becomes more certain (as if a die in her head came out high) and speaks up loud enough for the guards to hear.

Excuse me, we have letters from the queen.

2015-08-24, 11:56 AM
Kor yawned. He didn't really understand why they suddenly owed those new faeries money. It didn't seem like they were robbers though. It's not like they had bought anything recently, just walked through a forest.

Ora, Opal and Astra seemed to be handling the situation fine, so Kor decided not to butt in.

2015-08-24, 12:13 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura sees that the others are handling this and proceeds to make dinner. For some reason it's pancakes topped with little cubes of fruit. She makes enough for the patrol faeries too. (Which probably means one extra pancake?)

((I'm not going to bother to roll since Sakura isn't trying anything experimental or attempting to do anything impressive.))

2015-08-24, 12:22 PM
One of the other faeries flutters over to Opal and checks the letters.

"These are real, cap'n. Looks like they are working for her majesty."

"Ah, my apologies, ladies. There will be no need for you to pay the toll." He bows and signals to the other faeries to stand down - they land on the ground and relax for a few minutes, some of them sharing in Sakura's cooking. The captain then asks: "Is there anything we can help you with?"

2015-08-24, 07:54 PM
Um,a bit of advice would be helpful. It's probably best not to give out details but we're obviously headed north. Do you have any opinions on traveling through the Giant's Plain vs the Shining Plains?

<hey - I managed not to write plane.>

2015-08-24, 09:00 PM
Astra nibbles on a handful of pancake with interest. "Are there giants at Giant's Plain?"

To more directly answer the captain's inquiry, she adds after a moment, "Well, I dunno if we actually need help with anything. Maybe you could come north with us for a bit if you want? But I take it you patrol east to west..."

After nearly finishing the meal she randomly adds, "So, um.. this whole tolling thing is news to me. I wasn't aware we charged travelers... what is the purpose of that? And what happens if they can't afford 10 gold pieces? Sounds like a lot to me..."

just making some conversation. and trying to get some more insight into this whole practice

2015-08-25, 03:19 AM
"Well, I can't say as I know too much about those plains. Spent a little while out on the Shining Plain, but there were too many humans for my liking. As to giants," he furrows his brow, "I always assumed there were giants out there, but now that you ask, I'm not entirely sure."

The captain looks at Astra, appraising her for a few seconds. "I'm afraid we can't come with you; we have duties here. As I'm sure you can appreciate, her majesty requires funds to pay for her armies, which maintain peace in the forest. Since everyone who travels through here benefits from that peace, all must pay - or face arrest."

"Sir, you should try this pancake," says one of the faeries. "It's really good!"

2015-08-25, 07:09 AM
"Hmm," Astra ponders to herself with a small frown. Didn't really seem that peaceful if you were stopped just for traveling through the forest and threatened with arrest, did it? Guess she and her village were never really into the faerie politics and society.

"Yes, they're good pancakes," she says with a smile. "One should expect no less from the queen's chef. Though I guess technically she isn't anymore, now that she's traveling with us..."

2015-08-25, 07:19 AM
"The royal chef, eh? You guys must be really important. We'd best leave you to it."

The faeries take their leave, unhappy at being pulled away from their pancakes but ultimately respectful of the captain's authority.

You each gain 25XP for crossing the border without getting arrested!

Now you are alone. It is getting dark, but there's probably an hour or so until night properly falls. Perhaps now is a good time for campfire stories?

2015-08-25, 07:36 AM
Astra seems more tired from the other days of travel so far. Maybe depressed now. She curls up into her little bedroll, just trying to dream the evening away. Then she remembers to cast her alarm spell around the camp for everyone, but for the most part, seems she is out for the night.

2015-08-25, 08:38 AM
It appears that Astra and Orianna are already asleep. Too bad, she want their opinions as well. She'll include them later.

Hey everyone, I'd like to talk about what we're doing. I know we've known each other for only a few days but we're all in this together and I've been alone and out of the loop about worldly events. Anyway, what do we really know about Queen Lydia? At first, I was overjoyed just to be given something to do. I know royalty are busy but she seemed very abrupt. Though Winterglow seemed nice and sincere - but that doesn't automatically make him nice and good.

