View Full Version : [5E] T1-4 Temple of Elemental Evil - IC

2015-08-21, 10:53 AM
It has been many weary days of travel since you left the City of Greyhawk in response to the news of bandit activity around the village of Hommlet. At first the excitement of a new adventure gripped you all, especially on the short trip from Greyhawk to the Nyr Dyv and then on the boat west to the city of Dyvers. The relative inactivity giving your company time to discuss strategy and foretell deeds of heroism you are bound to perform. Rafe, to whom Hommlet had been home and to whom this trip meant a lot, patiently answered all the questions you could ask, with all the information he could remember though he had not been to Hommlet for many years. As the days dragged by and the company moved from traveling over the water to traveling by foot, following the mighty Velverdyva River toward the city of Verbobonc, the amount of chatter dropped. This was much more dangerous territory. River pirates were known to attack shipping on the river and all sorts of dangerous creatures lived within the bounds of the Gnarley Forest. The Wild Coast is not named lightly.

Avoiding the "Low Road" on the south bank of the river, due to it's closeness to the forest and it's unsavoury reputation, the company took the long route to Hommlet following the "High Road" on the north bank many days to Verbobonc and then traveling south through the Kron Hills towards the elven kingdom of Celene. Again the company moved cautiously through this region. The Kron Hills are home to many goblinoid tribes, though travel along the road is well patrolled both by the Viscount of Verbobonc and the Royal House of Celene to ensure trade between the two kingdoms and there are a few well established Gnomish communities.

Finally after many days travel encompassing about 200 leagues the company walks wearily over the crest of a wooded hill and looks down from the tree line onto the village of Hommlet. In front of you on the top of the hill overlooking the village towers a large stone edifice displaying all the banners and hallmarks of being a church dedicated to St Cuthbert. Covering maybe 400 square feet of land and guarding the road down through a cut in the hillside to the village itself the church dominates the view. Rafe had not mentioned the church in your discussions, so you gather it must be a fairly recent structure built after the battle with the forces of Elemental Evil that took place nearby some years previous.

Tearing your eyes off the impressive building you survey the rest of the village from your vantage point. With the sun threatening to disappear below the Kron Hills behind the company you see the village bathed in a golden light. Not a big village you estimate that the assorted farms and buildings cover no more than half a mile both to the east and south of the hill. In the center of the village you see several larger buildings from which trail thin columns of blue smoke from cooking fires. The largest you imagine is the Inn of the Welcome Wench, whose food and drink have been recommended not only by Rafe but by every traveler you have encountered on the road from Verbobonc. Next to it the open forge and faint ringing of a hammer announces the presence of the village smithy and just beyond it you see the sacred grove, home to the local druid who had been central to a number of Rafe's stories.

At the foot of the hill below you a small stream wanders from the south out of the Kron Hills to the north-east toward the Gnarley Forest. Close to the river you see a number of buildings, a mill with it's giant wheel turning slowly as the water from the stream falls tinkling into a mill pond, what appears to be a trading post positioned close to the road at the point the road fords the small stream and a group of stone barns that Rafe insists is the best brewery from here to Greyhawk city.

The most activity though comes from the site of a two story tower, in the distance on the far side of the village. Around the tower many small figures of men swarm as they appear to be laying out the footings for a keep of some considerable size. Rafe had not mentioned anything of this tower in his recollections so again you assume it must be recently constructed. As the afternoon lingers and evening approaches you look at each other and relax.

Welcome to Hommlet...

2015-08-21, 11:18 AM
Alysűla Qualirine
AC 14, PP 12, Spell Save 13

Finally, we're here! What say we hit the taverns? I can't wait to check out this Wench we've been hearing so much about.

2015-08-21, 11:47 AM
Kyros choked back a harsh laugh at Alysula's words. "I never woulda taken ye fer a turncoat Aly," accent of the northlands thick around a half used rolled stump of tobacco leaves. He chuckled again, then pulled his hood up against the fading light of the day, features shaded within its darkness. "But I would be saying a proper drink is in order after tha' road."

2015-08-21, 12:27 PM
Using the break to clear his throat, Nimtolion pulled the stopper from his waterskin, and after a swirl and spit cleaned the dust of the road from his mouth, he drank deeply of the water within. Looking down at the village he was reminded of his home, and for a few moments was lost in memories. He was brought out of by the mentioning of Wenches.

Nim chuckled at the two's enthusiasm, and lightly teased Alysűla and the dwarf.

"Perhaps before we go drinking or wenching we should aim to secure lodgings, that way we will have somewhere other than the street to wake up in the morning."

2015-08-21, 12:50 PM
Turncoat? Hah! What's the point of a cloak that only has one good side?

Su looks at her cloak-free shoulders and then spends a moment staring into space.

I really should get a cloak one of these days. Preferably a fancy magical one like in the stories.

To Nim: The Wench is an inn, right? That means they have beds there. I might even be able to get us a deal if I play a few songs for the punters.

2015-08-21, 01:13 PM
Borran chuckles merrily at the banter between Aly and Kyros, looking forward to at least one day of relaxation after so many days on the road. He may be a ranger, but even he tires of mindless walking for days on end.
"I could certainly do with a goblet or two of good wine, or better yet a Gnomish brew, if they happen to have any," he states in his fairly high-pitched, slightly nasally voice, "but most importantly, I just want to get off my feet for a few hours."

2015-08-21, 04:22 PM
Kyros gave Borran a bit of a stink eye at the mention of gnomish brew. "Why in all planes woul' ye have wine or... gnomish brew... instead of a propa' dwarven ale? I's not nat'ral." He turned to look back down at the town, shuddering at the thought of gnomish ale.

2015-08-21, 05:59 PM
Nimtolion smiled as Alysűla replied, and made a mental note to find her a cloak in town if he could. The short time he had spent travelling with her had reminded him of his own daughter, and he had almost called her Asara several times this journey.

"I'm sure they'll be very reasonable, these places often are."

Turning to the Dwarf and the Gnome he chimes in.

"I for one will be happy with a warm fire and a glass of mulled wine. Perhaps a full cooked meal as well, instead of trail food."

Turning to the rest of the party he says.

"What say you lot? We head to the Inn and rest up for the night? Or perhaps Setsuko you want to visit the chapel first? Rafe? Is there a farm down there you still call Home? Shall we see you on the 'morrow?"

