View Full Version : Divine Minion + MMF

2015-08-18, 09:19 PM
So, ignoring the question if it qualifies, how does the wildshape of mulhorandi divine minion interact with the wildshape of master of many forms? Do I have infinite uses of the advanced wildshape? Is the duration infinite? Can I shift as a free action still?

2015-08-18, 09:33 PM
Divine Minion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a), for anyone wondering.

Master of Many Forms makes improvement to your existing Wild Shape ability.

A Divine Minion can Wild Shape at will as a free action into one or more specific animal forms, as an 11th level Druid. That means it lasts 11 hours per use or until he changes back, though at-will makes this mostly irrelevant.

Your Master of Many Forms level is added to your Druid level to determine your effective Druid level for using Wild Shape. This is for both duration and the max HD of the forms you take. Post-errata, every MoMF level gives you one additional use of Wild Shape per day, but this is irrelevant since Divine Minion can do it at-will.

You do not get any animal forms besides what Divine Minion gives you, despite the various sizes allowed by Master of Many Forms.

Master of Many Forms will enable you to take the forms of every type and size it has listed, plus medium and small since those are the default sizes permitted. These are all added onto your options when using your existing Wild Shape ability, which is at-will and a free action. Furthermore, at MoMF 1 you can take the form of small or medium humanoids up to 12 HD. At MoMF 2 you can take the form of small to large giants of up to 13 HD. At MoMF 3 you can take the form of small to large monstrous humanoids of up to 14 HD, and so on.

You could make a Human Fast Movement Ranger (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/variant/classes/variantCharacterClasses.htm#ranger) 1/ Master of Many Forms 7/ Warshaper 4/ MoMF 3/ whatever 5, and at 3rd level take the form of a Cave Troll or a Bladerager Troll (http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:cGPwjdTmH58J:archive.wizards.com/default.asp%3Fx%3Ddnd/iw/20070705b%26page%3D3+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=us), and at 4th level take the form of a War Troll (MM3). At 8th level your War Troll form will even have its SR, DR/Adamantine, Regeneration, etc. You can take Frozen Wild Shape and at 7th level turn into a 12-headed Cryohydra, and get its 12-bite AoO, and at 8th level you'll get its Fast Healing 22.

2015-08-18, 09:41 PM
That is essentially what I thought. Thank you. I wasn't sure it wouldn't be so clear cut.

2015-08-18, 11:25 PM
Your Master of Many Forms level is added to your Druid level to determine your effective Druid level for using Wild Shape. This is for both duration and the max HD of the forms you take.

Minor nitpick: while it's irrelevant here, master of many forms does not actually grant increased duration on your wild shape, only extra uses/level and increased HD. Also the errata added that MoMF stacks with druid levels to determine HD, the book already states that they gain 1 additional use per MoMF level.

2015-08-19, 01:26 AM
Divine Minion (http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/mb/20050209a), for anyone wondering.

Master of Many Forms makes improvement to your existing Wild Shape ability.

A Divine Minion can Wild Shape at will as a free action into one or more specific animal forms, as an 11th level Druid. That means it lasts 11 hours per use or until he changes back, though at-will makes this mostly irrelevant.Minor nitpick on that last part:

and can spend time in animal form indefinitely So they're not limited to 11 hours (though at-will as a free action would, like you say, render it rather irrelevent).

2015-08-19, 01:45 PM
More major nitpick: (Depending on how you parse the 'fast wild shape' ability)
A divine minion doesn't count as an 11th level druid for wildshaper in general. It can only change into a few selected shapes as an 11th level druid.
When wild shaping into any other form, the divine minion doesn't add any druid levels at all. In which cases you're limited to HD <= your levels in MMOF.

2015-08-19, 02:19 PM
More major nitpick: (Depending on how you parse the 'fast wild shape' ability)
A divine minion doesn't count as an 11th level druid for wildshaper in general. It can only change into a few selected shapes as an 11th level druid.
When wild shaping into any other form, the divine minion doesn't add any druid levels at all. In which cases you're limited to HD <= your levels in MMOF.
Other way around. A Divine Minion Wild Shapes as an 11th level druid in general, then has a limitation of what forms it can take. Assuming you manage to expand what your Wild Shape lets you do (such as through MoMF), you're just modifying the base ability in a new way.

2015-08-19, 02:47 PM
Other way around. A Divine Minion Wild Shapes as an 11th level druid in general, then has a limitation of what forms it can take. Assuming you manage to expand what your Wild Shape lets you do (such as through MoMF), you're just modifying the base ability in a new way.

That's a viable reading of the rules as wel. I don't think RAW is going to exclusively point us in either way, so that leaves DM interpretation.
(maybe because DM wasn't supposed to qualify you at all? But let's not start that discussion here.)