If the queen both really cared about a dispute between far away royalty and thought it was serious, wouldn't she send some of her best, maybe even magically whisk them there? Instead, she had Winterglow gather up us, unknown to the court and of unknown abilities. To me, this could mean a few things. First, we could be a token force sent to formally fulfill a request but likely to take weeks to get there, be ignorant of the local needs, and possibly too weak to help. Second, Lydia's forces might be to heavily involved in other things and she's stretched thin so we are her scraping the bottom of the barrel. Third, she might have picked unknowns and sent us quickly because secrecy was needed for some reason. The fact that her patrols did not expect us could mean anything but implies either we're not important or we were sent in secret.

The patrol brings up another thing. I thought the old dude, Ceol had been sitting under a tree too long and seemed to hate all things civilized. But the initial actions of that patrol felt like a shakedown. Ten gold pieces is a lot of money for most creatures. Why is the queen gathering up so much coin and what is she doing with it? And if Ceol was right to be suspicious of Queen Lydia, maybe we should also be careful of the druids north of here.

Opal looks around to see the reaction of Kor and Sakura.
Sorry, I'm not used to talking. Once I get going, sometimes it's hard for me to stop.

2015-08-25, 10:42 AM
Kor shrugged. "Yeah, I dunno about politics and stuff like that. Queen Lydia and Mr. Winterglow seemed like nice people. I don't think they're trying to weasel out of some promise or something like that. Maybe there was something else going on and the Queen had to get help outside of the court. And it's not like we're some random people, there are warriors and mages and well, I'm a dragon", Kor said, puffing his chest.

"Anyway, no point worrying about it. Let's get to Cormanthor as fast as we can and do our best".

"But you know the Queen better, don't you Sakura? What do you think?"

2015-08-25, 11:46 AM
(When Kor puffs out his chest, Opal successfully resists the strong urge to pat Kor on the head and say "Yes, you are a dragon. Who is the cutest little dragon?)

2015-08-25, 01:36 PM
While you are talking, your giant snake comes and nuzzles up to Sakura. It hisses a lot, and its nuzzling is pretty forceful - it almost knocks her off her feet.

2015-08-25, 02:36 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Whoah. Yes yes, Kaa I'm nice and warm." Sakura said with a chuckle and then kind of climbed over part of the giant snake in order to see the other two.
"Actually I don't really know much about her or her politics. I was only there for a couple of weeks and I spent most of my time in the kitchen or in the gardens and talking to other cooks. When I did talk to the Queen, it was mostly about my travels. But, I'm not sure there's any reason to be suspicious, though there's nothing wrong with being cautious I suppose. From what I've seen, faerie kingdoms in the Natural World instead of the Feywild aren't usually very big or strong. She might just not really have anyone else to send who aren't soldiers and soldiers aren't exactly problem solvers, aside from the one problem they're trained to solve. And a bunch of faerie soldiers marching across the land would probably draw a lot of attention." Sakura paused because Kaa had moved again and she had to find a new vantage point. "As for magically whisking us away, I've never met anyone who was strong enough to do that, have you? And Lydia didn't seem like that was her specialty, what with the armor and all. I suppose she could have sent us through the Feywild but... well you know how Feywild travel goes. We could wind up taking half as long or twice or wind up someplace even farther away."

2015-08-25, 02:49 PM
You two are probably right. It's just that Ceol's warning and the toll are unusual enough that I got suspicious.

But how about the group of druids north of here that Ceol warned us about?

2015-08-25, 03:23 PM
"I don't really get this toll thingy, I wonder what Queen Lydia thinks about it. As for the druids, I wouldn't worry about them. Ceol didn't really say they were dangerous, I think he didn't just like them".

2015-08-25, 03:52 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"I agree with Kor, also if they're interested in technology that means they have to deal with other people more. Which probably means they're more friendly right? Sounds too interesting not to go see."

2015-08-25, 04:49 PM
The three of you continue to chat for a while, making small talk and comparing notes on things that you have seen. As the sun sets, you are treated to a rare glimpse of the sky - a blanket of blood red clouds - through a gap in the trees. Later, under the cover of darkness, Kaa heads off into the forest to hunt and Kor settles into the first shift of watch duty.

Nothing disturbs you during the night, but the forest is noisesome - it seems that every insect within 20 miles has come out to play its song. Dozens of lights can be seen bobbing in the distance. Opal, on the third watch, notices the giant snake slink into camp with a massive bulge in its belly. I curls up around the fire and goes to sleep.

On the 3rd, the rains return with a vengeance. It almost sounds as if the nighttime chorus has grown into a roar that drowns out conversation whilst simultaneously covering you with water and turning the ground to thick mud. Unsurprisingly, you don't run into any other sentient creatures... though you can't see more than a few yards around, so you could have walked right past someone and not known it.

