View Full Version : Birth of a Nation, aka Paradise Lost IC

2015-08-23, 11:03 PM

Istabah. City of mystery, tomb of the ancients, ruins of royalty, garden of greed. It goes by many names, and all of them are true. Unlike most towns or cities, Istabah does not bother with walls. It does not bother with defenses. Yet still, numerous attacks on the city have failed, from bandits or rivals, without a single survivor to tell what happened.. and the locals arn't talking. It took a special kind of person to be allowed in Istabah. And it took an even more special type to be allowed to leave alive, let alone with their possessions and freedom intact. Somehow, Nasrin was able to procur a special permit, allowing her and her group entrance and exit from Istabah without harm or molestation. As an added bonus, it waived their taxes as well, on the condition that they allow the royal family first dibs on any salvage they sell in town.

It is actually because of this that they have as much credit right now in the city as they do (starting funds). They found an honest-to-ancients hologram projector on their last run, and the Şehzade, or prince, demanded it for his birthday. Nasrin's group was not given nearly as much as it was truly worth, but they earned good will and favor with the royal family by giving them that discount... and in Istabah, favor may mean the difference between life and death. Unlike most outsiders, due to their current level of favor, Nasrin and her companions were given a bit more freedom, even being allowed to rent a room at the closest thing to a tavern or motel in the city, the Bolt and Cog.

The Bolt and Cog, a "clever" name for the city's premiere house of luxury, palace of pleasure... Or, for more blunt terms, a brothel. Most of their girls are humans, but all of them are quite pretty, surprisingly intelligent, and impecably friendly. They also, judging by their brands, would not exactly be called following a "chosen" profession. The rooms themselves are all expenses paid, and Nasrin's group were given a single room for at most a week, although the time does not have to be spent consecutively.

Among the other "establishments" that welcome the party, is the central Bazaar. There are few "Permanent" shops in the city, with the exception of a single weaponry and armor store at the far edge of the Bazaar, and the sad, but aptly named, slave pens. Most of the occupants are bandits or rival spies, but outsiders caught sneaking in.. or those who lose their licenses without having time to leave... tend to wind up in the muddy pits as well. There is no prison in Istabah, and the pens are the reason why. On the reverse, those who are locals, or those who are legally allowed in the city and do not break any laws, are safe from the pens. Finally, there is the Scholar's District, a group of privately run libraries, each dedicated to a specific subject chosen by their owners, who open their doors to those who gain the Royal's favor. It is here where our story truly begins.

Inside one of these library homes, the party's contact, the owner of this home, is sitting cross legged across from them. The room is maybe twenty feet in diameter, give or take, with luxurious silken pillows covering the floor of a prism of colors, sheets of the same coloration and materials covering the otherwise drab stone walls. Between the two parties a small table, decorated with sweets and appetizers of various meats and pastries in the pattern of a blooming flower rests, and farther to the right, kneeling with their backs to the party, but looking over their shoulders and whispering to each other silently are two females. As the party entered, they'd heard their contact, the man Mahdi, call them "Masha" and "Laleh," which you believe are references to the moon and a rare flower respectively. He seems to treat them well, and the party has seen no signs that they, despite being slaves, are not free to come and go as they please. In fact, Dorian saw enough interaction that the line between who is the owner and who is the slave seems to be blurred.... It was subtle, but Masha seemed to be calling the shots in where everyone should sit, and it almost sounded as if she were giving Mahdi an order when she informed him that the group that was here to see him had arrived.


Still, Mahdi would start counting out local Istabah credit chips, various metal chips intricately crafted but of little instrinsic value themselves, out into a bag, before placing various documents into a wooden box. Both would be slid around the table towards the party without a word, as he himself instead turned to small talk, his accent heavy, but his words fluid. "So you are the ones who found that hologram projector? I am sure the Şehzade will be quite happy with his present, and the Padishah pleased with your donation. News travels fast in the Padishah's court, friends. And it may be best for you to find friends... before you find jealousy. You may still be outsiders... But if you continue on your path, the Padishah may make you honorary members of his court... With all the traps that it entails."

One of the "slaves," Masha you believe, will speak up. "I believe you mean trappings, master." To which Mahdi will laugh. "Oh if only I did, my beautiful ones. If only I did."

