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2015-08-21, 09:40 AM
My Little Pony Races for D&D 5e

Equestria is a land rich in magic and wonder. It is home to many intelligent name-giving races that live together across a varied terrain of rolling plains and marshlands to jagged cliffs and snow-capped mountains. It is also a land of danger and the unknown, for there are many unexplored places and many unexplained mysteries that await the brave and foolhardy to venture towards it.

This is my interpretation of the Equestrian races using the D&D 5e system. I focused a bit less on the canon elements of the show and more on making each race feel like a unique society in a high-fantasy setting. Therefore, that they can work in a bigger variety of campaign styles. That said, I made these races with the assumption there would not be the default races of D&D in the world (humans, elves, dwarves, etc). If a particular GM wanted to mix-and-match, they are welcome to do so. A few notes I'll bring up here about this write-up:

1. There are a lot of intelligent species in the show proper (and even more if you count the IDW comics). I picked these races because they are the most commonly played ones based on the Pony campaigns I've been a part of.

2. You may notice that no race is restricted in any class. That means that yes, you can have Earth Pony wizards! Why? I'll answer that with another question: Why not? D&D has done away with Race/Class restrictions a long time ago. I feel that bringing such a thing back limits the full potential of what the campaign can do. If you disagree, you can easily house-rule in Race/Class restrictions for your own campaign.

3. There are no rules for Cutie Marks included. The reason is that not all races would get them and it could potentially create an imbalance if someone picked a broad talent like magic. In my experience players will have a build in mind for their character and will pick talents and abilities to be proficient in towards their build. That's really not unlike the idea of Cutie Marks anyway, so I leave the subject as a background element in this write up.

4. I have not built a pantheon, as Equestria lacks information on gods. Pantheons could be adapted from D&D or Clerics could instead believe in a concept and pick a domain related to the concept's ideals.

The Google Docs version of this write up can be found here (https://docs.google.com/document/d/1O1Tbgtc66NKq7bgAsYCL5XN9xjQI-hMDJheBuzuqfiY/edit?usp=sharing).

Without further ado, the Meat (fluff) and Bones (mechanics) of my Equestrian Race Write-up:

Earth Pony
“To say that an Earth Pony does not possess magic is like saying fire does not possess heat. Do not judge us on what you cannot see. I invite you to draw closer and feel the magic through my hooves. Our connection to the earth drives our strength. Then, I suggest you stand back, least you get burned.”

—Smart Cookie, Treatise on Dirtamancy Magic

From the sweat upon their brows to the dirt under their hooves, Earth Ponies are known to be the hard working and adaptable backbone of Equestria. They are the doers and builders of ponykind.

Clay of the Earth
Earth Ponies are the largest and most numerous race in Equestria. Fully grown, they easily stand 4 feet at the shoulder and weigh over 200 pounds. They commonly have earth-tone coats and mane colors, but nearly any combination is possible. Although Earth Ponies lack fingers, they are dexterous with their hooves and mouth to manipulate tools and objects.

Ambitious but Dependable
No other race has conquered every type of environment Equestria has to offer. Earth Ponies are adaptable to harsh environments and not only survive there, but they thrive. They are hard workers, known best for their unparalleled agricultural skills, but also capable in the service industry and manufacturing. Earth Ponies are also known to be rough-and-tumble in a fight, capable of holding ground against bigger creatures when defending their homes and loved ones. Although they vary widely in customs and tastes, they are consistent in their beliefs.

Natural Efficiency
Settlements built by Earth Ponies are designed to utilize the most of their surrounding resources. Wind currents and flowing rivers are harnessed for their energy to run mills, in addition to the waterways promoting sea trade and reducing the need for aqueducts. Nature trails made by animals are utilized to reduce the number of roads built between towns. The varied talents of the Earth Ponies allows them to best benefit from their environment without harshly impacting the local wildlife.

Journey and Discovery
Many Earth Ponies adventure, and much of their culture encourages the younger folk to travel for some earthly experience in the world. Often they come home wiser and ready to begin their careers, but some Earth Ponies seek out their fortunes by settling distant lands or starting a new trade route. Others simply are taken by their wanderlust to travel far and wide and see the ends of the world.

Everyone’s Down to Earth Neighbor
Earth Ponies prefer practical methods to accomplish tasks. Those that stray too far into wild ideas will seem confusing. Ponies do try new things, just not that which seems too esoteric or dangerous.

Pegasi. “It seems they’re always in a hurry to get somewhere. They can be good friends once you know them, but sometimes their dependability is questioned. Wings are useful, sure, but I prefer to walk.”
Unicorns. “They’re quite smart and have access to powerful magic, but it can be hard to understand their theories and ideas. Their sciences do seem dependable though. You can’t argue with numbers.”
Griffons. “They have strange customs and looks, but they’re certainly capable. Griffons are a brave bunch, but they’re too proud for their own good, and that makes them seem a bit too boastful.”
Zebras. “It’s hard to believe in things that you don’t know are there. Faith in your friends is a better investment, and you sometimes have to pick a side, even if it means getting hurt doing so.”

Earth Pony Names
An Earth Pony’s name is very creative and often an expression of their talents. Families often try to influence their newborn’s future with a name that builds upon similar talents as their own.

Male Names: Ace, Bill, Carrot, Charlie, Braeburn, Doc, Gizmo, Randolph, Silver, Wensley
Female Names: Aloe, Betty, Cherry, Daisy, Fritter, Grace, Hazel, Lilac, Lotus, Suri
Surnames: Ambrosia, Apple, Diamond, Hemline, Pie, Pommel, Rock, Silverstar, Smith

Earth Pony Traits
Your Earth Pony character has a variety of natural abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Two different ability scores of your choice increase by 1.
Age. Earth Ponies are considered adults after age 18. They usually live about 100 years.
Alignment. Earth Ponies are found across the spectrum with alignment tendencies.
Size. Earth Ponies stand between 4 and 4.5 feet at the shoulders. They weigh on average 200 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Skillful. You gain proficiency in one skill of your choice.
Adaptable. You gain one Feat of your choice.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

“Our wings are freedom. We are not bound to the land like the other ponies. The sky is our canvas to paint and the clouds our clay to mold. We are carried by the winds wherever it pleases, but if we so choose another path, we can change the wind’s mind.”

—A. K. Yearling, Diary of a Flying Horse

The rush of the wind under their wings is a feeling no other pony breed knows. Pegasi take to the skies as fish swim through the sea. They are masters of weather with a love for competition.

Ponies of a Feather
Pegasi are the smallest pony breed, their lightweight frames are well-suited for flight and acrobatics. They have a wingspan about twice that of their shoulder height, which on average is a little over 3 feet tall. Pegasi are commonly born with blue, green, and light gray hues, with feathers that match their coats. Their manes tend to be unkempt due to the winds whipping through them so often.

For the Love of the Game
They are a playful breed, one that loves competitive sports. Pegasi societies encourage their young to compete, teaching the values of good sportsmanship and teamwork. They also enjoy music and aerial dances. In times of danger, they are known to be plucky and often openly accept a challenge. Pegasi will use their flight as an advantage against adversaries, making themselves difficult opponents to catch.

On Top of the World
Communities of Pegasi enjoy high altitudes. Their towns are often founded on top of mountains or high in the trees with open-style floor plans. Some consideration is usually given to their ground-based visitors, such as ladders and rope bridges, but flight is by far the easiest way to move about the town. Weather is often pleasant around Pegasi communities thanks to their ability to manipulate clouds.