The night is, once again, uneventful. You are very glad of your sturdy travellers' clothes.

It is maybe a little warmer on the 4th, and the rain, while still heavy, falls in intermittent showers. You press on, your unconventional mount carrying you swiftly over the soggy ground. It is mid morning when you see someone approaching...

2015-08-25, 04:51 PM
Today is the 4th of Tarsakh, 1492. It is now 11:48am.

The party is somewhere in the Northern Shilmista.

Random Encounter!

The creature calls out to you while it is still too far away to see clearly. In a jolly voice, it says: "Ho there, strangers! Do you have a moment?"

As you draw closer, you see that it is a satyr. He is clean-shaven and wears a long russet coat, out of which he pulls a pan flute. "Ay, what fortune! A merry meeting of fey folk! I am Pheagan, and I am so pleased to make your acquaintance. Tell me: would any of you care for a musical duel?"

What would you like to do?

2015-08-25, 05:53 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura leaps off of Kaa and says, "Oh me me me!" and waves her hands about in excitement.

2015-08-25, 07:33 PM
"Haha, you play music, Sakura?" Astra asks, laughing lightly. Turning to the newcomer she says, "Afraid I can't compete with you at all, Pheagan. It's a pleasure meeting you, though! I'm Astra!"

She flits a bit closer. "I wouldn't mind just listening to you after your.. um.. duel?" She peers once more over at Sakura wondering what the little girl will do.

2015-08-25, 10:05 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura looks to Astra and says, "Oh yes. My main instrument is this." And she pulls out a shamisen. "But I can also make music with bells, chimes, and sometimes I even play with my cooking utensils. Cups and glasses are pretty easy once you get the hang of them. Oh also I sing. I'm actually surprised you don't play anything. I thought you kind were usually pretty musical." She says, finishing on an inquisitive note.

2015-08-25, 10:09 PM
Orianna Blossomheart
HP: 18/18; AC: 18; Save DC: 13; Perception: 11

Orianna remains in the rear of the group at the musical challenge, though she does being actively watching the surroundings.


2015-08-25, 10:51 PM
Astra blushes. "Oh... some of my people are in fact quite talented in that regard, but... not really me..." The small pixie looks around and fidgets nervously.

2015-08-25, 11:30 PM
"Hah-hah, excellent! I haven't seen an instrument like that in years! Let's make a little wager, shall we? If you win, you can have whatever's in my pocket here," he pats one of his coat pockets mysteriously, "but if I win, you have to give me your shamisen. What do you say?"

There are lots of forest creatures around here. Nothing dangerous seems to be nearby.

2015-08-25, 11:53 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura looks to the others, silently but clearly asking if this is a good idea.

2015-08-26, 01:05 AM
Astra narrows her eyes, squinting at the pocket, but it seems there was hardly anything in it. Except maybe something round. "I think it would be more fair if we knew what you were wagering... There could be anything in your pocket! A ring, a coin, a stone, or maybe only some lint..."

She pauses a bit thinking, then adds, "Though perhaps that's part of your game. A prize for the daring.. or at the same time, a ruse for the foolish."

She turns to Sakura, "Well it's up to you..."

2015-08-26, 01:13 AM
The satyr says nothing, only smiling and eyeing the shamisen.

2015-08-26, 03:49 AM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura finally nods and says, "Allright, I'll accept. So any rules? I might suggest we keep the pieces under five minutes each since my friends and I have somewhere we're needed as much as I'd love to do a best out of nine match or a twenty minute performance."

2015-08-26, 04:21 AM
"Huzzah! This is going to be fun! Five minutes sounds good to me - shall we make it a duet to save time? The only rule is that no one else may help us. This is a duel, after all! These birds shall be our judges... shall we begin?" He raises his pipes to his lips and waits for you to start, as a small flock of colourful birds gathers in the trees around you.

Sakura, please make the following checks: Dexterity (Shamisen), Charisma (Performance) and Constitution.

Dexterity (Pan Pipes): [roll0]
Charisma (Performance): [roll1]
Constitution: [roll2]

2015-08-26, 04:49 AM
Sakura nods and begins to play.

((Super tired right now, sorry for lack of good post. Couldn't think of what to say really. Sleep now.))

