View Full Version : DM Help The Rising Tide: A Homebrewed Campaign

2015-08-18, 02:09 PM
Alrighty fellow DMs, I have a question for you!

In my current campaign, I homebrewed a setting drawing off of many different sources, my players began their journey in a kingdom where magic is tolerated, but untrusted. It began innocently enough; one of the players, an envoy from the High Elf homeland to the kingdom of men, had been told he was having a package delivered at a small village, while another player whose friend was on the coach delivering the package, was getting worried as it was a day late. The PCs handled the first adventure well; they found the coach being attacked by strange "beast-men" (Gnolls) and fought off a handful of the creatures to rescue both their friend and acquire the package.

Inside was a black rose, the symbol of the God of the Dead in this setting, and a note stating "we know," which made the High Elf player worry for his master back in the homeland. The truth is, the note is simply a ruse made by a peer from the College of Magic the Elf studied trying to get him into town so that the jealous peer can challenge him to a duel proving that he should have been their master's favorite rather than the PC.

The campaign is based on the rise of a Fang of Yeeonghu, reskinned as a demon-blessed beastman. The PCs must find information on Gnolls and demons as they go; the first source is an old monster hunter, the second is a druid in the forest, and the third is a church. The first two sources I've finished up, but what sort of information would be provided by the church? I figured they could make some investigation checks in the basement to find additional information out, as well as possibly convince the Acolyte who keeps the records to allow them access to the forbidden materials. What do y'all think I should allow them access to regarding the church itself?

Shining Wrath
2015-08-18, 04:24 PM
Church would know about the demonic origin of gnolls and how Yeenoghu created them and his subjugation of the ghoul-lord Doresain.