High-Flying Adventures
A Pegasus may take up adventuring as a means to find competition in far away towns. News of a major sporting event can lure many to the call. Some are tempted by the prospects of fortune or the thrill of danger, while others are curious to learn more of their earth-bound cousins.

Leading the Pack on the Journey
Pegasi can get along with other races, particularly in athletic situations. They can use their flight abilities to help their friends, but may feel hindered if forced to slow down or ground themselves.

Earth Ponies. “They’re a pretty decent bunch, if a bit slow to get somewhere. Sometimes they seem a bit stubborn too. Practicality is a fine thing, but don’t forget to take a chance now and then.”
Unicorns. “They spend a lot of time with their noses in books. Being smart has its advantages, but you got to exercise those muscles too! They neglect sports too often and that leads to a boring life.”
Griffons. “A strange bunch, but they are strong fliers and great competitors. They can be a bit too serious at times, however, and some don’t seem to have a problem cheating to win.”
Zebra. “They don’t challenge themselves or each other much, but they’re pretty smart and work well together. A little friendly competition would bring out the best in them if they try.”

Pegasus Names
Pegasi like to give their children descriptive names, particularly related to concepts of agility and strength. Names can be important, but a Pegasus will back it up with action and deeds.

Male Names: Cerulean, Flash, Hoops, Jet, Prism, Soarin, Stellar, Thorn, Trace, Whiplash
Female Names: Blaze, Blossom, Daring, Flitter, Golden, Helia, Lightning, Rain, Sunshower
Surames: Clouds, Breaker, Dancer, Do, Fire, Hammer, Hunter, Skies, Streak

Pegasus Traits
Your Pegasus character has a number of innate abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2.
Age. Pegasi are considered adults after age 17. They usually live about 85 years.
Alignment. Pegasi are generally Chaotic, valuing freedom and following their own hearts.
Size. Pegasi stand between 3 and 3.5 feet at the shoulder and weigh 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your base flying speed is 30 feet.
Wings. You have a pair of wings, with a span equal to twice your shoulder height. You can hover in place if there is sufficient space for your wingspan. You cannot fly if your clothing, armor, or saddlebags are not designed to accommodate wings. You also cannot fly if your wings are bound, if you are encumbered, or if you are wearing medium or heavy armor. If you are paralyzed, rendered unconscious, or knocked prone while in the air, you fall.
Weathercraft. As an action, you can perform one of four minor harmless effects with a single five-foot cube of non-magical cloud (or fog) within reach. First, you can move this cloud up to 30 feet in any direction. Second, you can cause the cloud to release rain (or snow in winter) for 1 round. This action creates half a gallon of water and consumes the cloud. Third, you can have the cloud sound an audible thunderclap which can be heard 50 feet away. Lastly, you can evaporate the cloud to clear the air.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Pegacirrus.
Subrace. Two main subraces of Pegasus populate the world of Equestria: Sky Pegasus and Batpony. Choose one of these subraces--

Sky Pegasus
As a Sky Pegasus, you were born to fly. Your feathered wings insulate you from the sting of cold temperatures at high altitudes. The freedom of flight has honed your spatial senses; ‘up’ is a relative term and you can adjust your orientation as easily as a cat would. Although you are notably smaller than your earth-bound friends, you don’t let size stop you from voicing your own opinions.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1.
Altitude Adaptation. You have Resistance to Cold damage.
Pegasus Nimbleness. You have proficiency in the Acrobatics skill.
Lucky. When you roll a 1 on an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw, you can reroll the die and must use the new roll.

As a Batpony, you are like the nocturnal birds of prey. Instead of feathered wings, you have a membrane skin over your wings like a bat. Your eyes have large slit pupils which give you superior vision in the dark and your senses are generally better than other pony breeds. Bat pony coats are universally darker in shade than Sky Pegasus. This aids you in hiding from danger or to spring a surprise attack.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Keen Senses. You have proficiency in the Perception skill.
Mask of the Wild. You can attempt to hide even when you are only lightly obscured by foliage, heavy rain, falling snow, mist, and other natural phenomena.

“Oh how often have I’ve heard the ponies wonder on what it is like to be a Unicorn? They marvel at our natural affinity to tap the very weave of magic, but little do they realize that it is not all sparks and hedge tricks. Magic is a dangerous power that corrupts our minds, and thus, it is our burden when used.”

—Starswirl the Bearded, The Principals of Shadow Magic

Magic flows strongly across Equestria, but no pony breed can feel that current so directly as a Unicorn. Their strong intellect and magical affinity gives them the ability to tap the very fabric of reality.

One-Horned Wonders
Unicorns are about as tall as other pony breeds, but have slender frames. The average shoulder height is between 3.5 and 4 feet with a weight around 160 pounds. The colors of their coats vary widely, but the most common tones are purple, violet, blue, and light gray. A unicorn’s horn is a sensitive structure on their head. It grows with them, made from a core of bone covered in a strong enamel.

Mind Over Matter
They are a scholarly breed, valuing the study of arts and sciences. Unicorns are naturally inquisitive and love to discuss theory with one another over any subject that interests them. They are also known to tinker and invent contraptions both mechanical and magical. Whereas Earth Ponies are the builders, Unicorns are the designers. A well-rounded education is highly prized in unicorn society.

State of the Unicorn
They have a few settlements, but Unicorns prefer to live peacefully within the metropolitan cities of other pony breeds. Unicorn-founded towns are most often located on wooded foothills and lakeshores, not far from trade routes that flow into larger cities. They often construct well-fortified towers to practice their magic in, usually as a precaution against a magical mishap, but the majority of these towers are open to all ponies as a college of learning. Although they prefer brains over brawn, their magic can be a formidable weapon in a fight.

A Journey of Learning
Unicorns that travel often do so for the pleasure of expanding their minds. Many Unicorns seek adventure to put experience to their knowledge as well, often joining expeditions into the unknown. Some may seek fortunes out in Equestria, whether it be for the betterment of the sciences or for personal gain.

The Pony Behind the Ponies
Unicorns can get along with other breeds, and they often see the opportunity to act as scholars for others who may seem a bit boorish. They prefer thought and logic first before acting upon a problem.

Earth Ponies. “Good, hard workers and a dependable friend describes them best. They listen well to instructions and have the ambition to learn, but they can be a bit stubborn at times.”
Pegasi. “They’re a bit flighty and often prone to distractions. Still, their flying skills are a science all their own, so they do learn in their own way, even if it’s a little inefficient.”
Griffons. “They can be a bit brutish and unrefined. Nothing stops them from being intelligent, or even civil, but they have their old ways and generally look after their own first.”
Zebra. “Their knowledge of magic and mechanics are remarkable and they can surprise you with their idea. A Zebra can make an ideal study partner when you’re out traveling.”

Unicorn Names
A Unicorn’s name is often derived from terms in scientific subjects such as astronomy, biology, mathematics, and arcana. They tend to be inspired by great scientists and their ideas.