2015-08-21, 06:38 PM
Branith surveys the town, and looks with interest at the two new buildings, unmentioned by Rafe during their travels. “I suppose we deserve a night of revelry, now we’ve reached the end of this journey.”

He steps off toward the Inn, looking briefly at his comrades to see if they are following. Normally he doesn’t lead, but the idea of tasting the products of the Best Brewery ever was too appealing for discretion. “After we taste the brews offered, if they measure up,” he winks at Rafe, “perhaps I can get a peek at the brewer’s kettles and vats tomorrow.”

2015-08-21, 08:28 PM
The Aasimar, having no desire to participate in the drinking festivities, would nod to Nimtolion. "Indeed." Her colorless orbs then shift to the group. "It is necessary that I visit the chapel before I retire to the inn. I will ask St. Cuthbert to watch over us on our stay here."

Kaiser Omnik
2015-08-21, 10:37 PM
Durosk quickly chimed in after the Aasimar's comment on the temple.

"Sister Setsuko, would you mind if I accompanied you and joined you in your prayers? I have heard great things about the builders of this particular church and I would very much like to see its wonders with my own eyes! And to learn about the stories of the brave heroes that defended Hommlet in the dark days and inspired the creation of this monument. However..."

The half-orc turned to the others:

"I will have to make haste if I'm to be back in time to share a few drinks with everybody and hear Aly's newest song! And there better be some roasted boar leg left when I arrive...you know how I get cranky if I don't get enough red meat hahaha!"

2015-08-22, 01:41 AM
She would observe the half-orc for a moment before responding in a pleasant tone. "Indeed, you may accompany me.." Gaze shifting to the group once more. "Would anyone else like to accompany us, before we take our leave?"

2015-08-22, 02:31 AM
Sorry, sis, but I'm not in the mood for church right now. You'll pray for me, won't you?

2015-08-22, 02:39 AM
Nimtolion would smile and nod to Setsuko and laugh at Durosk's request.

"Thank you Setsuko, but I think I will go with the others. May you find reassurance and guidance for us all. I will ensure there is a bed and food aplenty for both of you."

2015-08-22, 03:07 AM
Kyros shook his head at Su's question. "I had enough o' gods at home, an' their light be a bit too, ah, bright fer me. An' as Nim said, we'll be savin' food an' drink fer yeh." He grumbled the next bit in Dwarvish, "Iff'n the kragshdek humans no' be runnin' mos' o' us out o' town..."

2015-08-22, 01:25 PM
Turning back to the group, Branith smiles and nods his head, "I'm glad that two of you are going, Perhaps, until we get a better idea of what is going on with the bandits around here,
it might be good to try and make sure we go at least in twos if we are wandering around the village."

2015-08-22, 03:24 PM
"Very well." She would nod before turning to head to the temple with Durosk. "Perhaps we will discover something interesting here."

2015-08-22, 09:05 PM
Borran turns back to look at Kyros.
"At least when I drink a good wine or draft of my home's brew, I can properly enjoy more than one before I have to be carted off to find the local cleric before dying of alcohol poisoning."
He then pauses in his steps to listen to the rest of the talk before adding his two copper pieces.
"I must agree with mister Kyros in this case, the surrounding woods are just as much the altar to Glittergold as is any Human built church. I shall continue onto the inn, though if someone wishes to explore other areas of the town, I could likely be convinced to accompany them." He then resumes walking, straight towards the inn.

2015-08-23, 02:02 AM
Rafe had been far away during the brief conversation. His eyes misty as he stared out over the vale that contained his home. He couldn't help look to the south end of the village and the farm he'd known as home. He barely heard what the others had said but as they started to move off, most heading down the hill leaving Setsuko and Durosk at the entrance to the church he finally came back to the present and after nodding a goodbye to the two at the door trudged off down the hill along with the rest of the party.

About halfway down the hill a small ledge leads along the hillside to a small herder's cottage. Rafe pauses momentarily and then continues on down the hill. At the bottom the road dips into the stream which gurgles and splashes along. There are a few people around running tasks in the last light of day. To your left you hear the sounds horses whinnying from inside a barn attached to a large building. Outside the door, a shield and lantern are suspended from chains. The shield is painted, showing a sword and a cheese. This appears to be the local trading post, wherein a merchant apparently provides for the needs of villagers, travellers and adventurers alike.

To your right another sturdy new building stands. The sign displays three yellow balls; this must be a moneychanger's. A guard in chain mail stands by the door, wearing a sword and cradling a light crossbow in his arms, with a quarrel ready. Two large dogs are sniffing in your direction. The path splits into three just before the ford of the stream. One way leading left past the trading post toward the mill, another past the moneychanger's and on past other buildings to the brewhouse. Rafe takes the third way, walking out into the stream the water apparently washing more than mud off his shoes.

Across the stream the road bends south passing by houses, at least one of which also appears to double as a business based on the wooden sign hanging over the door that depicts a bag of wool and a loom. Those people still around pay you little attention, mainly just the occasional stare from a young child who stops their play to watch you pass or a genial "Good afternoon" or "Good evening" from those walking around minding their own business. Now you start to smell the food cooking in the Inn and hear the low noise as business starts to pick up though most of it is drowned out by the ringing hammer of the smith to you left.

You pass by a large, empty looking hall on your right and then see the smithy to your left. Horseshoes are nailed to the three faces of
the post in front of this shed, and within sit a forge and bellows. In the twilight the smith, a short but brawny man, appears to be putting the finishing touch on a set of horseshoes for the tough old horse tied to a rail on the barn. But your attention is drawn away by the large sign hung over the entrance to the enclosed courtyard of the Inn of the Welcome Wench. The square wooden sign shows a buxom and smiling girl holding a flagon of beer. To the left of the courtyard a line of stables seems fairly well stocked and the smell of food and ale assaults your nostrils as a young man steps out of the Inn and with a polite "'scuse me" steps past you and continues down the road to the south.

