View Full Version : Player Help Antimagic "everything" + Paying NPCs to solve quests for you

2015-08-23, 01:21 PM
"These shackles are immune to magic."
"The high security vault is a giant antimagic zone."
"This McGuffin is not affected by your Teleport spell."

These sentences and phrases I hear in my typical Pathfinder game. And this was quite aggravating in the last session we had. Before I start to rant, tho. I can accept a healthy dose of "you can't just waltz in there with 1st level magic". Where do you put the line between a good challenge and crippling the casters? Also I am by far not the primary caster in the group. This isn't to stroke my ego.

Our group setup:
Paladin/Mysterious Stranger (glass cannon, died twice already, ress by DM fiat and quest)
Vanilla Fighter (terribly built more likely T6 if that exists)
Bow Ranger (well built, solid T4)
Melee Investigator (me, I guess I am T3 now that I have a good list of extracts and am capable of surviving in melee)
Flame Oracle (she knows Fireball and doesnt bother to read up on any other of her spells)
Times Oracle (managing her spells well but has no attack option and is very busy keeping us alive because of our terrible builds as well as the fact that sometimes I have to tank encounters supposed for 6 players with a low AC d8 class)

So far, so dandy. I can accept the fact that you can't just go in using Disguise Self Extracts in a high security vault (in a high magic setting). I can accept that we have to plan how to get in and out. But the tendency to give our party quests that they wont solve themselves because they are too scared of the consequences. Also our DM is very scared of full casters and tries (in a very lazy attempt) to equalize a terribly built Fighter to a not even well built T2 casters.

Half of our missions so far:
- We had our questgiver buy a railroad company in order to protect a druid's hallowed grove because we didnt negotiate. -> Questgiver solved the discovered mystery
- We told the evil ruler of a country that there are vampires killing her townsfolk because a castle full of Vampires was too spooky for a band of 7th level adventurers who have enough Know Religion and the Arsenal of a Vampire Hunter to prepare. -> She proceeded to engage a band evil mercenaries that killed the vampires by nuking their castle with Fireballs (most likely allowing the head vampire to escape in the chaos).
- We engaged a known rogue to free the love interest of our Paladin because we were to scared to break into a high security vault.

Our DM's strength is improvisation. His weakness is therefore preparation. He likes moral choices and big monsters (that are simple to play). I simply cant think about a precise way to talk to him in order not to hurt his feelings while attempting to keep my complaints short and concised. I don't intend on insulting him or judge his style of DMing.

I ask you how you would deal with that? I like social play, and tricky missions that cannot be dungeon crawled. Yet I dispise the way he cripples some characters completely. The other players feel like the cannot contribute anything if it isnt skill based. The Fighter suffers greatly from it (I think her skills are Profession Cook and Climb while being too young for Breadth of Experience) while the Paladin, the Ranger and me are fine. I like the people, I like the DM and the campaign but the gameplay isn't up to snuff. The Fighter is skipping half of the sessions anyway.

The sessions are VERY much hit or miss. To compare: The same DM had no problems creating meaningful encounters with a Switch Hitter Ranger, a Con focussed Barbarian (AC 12), a debuffing witch and a support focussed oracle (supporting, healing or rerolling saves with dual cursed). All characters (except the Barbarian) were well built. I purposely built my oracle around keeping said Barbarian alive.

2015-08-23, 02:16 PM
Sounds to me he's scared that you:

derail his plans.

First could be solved by improving the weakest characters (via the rebuilding\retraining option from PHB II for example).
The second by showing that you won't.

2015-08-23, 02:28 PM
Sounds to me he's scared that you:
- die,

Well, that is always a possibility. And he IS the softest DM on the matter I know.

- derail his plans

I feel this is more likely. We have ignored obvious hints in order to get excuses for more social play (it's just what most of the players want). One time we literally left the railroad tracks in order to socialize with the railroad workers. Following the rails would not have solved our problem but showed us the challenge ahead.

And it's not that I haven't hinted or blatantly said out loud and obvious to every CHARACTER that the plot is that way. People just tend to ignore me because I also roleplay my Charisma 6 quite nicely.

2015-08-23, 03:01 PM
Well, that is always a possibility. And he IS the softest DM on the matter I know.
A strict regiment of (things I can't mention with even a single comment, reference, or post) should fix that right up ;)

I feel this is more likely. We have ignored obvious hints in order to get excuses for more social play (it's just what most of the players want).
Then your DM and your party, are too mismatched to make it work. Compromise, or find another (one or the other).

2015-08-24, 03:46 AM
Then your DM and your party, are too mismatched to make it work. Compromise, or find another (one or the other).

I am compromising right now. I want to play as someone taking action not some WBL machine that lets money solve his problems. It's not the nature of the character and it honestly makes me angry. I have no issue with the extended social interaction where it fits. But I have a real problem when other character's traits force me into inaction.

2015-08-24, 04:10 AM
I am compromising right now. I want to play as someone taking action not some WBL machine that lets money solve his problems. It's not the nature of the character and it honestly makes me angry. I have no issue with the extended social interaction where it fits. But I have a real problem when other character's traits force me into inaction.
I'm confused. From what you wrote, it sounds the players, and DM have different views on what gaming should be, "tastes". If that's the case, both sides need to make an effort to work it out, not only one player.
Finding another one or the other (DM, or party (members)) is probably easier. Or one of players could DM once, just to show the current DM what they want.

If that's not the case, what is ?

2015-08-24, 04:34 AM
I'm confused. From what you wrote, it sounds the players, and DM have different views on what gaming should be, "tastes". If that's the case, both sides need to make an effort to work it out, not only one player.

Not really. I have a different taste than the rest of the group. And I am not entirely sure what is wrong myself. I like the group despite most things but I dislike being forced into inaction by circumstances. Be it antimagic "everything", be it powerful vampires.

The group just knows two extremes. Silent dungeon crawling or expansive social play. In the one, yelling a monster's weaknesses as a free action is a big amount of talking, in the other, people suddenly split up in 2-3 mini parties to discuss pressing matters like emotions and whatnot. I just would like some more adventuring in my P&P.

2015-08-24, 04:48 AM
Then it looks that atop of "DM vs. players", you got "you vs. players". That sucks double, but the "remedy" is the same - compromise; show, tell them what you like; or find another group.