View Full Version : For Lack of a Better Name IC

2015-08-19, 07:30 PM
The sun rises red over Olvine city. The ports early risers are already on the waterfront setting up stalls or preparing for another day out fishing. Things have returned to a routine since the incident surrounding the lake of rage 3 years ago. Now the city has become Johto’s principle port and access point for tourist on their way to Ecruteak. You find yourself in this fine town on this fine morning.

so almost a week after my startup deadline i finally have a pale shadow of a world introduction posted. My original gave you a lot more background on the political, social and economic status of Johto but hey now you guys have things to learn by rolling knowledge right :P. Anyway this is a learning game and therefor I don't have much story or plot planned mostly I'm gonna let you guys run with it. So lets see where it goes. GLHF you break it you buy it.

2015-08-19, 11:01 PM
Tanya wanders into town after a night of camping along the trail. Coming to Olive city seemed a good as start as any, so she ventured around the town in search of something interesting.

2015-08-20, 12:32 AM
Emerging from the surrounding wilderness, with a vulpix riding on his head, Jae stops into town to resupply and have at least a night of sleeping in a real bed. He avoids the hustle and bustle of the busy port as he looks for somewhere quieter to shop.
I assume there is an inn here, or at least somewhere I can sleep.

2015-08-20, 01:36 AM
Elfie emerges from her inn and once more begins to wander around the streets in search of a group to tag along with out into to the wilderness.

2015-08-20, 01:56 AM
Alexandra sits on a couch on the center, floating a Pokéball above herself. She was only here as a stop on the way to Cianwood, but a storm by Whirl Island dashed those plans, so now she was stuck. If she still had her card she could just pay for another boat, but nope, she had to fund this herself. One startup stipend and that was all she would get.... She might be able to get lucky here, get a hard gym out of the way early. Or maybe see if anyone would travel with her to Ekruteak.

As if on queu - I might be going the same way, a voice says into Elfie's head shortly after her question is asked.

2015-08-20, 09:50 PM
As Tanya walks around town she finds very few people on this side of town most of the early risers setting up around the port. among the few people she does see are laborers heading out to work on the nearby farms and young people getting an early start on some summer training. oh and a young man with a vulpix on his head looking at a nearby directory.

see no reason to intervene there just yet, you are on the port side of town just fyi

2015-08-21, 02:25 AM
Hearing the voice, Elfie stops and looks around trying to find the source of the voice. Who said that?!. Finally noticing the weird looks people were giving her, Elfie lowers her head and quickly walks away, trying to convince herself that she misheard.

2015-08-21, 03:30 AM
Wrong wa- "Over here!" Alexandra calls over to the girl. "Sheesh, one'd think you'd never met a Psychic before. You were looking for someone to travel with, right?"

2015-08-23, 03:34 AM
Elfie once more stops and carefully looks around, finally spotting an annoyed looking girl with a Pokeball floating above her head. Elfie lets out a sigh of relief that she isn't crazy and is filled with a mix of excitement and intimidation. After taking a second to summon her courage, Elfie walks over to the girl. Um, yes, that is correct. Where are you going?

2015-08-23, 04:26 AM
"I was supposed to be going to Cianwood, but the boat was canceled, so I was considering Ecruteak. Not much else you can get to from here, after all."

2015-08-25, 12:04 AM
Tanya paused and stared at the person with the vulpix riding on their head. "Well then. That something you don't see every day." Said the Syan'leic who had recently came in direct contact with a great spirit, so maybe she's not the best judge of what's uncommon.

She then shrugged off the thought before deciding to approach the young man with the fox on his head. "Hey, spent the night in the woods too eh?"

2015-08-25, 03:11 AM
Jae looks around a second to confirm that he is the one that this girl (Tanya), is talking to. Yeah... Jae pauses unsure of where to take the conversation next, then takes a deep breath um... can you help me out? I'm not good with cities. Jae gestures to the map behind him as he is speaking. I'm looking for a place I can buy rations, or pokeballs.

2015-08-25, 02:54 PM
"Hmm.." Tanya looked up towards the map and gave it a quick glance. "Yeah i'm not one for big cities ether, i'm used to the small town back home." She then points towards a district on the map. "There. That should be the shopping area. Come on, i'll tag along."

2015-08-27, 10:57 PM
Jae follows Tanya an unfortunately bustling area of the city, where they are able to find a decent sized store. Jae grabs the things he needs as he follows Tanya around, worried that he might get lost, or worse... have to socialize. Well, I have everything I need, might as well get back to hunting. Jae starts for what he believes is the front of the store.

I already bought everything I wanted at pre-game so... this is just when i pick up some of it. As a character that doesn't like cities I needed a decent reason to be there. Also, RPing an uncarismatic is hard for me.

2015-08-27, 11:08 PM
Ecruteak City is good. When shall we leave?

2015-08-27, 11:19 PM
"Any hour before noon is good. I'm not in any particular rush. Is there anything you need to do in town?" Alexandra looks at her watch, then taps the ball in front of her. Out of it pops a rather large bird. "Need someone with better eyes than me if I'm going into the wilds, though."