From the top of the hill Setsuko and Durosk watch as the rest of the party descend toward the Inn of the Welcome Wench. As they cross the stream the unlikely pair of the Half-Orc and Aasimar turn to their own business and push open the large wooden double door to the chapel. Inside is a large gathering hall. This is where the faithful come to hear the sermon given on Godsday eve. The place is floored in well-polished wood, with wooden ceiling and pillars extending all the way to the roof high overhead. The walls are painted in pastoral scenes, and tinted glass mosaic windows of many shades of color allow light into the hall. There are no benches, pews or stools. A small bell attached to the door rings as the door is opened and from inside the church a booming voice calls out "Well there's no use ye standing on the door step, take ye courage in ye hands and step inside. How can Brother Calvert be of service to ye generous followers of St Cuthbert?"

His annoucement of being Brother Calvert confirms that his rank in the church hierarchy is higher than your rank of Acolyte.

2015-08-23, 02:19 AM
Kyros paused for a moment as they passed by the blacksmith, then turned and waved the others onward. "I'll be thar in a moment. Keep an ale col' fer me, will ye' Aly?" He turned away from the group and moved into the blacksmith's stall, glancing around carefully, taking note to see if it's more farmer's tools or if there are actually a good variety of weapons on the wall, before he coughed, trying to catch the smith's eyes, puling back his hood.

"Hail, forgah. Fine work ye be doin' here. Quality is as goo' as any dwarves. Me an' others jus' got in town an' I be wond'rin how's the trade been doin' fer ye these pas' year? Bad stories been hear' on the roads."

2015-08-23, 01:30 PM
As Nimtolion walked down into the village and towards the Inn, he found it hard to sense any foreboding around this place, it seemed so much like the idyllic peaceful life he left behind. It gave him enough pause that he was not surprised that Rafe seemed shaken and quiet. He was sure the man had his own ghosts that were rearing their heads.

As they passed the blacksmiths Nimtolion fought down the desire to head in and introduce himself to the man as a fellow tradesman. That could wait. Entering the Inn's courtyard Nim would move quickly, catching the door before it could close on the young man and sliding inside, to the warmth and light of Hospitality.

He hoped.

2015-08-23, 01:36 PM
Su follows Nim into the inn and makes a beeline for the bar.

Hey, you ok? You look kinda troubled...

2015-08-23, 01:52 PM
Nimtolion hears a voice behind him and sees Asara ducking under his arm to head towards the bar. Then he remembers she is days travel away and instead responds to Alysűla, putting on a light hearted grin.

"Just feeling like an old man, this place is both all to familiar and all to different to my home."

He would move up the bar beside her, still smiling, and wait to be served.

2015-08-23, 03:30 PM
Entering the church alongside her Half-Orc counterpart, Setsuko places her right open palm against her mid-section and the other upon her back to give a formal bow before responding in a tone most serene. "Brother Calvert, I am Acolyte Setsuko." Extending her hand in the direction of Durosk, she would continue. "This is Durosk, a traveling partner of mine." Her studios and inquisitive gaze remained on Calvert. "I am very pleased to find a church acknowledging St. Cuthbert here. I have come here simply to give thanks for our safe arrival and ask for continued blessings...and perhaps any interesting information you could impart upon us?"

2015-08-23, 03:39 PM
Barkeep! Could I get a round over here? I'm gonna need uh... four, five... six ales, a mug of gnomish beer, something strong and dwarven and a bucket of water, if you please!

To Nim: Wait, does Setsuko even drink? Eh, I'll have hers if she doesn't want it.

2015-08-23, 11:16 PM
Nimtolion still smiling, shakes his head and chuckles.

"It pays to be nice to your hosts Alysűla, especially if we hope to stay here, and for you to perform as you intend. And I believe any one of our companions will happily take an extra flagon of ale regardless."

Turning to the Innkeeper he chuckled and held out a hand.

"My name is Nimtolion and this here is Alysűla, we are part of a group sent to help with the current bandit problem, we met one of your villagers, a man by the name of Rafe, in Greyhawk. We arrived in the village this evening and seek lodgings and food for the forseeable future. Alysűla here would also like to perform, as she is a bard with no small talent with her instruments. Also, please make that 5 ales and a bottle of wine. If there is food available we would be grateful as well, we have had nothing but trail rations for many days. If we could have food for 6 brought over to our group and another 3 portions kept warm, I would consider myself in your debt for our stay here.

2015-08-23, 11:42 PM
Borran is a little ways ahead of the group as they enter town, and subtly slows down so that the others catch up with him before everyone goes to where they were going. He makes at first for the inn when he hears Kyros behind him say something about catching up, so he turns around and sees the dwarf step into the local smithy. He tells himself that it was his gnomish nature that compelled him to take a look at the works created rather than being reluctant to be with only the tallfolk for an extended period, but Borran in any case decides to go with Kyros and enters the smithy quietly, and silently studies the implements hanging from the walls, be them tool or weapon.

2015-08-24, 03:04 AM
Su feels around in her money pouch and says, Uh, Nim... I might need to owe you the wine, at least until the tips start rolling in. Sorry!

2015-08-24, 03:13 AM
Kyros looked back as he heard the inn door open and close in the distance, raising an eyebrow in surprise to see that Borran had accompanied him. "Neva' took yeh as one fer col' steel, Borran. What're yeh doin' followin' af'er me?" His tone was curious rather than accusatory as he was patiently waiting for the blacksmith to finish his work. Taking a moment for another discussion was fine in the interim.

2015-08-24, 05:58 AM
Nim smiles and pulls out his own money pouch, which wasn't full by any measure, but should be enough.

"We should have enough between us. As the wine is for me it is only fair I pay my share. Plus we can always have the others pay us back, with a little interest of course for our charming service."

2015-08-24, 11:46 AM
"I may prefer to be in the middle of the woods, tracking down bandits and dangerous beasts, but I still am one to appreciate a fine craftsman's work," Borran replies to Kyros, "besides, as Braithwaite mentioned, it's likely a good idea to travel in pairs fo- so no one gets lost."

2015-08-24, 07:17 PM
Joining the others as they sit down at a table, Branith nods in agreement with the order given and places his arms behind his head as he stretches. "I won't be sorry to be sleeping in a bed not made of dirt and rocks."

He surveys the patrons to see if there are any folk who might not be from the village. Perhaps some one or two folks sitting alone, not talking to anyone else around them, or perhaps not engaging in friendly conversation with the staff as they are served.