Dex (Shamisen): [roll0]
Chr (Performance): [roll1]
Con: [roll2]

2015-08-26, 04:52 AM
Opal Orriana, AC 18, pp 13

Opal knows better than to match her very modest flute skills in a match so she silently watches until the duel is about to start and she notices the satyr possibly pulling a fast one.

Sakura, are you ok with him picking all of the judges? It could be a setup?

2015-08-26, 05:30 AM
The two of you start playing, perhaps a little nervously at first as you size each other up and figure wordlessly agree on the tempo and key of the duet. Soon though, Pheagan hits his stride, launching into a brash, swaggering performance that so captivates your avian judges that they start to fly in circles around him. All of you note that his actual musicianship is pretty mediocre, but then, Sakura's fingerwork also seems a little clumsy. Perhaps it is the pressure of the situation.

In the fourth and fifth minutes, Pheagan starts to tire and his timing falters - by the end of the performance, he can barely move the air through his pipes. The birds return to their trees and chirp in debate for a few minutes, but eventually settle on Pheagan's shoulders.

"Phew!" He says. "Looks like I won! Hey, don't look so sad... I know, why don't we make it best-out-of-three?" He looks Opal up and down. "I wouldn't mind a wrestling match," he offers, then, fishing out a deck of cards, "or a few tricks of these. I'll even show you what's in my pocket..."

Out of the pocket, he pulls a shining, creamy-white orb. A pearl!

2015-08-26, 05:42 AM
Opal shoulders slump as she sees that Sakura was beaten fairly.

I've no real luck with cards. As to wrestling, what would the terms be if I were to lose?

Opal looks to the rest for a sign whether she should take him up on the offer.

2015-08-26, 06:06 AM
"Well now, let's see... what's that around your waist there? That looks... charmingly unusual. I will wager the pearl and the shamisen against it, if you agree. As to the format, I propose three rounds, first fighter to throw the other wins."

((A throw is achieved by beating the other person's score on a Strength (Athletics) check by 5 or more. The match will be decided on points if no throws happen.))

2015-08-26, 08:07 AM
Ok. I'll give it ago. Ora, please watch my stuff for a minute.

Opal sets down her backpack, shield, and hammer next to Ora. Then she removes her chain mail and sets it on next to the backpack.

2015-08-26, 08:23 AM
Orianna takes your gear and wishes you good luck. Meanwhile, the satyr also strips off his coat to reveal a handsome waistcoat/breeches combination underneath. "Let's go, then! I'm on a roll, I can feel it!"

Round 1: [roll0]
Round 2: [roll1]
Round 3: [roll2]

2015-08-26, 08:38 AM
The satyr comes at her with an energy she didn't expect.


2015-08-26, 08:42 AM
inspiration retry

2015-08-26, 08:54 AM
Pheagan leaps for joy as his wild assault catches Opal off-guard in the first round. "Yes! I win again!"

You still play out the other two rounds, and in both of them Opal is dominant, finishing the third with a perfect arm drag* that Pheagan can't help but applaud. The birds chirp madly, clearly feeling that the nymph has been hard-done-by.

"Ah, they do have a point. You can keep your belt, my dear, though I should like a rematch. Perhaps one of you knows how to play cards?"

I know literally nothing about wrestling... that's a throw, right?

2015-08-26, 10:42 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Well, I like playing card games... But I don't really have anything nice to bet" Kor said to the satyr.

2015-08-26, 10:55 AM
"Don't you worry about that, good sir. If I win, I will have the satisfaction of having beaten you three times! What could be better than that?"

2015-08-26, 11:05 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Alright! You're on! You've got a set, right?"

Perception roll for inspecting the satyr's playing cards: [roll0]

2015-08-26, 11:15 AM
"Take a good look, friend. Nothing to hide here."

That will be an Intelligence (Investigation) check to see if the cards are marked, please.

2015-08-26, 11:38 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Okay. It's time to duel!"

Int(Playing Cards): [roll0]
Wis(Insight): [roll1]
Char(Deception): [roll2]

2015-08-26, 11:55 AM
Pheagan lets you deal the first hand.

Intelligence (Playing Cards) [roll0]
Wisdom (Insight) [roll1]
Charisma (Deception) [roll2]

2015-08-26, 12:14 PM
Pheagan makes some audacious plays, but Kor is more than smart enough to spot the bluffs and after a few hands, the faerie dragon's superior skill starts to show. Kor claims a comfortable victory while the satyr claps his hand on his forehead.