2015-08-24, 12:58 PM
Dorian sighs audibly. This whole affair was taxing. Back in his time-line, he was fighting a real battle and making a difference on a daily basis. Now he was discussing the trade of wares with shady individuals.
"I'm assuming that by 'find jealousy' you mean make enemies?"
Dorian instinctively begins to reach for his hammer, but stops himself mid motion. Now was not the time for battle.
"Are you suggesting we make friends with you?"

2015-08-25, 05:44 PM
Irmhild sees Dorian reaching for his hammer, causing her heart rate to spike. The Mage Hunters, like her, were altered in order to improve their combat ability. The project was equal parts effective and propaganda. Irmhild never believed her own hype, but one she was certain of was that fighting inside a city could lead to her getting captured. She was practically a relic herself, after all.

Dorian's hand drops with Irmhild's pulse.

"If you need us, you know our price and where to find us," she says coolly. Keeping calm was most important. You don't have time to panic on the battlefield.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-26, 01:30 AM
Nasrin shuffles through the documents in the box, giving them all a quick read.

"You wish for us to enter the ruins and find out how your son perished. You also want the cause of his death to be eliminated and his body recovered, yes?"

2015-08-26, 11:57 AM
Mahdi would keep his attention focused on Nasrin, who he assumes is the leader, but does not seem to be intentionally ignoring the others... seems to just be more of a cultural thing.

"Yes, ms. Nasrin, jealousy can make otherwise upstanding individuals do things that they.. or the targets of their jealousy.. regret. And although I am in the friend market at the moment, if you and yours feel that they would be better off with.. other friends, then of course you are free to search elsewhere. And sadly, Nasrin, I do need you, but it would be taboo to purchase your abilities for such a thing. Hopefully, you will wish to explore those ruins on your own, and can make good use of my gifts, including the key to that dungeon. Recovering his body, if possible, would be an amazing gift in return... and finding out what happened to him, one way or another, would certainly earn you a lasting friend in my eyes. As for the cause of his death... I trust you will make the best judgement on such a matter."

He is not being subtle about it, but it seems he is unwilling or unable culturally to speak to Irmhild or Dorian directly, yet still wants to answer their questions politely and timely, attempting to show them respect while still following whatever cultural taboo is preventing him from talking to someone other then Nasrin, who is officially the party's leader as far as the city of Istabah is concerned.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-26, 10:18 PM
Nasrin briefly ponders his convoluted manner of speaking - all this talk of friends and gifts didn't make much sense if he was trying to hire some mercenaries to find his son's body. After a moment she seems to catch on, and responds in kind.

"Agreed. We will do you the favor of finding how he died and doing what we can to recover his body, and you shall do a favor or two for us as well - including giving us access to the ruins."

She extends a hand to seal the implicit deal.

"I hope that this will be a mutually beneficial... friendship."

2015-08-26, 11:29 PM
Mahdi would reach his hand out, a smile on his face, shaking Nasrin's hand. He will then promptly take some sort of lotion, rubbing his hands, then offering the bottle to Nasrin as well. Seems to be an antibacterial. Nasrin knows enough about the area not to take offense at it, part of the reason Istabah is so paranoid about outsiders is that they have had a few plagues in the past come through, so it is considered rude not to cleanse your hands after shaking, rather then the reverse. A strange practice compared to the rest of the world, but an understandable one all things considered.

"Good, good! I am glad that we could come to an understanding. Tell me, do you still recieve patronage from the Shekarchinia House? If you ever find yourself requiring different patronage for some reason, fair Nasrin, I may be able to make the proper introductions."

2015-08-26, 11:36 PM
Dorian stands. His business is done here. Not being accustomed to this time and it's people, Mahdi's open disregard for Irmhild and his presence can be viewed as nothing more than racism. Though rare, Aasimar do still suffer from petty things such as racism. A stern expression on his face, Dorian announces: "I do believe we have a goal and no further subjects to discuss." Looking to his companions he adds "Which, I believe, marks our need to leave." placing his helmet on, Dorian begins to turn towards the exit, every movement practiced and efficient.

