View Full Version : Ruins of Mayca [FAE] IC

2015-08-19, 03:38 PM
The city guards of Blaise shuffle everyone down into the massive underground shelter. The sky is a dull, dark, and stormy grey and thunder's rumble can just be heard in the distance. No one has explained exactly why all the civilians are being forced down into what was once a large mine shaft, but hasn't been used for that in centuries, but everyone knows why. The front is close. One of many fronts. People around you buzz excitedly and you're shoved into the tunnels (resistance being met with force from the guards) and eventually jostled near a far wall, where a thinly built man wearing a dark purple cloak with the hood drawn is telling stories to a small group of kids, clearly in an effort to keep them calm.

As more people flood into the makeshift shelter, the kids are pulled away by their parents, a few of whom thank the man for keeping them busy, before they vanish into the crowds. With all the kids gone the man looks around his immediate area and takes a startled half-step back from you all when he sees you.
"Now...?" He mutters, putting his head in his hands. Another kid runs up and pulls on his cloak, getting his attention.
"Hey! Mister Farsight! Can you tell another story?" The man glances over at you five again, before looking back to the child.
"Of course Alex." He says softly. "I'm going to tell you the story of the Chosen." He looks over at the group one last time, before turning his full attention to the child. "Once upon a time Macya was a thriving world, with peace and happiness abound but then a war sprang up. A terrible war that had no end in sight. The endless war was born." His voice is almost hallow. "But fear not; there is still a beacon of hope. A shining ray of light through the darkness. Years before the war a respected prophet gave a prophecy predicting the war, though no one wanted to believe him because an endless war is a very grim future indeed- but he also spoke of the heroes who would save the world and end this endless war. They're known as the chosen. Fate's chosen heroes aren't what'd you expect either. They're not to be knights in shining armour Not at all. But a rag tag group of... five with the worlds best interest at heart. And these unlikely heroes will stop the war at it's very source and all the brave soldiers can come home."
"Like my daddy!"
"Yes, like your dad."
"Alex! Don't run off like that." The child's mother says as she nears, pushing through the crowd. "I am so sorry Mr. Farsight. She wasn't any trouble, was she?"
"No, not at all. I was happy to keep her busy." The women nods and tugs her child away.
He sighs, pulling his hood forward, and leans back against the rough stone wall, turning his head towards you five and visibly sighs again.

2015-08-19, 05:12 PM
The twins followed along at the guards' directions, although they occasionally cast concerned glances over their shoulders as they went. Their father and brother were out there, fighting, and they were down here. They weren't soldiers, hadn't been for a long time and didn't miss the life at all. But still, with the enemy so close...they felt like cowards.

The words of the story drew their attention and brought brief smiles to their faces. Yeah, they had always liked that story...

Aria shook her head. Bar it, they couldn't just wait here and hope! There had to be something useful they could do!

"Hey," she said, looking to Auros under the impression that the guy in the hulking suit of ancient armor was some sort of leader of the guards, or something. "How can we help? What can we do?"

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-19, 05:45 PM
At the same time as the children were being enamoured by the robed figure's story, a couple of them had been entranced by what appeared to be a genuine suit of battle armour, positioned in a seated position on a rocky outcropping in the back of the cave, its back resting firmly on the stony wall. It was very old looking, its myriad and intricate plating, once likely a silvery sheen, have now been reduced to a blackened steel colour. Even the helmet plume, as magnanimous as it was in its mid-back length glory, was tattered and weathered by countless decades of use. The children remained curious of the armour for several minutes, looking but not daring to touch, until the concerned parents gathered them too. All but one of the children had vacated, the last one's parents likely lost in the confusion for a time. Slowly, carefully, the child stepped forward towards the the ancient platemail figure, no longer kept at bay by the mutual fear of the group. The young boys finger gently pokes the knee-plate of the figure, and in that instant, two bright circles of blue light pierce through the visor, scaring the child and causing him to run into his mother's suddenly present embrace.

As the mother leads her child away, the man in the armour stands at attention, walking slightly forward away from the wall before the speakings of the cloaked figure grabbed his attention. "The chosen? Mr. Farsight? Wait a second, is that-?" The towering figure's musings were suddenly cut short by the questioning of a pair of half-elf twins. "Oh. Uh..." The man pauses, not typically addressed so frankly, or really noticed so much these days. His right hand moving up to scratch the back of his head in contemplation. "I'm not exactly the right person to ask that to. I'm usually not even down in the shelters when stuff like this happens. They often just assume I'm a member of the local militia and leave me be. This time, however, I got swept up in the masses." He genuinely ponders the pairs' question. "How can you help? Well, that's a rather loaded question, isn't it? I wish I could say you could go out and fight, defend the city and its inhabitants. But at the end of the day, all you really do is fight the symptoms, not the disease." The man's voice sounds oddly far-off as he speaks, and the two girls may begin to notice that his voice has a strange hollow echo to it, though the reason remains indecipherable. "If I'm being completely honest, there aren't many ways you can help. Unless..." He stops, becoming deadly serious as he considers his own words. "Unless you believe yourselves to be one of those Chosen." He says, gesturing towards the man in the robes. "What do you think Rekylen? Do you think they have it in them?" He addresses the cloaked figure in a sarcastic lilt, as if a greeting an old friend, long missed, but never forgotten.

2015-08-19, 07:00 PM
Easy, fellas, no need to shove, a redheaded woman purrs as the guards shove her through the crowd. Hair pulled back and coiled around her head, her clothes are finely made yet well-worn and easy to move in. Is that any way to treat a lady?

Certainly no way to treat your country's head Spymistress, he grumbles in her mind as she looks around the bunker. After all this time with the war, you'd think the government would be more calm about the whole thing. They won't reach Blaise, and the whole thing will keep on going. They're really just wasting her time, the one thing she hates wasting worse than money.

She smiles genuinely at the kids as one bumps into her. Watch where you're going, little guy, she says, ruffling the kid's hair as he gives her a gap-toothed grin. The storyteller's surprise does not escape her notice, and she raises a brow in curiosity.

Sidling closer, she listens to the man's story intently. At first, she nearly rolls her eyes. A story of the war--brilliant. Not like she hasn't heard it a dozen dozen times before. But as he continues, she listens more closely. A prophecy, eh? And this war has a "source", huh? She moves closer to hear the end of the story, and then can't help but "accidentally" overhear the conversation between the large metal man and the strikingly similar women.

Putting on her best "wide-eyed and curious" facade, she goes up to the hooded man. That was a fascinating story, sir. It's the first I've heard of there being a possible end to the war! But I had no idea the war had something like a source--don't wars just happen? Like, one guy hates the other so they beat each other up, just, y'know, with more people?

She listens to the metal man's closing words with interest hidden behind her eyes. Do they know each other? And what the hell is that man, with his odd voice and even odder appearance?

2015-08-19, 07:25 PM
"Long time no see Auros." Rekylen Farsight chuckles, not looking at the suit of armor but out over the crowds. "You know I couldn't possibly speak on that front, but wanting to stop it is certainly a good sign isn't it? Not like most people." He pushes off the wall, pulling his hood down, revealing a messy chin length shock of silver hair, startling blue eyes, and the long pointed ears of an elf. The way he looks over the crowd has a weariness well beyond his apparent years. He takes a deep breath. "Though if anyone wanted to solve this they'd have to..." He pauses, frowning for a moment, and his already pale skin goes about three shades paler. "find the root of the war." He lets out a slow breath, looking a little sick.

Rekylen smiles weakly at Haley. "Oh, you've never heard the story of the Chosen? It's an old one, almost as old as the war itself." He rubs the back of his head surveying the crowds again. "Well certainly every conflict has a source, something that started it. You didn't think the elves and dwarves went from being allies to starting a world encompassing war over nothing, did you?"

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-19, 07:38 PM
Auros, noticing the Elf's change in demeanour, strides over to his apparent associate, stretching out an a hand to offer help. "Are you okay Rekylen? What about the root of the war? Has something happened?" He asked, concerned. Of course, in the many years they'd known one another, Rekylen had almost never given the Suited man a straight answer on anything. But he had a fairly good guess as to what he was referring.

The suit of armour suddenly noticed the redheaded woman speaking to Auros. "I apologise. My friend here has his moments of weakness." The glowing blue eyes of the figure receded to downwards crescents, a facsimile of one's eyes looking down in introspection. "The war takes its toll on many. It harms him more than most... He's right you know. Every war has a source, and for something this grand and ungodly, its reasonings simply cannot be attributed to simple hate and greed... Anyway. Where are my manners? My name is Auros. Auros Vigil." The figure speaks, addressing both the woman before him, and turning to acknowledge the two Half-Elves who'd initially spoken, along with anyone with a vested interest in the conversation. "And who, praytell, are all of you?"

2015-08-19, 07:45 PM
Aria and Lilleen cast each other sidelong looks. Okay, they could admit it. They hadn't been expecting that. They had been expecting something more along the lines of, you know, casting spells on soldiers heading into the field, or divining some information about the enemy approach, or even a "gear up or shut up" response.

A discussion of trying to end the war outright not in their top 100 list of probable responses.

And yet...

~I mean, we have absolutely no evidence that we aren't the Chosen, right?~

~None whatsoever. And in fact, merely the fact that the possibility has been brought up to us one could see as indicative as its truth.~

~Total conservation of detail situation. I mean, you wouldn't just go and say that someone could be the Chosen if there weren't any chance that they are, in fact, the Chosen. It'd be a total waste of everyone's time.~

~Totally pointless filler. And really, when you think about it, it would take a Storyteller to realize that.~

~Oh definitely. I mean, I bet like, dozens of people every day hear that they could be the Chosen, and they're just all, 'yeah right Mom, come on, get out of my room,' and stuff. Most people wouldn't know conservation of detail if it, um...~

~Caused them to learn about their grandfather on the day he died and left them a mysterious artifact as an inheritance?~

~Exactly! But as Storyteller bards, it is our duty to pay attention to the clues hidden in the Narrative, and use them to guide our story to its happy ending.~

~Which, in this case, makes us uniquely qualified to fulfill the role of Chosen.~



~I call dibs on the Artifact Sword of Plot Solving.~

~Fine, but I get the handsome prince.~

"Oh, of course, my name is Aria. Aria Miles."

"And I'm Lilleen."

"We're glad to meet you," the two said together, both of them extending their hands.

"So, this Root of the War," Lilleen asked, with a subtle emphasis that clearly indicated that the phrase now had capital letters. "Assuming we were these Chosen, how might we, you know, learn about that?"

"We assume there would be some manner of quest involved, yes?"

Storyteller Bards are literally the easiest characters to bait a plot hook for ever.

2015-08-20, 11:28 AM
A gnome who looks old but still very spry for her age seems very put-off by this whole situation. She has very important things to do, and here they are shoving her in this whole in the ground, and for what? As if there's anything to be afraid of.

She listens to this "prophecy" with an increasingly annoyed expression on her face, which just gets worse as she hears those around her discussing it like...well, discussing it like it's to be taken seriously.

She turns to the redhead woman, who seems to be the most intelligent of the group.

Well, hello there. Those guards aren't very gentle, are they? You would think if they're herding us under here like cattle they could at least be a little nicer about it! Anyway...

she leans in and whispers under her breath, as not to offend the man who made this apparently brilliant prophecy

You don't actually believe in all this prophecy nonsense, do you?

She stands up straight again.

My name is Pepper, by the way.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-20, 12:15 PM
"Well, a quest would be obvious." Auros explains to Aria and Lilleen, mildly surprised that they would be so eager to dash headfirst into adventure. "This war is a beast. But, like any beast, it has weakpoints. People and places were work is always done to perpetuate the conflict. All we have to do is find these weakpoints, and strike. I'd be happy to explain further, once we get out of this crowded hall." Auros states, struggling to keep back his elation. Could this be it? Could these really be two of the chosen he'd waited so long to finally see appear? Could all his waiting finally be at an end?

The imposing man's joy is tragically cut short as Auros picks up on Pepper's little jibe (it's surprising how dull people can think you are just because you look imposing), and glares down at the middle-aged Gnome. "I'm sorry. If you have a criticism of my beliefs, I'd kindly ask that you say them to my face." The suit of armour growls, clearly put off by the Gnomish woman's dismissal of the prophecy. "What exactly is it that makes you so disinclined to believe in such a thing?"

2015-08-20, 12:44 PM
"Find the contradiction Auros. Figure it out, because you know I can't say anything." Rekylen hisses under his breath.

"I really should get going. If the front does get any closer they're going to start herding everyone to Reese, and I don't really want to get caught up in that mess should it happen. I have places to be." He pulls his hood back up. "Auros should be able to answer any questions you have, I'm sure. Or at least, most of them." He says to the twins, mostly ignoring Pepper's muttered comment (all she got was a very brief glare), and he starts to weave through the crowd towards the exit.

2015-08-20, 12:45 PM
The twins were figuring to just ignore the gnome's remarks; it wouldn't be the first time they had encountered disdain for "believing in fairy tales," and it wouldn't be the last.

When Auros spoke, though, Lilleen couldn't help but chime in, "It...is kinda arbitrary, don't you think? I mean, divination magic unquestionably exists. A prophecy that the war will eventually end is not a particular stretch. War...sucks. You'd think it'd end eventually just on the merit of people at some point saying, 'gods above, this is totally not fun, why don't we stop doing it?'"

"And in this case, we're talking about a story that's been around for a long time, maybe even since before the war. We've seen it referenced in books and stories centuries old. Although..." and here Aria looked to Auros (since Rekylen had gone), "The way I've always heard it, there were four Chosen, not five."

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-20, 12:52 PM
Auros's ponderings had led him to the same conclusion as the girls, and he spoke carefully. "You'd think it would just sort of end, wouldn't you? This war, however, is not that simple. I... Can't explain here. We should leave, I'll explain it when there is less of a possibility for prying ears." The man says, looking out over the desperate crowd.

"That must be the contradiction Rekylen spoke of. It doesn't make sense. The man's always been vague, yes. But at the very least he's consistent. Unless, of course, you two girls happen to actually be one person occupying two bodies." Auros spoke, seemingly in jest. But not putting such a thing off as impossible. After all, he's encountered far stranger things in his life.

2015-08-20, 01:01 PM
The twins got identically flat looks on their identical faces. "No. We're completely different," they said together.

The irony was lost on them.

"However, prophecies can be tricksy like that, especially really old prophecies."

"If the original wording was, like, 'four births would herald the end of the war, and those children be Chosen to blah blah blah' then it could have sounded like four people while actually allowing for more as a result of multiple-child births."

"And over a few centuries of war, the exact wording could get all muddled and misinterpreted, and it just gets passed along as four Chosen."

"...Although that doesn't particularly explain why someone who's always heard it as four suddenly changed it to five, of course. But yeah, we can discuss it in a more secure location."

"Lead the way."

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-20, 01:10 PM
Auros, a bit put off by the whole "finishing each other's sentences" thing (in practice, he only ever sees that happen with those who are either Fey or Demonic), still follows through on the request. "Of course, follow me." He says, turning to go, but pausing to glance at the redhead and the Gnome. "I assume both of you intend to leave anyway, so you might as well come along." He says, attempting to be cordial, but biting his metaphorical tongue in the face of the genuinely hurtful comment made by Pepper.

2015-08-21, 08:20 AM
"I'm sorry. If you have a criticism of my beliefs, I'd kindly ask that you say them to my face.""What exactly is it that makes you so disinclined to believe in such a thing?"

The woman was taken aback by this. Clearly she was not used to people challenging the things she said. She gathered herself momentarily and responded

Oh! Hello. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult you or anything, it's just that, well, prophecies aren't as mystical as they're made out to be. They're just basic gnomish nature.

She eyes the...creature in front of her, and while realizing he certainly was not a gnome, she had no idea what he really was.

Or, um, human nature, or whatever. I mean, this fellow could have gone up to any five people and told them they were the "5 chosen ones destined to end the war", and they'd go set off to do it, wouldn't they? They're just an old and rather successful way of getting people off their behinds to go do something they thought was impossible.

As she talks, she begins to follow the creature. As she does, she thinks to herself

The prophecy may be rubbish, but this rather sounds like fun anyway

2015-08-21, 10:37 AM
Of course Haley had heard the story of the Chosen. In every language known to mortals, or just about. Outwardly, she just shrugs and gives a little giggle. Oh, people are always capable of changing loyalties, right? she says. But I meant, like, a continual source. This war's been going on for a loooong time, after all--wars shouldn't normally last that long without, like, someone outside keeping the fire going, right? The source can't be within the elves or dwarves.

Haley gives the strange metal man a winning smile. Oh, I'm Veronica, she says, and it's not even really false. She's gone under the name Veronica a dozen times before. You are interesting to look at, Auros. Are your eyes glowing? she asks, looking up into the visor at the eyes looking back.

Haley gives the gnome a surprised blink. The guards just don't know how to treat a woman, she says with a grin. And it's a nice story for kids to listen to. Would be nice if it were true--a way to stop the war.

She looks after the elf as he walks away, considering the benefits of following him and pressing him on it. Her connections in Raina are the best of anywhere in the world--if he stays in the country, she'll be able to find him. So she turns to the metal man and says, How come you seem to know a decades old elf so intimately, Auros? she asks curiously. She gestures for the man to lead the way.

Sneakily creating the advantage of people not knowing who she is: [roll0] (including +3 from Sneaky aspect). +2 if it counts as activating her stunt.

2015-08-21, 11:15 AM
The guards just don't know how to treat a woman, she says with a grin. And it's a nice story for kids to listen to. Would be nice if it were true--a way to stop the war.

Pepper listened to the woman who seemed oddly familiar
Hmm? The war? Oh yes, dreadful thing. Would be very nice to end it and such

To be honest, Pepper didn't really care one way or the other. Sure, she was upset in some vague, disassociated way with the notion that people were dying, but the only time it affected her were these periodic roundups. All she wanted was to be in the comfort of her own home, not some dank cave. The girl's words about the guards meant more than she realized; to Pepper, the brutality of the guards was possibly the most annoying part of this stupid war.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-21, 11:34 AM
Auros walks forwards, towards the door and, incidentally, towards the direction Rekylen went. He does, however, answer Pepper and "Veronica"'s questions in kind. "I think "Human Nature" works best. My father was human, and so has my mother, so it makes sense. The glowing eyes are a side-effect of the armour. The designer of the suit thought it might help slightly alleviate the rather... Imposing nature it tends to give off. Though it's rather hit and miss on that front." He pauses at her outright questioning of his age. "Is there anything wrong with having ancient friends? Besides, I may look spry, but I might be a tad bit older than you may initially think. Rekylen and I have a long history, that's all you really need to know. At least until we're out of general earshot." He explains, enjoying the word game as he and the group advance on the doorway out of the mine.

2015-08-21, 01:22 PM
"Well, it's good to meet you all," Aria said cheerily.

Lilleen kinda cocked her head to the side at Auro's description of his parents. "Pretty sure that makes you human, man," she said with a light laugh. "Eh. Unless you've been reincarnated, I guess," she added after a moment's thought.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-21, 01:35 PM
"I can honestly tell you I've never been reincarnated." Auros explains, continuing to play the omission game. He turns his head to look at Pepper, a vague grinding sound being made as the plates of his helmet shift. "I'm sorry, but I just don't understand how you can simply snuff off such an enduring myth. As Aria and Lilleen said, Divination magic is real. There's nothing that makes the prophecy implausible. And besides, in my experience, many legends turn out to have more than a little truth behind them. Especially ones that endure as long as this one has." The armoured figure states, his voice certain, almost as if he was speaking from experience.

2015-08-21, 03:58 PM
As the group moves to leave, they immediately see Rekylen again arguing with the guards at the exit back into the city.