Male Names: Blue, Brass Cipher, Comet, Dirk, Earl, Hondo, Neon, Pascale, Quake
Female Names: Amethyst, Crystal, Ivy, Lyra, Minuette, Rose, Starlight, Twinkleshine
Surnames: Armor, Belle, Blueblood, Coronet, Dew, Grey, Light, Marble, Rosewood, Star, Tesla

Unicorn Traits
Your Unicorn character has a plethora of amazing abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Intelligence score increases by 2 and your Charisma score increases by 1.
Age. Unicorns are considered adults after age 19. They usually live to nearly 120 years.
Alignment. Unicorns are usually Lawful, believing in an orderly society.
Size. Unicorns stand between 3.5 and 4 feet tall and weigh around 160 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Innate Magic. You can cast the Prestidigitation cantrip, including making your horn glow like a torch.
Magical Horn. You are proficient in melee attacks with your Horn, dealing 1d4 piercing damage on a hit. Once per short rest you can fire a bolt of magic with a range of 30 feet. On a hit, this bolt deals 2d6 force damage. The damage increases to 4d6 at 6th level, 6d6 at 11th level, and 8d6 at 16th level.
Ponykinesis. As an action you can manipulate a single object up to 10 pounds in a manner similar to the Mage Hand cantrip. This does not count as casting a spell, but you can use this action to attack with a weapon or object. Attacks with Ponykinesis use your Intelligence modifier for the attack and damage rolls (unarmed, Ponykinesis deals 1 bludgeoning damage). Combat maneuvers that specify you as the target of an attack (e.g. Parry) require your weapon to be within 5 feet of you to work. Once you reach 3rd level, your capacity increases to 20 pounds. Once you reach 5th level, your capacity increases again to 40 pounds.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Draconic.

“They embodied the grandest of all traits; an amalgamation of the majesty of the eagle and the strength of the lion. However, until the reign of King Grover, their hearts were filled with greed. It was he that united the griffons, using the Idol of Boreas, and filled the griffon hearts with pride.”

—Galin Swiftwing, Bygone Griffons of Greatness

Griffons are a half-eagle/half-lion species known for their strength and pride. Their origins are the mountainous peaks to the far east, a land that has groomed them to be mighty warriors.

A Hybrid of Great Beasts
They are larger than most ponies, standing nearly 5 feet tall at the shoulders and weighing close to 190 pounds. Their head, neck, and wing plumage are commonly seen in light and dark earth tones. This coloration often differs from their body coat color, which also tends to come in warm colors. While most Griffons are part eagle, some specimens have facial structures that resemble other birds of prey like hawks and owls. They are still part of the same species, however.

Strong and Prideful Hearts
Their society is quite old, with roots dating back to great conquerors-turned-kings. Griffons are generally brave creatures and pride themselves on their strength and speed, able to keep up with most pegasi in the air. They value self-sufficiency and hesitate to seek help from non-Griffons. They can be susceptible to greed and many work hard to overcome this trait and improve themselves.

Old Lands of Legend
Griffon settlements in Equestria are uncommon. The few known are all found high in the mountains. Many Griffons live among ponies with little difficulty. They tend to prefer larger towns along trade routes where the opportunities are high and the buildings are tall. Griffon homes are extravagant affairs, often decorated with many prized possessions and artworks collected over their time. Daily activities like the laundry are commonly held outside under open skies rather than indoors.

The Lure of Opportunity
Many Griffons adventure in hopes to find great fortunes in unexplored lands. Some join caravans to find work or simply travel around to find a new place to settle. Many ponies are aware of a Griffon’s strength, willing to hire them as bodyguards and laborers.

A Big Fish in a Small Pond
While many Griffons get along with ponies and often work alongside them, sometimes their pride and warrior instincts fall at odds with the more peaceful nature that most ponies have.

Earth Ponies. “They’re quite the busybodies, but are easy enough to get along with. An Earth Pony ally brings some useful skills to compliment our strength.”
Pegasi. “They can be brash and impatient, but they have good hearts. They’re quick flyers and quite competitive. Sometimes one forgets that they’re a breed of pony and not Griffon.”
Unicorns. “Knowledge is important, but they spend way too much time reading. Their brains come in handy when figuring out problems, but they rely way too much on their magic to be reliable.”
Zebras. “They’re like a pony with stripes and a lot of obtuse advice. That’s fine, but you gotta back up your words with action. They tend not to get involved, even when events affect them greatly.”

Griffon Names
Griffons like names with hard sounds, but the words usually lack a direct meaning in pony languages.

Male Names: Aldric, Bernard, Drake, Emeric, Gaston, Gustav, Leo, Marc, Pierre, Remy, Therin
Female Names: Ambroise, Ariel, Beatrice, Gilda, Hannah, Lucille, Nadine, Terra, Wanda, Zoe
Surnames: Baptiste, Brochu, Durand, Jodas, LeGrande, Pion

Griffon Traits
Your Griffon character has an array of innate abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Dexterity score increases by 1.
Age. Griffons are considered adults after age 17. They usually live about 90 years.
Alignment. Griffons lean toward the chaotic end of the spectrum, valuing personal pride and freedom.
Size. Griffons stand between 4.5 and 5 feet at the shoulder with an average weight of 190 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your base flying speed is 30 feet.
Wings. You have a pair of wings, with a span equal to twice your shoulder height. You can hover in place if there is sufficient space for your wingspan. You cannot fly if your clothing, armor, or saddlebags are not designed to accommodate wings. You also cannot fly if your wings are bound, if you are encumbered, or if you are wearing medium or heavy armor. If you are paralyzed, rendered unconscious, or knocked prone while in the air, you fall.
Sharp Claws. You are proficient in attacks with your front claws, which deal 1d4 slashing damage on a hit. They are considered finesse weapons.
Brave. You have Advantage on saving throws against being frightened.
Relentless Endurance. When you are reduced to 0 hit points, but not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit point instead. You can’t use this feature again until you finish a long rest.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Gryffon.

“Listen to the whispers on the wind, and to the melody over the river falls. Our land speaks to us and we should listen to the calls. Nature does not take kindly to a deaf ear, for her wrath is both terrible and mighty to fear.”

—Zecora, The Living Nature of Equestria

Hailing from the arid plains to the west, Zebras are caretakers of the land as both the spiritual voice for nature and its stalwart defenders against the unnatural. They are a wise and gentle species that prefer simplicity in life.

Ponies of a Different Stripe
Although they are not technically a breed of pony, Zebras are often thought of as a distant relative by most commoners. Their main striking difference are the stripes upon their bodies. Most commonly found in black and white, their stripes have also been seen with various tones of gray and brown. Their manes are often striped as well, and can also be seen in rustic, sandy, and grassy colors. They stand about 4 feet tall at the shoulders and weigh in at around 130 pounds.

One with Nature
Their society values a life of simplicity and harmony. They teach their young the dangers of excess and that the land around them is alive and should be respected. They have many traditional rituals and stories that are passed down through every generation. Magic and alchemy are a big part of these traditions, but unlike the flash and pizzaz of Unicorn magic, Zebra magic is subtle and unassuming. They generally dislike unnatural phenomenon, such as undead creatures and horrific aberrations.

Simple yet Modern
Zebra settlements within Equestria are rare and usually small, but a number of families form a caravan that travels great distances. Their villages prefer wood, straw, and canvas as their building materials, but homes are far from being limited to ‘tribal’ designs. They are capable of constructing complex cabins, longhouses, and wells. Zebras are skilled at farming and building ranged weapons such as spears and bows. Despite their minimalistic lifestyle, they understand simple machines and utilize them for construction and defense. A skilled artificer will find no shortage of work in a busy town.

The Call of the Wild
Those that travel often do so to bring back goods and knowledge useful to their settlement’s prosperity. Some may adventure to train their skills or they are lured by the advancements of pony sciences found within the larger cities. A few may find the road to be the perfect home and set up a permanent caravan.

