View Full Version : Rules Q&A [3.5] Polymorph/Maurezhi's Consume - Free Int and BAB?

2015-08-22, 03:04 PM
The Maurezhi (Fiend Folio pg. 50) has a special attack called Consume. Essentially, if it eats a humanoid whose HD is more than half of its own, its Hit Dice, natural armor bonus, Strength, Intelligence, and base attack bonus each increase by +1. Would a character that was polymorphed into a Maurezhi (through Fiendform or some other method) retain the bonuses other than Strength and NA after reverting back into its original form?

2015-08-22, 03:45 PM
For each suitable humanoid corpse a maurezhi consumes, its Hit Dice, natural armor bonus, Strength, Intelligence, and base attack bonus each increase by +1.

Depends. Every instance of the ability mentions maurezhi. I would rule no because the bonuses are part of the creature rather than effects with a duration. Since the maurezhi ceases to exist, along with his bonus advancement HD, you lose the bonuses.
I dont know the RAW stance though.

2015-08-22, 04:29 PM
Depends. Every instance of the ability mentions maurezhi. I would rule no because the bonuses are part of the creature rather than effects with a duration. Since the maurezhi ceases to exist, along with his bonus advancement HD, you lose the bonuses.
I dont know the RAW stance though.

Well, sure, it says the Maurezhi gains the bonuses but, like you said, none of those bonuses have a duration. Also, other than Str and Natural Armor, none of those stats are affected by polymorph whatsoever.

2015-08-22, 05:12 PM
Well, sure, it says the Maurezhi gains the bonuses but, like you said, none of those bonuses have a duration. Also, other than Str and Natural Armor, none of those stats are affected by polymorph whatsoever.

WHy arent they affected? They are tied to the maurezhi form, as evidenced in the ability.

The maurezhi can reach a maximum of 20 Hit Dice through advancement. Its damage reduction, spell resistance, and Challenge Rating improve based on its Hit Dice, as shown on the table below. ...
My stance is: You become a maurezhi. You gain bonuses as a maurezhi, since it says so in every sentence of the ability. These bonuses are tied to the Maurezhi Hit die. Then you revert to your original form and the maurezhi stats are lost.

EDIT: Now I understand the ability. It doesnt matter if you are a 9 HD maurezhi or a 20 HD one, you revert to your true form when polymorph ends, since it is based on alter self. However you would keep the intelligence bonus (but not feats, skills, BAB etc.), since it isn't tied to the maurezhi advancement

2015-08-24, 06:07 AM
I've seen people use similar shenanigans with Bhargests and Dusk Giants, so depending on the wording of the ability, it may be possible...

2015-08-24, 08:18 AM
You are always a creature who has eaten people. You are not always a maurezhi. When you are a maurezhi, you benefit from the maurezhi's ability, and have assorted stats increased according to the number of people you have eaten. When you are not a maurezhi, you do not benefit from the maurezhi's ability.