"Gah, why do I always do this?" He cries. "I need to learn to quit while I'm ahead... Oh well
well. To the victor go the spoils. Congratulations!"

The party gains one pearl and you each get 25XP for winning one round of Pheagan's game; you also recover Sakura's shamisen.

"I shall take my leave of you now. Good luck on your travels!" He skips off into the forest.

2015-08-26, 12:25 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Yay! I won!" Kor exclaimed cheerfully. "Goodbye and thank you, Mr. Pheagan!".

"Wow... This is really nice!" Kor said, admiring the pearl. "Well, should we get moving?"

2015-08-26, 12:35 PM
Opal Orlaith, HP: 22/22, AC 18, PP 13

Opal had gotten dressed in her armor during the card game. She fumbles to retrieve something from her pack.

Pheagan, before you go, I must say that you have been more than fair with us. I'd like to give you something to partially make up for your loss.

Opal holds out a rock that looks like an egg from a small to medium bird.

You see, my home is on a hill cut into by a river. Many interesting rocks are revealed. Over the decades, I have pondered on some and learned their stories. This rock used to belong to a trickster fairy. He used to specialize in stealing eggs and replacing them with this rock. Not only did he like eggs, he loved to watch the birds get confused. For some reason, he always retrieved this rock later. Well, I know it's not much but I lack skills that would make an egg rock useful. Perhaps it would find new uses in your hands. You may have it as a reward for being so nice. That is, if you want it.

2015-08-26, 12:41 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Ooh a pearl! I know a spell that needs one of those to work." Sakura said but just left the statement hanging there in the air, not really feeling like she should ask for it since she wasn't the one who won it and Kor even saved her shamisen for her. As the satyr walks off she calls out, "Next time maybe we can swap tales!" and then since she already has the shamisen out proceeds to play a light spirited song as Pheagan walks off into the distance.

2015-08-26, 12:41 PM
"Oh my, are you sure?" He asks, when Opal offers her gift. "That is very kind of you. I shall treasure this stone for the rest of my days! If you ever need a friend in these parts, you may call on me! And dear Sakura, I would love to hear all about this urgent quest of yours, once it is done and dusted.

He skips in time to your tune.

2015-08-26, 12:58 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Oh, you can have it. You did bet your instrument earlier, and I didn't really have anything to lose. Besides, you've been cooking really nice food for us!" Kor said to Sakura, grinning, and then hesitated. "But if it's OK, I'd like to hold on to it for the rest of the day".

2015-08-26, 01:49 PM
And with that, you all mount up and proceed on your way. You must be getting towards the fringes of the Shilmista now; you begin to see more and more evidence of humanoid presence. In some places, footpaths have been worn into the soil, and you note that some of the trees have been coppiced.

In the afternoon, you stumble upon a dirt road, several yards across. Up ahead, you hear a crunching, squeaking, grinding sound...

2015-08-26, 01:51 PM
Today is the 4th of Tarsakh, 1492. It is now 4pm.

Random Encounter!

You sneak up to where the sound is coming from and see that it is a humanoid trade caravan. A single wagon is pulled by a pair of mules, while a couple of shabby-looking guards trudge alongside. You have not been noticed.

What would you like to do?

2015-08-26, 02:27 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura whispered to the others, "Perhaps Astra and Kor should stay here with Kaa while the rest of us check it out?"

2015-08-26, 02:35 PM
Opal Orlaith, HP 22/22 AC 18, pp 13

That sounds ok to me but maybe you or Ora should do the talking.

2015-08-26, 02:38 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Actually, I'm coming with you" Kor said grinning. Then he concentrated on an image of a stray dog that he had once seen and took its shape.


2015-08-26, 04:00 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Allright, I guess I'll take the lead, with my 'dog' Kor here. Then you and Orianna can follow after as if I'd raced ahead. Ok just give me a second to put on my human disguise...." Sakura says, mostly to Opal.

She then takes some hair extensions out and applies them to her hair. Now she has a short hime-cut style instead of a bob. And that's all she does before racing off ahead to the caravan, beckoning Kor to follow.

When she gets nearby she'll call out, "Hello! Are you merchants? Where are you from?". (I assume they say something before she just shouts out more questions, but otherwise fill in some extra ones like "Where are you going?" or "What's with that hat?"))

((Apparently I keep forgetting I was doing things in past tense and I'm just going to try and stick to present tense from now on. Who knows if I'll manage to stick with it.))