"I don't care about the stupid front! I have to leave now!"
"Sir, I'm sorry, but for the last time, we are to let no one out, not until the front is pushed back again, it is simply too dangerous" One of the guards responds, clearly trying to calm down the visibly infuriated Rekylen.
He scowls, his fists clenched at his sides. "You don't understand." He hisses. "It's not a danger to me in the slightest. Just let me leave."
"Sir, we aren't allowed to let you leave. We'd get in trouble with the Captain if we do."
"I don't care about your captain! I can't stay in here!"

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-21, 04:06 PM
Auros sees what's happening at the door and quickly steps forward in a brisk manner towards the guards. He stands at attention, his right hand resting on the massive Bastard Sword at his side. "Come now men. No need to be so brash. My associate and these ladies here have already gotten me to be their escort out into the field." As Auros speaks, the faintest glitter of deep blue light can be seen sparking off his idle left hand as he attempts to cast Charm Person. "Trust me friend. They're in good hands with me."

Clever Overcome action to get past the guards! :D

Roll: [roll0] +3 (+2 for the approach, and +1 from the magic bonus.)

2015-08-21, 05:43 PM
"I'm sorry, but I just don't understand how you can simply snuff off such an enduring myth. As Aria and Lilleen said, Divination magic is real. There's nothing that makes the prophecy implausible. And besides, in my experience, many legends turn out to have more than a little truth behind them. Especially ones that endure as long as this one has."

Pepper hesitated before explaining. While she could, and usually would, delve into the details and intricacies of Divination magic with someone, it usually wasn't a good way to get on someone's good side, and she was much more hesitant about making people upset these days.
It's all very complicated, I mean I could go on for hours about divination, and how it is infected by an intelligent mind, and how it affects an intelligent mind, and why certain people tend to be better at divination magic than others...

She paused to take a breath. She was doing it again

Let's just say that divination magic is not a linear cause-and-effect type situation. True, the universe may calculate that, for whatever reason, a group of 5 individuals working together are the best chance to end the war for example, but then a random group of 5 adventurers might set out to stop the war because they heard the prophecy, which gives it a greater chance of being filled.

So it's not that prophecies are rubbish, it's just that the very act of making a prophecy makes the prophecy more likely to be fulfilled.

2015-08-21, 06:56 PM
The twins just smiled at the guards, waiting patiently to be allowed through. The discussion of divination magic was interesting, and something they might want to talk about with the gnome at greater length later, but at the moment they didn't feel they had anything significant to contribute to the topic, and so stayed silent.

2015-08-21, 07:15 PM
I... uh. The guard who was speaking before looks Auros up and down.
"Yes, I'm a noble from elven lands- the Farsight Family-" Rekylen shows a signet ring to the guard, who flinches back from it. "and I was here in Rania for peace talks. The Twins are with me and- His eyes flit to Haley and back to the guard. "Veronica is a representative from Rania sent to meet us here. Were were supposed to be teleporting to Reese right before we were forced down into these tunnels. The gnome is a representative from Shina to be a neutral party supervising the peace talks, and Auros is my guard and escort."
"I... Fine. Joey, keep the entrance. I'm escorting them to their inn."
"You don't seriously buy that story, do you!?"
"The ring is real. I've seen a Farsight signet ring before, and that's the same."
Tie. Succeed at minor cost. The party gains the situation aspect Escorted by a guard.
Oh, and Rekylen totally saw through Haley's lie.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-21, 07:28 PM
As the group is being led out from the mine Pepper's words strike Auros rather pointedly. Was she... Was she trying to piecemeal him something as simple as the physics of Divination Magic? Auros gave the Gnomish woman a sidelong glance. "Ah yes, Einkaern's Theorem of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy's. I know it well. However, I must bring up the fact that, not only is that theorem fiercely debated within the magical community to this very day, but you are also forgetting that the theorem only applies to Arcane Divination magic, not Divine Divination magic. Whilst Arcane magic runs on variables and lends itself towards paradoxical fulfillment. Divine prophecies, as passed down by gods, run off of constants. Pillars of fact that weigh in amongst a tide of more mutable and variable things like location and circumstance. An Arcane prophecy can be undone rather easily, whilst a Divine prophecy can only be stopped if the antagonizing party knows full well the circumstances of said prophecy."

Auros knew there would be a flood of questions as to how in the world someone like him could know so much about Magical Theory, but he didn't care. He forgot how much the nuance of Meta-Magic got his (metaphorical) blood pumping!

2015-08-21, 07:40 PM
Aria beamed a big, bright smile at the guard who offered to escort them. "Oh! That is so nice of you, thank you so much!" she said enthusiastically. "We promise we won't take up much of your time," she said, as she and her sister started out the door. Both of them immediately starting to chat the guard's ear off.

"So, what's your name?"

"Have you been doing this long?"

"What made you decide to join the Guard?"

"Did you grow up here?"

"We did, just over on Oaken Street."

"Used to spend, like, all our time down at the library when we were kids..."

"Do you like to read?"

"What's your favorite book?"

And so on...

And so on...

Gonna go ahead and try to Flashily Create an Advantage: Rapport With the Guard. Not using magic to do it, so no stunt bonuses.


2015-08-21, 10:16 PM
Ooh, elven royalty. Layers upon layers with this one. When he names her a representative, she straightens up seemingly subconsciously, as if to make herself seem more important. She shoots them an icy look that could freeze lava twice over and sniffs when they finally let them through. Finally, she drawls in a sophisticated tone, an obvious departure from her earlier fawning attitude. She now practically exudes an aura of sophistication and grace as she walks out of the bunker.

She maintains that aura as they continue down the street. She'll have to save the interrogation of her "fellow politician" for after the guard departs. Forgive my pointing at the obvious, Sir Auros, but it is impressive for one so well-versed in arcane magic to be so comfortable in such enormous armor. It must have taken you years to gain such skill. Her voice holds nothing but polite curiosity, she is still interested in his answer.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-21, 10:31 PM
Auros was starting to get a feel for the redheaded girl, he'd seen quite a few like her over the years. A chameleon, ready, willing, and able to blend into any and all social ecosystems. He had her pegged as something more than a simple drifter though, likely some high up in the criminal underworld...

But that didn't matter, she seemed nice enough, and Auros wasn't about to turn down a simple line of questioning. "Hah! I haven't been referred to as "Sir Auros" in a dragon's age. But really, it wasn't as hard as you might think. I had always had a penchant for sword play, even from a young age. And, whilst I ended up pursuing more intellectual life paths in the end, I always felt comfortable in the plains of combat. So, when it came time to don this armour in order to face the war prepared, the skills came rather naturally. I'm not going to act like I was some warrior-savant or something. But when the alternative to rapidly gaining skill was dying at the hands of enemy forces, well... Let's just say I learned rather quickly. What about you? You handle yourself with such poise and grace. Surely such a quick tongue was granted unto thee under more circumstances than simple birthright." The armoured figure didn't expect to get a straight answer, but, if this women truly was of the chosen, it wouldn't hurt to build up a rapport.

2015-08-22, 12:24 AM
Haley gives an amused upturn of the lip as the metal man talks. As close to her typical grin as she can give while in her current persona. A dragon's age, eh? Do you keep that visor on to hide your age, then? she asks with a laugh on her voice. She gives the barest hint of a wink, then continues, A mixture of might and magic--a formidable strength, worthy of a royal's payroll.

What, can you not believe that these dulcet tones are simply pure, gods-given talents? she asks, the picture of haughty affront. It is hard for a woman of her height to look down her nose at a seven-ish foot tall man in full body armor, but she manages it flawlessly. After keeping up the image for a few seconds, she gives a little giggle and softens her gaze. You know how they say practice makes perfect? There isn't much better than perfection, but I still practiced all the same. And now look where I am.

She gestures to the elven royalty in their group at that last part. So many implications, none of them given voice. How did you and Sir Farsight meet, Sir Auros? she asks, voicing it such that it is open to answer from both men.

2015-08-22, 09:31 AM
"Oh. I'm Michael. I've been on the guard for three years now. I joined after I was sent home from the front line because I still wanted to protect people. Yeah! Born and raised in Blaise, though I was sent of to a boarding school in Reese when I was a teenager.Really? I did too. There's so much to learn from books- and it's so under appreciated! Marcy- you know the librarian- is such a nice lady too. I don't even think I could pick my favorite book! There's just too many..." and so on.

You pass. You get one free evoke on it too. You were just a point away from succeeding with style. :smalltongue:

Rekylen is walking silently, just mildly annoyed that they have an escort but he speaks up when Haley asks her question.
"Ah. I met Sir Auros many years ago in my home city of Yeslana. We came across each other- in what I admit was a most undignified way- while I was wandering the streets."

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-22, 10:24 AM
Auros gives a light chuckle when "Veronica" asks him the purpose of the visor. "Something like that, yes. And you are correct, many royals would pay handsomely to have me in their employ. But trust me when I say a civilian escort is the most you'll ever get. I'm more of a freelance agent these day, this is more so a favour to Rekylen than anything else." He ponders the woman's explanation of her talents. "Ah I see. And I imagine such things as your obvious occupation came to you naturally as well? It truly couldn't have been hard for someone like yourself to achieve the lofty stature I'm sure you enjoy." Auros knew she likely wouldn't crack under interrogation. But it was good to let the fiery-haired woman know that he could still very much hear and see from behind his cold, unfeeling mask.

The armoured man can't help but give a hearty laugh when Rekylen summarizes the circumstances of their meeting. "Undignified to be sure. In a moment of pure, complete inattentiveness, we ended up walking straight into each other on the street corner. I swear to this day there are still pages of my notes and journal entries floating in the winds from the sheer force of the impact. It certainly wasn't the most respectable method of introduction, but it was at the very least memorable."

2015-08-22, 12:30 PM
"So what's the word on the front getting close and all?" Aria asked Michael. "Is it really something we have to worry about?"

If anyone wants to take the free Invocation of that aspect - to, say, help get rid of the guy - feel free.

Also, what's Raina's/Blaise's status with regards to the war? I notice we're like smack dab between Kyriak and Syarian, so I'm kinda assuming we're overall neutral (although even if so, I imagine there'd be strong opinions on both sides throughout the kingdom) and it's the two warring kingdoms approaching that is the "front" they're talking about? With the main concern being the city being taken by either army? Or are we actually on one side or the other and its the other one trying to reach the city while our army defends it?

2015-08-22, 07:40 PM
"Oh yes, actually. The Captain is in active contact with the general, so she knows exactly how close the front is. It's only about four miles north of here. If it gets any closer everyone will be evacuated through the tunnels to Reese."

Rania has active alliances with Kyriak, Charak, Uthana, and Aythe. They are non-aggressive toward Batrill, Ospar, Ofra, Reathen, Heatha, Taida, and Peslya. Every other country they are officially at war with- though they're only actively fighting (for themselves; this isn't counting having troops help an ally) Lakeside, Rin, and Leslosal. The front is question is actually with Lakeside, who want to capture Blaise for how close it is to their ally Syarian, not only to take it out of the hands of their enemy, but to be in a better spot to help Syarian.

"You just had to tell them THAT part if it, didn't you?" Rekylen sighs, shaking his head, before looking to Michael. "Wouldn't your Captain be upset that you left your post?"
"No, since I'm personally making sure dignitaries get where they need to go unharmed. She would understand the importance of that." Michael crosses arms, glaring daggers at Rekylen, who just sighs quietly.

2015-08-23, 12:47 PM
The twins frowned a little, not liking the idea of their hometown being in such danger. Oh, sure, it wasn't perfect - they had had to deal with more than their share of prejudice throughout their lives - but it was still their home.

But as long as the people would be safe, the place wasn't the important thing.

Made a couple minor tweaks to the twins' backstory to account for the political situation, considering we're actually technically at war with the elven nations :smallamused:.

2015-08-25, 12:58 PM
"Ah yes, Einkaern's Theorem of Self-Fulfilling Prophecy's. I know it well. However, I must bring up the fact that, not only is that theorem fiercely debated within the magical community to this very day, but you are also forgetting that the theorem only applies to Arcane Divination magic, not Divine Divination magic. Whilst Arcane magic runs on variables and lends itself towards paradoxical fulfillment. Divine prophecies, as passed down by gods, run off of constants. Pillars of fact that weigh in amongst a tide of more mutable and variable things like location and circumstance. An Arcane prophecy can be undone rather easily, whilst a Divine prophecy can only be stopped if the antagonizing party knows full well the circumstances of said prophecy."

Pepper gazed wide-eyed at the man. He was brilliant! Perhaps not as brilliant as her, but definitely the smartest person (or whatever) she had ever met. A million questions flooded her brain, and this time she had no intention of holding back.

Well, I must say, that was a very educated response. Where did you study magic? Did you have a formal education, or are you self taught? How many years have you taught? What's your specialty? I would be delighted to compare notes with you!

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-25, 02:06 PM
If Auros was still physically capable of blushing, he would no doubt do so in response to Pepper's praise. He responded to her questions in kind. "Well, that's a rather storied tale. I'm a Sorcerer, you see. And thus not only do I lack a speciality, but the majority of my magical skill is intrinsic and self-taught. However, I did achieve a proper arcane education at Redianis' College of Mages, which I was accepted into at age 16 and finished the full course of in just 6 short years. Since the practice came naturally, I was able to devote a majority of my time there to studying magical theory, hence why I'm able to have this conversation with you now. What about you? What sort of credentials do you have? It's not often these days to find someone so well-versed in theory and meta-study of magic." Auros asked, more than a little elated to have a fellow scholar to speak to for once. It had been so long since the armour-clad figure was allowed to indulge in his scholarly past, especially in the face of the constantly effervescent war. This was a nice change of pace.

The imposing man eventually wandered a little ways off towards the guard Michael, a firm adamantine hand coming to rest on the young man's shoulder. "I thank you for bringing us this far, but I really can handle the rest on my own. It was very kind of you to escort us this far, but I really must ask you to leave. The people of this city need you far more than we do." Auros wasn't actively attempting to be imposing, honestly. But, when you're a seven foot something-tall suit of armour, being gentle in one's actions is easier said than done.

Going to Forcefully Overcome this task in trying to strongarm/guilt Michael into leaving us be. [roll0] +3 +2 for the Rapport With the Guard aspect, for a total of +5.

2015-08-25, 04:33 PM
"I- well. Uh. I really think..." He looks around the empty street and sighs. "I... suppose. Yes, you're right. I don't really trust Joey to guard the entrance by himself..." He starts to walk away, hesitating- sending a suspicious glare toward Rekylen before actually leaving the group.
Well. You just succeeded with style. You get a boost.

2015-08-26, 02:08 PM
The twins listened to the discussion of magical theory with casual interest. They found it a fascinating study in theory, but any time they really tried to buckle down and dig into it, had always found it way too dry in practice to hold their attention for long. Their magic had always been a more intuitive art anyway.

They gave Michael cheery waves goodbye, waiting until he was out of earshot, before Aria looked to Rekelyn. "So, there were some things you wanted to talk to us about once we were alone," she prompted.

"Something involving us being totally awesome and stopping the war, I believe?" Lilleen added with a gleeful smile.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-26, 02:34 PM
Auros turned towards the twins. "Rekylen didn't promise you anything. I was the one who promised answers." The figure states, pointing at the Inn the group had finally reached. "And, if you would kindly follow me into my friends quarters, I would be happy to give them to you." And, with that, the armoured form walks into the building, being led by Rekylen into the room, the group trailing quickly behind.

2015-08-26, 02:37 PM
Oh, I went to the gnomish University, but they don't teach you anything useful. Just memorizing hand motions and words. But in the 116 years since I've graduated, I took it upon myself to learn all the ins and outs of magic: specifically, how and more importantly why it works.

So, for all intents and purposes, I am self taught, and in a greater capacity than any University education will give, as I'm sure you can relate to.

My specialties are in Illusion and in Engineering. I have built many a companion for myself, many of whom....served me well

At this, she quickly ended the conversation, and turned so the stranger wouldn't see her tearing up.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-26, 02:40 PM
As they walk through the Inn, Auros notices a change in Pepper's tone. He gives her a sidelong glance as he speaks in a solemn and honest tone. "I know what it's like to experience loss. What matters is that you use the time others have granted you to make things right. If you'll follow me, and if my suspicions are confirmed, your friends' deaths will have not been in vain."

2015-08-26, 02:46 PM
The Inn is a two story building, with a small empty tavern in as the front room and a staircase that goes and down. Rekylen just silently goes up the stairs, and into his room, though he leaves the door open behind him.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-26, 02:58 PM
Auros follows Rekylen into the room, the rest of the group (presumably) walking in behind him. When the last person enters, he shut the door and stands in the room. The room itself is fairly Spartan. A bed, a table by the window with a few chairs, nothing much. But there are more than enough places to sit that everyone finds comfortable seating. As Auros stands at the front of the room, looking about at those within, he sighs. His hope beyond hope welling up at the possibility of this war finally being over.

He faces his companions and speaks. "So... I... Don't exactly know how to start this and... Oh what the hell, how's this for an ice breaker?" And, slowly, deliberately, Auros Vigil reaches up to his helmet and, in one smooth motion, pops it off it's frame, revealing the empty void beneath.

There is likely silence for a few moments as the questions form in all the occupants minds, until Auros speaks in a calm tone of voice, the echo of his voice revealing itself to emanate from the inside of his form all at once. "So, now that I have your attention. Any questions?"

2015-08-26, 03:18 PM
"Shhh, just go with it," Lilleen stage-whispered to Auros. "He's got the whole 'wise ancient elf' shtick going for him. Makes him a natural choice for exposition. Whereas with your 'armored mage' vibe you're a shoe-in for-" and then Rekelyn went up to his room.


"No one cares about the aesthetics anymore," she grumbled.

Aria cast her sister an amused, but slightly commiserating, smile as they followed Auros up, finding a place to sit and looking attentatively to the armored man...when he pulled off his helm.


Blink blink.

Well, clearly, there was only one way to respond to that. Lilleen raised an understanding finger, drew in a breath, paused for just an instant as she confirmed her analysis was both sufficiently accurate and insightful to present before the group, and then helpfully pointed out, "You don't have a head."

Aria's eye-roll almost served to cover her amused smirk. "You're him aren't you?" she asked more seriously. "The Adamantine Knight."

"Ooh, I love those stories!" Lilleen said cheerily.

"Tales say you once fought your way through both sides of a battle to rescue a bunch of kids caught in the middle," Aria continued. Her voice had taken on a more cagey tone, quite different from the whimsical cheer she had displayed earlier. "That you appear at random throughout history when innocents are endangered by the war. That when you find someone who profits from the war, to don't rest until they and their establishments have been destroyed."

"They also say you once set an entire fortress on fire, single-handedly dueled the Baron of Endsmore and one time put an entire battalion under a sleeping spell so you could steal all their provisions to return to a nearby village except you left them one goat!" Lilleen added, her voice not at all different from the whimsical cheer she had displayed earlier.


"I always kinda wondered what happened to that goat..."

Disclaimer: The stories that Aria and Lilleen have read may or may not have even a passing resemblance to the actual events of Auros' life. This goes double for Lilleen. :smalltongue:

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-26, 03:41 PM
Auros chuckles at Aria's initial reaction. "Not in the conventional sense, no. But the helm does serve as my way of sight." He continues to listen to the twins ramblings and chuckled as he listened to the increasingly absurd tales. "Yes, I am the knight to which you are referring, and I'm honestly surprised the legends have endured so long. Though there are embellishments here and there. Aria, you have the first part down. I have dedicated my existence to saving innocents and helping save lives where I can. Though the way you put it is a bit over the top. I'm not some holy avenger, I just help where I can. Though I'm not above slaying a despot or two when the need arises." The armoured once-a-man states as he replaces his helmet. "And Lilleen... Well, a few things. First, the fortress wasn't set on fire, it was assaulted by lava, and it actually wasn't my idea. As a matter of fact, I actually tried to stop the volcano from erupting, and did my best to minimize innocent casualties. I wouldn't say dueled so much as "he got his sword stuck in me and then was promptly executed". And it was a company, not a battalion, and a cow, not a goat. And I couldn't for the life of me tell you what happened to it."