2015-08-24, 10:44 PM
Kyros nodded at Borran, then his eyes twinkled for a moment with slight mirth. " 'Is name be Branith. I don' be thinkin' 'e will ta'e ligh'ly tah yer bi' o' funnin'." He cocked his head curiously at Borran again, watching the gnomes eye's dart about. " 'Ere, yeh no' be afrai' o' bein' tha only one o' shor'er stock amon' our frien's, are ye? I'll gran' yeh tha' Se'suko seems a bi'... odd, bu' tha res' seem fine enough."

Infernally Clay
2015-08-25, 03:18 AM
"I'll pay fer it," Rafe finally said, still not entirely there, "It's the least I can do."

The people of Hommlet had been through so much in years gone past, and in Rafe's time away he had almost forgotten how strong everyone was. In part, that was why it was so important for Rafe to be here now. These people, whom he had grown up, laughed, cried and fought alongside, were once again in danger and still too stubborn to openly show it. This was no time for Rafe to be introspective, as Nim would say.

"I'll 'ave a word with the inkeep. If it's still Daryl an' his wife, you'll be in fer a treat once the food shows up."

Rafe had his own reasons for wanting to talk to Daryl, if he was still here. That new building meant new business in Hommlet and if new business meant anything to a small village, it's unwanted attention.

Kaiser Omnik
2015-08-25, 08:59 AM
Durosk gazes at the elegant, yet practical architecture of the church and its splendid glass mosaics with awe. He bows, too, when Setsuko presents him to the Brother Calvert.

"I am myself an acolyte in the service of Rao the Serene One. I am pleased to have the opportunity to pay my respect to St. Cuthbert of the Cudgel, who has done so much to rid this area of Evil. I'm sure there's much we can learn from you, about the history of this region, and the heroes who stood up for Hommlet many years ago."

2015-08-25, 03:59 PM
The smith critically inspects the horseshoe he is shaping and makes a fine adjustment with a couple of ringing blows of his hammer before plunging the hot metal into a bath of water which immediately starts to hiss and steam. As the steam clears and the hiss dies down he looks both Kyros and Borran up and down before he speaks, "Thanking you kindly sir. My skills certainly don't rival those of the dwarven smiths but I take pride in what I do. As for business, it's busy enough for one smith what with the maintaining the weaponry for the militia, shoeing horses, and mending equipment for both the farmers and them folk building the keep. As for the problems on the road given the number of folk such as yerself that have been arriving recently I don't expect it'll be long before the problems get cleared up but they're no doubt the talk of the inn." He fishes the horseshoe out of the tub and checks it's fit on the horse's hoof. Grabbing a few nails he proceeds to quickly attach the shoe to the hoof. When done he places the hoof back on the floor and turns to you as he stands, "Now, can I help you gentle folk with something else?"

Nimtolion pushes open the door and enters the inn with the other three of you following. This large place is bright and cheerful. It contains several rough-hewn tables and chairs, boards, and benches. Natural tree trunk pillars support the ceiling overhead, all dark with smoke and age. A motley group of people is here, sitting generally in groups of two or three around the tables. Most pay little attention to you as you enter, those that do appear to be sizing you up and they in turn appear to be either adventure seekers such as yourselves or guards associated with one of the merchants that travel this route daily.

Entering the main room on the left side you see a large bar in front of you, to the right the room opens up to the tables and a large fireplace and on the far side of the room you see doorways to what appear to be private rooms and a stairway heading up to an upper floor. Potboys and serving girls move from table to table bring food and drink and removing the empties. From behind the bar a cheerful fellow welcomes you, "Welcome travelers to the Inn of the Welcome Wench, I'm your host Ostler Gundigoot. What can I get for you all today?"

As Nimtolion and Alysűla discuss the order Ostler gets some flagons out from under the bar and starts to poor some ale. "What would you like to eat? We have mutton in a rich port gravy, with roasted potatos and root vegetables or if meat don't agree with you we have wild mushrooms from the Gnarley Forest with leaf greens and served on a bed of boiled grains. Either of those is 5sp. If you have a more expensive taste we have fresh river lobster, served in a creamy garlic sauce with black truffles and roots. That is 2gp per plate."

At that moment Rafe steps forward and greets Ostler, who is initially startled but then as he recognises Rafe puts down the jug of ale he's pouring the drinks from and reaching over the bar he grasps the fighter's arm. Tears form in his eyes as he turns his head and calls loudly, "Helda, Helda come here. It's Rafe.. Rafe Hardin.. he's returned." A squat, slightly portly woman comes questioningly from out of the kitchen at the back, looking to see what all the fuss is about. When she recognizes Rafe she squeals, dropping the wooden spoon she carries, and hurries quickly out into the main room to grab the fighter in a bear hug, tears streaming down her cheeks. Ostler picks up the jug, and motioning to Nimtolion says, "Put yer money away lad, it's not needed here tonight." Turning to one of the serving girls he gives her instructions, "Marie, set up the room at the back.. no, the one on the left. Quickly now girl!" and grabbing flagons of ale in each hand leads you to the private room on the far side of the bar.

Setting the drinks down on the table Ostler tells Marie to get some food from the kitchen and bring it to the room, then he makes sure that you are all seated comfortably and have drinks before he closes the door. Then he moves next his wife and holding her hand asks Rafe, "What are you doing here? Have you heard about the troubles on the road? It's like it's starting all over again. We've prayed with Jaroo for your return. Obad-hai be praised that he heard our prayers."

On the hill Setsuko and Durosk enter the church hall in response to the booming voice of Brother Calvert. To the left a processional leads from the hall. Worshipers, as well as those to be confirmed, married, and so forth, are allowed to enter this way. The floor here is of lighter wood, and the walls are deep blue, sprinkled with starbursts in silver leaf. Coming down this processional to meet you is a small man with a homely, honest face who returns your greetings in a surprisingly deep voice. "Please brothers, follow me. Let us discuss your business in a more comfortable surrounding." He leads you along the processional to the left of two doors positioned to either side of an altar. The altar is a circular chamber normally screened by a drape of deep green velvet. Inside is a lifesized statue of St. Cuthbert, smiling, the great cudgel held high in one hand while the left hand beckons the doubter and the faithful alike. Growing ferns and other plants are behind this statue, while to either side are tree stumps from which the clerics officiate. An altar is carved from a single piece of bronzewood with billets, star bursts, and the sacred sign of the Crumpled Hat. The walls are wainscotted with carved panels, and the painted walls show various marvels performed by St. Cuthbert. A band of holy sayings is above the walls and wood;

Square corners can be pounded smooth.
Thick heads are not made of glass.
Salvation is better than smart answers.
Some good folk can understand only one thing.
Enlightment can penetrate even the helm of iron.
Evil which cannot be removed must be eliminated.
Foolishness can be beaten.
Lawful correction lies in a stout billet.
Capricious behavior brings knots to the heads of those lacking wisdom.
Preach quietly, but have a large cudgel handy.