2015-08-26, 11:58 PM
Mahdi would frown as Dorian moves to leave. "Well if your compatriots are in a rush I would not wish to keep them, but it is a shame that they must leave so quickly. I had wished to speak with them and show them my pride and joy. I so very rarely get to show my garden off to outsiders"

As he is speaking, and Dorian is leaving, Masha and Laleh seem to be looking to each other silently, Masha seem to be giving Laleh a stern glance, as if to say "No" to something, while Laleh keeps looking to Dorian and Irmhild. Finally, Laleh would walk over, bowing low enough to place her forehead on Mahdi's shoe before rushing out. As Dorian leaves, he will run into her blocking the exit to the home, out of earshot of Mahdi. "Please forgive my master, he meant you no offense. But when speaking business, it is rude to speak to anyone other then the highest.... I think you would call them "the boss" or "employer." Speaking to her is speaking to you, and you speaking is her speaking... It is... confusing to explain, but by speaking to ms Nasrin instead of yourself, he is showing that he feels that you speak for Nasrin. If he had turned to you or your compatriot, he would have been insulting Nasrin. Please, my Master was looking forward to your visits, he enjoys speaking with outsiders.""

Quickly, however, without waiting for a reply she would move on, seemingly nervous about being spotted talking to Dorian.

2015-08-27, 12:13 AM
Dorian looks at Irmhild, locking eyes. Truth be told, he cared for none of these customs and he would bow to none of them. True, Nasrin had experience and naturally took a leader role with her knowledge of the world's workings. But, Dorian was headstrong and disliked playing around with the world's political correctness. Expression unwavering, he figured Irmhild could probably figure out what he was thinking, which was something along the lines of I really don't want to be here right now. She probably knew him better than anyone on this rock now that everyone he knew was gone.

He turns to Nasrin and says "Make the call.", followed by an audible sigh.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-27, 12:49 AM
It's always good to build rapport with a client. This could be a good chance to learn what other "gifts" Mahdi has to offer.

"We wouldn't be departing until morning tomorrow anyways, so a trip through your gardens would be no trouble. You may speak to my companions at your leisure."

2015-08-27, 01:22 AM
Mahdi smiled at Nasrin's reply. "Splendid! I am quite proud of my little chaos garden, come come! Masha, put away the remaining appetizers then see where Lalah has wandered off to, would you?"

He would lead those who followed him up the stairs of his abode to a roof, coming out of the usually dark Istabah alleys and looking out above the city, the sun beating down strong. It seems he's converted his entire roof to a garden, encircling a small artificial pond in the center. The place... really doesn't look like much to be honest, although there are many pretty flowers there seems to be no order, it looks as if someone just threw seeds on the ground and let them come up where they may. (Knowledge nature and or survival checks btw)

2015-08-27, 06:15 AM
Irmhild squints back at Dorian and frowns. She'll probably give him a speech later about how this isn't the time to cause trouble or how he's being childish. Frankly, while this is agitating, it is significantly better than other methods of surviving this world. Maybe she'll make a crack about prostitution or doing some other demeaning task with a huge cost of dignity.

2015-08-27, 09:36 AM
Dorian receives Irmhild's squint and thinks Sigh, now I'm in for it. But, he gives a hearty grunt and follows Nasrin and their new "ally" up the stairs.

2015-08-28, 09:41 AM
Irmhild takes a moment to examine the flowers. She never really had a taste for them, but on the other hand she didn't spend much time around flowers in the first place.

Nature [roll0]

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-29, 08:42 PM
"This is quite a variety of plants you have. Is there some sort of method to their arrangement?"

2015-08-30, 11:18 AM
Mahdi would just laugh. "Yes, the method is that there is no method. Everything here, at least on the surface, is so ordered, so prim, so proper. Sometimes, a little bit of chaos can be beautiful. Although, admittedly, there is still some order... some plants simply had to be placed where they would be most likely to survive." He will look a bit.. disappointed, almost, but would quickly bring back his nearly ever-present smile. "Humans, and most other humans really but not all, have a strange quick. The most beautiful things to us in nature are the most deadly, and dangerous to us. I feel that likely had something to do with whatever really caused the cataclysm so many generations back. Even my extensive library has little on an exact cause, although I have my theories."

2015-08-30, 12:23 PM
Irmhild is hanging on his every word. She wasn't present at the End, so everything is a mystery to her.

2015-08-31, 09:59 AM
Dorian sets his hand on Irmhild's shoulder. He remembers adjusting to his new time and the "fish out of water" feeling it gave him.
"What are your theories?"