He looks at the two seriously now. "I'm as old as the war. I was once a simple sorcerer, yes, but that changed when I encountered Rekylen. I was one of the few who heeded his warnings of the war, and forged my soul into this suit for two reasons. 1. So I could endure the war for as long as it lasted. And 2. Because this war is not a natural one. And this form was the only way I could protect myself from it."

He pauses, the ancient figure thinking of exactly how to put his explanation. "You see, this war... Is a curse. Literally. It is an ancient spell, cast upon the whole planet and powered by a giant energy crystal so as to perpetuate itself for eternity. It was the work of an evil wizard who likes to go by the name Malsvir, who devised the curse as a means of entertainment, revelling in the carnage as the civilized races slay each other for no reason. This spell is a mind-altering curse that takes effect on every male member of a race once they reach physical maturity, compelling them to fight for no discernible reason, against their own will. I had to transfer my mind to a construct in order to avoid its compulsion myself. Women, however are not affected by the curse, because Malsvir is a Bigot, on top of being a Monster and a Fool. Which is why I always assumed that the heroes of the prophecy, the one passed on by Rekylen, would be women. And, judging by all the happenstance thus far, and Rekylen's tension and excitement, I'd say the lot of you fit the bill."

2015-08-26, 04:31 PM
Even Lilleen's features grew grim at Auros' explanation. "That explains what happened to Anthen," she said softly.

"Okay, fine, so how do we stop it?" Aria asked. "We're Chosen, go us, what's our first move? Do we know where this gem thing is?"

2015-08-26, 11:45 PM
Hidden deep enough in her voice that only a discerning ear could hear, there is a bare trace of amusement. She hasn't had this much fun in...well, not too long. She tends to keep herself entertained one way or another. It's not everyday a man can match her with words--two men, counting Rekylen. She keeps up idle banter with Auros as they reach the inn. She nods graciously to the guard, still in the manner of the "experienced diplomat."

When Auros removes his helmet from his shoulders to reveal, well, nothing underneath, Haley whistles. Now that is impressive, she says, voice more honest than they'd ever heard. I'm only passing knowledgeable of arcane and divine metaphysics, but attaching a soul to a suit of armor isn't exactly the easiest thing to do. Was it powerful enough to give you the complete range of senses? How did you manage to rig it so your soul would go to the armor when you died--did you have to die inside of a ritual circle that was somehow attached to the armor?

When he begins to speak of the beginning of the war, Haley grows deathly quiet. She has been searching for the root cause of this war for...years. Of course she knows that there is a source. And with a war going on as long as these interconnected wars have, it has to be a doozy. So there's an actual, physical man she can physically castrate for starting the war that had deprived her of anything resembling a childhood...or family. Man, that thought is a nice one.

She takes out a small notepad and begins scribbling a few spare notes. I'm sure you two are gonna love how his bigotry comes to bite him in the ass, she thinks out loud, eyes glancing up at Aria and Lilleen. The whole "karma" thing and all.

What do you know that Reky over there knows? I guess the more important question is, what don't you know that he does, and how can we find that out? And why can't he just plain tell us what we need to know, if we're the "Chosen"? She lets it show that she's a bit irked at not being able to ask the elf himself for the answers, especially since he's literally the biggest source of intel anyone's ever had ever.

Turning to the elf, she asks, Can you at least let on why you think the four of us and Auros are the Chosen? It'd be nice to know the reasoning on which we're being recommended to stop a centuries-old war.

2015-08-27, 08:48 AM
Rekylen was just silently gathering his things and trying very hard to ignore the conversation going on around him, but he pauses as Haley directly addresses him, though he doesn't respond to her immediately and instead looks towards Auros. "It wasn't for entertainment."
Sighing, Rekylen looks to Haley.
"You aren't going to like this answer, but I can't say Spymaster. Truly sorry." He pauses, shock flitting across his for a moment. "... I didn't think I would be able to say that..." He shakes his head, looking frustrated himself. "Trust me I want to tell you..."

2015-08-27, 09:43 AM
Haley gives a quizzical raise of the eyebrow at his title for her. Upgrading me from a diplomat, huh? she asks with amusement. Are you in the habit of giving strangers random titles? Her amused voice covers up mild surprise at his declaration. Is he just guessing? What is in his prophecy that let him say that?

I understand you'd want to tell us--if you made the prophecy when the war began, that means you're older than you look, even for an elf. So of course you'd want to tell us and end it faster; the fact that you can't means there's something bigger at play. Something bigger than a worldwide constant war with the fate of an entire planet at stake. Hmm...I don't suppose there's a god play then, eh?

Sneakily Overcoming Rekylen's implication of her job. [roll0] + 3 Approach + 1 from invoking Spymaster Aspect of being good at bluffing. One thing I miss about 3.5 is even if there were a dice roll, even on a natural 1 she'd still get over a 30 total, lol.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-27, 10:07 AM
Auros returns Haley's genuine interest in kind. "It wasn't easy, no. But amazing breakthroughs tend to happen quite easily when so desperately pressed for time. I do have my senses about me, even smell! Though that one was a rather tough nut to crack. The armour itself is inlayed on the inside and outside with myriad alchemical and arcane sigils, which allow both the bonding of my soul and the projection of it in order to perform magic." As he speaks, Auros's form faintly glows all over, revealing a veritable masterpiece of magical symbols covering his entire body like a collage of the arcane. "The ritual itself required me to wear the armour within a magic circle. The circle then vaparized my human body, and bonded my soul to the armour around it. Clean, quick, and efficient."

He eyes Haley's questioning with interest. Whilst the woman was rather convincing, Auros had known Rekylen for years, and one of the things he never does is lie. Clearly this "Veronica" was a bit more than meets the eye "Good guess. Lady of questionable allegiance." Auros addresses towards Haley. "Rekylen is a priest of Reylanna. It was she that devised the prophecy, and gave it unto Rekylen. But Reylanna, whilst no doubt having the best intentions, put some unfortunate limitations on him in exchange for knowing the prophecy, namely, talking about the damn prophecy, in an attempt to keep people from sabotaging it." The armour man seems to sigh, as frustrating memories begin to resurface. "I've... Had more than my own share of frustrations in regards to Rekylen's inabilities. It's taken me all this time figure out as much as I know now, and I didn't even know why he was being so cryptic until a few decades into knowing him. But, at this point, I think I've got a rough sketch of the prophecy through little tidbits and my own research. Rekylen likely can't tell you any more than I've already told you. And for that we are both very sorry. Now, I've finished pouring my heart out to you. I feel it would be common courtesy for you, at the very least, to tell us your real name." No questioning, no conjecture, just certainty. The only way to catch a liar off guard was to refuse to play their game, and even that tactic had spotty effectiveness.

He addresses Aria and Lilleen last. "Well, I actually don't know that one. But I think Rekylen might. He's done his own fair share of research into the war, quite in-depth actually. And, since it's knowledge he learned himself, he can be moderately less vague about it! So, Mr, Farsight, any knowledge on the location of the Root of the War?" He asks of his old friend, quizzically.

2015-08-27, 11:00 AM
Pepper doesn't say anything, just walks up to the suit of armor and starts poking around to investigate, as well as casting a spell to determine the nature of the magic used in such a curious anomaly.

I have heard the rumors about the curse of this war, but, according to my calculations, the magic required would be....enormous. I'm sure you realize that.
If this Malsvir guy is powerful enough to cast a curse like this, which has lasted all this time, then trying to defeat him is a pretty tall order.

2015-08-27, 11:33 AM
"... I thought it was more appropriate than the false name you gave." Rekylen chuckles, staring at the floor. "I'm not a priest, though I do serve the Lady of Peace..." He sighs when Auros explains his issue. "Yes. What Auros said. It's... frustrating to say the least. I mean, I understand why- it needs to be kept away from priests of Christopher and..." He closes his eyes, pausing. "...And the man Auros previously mentioned."

Rekylen smiles weakly at Auros. "Ah, yes. Well you certainly wouldn't find it on this continent, nor even an ecosystem resembling this one." He runs his hands through his hair, clearly in frustration. "And a particular naval enemy of mine knows the area well, though it's not his home." He stares off at nothing, trying to come up with anything more he could say to be more specific. "Th-" His skin pales considerably and he kicks the wall, swearing quietly in elven. "Nevermind!"

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-27, 11:52 AM
Auros speaks calmingly to his old friend. "Easy there Rekylen. Choose your words carefully. Maybe start with where it's not?" He suggests, before giving a downward glance at the gnome poking around at his shins. "A powerful force indeed, which is why someone like Malsvir had to steal it. You see, the spell's power crystal is actually designed to be powered by the magical potential of wizards. ALL of it. In order to craft it, Malsvir would have had to feed the crystal several accomplished wizards' powers in order to fuel it, killing most of them in the process, and leaving the few survivors incapable of magic. A heinous act that need merely be added to the list of atrocities the man has committed." Pepper's arcane sight would reveal to her that the magic given off by Auros, whilst at first very subdued, is actually unimaginably powerful. A massive swirl of Transmutation magic, interwoven with Universal spell bindings to keep it all together, establishing permanence.

2015-08-27, 12:09 PM
There was a slowly building glee on the twins' faces as Auros filled them in. It was like seeing a favorite character jump right out of the storybooks!

...And immediately start disappointing them in reality. The join vanished from their features as they cast both Auros and Rekelyn kinda shocked, even affronted looks. "Hey! A little respect, perhaps?" Aria asked, her voice noticeably cool. "You want Veronica's help, and yet you accuse her of lying and spying when she's done nothing to earn such mistrust? Is such paranoia really warranted?"

"You should be ashamed of yourselves," Lilleen added moodily, giving a sharp, almost disgusted breath at the display of mistrust.

Lilleen looked to Pepper then, and her voice got much more cheerful, although some of the disappointment remained in her eyes. "More like impossible, I'd say," she said, although her tone of voice wasn't wary or nervous or anything of the sort. It was perfectly chipper.

"And as we all know, a ragtag band of heroes facing impossible odds never fails!" Aria said with the same brightness.

So, seriously, guys, I bit this down earlier, but at this point I kinda have to call you out on this. Haley's got two Stunts relating to deception, Sneaky as her highest Approach, and freakin' Spymaster in her High Concept. Of course we all know that Veronica isn't her real name and she's a spy, but if we project that knowledge onto our characters - PC or NPC - with no reason for them to know or even suspect it (how often do you spent even a moment considering whether or not someone who just told you their name is lying to you about it?), it conflicts hugely with how Thokk designed his character. Her giving a false name, or not revealing her profession, or telling all manner of minor lies does not hinder our PCs, provide her with an undue advantage, or affect the plot. I would argue that in such cases, a minimum level of competence in the art of deception that assures such harmless lies pass unchallenged should be assumed as part of her Spymaster aspect.

It might be fun to feel like the character you're controlling is super-savvy and intelligent, but here that's coming at the direct expense of not just another PC's characterization, but their very High Concept. It's equivalent to ignoring that Auros cast a spell, acting unimpressed by the twins' performances, or dismissing Pepper's extensive understanding of magic (which, I suppose while I'm at it I may as well note, apologies Capt, but you toed really close to the line there earlier as well).

Now Thokk's felt obligated to not only bring direct mechanical actions into this, but to spend a valuable and limited Fate Point just to try to get people playing along with how he envisions his character. That's kinda Not Cool.

I apologize if this gives offense, and Thokk if it doesn't bother you, sorry for butting in where I don't need to, but this strikes me as the sort of thing that should get brought into the open sooner than later. It's probably too late to retcon and I can't in any way demand or force you to not do it in the future, but until there's actual proof of Haley's deceptions and a reason to seek it out or bring it up in the first place (or her lies actually threaten hindrance to the PCs, at which point opposing checks and actions would be perfectly appropriate), Aria and Lilleen will be treating such suspicions not as savvy and clever, but as the rampant paranoia and mistrust that they, in fact, are.

2015-08-27, 02:36 PM
Haley gets a little closer to the armor to better inspect the runes. It seems you are as much an artist as you are an arcanist, she comments, looking at the extensive array of runes on what he uses for a body. How long did it take you to inscribe all of those? Although I suppose pulling an all-nighter or three doesn't matter in the long run when you'll be just a soul attached to armor. At least, I assume your circumstances mean that you don't need to sleep. Does that mean you were seven-ish feet tall way back when?

She taps her notepad with her quill, mulling things over. I mean, I guess I can understand not wanting the prophecy's knowledge to fall into the wrong hands. Of course, that probably never stopped the progenitor of this atrocity from trying to pry it from Reky. He must have sent people after you. Do you mean to say you can't even tell us the names of people who attacked you after the prophecy was made? How tangential are the parameters on these "limitations"?

At Auros' final statement to her, she settles a hand onto her hip and seems to ponder something. She had been wondering when the man would confront her. Now, she can easily play the fool and play her role even harder--she's got the papers in her purse to show that she is, indeed, Veronica Hale, resident of Blaise. But if they are to be working together, then she guesses she'll have to throw them a bone.

She glances at the twins, and gives them an apologetic smile. Turning back to the suit of armor, her expression still holds hints of amusement, and yet he can also detect shades of somberness. Names have a certain power, wouldn't you agree? she asks finally. They let you find someone instantly if you have the resources--magical resources, of course. Mundane resources take a bit more time, but given enough time and their location's yours. For instance, if only we could be told Reky's enemy's name outright, our jobs would become that much easier. You can call someone a bad name; you can address someone by their proper name, or even a nickname if you know them well enough. Or even if you don't know them well enough, I suppose, she says, giving a grin to Rekylen. In the world we live in, there are areas where anonymity is one's only defense against those who would do her harm.

Suffice it to say, I have the skills and the means to help us find this Malsvir and those who work for him. And I believe he and his underlings deserve every kind of punishment fitting for what they have done to the people of the world. I think that's something we can both agree on. There--as close to laying her cards out on the table as he's going to get, at least at this point.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-27, 02:57 PM
Auros looks offended at the twins accusations. "Are you really that disheartened at my intentions by the simple act of suspicion? You call yourselves storytellers, and yet you shy away from the humanity of a hero? After all, what is adventure without intrigue?" He asks honestly of the two bards. "And as for the doubt in question. Rekylen was an Oracle since before the war, and a damn good one at that. He has a precedent here. And besides that, he's my friend. Aria, Lilleen, look at each other. Do you see the connection you share? That trust and duty towards one another that can only come from a lifetime of familiarity? Well that's what I feel for Rekylen. I've been working with him for over 90% of my life, and we've been working together since the war's very start to end it. I trust this man with my LIFE. And if he casts doubt, you better be damn sure I'm behind it. Or would you so quickly turn on each other, were you in my shoes?" He asks, his voice steady and authoritarian, the voice of a man teaching a child a lesson, one they must learn to live in the harshness of the world. "Ashamed of myself indeed."

He turns to Veronica (if she wants that name, she may have it) and... It's barely perceptible, but those around him could swear that his eyes were that of a man smiling. "I always said one cannot know true honour until one sees the underbelly of mankind. Names truly are a powerful thing. But I know more than anyone else that, no matter how great you are in life, your name can fade into nothingness." A hint of sobriety can be heard in the man's voice. "What matters is what you DO with the name you wear. And, if you do what is right, then you shall outlive even your title, immortal in the eyes of man. The girls have proven that sure enough with the tales of me that yet endure. You are right, miss Veronica, our goals are one in the same. And for now, that is all that matters."

He switches the topic to her previous statement, trying to quell the mood. "Your flattery is appreciated. I actually had the idea for the armour for a while beforehand. Living your youth amongst Elven wizards a century your elder and yet still young teaches you the weight of mortality quite fast. I worked on the runes for two days and three nights, and by dawn of the third day, I was reborn in this suit. And yes, I am beyond sleep, and food, and pain -for the most part, anyways-" He chuckles at the question of his height. "Aye. The "Wizard's Tower" they used to call me back in the circles of my peers. Though I believe the armour granted an extra inch or two, what with the helm and plume and all." He explains, remaining bashful.

He sighs at the questioning of Rekylen's limitations. "You know the gods. Fickle and enigmatic. It seems that anything that could lead us directly through the prophecy to its eventual conclusion is off-limits. Though even that rule is a free-reign suggestion at the best of times... He's also spotty on the actual verbatim prophecy itself. Sometimes he can quote it, sometimes he can't. Believe me, my dear, no matter how frustrated you are right now, I have centuries ahead of you on this particular plight." Most people in the room probably didn't think a suit of armour could look fed up, but they've clearly been proven wrong now.

2015-08-27, 03:31 PM
For just a moment, as Auros spoke and after Veronica had tacitly confirmed she had indeed not given them her real name, the twins looked guilty, and then angry as Auros equated what they had said with betraying a trust, before going contemplative as they considered his words. But by the time they answered, the looks on their faces were back to their usual lighthearted cheer. "Nope," Lilleen answered him. "But I certainly would call her out if I thought she was being rude, whether I felt she was right about it or not. Here, watch: Aria, it was rude of you to say they weren't being respectful without knowing why they were being so suspicious."

"Well it was rude of you to say they should be ashamed of themselves without knowing why they were being so suspicious," her twin answered in kind.

"See?" the twins said together.

The conflict evidently dismissed and forgotten as quickly as it had been brought up, the two considered the puzzle of the prophecy. They didn't even consider trying to trickily extract information from Rekelyn by, for example, means of mind-reading spells, or creative questioning. Auros's theory that any means of circumventing the safeguard on the prophecy would be likewise precluded made perfect sense to them. Not so much because such safeguards would be logical precautions, as because, honestly, what kind of story would tell the protagonists exactly what they needed to know in the first chapter.

Rekelyn's description suggested that the gem itself was likely held under water. It wasn't certain, of course, but it seemed a smart place for it. Much harder to get at something beneath the ocean. Even so... "It seems to me focusing on the gem and on Malsvir is coming at this from the wrong angle. Trying to figure out how to the story ends all the way in the first chapter. Although...I guess for you guys, it doesn't really feel like the first chapter," she added with a nod to Auros and Rekelyn. "Point being, we need to figure out what path we should be walking, and then find the first step onto it."

"In the stories, there's kinda...common options for breaking major curses like this. Considering this one's worldwide, I don't think True Love's Kiss would be a practical solution. Not that I doubt it would work, mind, but seriously, finding the true love of every male on the planet would take, just, really long. So I figure we'll call that 'Plan B'."

"Sometimes finding the one who cast the curse and striking them down in righteous battle works, but not always. Do we know if this Malsvir is still alive? Obviously, if he's dead, that would nip that option in the bud."

"We might not need to find the gem at all. What magic has done, magic can undo. What we might actually need to is find a counter-curse. Some powerful ritual that can piece together from half-forgotten clues in dusty libraries, and travel the world to collect rare and exotic components for, and stuff like that."

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-27, 04:03 PM
Auros chuckles at the innocence of the girls. They certainly had the heart of heroes, that was for sure.

He pondered their statement as to a strategy. "I do believe we need a place to start. As you said this isn't the beginning of my story, and I've not simply sat idly by whilst this went on. Malsvir is very much alive, of that I assure you. He was rather loud about his achievements in the magical community, and believe me, he would not shut up when he figured out how to live forever." Auros breathes, tired just remembering it. "He hasn't been idle either. In fact, the man has spent the last 300 years building his own personal cult, who's members hail him as a god. This cult has members the world over, so catching and questioning one of them may be a good start."