Inside the audience chamber Calvert bids you to be seated on hard benches near the door (not on the padded chairs near the fireplace), and asks, "Please express how I can be of service. I hope that I will be able to help you as much as you are able to aid the people of Hommlet." as he motions toward the poorbox.

2015-08-25, 06:20 PM
Setsuko observes her surroundings meticulously as she follows Brother Calvert until they come to a stop. Reaching into the coin pouch situated upon the belt of her robes, she would retrieve 5 gold pieces and drop them into the poor box, slowly, one by one as she inquired. "You see, Brother, I am here with an adventuring party in response to reports of local banditry. Is this simple here say? Have you noticed an increase in crime about these parts or anything else we should be made aware of? Aside from my parties intentions, I have a personal agenda of my own here. Please, inform me of any interesting local lore. Sights I must see perhaps? Factual happenings worthy of a library book? Anything of the such would interest me greatly."

2015-08-25, 08:51 PM
Nimtolion would follow Ostler through the Inn to the private room, removing his pack and leaving it in the corner he begins unbuckling his weapons, leaving them propped against his pack. Once free from the weight of the road he stretches and bows slightly to the Innkeeper, once Ostler had finished talking to Rafe.

"Thank you for your Hospitality, as I said before, consider myself in your debt. I myself would prefer the Mushrooms and Grains, again, with wine if at all possible. If there is anything I can do to help I would be more than welcome. We also have several companions, who had errands to run before they join us here, a Gnome and a Dwarf, as well as a Half-Orc and a uh, woman."

Nimtolion would falter trying to describe Setsuko, and in the end settled for the one thing he could be sure of. Settling in one of the chairs he let's out a sigh of relief. Money, for now, would not be a problem.

2015-08-26, 03:48 AM
Kyros chuckled as he turned back to the blacksmith, smiling gently. "We shoul' all be takin' pride in wha' we do. Bu' folk always be needin' someone ta be helpin' thar wares. Speakin o' which..." Kyros pulled a dagger from it's sheath, notched heavily on one side with a large divet.
"Woul' it be too much trouble ta' flatten tha blade righ' quick? Shoul' nay take more 'an fi' minutes. An', ah, even if tha' bandits be taken care o' soon, we still be needin' ta fin' em. Yeh sure there be nothin' ye can tell us? Abou' them or anythin'... weir' goin' roun' tha town?" He pulled out a pair of gold coins from his pouch and set them down onto the anvil with a solid sounding click, raising an eyebrow at the blacksmith.

2015-08-26, 09:48 AM
Su gazes with awe at Rafe and whispers to whoever is sitting next to her: wow, being famous is awesome!

She'll have the mutton and an ale, and try to keep quiet while Rafe catches up with his friends.

2015-08-26, 11:46 AM
Branith, taking note of the menu choices, responds with a small respectful bow of his head. "I'll have the mutton sir, and if it is not too forward, the building on the hill, the church, is obviously one of St Cuthbert. I am curious, whose building the tower? Is it a devotee of the same faith?" The High Elf tries to conceal the concern in his voice. Setsuko has been an admirably Brave and Noble companion, willing, with no concern for her own safety, to place herself between Evil and the innocent.

However. the Cuthbertine Church has been known for over zealousness on occasion. Preferring order and law to the responsible personal freedom which is each beings right.

2015-08-28, 10:51 PM
Brother Calvert smiles as Setsuko drops a significant donation into the poorbox. "You are most generous. Unfortunately I'm not privy to such information being a simple under-priest. My responsibilities end at meeting the spiritual needs of the local population. However for such as generous donation I will entreat Canon Terjon to grant you an audience. As a member of the village council he would be in a much better position to answer your questions." He indicates the comfortable chairs. "Please make yourselves comfortable and you are welcome to peruse the tracts and scrolls on the table. Maybe you will find the answers you seek in the wisdom of St Cuthbert. I will go and advise Canon Terjon of your presence." Brother Calvert makes sure you are comfortable and then takes his leave, promising to return shortly.

The smith examines the blade and the gold coins laid on the anvil by the dwarf. Plunging the knife into the fire to heat the metal and tucking the coins into his belt the smith answers, "I'm not sure that I'll be able to help much but I'd be happy to introduce ye to Jaroo. He's the druid of Obad-Hai who tends the grove. I help him in his duties. He's on the village council and he'd probably be able to answer your questions. If ye don't feel comfortable talking to him then you could ask another council member. There's Burne and Rufus out at the tower, Ostler at the inn, Terjon up at the new church on the hill to name a few. I haven't noticed anything weird in the town, the bandits attacking travelers on the road is all but if ye have a specific question then ask away."

Ostler apologizes to the rest of you as food and drink are brought. Once you are all comfortable and you needs attended too he addresses all of you. "Thank you for coming. I'm not sure what Rafe has told you but about twenty years ago bandits started to cause trouble around here. They would hang out in the Inn and they attacked travelers on the road. The pickings were rich and the bandit numbers grew. They established a base near the small village of Nulb, a few miles away through the forest. This base grew as their numbers did and eventually a edifice to evil was raised and the bandits called themselves the Cult of Elemental Evil. By this time the threat had grown not only to threaten the village and surrounding area but the great river to the North and the communities in the Kron Hills. The Arch-Cleric of Veluna, the Viscount of Verbobonc and the Elvish Royal family in Celene joined forces and attacked the bandit stronghold about ten years ago. Their joint forces along with the combined might of the Circle of Eight defeated the bandits who had recruited a powerful demon to help them."