2015-08-31, 07:37 PM
Mahdi will blink a few times. "You are actually the only people to have ever asked my theories. Interesting."

He will seem to think for a second, then shrug, going ahead and speaking. "Now these are just theories, but judging by certain "Natural" wonders in our world, the level of technology and what seems to us like magic.. the best theory I can come up with, although I would not even begin to know what sort or world shattering device is capable of it, is some sort of final war, a war so terrible that the gods themselves paled in comparison to the devestation wrought. I have heard of a canyon, miles deep into the earth, with sorch marks from the sun along the bottom, it's walls and flooring of solidified once molten glass. I have heard of an inland ocean, and at it's core is a strange device mixed with the ruins of a former city... I have heard of many such things. The thought of what weapons, what beings could do such things.. it is awe inspiring, and terrible."

2015-09-01, 10:22 AM
"Weapons of mass destruction, huh?" Dorian thinks for a moment and looks his party in the eyes. "That could hold my attention." Dorian pats his hammer's head and imagines if he could all that with a single swing. That would be interesting.

2015-09-03, 08:46 PM
Irmhild doesn't say anything. She merely nods with interest, making an effort not to chide Dorian, so it doesn't seem like she's irritated with the implications of the theory.

2015-09-08, 01:42 PM
The rest of the meeting went fairly uneventful. Good food, good wine, and it seemed Masha and Laleh were excellent singers. Mahdi, unfortunately, was not but it was quite amusing to hear him attempt it in his drunken state by the end of the evening. After a good night's rest back at the Bolt and Cog, the party would head towards the market bright and early in the morning.

The market itself was beautiful, marble pillars, decoratively designed to resemble heroes of some forgotten past holding up various podiums and the like, each of the massive podiums housing a different "Section" of the market. Other then being sorted by, more or less, what they were selling there did not seem to be much order or logic in the placement of various merchants, and it takes a bit of finangling to find the sections devoted to armor, weaponry, and various other things that would be important to adventurers. Each of the stalls had a beautiful woman or feminine man holding the stalls, a lot of times slaves judging by the collars but there were just as many actual employees it seemed, and each of them seemed to focus their full attention once the party passed them by. Outsiders in the market were a strange sight, after all, and they surely had quite a bit to spend....

2015-09-08, 09:03 PM
"I do need to fetch some new armor. I've been without it since... for a long time," Irmhild says.

2015-09-09, 10:41 AM
"Let's get moving then." Dorian makes his way through the market, using his size to carve a walkway for them.

2015-09-10, 12:02 PM
There are plenty of normal masterwork weapons for sale, but after a quick search through the market several stand out.

A strange two-barreled pistol with an ornate, decorative etching along the handle and stock. It seems to possess an essence of fire somehow, although what that means you are not aware. https://frenchbird.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/gun2__04.jpg

A longsword with a decorative blade and hilt, it simply can not be functional! Yet, after a few demonstrations, it seems that the blade is of some sort of strange, unknown metal that stays incredibly sharp and durrable, and despite it's fanciful looks the blade is, in fact, fully functional, and in fact seems to be better then most of the other blades of simple steel you have seen so far. http://img08.deviantart.net/da8c/i/2011/090/9/b/fantasy_sword_by_abhijithvb-d3cvaqe.jpg

A pair of slashing dagger like weapons, exquisitely well crafted and a series of gripping hook like pegs to allow you to catch, and possibly break, an enemy's bladed weapon. The blades are incredibly sharp, and surprisingly durrable, but no more then any other steel blade. They do not seem to be good against certain types of armor however. (Free extra point of crit range AND damage, but only deals half damage to certain armors: Mainly things like full plate or other full-body metal armors, light armors tend to be more focused on anti-projectile/piercing weapons rather then anti-slashing or impact. Doesn't ussually mean anything other then thematics, unless you find weapons like this that have special functionality involving them) http://regmedia.co.uk/2011/03/03/fictional_blades_3.jpg

A beautiful, one handed axe with the blade and hilt decorated with images of fantastic reptilian beasts. The blade seems to stay sharp and the colors do not seem to run, hinting that it might be the metal itself that gives that coloration, whilest demonstrating on a block of wood. http://www.frostcutlery.com/images/products/z_FMT-041GN.jpg