He looks cross at the twins conjecture of there just being a magic counter somewhere. "Girls, don't you think that's one of the first things I considered? Yes, it could be done. But the counter spell would require the same- *ahem* -power source as the original spell. And, moral and ethical quandaries aside, to find that many wizards and sorcerers of that high a caliber in this war-torn world would be next to impossible. I CAN, however, tell you with utmost certainty that A. If we smash the crystal the world will be freed of the curse, as such a spell is sustained, not permanent. And B. Malsvir is likely sitting right on top of the crystal so as to protect it. After all, you don't just leave your plan's Big Glowing Weak Spot unattended now, do you?" The enchanted suit explains to all present.

2015-08-27, 04:18 PM
"And the crystal can be physically smashed, assuming we can get through its various defenses, traps, and guardians? We don't need to, like, shatter it with a blade of pure starmetal blessed by the last scion of an ancient order of monks under full moon of the summer solstice?"

"Or carry it through the barren lands patrolled by the enemy forces, resisting its temptation all the while, to throw it into the mouth of an active volcano that it be destroyed in the very fires where it was created?"

"Or destroy it with a ritual crafted from the grimoires of seven liches performed during an eclipse at the site of the spell's original casting?"

"Or break the seals on the five gates that were created to bind its power by a party of epic adventurers in the days of yore?"

They...thought about these things.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-27, 05:28 PM
Auros brought Aria and Lileen down rather slowly. "Not... Really, no. You really do just have to smash it. Well, kill Malsvir, AND THEN smash it, or get him to smash it himself. But it really does just boil down to hitting the crystal really hard. This story is not one who's challenge is that it is complex. The challenge is that nobody's allowed to be frank about the details." He looks about at the rest of the group.

"Any further questions?"

2015-08-27, 06:02 PM
"Ah you ask interesting questions Spymaster." Rekylen mutters, staring at the floor. "He's... definitely tried. It doesn't work- obviously." He pauses. "And the limitations are... strange. What I can and cannot say isn't even consistent, but in general I can't speak on it at all and I can speak very little on things tangentially related to it."

At Auros' brief mention of his time at Redianis' college of mages, Rekylen chuckles. "I had the opposite problem. I went to a bardic college in Rania and they made me feel ancient."

As the twins start talking Rekylen crosses his arms. "Feels like it's far from the first chapter to me, but my story is more than a prequel than anything, so this really is the first chapter." He sighs. "Well a true loves kiss wouldn't do it. That's for sure."

"Well the same power source, or at least some other source of power on the same magnitude..."

He frowns at Auros' "nobody's allowed to be frank about the details". "That's not my fault!"

2015-08-27, 06:27 PM
Fascinating she thought, and reminded herself to investigate this creature more in the future. But for now, she should probably start paying attention to the conversation going on around her which was probably fairly important, if a bit dull.

I don't know about all of you, but quite possibly the most frustrating thing for me is when someone else knows something and I don't. And I have to say, Auros seems like a fairly trustworthy individual, so if he says there's no way to learn about this, then I'll trust him, frustrating as it may be.

And yes, there will likely be no way to end a curse as powerful as this with pure magic, unless of course you want to discover what acts of horror were used to construct it and commit them again to reverse it. If that isn't an option, then killing Malsivir is probably our only option.

She thought about it for a minute

Or, of course, we could just set about asking willing males if they want to submit to the same process Auros underwent. That would both weaken Malsivir and strengthen us.

2015-08-27, 08:01 PM
Okay, so the deranged lunatic has a cult to cater to his every egotistical whim--sounds like a great place to start, Haley says with a smirk. Where's the closest cell of that cult in Raina? I can call in some favors and we can start there.

She hides a giggle at the twins' exuberant and increasingly outlandish scenarios. It's cute in its own way, a light-heartedness Haley hasn't felt in years. Hopefully they can leave that outlandishness to the imagination. Auros, you made it seem like there are several conditions upon which we must destroy the crystal. We must either destroy it after Malsvir is killed, or he must destroy it himself. Is there a preferred option vis a vis the elimination of the curse, or do we just do whichever seems most likely to succeed?

She tilts her head at the illusionist with a wry grin. I don't quite think that it would be easy to convince others to become sentient suits of armor, she says with amusement in her voice. It takes a certain kind of person to agree to something like that. Nothing against you, of course, she says with a nod to Auros.

She looks at Rekylen with more curiosity in her eyes. Curiosity, and a certain amount of sympathy. Not being able to tell anyone the exact details with which to rescue the world...that can't have been easy all these years, she says softly. The sympathy leaves, and she asks with pure curiosity, How have you remained so young, anyway? I guess there must be some benefits to being at the beck and call of a goddess. And aside from Auros, is there anyone in the world who may be able to help tell us more about what we can do to stop Malsvir? If telling us even that will make you green at the gills, just glare at me for asking it, she finishes with a smile. She knows she's walking a fine line between getting intel and making the guy piss off his goddess, but hey--it's the fate of the world. Hopefully Reylanna doesn't take it out on him.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-27, 09:05 PM
Auros pondered Veronica's questions. "I couldn't tell you, though a simple locating spell would likely get us going. As for a preferred method of handling the crystal, either one works fine. However, I would VERY much enjoy punching that stupid wizards face in, if I'm being totally honest." He explains, before speaking solemnly at the question of making more people into sentient suits of armour. "No offence taken, Veronica. This form is a heavy burden to bear. And I would not wish it on anyone. Besides, unless we intended to transform a massive percentage of the world population into soldiers, it wouldn't exactly make a dent in the curses effect. And, on top of all that, I'm fairly sure my magical nature and sheer determination was what allowed the process to work out. I doubt most people would survive the process so cleanly."

Auros paused and waited for Rekylen's answer. If he could not, he himself knew a few of Rekylen's associates that may be able to help. Though there have beem distinctly fewer as the years have drawn on...

2015-08-27, 09:22 PM
"... Reese. The closest one is in Reese." Rekylen mutters.

"I... Actually don't know exactly how I'm ageless. It's not the sort of thing that Reylanna would give, though my research has told me that a lot of prophets- of any god- are 'blessed' with eternal youth. As for someone else to talk to if you decide not to talk track down one of them in Reese... you could try The High Priest of Reylanna in Yeslana. She could probably get you more information. Probably."

2015-08-28, 12:19 AM
Lilleen kinda leaned over towards Pepper and stage-whispered, "We'll call it 'Plan C'," with a sage nod.

Plans that epic in scope should at least be kept around as contingency options, was her way of thinking.

Keeping more on point, Aria said, "So we head to Reese, Veronica finds us this cult cell, we go in, politely and diplomatically convince them to give us information," she tried to keep a straight face while she said it, but even bards have their limits, "and figure out our next move from there, pretty much?"

Lilleen began speaking then, a distant look coming to her eyes, her voice taking on a steady, rhythmic cadence, as a subtle background tune began to play from the air around her. "Once Upon a Time there was a wizard named Malsvir, who cast a curse upon the world. And though he stayed hidden for centuries as his magic caused wars to rage around him, a few did know his name, and they gathered together to form a planet-spanning cult to serve him. One cell of this cult operated within the city of Reese, led by one named-"

Using my Know the Whole Story stunt for the session. Question: "What is the name of the leader of the cell of the Cult of Malsvir operating in the city of Reese?"

I'm also using the divination to attempt to Flashily Create an Advantage: We Know The Cult Leader's Name, passing any free invocations off to Haley, presumably to assist her efforts to gather information about the cult once we're in Reese. Adding +1 for being a bard Creating an Advantage with magic, +2 for Narrate Results stunt. [roll0].

2015-08-28, 10:27 AM
Pepper leaned in to reply to the twin.

I am, let's say, good with people. I think I can help us raise an army, if such a thing is necessary.

She turned to Rekylen.
So what about you? Does your goddess protect you from the curse?

2015-08-30, 03:04 PM
Rekylen smiles at the twins casting their spell, though he doesn't say anything.

Tarald Bordin is his name. You get the aspect + one free invoke.
When Pepper asks him that question, his eyes flick over to her briefly, but mostly he continues to stare at the wall. It's several moments later that he responds. "When it first happened I could definitely feel it attempting to influence me but I was sworn to a goddess of peace, and it wasn't strong enough to overcome that. So in a way, yes I was protected by my goddess but it's the same protection every one of her priests receive- and even then it's not flawless." He sighs. "It has no effect on me anymore, but in the first few years I was consciously aware of something trying to push me towards violence and warfare..."

2015-08-30, 04:27 PM
"-Tarald Bordin!" Lilleen finished, the words carrying an oddly echoing quality. She nodded once and looked to the others. "That's who we should look for, when we get to Reese."

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-30, 05:10 PM
Auros nods towards the twins in thanks for the information. "Now then, I don't suppose anyone has any objections to a transportation spell in order to make the journey quick? I'll admit I'm a tad rusty, but, with three magic users making the journey, I trust it will go smoothly. If anyone has any better or ulterior plans, please speak now." He motions to the group, asking everyone present. It may or may not be apparent that Auros just implied that he himself was not coming with them.

2015-08-31, 12:03 AM
"No objections here."

2015-08-31, 12:42 AM
There's some psycho cult on my turf? That's the first stop, then, Haley thinks, covering up her irritation with a triumphant smile. Perfect. I know Reese like the back of my hand. We should have a cultist to interrogate within the week.

And I mean, I don't see why we can't question the High Priest as well if the cultist angle doesn't pan out. Gotta keep your options open, Reky.

She observes Lilleen as she begins her cadence. She notes the music in the background swell just as she proudly proclaims the name, and almost busts out laughing. I'll be sure to put that to good use, she says with a smirk. We'll have that cultist by the day after tomorrow, then.

Haley still has a dozen questions she wants to ask Rekylen, most of them just questions to satiate her own curiosity. Seeing the thousand yard stare he seems to be giving the wall, however, she feels that those questions could be better left for another day. Musing, she takes out her notepad again and writes out something onto a blank page.

I'm assuming you're not coming with us to Reese, she says, walking over to Rekylen. But I assume our paths will cross again sometime before this all ends. Hopefully next time, you can be a bit more forthcoming about how to save the world--we can hope, right? She gives a brilliant smile and grabs his hand in a firm shake. She had positioned her body such that when she shakes his hand, the slip of paper she places in his hand is unseen by the others.

Sneakily Placing paper into Reky's hand: [roll0] + 3 (Sneaky Approach).

"If you need help in any of the cities below, find the local thieves' guild and mention the name "Haley Burton". Show them this signature and they'll give you aid. Be forewarned, you will owe me if you call on them with that name. See you later, Reky ;)

When Auros poses his question, Haley quirks an eyebrow at his choice of words. I know the girls seem to have one mind in two bodies, Auros, but it's just rude to refer to them as one person, she says with a light voice. Or are you not coming with us to Reese?

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-31, 09:42 AM
Auros shrugs. Well, why would I? It's not like I'm one of the Chosen. My knowledge of the prophecy may be spotty at best, but I know it's always referred to four heroes. And here you are! I've done my part, worked long and hard to keep this world in one peace and salvage as many innocent lives as I can. But now, I'm fairly sure the lot of you don't need me anymore. After all, I've never heard a part of the prophecy making mention of some armoured knight. Though, admittedly that isn't saying much..." He muses, seemingly content to finish his fate here, though not without a hint of disappointment in his voice.

2015-08-31, 09:55 AM
"Yeah, I suppose going for both would work." Rekylen murmurs, smiling slightly at Haley. "We'll probably cross paths again later." He chuckles. "Hopefully fate will allow that, though with my luck I don't see that being likely, spymaster...." He glances at the paper and nods, smiling.

Rekylen rolls his eyes at Auros, and sighs exasperatedly. "Oh, but you SHOULD go with them. Who knows if something you know might be useful at some point!"

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-31, 10:03 AM
Auros squints at Rekylen. "I know all I've said. They're the Heroes of legend, aren't they? What need would they have of me? Is something the matter Rekylen?" Auros asks confused.

2015-08-31, 10:43 AM
Rekylen just stares at Auros his eyes narrowed. "Just. Go. With. Them." He huffs, crossing his arms. "PLEASE. Just go with them. I am begging you Auros. Just GO."

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-31, 10:52 AM
Auros stares at his friend, his eyes slowly getting wider and wider. "Oh... OH. So you mean that I- That we- That I'm supposed to- Wait. What? Why wouldn't you just- Oh whatever." Auros relents, throwing his hands in the air in a show of relenting frustration. "I think I know what you're getting at. But I have many questions regarding said assumption. But... *sigh* You're my friend. And I trust you. And if you feel I must go with them, then I shall. No matter how little I understand your methods." And, with that, Auros turns to his apparent new travelling companions. "We should all head out to the roof of the building, less chance of someone walking in on the preparations that way." He explains, gesturing for someone to either agree or disagree.

2015-08-31, 10:57 AM
Lilleen just blinked. "Wait. So, what, because we're the Chosen Ones, we're supposed to just plow our way through everything by ourselves? Does the prophecy include a line like, 'And lo, they did crush everything that opposed them, and verily, it wasn't even all that hard'? Do you know how many stories have a Chosen Hero who just decimates everything it comes up against without any help or allies at all? Like, none. Heck, in most cases, the true power of the Chosen isn't in their mighty magic or awesome sword-skills or whatever. It's their heart, their strength of character, their ability to encourage and inspire others to step up and be heroes!"

"So no, bar that, if you please. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say you guys probably don't have anything more important to do than help us save the world, right? So let's do it! You're with us! Both of you!"

"It would be more practical," Aria added. "For one, you may have told us what you can about the prophecy for now, but you haven't told us all there is. It's entirely possible that the more we accomplish, the closer we get to the goal, the more of the prophecy will be revealed, and it'd be nice to not have to track you down every time we get something done to check. And besides, you two have been around since the war began. You'll know things we don't. To say nothing of the obvious advantage of having a giant suit of armor animated by an ancient sorcerer when a fight breaks out, and a priest of peace on hand for when a fight wraps up."

2015-08-31, 11:35 AM
Well, if we're going by the stories, the "wise old sage" only gives advice at first, then disappears until such a time as the heroes are ready to hear the advice he could not dole out before. Who knows if Reky's goddess will allow him to help us as much as we'd like him to, or if doing so would be a breach of the restrictions laid upon him. The last thing we need is him to be vomiting mid-battle because he accidentally tried to say something he couldn't have.

But, she says, turning to Auros. Why did it take Rekylen explicitly telling you to go with us to think you could help? You are one of less than a dozen people who even know about the truth of this war, and you were just going to sit back on your heels and wait for us to take care of it? When you had the means and motivation to bind your soul to a suit of armor for centuries because you wanted to help end this war? She stares at him in open incredulity, probably the most genuine expression she's given the party to date. She makes a motion as if she wants to say more before shaking her head.

At any rate, now that you're finally on board, let's get this ball rolling, she says with a nod. Unless you actually do want to come with us, Reky. Having someone with your power definitely wouldn't hurt our chances, even if we have to work around your restrictions.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-31, 11:46 AM
Auros gives a tired and incredulous expression to Veronica. "I've lived over 300 years without a single indication I had anything to do with anything. I thought I was just a helping hand in all of this. Sure, I toyed with the idea that maybe I was important, that I had a part to play. But the centuries began to smear, and I grew weary. I guess... I guess I never dared to dream that, in the end, I could actually matter..." Auros explains, trying to convey what years of oppressing war can do to even the greatest of optimists through words and looks alone.

He sighs. "You're right, Veronica, I've come this far." He says, gesturing towards his form. "I might as well see this story through to the end. Prophecy or no. After all, me and Malsvir still need to have a few choice words before all of this is over and done." He states, his hand resting firmly on his sword and his eyes grinning at the prospect of the future, perhaps for the first time in years.

2015-08-31, 11:56 AM
The twins grinned at Auros and looked to Rekelyn. "What about you, priest?" Lilleen asked. "Veronica's not wrong, but that doesn't mean we can't break new ground here! This is our story, and as far as I'm concerned, nothing, not trope or tradition, not mighty warrior or powerful mage, not giant monster or slumbering horror, should be allowed to stand between us and our Happy Ending!"

2015-08-31, 12:36 PM
Rekylen chuckles at the twins."Sorry, but I'm not coming along. I have other things that need done-" He glances down at the piece of paper in his hand, and smirks slightly. "and while I wish I could go with you and assist in getting that happy ending for all of you, that's not my place. I do have a role in this story- I'm sure of that much- but it's not with all of you." He sighs. "And I'm not a priest."

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-31, 12:58 PM
Auros gives a smiling look at both his friend and new companions. "Now then. I'll head up to the roof, get the incantation circle started, I'd enjoy some help in the preparations, if either you two or Pepper is willing to lend a hand. Or even you, Veronica, if you're savvy in practice as well as theory" He asks of the group in general, before turning to leave through the dooway out of the room, but pausing at the door to look at Rekylen, adressing him as an old friend, who's said more than his fair share of goodbyes. "Farewell, friend. May we meet again with good news from both sides." And, with that, Auros Vigil left the room and ascended to the roof of the inn, where he produced a small piece of chalk and began drawing up a circle to better focus the oncoming Dimensional Door spell.

Cleverly Creating an Advantage in the form of the aspect Incantation Circle.

Roll: [roll0] +3 (I'm assuming this counts as using magic. If not, then only a +2)

2015-08-31, 01:50 PM
Lilleen looked a little disappointed, but Aria nodded to Rekelyn. "No worries. You do your part, we'll do ours, and next time we see each other? Big, big celebration feast!" she said with a bright grin.

"You take care of yourself, Rekelyn," Lilleen bade him, before the two nodded to Auros' request and followed him for the door.

Only for Lilleen to halt and look back to Rekelyn. "Wait, but, the whole, blessing of Reylanna...getting the prophecy...immune to the curse...that's...not...priest thing...it...?"

"Come on," Aria said, taking her sister by the arm and kinda dragging her along.

Once they got to the roof, while Auros made his circle, Aria began speaking a narration, a low thrum of power underscoring her other high, clear voice as she said, "The distance was great, but not so great for the ancient sorcerer. By Right of Blood and elder power did magic rise to his command, the very forces of space and time brought to heel before the sorcerer's will. To take five bodies and move them across a country would be but one more of the countess spells of power he had wielded, cast without fail!"

Lilleen just kinda looked side to side and whispered, "Cast, cast, cast, cast the crazily complicated spell...!"

Flashily Creating an Advantage: Narrated Success and passing any free invocations off to Auros. Roll includes +1 for Bard and +2 for stunt. [roll0].

EDIT: Boy I'm glad I have a lot of bonuses for this sort of thing, because my rolls for them have been awful. -3 both times.

2015-08-31, 04:56 PM
Auros, as my body has grown older, my mind has definately grown wiser, but my body has grown much too frail. I used to have a companion who protected me, but...I lost her. I can't speak for everyone else, but I'm personally happy you are coming, since I don't know how I will fare in battle. It's been decades since I've had to use magic against someone who meant to hurt me.

She stands in the circle along with Auros and the twins. Although their...patter was a bit distracting to her, she shut it out of her mind and whispered the words of power under her breath to aid in the spell.

2015-08-31, 10:23 PM
Haley hangs around after the four mages go up to the roof. She sends Rekylen a lopsided grin. Don't lose that piece of paper now, Reky, she says. My friends wouldn't take kindly to those who mouth off about having my seal of approval without having proof. And we wouldn't want anything to happen to that pretty face of yours, eh?

She gives a bright smile, but just based on her voice Rekylen can't tell whether she's totally joking or not. And really, do you like saying "spymaster" so often because it's something of the prophecy you can actually say? she asks with a giggle. Anyway, happy hunting, and don't make me regret giving you that paper.

She comes onto the roof, stretching her arms to the sky to limber up a bit. She keeps to the side, observing with interest but not jumping in to say anything just yet. Like she said, she's studied magic theory a bit--no such thing as useless knowledge--but in practice she's a bit shaky.

Capt. Infinity
2015-08-31, 11:33 PM
Auros looks about at the motley crew assembled before him with a mix of curiosity and awe. To one side, Aria and Lilleen, the twin Bards. They were young, and perhaps a little naive, but they were by no means children. They had already proven themselves savvy and useful, and they were by far the most eager to go on this quest, ready to make their own stories, not simply tell the tales of those come before.