Friendships are not Black and White
Zebras are about compromise and can get along well with other races. They are constructive with their opinions of others, wishing only to help bring out the best in each friend.
Earth Pony. “They’re hard workers and very practical, but sometimes they lack faith in things that they cannot see or explain. There are times you have to trust your instincts and not your eyes.
Pegasi. “Their competitive streak can get the best of them, but when they work towards a common goal they come through. They just need to be reminded that there are times one should stop and listen.”
Unicorns. “They have a deep appreciation of knowledge and magic, but seldom remember the stories and art of their ancestors. A true education requires that one learns their own culture too.”
Griffons. “They may be brave to a fault, but size and strength alone does not make one heroic. Even the mightiest mountain will slowly be worn away by the smallest stream in due time.”

Zebra Names
Names given to Zebra children are often derived from stories of their legendary heroes.

Male Names: Balbus, Caesar, Ezekiel, Felix, Tiberius, Xenith, Zencarn
Female Names: Aisha, Aurelia, Cassia, Dalila, Junia, Octavia, Sanura, Zecora, Zuri
Surnames: Avitus, Faraji, Gallus, Hodari, Kani, Kobe, Nuru, Sefu, Septima, Zatura

Zebra Traits
Your Zebra character has a variety of extraordinary abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Zebras are considered adults after age 16. They usually live about 80 years.
Alignment. Zebras tend to lean neutral in matters of law and chaos, believing in a balance.
Size. Zebras stand between 3.5 and 4.5 feet tall at the shoulder and have an average weight of 130 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Ancestral Lore. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to magic items, alchemical objects, or technological devices, you can add twice your proficiency bonus, instead of any proficiency bonus you normally apply.
Zebra Cunning. You have Advantage on all Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws against magic.
Zebra Tinkering. You have proficiency with Artisan Tinker Tools. Using those tools, you can spend 1 hour and 10 gp worth in raw materials to build a temporary version of one non-magical item, such as a tool, weapon, or armor, with a value of up to [25 x your Proficiency Bonus in gp]. This 'jury-rigged' item will function for one day or, in the case of a consumable item, one use. The temporary nature of this item makes it unsellable and it has half the usual durability of a comparable item. Unconsumed items can be disassembled to recover the raw materials in 1 minute. Otherwise, you must purchase 10 gp in new raw materials to use this ability again. You may have up to three temporary items at any given time.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

2015-08-21, 09:42 AM
Uncommon Races of Equestria

Crystal Ponies, Changelings and Diamond Dogs are a rare sight in Equestria. They usually hail from faraway lands or deep underground and rarely have (if any) known established settlements. Citizens in cosmopolitan cities may not look twice at unusual visitors as long as they’re peaceful, but in small towns and villages, residents may respond poorly to these encounters.

Crystal Ponies. They look like Earth Ponies with gleaming coats. This may catch the curiosity of most folks, drawing them closer to learn more about the new shiny visitor to their little settlement. Once the residents know their guest, the Crystal Pony will likely be treated as well as any other pony.
Changelings. These are the creatures parents warn their children about as foal-eaters in the night. Folks my pray for divine protection and actively cross streets to avoid the Changeling. Shopkeepers are likely to to close up their shops before a Changeling can enter.
Diamond Dogs. Locals will likely assume a Diamond Dog is easily provoked and belligerent, so they will give them space. Shopkeepers will hide particularly valuable and shiny wares to protect them from damage, and tavern patrons will clear a table to avoid a drunken ruckus.

Crystal Pony
“Just as the facets in every crystal can be traced to its creation, there are stories whose origin can be traced back to the Empire. The Crystal Ponies of the northern lands are as familiar to the legends of Equestria as you and I are to what we ate yesterday for breakfast. They did not teach the ancient history of Equestria, they lived it.”

—Lincoln Elksworth, Journey of the Polar Star

Traditional celebrations rich in grandeur, halls of gleaming carved crystal, and the rhythmic chimes of mine pickaxes and forge hammers greet those who venture to the far north. Here, the ponies of the Crystal Empire stand as a testament to ages that they are as timeless as the mountains they were born from.

Of Gleaming Coats and Proud Hearts
Hardy in stature, Crystal Ponies are accomplished miners and smiths of crystal, stone, and metals. They stand between 4 and 4.5 feet at the shoulders with an average weight around 150 pounds. Their coats are commonly seen in soft cool hues and dark colors such as blue, green, and mahogany. A Crystal Pony’s coat also has a faceted sheen to it that can reflect their current mood; joyful feelings are bright and shiny while sadness and despair give off a dim and matte appearance.

Prosperity Through Adversity
The history of the Crystal Empire is marred with wars and strife. The last dark king to reign had cursed the empire to vanish into a stasis for a thousand years. Despite the passage of time around them, the ponies of the empire remained resolute in their traditions of family and togetherness. The pain of their past fuels the desire to improve their future and integrate back with their cousins. Crystal Pony traditions in mining, metalwork, and brewery have reintroduced masterwork skills that the current age of Equestria has not seen in centuries.

Many Faces, One Empire
The Crystal Empire is a small nation that shares a commonwealth status with Equestria, trading freely between their borders. Crystal Pony communities prefer carving settlements near mountains for the mineral resources therein. They value family and camaraderie in every aspect of their lives, and show their hearts outwardly with more enthusiasm than any other breed of pony.

For Gold and for Glory
Crystal ponies that adventure do so for many reasons. Some wish to see the new world as it has changed in the time they’ve been gone. Others seek to bring glory to their family name or make their fortunes out in the still as of yet unexplored corners of Equestria.

Crystal Pony Names
A Crystal Pony’s name is like a pedigree. Reused many times, a Crystal Pony is proud of the heritage their name brings and will do their best to continue honoring the legacy their name brings.

Male Names: Check, Bishop, Dandy, Ebony, Night, Periwinkle, Rook, Zirconic
Female Names: Amber, Esmerelda, Ivory, Jade, Lilac, Opal, Ruby, Topaz
Surnames: Arrow, Axehelm, Clover, Firmheart, Lighthammer, Maresbury, Mercury, Redspike

Crystal Pony Traits
Your Crystal Pony character has an array of inborn abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and one other score of your choice increases by 1.
Age. Crystal Ponies are considered adults after age 17. They usually live to nearly 90 years.
Alignment. Crystal Ponies lean toward Good tendencies, supporting each other as family.
Size. Crystal Ponies stand between 4 and 4.5 feet tall at the shoulder and weigh about 150 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Skillful. You gain proficiency with one skill of your choice.
Stonecutting. Whenever you make an Intelligence (History) check related to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient in the History skill and add double your proficiency bonus to the check, instead of your normal proficiency bonus.
Tool Proficiency. You gain proficiency with the artisan’s tools of your choice: smith’s tools, brewer’s supplies, or mason’s tools.
Crystal Armor. When unarmored, you have a base Armor Class equal to 12 + your Dexterity modifier. This ability does not stack with worn armor, but it will stack with shields.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Undercommon.

“What you must understand is that we are not inherently evil. We did not awake one morning and decide to feast on the love and joy of ponies. We evolved this way, no more a pony’s antagonist than a snake is to a chicken. We hide among the pony folk as a defense mechanism, because they have already assumed us to be monsters and the clucking of chickens will alert the angry farmer.”

—Ace Gambit, The Pony Everypony Shouldn’t Know

Changelings are mysterious insect-looking pony creatures that live in secrecy among pony settlements. They are excellent infiltrators with their ability to take the form of any pony.