2015-08-26, 04:15 PM
The nearest guard turns around when he hears Sakura's questions. <Common> "Uh, woah, hey... what?" He straightens up his helmet, which had fallen down over his eyes. Over his shoulder, he shouts, <Common> "hey Mya, it's a little girl! Uh, yes, we're merchants. On our way to Cershire, from Wooddale. What's your name?"

((You have never heard of those place names. They were not on your map.))

2015-08-26, 04:43 PM
Orriana walks fast to catch up to Sakura.

I'm sorry about my daughter, she can be full of questions. We had taken a detour through the forest to find some herbs and mushrooms. We just happened to run into you when we rejoined the road.

2015-08-26, 04:55 PM
<Common> "Oh, right, er... well met, ma'am. I'm Saan." He attempts a bow.

The merchant whispers something to her teamster, then says to Orianna, <Common> "hail traveller, would you like to buy something, while we're here?"

2015-08-26, 04:57 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura gives Orianna the kind of slightly annoyed look a child does when their parents apologize for them and replies to Saan, "I'm Sakura. This is Kor." and indicates the dog. "I have never heard of either of those places. Are they close? she asks curiously. ((In that she is curious, not that she's doing it in a curious way.))

((Ok I really didn't need to change anything despite getting ninja'd.))

2015-08-26, 05:32 PM
<Orianna lets the conversation on locations wind down before talking again.>

"Well, I don't know, what do you sell? We don't carry a bunch of money around so we don't spend it all at once but we might be able to get something if it's small or if it's something we need."

(after they've shown their wares)
"Sakura, honey, do you see anything you like? Mister, I know this must sound weird to you but we believe in going with chance at times. We often go with whatever the dog thinks is important. Sometimes, it will be sure that something is important and will start sniffing it so hard that we know it's something we should get."

2015-08-26, 07:42 PM
Astra watches the competitions with keen interest, between the musical duels, the wrestling matches, and the game of cards. When all is said and done, she's glad the others won Sakura's instrument back and a nice pretty pearl, and she wished perhaps there might be some other kind of game she could play with the satyr. But sadly, seemed he was leaving, and they couldn't sit around playing games all day...

"Goodbye, Pheagan! I hope to meet you again!"

And then she turns back to the others. "Wow! Can I see that pearl for a minute! I've heard of them, but I don't think I've ever seen or touched one before!" She extends her hands, cupping the pearl like a softball and examines it closely for a good while.

Turning to interest at Sakura as she mentions spells, she says, "Huh. What spell is that?"

((I presume later they go more into detail on the subject, seeing as magic is an interest of Astra's.))


When the group encounters the caravan, Astra is at first rather nervous to meet humans, and she agrees with a faint nod to staying back with the others while a few go ahead. Then she wondered where they were going. Oh, right! To meet them?

The pixie was extremely curious about meeting the humans and seeing what they were like. Without even thinking much, she found herself slowly creeping up toward them, observing the conversation. She couldn't make any sense of it, when she realized it's because they're speaking in that human tongue. Or at least it's what she assumed. She cast a spell on herself to understand what was being said and crept closer still, observing.

HP: 7/7
AC: 12
PP: 12

STR: -3
DEX: +2
CON: +0
INT: +3
WIS: +4
CHA: +2

Stealth: [roll0]

2015-08-27, 12:41 AM
Saan says to Sakura: <Common> "Yeah, not that far away. Cershire's just outside the forest, um, maybe 35 miles from here?"

Meanwhile, the merchant hops down from her perch and pulls back the cover from her wagon, revealing an array of rural produce. <Common> "This is what we have. Anything of interest?" While you are looking, she remarks, <Common> "I agree with you about dogs, you know. They know a lot of things we don't."

Astra creeps up to the back of the wagon, where she gets a good view of the produce. On the opposite side of the road to Ori, Sakura and Kor, she sees Mya, the other guard, chatting quietly with the teamster. No one has seen her.


2015-08-27, 12:59 AM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura ponders if the man's story is true and looks to see if they're selling anything she doesn't have already or needs more of. Besides the ale. She's pretty sure that might not be the best idea.

Insight: [roll0]

2015-08-27, 01:14 AM
You get the impression that Saan is kind of nervous and unsure of himself, but he has a really earnest face and you feel like you can trust him.

2015-08-27, 01:26 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor walked around the wagon, sniffing the ground and wagging his tail. He didn't understand what everyone was talking about, as he didn't speak Common.