To the other side, Pepper. A simple woman yes, but by no means a dull one. In fact, were this another life, Auros would be enthralled to chat for hours on magical theory with the Matronly Gnome. But alas, it was not to be, as fate had chosen her for a grander task. She was the second eldest of the group, and it showed. She really did have an experience air about her, not quite motherly, but at the very least she felt like that fun older aunt with a tongue as sharp as her wit. She may not exactly be combat oriented, but what's a party without its utility mage?

Then there was "Veronica", ambiguous as she is snide. She's not telling the whole story, Auros knows this much, but her motives and drives were clear as crystal. She wanted the war over as much as anyone else, and she's clearly not afraid to honey some words slit a few throats to see it so. Moral ambiguity abounds, but adventure favours the pragmatic as much as it does the virtuous, and really, who was Auros to judge?

And then, the Ancient Armour's cold, aged gaze fell upon himself. Who was he? He was a man of conviction, that much is obvious. Willing to see things through till their very end. He was also a man of opportunity and personal agency, never content to let the world pass him by, refusing to let history happen without him having his say. Perhaps it was a selfish need to matter that drove Auros to defend this realm, and await the Heroes of Legend, or perhaps it was a simple sense of guilt, of shame for decisions made several lifetimes ago, a need to atone burning in his chest where his heart once sat.

Auros shook these thoughts away and looked upon his companions. "Ragtag"? Yes. "Unlikely"? To a degree. "Unexpected"? Most definitely. But they were Heroes nonetheless, and, if he were being completely honest, Auros wouldn't have had it any other way.

And so the metal man took his place among the team and, with a resounding clap of his adamantine hands, prepared the arcane forces, greeting them like an old friend. "Well then. Let's get this show on the road, shall we. Onwards and upwards!" He cheers, stretching his hands out as the magic flowed around them.

There was a bright flash. An outpouring of energy. And the group was gone, their essence fading into the air. Wherever they landed in the great city of Reese, one thing was certain.

Adventure would not be far behind.

If it matters, let's aim for a place where the warp would not draw suspicion. An alleyway, the nearby countryside, or a teleportation nexus, if that's a thing. Unless, of course, it would be cooler to just show up in a big crowd, whatever floats your boat, oh almighty GM. :smallwink:

2015-09-01, 07:12 PM
In a flash the group of five is no longer standing on a roof in the deserted streets of Blaise, but appeared on a teleport aiming circle in the Portal District of Reese, near the edge of the city. The streets around the groups are busy- as they are most of the time here- with people visiting the merchants and traders here that came from all around the world.

Yes, as a matter of fact there IS a specific area to teleport too. Like in most major cities of Mayca, Reese has a maintained spell that pushes all teleports to that area- specifically so they could more easily defend against enemy forces teleporting in. In Reese this area is known as the Portal district because there's a couple dozen portals to various large cities all across the world there, as well as it being the area teleports go to.
(Man, I love being able to bend the rules of magic. D&d can be so restrictive as a GM. :P)

2015-09-01, 09:03 PM
This wasn't the first time the twins had visited the city of Reese - in their capacity as diplomats, they came to the capital frequently. It also wasn't the first time they had been to the Portal District - they couldn't teleport personally, but portals were a convenient means of travel to the nations they connected with. Nonetheless, the bustle and activity of the area, all the different people from all the different places wandering about, all the cool stuff the merchants had to sell, captured their attention every time.

Captured it, and basically held it hostage. As if they had entirely forgotten that they were here on Important Business, the sisters pretty much immediately stepped out of the circle and split apart to go check literally the first things that caught their eyes - a shop selling fine clothes, in Aria's case, and a stall offering some cooked meat or another that smelled, just, really good, in Lilleen's.

I don't think this quite rates a Self Compel in itself, but I will just note this seems like an ideal situation for their Beware the Silly Ones Aspect to give them a bit of trouble. :smallwink:

2015-09-02, 09:06 AM
Pepper blinked as they arrived at their destination.

I took the liberty of adding some words to make us invisible on arrival. You can see each other, naturally, but no one else can see us. We can always turn it off, but I figured no harm in taking precautions.

2015-09-02, 05:44 PM
Looking around, Haley breathes in and smiles. Ah, it's good to be back.

Okay, first stop is an inn I know, she says, clapping her hands. The group doesn't necessarily need to know the inn is one of several fronts for the Thieves' Guild in the city. We can check in before I begin the search for Bordin. If you just follow me, and--or maybe not, she says as the twins start to leave the circle.

Haley's keen eyes had noticed their gazes begin to wander to the stalls and attractions. She could have grabbed at them to stop them, but well, it's not like she can take the group with her to the Guildhouse. Turning to Auros and Pepper with a grin. Well, I'm off to find my contacts. Go to the Golden Flagon on Bordin Road, give my name, and they'll give you a discount for the night. Good luck with the twins.

With a nod and a lazy salute, Haley turns and walks off of the portal platform. Dodging through the crowd of people to keep from giving away her invisibility, she makes her way through the city to the entrance to the Thieves' Guild. Impishly, she decides to take advantage of her current invisibility to ghost through the complex until she finds her right hand woman, Maria. Dropping the invisibility, she places her hands on Maria's shoulders and says, Boo!

After her friend gets over her mini-heart attack (and Haley stops giggling), Haley becomes serious. Maria, I've gotten wind that there's at least one member of a psycho cult in Reese right now. He's to be considered an enemy of the Guild, and I want as many guild members as you can spare checking their contacts and looking for a man named Tarald Bordin. They should keep from drawing attention to themselves while they do it, and I'll be on the ground as well.

In preparation for the search, Haley switches her look around a bit. Her hair comes down from its coiled braid and into two braids down her back. Her eye lenses are swapped out, from green to pale blue. Her clothing is switched around for the more customary fashion of Reese. After that quick switcharoo, she heads out and begins the prowl.

If you want me to roll for the Sneakily Avoiding Detection in the guild house, let me know. I figure that she's good enough a roll isn't necessary, but I could be wrong.

I'll roll now for Sneakily Creating the Advantage "We Know Where Tarald Bordin Is", getting a +2 from my "Smooth Talker" Stunt because I'll try to be getting the info through word of mouth. [roll0] + 3 (Approach) + 2 (Free invoke of "We Know The Leader's Name") + 2 (Smooth Talker stunt) + 2 (usage of the Spymaster High Concept)

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-02, 07:16 PM
Auros smiles inwardly at his success, however marginal it may be. Before he is quickly brought down by the twins running off in search of merchandise like a pair of excited child tourists, and Veronica's sudden exit from the scene entirely. He can only sigh as he takes note of Pepper's incantation. "Thank you for the consideration, Pepper. Though, I imagine this will only make the minutes to follow all the more ridiculous. I'll go grab the twins, you can either come along, or set up our rooms at the inn. Either way." And with that, Auros walks over to the two adjacent stalls currently stealing the girls' attentions. No doubt startling many pedestrians as they feel an utterly massive, invisible something bump in to them.

The armoured figure stands between the two girls and, with the flick of his wrists and a smirk in his eyes, tugging on both Aria's hair and Lilleen's braid, pulling the fine hat Aria had just put on down over her eyes for good measure. He whispers in their ear from afar through a Message spell. ("You ARE aware you're both invisible. Right?")

2015-09-02, 09:58 PM
"Hey!" Aria complained, slapping ineffectually at the sorcerer's hand as she pulled the hat back up.

"Huh? No we're not. We can see each other f-" Lilleen began to say, before noticing the bewildered looks that they (or, more to the point, the floating hat and voice coming from empty air) were getting.

Aria frowned and set the hat back on the rack, the two looking to Auros. "Why are we invisible now?" Aria asked. It wasn't like they couldn't cast an illusion of themselves occupying their exact positions and duplicate their actions. But obviously someone had gone to the trouble of making them selectively invisible. It seemed rude to just undo it without asking why they did it in the first place.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-02, 10:29 PM
("It was a precautionary gift, courtesy of Pepper. You can dispel it at will, should you please. It really isn't needed, considering how the only conspicuous thing we've been doing is be invisible.") Auros explains, standing stock still giving the two a disapproving, parental glare at their shenanigans. And, in the process causing a largish man carrying groceries to walk straight into Auros's still invisible form. The impact and subsequent loud *CLANG* coinciding with his statement with an almost comedic timing. Before the man quickly picks up his things and high-tails the scene.

2015-09-02, 10:39 PM
The twins glanced at each other, shrugged, and willed themselves back to visibility. "Okey-doke. Fixed," Aria said with a solid nod, before turning back to the clothes shop.

"Do you wan-" Lilleen began to offer, before realization hit her. "Oh, wait. You, um, probably don't eat any more, huh?"

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-02, 10:45 PM
Auros sighs. "No. No I do not." He states, willing himself back into visibility as well, his sudden appearance receiving even further astonishment than the two bards previous of him. "But thank you for the offer. In fact, here." He chimes, tossing a few gold coins at the two of them, within a catchable arc and speed, of course. "Treat yourselves. As you said, I'm not much for eating. And, as you may imagine, properly accessorizing isn't exactly in my priority list." He explains, gesturing to his humble, if imposing, form.

2015-09-03, 10:21 AM
Pepper sighed. She certainly was in no mood to go sulking around the place looking for this fellow, and she had no interest in shopping with the overly excitable twins. As everyone else wandered off, she dismissed her invisibility and made her way to the Golden Flagon.

Once inside, she went up to the bar and addressed the bartender.

Hi, I'd like to inquire about rooms for the night. I was sent here by a young lady named Veronica. She gave this place a great recommendation. We'd like...

She figured the twins would probably like to share a room. They certainly seemed inseparable.

four rooms. Oh, and a glass of brandy, please.

2015-09-03, 10:54 AM
"Oh. Thanks!" Aria said with kinda cheery surprise.

"Gotcha. Maybe Veronica and Pepper will want-" Lilleen began, but a quick look confirmed the two were gone. "Oh. Uh, guess not," she said with a little shrug, before placing her order with the merchant.

Once he had handed her the plates, she stepped aside from the stall and looked to Auros. "So...what do you do? For fun, I mean?" she asked, before munching a bite of a skewer of well-seasoned meat.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-03, 03:08 PM
Auros looked at Lilleen as if she had just asked him what the colour Negative Purple looked like. "Fun? Fun... Hasn't exactly been a priority of mine for a long time. I mean, my wanderings have usually left me preoccupied, and the lack of sleeping usually means I don't even have to make camp. I just walk and walk until I reach my destination, then I finish by business and leave. I occasionally brush up on my magical theory. Does that count?" He asks, vaguely embarrassed at just how much his life was steeped in monotony. It never really being apparent since it's just been the routine for literally centuries.

2015-09-03, 03:24 PM
For just a second, the twins kinda...froze, Aria in the middle of setting a dress back on its hook, Lilleen with her mouth open in the midst of taking a bite.

Aria replaced the dress. Lilleen set down her skewer.

Both of them gave Auros a steady look.

"Come on," Aria said, each of them grabbing one of his gauntlets and tugging him along (assuming he actually, you know, walked, because they certainly weren't actually strong enough to forcefully move him) towards the city proper to find something fun to do.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-03, 03:44 PM
Auros played along, letting the girls drag him where they will. "Oh, fine. But we have to get back to the Golden Flagon before sundown, we do have a job to do, you know?" He mentions with futility, as he is dragged into the city as sun begins it's final quarter of its descent into the horizon.

2015-09-04, 02:57 PM
Haley easily gets through the city and all the way to Maria without a single issue- unless Maria screaming like a banshee counts as an issue. Still breathing heavily she glares at Haley. "Don't DO that! God, Haley, that is so NOT okay." She sighs, then actually focuses on what Haley said. "Psycho cult? Do you think it has anything to do with the weird half destroyed magic circles we've found a few times in basements over the past several years- because I always said it was probably like a warlock cult or something! I mean what ELSE wold it be- Wait, did you just say Tarald Bordin? What the heck? He just became head of the mages guild YESTERDAY. He was voted in- you know after the previous guy died under 'suspicious circumstances' and for once the suspicious circumstances had nothing to do with assassin branch of the guild!" She crosses her arms. "I never would have pegged him as a cult type. He actually seemed like a stand up guy. Huh. Well FINDING him shouldn't be an issue, huh? Doing anything about will be... difficult though. Definitely an enemy of the guild- I'll trust you on this- but he's the head of the mages, so this could be very tricky..." She laughs nervously. "But yeah, we could easily track his every freaking movement if you wanted us too. Right now he should be at their library now holding some sort of secret meeting about policy changes in his guild... which suddenly seems a hella lot more suspicious. Huh."

Congrats. That is a success with style. You get the aspect and two free invokes.

The front room of the Golden Flagon is busy with people of all types kicking back at the end of the day with a drink, whether it's a weathered veteran relaxing after a long day at work, widows drinking to dull the pain and the worry that they'll lose their sons too, or just weary travelers trying not to stick out as they relax before going up to their rooms for the night, and so on, the Golden Flagon is a lively tavern. The bar is by the left wall of the room, with a scarred, but jovial, man behind the counter, bantering with the bar's patrons.
At the back of the room, with a set of stairs on either side of it, is the desk with the innkeeper, an older woman who seems generally cheery.

When Pepper goes to the Bar instead of the desk, the bartender chuckles. "Ah, sorry lass. You want Ashla." He nods to the desk and the cheery woman behind it. "Don' worry, people make that mistake ALL the time." He looks over to the woman- Ashla, and grins. "'EY, ASH, THIS GNOME SAYS FOUR ROOMS AND VERONICA SENT 'ER!" Ashla smiles awkwardly and motions for Pepper to come over to her.

Once she does (Presuming she does), Ashla beams at Pepper. "Welcome to the Golden Flagon." She pauses. her brow furrowing for a moment. "Veronica? Do you mean Veronica Hale, or Ronnie Barada?"
A mousy girl with large glasses sitting alone at the nearest table peeks out from behind her book. "Not me Ash."
"So Ms. Hale sent you? Ah. Well, okay. Your name Miss? For our records?" Ash pulled out a pen and a book, and is poised to write on the next blank line, with the pages filled neatly with names and numbers clearly written with a careful hand.

2015-09-04, 03:06 PM
Pepper had no idea what the girl's last name was.

Yes, Veronica Hale sounds about right. She sent me here to get rooms for our group because she said we would be treated kindly here. And I have to admit, this place does seem very nice. Lots of interesting people, I think.

Anyway, there are 5 of us. Myself, Ms Veronica, Mr. Auros and two twins, Aria and Lilleen, but I think they'll prefer to share a room if that's possible. They don't seem like the type who want to be separated if they can avoid it.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-04, 03:31 PM
As if on cue after Pepper's statement (I guess Pepper got kinda lost on the way over? Either that or the "Scenic Route" actually turned out to be a shortcut), Auros and the twins walk in to the Golden Flagon proper. Chit chatting amongst each other. "Well, I suppose that was fun in a sense. Although it was rather uneventful." Auros admits, though he was still very much thankful for the consideration towards him the twins had shown.

The armoured figure notices the Gnomish woman from across the room. "Ah, Pepper!" He greets as he walks up to her and the Lady at the desk. "I see you've set up our rooms. Evening ma'am, I am Auros, and these two are Aria and Lilleen. I assume you're currently setting up the sleeping arrangements?" Auros asks, attempting to not sound overly scary as he speaks.

2015-09-04, 03:35 PM
"Baby steps," Aria said with a sage nod. "Besides, Veronica and Pepper weren't there, so it wouldn't really be fair to do something big without even asking them if they wanted to come along."

Lilleen gave the gnome a little wave as they saw her.

2015-09-04, 03:42 PM
Ash smiles. "Okay, thank you. Auros, Pepper, Aria and Lileen, and of course Ms. Hale" She neatly writes the names down (Aria and Lileen on the same line, unlike the others), and jots down a number on each line. She pulls three keys from under her desk and hands one to each person- two identical keys being handed to Aria and Lileen. "We'll talk on payment when Ms. Hale gets here." Her eyes flit the the mousy book reading girl, who snaps her book closed and darts out of the building.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-04, 04:32 PM
Auros nods and takes the key from Ash. "Thank you miss. But, if you don't mind, I'd like to wait in the tavern for Ms. Hale to arrive. You're all welcome to join me." He mentions to his companions, as he moves over to an empty table with at least 5 seats surrounding it. Sitting down and threading his armoured fingers together in a patient stance. Ready, willing, and able to wait all night for Veronica to return. It's... actually kind of creepy how still Auros is. If several bar patrons hadn't seen him sit down, and if his eyes weren't still glowing a bright but dull blue, they likely would have thought someone had left a suit of platemail in a chair as a practical joke.

2015-09-05, 10:50 PM
The twins went to take seats at the table to await Veronica's return.

"Should we order some food?"

"You do remember that you literally just ate, right?"

"Mmhmm. Should we order some food?"

2015-09-08, 01:54 AM
Still giggling, Haley lounges back in a chair as they chat. Those half-wrecked magic circles always irked me, but we never had more reason to investigate them. A warlock cult would be a refreshing change from what I think Bordin's involved in, she muses. Where her hands were empty a second before, a shiny copper coin tumbles on her knuckles as the talk continues. My source is reliable, and from what I've gathered Bordin's involved in, his enemies number more than just us.

Keep tabs on him wherever he goes--where he eats, when he sleeps, how often he excuses himself to the bathroom. Have them be extra careful not to give themselves away: I don't want him spooked. His position as Head of the Mages will be given its typical due; I've got a small crew who can take care of nabbing him without ties to the guild if they get found out. It'll be like the guild never had their eye on him. The crew consists of a large man in full plate armor, an older gnome woman, and twin half-elf girls--they're to have our protection during their stay in Reese, at least until I say otherwise.

The coin stops flipping for a moment as Haley thinks. Maria's been her friend for ages--she, at least, deserves to know about what Bordin's really involved in. But would she even believe Haley? Haley can admit that she's still a bit skeptical of the veracity of this whole thing herself. But once they have Bordin in their possession, getting info should be a secondary concern to getting annoyed by his pleas for mercy. I'll tell you more later, Maria, but trust me when I say that my intel suggests "psycho cult" is a flattery for this guy.

A thousand apologies for the late response! :smallredface::smallfrown:

2015-09-08, 08:39 AM
"Those circles were the worst..." Maria sinks into a chair next to Haley. "You think it's WORSE than a warlock cult? Geeze." She crosses her arms, listening seriously to Haley as she talk- though she can't help but snicker when the group is described. "Sorry, Sorry. I know this is serious, but that group sounds ridiculous- though you're definitely right. No one would make the connection to us..." She smiles. "But, yeah, full guild protection certainly. Where are they? So we can keep an eye on them and such?"
The mousy book reading girl from the Golden Flagon runs up. "Uh- oh, hello Haley. I... wasn't expecting to run into you. I guess that's really convenient..."
"Do you have a point to being here Ronnie?"
"Oh! I was sent to- well actually inform you that a odd group of individuals was checking in to the Golden Flagon under one of Haley's aliases. I don't think Ash was confident that they were legit. So I guess, uhm..." She turns to Haley. "Are they? It's a gnome woman who didn't even know Veronica's surname, a seven foot tall man in plate mail, and a set of twins- I think they were elves? Half elves maybe..."
Maria starts laughing. "Yeah, yeah. They're good. Now get back to your post Ronnie. You know how Ashla gets when there isn't someone there."
"Ugh. I hate the Golden Flagon..." She glances at Haley, clearly confused as to why such an odd group is actually with her, but shrugs it off and leaves again.
"Well I guess I know where that group of yours is now." She chuckles nervously. "You can take your time to tell me if it's that serious Haley. It's no rush."