The Identity of a Shapeshifter
Visually they are like pony-shaped insects. Changelings have black carapace-like coats with a dark colored back section and holes in their legs. They also have reflectionless eyes, jagged ears, fangs, and a horn that curves back. Their webbed manes and tails have dull, grayish colors. Changelings have insect-like iridescent wings with which to fly. They are not particularly large compared to most ponies, averaging between 3.5 and 4 feet at the shoulder with a weight around 120 pounds.

For Swarm and Survival
Most Changelings belong to a hive. The hierarchy bears resemblance to bees, where they are divided into castes of workers, soldiers, and drones all under a single queen. The queen can reassign roles as the needs of the hive change. They are omnivores, but prefer to feed off the positive emotions of love and friendship that ponies exhibit so strongly. Their prefered method to obtain this emotional energy is to disguise themselves as someone’s lover or best friend, gaining their trust, and then feeding on them when the Changeling has their victim at a disadvantage.

Living in the Shadows
There are no known permanent Changeling settlements. Hives are small and continuously relocate to follow the seasons and prevent discovery by curious adventurers. If a hive has grown large, they will often replace a newborn foal with their own hatchling, magically transformed to resemble the taken child. The hive then raises the foal to be a productive worker (and occasional food source) while the hatchling learns the ways of pony society, fed by the love and care of its adopted parents. Usually when the young Changeling’s powers manifest, they are forced to flee, but there are rare cases the parents accept them.

The Mysterious Wanderer
Changelings that adventure are usually ones raised by ponies or have left their hive due to overpopulation. Some seek admiration or fame from the masses, while others desire wealth to begin new lives in a quiet town or to simply satisfy their curiosity of how other races live so they can better hide among them.

Changeling Names
Hives rarely name their young, but those that leave may adopt a nickname with their new identity. Changelings that are raised by ponies will be named by their unaware parents.

Male Names: Ace, Angel, Lucky, Oreo, Roo
Female Names: Boo, Bunny, Cookie, Dove, Joy
Surnames: [As Per Adopted or Assumed Family]

Changeling Traits
Your Changeling character has a bundle of innate abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 2 and your Intelligence score increases by 1.
Age. Changelings are considered adults after age 16. They usually live to around 75 years.
Alignment. Changelings generally have Neutral tendencies, not particularly for or against a cause.
Size. Changelings stand between 3.5 and 4 feet at the shoulder with a weight around 120 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your base flying speed is 30 feet.
Wings. You have a pair of wings, with a span equal to twice your shoulder height. You can hover in place if there is sufficient space for your wingspan. You cannot fly if your clothing, armor, or saddlebags are not designed to accommodate wings. You also cannot fly if your wings are bound, if you are encumbered, or if you are wearing medium or heavy armor. If you are paralyzed, rendered unconscious, or knocked prone while in the air, you fall.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fey Ancestry. You have Advantage on saving throws against being charmed and magic can’t put you to sleep.
Doppelganger. You can use your action to change your appearance to that of any medium sized pony (Earth Pony, Pegasus, Unicorn, Crystal Pony, or Zebra). This change includes gender, voice, coat/mane colors, and a cutie mark (if desired). You can impersonate a specific individual with a successful Deception check versus those familiar with the original target. If your new form does not have wings, you cannot fly. Your equipment does not change with you. If you die, you revert to your natural appearance.
Love Siphon. You can drain a target of its life energy. As an action, make a melee spell attack against a creature within your reach. On a hit, the target takes 2d6 psychic damage and you regain hit points equal to half the amount of psychic damage dealt. The damage increases to 3d6 at 6th level, 4d6 at 11th level, and 5d6 at 16th level. You must complete a short or long rest to regain use of this ability.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Sylvan.

Diamond Dog
“Ponies are always thinking they’re the smartest. They underestimate us because we live underground and lack their fancy magic tricks. We do not do tricks, we are warriors who conquered stone with our own paws. Any creature can pitch a little tent on the ground. We built an entire underground city!”

—Theodore Barkley, The World Under your Hooves

Fierce and clever, Diamond Dogs are a subterranean race that have built grand underground settlements stocked with the riches of the earth. They are capable warriors and skilled miners.

A Gemstone’s Best Friend
They are semi-bipedal canines with long arms, which give them a tall, lanky appearance compared to the more compact quadruped pony races. Diamond Dogs can walk on their hind legs, or on all fours with a gait similar to a gorilla. They average between 5 and 5.5 feet tall with a weight of around 140 pounds. They have wide ‘paws’ with opposable thumbs and well-developed muscles that enable them to easily dig through dirt and sand.

Running with the Big Dogs
Diamond Dogs are somewhat xenophobic and prefer to be left to their own vices. They generally are not very bookish, but they are industrious and teach many practical craft skills to their young; mining, smithing, gem cutting, etc. Most are aggressively loyal to their homes and will chase off unwanted encroachment upon their territory. They have a fondness for precious gemstones and incorporate it in their art and fashion. They are rarely seen on the surface, but many above grounders become traders and merchants, bridging the two worlds through business ventures.

Dig a Little Bit Deeper
They prefer building their settlements deep below the mountains, obtaining warmth from geothermic vents. Diamond Dog villages are a maze of interconnected caverns. This serves to disorient potential intruders and make defending their homes easier. The community’s main living area is the largest cavern found in the top levels of the settlement, while the bottom levels are where their mines and forges would likely be found. Water is supplied through underground rivers or surface canals tunneled into their caves.

Breaking the Surface
Most Diamond Dogs that travel do so with caravans in order to trade their crafts for resources not obtainable underground such as cotton. Adventurous members seek out their wealth of gemstones by taking part in expeditions or hiring themselves as proficient bodyguards.

Diamond Dog Names
Young Diamond Dog pups generally have simple names that may have some underlying meaning or family history. It is not unusual for names to be reused every other generation within a family.

Male Names: Bailey, Bandit, Charlie, Duke, Lucky, Max, Oliver, Rocky, Rusty, Toby
Female Names: Bella, Coco, Daisy, Katie, Lily, Lucy, Mia, Molly, Penny, Roxy, Zoe
Surnames: Barkley, Deverpaw, Lumbfurg, McCorg, Ruffalo, Spaniel, Tailey, Warhowl

Diamond Dog Traits
Your Diamond Dog character has a plethora of inherent abilities, due to their nature.

Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Age. Diamond Dogs are considered adults after age 16. They usually live to nearly 75 years.
Alignment. Diamond Dogs lean toward Lawful alignments because they believe in an orderly society.
Size. Diamond Dogs average between 5 and 5.5 feet tall and weigh around 140 pounds. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can’t discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Poison Resilience. You have Advantage on saving throws against poison, and you have resistance against poison damage.
Savage Attacks. When you score a critical hit with a melee weapon attack, you can roll one of the weapon’s damage dice one additional time and add it to the extra damage of the critical hit.
Burrowing. You can dig through loose sand and dirt at a speed of 15’ per round, creating a tunnel one size category smaller than you. You may choose to leave the dug passage open for others of your size category (or smaller) to follow, or you can collapse the passage as you move. Under most circumstances, creatures can only travel at normal speed through tunnels at least 1 size larger than themselves, otherwise they must crawl at half-speed. Creatures larger than you cannot fit into the tunnels you create. If you collapse the passage behind you and remain buried, your space will provide 1 minute of breathable air. After that you must break to the surface again or begin to suffocate.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Undercommon.

