View Full Version : Deific challenges

Theodred theOld
2015-08-24, 02:27 AM
The PCs in an upcoming game will have a chance to meet and hopefully ally themselves with a handful of deities from the 3.5 pantheon. Each of the 5 deities will present the party with a challenge.
1. Vecna
2. Gruumsh
3. Lolth
4. Asmodeus
5. Corellon
The story follows the party as they assist the Raven Queen in her overthrow of Nerull. In this scenario Nerull has begun killing other deities, seeing it as his right as the lord of death. His victims so far have been Moradin and Kyuss. The question is this: What sort of challenges do you, fellow playgrounders, think would be appropriate for each deity? The party is 10th level consisting of one twf rogue capable of raining d6's, one slightly nerfed pixie sorcerer (retained only flight and invisibility as well as racial traits and adjustments) and one human sorceror who's fond of blasting stuff (who isn't right?).

2015-08-24, 04:24 AM
Vecna might present some horribly difficult riddles, or questions that are very hard to answer.

Gruumsh' challenge is easy; just kill Strong Monster X.

Lolth's challenge might involve sending the PC's on a mission to kill some important figure, except each PC also has a private mission, which can range from 'steal item Y from your victim without anyone noticing' to 'kill party member Z and make it seem like an accident'.

Asmodeus might want them to corrupt someone, or just do something evil themselves.

Corellon's challenge... I'm at a loss. Corellon is a god of art and warfare, so something related to either? (or both... :smalltongue:)

Theodred theOld
2015-08-24, 11:32 AM
I figured Lolth would require tribute. I was thinking they would have to get one of her priestesses to sacrifice another. Asmodeus I picture as a pragmatic, no nonsense businessman. He wants souls, but not just any souls. Worthy souls. A deal must be struck, so some sort of negotiation. Gruumsh would challenge each party member to defeat a beastie arena style. But Corellon though. What would the elven god of art and war require? It's a puzzler.

Red Fel
2015-08-24, 12:34 PM
The PCs in an upcoming game will have a chance to meet and hopefully ally themselves with a handful of deities from the 3.5 pantheon. Each of the 5 deities will present the party with a challenge.
1. Vecna
2. Gruumsh
3. Lolth
4. Asmodeus
5. Corellon
The story follows the party as they assist the Raven Queen in her overthrow of Nerull. In this scenario Nerull has begun killing other deities, seeing it as his right as the lord of death. His victims so far have been Moradin and Kyuss. The question is this: What sort of challenges do you, fellow playgrounders, think would be appropriate for each deity? The party is 10th level consisting of one twf rogue capable of raining d6's, one slightly nerfed pixie sorcerer (retained only flight and invisibility as well as racial traits and adjustments) and one human sorceror who's fond of blasting stuff (who isn't right?).

It depends on how drawn-out you intend these challenges to be. I'm going to go with "time is no object" and try to calculate the optimal challenges for each.

1. Vecna: Vecna is a god of secrets. Somebody has discovered something. Something Vecna wants buried. The PCs must locate this person, kill him in a place or manner sanctified to Vecna (so that the soul goes to Vecna), and destroy any notes or evidence of the secret. Vecna will only reveal some information on this person and his location - the PCs must discern the rest. (Secrets, duh.)
- Special: The PCs must not learn whatever secret the NPC discovered. They must not reveal their alliance with Vecna. Should they violate either of these, Vecna will withdraw his support.

2. Gruumsh: Gruumsh is god of Orcs. Although warlike, he protects his own. There is a threat to Orcs, such as a warlike band of Humans or Elves. They must be dealt with.
- Special: They must be dealt with violently, not diplomatically. Also, should Gruumsh ever discover that the PCs are working with Corellon, he will withdraw his support.

3. Lolth: Lolth is goddess of Drow. She enjoys watching them squirm. A rogue faction in one of her cities, however, risks disrupting the precious chaos she savors. The PCs must go into the city, without Lolth's support, and destroy the rogue faction.
- Special: At least one person must die horribly, although it need not be a member of the rogue faction. The PCs must not reveal their association with Lolth before leaving the city. Also, should Lolth ever discover that the PCs are working with Corellon, she will withdraw her support.

4. Corellon: Corellon is a god of Elves. The PCs must to a service for the Elves, specifically recover a lost Elven relic in Orcish lands. How they do so is up to the PCs.
- Special: Should Corellon discover that the PCs are working with Gruumsh or Lolth, he will withdraw his support.

5. Asmodeus: Asmodeus is easy. He sees the benefit to this alliance, and requires little. If the PCs have already earned the support of 2 or more additional deities before approaching Asmodeus, he will offer his support freely. If not, he will be unimpressed with them and dismiss them.
- Special: Asmodeus will not only offer his sponsorship, but also a fraction of his power (i.e. as magic items or SLAs). If the PCs accept, they will be encouraged to pursue corrupt means with their powers.

Theodred theOld
2015-08-24, 07:03 PM
Thanks for the input guys. I love the idea that Asmodeus just sort of offers his help out of self-interest. I had planned for him to be the most difficult to reach and the most well guarded, so it will be awesome when he just amiably agrees to help. The rest is starting to fall into place based on these suggestions and events that have already transpired. Two former party members will make cameos here. One decided to sacrifice himself so the rest of the party could escape kyuss and his minions. He became a lich and after some grooming by nerull rose to become none other than Vecna himself. The other was an orc who became an eye of gruumsh. It only seems natural that Vecna would want him silenced so as not to reveal his true identity. And after his champion is silenced Gruumsh will require a test of strength to seek a new champion.