2015-08-27, 06:41 AM
Orianna decides to buy a couple of things to be polite after making the merchants stop and show their wares. She picks out a variety of herbs and an empty firkin. She puts the herbs in the firkin and sets them on the ground. Then she heads back to Opal.

I'll be right back with the money.

Insight roll whether Orianna puts it together that Kor can't understand them.


Ora asks Opal for the coins and comes back to pay.

edit given roll: Ora bends over and pets Kor, ruffling his ears and giving a bit of silly talk. She slips in a bit of Sylvan
Want anything?

2015-08-27, 06:50 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor wagged his tail and lightly shook his head, looking at Orianna.

2015-08-27, 07:23 AM
<Common> "Will that be all, then? That'll be two-and-seven, please," says the merchant.

2015-08-27, 07:32 AM
Having observed the people long enough and gotten a good look at the wares, Astra decides to sneak back.

stealth: [roll0]

2015-08-27, 07:34 AM
Ora pays them, waves and says polite goodbyes and then heads back to Opal.

2015-08-27, 08:11 AM
The humans wave goodbye and the wagon trundles off. After a short time, the small animals come back out of hiding and forest returns to normal.

2015-08-27, 08:57 AM
Ora comes back with the supplies.

Hey everyone, I have an idea that might help. When we have to go through certain areas, Astra and or Kor could hide in this small barrel. We can put in blankets n' stuff so it's comfy when they don't want to walk. We can rig the lid so it pops off easily. When we don't have a mount, Opal and I can take turns carrying it. For short periods, Kor could transform into a pack animal and the barrel will help him look the part. I know it's not super clever but for a low effort, low cost plan to keep a lower profile, what do you think?

2015-08-27, 09:47 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor returned to his true form, shaking his head and sneezing. He had a pretty good nose, but a dog's sense of smell was still rather overwhelming.

"That actually sounds pretty good. It seems we're kinda close to the edge of the forest, since we're seeing humans. I guess we'll have to be on lookout for more of them. I'm not sure how they would react to us, but it would be sorta interesting to meet some".

2015-08-27, 09:48 AM
As you continue onward, the forest becomes much less wild. The trees are smaller, the undergrowth is leafier and there is less evidence of the presence of monsters and giant animals. Kaa tends to pull away from the human roads and trails, but you do cross another one before stopping to rest.

The rain intensifies overnight, and you see nothing but insects and distant lights.

In the morning, you see a pair of wading birds stalking through your campsite, hunting frogs. It is humid and muggy. Flies harass you constantly.

2015-08-27, 09:50 AM
Today is the 5th Tarsakh, 1492. It is now 12:03pm.

The party is in the last stretch of the Shilmista.

Plains stretch out ahead of you, lush, green and rolling, with only a smattering of trees and shrubs. To the right, the land rises sharply upwards and is noticeably more rocky - you reckon you would be able to see the Northern tip of the Snowflake range if it wasn't so rainy.

A road emerges from the forest a few hundred feet to your left and curves round to cross in front of you. There are a few wagons on it, mostly heading away from the woods.

Kaa regards the open plain cautiously, trying to hide in patches of long grass.

What would you like to do?

2015-08-27, 10:58 AM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor looked at the road ahead. "Maybe we should let Kaa go back to the forest? He'd probably be happier there and it's pretty hard to hide a giant snake here in the plains anyway". He then turned to look at the wagons going away from the forest and said to Astra: "We might have to hide, there are some wagons on the road...".

"Hmm, I think I might fly up and do some scouting later".

2015-08-27, 02:47 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura thinks for a moment and says, "Well, I'd certainly like to keep him, but if we go near humans they might get a bit scared. Ummmmmmm. What do you all think?" and turns to the rest of the group for input.

((Seems like it'd be weird for me to just make the decision for the group and while I am loathe to give away a good and strong mount, you guys might have good arguments for why it'd be a terrible idea to keep it. On the other hand, no other group of adventurers would give up a nightmare or a small dragon mount no matter how badly it freaked out commoners. So yeah, seems like a vote would in good.))

2015-08-27, 02:51 PM
Well, we don't own Kaa and our mission isn't his mission. If we take him further, he'll be out of his natural environment.

2015-08-27, 03:40 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

"Yeah, we don't own him. So, I'll just ask him what he wants to do".

Kor uses Speak with animals and asks Kaa if he is willing to continue with the group

2015-08-27, 03:52 PM
Kaa says he liked travelling you, but he's worried that he doesn't know how to hunt on the plains. It's difficult for him to sneak up on things here.