You feel ill at ease looking at this axe, and almost are afraid to touch it. The metal has a sickly green hue to it that seems to glow, and you are not familiar with it's design. There is no denying how sharp and durrable it seems to be however, the demonstrator using it to slice clean through a bar of steel with one, strong swing. http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130704233535/finalfantasy/images/9/91/StrikerAxe-ffxii.png

A mechanical marvel of a crossbow, but it looks like it would be a pain in the butt to reload. It seems to have some sort of electrical attachment to it, which somehow causes it's bolts to spark with lightning on impact. Even without that, this crossbow would be well worth the money, able to hold multiple shots, pentrate armor fairly well, and if the seller is to be believed, and it's multiple telescopic sights lend credence to the story, it's range is incredibly. http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2010/188/1/1/Tesla_Crossbow_by_TKingArt.jpg

A halberd created from ancient scrap, the metal still shiny and new as the day it was created so long ago. It seems to be converted from some sort of dagger or other small blade, and the metal is beyond what is normally common in this era. http://orig03.deviantart.net/9e1b/f/2010/069/f/a/halberd_by_larkinor.jpg

A nice, simple club with an additional function. It seems that it's creator got lucky, finding a dose of programmable nanites in an ancient dungeon, and used them to create this mace. It seems to heal and cushion the blows it creates, preventing lethal damage while creating enough pain to knock most recipients unconcious with a few blows, while not leaving a mark. If you don't buy it you know the slavers would. Why he is selling it, or made such a thing, you do not know. It also seems to be partially collapsible and extendable. (Damage never changes, but can change from a light one handed melee into a two handed reach weapon.) http://g02.a.alicdn.com/kf/HTB14C6kIpXXXXcyXVXXq6xXFXXX4/CREE-aluminum-alloy-rechargeable-self-defense-outdoor-lighting-LED-flashlight-telescopic-mace-Free-Shipping.jpg

You havn't found out their prices, yet, or talked to their sellers, but you have stayed for their demonstrations. They seem to be hands and heads above all the other weapons in the market.

2015-09-10, 08:27 PM
Irmhild idly eys the pistol. It's been a while since she's had a new piece, but armor is her priority. Maybe if she had a good idea of its price. She looks up to the shopkeep expectantly.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-09-11, 12:14 AM
The merchant would smile, her voice soft and musical. "Master insists that I sell this for at least twelve thousand coins. I can happily introduce you to him if that is not acceptable." She is, like most of the merchants here, quite pretty. It seems that the shops are of the belief that a pretty face gets sales.

Without an appraise, you don't know if it's good or bad.. or even what it does. I will say it's definitely enchanted in some way.

2015-09-14, 05:21 PM
Irmhild nods, signalling that she'll be back. She looks around for some armor.

2015-09-14, 06:57 PM
The armor section of the market seems to be full of, like every where else, beautiful people. Here, however, they seem to be showing off the lightness and beauty of the armor itself, twirling and dancing where applicable, or performing weapon katas for the heavier armor.

This armor seems to be leather reinforced with some form of chitin. (+2 leather armor with 3 points of acid resistance) http://img05.deviantart.net/5191/i/2012/114/6/1/fantasy_leather_armor_by_i_tavaron_i-d4xi0pe.jpg

This beautiful, silver inlaid purple dyed armor brings out a courtly air to it, and makes it's wearer seem far more attractive. (+1 enchantment, 2 AC, +6 max dex, 0 acp and spellfailure, gives an untyped +4 charisma bonus while it is worn, but it only applies to those who would be sexually attracted to the wearer.) http://www.1zoom.net/big2/32/141660-SweetAngel.jpg

This gorgeous mithral full plate armor seems to have a shoddy, but still good, flight system from the old days, as well as a still working rebreather attached. (+2 full plate, once per day feather fall as a free action, and ten minutes of purified air, activatable as a fre action. Refills itself after an hour.) http://www.hdnicewallpapers.com/Walls/Big/Others/Wings_Knights_Fantasy_Art_Armor_Artwork_Angel_Imag es.jpg

There's just something intimidating about this beautiful armor. (Masterwork only full plate, but counts as both mithral and admantium for the purposes of special properties) https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/20/79/58/20795836a7251e6a8a8ecfb45c3db05a.jpg