He pauses and takes drink of ale while moving over to the small cubby are under the staircase. "Here in the village we lived in fear those ten years. We owe our lives to Rafe and another villager. They are the ones who came up with the idea of building a safe area right here in the Inn." Ostler presses a small stone in the staircase and reaching down puts his finger in a knothole in the floor. Pulling up he reveals a hidden trapdoor in the floor. "They built the room that exists below. We stocked weapons and armour down there and many times it saved the lives of men, women and children in the village when the bandits came looking for victims to sacrifice to their demon. In the past ten years I'd forgotten about this place. Rafe, if you and your friends are committed to helping you are welcome to use whatever is left down there."

He leaves the trapdoor open and moves back into the room. "The last few months has been a reminder of what life use to be like. Now the bandits haven't dared come into the village as they did before, not with Burne and his magic or Rufus and the forces he commands building that keep or with the presence of the followers of St Cuthbert and the new church. But they are attacking the merchants boldly, they must have good information because they attack and are gone in no time. The council here in the village feel that we have the forces we need to defend ourselves for now but we need adventurers to find out where the bandits are operating from and how powerful they are."

2015-08-29, 12:21 AM
"Aye that is true, our party seems to be just fine. And I'm not scared to be around the tall folk," Borran replied to Kyros, sounding almost indignant, "although admittedly, I've been less than completely comfortable around humans since the valley's dark days. My village suffered a great deal back then," he added quietly, out of the smith's hearing (or so he hopes).

After listening to the smith reply to Kyros, Borran spoke up, "I would be more than happy to meet and talk with another steward of the wilds. We may go about our means differently, but Druids and Rangers have always had a common idealism. I am, however, looking forward for a good drink and to rest my feet some after our journey from Greyhawk. Would you mind introducing us in the morning?" Borran inquired.

2015-08-29, 04:15 AM
Kyros nodded at Borran's statements. "Aye, I know tha feelin'. An' as ye said, ye migh' be the bes' ta talk ta tha drui'. Them's no' me fave'rit'." He coughed, clearing his throat slghtly before looking back at the smith. "I be thinkin' tha'll be all, mas'er smith. Bu' ah, befo' we go. Wha' be the shopkeep an' changer be li'e? Be they fair in their dealin's?" He tilted his head curiously, waiting for knife and answer.

2015-08-29, 04:35 AM
Su isn't shy about jumping to conclusions. She asks Ostler: so what you're saying is, the old cult built a stronghold that was literally called "Elemental Evil", and summoned a demon there? I don't know much about demons, but that sounds like bad news. What if another demon has appeared? We should check out the old stronghold!

2015-08-30, 01:36 AM
"Very well." Setsuko would respond before taking to the scrolls with every intention to scribe any unknown information onto a sheet of parchment for her book of lore. This of course would keep her occupied until the time they returned.

2015-08-30, 11:19 PM
Nimtolion will listen to the information with interest, at the mention of a Demon however he went poker faced. Twenty years ago would put the bandits first rise with the time of his own deal. The story left him with images of a Shade, beckoning him to Hommlet, just as these Bandits re-surged. All appetite left him, and he instead stood and wandered to the trapdoor, peering down into the saferoom as he slowly descended. His voice would carry back up to the room.

"Do you know what became of the Demon? Alysűla is right, I find it too strange a coincidence. Also, what happened to the village of Nulb? Does it still exist?"

His head would reappear briefly, from the trapdoor.

"Also, could we organise a meeting of this council? Far be it for me to be rude but I would feel more comfortable with an agreement of services up front. Seeing as you are implying this may be more than a simple Banditry issue."

2015-08-31, 06:00 PM
Branith listens to the conversation with interest. When it turns to Demons, his ears prick up a bit higher. “Well, that is disturbing to think a demon may have returned, but we really don't know if this is more than a simple Bandit incursion, of the regular type seen on trade routes.”

Then scratching his head behind his ear, “It might be best to find out which before we go to the trouble of calling the elders together. I noticed a trader up the road, perhaps we could get some information there. It would seem likely they would have heard of bandit activities on the roads.”

Then walking over to the trap door, Branith takes a look at the mechanism by which it operates, taking note of both the release and the catch. Then he takes out his journal and makes a sketch and takes some notes on its functioning. He keeps his ear open for more conversation as he works.

Kaiser Omnik
2015-09-01, 04:20 PM
Durosk takes one gold piece from his belt pouch and donates it to the Church before sitting down alongside Setsuko. He is drawn to sacred texts like the cleric, but he spots several religious terms and complex words he doesn't quite understand that make him scratch his head in confusion. And although the half-orc was always looking for new things to learn, he is visibly impatient, restless on his seat, his fingers repeatedly tapping the table before them. His stomach now growls loudly...

2015-09-02, 10:36 AM
The smith removes Kyros' dagger from the fire and with a few well angled blows of the hammer, a quick bath in cold water and few minutes work on a stone puts a keen edge back on the blade. "Rannos?" he answers with a grin as Kyros speaks of the shopkeeper, "Well he certainly likes his food. His partner, Gremag, is a fussy sort. They'll shill you out of your gold as quick as lightning. Most of their 'warhorses' spent most of their days pulling carts. I wouldn't go there expecting to find a good deal. As for Nira, the moneylender, he's a good sort. Only recently come to the area with all the activity going on over at the tower. He generally makes a living exchanging the winnings of the labourers into more portable wealth and loaning cash to the losers to get them to their next payday."

He hands it back to the dwarf, "I promise ye both that I will speak with Jaroo. If ye present yourselves to him in the morning I'm sure he'll be happy to help. Now I've got to damp down me fire and head inside. I'm sure dinner's over the fire and it's mighty hungry work. Goodnight to ye both and may Obad-Hai bless ye."

In the inn Ostler fusses at Alysűla's comments, "No, no the bandits called themselves the cult of elemental evil, not their stronghold. That was just a temple to their gods." He watches as Nimotolion starts to descend the sharp staircase and passes him a lit candle. "It's dark down there, you might need this." As Nimtolion descends the dim candle light reveals a large room under the inn, probably big enough for twenty to thirty people to squeeze into. The room is dusty and criss-crossed with spider webs from years of disuse. It still contains many bunks built along the walls, several tables and benches, stools, and carefully stored arms, their metal greased against rust. Large trunks sit in the corners of the room. Ostler continues to answer the questions that Nimtolion calls up to the group, "Nulb still exists alright about half a days journey through the forest. It's a dangerous place, rumored to be home to river pirates, but it's too far away to be the center of the attacks that have been seen on the road. Most attacks have occurred within a half a day's travel of the village. The bandits must be closer or else they are coming through the forest at night." He shudders at that thought and then starts as Nimtolion pops his head up out of the meeting room. He listens to the exchange between Nimtolion and Branith, then interjects "Services? What services? We're not contracting no services. You're either here to help or you're not. If you're here to help and you find the bandits I've no doubt they've made a good living from those poor folk they robbed and killed, you can probably count that as a reward for your services. I can ask the rest of the council to get together if you want but I'm not sure what more it'll accomplish. Our belief on the council is that the bandits are based near the village somewhere. There are a number of locations nearby they could be hiding, a cave system back up in the hills, several areas in the forest to both the north and the south and the old moathouse to the north-east but we don't have the men necessary to investigate those places. That's where we need the help of adventurers such as yourselves."