Racial Statistics
You can decide your character’s physical statistics, such as height and weight, or you can roll on the table below to randomly generate these figures.

Base Height
Height Modifier
Base Weight
Weight Modifier

Earth Pony
4' 0"
150 lb.
x (2d4) lb.

Pegasus, Sky
2' 10"
100 lb.
x (1d4) lb.

Pegasus, Batpony
2' 8"
90 lb.
x (1d4) lb.

3' 4"
120 lb.
x (1d6) lb.

4' 3"
170 lb.
x (2d4) lb.

3' 6"
120 lb.
x (1d6) lb.

Crystal Pony
3' 9"
130 lb.
x (2d4) lb.

3' 1"
110 lb.
x (1d4) lb.

Diamond Dog
4' 6"
100 lb.
x (2d4) lb.

Equipment and Winged Races
Some races presented in this document have wings that allow them to fly. Equipment worn over the body, such as shirts, armor, and saddlebags, are by default not assumed to have the holes, slits, and straps in order to accommodate wings. Wearing such gear will provide their indented bonuses, but the character will be unable to unfurl their wings and take flight. Purchasing or modifying worn equipment to fit a winged character adds 50% to the item’s base price.

Humble Master
2015-08-21, 06:15 PM
Well, I already looked over the mechanics when you presented me with the rough draft so you know my opinions on that. However, you have my complements for the fluff and trimming which you've put together. Everything is very professional and feels complete and solid.

A++ on your work, I know that I will be using it for any Equestrian campaigns that I might run.

2015-08-21, 09:44 PM
I'm noticing some influences from my own Crystal Pony lore from SoLiM in the fluff for the race.


2015-08-22, 09:41 AM
However, you have my complements for the fluff and trimming which you've put together. Everything is very professional and feels complete and solid.

Thanks! I felt the fluff should get a good amount of attention just as the bones of the racial traits did.

I'm noticing some influences from my own Crystal Pony lore from SoLiM in the fluff for the race.

A bit, yeah. An artist pulls from the experiences around him.

2015-08-22, 10:58 AM
We see Gilda knocking Pinkie into a wall with her shout, and it's not exactly a one-off thing, given that she's later blowing RD and Pinkie's hair around when she raises her voice.

Would the Griffon fus-ro-dah be a racial property, or be better depicted as a feat?

2015-08-22, 11:03 AM
I'll admit I don't know the rules for 5e, so I can't comment on the mechanical side of things. But there's something about the Changeling's Doppelganger ability that... bugs me. (Pun not intended, but left in anyway.)

First of all, this is the Changeling's signature ability, so why is it limited to just once per rest? We have seen one rapidly shift between forms in the show, so if that's a mechanics nerf, so be it. But would it be possible to allow for more shifts with leveling up? It would seem to me that this should be the thing that gets better with leveling up instead of a direct damage attack. That seems kind of unsubtle for a Changeling.

Secondly, if the changeling dies or becomes unconscious (I'll assume that's a specific status effect), it reverts. Okay, fine. How does it revert without needing to be hit on the head? This may be a mechanical misunderstanding on my part, since that may be covered in the spell it emulates, but shouldn't there be a way to do this willingly? And does that cost the one use of the ability to do so?

Speaking of Love Siphon, this is just me, but I've seen Changelings more as parasitic with a slow drain that outright vampiric with draining the love forcefully. Maybe as a curse to force a pony to give them love to feed on, but with a caveat that the curse is not actually needed if somepony actually loves the changeling itself (or the pony the changeling is posing as.) A self-stacking buff would be in character, but those worry me when it comes to balance.

Other than that, I like this overall. The customized headers for each race is a really nice touch, and of course the "What is the general outlook of this race on the other races" quotes. I kind of miss them for the uncommon ones.

Also, I'm glad there's no Alicorn race. That's good, those should either just be NPCs, or if playable, be an acquired template.

2015-08-23, 08:00 PM
Would the Griffon fus-ro-dah be a racial property, or be better depicted as a feat?

I'd say a feat, since I don't recall any of the other griffons using such an ability.

First of all, this is the Changeling's signature ability, so why is it limited to just once per rest? We have seen one rapidly shift between forms in the show, so if that's a mechanics nerf, so be it. But would it be possible to allow for more shifts with leveling up? It would seem to me that this should be the thing that gets better with leveling up instead of a direct damage attack. That seems kind of unsubtle for a Changeling.

Secondly, if the changeling dies or becomes unconscious (I'll assume that's a specific status effect), it reverts. Okay, fine. How does it revert without needing to be hit on the head? This may be a mechanical misunderstanding on my part, since that may be covered in the spell it emulates, but shouldn't there be a way to do this willingly? And does that cost the one use of the ability to do so?

The ability carries a bit of nerf because it duplicates a second level spell which allows you to essentially impersonate others (including voice). It can be dismissed at any time by the changeling to revert back to their natural state, though that would use up the use. However, your idea of getting more uses as they level up instead of more damage from their siphon ability actually sounds reasonable. I'll look into that!

2015-08-23, 08:34 PM
The ability carries a bit of nerf because it duplicates a second level spell which allows you to essentially impersonate others (including voice). It can be dismissed at any time by the changeling to revert back to their natural state, though that would use up the use. However, your idea of getting more uses as they level up instead of more damage from their siphon ability actually sounds reasonable. I'll look into that!
Oh, be careful with that phrasing. If getting knocked out reverts you or you can spend a use to revert... then getting knocked out, revived, and then using the doppelganger ability to impersonate somepony is actually a superior choice. And while the idea of a Changeling's friends walking around with a big blunt object and a healing potion for the occasion, it seems a little silly.

So either the forced reversion should cost a use, or reverting willingly should not. Having the forced reversion actually cost a use has some drama potential, though, if the Changeling can only shift once per rest, or is down to its last shift for the day. Tangentially, if a Changeling with zero shifts remaining is knocked out, what happens? Do they revert and lose the ability to shift for a while, or something? Actually, having being knocked out drain the shifts to zero and require a long rest to recover could be a downside to it. It makes it a lot more risky for a Changeling in disguise to be KO'd. It can't just quickly re-assume its disguise, no matter what level it is. It needs to hide and rest, then reapply the disguise.

2015-08-24, 09:29 PM
The ability carries a bit of nerf because it duplicates a second level spell which allows you to essentially impersonate others (including voice). It can be dismissed at any time by the changeling to revert back to their natural state, though that would use up the use. However, your idea of getting more uses as they level up instead of more damage from their siphon ability actually sounds reasonable. I'll look into that!
I don't agree. For one, Wizards of the Coast's Changeling writeup has at-will shapeshifting. Just use that. For two, I always hate it when mechanics don't match lore. I'd much rather play a game where the players are slightly overpowered, but are true to the source material, than one where the players have to constantly deal with arbitrary non-canon restrictions for the sake of "balance".

If you're playing a My Little Pony game with D&D, make it a My Little Pony game first, and a D&D game second.

UnicornsI get where you're coming with this, but I don't think it quite fits unicorns in general. Rather, I think you're describing Twilight specifically.

The average unicorn simply doesn't have access to spells like that. A typical unicorn has telekinesis, and a little magic related to their special talent.

I think Rarity is a much better example of a more typical Unicorn. For example, the extent of rarity's magic is telekinesis, and detecting gems. For one, Rarity's telekinesis is far stronger than a piddly little Mage Hand. She can juggle five dressmaker's dummies at once. For two, her other magical abilities are very limited and specific, to the point that they might as well be ribbons.

