View Full Version : My copies of DCF and NCftPB arrived!

2007-05-10, 09:52 AM
They arrived yesterday! I must dance with glee!

The bonus features are awesome. I noticed a few differences from the original comics that were obviously done for copyright reasons (Durkon-as-bandaid-box/Elan-as-diet-Coke/What the Mind Flayer is called) along with a couple panels where Giant re-wrote a bit of the dialog to make it fit better.

Obviously I couldn't post anything about it yesterday because the Giant's servers were too busy being turned into a molten heap of slag.

I can't wait until Start of Darkness is released. And whatever book comes after that.

2007-06-02, 02:21 PM
I noticed a few differences from the original comics that were obviously done for copyright reasons (Durkon-as-bandaid-box/Elan-as-diet-Coke/What the Mind Flayer is called)

I'm confused, i was not aware that the mind flayer is a copy-right, if it is please clarify, thank you in advance

2007-06-02, 02:24 PM
I'm confused, i was not aware that the mind flayer is a copy-right, if it is please clarify, thank you in advance

It's a copyright of Wizards of the Coast, the people who publish D&D.

2007-06-02, 02:24 PM
I believe the name is owned by Wizards of the Coast.

2007-06-02, 02:33 PM
thanks, i'll check the wizards forum and/or website

2007-06-02, 02:38 PM
once again confused, I believe I misread, I initially thought that 'squid thingy' was copyrighted, i thought that was strictly Gitp which is why i used it as my profile name. Now it sounds like 'mind flayer' or 'illithid' is copy-righted, which one is it? Thanks again

2007-06-02, 02:39 PM
once again confused, I believe I misread, I initially thought that 'squid thingy' was copyrighted, i thought that was strictly Gitp which is why i used it as my profile name. Now it sounds like 'mind flayer' or 'illithid' is copy-righted, which one is it? Thanks again

officially its Mindflayer that is copyrighted...

2007-06-02, 02:40 PM
The copyrighted one is the one they don't actually use in DCF

2007-06-02, 02:49 PM
The copyrighted one is the one they don't actually use in DCF

I don't have DCF so I wouldn't know, so

officially its Mindflayer that is copyrighted...

thank you, that clears things up

2007-06-02, 02:55 PM
Still waiting for my copies. Ordered them over a month ago.

*continues to wait*