An artifact of the ancients! This nanoweave armor and staff absorbs the innate power and aura of it's wielder. They are a matching set. (Spellcraft to tell what they do) http://www.wallpaperhi.com/thumbnails/detail/20120206/fantasy%20art%20armor%20magic%20short%20hair%20art work%20staff%203000x5085%20wallpaper_www.wallpaper hi.com_30.jpg

A full set of mythril Maiden's Armor, acording to it's label. Very easy to maneuver in, but it is deffinitely meant more to be decorative. Comes with a matching weapon of some exotic make. (Masterwork light armor, 4 ac, 0 ACP, 0 spellfailure, +8 max dex, not enchanted) http://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/sete-mundos/images/a/ab/Weapons_shunya_yama****a_fantasy_art_armor_purple_ hair_artwork_tagnotallowedtoosubjective_anime_girl _www.wallpaperhi.com_36.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130509215652

At first this seems to be more a skimpy costume then armor... But it seems to be specially hardened and specially designed to be worn under clothing without giving away the fact that you are wearing armor. (Normal +1 mithral chain shirt armor, but gives a +10 to disguise or bluff checks to hide it under your clothing.) https://www.uartsy.com/sites/default/files/Matt_Pearson_Wk_03_Fantasy_Armor.jpg

There are also almost any masterwork or regular armor from the site in here, these are just the unique things. And there's comission for special materials armor, primarily adamantium, living steel, mithral or dragon scale though.

2015-09-14, 07:21 PM
The handsome purple armor intrigues Irmhild. She didn't wear such flashy clothing while working with the Service. Unfortunately, she was petite before she joined, and her BMI only got smaller after hell week.

The nanoweave catches her interest in particular. Nanoweave was useful for armor use, but Irmhild's own cuirass was never recovered. What really confused her was the design. Who cuts nanoweave like that? Was it owned by a magelord? It looks like another attractive option that would only make her feel uncomfortable, but she was a lean, mean killing machine. If this armor helped with the killing part, she could live with the accentuated leanness.

She focuses her energy, manifesting a detection power.

Detect Magic.
spell craft [roll0]

2015-09-14, 08:23 PM
The purple armor they are asking a good six thousand for, right off the bat. As for the other, their asking price seems to be ten thousand. But.. you have heard enough going on in the market to realize these are "Starting numbers," it is considered normal to barter.

2015-09-14, 08:35 PM
"I'll give you 8 thousand for this." Irmhild says, holding up the nanoweave.

Diplomacy [roll0]

2015-09-14, 08:38 PM
As Irmhild focuses, she catches an unusual aura at the edge of her magical vision. The aura appears to emanate from a strange looking child, about 8 or 9, dressed in ratty, old clothes. Even stranger than this is the lack of a guardian or other retainer to be seen near the youngster. Several other things stick out, marking the boy as not quite human, including a thin tail wrapped around his waist, with him absentmindedly chewing on the tip as he looks around, and small nubs that appear to be horns resting on the edge of his unkempt mop of hair. Small decorations indicate this child is also from one of the numerous nomadic tribes in the wastelands from beyond the city. Spotting the nanoweave armor, he focuses on it much as any other child would focus on a toy or piece of candy.

Detect Psionics (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/psionic-powers/d/detect-psionics): Using Psionic Focus and augmenting by 2 to gain a +10 on the spellcraft chek to identify Derp. Can't augment that, as I was using the class feature. So I got a score of 13. Fun.
Rolling Spellcraft: [roll0] 13

2015-09-14, 09:00 PM
Irmhild is intrigued. Espers aren't common, so whenever she spots one, she makes sure to meet them. She eyes him intently.

2015-09-14, 09:15 PM
Feeling the older woman's eyes upon him, he turns his head. Moments later, Irmhild feels another consciousness poking at her, although not with malevolent intent. A voice, presumably that of the child making eye contact with her, appears in her head, "Ermmmmm... lady? Why exactly, apart from the obvious of course, are you interested in me? 'S not like I'm solid gold or nothin', am I?"

2015-09-14, 09:26 PM
The merchant would shake their head. "Most sorry, but I can not go that low. How about nine?"

2015-09-14, 09:28 PM
The merchant would shake their head. "Most sorry, but I can not go that low. How about nine?"
"Sure, I can deal with that." She hands over the money. She gives an awkward bow and takes the new cloth with her to see the young esper.