Setsuko and Durosk don't have to wait long before Brother Calvert returns. He motions you toward the door, speaking as he does so. "Please follow me, Canon Terjon has granted you an audience." He leads you across the processional past the altar to a door on the opposite wall. Entering through the door into a vestry Calvert leads you quickly up a flight of stairs. You pass the ceremonial robes worn by the priests of St Cuthbert on Holy Days hung neatly on hooks and icons of their God cover the walls of this ante-chamber. Following Calvert up the stairs to the upper level you come to a library above the vestry. The bookshelves covering the walls are well stocked with many religious and legal works tomes, librams, scrolls, volumes and so forth. Calvert leads you out of the library into a hallway that leads to the balcony overlooking the main hall. Plush chairs and padded benches line the walls. Here Calvert stops and knocks on the door to a private chamber positioned above the reception room you had sat in below.

"Enter," calls a calm, commanding voice from inside the room and Calvert pushes the door open. Seated at a desk in this comfortably furnished, well appointed room is an older man with a stern demeanor. He rises and bids Setsuko and Durosk to sit. "Brother Calvert tells me you have questions regarding the troubles we face. I will try to address them as succinctly as possible, please do not interrupt I will answer you questions at the end. Trade and communication between Hommlet, the royal kingdom of Celene and the city of Verbobonc are being threatened by banditry. We do not have the men to investigate such activity and my entreat to the Archcleric of Veluna has been refused as there are more pressing matters. It is our hope that a band of adventurers would be willing to investigate the banditry and locate where they are operating from. We have our suspicions, there is a system of caves in the Kron Hills to the west, several areas in the forest the north and south and the old moathouse to the east. I also suspect that there are elements within the village who are working with the bandits as they seem to have uncanny knowledge of where and when to strike. There are many who could fall under suspicion here. The workers who are constructing the castle for Rufus and Burne, mercenaries from Veluna, are consistently changing and spend a lot of time at the inn. There are many newcomers the village itself and then there are a growing number of adventurers who have been attracted to the area by the banditry and are housed in the inn. Now it would set my mind at ease to know that an acolyte of my own faith and a paladin of Rao." He nods slightly to Durosk in recognition, "are part of this investigation. I find it hard to trust those who simply seek wealth and glory. That is really all that I can tell you of importance but you spoke of your own agenda." Here he stares at Setsuko, "What might that be and how might it impact the work the church is doing in this village?"

2015-09-02, 03:31 PM
"May 'e keep yer arm stron' an' your wor' steady. C'mon Borran." Kyros took back his dagger with a nod of his head, then pulled his hood up and left the smithy, walking slowly towards the inn before stopping and pulling Borran aside for a moment. " 'Is word seem ta be goo'. Wha' do ye ma'e o' tha' coinchanger though? If 'e knows wha' all tha workers carry, an' when, d'ya thin' 'e coul' be tippin' our bandi's off? Give 'em a lis' o' who 'as wha' an' when? Hrrm."

Kyros brow furrowed in thought and suspicion as he his tinderbox to light the end of his stogie, giving his face an ominous ember glow before he clapped Borran's shoulder, a spicy and sweet swirl of smoke drifting into the air. "I be trustin' yer judgemen' in this. We all be needin' ones ta loo' ou' fer."

2015-09-02, 06:23 PM
"Thank you kindly, good sir. May your forge be ever ready and your hammers strike true, and may Obad-Hai guide you," Borran responds to the smith as he exits the shop with Kyros. As the dwarf pulls him aside, he looks curiously at him, and has to brace himself against the clap to the shoulder.
He nods in response to Kyros' questions, and responds "Well, thank you for trusting me, and I agree that the money changer is worth looking into, though we shouldn't be too obvious in our questioning. But, I also think that any more questions can wait for tomorrow. Lets go see how good the food truly is at this inn" he adds on to the end, as his stomach rumbles.

2015-09-02, 09:51 PM
"Agree'." The two of them made their way to the inn and flagged down a barmaid. "Hail miss o' tha ale. We be lookin' fer a pair o' elve's an' a half-elf lass. Coul' ye poin' us tha righ' way?"

2015-09-03, 09:01 AM
Oh, right. Ok. Su looks a little disappointed. Fighting river pirates sounds like it would be exciting! If you think the root of the bandit problem is nearby, I guess I'll take your word for it. You know this place better than I do, after all. Hey Rafe, where would you hide, if you were a bandit: forest or caves?

2015-09-03, 08:42 PM
Nimtolion would walk further into the cellar, his Elvish eyes making the dim glow bright as day. Inspecting the weapons stored here, he was pleased to see them kept in good repair, and upon running an experienced thumb down the side, he found them sharp and ready. He smiled, these villagers would not go down without a fight it seemed. Hearing Ostler's reply, Nimtolion called up a response, trying to ease the wrinkle he had unintentionally made.

"My mistake Ostler, make nothing off it. It is an old habit from my craftsmen days, asking for payment up front. I'm sure the rewards will be valuable enough. Plus I am happy to ease the troubles of this town, I know what it is like to be prey to slavers and bandits."

He would move deeper into the cellar, moving slowly to avoid disturbing the webs that lay strung about the place. He made a note to try and clean this place up when he had the chance. It might make a good base of operations for groups such as theirs. If Ostler would let them that is.

2015-09-07, 07:13 AM
Su finishes her ale and says to Ostler: hey, this stuff's pretty good. You got any more? Maybe in a little cask we could take with us when we head out?