It's not a problem. Also I keep wanting to type The Golden Flagon as the Golden Flygon. :smalltongue:
The mousy girl Ronnie slips back into the Golden Flagon and murmurs something to Ashla the innkeeper, who nods motioning for Ronnie to retake her chair from earlier.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-09, 10:49 PM
Auros watches the mousy girl return to her post, and lightly chuckles to himself. He glances at the twins beside him and speaks in a low voice. "Well, whatever test they just put us through, it seems we passed with flying colours. Either that, or a gang of angry ruffians are about to burst through the door and attack us." Auros offers, shrugging his shoulders to indicate he doesn't find the second possibility all that lickely

2015-09-09, 11:07 PM
Haley nods to the mousey Ronnie. You can't always choose your business partners, she says in response to the girl's unspoken question.

With a sigh, Haley gets to her feet. Keep me informed if Tarald makes any weird movements. I'll be in touch in our typical way, she says, tapping the small, unassuming glass earring on her right ear. It's identical to the earring on Maria's left ear, and both are enchanted with a useful little spell to allow them to contact each other over a distance. Talk to you soon, girl.

She takes a short stop by her room in the guildhouse. It's filled with assorted knickknacks, with items of both great monetary value and sentimental value strewn together in a way that is intimately familiar to her and no one else. Walking through the room, she picks out her favorite knives and replaces them on her body. A well-worn pair of gloves go into her pocket, and a quartet of rings go into another.

Walking through the streets, she slips in through the backdoor of the tavern. Walking past Ashla, she places her hand on the woman's shoulder and gives a wink. Thanks for not siccing the bouncers on them, she says with a grin.

She walks closer to the table where the group is, not trying too hard to be stealthy. Hope you're enjoying the ambiance, she says with a laugh in her eyes. She grabs a chair and turns it around, leaning forward on the back as she sits. Voice not too loud, she says, So, good news--I've got Bordin's current whereabouts, and will have eyes on him for the foreseeable future. Turns out he just recently became the head of the Mage's Guild here in Reese; his predecessor died by "mysterious circumstances".

She gives those last two words the air quotes they deserve before settling her hands on the table. He's meeting with his guild to discuss changes to their policies, which would make grabbing him slightly challenging. I can see a few ways of going about this: waiting until he leaves and then snatching him on his way home; having one of you go in as fellow mages to ask to meet him somewhere. Thoughts?

2015-09-09, 11:20 PM
"I guess the most important question is, do we want to interfere with the meeting? Presumably, it would be of benefit to us for him to not influence the mage's guild's policies, right?"

"But if the meeting's already started, trying to stop it seems like tacking on a lot more risk and difficulty for relatively little concrete benefit. Catching him alone seems more practical. I'm not feeling a particular sense of, mm, rising tension regarding this meeting, you know? It's not feeling like a, 'That dastardly Tarald Bordin is going to turn the entire mage's guild into his personal army unless we stop him before midnight tonight!' sort of situation here."

"To be fair, a guild policy meeting does sound rather boring. Doesn't scream plot-critical at all. Okay, I'll buy that logic."

"So yeah, I'm thinking, we wait for the meeting to get out, catch him while he's alone. Preferably by ambush, since if he managed to set himself up as the head of the mage's guild, one assumes he's a fairly competent mage."

2015-09-10, 01:00 PM
First: Veronica, the woman behind the desk wanted to see you about our rooms...not sure why though.

But as for our "friend", I personally prefer an ambush. I can make us reasonably certain that we won't be seen. I'd just like some time to prepare; pick out a spot, set up some simple illusions and maybe some alarms...

Pepper continues to mumble to herself as she grabs a napkin and begins planning what she will need for the ambush

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-10, 09:14 PM
"Well, it's unanimous. An ambush it is. If we need bait, I suppose I could pen up some sort of letter of invitation, under the guise of a fellow colleague and fan looking to discuss theory. If you wish." Auros explains, trying to be helpful.

2015-09-10, 09:59 PM
"Yay ambush!" Lilleen cheered, albeit quietly.

"Ehh...the thing is, Auros, your presence is a little bit, mmm...obtrusive. A guy in a suit of full armor - to say nothing for an animated suit of armor with glowy eyes - is kinda likely to set people on their guard. I guess you could cover it with an illusion, maybe, but if he detects it, same deal."

"Ooh! What if I pretended to be Auros' daughter?"

Aria ignored her sister with a skill born of long, long experience. "What I'm thinking, is we hang out near the guild hall, and tail him when he leaves. Only one of us should actually follow him though...probably Pepper or Veronica. The rest of us just stay close. And once he gets to a secluded spot, we spring the trap."

"We could offer him some wine first, so he'll be drunk! That would make it easier!"

"It does cost us the ability the prepare the battleground, but in terms of setting the ambush itself up, it's a fair bit simpler. We do have to worry about any guards he might have, though. If he's the new head of the mage guild, he might. And we can't let him get home, or else he'll be behind his wards."

"What if he rooms at the guild hall?"

"Even so, it would- wait, what?" Aria asked as she suddenly realized that Lilleen was making a valid tactical contribution.

2015-09-11, 11:39 AM
Pepper doesn't even pause in her scribbling as she answers the twin.

Auros is no problem, hiding him will be relatively simple. If he doesn't seem likely to leave the guild hall, one of you girls can meet him and surely...how to put this...find a clever way to convince him to leave with you?

2015-09-11, 07:56 PM
Tapping her earring, Haley puts on a thoughtful expression. Mentally to Maria, she asks, Can't believe I forgot to ask before: do we have intel on whether Bordin rooms in the Mage's guildhall, or somewhere else?

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-11, 07:59 PM
"Pepper!" Auros exclaims, mildly aghast. "That's obscene! ...I think...Wait, how old are you two? I've sort of lost the ability to tell over the years." The armoured mage asks and explains to the twins, vaguely embarrassed at his own age-blindness.

2015-09-11, 08:05 PM
The twins exchanged sidelong looks, and broke into light laughter. "We're twenty-six," Aria said.

"Don't worry," Lilleen said. "It's not a super-uncommon mistake."

"We look younger than we are," Aria agreed.

"Elven blood, and all that," Lilleen explained.

Oh yeah, definitely, it was just their elven blood that made people think they were barely more than kids.


2015-09-11, 08:42 PM
"Huh? Oh, no, Bordin has this big fancy home on the wealthy district. He'd never slum it in guild housing."

2015-09-11, 09:26 PM
Awesome. Gimme the address.

After a moment, Haley turns to the rest of the group with a grin. So good news, my contact says Bordin lives in a swanky house in the wealthy side of town. I've got the address, so an ambush is better than optimal. I can shadow him while you guys set up the ambush--I've got a set of rings that we can use to stay in mental contact, if you guys don't have a spell for that. We can coordinate while I shadow him, then spring the trap.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-11, 09:49 PM
"Excellent. This is all going swimmingly." Auros beams. "Now the question is simply what sort of trap we intend to spring. Anyone have any ideas how one could lure a distinguished scholarly cultist man into a dark alleyway with a low margin for failure?" He asks of his teammates.

2015-09-11, 10:05 PM
"An illusion of a treasure chest full of gold!" Lilleen suggested immediately.

Aria cast her sister a steady look for a couple seconds, before turning back to the rest of the group. "We probably don't need to lure him anywhere. We know where he's going to be going; all we have to do is prepare the battleground. Our illusions are...not quite ideal for the large scale or high complexity, but if Pepper can cloak the area from outside observation, we won't have to worry about the town watch or well-intentioned bystanders interfering. Maybe you can put some spells up to give us an advantage, glyphs or barriers or whate-"

"Pit traps!"

"-ver. We can lead with a dispel to wipe out any persistent protections he has, you hammer him with your magic once his defenses are down, Pepper uses her illusions to keep him from gathering his wits, and we all just hit him with subduing spells or whatever until he stops resisting."

"It'll never work."

Aria gave an exasperated huff and turned to Lilleen. "It's a solid strategy for taking out a mage from ambush. Why wouldn't it work?"

Lilleen responded in a clearly disappointed voice, "Because you said it out loud. Honestly, Aria, you know better than to reveal your cunning plans before your spring them. This is important! Get your head in the game!"

2015-09-11, 10:11 PM
Veronica, would you mind using your ring right quick and ask your contact if our friend likes to drink? If so that will make this whole plan much easier.

Think about it: he comes home drunk, I set an illusion of his house 10 feet in front of the real thing, and he will open the door himself and just walk straight into the trap. No one whose mind is numb from alcohol will notice their house is a few feet closer to the road than it should be.

Once he gets inside the illusion, we neutralize him by any means necessary.

We could even

She winked at the rather excited twin

build a pit trap inside

2015-09-12, 02:20 PM
"I wholeheartedly support and endorse this plan," Lilleen said.

Aria, despite her clear effort at contributing a serious and calculated plan, apparently lost the struggle with her inner nature and cheerily added, "We can call it Operation: First Step's a Doozy!"

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-12, 02:32 PM
"Oooooh! We can even stick a Dimensional Door at the bottom of said pit to get him to fall into a locked room, so we can interrogate him at our leisure!" Auros cheers, gleefully as a child, clearly getting into this despite his age and wisdom.

2015-09-13, 11:06 AM
The twins gave bright smiles as Auros got involved. Not least because they were starting to understand what he considered "fun".

2015-09-13, 05:45 PM
Looking between the gleeful twins and the strangely exuberant sentient suit of armor (is he grinning?), Haley taps her earring again and asks Maria, Is Bordin a drinker? For that matter, does he follow a certain schedule or pattern during the evening?

For my part, I think hinging our plans on getting Bordin drunk out of his gourd might not be the best idea, she says before Maria answers. I mean, I could get influential and "persuade" him to drink with me, but getting him drunk enough to mistake his house will take some work.

2015-09-13, 10:49 PM
The twins got crestfallen looks on their faces as Veronica had to go and interject reality into the awesome plan of dropping a drunk cultist wizard into a pit (possibly with a portal at the bottom (possibly that led to an even deeper pit)).

"I mean, I do still kinda think that the most practical solution might be just waiting outside his house cloaked in illusions, maybe with some runes or other spell traps set up and with a screening illusion over the area so neighbors don't notice anything, and just jump him when he arrives. But I mean...compared to Operation: First Step's a Doozy..."

"It's just so boring..."

2015-09-14, 06:53 AM
"Huh? No, not really, and yeah, most of the time, but most evenings don't include a guild meeting, so I don't know about tonight."

2015-09-14, 11:08 AM
Well, gimme a general outline anyway. Could come in handy.

Sorry, Peps, but Bordin's not a boozer. That doesn't mean we can't try to snag him at his home, or on the way there--we just need to be more on our game, more subtle, and maybe wing it a bit...or a lot.

And we don't necessarily have to snag him tonight; remember, forewarned is forearmed, so observing him for a day or two might give us more intel to go on. Maybe he has a mistress; maybe he has a different vice we can exploit.

2015-09-14, 02:42 PM
Darn. It's always easier to sneak up on someone when they're three sheets to the wind.

I think our biggest problem will be deciding where to set up this trap. We can't really do it in an alleyway, because then we run into the problem of getting him there. We can't do it in his house because he's certain to have it full of wards and alarms. We could do it on his way home, in public, and hide it with an illusion; but illusions can only do so much, and we run the risk of some bystander accidentally discovering us and alerting the authorities.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-14, 02:58 PM
Aurora ponders for a moment. "...You know. Any mage with published material recognized by the guild is allowed a private audience with the head of the local Mages Guild. Why don't I just go in to meet Torald in his office under a glamour with Pepper and either Aria or Lilleen hidden inside me? I go in, greet the bastard, Pepper casts silence, I punch him into unconsciousness, and then the other twin coordinates our escape through their shared telepathy."

Despite the sheer audacity of this plan, Auros doesn't so much as blink.

Spending my Stunt to establish this fact about the Mages Guild of the city.

2015-09-14, 04:58 PM
"DibsonridingAuros!" Lilleen called out immediately, raising her hand.

Aria just fixed her with another stare. "It's plausible, but risky. If his house probably has wards and guards, the mage's guild almost certainly does. Plus that adds a lot of additional risk to the escape, which we wouldn't have with a more conventional ambush or lure. Ideally, what we want is a situation where we don't just catch him off-guard, but we catch him without as many of his available means of escape or protection as possible. Tailing him to learn his schedule would be a good play, though, if we don't want to do this all tonight."

"What we really need is a plan take uses all the best aspects of everything we've come up with so far. So, like, one of us gets his attention, Pepper creates an illusion of his house, I ride Auros while he punches him through the illusion of the house and into a pit with a dimension door at the bottom. And then we go back to the tavern and have a celebratory drink! Super combo plan!"

Aria just sighed.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-14, 05:10 PM
"Okay, how about this? I enter Torald's office at the end of his hours with Lilleen hiding in me. Lilleen and I perform a combined Charm Person spell to get in his good graces. We convince him to take us to his house under the guise of me being a fan/sympathizer to his cult nonsense, where Pepper has already set up an illusion of said house in FRONT of said house, and Veronica has an ambush ready. Does that sound good?" Auros suggests, hopeful.

2015-09-14, 05:26 PM
"Yes," Lilleen said, still with cheery excitement, but with just a bit of impatience in her voice. This whole talking about the plan phase was starting to reach the limits of her (not particularly significant) attention span. She started fidgeting a bit.

Aria gave a slight eyeroll. "Lill..." she huffed in an almost pleading sigh of exasperation, before looking to Auros. "It's a workable plan, but it's also more complicated than it needs to be. We already know he's going to be going to his house. We don't need to do anything special to ensure he does that. So doing that just adds a lot of places where you guys could get caught by the mage's guild, or end up fighting him alone if he resists the charm spell, or raise his suspicion before he gets home if he breaks free of the charm before he arrives, you know? Complicated plans look really good in the stories, because it's like, 'Wow, they managed to pull that whole thing off without anything going wrong!' But in real life, the simpler plans are usually better, I think."

The more I play these two, the more I realize that my initial idea for their characterization was flawed and made them too much alike, and this whole scene is showing me some good ways to distinguish them. I already knew that when it came down to it, Aria was the more serious one, but I'm thinking it really should go further than that. Leave Lilleen as the one who acts like she's living in a storybook, whereas Aria is more about taking the lessons of stories but applying them to real life.

Just figured I'd mention this so that at least everyone knows where any glaring personality inconsistencies come from while I try to get a proper handle on how I actually want to play them :smallredface:.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-14, 05:48 PM
"Aria. There has to be some nuance to the plan. We can't just put a fake house in front of the real house and expect him to not notice. There has to be a piece of cheese to bait the mousr, you can't just have a crate and a stick on a string. If we get him off his guard, we can catch him. If not, then he'll be ready to counterattack. And trust me when I say you do NOT want to be on the receiving end of an angry wizard's wrath."

2015-09-14, 06:04 PM
"But there doesn't need to be a fake house. If we want to ambush him near his house, all we have to do is conceal ourselves in the vicinity, set up a screening illusion to keep bystanders from noticing the fight, and attack him as soon as he enters the screened-off area. Or maybe activate the screening illusion once he arrives to make sure he doesn't detect it before-hand. Like Pepper said, there is a risk of bystanders noticing despite the illusion, so I'm not saying that's necessarily the plan we want to go with, but if that does end up being the core of the plan, I don't see much advantage in adding complexity to it. We have all the bait we need in the form of his nice warm bed."

2015-09-14, 06:12 PM
Why don't we just dig a pit in front of his door, slap an illusion on top, and hide inside? Unless he walks around with True Seeing all day he's not going to know it's there until he falls in, then we subdue him before he knows what happened

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-14, 06:12 PM
Auros sighs. "Very well then. Illusion gank it is. You know, for someone who lives her life with the intent of recording it as a story. You REALLY went and made this plan a footnote in the epic." The suit of armour huffs, vaguely crestfallen.

Though his interest peaks at Pepper's suggestion. "Please??? I can already picture the look on his face!"

2015-09-14, 06:24 PM
Aria nodded at Pepper's suggestion; that worked for her.

"Tell me about it," Lilleen grumbled in agreement with Auros.

Aria's eyes flashed angrily. "Well for someone-" she began, only for Lilleen to set a hand on her arm.

"Aria," she cautioned, gently but firmly. "Be nice. He didn't mean anything by it, and he's allowed to disagree with you."

The storyteller took a breath and gave a short nod, before saying more...tactfully, "The story can be spiced up in the aftermath. In the present, I'll take practicality over dramatic convention." She gave a little smirk. "Besides, there's nothing saying we can't do something cool once we've got him surrounded at the bottom of a pit."

<In other words,> Lilleen mouthed, though her teasing voice carried only to Auros' ears, <She's okay with being boring as long as we're the ones being bored by it.>

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-14, 06:34 PM
Auros chuckles at Lilleen's message. "Compromise, I like that. I apologize for acting so childish Aria. It's just... I can't remember the last time I felt so alive! Look at us! We're on an adventure!" The three hundred year old man elates, performing jazz hands for emphasis.

2015-09-14, 06:40 PM
It's several minutes before Maria responds. You might get the feeling she had to look it up. "Well, actually on most days he has a very strict schedule. He leaves his house at 6 AM on the dot, goes to the Central Reese Library for 2 hours on most days, but 4 hours on Monday, then he goes to the Mage's guild house where he stays until 8 PM, after which he goes out to dinner with the same 4 mages every night at one of three restaurants where he take approximately a half an hour to eat then he goes home, not coming out again until 6 the next morning."

2015-09-14, 08:43 PM
As the plotting rages, Haley listens with a growing smirk at Maria's findings. One might even call the look predatory. This guy would be the perfect mark, she thinks to Maria, dangerously close to laughing maniacally. Well, aside from being a mage skilled enough to be head of the guild. Maria, I will get you that fancy blouse you were eyeing the other day if you can tell me that he's OCD enough to take the same path through the city home each time.

2015-09-14, 09:12 PM
Again there's a pause before her response. "Get ready to go shopping then, because I'm holding you to that. From the guild house he goes south down Maran Street- Yes the opposite way of his house- then turns left onto Oak, the he turns right into an alley off of Oak that leads to central street which he walks North on until he gets the the wealthy district after which he takes the most direct path to his house."

2015-09-14, 09:39 PM
You're the best! Have mercy on my purse, she thinks, though secretly begins to consider the security of the shop. She'd never said anything about buying anything, after all.

Okay, guys, have I got good news, she says. Turns out Bordin's got his normal schedule locked down tighter than a miser's pursestrings. Everyday like clockwork, from his house to the library to the guild house to dinner to home; he'd give an Inevitable a run for its money. The best part: he even takes the same way from the guild house to his home everyday; there's probably a rut with his name on it lining the path.

On that path, he turns into an alleyway off of Oak street that leads to the central street. Now, I know it's possible today is different with the sudden meeting--but it's also likely he won't deviate from his normal path even moreso because of the change. He might be too busy plotting to think of another way to go. What do you guys think--set up the pit-trap and ambush in that alleyway?

2015-09-14, 09:45 PM
"Wow. Nice," Aria said with a devious grin of her own. "Yeah, sounds like a plan to me."

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-14, 09:57 PM
"I'll handle the digging. No sense in the people who can get tired wasting their energy." Auros offers, happy to get the plan underway.

Okay, so I know asdf won't be on for a while. But should we just smash cut to there being a hole in the ground? Or do we have to roll or something?

2015-09-15, 09:28 AM
Ha! Veronica, you're brilliant! We'll show this guy why taking a shortcut down an alleyway is never a good idea. This makes our job so much easier.

Aurus, you can dig the hole and we'll keep watch to make sure you're not interrupted.

2015-09-16, 04:30 PM
Once the group had made their way to the alley, each of the twins went to one end of it, keeping an eye out for people approaching and ready to step out to distract and deflect anyone who seemed to me heading their way, to make sure no one stumbled upon Auros setting up their little unsanctioned public works project.