I think it would be better if the race focused more on telekinesis than on a set of spells once per day, because telekinesis is a far more universal trait of unicorns.

2015-08-25, 07:25 AM
I don't agree. For one, Wizards of the Coast's Changeling writeup has at-will shapeshifting. Just use that.

Oh, they have the ability written up already for a race? I'll have to find that ability then. It's much easier to build off already established mechanics and if it's an at-will shifting then that'll make everyone happier.

Edit: There we go, that does feel a bit better for the shape-shifting ability.

I get where you're coming with this, but I don't think it quite fits unicorns in general. Rather, I think you're describing Twilight specifically.
The average unicorn simply doesn't have access to spells like that. A typical unicorn has telekinesis, and a little magic related to their special talent.

I think Rarity is a much better example of a more typical Unicorn. For example, the extent of rarity's magic is telekinesis, and detecting gems. For one, Rarity's telekinesis is far stronger than a piddly little Mage Hand. She can juggle five dressmaker's dummies at once. For two, her other magical abilities are very limited and specific, to the point that they might as well be ribbons.

I think it would be better if the race focused more on telekinesis than on a set of spells once per day, because telekinesis is a far more universal trait of unicorns.

I feel that Telekinesis is a bit too strong to represent the Unicorn's ability. To be able to lift 1000 pounds at 1st level is a pretty significant advantage, and the only unicorns we see that lift that much are Twilight and Rarity. Mage Hand may be much weaker, but it still has a lot of utility with it's 10 pound capacity and it is at will too. The way I see it, Rarity took levels in a spellcasting class to get the Telekinesis spell in order to do her fancy tricks of lifting all that stuff.

2015-08-26, 03:34 AM
I feel that Telekinesis is a bit too strong to represent the Unicorn's ability. To be able to lift 1000 pounds at 1st level is a pretty significant advantage, and the only unicorns we see that lift that much are Twilight and Rarity. Mage Hand may be much weaker, but it still has a lot of utility with it's 10 pound capacity and it is at will too. The way I see it, Rarity took levels in a spellcasting class to get the Telekinesis spell in order to do her fancy tricks of lifting all that stuff.

I'm not saying they need to have the 5th-level Telekinesis spell from the book. That's a very high level ability, and a very inflexible one at that. You can't really make a character that specializes in telekinesis if it's limited to mage Hand and a 5th-level spell.

I mean Unicorns should have *some* form of telekinesis that's more flexible than just Mage Hand. For example, "You can interact with objects and creatures you can see from up to 30 feet away, and can substitute Intelligence (Charisma?) for Strength-based ability checks (and weapon attacks?)."

2015-08-26, 09:09 AM
1: Rarity demonstrates spells other than "Finding gems," such as a mending spell and the "Pony signal" from bats, not to mention the illusions from her fashion show back in season 1. By Digo's write up, she'd be required to have taken levels in spell casting classes

2: None of the mane 6 are typical examples of their race. In the case of unicorns, it is a matter of fact that most unicorns only have one magic trick, usually to do with their special talent.

2015-08-26, 09:19 AM
I'm not saying they need to have the 5th-level Telekinesis spell from the book. That's a very high level ability, and a very inflexible one at that. You can't really make a character that specializes in telekinesis if it's limited to mage Hand and a 5th-level spell.

I mean Unicorns should have *some* form of telekinesis that's more flexible than just Mage Hand. For example, "You can interact with objects and creatures you can see from up to 30 feet away, and can substitute Intelligence (Charisma?) for Strength-based ability checks (and weapon attacks?)."

Hmm... well the 3.5 version of TK has some rules about attacking with a similar ability. I'll read up on it and play around with some numbers. Maybe I can come up with something that is like "Improved Mage Hand" that allows a little combat utility.

2015-08-26, 12:32 PM
Hmm... well the 3.5 version of TK has some rules about attacking with a similar ability. I'll read up on it and play around with some numbers. Maybe I can come up with something that is like "Improved Mage Hand" that allows a little combat utility.

Why not something that scales with level, at certain levels the power of mage hand effect increases spiking at six, eleven, and sixteen?

2015-08-27, 07:35 AM
After playing around with some ideas last night, I came up with this idea as a replacement for the Unicorn's Innate Magic ability:

Ponykinesis: As an action, you can levitate a single object as per the Mage Hand cantrip. Once you reach 3rd level, your Ponykinesis capacity increases to 20 pounds and you may use this ability to attack with any one-handed melee or thrown weapon. You use your Intelligence modifier for the attack roll and weapon proficiency rules apply. The weapon does only its base damage. Once you reach 5th level, your capacity increases again to 40 pounds and you may now attack with two-handed melee or ranged weapons.

2015-08-30, 04:40 PM
Just remembered something from the show. Unicorns can make the tip of their horns glow like a torch or similar. We saw both Twilight and Rarity do it, as well as Sweetie Belle attempting it, so if Sweetie has it, it's likely a really basic thing for a unicorn to do. So maybe Light should be on the Unicorn built in spell list, although restricted to their own horn as the target?

And yeah, the Ponykinesis sounds decent. I am picturing a level 5 Unicorn with a bow and arrow floating around ready to fire next to them and it's awesome.

2015-08-31, 11:36 AM
Alright, so I made a few edits to the Unicorn ability list. I added an at-will Light effect to the horn, removed the 'Magic Step' ability, and redid Innate Magic to be Ponykinesis (which I feel is now overall a stronger ability with more utility than simply Mage Hand at will):

Magical Horn. As an action you can make your horn glow like a torch. Dismissing the effect is an action. You are also proficient in melee attacks with your Horn. You deal 1d4 piercing damage on a hit.

Ponykinesis. As an action you can manipulate a single object as per the Mage Hand cantrip. However, you can also use this action to attack with a single weapon or object. Attacks with Ponykinesis use your Intelligence modifier for the attack roll. The weapon does only its base damage (an unarmed strike does 1d3 bludgeoning). Combat maneuvers that specify you as the target of an attack (e.g. Parry) require your weapon to be within 5 feet of you to work. Once you reach 3rd level, your capacity increases to 20 pounds. Once you reach 5th level, your capacity increases again to 40 pounds.

2015-08-31, 12:33 PM
Awesome thread you put together! All of this seems VERY balanced and well done, congrats!

Unarmed attacks don't deal 1d3 bludgeoning though; they deal 1 + your STR mod. You might want to include something along the lines of replacing your STR modifier with your INT modifier for that.

2015-08-31, 01:30 PM
Awesome thread you put together! All of this seems VERY balanced and well done, congrats!

Thanks! I am happy for all the feedback provided that has tweaked the write up for the better.

Unarmed attacks don't deal 1d3 bludgeoning though; they deal 1 + your STR mod.

Whoops! Darn 3.5 muscle memory. :smallredface:
I'll fix that.

2015-08-31, 06:33 PM
Can I play as a Breezy?

Yeah I can start making my guy tonight if this is a thing that's happening

2015-09-01, 07:17 AM
Yeah I can start making my guy tonight if this is a thing that's happening

Well, this thread is only to present the Pony races write up. My plans for running a campaign with this come later and would be on the recruitment thread.

2015-09-01, 10:37 AM
Whoops! Darn 3.5 muscle memory. :smallredface:
I'll fix that.

On the other hand, races with natural attacks tend to go up to d4. I actually liked the d3 horn attack - d3s are criminally underused!

