View Full Version : TV The Infinite Voyage (1980s science documentary)

Lacuna Caster
2015-08-23, 03:29 PM
Does anyone else here remember (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rCIN5zXFcMc) The Infinite Voyage? I was pretty glued to this show at a very young age when it aired across the atlantic, but my recollections are pretty scattered and the handful of reviews I've been able to dig out were... mixed, so those might be coloured by the haze of nostalgia.

To be honest, it's the paucity of references that most interests me, because it looked like a moderately-high-budget production at the time, maybe on a par with Cosmos. You can't find it on amazon except as a couple of second-hand VHS, there's no wikipedia entry to speak of, and the only extant catalogue-listing I could find was here (http://www.glencoe.com/media_tech_catalog/sci_video_infinite.html), for the hilarious price of $1600 in 90's-education-money. (Plus whatever an extinct format-player costs.)

I'm trying to figure out if it was just that forgettable, or if some strange confluence of market & legal factors have blotted it from the public consciousness. Thoughts?

Lacuna Caster
2015-09-05, 04:15 PM
Hmm. Whole buncha nothin'.

Alright, let's broaden the search parameters a little. What proportion of commissioned series from 10, 20, or 30 years ago would you say have made it to DVD, netflix, torrent bays, or other formats parsable by modern consumer technology? (I do recall Daria having trouble getting into boxset format due to copyright-threat over the background soundtrack, and I *still* can't find a physical copy of Phantom 2040, but those seem to be exceptions to the overwhelming rule.) Are, say, National Geographic Specials particular rarities by comparison?