2015-09-18, 01:16 AM
So it's a plan, Haley says, clapping her hands together. Before they leave the inn, she makes sure each of the group has the communication rings in case they need them.

Once they reach the alley, Haley stealthily climbs the sides of the buildings to the rooftops. Using the cover of darkness of the night, she pads to a building close to the mage's guild and stands watch for when Bordin comes out.

I figure I don't need to roll for climbing since nothing really interesting would happen if Haley failed.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-18, 06:47 AM
The whole digging took almost no time at all. With the help of a Haste spell and the already inherent benefit of being physically incapable of tiring, the hole was finished in record time. Now Auros was patiently sitting against the wall at the bottom of the pit, awaiting his prey.

I believe this is where Pepper does the honour of hiding the trap? :smallbiggrin:

2015-09-18, 09:40 AM
Watching Auros dig the whole, never slowing, never tiring, almost made her think of....

No, she mustn't let her emotions get ahold of her, not now. This was too important. She held back the tear that was forming and, when Auros finished digging his hole, made sure he was comfortable in the bottom of the pit before casting her spells.

When she was done, the pit was impossible to detect. One could walk right over it without noticing, but at one word from Pepper, the solid "floor" of force would give way, plunging whomever is unlucky enough to be walking on it into the pit below.

Once finished, Pepper excused herself and followed Veronica up to the roof, where she could see the entire alleyway and spring the trap as well as cover them with illusions as needed.

2015-09-18, 12:00 PM
Once the hole was ready, the twins made their way up to a rooftop, though a different one from Veronica and Pepper (wary of area attacks). They figured that being down in the hole would just get them in Auros' way; they could support him just fine from a higher vantage.

2015-09-18, 02:24 PM
It's a few hours of waiting before Borden showed up. In that time a few others came through the alley but no one important until arrived. He's a tall, lanky man, with short ashy blond hair and pale skin, showing that he probably doesn't get much sun.

He'd be rather unassuming were it not for his regal clothes- in dark blue and black- and the carefully tailored cloak stitched with silver magical runes. His hood is drawn up, and he's walking slowly, his hands clasped together in front of his lips and his gaze focused on the ground. He's clearly deep in thought.

Just as he starts to step on the illusory platform, he freezes, having noticed the spell a second too late. Toppling forward as one foot slips into nothing, he frantically tries to grab at the edge of the pit but couldn't get a grip on it. Though he's completely silent in this predicament, even though most people would scream if they suddenly started to fall into a hole. In a panic he quickly cast a slow fall spell, having no idea how deep the hole he's falling into is.

He crashes into the bottom, groaning, the first noise he's made "Ugggh." He sits up rubbing the back of his head. His eyes go wide with terror at the sight of Auros. "I know y-" He cuts himself off, smacking his hand over his mouth with a squeak. He struggles to his feet, shaking, and attempts to look indignant despite his obvious fear. "W-w-what is the meaning of this!?"

2015-09-18, 03:13 PM
Immediately after Pepper releases the spell and allows Borden to fall in the hole, she runs to one end of the alley, then another. On both, she seals off the entrance with a wall of force covered by an illusion, in the same method as her covering of the pit. In this way they were given a pretty good measure of privacy, but it wouldn't hold up if someone really wanted to break past it.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-18, 03:45 PM
Auros had been sitting against the wall, his sword layed down at his side, casually waiting for his prey to fall for the trap. In one smooth motion, he grabbed his greatsword from his side and pointed it at Bordin, still sitting down, but staring at his enemy with a grave expression. His eyes, already cold and unliving, were sharp, deadly, bearing the weight of centuries of experience at dealing with this exact sort of person. "I think this goes without saying, but raise your voice and your life is forfeit." He states, as though he were explaining a simple fact.

Slowly, meticulously, Auros Vigil rose from his seat, walking slowly towards Torald. "So, you recognize me? I must say I'm impressed, I wouldn't think your little organization would have such a long memory. The last time I ran one of your sects into the ground was over 40 years ago. It's good to see I finally managed to teach you lot how to FEAR." The ancient swordsman explains to the blubbering man. At this point, Auros had closed the distance between him and Torald. His sword was poised under the cult leader's chin, and the armoured man's towering physique now bore down on the Leader of the Wizard's Guild. "I'll keep this simple, considering how you likely can't form complex sentences a the moment." He states, leaning in so that he was face-to-faceplate with the terrified Wizard. "Where. Is. Malsvir?"

Do you want me to roll for this?

2015-09-18, 04:44 PM
Tarald is silent for a moment, his gaze hardening as he composes himself. "Like we could forget the Adamantine Knight..." He mutters, not meeting Auros' gaze. "I'm just a small gear in a very big system. Do you think I have that kind of information? Look, I'm expected somewhere in ten minutes. I will be missed if you don't let me go." He takes a deep breath through clenched teeth. "I don't even report directly to Malsvir. If it will get you to let me go, I'll tell you who I do report to if you let me go, and I can tell you where they are too." He puts one finger on the broad side of the sword near the tip and pushes it away from his chin. "And despite your own accomplishments Auros Vigil you seem to be underestimating my skills. While you initially caught me off guard, I am a very powerful wizard, but I will humor you."

He is still afraid of you, but not as much. Tarald is an opportunistic man who's more concerned with his own life than anything else, so he's trying to swing this to end with him surviving.

2015-09-18, 04:49 PM
For now, the twins listened quietly, not drawing attention to themselves, although they paid attention for any hint that the mage might be lying.

Not entirely sure what that would be in FATE terms. Defending against lies? Creating an Advantage? Overcoming lies? Whatever, this feels like a Clever action, so [roll0].

2015-09-18, 07:06 PM
At the first sight of Bordin, Haley signals through the communication rings to the others. Padding softly back to the rooftop above the hole, she reaches a hand into her back pouch. Her whole attire has been swapped out for a black ensemble, with stitchwork and patterns consistent with Lakeside City. From her pouch, she takes out a featureless mask and slips it on.

Once Bordin falls into the trap, she scales down the building. Maneuvering around the hole, she picks a spot behind Bordin to drop down into. As silent as a hawk, she takes a step off of the lip of the hole and falls down. With barely a bend of the legs she lands behind Bordin, dagger at the man's back. Why don't we start with who you report to, and where they are, she whispers menacingly, making the dagger point known to Bordin's back. And throw in where you're meant to be in ten minutes. Don't worry--they'll get who they're expecting.

Sneakily Dropping down into the pit: [roll0] +3

Sneakily Creating the Advantage "Bordin is Intimidated by us" with words and actions: [roll1] + 3 (Aspect) + 2 (if the Stunt "Because I am a Smooth Talker, I get a +2 when I Sneakily create advantages when I’m in conversation with someone" applies

2015-09-18, 07:41 PM
Tarald's eye flick back to Haley ever so briefly, and he laughs humorlessly. Wow. You got an ally that isn't the fabled prophet of lore. How interesting. He sighs. "Aaron Grey. He's technically a Naval captain of Riazian, but he lives in Midpoint. You'll either find him in the palace in Riazian, at his manor home in Midpoint, or chasing down Auros here's old friend. I couldn't tell you exactly where he is supposed to be right now. I'd have to go home and check my files." He runs his hands through his hair. "I highly doubt my girlfriend waiting at my home for me is of relevance to you, other than the fact that she'll notify someone that I'm missing if I'm more 5 or so minutes late. I keep a rather strict schedule, and the mage's guild would take it seriously. They're not interested in losing another leader so quickly." He crosses his arms. "I could probably tell you more if you'd let me go to my house. I'm sure I have plenty of information that's useful to you in my files, though they're in code, so you'll need me to read them."

I'd say that would be an overcome, but as far as the twins can tell he's being honest.

2015-09-18, 07:49 PM
~Best I can tell he's being honest,~ Aria sent to the group through Veronica's rings. ~Of course, that doesn't mean he doesn't plan to spring his wards and guardians on us the moment we let him into his house.~

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-19, 08:50 PM
Auros looks at Veronica's current position and considers his options. He notices her hand motioning to what appears to be some form of knockout poison, so the ancient mage thought he'd help out however he can. Ah, yes. So that's the "Naval Enemy" I've heard so painfully little about. Thank you ever so much for your help, Tarald. However, we won't be needing your help with the acquisition of the files, though your help in deciphering them is essential. So we'll need you incapacitated for a little while, if that's quite alright. Now, I'm sure you're thinking to yourself 'Oh Auros, you petty fool. I have WARDS against such an incursion on my lucidity.' And to that I offer this as a rebuttal." Auros stated, as he reached forward and gripped Tarald Bordin's head in both his hands and focused a Dispel Magic spell directly into his consciousness, attempting to cut off the wards at their Astral source.

Clever Create an Advantage to create the Disrupted Wards aspect for Haley. Roll: [roll0] +2, +1 for using magic.

2015-09-20, 02:12 PM
"You can't entirely dispel my wards, no matter how good of a sorcerer you a-" He flinches back from Auros hands. "Uggh. That only disrupted them! Honestly this attitude of yours is ridiculous. Keep this up and I won't help you decipher them, besides my notes are HIDDEN. You don't think you'd be able to just waltz into my home and find them in a filing cabinet in my living room. Please."

That is a tie. You get a boost. Haley you also still have to roll an overcome, but yeah.

Also I know I promised this post last night but it was 1:30 when I got back to my own room, and I didn't feel like getting on my computer.

2015-09-22, 09:40 PM
Haley takes in every word with hawk-like intensity. She uses this monologue to take in his general attitude: inflection, diction, how he stands. They'll come in handy soon. Slipping her hand into a secret pouch, a tiny dagger appears in her palm. She brings it into view for Auros to see, motions to Bordin with it.

When Auros places his hands on Bordin's head, she smirks. You accused us of underestimating you--that seems to be a crime you are guilty of as well, she says. With a strike unseen by even her stalwart ally, a fine red line is left to trickle a line of blood on Bordin's neck. The knockout poison that courses through his veins is one of the best she has; with Auros disrupting his protections, she hopes it will be enough to subdue him.

Sneakily Overcoming his fortitude vs poison, using the boost from Auros and invoking her Spymaster aspect for the best poison poison makers can brew. [roll0] + 3 + 2 + 2. Beat that.

2015-09-23, 08:35 PM
"I did no such thing." Tarald hisses, his eyes flicking back towards Haley. "You think I'm stupid? I know a rogue type when I see one. Undoubtedly, with my disrupted wards you're about to-" He flinches when the dagger slices his neck. "-poison me. You are..." He blinks several times. "making a mistake." He continues, his voice now slurring, and he collapses.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-23, 08:51 PM
"Whoops..." Auros states, as he casually 'fails' to 'catch' the falling cult leader. He then goes to haul the man over his shoulder. "You don't have long to get there before people get suspicious. Best to act fast, Ms. Hale." The armoured man speaks, all business once more.

2015-09-23, 09:05 PM
"Yay we won!" Lilleen cheered as the sisters Feather Falled down from the roof they were perched on.

"He didn't seem all that interested in defending himself. Guess he hoped he could talk his way clear?" Aria speculated.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-23, 09:13 PM
"He probably doesn't think we can actually get by without him." Auros explains without missing a beat as he quickly scales the pit he dug. "Men like him tend to grow big-headed when they get even the slightest taste of authority. A pretty good quality if you're looking for someone who will proudly perform menial tasks. Less so when you aren't a controlling egomaniac yourself." The Sorcerer explains, with a disgusted tone in his voice as he dredges up age-old memories of Malsvir and his big, dumb, stupid, dumb face.

2015-09-23, 09:31 PM
I could act faster if you'd do me the favor of taking Bordin's clothes off, she replies, already in the process of stripping down herself. His clothes are fairly recognizable--best to use the real thing, doubles for authenticity.

Apparently unashamed to be in her undergarments in front of Auros (she's done more to get to a mark), her hands are a flurry of motion as she seems to manipulate her hair and own facial features. Even her body language seems to shift, morphing quickly to match that of Bordin. Grabbing the clothes, she dons them with a flourish--and standing before Auros is none other than Tarald Bordin, in the flesh, with a haughty smirk to match the one Bordin would have given.

If I run into anything magic I'm unfamiliar with, I'll run it by you guys, she says, and her voice and inflections all match the tone Bordin had just been speaking in. Best to hurry, then, and keep him out of sight, eh?

Climbing swiftly out of the pit, she begins the walk back to Bordin's house. Maria, read me exactly what Bordin does when he enters his home, she sends to her second in command. Tell me his girlfriend's name, if you've got it. And then, give me the full psych rundown on Bordin, or at least whatever you've got on him. Haley wants to know as much about Bordin as she can, before going in front of his girlfriend of however long pretending to be him.

Invoking her stunt "Because I am a Mistress of Disguise" to perfectly copy Bordin's appearance and mannerisms.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-23, 09:37 PM
.......Yeah, no. She is most definitely a Spymaster. I've seen Fey with less mutable forms." Auros decries, watching the spectacle of Veronica's transformation. He is now lugging a half-naked man around, standing beside the two twins. "Well. Considering how we can't exactly walk around lugging Tarald... Anyone up for a rooftop race to the Inn?" Auros asks, once again displaying his own personal understanding of "fun".

2015-09-24, 12:54 PM
Being on the rooftop is not enough. Someone might still notice you lugging a body, as if you're not noticeable enough. You should at least be disguised, if not invisible.

Capt. Infinity
2015-09-24, 01:02 PM
Auros stood ponderous for a few moments. Then, suddenly, a dumbfounded look cam upon him as he smacked the side of his metal head. "Oh right." He concludes, before undoing some latches on his chestplate, so that it falls outwards, his hollow interior revealed. "Sentient Suit of Armour. I so often forget the benefits of such a form."

And so, with a little finagling, Auros closes himself up again, Torald Bodrin sealed sagely inside. After being safely tied up and gagged, of course. "Now then. Shall we make our way home?" The Sorcerer asks, ready to leave with his new "occupant" safely stowed away.

2015-09-24, 01:29 PM
The twins tried not to laugh as Auros casually stowed Bordin away inside his own body. They tried so hard.

Lilleen cracked first.

Aria didn't last long after that.

2015-09-29, 10:30 AM
Okay. I'll do the best I can, but no one really sees what goes on in his house. He always has the drapes closed... He walks in the door, says 'hello love' to someone out of sight, probably his girlfriend Elise, hangs his coat on a rack next to the door, then closes the door. That's all I know on that...
There's a pause. "His girlfriend's name- as I just said, is Elise. She's a half-elf, and a cleric of Reylanna... not really someone you would expect to be associated with some psycho cult guy. Of course, Bordin doesn't seem the type to be a psycho cult guy. His parents are nobility, who in their younger days actively campaigned for peace, and at times he got pulled around with them, but being exposed to the war up close at a young age seems to be the only blip in his otherwise normal (and prestigious) life. He's quiet, deep thinking type, a little bit arrogant, but not really all that much, it doesn't ooze outta him like it did the last mage's guild leader. Everything I'm looking at seems to indicate he's an overachiever. Was the top of his class in literally every education he's ever received. Exactly the type of person expected to be the leader of the mages guild, so he didn't send up any red flags to us."

2015-09-29, 11:20 PM
Got it. Thanks, Marie--keep the line open.

As she walks, perfectly mirroring Bordin's mannerisms, Haley recites the facts Marie had told her in her head. The feeling of being someone else washes over her as she compartmentalizes her mind. Well, perhaps that's the wrong way to put it; that may imply it wasn't partitioned off before. Haley's mind is a well-oiled machine, and the greatest weapon in her arsenal: she has long-since perfected it use, beyond what others might call the practical limit. Her mind is a beehive of information and facts, contingencies and "what-ifs" wrapped in synapses and a pretty smile. Allowing herself to think another's thoughts is as easy as breathing, and it shows as she walks up to Bordin's house.

Thinking as Bordin would, she checks whether there is a key in the pockets of the robes, acting exactly as Marie described him doing whenever he opens his door. After that, she'll just have to wing it--but then again, that's where she excels.

Basically, Haley asking Marie that question earlier was to see if he did anything special to open the door of his house--a key or gesture of some sort, in case the door is warded somehow.

2015-10-07, 01:37 PM
When Haley enters, a half elf with shocking pink short hair pokes her head in the room. "Oh! Tarald! I was beginning to worry. You're a little late." She grins brightly. "Marca came by three times today- such an impatient man! I told him you were at a meeting, but he just did not want to accept that." She skips over and pecks 'Tarald' on the cheek. "How was your meeting dear? It seemed dreadfully long to me, but you know me, I have trouble setting through a sermon of my own goddess." She giggles. "I imagine it was just your cup of tea though, especially since you're running the show now." She grins. "Ooooo! I am SO proud of you dear. Head of the entire mage's guild! It's just amazing!"

He just uses a key on his lock. Very ordinary. And yes, it was in his robes.

And sorry for taking so long to reply. I... actually thought I had already posted this, when in reality I just had it mostly typed up waiting to be posted for several days now. >.<

2015-10-08, 01:11 PM
"Should we head back to the inn to wait, do you think?" Aria asked. "Hanging around in an alley might be kinda...lurky, you know? Draw attention."

"Ooh! And the inn's more fun, too!" Lilleen added.

2015-10-08, 01:37 PM
I think we should go for a walk. Stay within a few blocks or so of Tarald's house, so that we can be there for Veronica in short notice if there's any trouble.

Capt. Infinity
2015-10-08, 08:34 PM
"I second that notion" Auros agrees, motioning for someone to lead the way, as he would walk at the back of the group, both keeping guard and intermittently casting Sleep on Tarald as an extra precaution.

2015-10-09, 12:56 PM
Aria nodded, and Lilleen answered with a chipper, "Sounds good to me!" before the two started off in a semi-random direction, leading the way.

Of course, walking in silence wasn't their thing. "So what's your story, Pepper? Aria asked before they had gone half a block.

2015-10-09, 04:42 PM
Pepper smiled at the twin

I have many stories. Which would you like to hear?

Capt. Infinity
2015-10-09, 04:54 PM
"Perhaps start with the one explaining why you keep looking at me funny. I don't ordinarily remind people of loved ones, so I'm genuinely curious." Auros intones, following close behind.

2015-10-18, 01:11 AM
When Haley enters, a half elf with shocking pink short hair pokes her head in the room. "Oh! Tarald! I was beginning to worry. You're a little late." She grins brightly. "Marca came by three times today- such an impatient man! I told him you were at a meeting, but he just did not want to accept that." She skips over and pecks 'Tarald' on the cheek. "How was your meeting dear? It seemed dreadfully long to me, but you know me, I have trouble setting through a sermon of my own goddess." She giggles. "I imagine it was just your cup of tea though, especially since you're running the show now." She grins. "Ooooo! I am SO proud of you dear. Head of the entire mage's guild! It's just amazing!"

He just uses a key on his lock. Very ordinary. And yes, it was in his robes.

And sorry for taking so long to reply. I... actually thought I had already posted this, when in reality I just had it mostly typed up waiting to be posted for several days now. >.<

Haley returns the kiss with a grin, a perfect copy of the one Bordin would give in the situation. Sorry, dear. The streets were more crowded than usual. Plus, I admit I was distracted by all that's gone on today.

She gives an impeccable impression of Bordin seeming to gaze into nothing for a split second, as if contemplating his newfound authority and all it entails. Seeming to shake herself from it, he gives her another grin. It's all I thought it would be and more, she says, voice excited with a tinge of a haughty "I knew it would happen all along". I am famished from the excitement, though.

I am so, so sorry for the time it took me to get this up. I had a final presentation for my internship on Friday, and my personal life has been........interesting, the past week.

2015-10-19, 07:19 PM
Elise grins. "You deserve to enjoy every moment of this! You've worked so hard your entire life, and you finally achieved your dream! I really couldn't be prouder." She giggles. "Dinner is waiting in the dining room, love. Just like it always is. I made your favorite for your special day"

2015-10-20, 05:46 PM
That...that's not really something I usually tell strangers. It's a very personal detail, and...

