View Full Version : DM Help Do Ssvaklors fly?

2015-08-21, 07:22 AM
I just finished creating an encounter where a Ssvaklor attacks the PCs' sailing ship, but I noticed that although they have wings, they can't fly. Should I raise the DC if I make them fly?

The Viscount
2015-08-21, 09:29 AM
Interesting question, since it's not 100% clear that it was supposed to have wings, and it's possible that the artist just drew them with wings.

By the book, winged template is an example of something that adds flight and basically nothing else, and its CR +1, so I guess you could raise it by 1 to be safe.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-21, 09:40 AM
"They fly if ya toss 'em hard enough."

It shouldn't make it too much more of a challenge. It's 10th level, so the PCs likely have access to flight, and it doesn't have much in the way of ranged combat options outside of its short-range breath weapon.

2015-08-21, 09:45 AM
Alternately, depending on your encounter, you could add a caster with Mass Fly capability or the like... which would just add another NPC as opposed to adding CR to each creature.

2015-08-21, 09:56 PM
Interesting question, since it's not 100% clear that it was supposed to have wings, and it's possible that the artist just drew them with wings.

By the book, winged template is an example of something that adds flight and basically nothing else, and its CR +1, so I guess you could raise it by 1 to be safe.

+4 Dex and +2 Wis isn't a bad side effect of Winged...

Technically it could not be applied to Ssvalkor though (dragon type).

Unseelie Fey would do the trick.