Great homebrew by the way. I'd love to take part in a playtest if you're running one... not that these need testing!

2015-09-01, 03:06 PM
Your homebrew was reviewed by /r/boh5e (https://www.reddit.com/r/boh5e) and received a 9/10! Your races feels fresh and true to canon, while simultaneously being very well balanced and includes fantastic background and lore about each one. Congrats!

To see the full review, click here. (https://www.reddit.com/r/boh5e/comments/3j6ovq/my_little_pony_races_by_digodragon/)

2015-09-01, 07:30 PM
Great homebrew by the way. I'd love to take part in a playtest if you're running one... not that these need testing!

Thanks! With te warm responses I've been getting, I may have to run two games. :smallredface:

Your homebrew was reviewed by /r/boh5e (https://www.reddit.com/r/boh5e) and received a 9/10! Your races feels fresh and true to canon, while simultaneously being very well balanced and includes fantastic background and lore about each one. Congrats!

To see the full review, click here. (https://www.reddit.com/r/boh5e/comments/3j6ovq/my_little_pony_races_by_digodragon/)

Sweet! Thank you for letting me know. I am very happy everyone is enjoying the work. ^^;

2015-09-02, 03:37 PM
Ponys have no hands. 5e has a lot of mechanics that specifically require one or more hands-- and the number of hands you have is a limiting factor. The unicorn has some sort of mage-hand, but i don't see mention of that for the others.

How are races that mostly can't weild a weapon or hold a sheild supposed to mix with standard races? Do you forsee these in use only in non-violent campaigns, or are the supposed to walk around on their hind legs and hold things magnetically with their hooves? Or do they hold things in their mouth, (if so can they hold both weapon and shield?)?

I think the issue should at least be addressed.

One Tin Soldier
2015-09-03, 09:58 AM
Ponys have no hands. 5e has a lot of mechanics that specifically require one or more hands-- and the number of hands you have is a limiting factor. The unicorn has some sort of mage-hand, but i don't see mention of that for the others.

How are races that mostly can't weild a weapon or hold a sheild supposed to mix with standard races? Do you forsee these in use only in non-violent campaigns, or are the supposed to walk around on their hind legs and hold things magnetically with their hooves? Or do they hold things in their mouth, (if so can they hold both weapon and shield?)?

I think the issue should at least be addressed.

Going by popular trends in fanart and fanfiction, the usual trend seems to be either holding the weapon in their mouth or strapping it onto themselves somehow. There has also been some small evidence in the show that pony frogs (the fleshy bit on their feet inside of their hooves) are actually prehensile, able to grasp onto things.
https://derpicdn.net/img/view/2013/1/18/215829__safe_applejack_screencap_fire_marshmallow_ fireplace.png

Archery is a bit trickier to justify, but after looking for examples I actually found one from the show:
Apparently, non-unicorns who use bows anchor them to the ground first and use their mouths to fire them. There could also be a pegasus version designed to be used in flight, when hooves are actually available for use.

One possible solution would be to say that ponies have, by default, only one "hand." That could help balance out some of the overpoweredness of Pegasi and Changelings, but it might hit Earth Ponies, Zebras, and Crystal Ponies harder than necessary.

Another option is just to say that earth pony (and related) hooves and pegasus wings are flexible and strong enough to wield whatever a humanoid could, or just handwave it altogether.

2015-09-03, 10:35 AM
My write-up assumes a "Pony-centric" campaign world based on the current show. As One Tin Soldier just pointed out, Ponies in the show adapt to interacting with objects surprisingly well, which to me indicates that their hooves are extremely flexible compared to those of real-world equines.

Here are a couple more examples, holding a mug and holding a spear:


I think for simplicity of the rules, one can assume each fore-hoof counts as a hand and each hind-hoof counts as a foot (this way it works out with magic items too). If a particular GM wants to mix Ponies with humanoid races, I'd leave it to them if they wish to impose a disadvantage on using hooves to manipulate small/fine objects.

2015-09-03, 07:17 PM
I would handwave it as if in a pony-made world, it's to be expected that equipment from the PHB would have a pony-specialized version. Shields might be strapped to the shoulder or foreleg rather than carried in the hoof, (but rendering said foreleg unavailable for other uses) and two-handed weapons could be so that the stance used to wield it would require both forelegs to be steady, while a one-hander could be used with the mouth or with one hoof without needing to brace with the other. A pony with a sword in its mouth is not an uncommon thing in fanart, at least. Two-Weapon fighting seems a little difficult for me to imagine, though. Not so much as using the weapons, more like how does the pony move around with the weapons drawn. A three hoofed gait is not unusual. Two hooves might be. Unless of course it's hoof/mouth for two "hands". Sword in the fore-hoof, dagger in the mouth.

The fun thing is when you start getting things that exist both for humanoids and ponies in vanilla 5e. Like, does a pony character buy a backpack or saddlebags? Because they're both items in the PHB.

But I figure that if Fallout: Equestria can make shotguns work for ponies, then getting basic fantasy weapons to work is not that difficult, all things compared. How DO pony shotguns work, anyway?

I do kind of feel a little bad for the Changeling suggestions and those got a point knocked off on the review, but then I went and checked and the review was gone. It's now here (https://www.reddit.com/r/voteboh5e/comments/3jj3gl/my_little_pony_races_for_dd_5e_by_digodragon/) instead, at least as a voting thread.

2015-09-04, 07:44 AM
Two-Weapon fighting seems a little difficult for me to imagine, though. Not so much as using the weapons, more like how does the pony move around with the weapons drawn. A three hoofed gait is not unusual. Two hooves might be. Unless of course it's hoof/mouth for two "hands". Sword in the fore-hoof, dagger in the mouth.

I've seen trained horses rear up on the hind legs and do a funny little series of short hops. Though your idea for sword and dagger seems like it would work.
The Hoof-and-Mouth combat style!

How DO pony shotguns work, anyway?

Dunno. I cheated by making my own shotgun-wielding pony a unicorn. :smalltongue:

I do kind of feel a little bad for the Changeling suggestions and those got a point knocked off on the review, but then I went and checked and the review was gone. It's now here (https://www.reddit.com/r/voteboh5e/comments/3jj3gl/my_little_pony_races_for_dd_5e_by_digodragon/) instead, at least as a voting thread.

Well, I can't please them all. It'll be fine though. Flight in general is always a strong ability. At least limiting it to 30 feet means they can't kite opponents and be on the other side of the battlefield in one turn. I did update the ability to clarify effects like paralysis while flying, in which my thought would be that the unfortunate pegasus would fall.

As for changelings... dunno. I could remove the line about having Advantage on Deception checks.

2015-09-04, 07:50 AM
One other possible solution to the problem of "how do they use their weapons!?" is that I'm preeetty sure in the show I've seen ponies grab things with their tails. For instance, Applejack using her lasso with her tail. This implies their tails are magical and/or dexterous in a way strong enough for them to use things with them.

2015-09-04, 08:13 AM
One other possible solution to the problem of "how do they use their weapons!?" is that I'm preeetty sure in the show I've seen ponies grab things with their tails. For instance, Applejack using her lasso with her tail. This implies their tails are magical and/or dexterous in a way strong enough for them to use things with them.

I was thinking something similar. TWF with mouth & tail!

2017-06-20, 01:34 PM
Have you been thinking on a yak race? I am planning on starting a game with my friends and maybe starting in Yakyakistan. Lol XD