Extra Anchovies
2015-09-14, 11:54 PM
Nasrin walks calmly among the merchants, pausing every now and then to stop and take a closer look at an item but choosing not to interact with the merchants directly. The scavenger had everything that she needed, but perhaps one of her companions could make good use of the wares for sale. She wrinkles her nose at some of the armors with their skimpy, less-than-practical appearances, but even those get a close look; in this world of magic and mystery, looks can be deceiving.

The strange child does not catch more than her passing attention; mutants are a common sight to one as experienced with the wastes as Nasrin. However, she keeps the boy within her sight and tries to stay inside earshot when she notices the attention that Irmhild is paying to the child.

The others seem to have done what shopping they want/need to; if you want to roll secret Appraise or Sense Motive checks my modifier for each is +1 and +2, respectively.

2015-09-15, 10:09 AM
Dorian suppresses a grin at Irmhild's choice of armor. Now that was amusing. Choosing to mostly remain silent around vendors, he follows Nasrin a bit to see if she can eye anything particularly interesting but he splits his attention off to make sure Irmhild doesn't get into trouble.

Any vendors that decide to stray to close to Dorian are greeted with him looming over them and a raised eye brow. He doesn't like being accosted.

2015-09-15, 04:59 PM
Still eyeing the nanoweave as the woman approaches, Daitya greets her with a, seemingly unafraid of the stranger towering over him "Miss? You look like you want somethin' from me. May I be of assistance?" You notice that though the child speaks with a definite nomad tribe accent, he speaks as if he were thirty years older and a scholar. You get the sense that he isn't exactly 'normal' for a child.

2015-09-15, 06:51 PM
Irmhild crouches by the child, and starts examining his arms and teeth. "No, probably not," she says.

2015-09-16, 09:42 AM
Dorian shuffles uneasily. "Irmhild, you cannot just accost small children like this." He sighs, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Hello child, my name is Dorian."

2015-09-16, 02:56 PM
Daitya glances over to Nasrin and then up to the giant before him, and speaks to Irmhild before greeting her companion "You could just ask the abomination what he is instead of inspecting him. According to the Callimun, I'm 'Subject 31-T5-M2-PT7', an experimental psionic telepathy user. But that's a mouthful, so my family called me Daitya, so you can too. By the way, is that your friend over there? She looks suspicious. Of a child. She's weird. Oh, and hi Mr. Dorian, your friend Miss Irmhild is weird too, but you're okay I guess."

2015-09-16, 03:02 PM
"I'll accost who I will."

"As for you, who is this Callimun?" Irmhild asks Daitya. The 'serial number' bothers her. Is he a relic from the old age, or a renewal of the experiments that cost so much of the people's humanity?

2015-09-16, 03:11 PM
Dorian smiles and old soldier's smile. "My friends are a little different, but they are nice. I can promise that." He examines Irmhild's face and he knew he was in trouble. "You want to keep him, don't you?" Dorian begins to rub the temples on his head. "Young master Daitya, my friend has a lot of insight into the life of an... 'experiment'. So please ignore her slightly eccentric nature."

2015-09-19, 11:00 PM
Irmhild stands up faces Dorian. "What? Do you think I've gone baby-crazy? I have no idea of how to take care of a kid. I'm just curious," she whispers at Dorian. "Besides, he probably belongs to someone."

2015-09-21, 09:14 AM
Dorian smiles at Irmhild, she was just odd enough that she could very well be 'baby crazy'. But, he wouldn't press the issue.
"Of course I don't think that."
He then raises his eyebrow.
"I'm not to impressed with the definition of 'belongs to' in this city. At least, from what I've seen."

2015-09-22, 09:27 AM
Irmhild frowns. "Indeed. We don't really have a lot of options on that front. We could try finding his owner. Doing something... irresponsible might cause more trouble for us around here."

2015-09-22, 09:54 AM
Dorian frowns as well. Irresponsible was just a synonym for exciting, but she was right and Dorian is very stern about defending the law.
"Perhaps, we could ask our young new associate."
Dorian looks to the young boy.
"Young master Daitya, what are your origins?"

2015-09-22, 07:25 PM
Daitya scratches his head for a moment then asks, "You mean like, my original origins, or the how I got here origins? They're kinda different, though they both involves people getting killed."

2015-09-22, 10:05 PM
"The more immediate information is more important at this point. We can discuss your past anytime." Irmhild says.