2015-09-08, 10:31 AM
Ostler smiles at Nimtolion's response and Su's recommendation of the ale. "Thank you for your king words. I imagine you would like some time to talk and discuss plans." he says, "Please, make yourselves comfortable in here. You are welcome to use this room and the one below as you see necessary. Now I must tend to my other customers, food and drink will not be slow in coming. Please let me know if you have any other questions." With that Ostler leaves the room, leaving you to your own discussion.

"Ain't we all love!" responds the serving girl who had been tending the bar in Ostler's absence to Kyros' inquiry as to the whereabouts of the others in the party. The main taproom is starting to fill up with many people, labourers from the construction site are eating, drinking and laughing together over on a couple of tables. On other tables local farmers and workers share small talk of recent events over a flagon. You spot a few folk sitting on their own, studying the goings on in the room, their demeanor and rugged nature suggest they may be mercenaries or adventurers drawn to the area by the promise of fame and fortune.

A man comes out of a private room at the far side of the inn and makes his way across to the bar. Giving you a cheerful grin he says "Hello good folk, my name is Ostler Gundigoot. I'm the patron of this establishment. How can I help you?"

2015-09-08, 02:38 PM
Kyros looked around the inn, eyeing the various adventurers and common folk before turning back to Orland with puff on his stogie. "Ya seem ta be gettin' a lo' o' folk from aroun'. We be lookin' fer ah pair o' elves an' a half elf lass. Have yeh been seein' 'em? The girl'd be abou' yeh high," he waved a gloved hand about a foot and a half above his head, "Wit' hair black as a raven's win'. Name o' Aly."

2015-09-09, 08:07 AM
Ostler looks at you blankly for a few moments and then starts, "You came with Rafe? I didn't realize there were more of you." He smiles at you "You'll find your fellow companions in the private room over there. I'll send a serving girl over with more ale and food. You are welcome here at the Wench."

2015-09-09, 11:23 AM
"Ah, there are our crafty friends," Branith says cheerfully as the two return from the Blacksmith's. "So, any news? How is the good Smithy? I'd be interested in going to see his forge. I can never see how they can strike the metal and make it mold to their desires. Marvelous skill they have."

Branith then turns to Gundigoot, "My good man, would it be possible for us to use the cellar as a base to work from? Of course we'd be willing to pay for the privilege."

2015-09-09, 10:00 PM
"Thank you greatly, kind sir!" Borran replies with great enthusiasm, for his stomach was positively growling at this point.
As he and Kyros walks through the doorway into the dining room, Borran nods in greeting to his companions.
"He seems to be as well as most anyone can be expected to be, and he has good quality wares, though I expect him to be busy in the near future with work already commissioned," he explains to Branith, then skews his head in curiosity at Branith's following question to the inn-keeper.
"Cellar? And what about a base of operations?"
And with what money? he finishes to himself.

2015-09-10, 12:25 AM
The cellar in here has been fitted out as a safe place for people to hide if the village is attacked; Nim is down there as we speak. But I'm not really sure about a "base of operations"... It's not like we're a huge organisation with an army of support staff. We're adventurers! Our base is in our tents!

2015-09-10, 12:25 PM
Branith bows to Su, "Yes, of course. I was carried away by the excitement. The cellar must be for the towns folk. Thank you for correcting my mistake my friend." the chagrined Wizard smiles meekly at Guniofoot, "Please, I mean no offense, I am sometimes excitable when the prospect of finding new things becomes a possibility."

2015-09-11, 01:40 AM
Nimtolion would walk up the cellar steps, blowing out the candle with a little breath as he sat back down in a chair, his fingers tapping out a slow tune on the wooden table.

"The Cellar is in dire need of some work, Ostler said it is has been untouched for nearly a decade. Right now it is no place for refuge unless you happen to be a spider. Why not make the best of both ways? We clean it up and operate out of it for the time being, thereby ensuring that is well maintained and actually a place of safety if the Bandits attack in force. He offered it's use for us and I say we take him up on it, I agree that money will be a future concern. But I do not think the Cellar or this room was offered with money in mind, for now at least.

Though if you want to run off and sleep in tents and become prey to bandits and beasts then be my guests.

Nimtolion would grab himself a Tankard as he sat back. A small grin forming as he felt more like himself again.

2015-09-11, 10:39 AM
That's not what... she takes a breath. I guess I'm just eager to get out there and stop these bandits.

2015-09-12, 12:59 PM
"Hah, easy thar' Aly. Tis always goo' ta be havin' a bol' hole in dangerous times." Kyros said as he chuckled, setting down his pack against the wall and tanking the tankard of dark ale from the ice bucket, drinking most of it in a single draught before letting out a large burp. "Ah, tha's the ticke'. Now, the blacksmi' is as Borran sai', a goo' fellow. Bu' he di' gi' us a few pieces o' info tha' be useful. Tha' money lender know's when tha workers be gettin' pai' at the kee' constru'tion, an with wha'. Some migh' be jus' 'avin' coin, others goo's. An' 'es new ta town. So I woul' say gi' 'im a loo. Also be wary o' the merchan's at tha store. They're more int'rested with partin' yeh from yer coin than with givin' yeh goo' equipmen'."

He finished the tankard and sighed, leaning against the wall, brow furrowed in thought. "Iffin' nothin' else, it leas' gi's us fol' ta loo' at tomorrow."

2015-09-14, 05:16 AM
Su finishes her food and offers: So, we've got a few ideas for things to do tomorrow. Does anyone have anything else they need to do?

((If there's nothing else of consequence to do, I'm ready to wind the clock forward.))

2015-09-15, 10:22 AM
Nimtolion would shake his head.

"I may spend a few hours wandering around the town when I am rested, but I should be back here ready to start nice and early."

(Other than cleaning the basement out Nim is ready to rest/trance as well.)

2015-09-17, 12:47 AM
Kyros let out a loud belch after quaffing the ale, setting it down on the table and grabbing a chicken leg of the food that was brought, using it as a pointer towards Alysula and Nimtolion. "Agree'. I's bin' a lon' roa'. Le's ea', slee' an star' earleh." He then proceeded to tear a chunk of meat off the chicken leg and kick his feet up onto another chair as they couldn't reach the top of the table.

2015-09-18, 08:15 AM
Normally I don't like starting early, but right now I'm really excited! We're going to be heroes!