2015-08-27, 03:58 PM
Korialstrasz, HP: 14/14

AC: 15, PPerception: 15, Spell Save: 13, Concentrating on:

Kor communicates Kaa's thoughts to everyone else. "That's what he thinks. If you want to speak with him Sakura, I can translate".

2015-08-27, 04:44 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"Didn't he just eat recently? I don't think we're going to be on the plains all that long. If he needs to eat again and we still are, we at least can still sneak up on something. I'm perfectly fine hunting something for him. I was probably going to go hunting anyway since we're out of fresh meat now." Sakura says, in a tone that kind of implies Kaa is being a big baby.

((It's been a few days. Yeah, we're out of fresh unsalted meat unless someone in the party bought a magical refrigerator from an artificer and I wasn't told.))

2015-08-27, 06:05 PM
Ok, but I doubt that we'll be able convince a ship captain to let a huge snake on board.

2015-08-27, 06:55 PM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

"That's a pretty far ways off. We can worry about that issue when we get to the water. And.... Kor, can Kaa swim? For a really long time I mean?" Sakura asks.

((I have no idea what the answer is. I do know Kaa's stat block gives him a swim speed though. Admittedly it's probably nowhere near as fast as a ship would travel even if he can sleep out in the sea.))

2015-08-27, 07:55 PM

"Well that was interesting! Those people seemed kind of friendly. Did they seem friendly to you too?" Astra said, somewhat with relief, and with much excitement. She had been worried these humans would not be nice.

As Ora and Kor talk about the small barrels and hiding in them, Astra makes a small frown, but continued listening. Then she gave her own input on the matter. "It seems like a good idea if we absolutely have to hide. But even with blankets and such, I don't think it will be that comfortable.. and anyway, I don't want to be cooped up and hidden all the time."

She sighs, trying to come up with the words to express her feelings. "I don't want to hide. I mean.. well, I just hope the people out there will be decent. If they all were nice, we wouldn't have anything to worry about, right? But not everyone is... still, I have no intention of hiding in a dark, cramped box because of them. This is the farthest I've ever been away from my home, but if I can't see the world, if I can't experience it and make friends, what's the point?"

(if anyone wants to go back in time and continue any of the above conversations, be my guest)


Astra sighs when Kor talks about hiding upon seeing the wagons, plainly in view. She thought about it, but was then distracted by the conversation regarding the gargantuan snake.

"A-are you serious? You want to take Kaa out of the forest?!" Astra exclaims, quite concerned. "Look, I don't know how you befriended a giant snake, Sakura, but even if he's nice to us, I don't think that means he'll be nice to others. If he attacks anyone, their livestock, or their pets, we'll be held responsible. Plus, I'm sure the other people we run into will be scared of him! You mentioned wanting to have a low profile, right?" She says, turning to Orianna. "Well good luck riding a giant snake! Plus, unless we take him with us all the way to Cormanthor..." she stops her rant to quickly begin rummaging around for her map, "If we wind up leaving him out in the middle of nowhere, he won't be in his natural habitat and also be likely to kill someone."

"You shouldn't have him come with us unless he really wants to go. And if we do take him along, we can't abandon him."

2015-08-28, 04:05 AM
Sakura the Three Star
AC: 14, Save DC: 13, Passive Perception: 12

Sakura gives an annoyed sigh at this last comment and realizes the rest of the group is going to keep making a fuss until she agrees. "Ok fine. Tell Kaa he's free to go home." she says to Kor. Then she releases Kaa from the spell, after giving him a rub on the side to say goodbye, and has a fleeting daydream of Kaa immediately turning around to swallow Astra, even though that would be completely absurd behavior for a snake. Though it would be poetic.

"He was so much more fun than a horse though...." she grumbles quietly to herself as she starts walking towards the road, not really thinking about it or if the others wanted to, her mind occupied by other matters and having traveled along plenty of roads in the past and forgetting other fey often avoid them.

((Someone's free to go stop her, everyone else does have faster movement speeds I believe, and she's not setting a fast pace at the moment.))

2015-08-28, 11:25 AM
Opal shrugs and sighs.

I guess lets go. In civilized areas,we might as well try roads instead of cutting through people's farms. Astra, we can but a blanket at the bottom and up the sides of the inside. We can also leave the top off most of the time so you can use it to sit and rest your wings. We'll see how being open goes.