View Full Version : DM Help Setting up an outost in Mount Celestia?

2015-08-24, 12:46 PM
3.5 Forgotten Realms Campaign - All books ok...

I have one member of my group that worships Bahamut and wants to setup a house or keep in Mount Celestia. He says that he will quest for the right to put a permanent house on the plane, that should work. He also wants to setup a portal back to the Prime and our story line HQ.

I have never had this questions come up before...and know little of the planes honestly.

This character definitely plays the devouted role well and we have even played through the Right of Rebirth for him to come back as a dragonborn but I am not sure if the Powers would even think about allowing this sort of thing.

Suggestions or feedback? How would YOU handle it?

Red Fel
2015-08-24, 01:06 PM
3.5 Forgotten Realms Campaign - All books ok...

I have one member of my group that worships Bahamut and wants to setup a house or keep in Mount Celestia. He says that he will quest for the right to put a permanent house on the plane, that should work. He also wants to setup a portal back to the Prime and our story line HQ.

I have never had this questions come up before...and know little of the planes honestly.

This character definitely plays the devouted role well and we have even played through the Right of Rebirth for him to come back as a dragonborn but I am not sure if the Powers would even think about allowing this sort of thing.

Suggestions or feedback? How would YOU handle it?

Well, it's complicated.

First, I don't think that the denizens of the plane would be happy with a permanent portal open from their sacred home into the material. That kind of thing is just begging for trouble.

Second, I don't think they're fond of mortals setting up residence in their world. For the most part, Celestia is an afterlife plane, and having the living there creates even more problems.

Third, who is this guy? What level is he? Why is he important? Like, if he's an epic-level Cleric, or the last of the Dragonborn, or helped to destroy an exceptionally powerful Demon, I'd understand granting him this exceptional boon. But if he's just a level 6 Joe Schmoe, I don't see why Celestia would even acknowledge his existence, let alone grant him residence.

Lastly, Bahamut. Bahamut is a special case. He has his own domain carved out within Celestia. In theory, if anyone in Celestia were to grant this guy residence, it would be Platinum B, or nobody at all. The problem is that Bahamut didn't create the Dragonborn just to be reclusive heroes living on Celestia; he made them to be shining examples of Dragonkind unto the rest of the mortal races. You can't be a shining example to mortals if you spend your free time in the land of the dead.

Short version: I see this as a great epilogue reward, but it would take something truly exceptional to grant this sort of benefit mid-game.

2015-08-24, 01:25 PM
Contrary to what my dear redness said, I do believe this could be made to work.
Though it would require a lot of work on your players' part.

First of all, they would have to have their home on Celestia be built so Bahamut or her orderlies can arrive and meet with the PCs to offer guidance.
Perhaps the home could simply act as a hostel for Bahamuts most devout followers and pilgrims.
A mortal's access to any part of Celestia outside of the house would have to be strictly limited.

Next issue is access. Both sides of the portal require that anyone who attempts to gain access to Celestia be Good aligned.
Also, in addition the purpose for this structure appears to be to be close to Bahamut. Specifically the Dragonborn character.
You may have to demand that your players employ the use of Holy Word, Dictum and good old fashioned racism to prevent the wrong people from gaining access.
I'm not saying non-Dragonborns should be killed, just turned away if they don't look enough like Bahamut.

2015-08-24, 01:35 PM
There's several permanent cities on Celestia. Just go there and buy a house.

2015-08-24, 01:36 PM
This is an Epic level campaign yes...

The reason the guys wants it is that our campaign uses Valorhammer constructs, alot of them. And those need to be made in Celestia. And with a permanent structure there, thats more easily accomplished.

We used those constructs BECAUSE the player that makes them is the Bahamut zealot who went all dragonborn and stuff.

Are there cities like Sigil on these planes maybe? Someplace the players can go to when they head there for more bodies?

2015-08-24, 01:37 PM
There's several permanent cities on Celestia. Just go there and buy a house.

Nice. Can you give me a reference to them please? I didnt see anything in the Planescape stuff I have...I am limited on the planes material typically.

2015-08-24, 01:41 PM
Planes of Law, I'd assume.

Most accessible is Heart's Faith, (http://www.rilmani.org/timaresh/Heart%27s_Faith)which is right on the first layer and near several gates.

2015-08-24, 01:50 PM
The reason the guys wants it is that our campaign uses Valorhammer constructs, alot of them. And those need to be made in Celestia. And with a permanent structure there, thats more easily accomplished.

Yeah, I think Bahamut would definitely allow a permanent factory dedicated to churning out these things.

2015-08-24, 01:55 PM
Create an epic enough castle that celebrates the achievements of the forces of Good, and prideful beings (like gods, or dragons, or dragon gods, hint hint) will fall over each other in an effort to put it in their domains.