View Full Version : Tippyverse vs a land outside comprehension

The Vagabond
2015-08-25, 11:26 AM
So- Let's say that a tippyverse wizard fell in love with someone- Not just for their body, but also for their mind, their personality, and everything about them. She fell in love with the creature from another dimension, head over heels- But it returned to it's home. She decided to make a Simacrum of it...
And it didn't work. He wasn't created, because, according to your magic, he didn't exist.
This is perplexing, and very worrysome. You go to find the creature- TO find that he lies outside the planes, a place uknown and untouchable to magic- You descover an ancient rite that will permit you to enter, and will grant you the ability to, once per year, change the world as it is (Takes one hour to cast) by sacrificing a woman from the world of royal blood.

You enter the world, to find that the creature is immune to all magic- Not just some magic, but all magic. Magic doesn't affect him unless he so desires. And you find that he is in love with another, so very deeply in love...

But you can re-write reality.

You go to the woman, and get to work removing her, her kingdom, and making the world so that she never exsisted, so that your loved one might love you- But he stops, and interferes with the ritual...

And the world shattered.

Now you rule the kingdom the princess once ruled, and the one you loved seems to have disappeared from exsistance, and you are stranded here. You cannot access other planes (Meaning no Planar Binding or similar), and are pretty much on your own- with a new threat.

When you changed the world to fit your image, it leaves behind scars- Living people who exsist outside of what is conceived of as reality. These people are known as forgotten- They cannot be targeted by spells unless they so desire- Attempts to divine on them, or anywhere they are, reveal things as they would be if the forgotten never existed. They do not trigger contingencies... However, they can still die to being stabbed, and they can still be seen with regular people, though with some difficulty, since regular people still think as if they never existed (DC 15 spot check to notice a forgotten walking around, +15 dc to stealth as a forgotten). These people are mad, and angry, and want to kill you in so very many ways... The Royal you tried to kill now leads a squadron of powerful forgotten, and are preparing to kill you. How do you kill the royal, while running the kingdom in preparation to find your loved one?

2015-08-25, 01:11 PM
Shout and hit them with a giant axe?
Or even shout and throw the planet at them(if you are a chicken infested commoner priest of level 10 with one level in hurling hulk(total build level :11))?

The Viscount
2015-08-25, 10:47 PM
By all magic do you just mean arcane and divine, or also psionics, mysteries, vestiges, SLAs, and general Su abilities?

If not, use any one of the above, or just shapeshift into a monster with useful SLAs or Su abilities.

If so, use normal magic or the above to buff up, then follow noob's instructions.

2015-08-25, 11:03 PM
Psionic Minor Creation a cubic foot of Black Lotus Extract into a bucket; slosh bucket at them.

Time Stop and shoot a crossbow at them a couple of times.

Shadowcraft Mage Silent Image a 140% Miracle and choose "I win" button.

Forcecage around them and a Decanter of Endless Water.

I don't know, what spells do I have prepared when they come calling? Being untargetable and immune doesn't really help very much when you're talking about a good Wizard.

2015-08-26, 12:03 AM
This is a difficult question, since it depends entirely on how immune to magic they are.

If it simply means that no magic can affect them and they don't affect any magic, you can still throw golems or solars at them until they die, while being immune to anything they could do to you.

However, there ist another possibility. If they are not just immune to magic but they and all they do ignores all magic, as if it did not exist. If you know Nobilis, imagine it as an affliction of "No magic may stop me"*. Then the wizard might have a problem. Of course, there are still golems and solars to deal with this, if you can detect the problem early enough.

Anyway, nice story.

*If you don't know Nobilis, an Affliction is something that is true about your character - something that the world itself will make sure that it IS SO.