View Full Version : Spartan Handbook Question - Ranged Attack

2015-08-20, 06:59 PM
So my city if going to develop a crusader phalanx type unit as per the Spartan Handbook (http://brilliantgameologists.com/boards/index.php?topic=4963.0)

I was looking for some ranged attacks for the team, past a simple javelin or spear. Something that could be used WITH the tower shields up and locked...I was thinking a simple wand maybe?

I was going to go with Magic Missiles because they dont miss and no saving throw but the damage is really light. I also saw a reference to the Psionic Energy Missile or Swarm of Crystals?


2015-08-20, 08:47 PM
Swarm of Crystals is mostly nice because it has decent damage scaling and does not allow a saving throw or spell resistance, the range is probably too short for your purposes though. I would say you should go with dojores of Crystal Shard or Concussion Blast. Crystal Shard is shorter range but has better damage scaling, but Concussion Blast always hits with no attack roll or saving throw required (like a better Magic Missile).

TK Thrust could also be an interesting choice, since even at minimum manifester level you can throw up to 5 projectiles per cast (Large Greatswords deal 3d6 per shot and only weight 16lbs apeice, well within the weight limit).

2015-08-20, 08:57 PM
Not that we could afford many of these but Horns of Blasting spread out over the line would work VERY nicely no?

I suppose with TK Thrust I could stack Greatswords behind the line and just have them hurl those?

2015-08-20, 09:02 PM
Page 34 of Dungeonscape: Wand Chamber. For 100gp per shield you can insert a wand into each shield that can be used without having to drop their weapon or shield.

2015-08-20, 10:14 PM
Wand chamber? NICE!!

Suggestions on types of wands then? Or improvements to Magic Missile?

Wouldnt Fireball be effective in a mass combat scenario?

2015-08-20, 10:51 PM
I like Burst of Flame or for that matter any Cone-Shaped area effect for use by members of a shield wall as you don't have to be as picky about targeting to avoid hitting your own allies. Legion's Undeniable Gravity is nice in case you end up facing flying enemies. Battlefield Fortification or any other spell that gives your troops an instant ability to change the terrain to their advantage. Just about any Wall spell would be particularly useful if your troops found themselves contemplating a retreat or withdrawal.

2015-08-21, 11:13 AM
Back on the subject of TK catapults, colossal sling bullets also weight about 16lb each and should deal either 3d6 or 4d6 damage each depending on DM rulling. (Arrows/Bolts are specifically called out as dealing damage as daggers when launched vs fired, losing aprox 1 size category of damage, but nothing is said about bullets). Even if ruled to deal 3d6 damage, they should be cheaper to mass-produce and easier to transport then Large Greatswords would be.

On a similar vein, does anybody know if there are rules for upsizing Splash Weapons such as Alchemist's Fire or Vials of Acid? Because you should be able to launch Colossal Sized vials of those with TK Thrust as well.

2015-08-21, 11:40 AM
I was even thinking something simple like Holy Water "bombs"...

2015-08-21, 11:50 PM
Heroes of Battle has some good stuff actually...

I am still liking some sort of improved wand of magic missile or fireball...something that will add some punch but not take to much effort from the phalanx.

Agent 451
2015-08-22, 11:02 PM
Back on the subject of TK catapults, colossal sling bullets also weight about 16lb each and should deal either 3d6 or 4d6 damage each depending on DM rulling. (Arrows/Bolts are specifically called out as dealing damage as daggers when launched vs fired, losing aprox 1 size category of damage, but nothing is said about bullets). Even if ruled to deal 3d6 damage, they should be cheaper to mass-produce and easier to transport then Large Greatswords would be.

I could have sworn that I've seen a magic pouch that contains slingstones that enlarge once fired, but I can't seem to find it. Pathfinder has these expanding stones though: http://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic-items/magic-weapons/specific-magic-weapons/boulder-bullet

Edit: Aha! It was the Bag of Boulders from Magic of Faerun, although there is an updated version in the MIC.

2015-08-22, 11:39 PM
A wand of Force Missile from SpC! Looks like a great option for this scenario I think...