Truthfully, there wasn't much that Pepper DID tell strangers. She used to be an open book, but lately she kept all her emotions to herself. Maybe it was time to go back to her old instincts of talking to anyone who would listen. She certainly did miss having people who would listen to her.

Actually, I will tell you. It's been a long time since I've told anyone this story.

Pepper starts pulling...creatures out of her bag. A spider, a bird, and more. All were small and mechanical and moved around on the table as she put them down.

Meet Mist, Rudy, Boris, Dolly and Frank. I had to leave Brig at home, but he's OK with that. These are my creations and my companions. They provide company and help me perform repetitive tasks, which they love to do.

One day, however, I desired a true companion. One who I could have intellectual conversations with, who could feel, think for themselves. I traveled halfway around the world until I could find someone with the magic to make her. We named her Project. We were the best of friends for decades, we went everywhere together. However, her kind are known to be...singleminded in their pursuits. She believed it was her duty to protect me at all costs, even though I continually reminded her that I was able to take care of myself for decades before meeting her. However, she would not be persuaded, and one day we found ourselves in a situation that would have been the end of me, except...except she, well, protected me at all costs.

She lost her life saving mine, and it was the hardest moment of my life. She was my closest and dearest friend, and she had to be so stupid! I told her not to...

At this point Pepper, who had been getting more and more uncharacteristically emotional, started sobbing uncontrollably.

2015-10-20, 06:14 PM
Lilleen wore a delighted smile as Pepper pulled out the little mechanical creations. Her eyes were saying clearly, "I want one!" Aria also looked amused, although she studied them more with interest, clearly fascinated by the mechanisms.

But they still paid attention to Pepper's story, and as it went on, the cheer dropped from their faces.

"Aww-ww!" Lilleen said, wrapping the gnome around the shoulders in a tight hug. "That- It- I'm so...aww-ww..." she stammered out.

Aria...honestly was a little confused at the whole thing. Project had, she gathered, been a construct of metal and magic. She thought that perhaps the saddest part of the story was that Pepper had felt the need to create such a friend in the first place. Were there not other people in her life she cared for? And even then...could Project not have been repaired, or even rebuilt?

These questions nettled her curiosity, but she did not voice them. She may not have quite understood the gnome's mindset, but she at least recognized that her pain was real, and would not be helped by voicing such queries.

Capt. Infinity
2015-10-20, 06:49 PM
Auros looked understandingly at Pepper as her story went on, showing little emotion, though that really wasn't saying much. When the Gnomish woman began to cry, the ancient warrior placed a single hand on her shoulder, as tender a gesture as one can manage when they are seven-odd feet of adamantine plate. "I... Have many questions. But they do not matter now. Believe me, I, above almost anyone else, understand what it's like to outlive ones peers. I can assure you, I feel for your plight. But, in my years, I have also found that the best way to cope with losing someone close, is to continue living life to its fullest. Live your life as they would have wanted you to, and I assure you, their death will never be in vain." He bows his head at the Gnome, hoping he was not speaking out of turn.

2015-10-27, 12:47 AM
The perfect end to a perfect day, Haley says, appreciation obvious in her voice. She lets Elise lead the way as she fingers a small vial in her pocket. Another dose of knockout poison, strong enough to send Elise to dreamland for the night. Now she just needs an opportunity to get her to drink it.

2015-11-27, 08:04 PM
With Elise slumped against the table, Haley is free to search around the house.

Elise... is a total ditz. It would be incredibly easy to just dump the poison in her drink, so I just skimmed over it.

Roll overcome to find the files.

Capt. Infinity
2015-11-28, 04:46 PM
On the second floor of the Golden Flagon, inside one of their designated room, the rest of the party... Just kind of sat around, killing time. Evidently, the team was out of helpful ideas, and was merely awaiting a response from Veronica.

Auros had been sitting in thought, reviewing his options. After some careful introspection, wherein Auros once again did that weird thing where he just doesn't move at all, and thus is incredibly creepy, the ancient sorcerer rises from his seat, unlatches his chest plate, and carefully removes the unconscious, and thuroughly tied up, Tarald Bordin. PLacing the unconscious mage gingerly on the chair that the warmage had risen from. "Allright, I think now's as good a time as any to get some more info out of this guy." Auros states, casually relatching his chestplate.

"...It... Occurs to me that we may have jumped the gun on kidnapping him. He genuinely seemed like he was ready to double-cross his masters." Auros shrugs. "Oh well. Past is past. Let's see if we can't salvage some rapport." He gestures at the unconscious wizard. "I'd slap him awake myself, but I don't want to accidentally break his jaw. Lilleen, would you care to do the honour?" He asks of the spunky young bard.

2015-11-28, 06:01 PM
"Maybe, but you have to figure anyone willing to betray the people they work with that easily would be more than happy to betray us. Keeping him in our custody may not lack for complications, but it's probably the wisest option overall," Aria said.

Lilleen bounced over to fulfill Auros' request, splashing the unconscious mage in the face with a glass of water before firmly shaking his shoulder. "Hey! Come on, time to get up!"

2015-11-28, 10:11 PM
After searching through the house, Haley finds a trapdoor, under a rug in the master bedroom, though at first glance there's no way to open in. Upon closer inspection she would notice the very faint etching of magic runes around it, which are ticked easily enough if you know what you're doing.
With just that little bit of effort the trap door descends, turning into stairs leading into a hidden basement.

Though normally water splashing onto one's face wouldn't be enough to wake someone who had been given knockout poison, his own defensive spells, having slowly been returning after Auros had repressed them had been slowly neutralizing the poison leaving leaving him to awaken with a jolt as the cold water hits his face.
"Aaaah!" He looks around, blinking away grogginess. "Ugh." He glances down at the ropes restraining his and sighs. "What a way to treat to someone who was going to help you." He spits angrily, glowering at the floor.

Capt. Infinity
2015-11-28, 10:26 PM
Auros scratches the back of his head in mild embarrassment. "Yeah, That... That's our bad. We may have been a bit rash in that decision. So consider this a chance to make amends." The ancient sorcerer's gaze turns deathly serious. "As is now readily apparent. We are currently on a mission. A mission that will end in the utter dissemination of your organization, with you along with it. Though we didn't exactly get off on the right foot, you must admit, we are good at what we do. And make no mistake, we WILL defeat Malsvir, of that, I assure you. The question here is, are you going to help us do it? Or are you content to be on the losing side, and go down with Malsvir's ship?" The ancient swordsman asks of his captive, his gaze somehow seeming colder than it already is by default.

2015-11-29, 03:12 PM
Hmm, not as complicated as he boasted, Haley thinks to herself as she completes the magical conduit. Just a nudge here, a dash through these two circles, and...bingo!

Grinning with satisfaction, Haley rises from a crouch as the trapdoor is unlocked. She descends the stairs with measured steps, looking around as she goes for anything that seems interesting.

2015-12-06, 05:02 PM
"I already said that I was willing to assist you. I have no loyalty to Malsvir." He pauses, his eyes widening. "So you did send someone to my home. God bless them, because they're going to need it if they attempt to access my files." He shakes his head. "Do you have anyway to contact your ally? They... deserve a warning at the very least..."

His expression quickly changes to one of concern, and he frowns, staring at the floor. "God help all of you though if they hurt Elise though..." He sighs. "She's innocent in all of this. She... she doesn't even know. She would be appalled if she did..."

He closes his eyes tightly. "What can I do to assist you?"


The stairs go very deep, below the normal basement of the house, and into a massive room full of bookshelves and cabinets, and it looks meticulously neat. There's a desk in the far right corner that has several books, a few rolls of parchment, and several inkwells with different colours of ink, and a small neat pile of quills.

Capt. Infinity
2015-12-06, 05:51 PM
"You needn't worry for your lover's life. I may not know much about Veronica, but her kind tend avoid killing whenever possible. It's less messy that way. So, unless Elise is of an ecstatically vigilant and paranoid sort, she'll be fine." Auros assures the Mage. "As for how you can help, perhaps we should begin with what you mentioned earlier." The ancient Sorcerer leans in. "Given a warning of what, exactly?

2015-12-06, 06:17 PM
"It's not relevant unless you have a way of contacting this 'Veronica'. I have some... very powerful wards on all my files, and you'd have to be an skilled spellcaster to undo them. If she is seeking them, she is in danger. And she has already entered my hidden study." Tarald frowns. "You really should have just let me get them for you. I had no intention of double crossing you."

2015-12-14, 12:47 PM
Haley's eyes widen as she sees what awaits her at the bottom of the stairs. Score, she thinks to herself, greedily eyeing the bookshelves. Well, it's not like they're on too strict a time limit...

Guys, I'm in the basement. There's a motherlode of books here, and a desk in the corner, she thinks to the group at large, sauntering down the rows of bookshelves. She looks at the books with hungry eyes, looking for anything that seems especially interesting.

2015-12-14, 04:55 PM
~Veronica, hold off a minute,~ Aria sent back. ~We woke Tarald up, and he says there's some dangerous wards down there.~

She turned her attention to Tarald. "Listen, I want to believe you, really. But you have to look at things from our perspective here. You're basically working for the person who is keeping our entire world at war. And you are now pretty well aware that we're trying to stop that. I'm sure you can understand, we simply can't afford to take you at your word."

"Sorry!" Lilleen kinda squeaked out.

"Now, we know we...kinda got things off on the wrong foot here, but we'd be happy to work with you. But we need proof that we can trust you first."

2015-12-14, 07:01 PM
"Proof? How about the fact that I probably just saved your ally's life, presuming the lingering affects of this poison isn't inhibiting my ability to recognize telepathic communication." Tarald sighs. "I don't know what I could do prove it to you. Out every person in this cell of the cult? It's done. Tell you what I personally know about the blasted spell?" He shakes his head. "Same. I joined him because as far as I could see, it was the only way to survive..." His eyes sweep the room. "If you are who I think you are, clearly I was gravely wrong." He narrows his eyes at the twins. "...two of one, heart of the tale..." He laughs humorously. "Two people, of course..."

Moving through the shelves, the air seems to crackle with latent magic, and he seems to have books on every magical subject one could think of, and many on the mundane. There's a particularly battered book titled "The origin of the endless war" by Katherine Trolly, and has runes overtly etched into its spine.

Capt. Infinity
2015-12-14, 07:18 PM
Auros is upon Tarald in an instant, grabbing the mage by his lapels and staring him down with a level of menace only possible when there truly is nothing behind his glowing, blue eyes. "That was a line from the prophecy. You know the prophecy. How. The. HELL. do you know the prophecy? And more to the point, how do we stop those wards? There has to be some form of action you can take to temporarily dispel them, right?"

2015-12-14, 10:11 PM
"I don't know the entire thing! Just a line or two!" He squeaks, closing his eyes. "I-I heard that one from my parents when I was just a boy." He opens his eyes slightly, staring down at Auros in abject terror. "And... I might be able to walk your friend through how to disable the wards, but she would have to follow my directions, exactly, and it would require her getting something from Elise!" He's silent for a second. "P-please put me down."

Capt. Infinity
2015-12-14, 10:39 PM
Auros is completely silent, and he slowly lowers Tarald three quarters of the way back down to his chair, before letting go and unceremoniously plopping him into the seat. "From... Your... Parents... How- Why- I don't-" The sorcerer clearly struggles to find words in the face of this utter bemusing factoid. 300 years of twisting Rekylen's arm. THREE. CENTURIES. of near-constant pressing, to little to no avail... And this mage heard it disseminated from his PARENTS???

"...So help me gods I'm going to strangle that Elf next I see him." The suit of armour sighs inwardly. "But first... Here." Auros removes the communication ring, and puts it onto Tarald, sticking it on the finger of one of his more uncovered hands. "Talk her through it. I'm putting faith in you, Sir Bordin." The warrior-mage places one hand lightly on his sword hilt, not a direct threat of assault, merely... A reminder of why the cult has learned to live in fear of the Adamantine Knight. "I trust it is not misplaced. For your own sake, if nothing else."

2015-12-14, 10:45 PM
Haley had stopped by the battered old copy of "The Origin of the Endless War" while the others spoke, observing it idly. When she feels a different mind begin to project from one of the rings, she thinks out, Bordin, I assume? It's a nice cache you've got here--hope you don't mind if I grab a few for the road. Her mental voice projects a clear indication that she doesn't care what he does or doesn't mind. What's up with the runes on "The Origin of the Endless War"?

2015-12-14, 11:45 PM
"I-I'm sorry?" He stammers, before Auros puts the ring on him.

He sighs as Veronica talks to him before he can to her.

'Veronica, I assume? Don't touch any of the books just yet.' He lets out a slow breath. 'Elise has a silver locket. Get it. And touch NOTHING in my study until I say you can.' He closes his eyes. 'Okay. Once you have it, I also have study that's NOT hidden. Go to it. In the desk drawer. There's a switch. Flip it. Then on my bookshelf in that study find the green book with the blank cover. NOT the red one. It has to be the green one. There's a page in the middle written in draconic. Open the locket, sit it on that page and close the book.' He pauses. 'Wait precisely 5 seconds- no more, no less! This is very important. Remove the locket, close it, reshelf the book, unflip the switch. In my bedroom there's a picture of Elise and I on the Nightstand. Knock it over. Then return the locket to Elise. Go back to my hidden study and remove that book that intrigues you so much. All the wards will go down then, and will remain down for one hour.'

2015-12-15, 02:09 AM
Haley listens intently to the man's instructions--this is hardly the time to be cracking wise. Although...

Could you have made it any more byzantine? she asks, voice dry as the desert. And why does that lower the wards for only one hour? What if you needed more time than that?

After he answers that, she says, I'm going to start. Walking to Elise now--I'll narrate as I go, so remind me of anything I miss. She follows his directions to the letter. The only clarification she asks is whether she needs to knock the picture on the nightstand in a certain way.

2015-12-22, 11:36 AM
"Hush up. It's complex for security reasons!" He snaps, then sighs. "This isn't the main way to take the wards down. It's just the only way for someone who isn't a spellcaster to take the wards down."

As she goes through the steps, he listens intently, correcting her if she makes any mistakes, and stating that no, either way would work for the picture.

As she removes the book from the shelf there's a bright flash of light, and something different can be felt in the air, like a quiet buzz you couldn't quite hear has vanished.

"Feel free to peruse my books, but the actual files you want are still hidden. Put the runed copy of 'The Origin of the Endless War' in my desk drawer. It'll open up another room."

2015-12-23, 01:55 AM
Well, I'll have an hour to scope out your book collection, she muses, tossing the used copy of 'The Origin of the Endless War' in the air once. She walks to the desk and places the book into the appropriate drawer.

2015-12-24, 02:39 PM
The moment the desk drawer is closed with that book in it a portion of the wall seems to dissolve, revealing a small room filled with filing cabinets.

"They're labeled alphabetically, but I actually have them filed in reverse alphabetical order. Z is A, Y is B and so on. Information on Grey would be under T. His file should be labeled..." He pauses, trying to remember the specific name. "Tangency, Proa Aria." He flexes his fingers. "You'd need my ring to even be able to read it. Either that or the ability to dispel an anagramming charm, but my ring is enchanted to automatically disable it if it's within a foot."

He sighs, and scans the room with his eyes. "So I just walked your ally through how to disable my wards, open my file room, and told her how you could read my files. Is that enough for you to trust me?"

2015-12-24, 02:48 PM
"Works for me! Guys?" Lilleen responded cheerily.

"Sure!" Aria said in kind, before her voice hit on a, though still bright, more serious note, "Just the very moment that she gets back safe and sound with the information we're looking for."

2015-12-28, 11:42 PM
Haley rifles through the files until she finds Tangency. She slips it into her pack and regards the other files. Since I'm here already, what other files should I grab? she asks Bordin. If all else fails she'll just grab random ones, but some direction would be nice.

After grabbing some juicy files, she takes her time to walk through the bookshelves. She's got a little under an hour, after all. She takes any books whose topics are in areas with which she is not familiar with, or ones that are about exotic locales or topics. She takes as many as she can carry safely.

Once she has done that, she does whatever needs to be done to put the area back to what it was. Okay, guys, I'm heading your way, she says, skulking out of the house and keeping to the shadows on her way to the inn.

2015-12-31, 01:33 PM
"Well... while you're there you might as well grab the file Marvel (Glias) while you're there. It'll be in the one marked N."

Haley arrives safely at the inn where everyone is waiting.

Capt. Infinity
2015-12-31, 01:47 PM
"So nice of you to rejoin us." Auros's tone when speaking to Veronica as she enters the room implies he would be smiling if he could, clearly pleased with a job well done. He turns to the twin Half-Elves. "Well girls. A promise is a promise. Kindly release our new friend, if you would." He gestures to the tied up form of Tarald Bordin.

2015-12-31, 02:08 PM
Aria nodded and went about untying the ropes, but Lilleen was too busy bouncing over to Veronica. "What'd you get?" she asked as excitedly as a kid whose parents just came back from a trip with souvenirs.

2016-01-05, 11:50 PM
Smirking, Haley takes her pack off of her back. With a flourish, she takes out the folders she had snagged: Tangency; Marvel; and three others she had snagged from various spots, just in case. She moves closer to Tarald, eager to find out exactly what is on these papers.

2016-01-06, 02:17 PM
Pepper sat silently through the process. As an accomplished spellcaster, she probably could have helped Vernonica get through the wards, but seeing as this man seemed to be helping willingly, she saw no need to intervene. And once Veronica appeared again unharmed, it dispelled her fears that this was all an elaborate ploy.

Still, once Vernoica opened the files, she leaned in, ready for Tarald to dispel the enchantment so she could find out as much about her eventual foes as possible.

2016-01-29, 09:24 AM
The moment the files are brought close to Tarald, the letters rearrange themselves in a blink of an eye, the titles of Tangency, Proa Aria and Marvel (Glias) turning into Grey, Captain Aaron and Malsvir (Gael) respectively.

He opens the file now labeled "Grey, Captain Aaron", which is fairly full. The first few things in the file are ocean maps with various sea routes marked on them. Then there's a map of the City of Midpoint, with a particular area marked off. And a number of pages full of text that he quickly flips through, stopping halfway through. "Ah ha! Okay, The last time I communicated with him he was..." He frowns. "Headed towards Blaise. Which I think is under siege now, or soon to be, at the very least..."

I AM SO SORRY FOR THE DELAY ON THIS. And of course, once I actually started typing this post it took my like 20 minutes to remember what those titles were anagrams of. ^^;

And I'm not gonna address the other three files (don't have anything ATM) so just consider them Chekhov's guns for later.

Capt. Infinity
2016-01-30, 06:58 PM
"Why is my life composed solely of fortuitous circumstance? We were just there!" Auros explains to Tarald, vaguely bemused at the situation. "The city isn't quite under siege yet. And we currently have a flimsy, if buyable, reason for walking about the streets. Do you happen to know why he's headed there? The populace has bunkered down in the face of the oncoming war front. Which has likely already arrived, since we left almost half a day ago." The soulbound suit of armour inquires, hoping for as succinct an answer as the ones he's been getting.

2016-01-30, 07:07 PM
"If had to guess he was going after your old friend, Auros." Tarald mutters, staring at the file. "Either that, or he was chasing a bounty, but he doesn't do that often anymore."

Capt. Infinity
2016-01-30, 07:21 PM
"Well, he'll be rather disappointed to find out that Rekylen left for parts unknown shortly before he got there." Auros turns to his companions. "And even more upset to find us hot on his trail. Gather your things friends, we're heading out immediately!" There's a pause as a realization dawns on the ancient sorcerer. "Oh. Wait, right. You guys need to sleep in order to function. Uhhh... We're heading out first thing tomorrow!"