View Full Version : So Who Is That On The Left?

2007-05-10, 10:45 AM
I think the first panel of 450 is absolutely brilliant and breathtaking in its detail. From Tsukiko on the battlements of the castle in the upper left, to Roy lying dead and alone in dead (ha ha) center, to Redcloak and the MitD directing the hobgoblin siege at right. It gives a sense of the direction and particulars of the battle by far better than the tactical planning in 413 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0413.html).

However, one thing confuses me. In front and left, we see Belkar's mountain of hobgoblin corpses, with a Xykon decoy on both the left and the right. We zoom in close on Belkar, and watch him dismount to the right of the pile, and begin his hilarious interaction with the Eye of Fear and Flame. Well and good, but then that must mean that the huecuva was on the left.

This confuses me for two reasons. First, Redcloak sent the heucuva to reinforce the EoFaF here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0431.html), but in 450 we clearly see that the heucuva had passed the EoFaF. Secondly, the figure on the left is pretty clearly shown to be fireballing the walls of Azure city. I'm not sure how the fallen, undead cleric would have that ability.


One Skunk Todd
2007-05-10, 10:58 AM
There has been some Left/Right inconsistency during the battle, especially along the wall. For example in the first panel of 424, Hinjo and V look off to the left and remark on the destruction being caused by the titanium elementals. V then runs off to the right to deal with them. My advice is to not worry about the shown orientation a whole lot.

2007-05-10, 11:03 AM
Remember that left and right are relative to where you're facing. In the first panel, we're looking at the back of Belkar's head; in the close-ups, we're facing him. He jumps off towards the walls.

And Elementals landed on both sides of Hinjo and V, I think; that's why V split off from the others.

Citizen Joe
2007-05-10, 11:05 AM
Change of camera angle maybe?

That fireball thing HAS to be from the EoFaF because the Huecuva is a cleric.

2007-05-10, 11:10 AM
If you look at the pile of dead hobgoblins in the first panel of 450, the blue-cloaked cleric (?) can't be seen, meaning we're looking at the back of Belkar's head. So when he jumps to the right in the close up, he would be jumping to the left in the overhead shot.

2007-05-10, 11:29 AM
I think the first panel of 450 is absolutely brilliant and breathtaking in its detail. From Tsukiko on the battlements of the castle in the upper left, to Roy lying dead and alone in dead (ha ha) center, to Redcloak and the MitD directing the hobgoblin siege at right. It gives a sense of the direction and particulars of the battle by far better than the tactical planning in 413 (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0413.html).

However, one thing confuses me. In front and left, we see Belkar's mountain of hobgoblin corpses, with a Xykon decoy on both the left and the right. We zoom in close on Belkar, and watch him dismount to the right of the pile, and begin his hilarious interaction with the Eye of Fear and Flame. Well and good, but then that must mean that the huecuva was on the left.

This confuses me for two reasons. First, Redcloak sent the heucuva to reinforce the EoFaF here (http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0431.html), but in 450 we clearly see that the heucuva had passed the EoFaF. Secondly, the figure on the left is pretty clearly shown to be fireballing the walls of Azure city. I'm not sure how the fallen, undead cleric would have that ability.


My thoughts? Ignore such minor details... Enjoy the show.

2007-05-10, 11:51 AM
My bet's on change of camera angle.

2007-05-10, 01:19 PM
I sort of figured it was to avoid weirdness like Belkar looking like he 'jumped out' of the panel in the wrong direction. Whenever characters are moving it's almost always to the right, and the eye naturally follows them to the next panel.

2007-05-10, 01:27 PM
Well, if you look at the two red figures in the faraway shot, you will see that one of them has a few hobgoblins near him, while the other has a massive number of hobgoblins near him. When Belkar leaped, the Eye of Fear and Flame only had a couple of hobgoblins near him (which Belkar summarily killed before talking to the Eye).

When you add that to the fact that the red figure that only had a couple of hobgoblins near it was shooting fireballs, I think it is safe to say that the view of Belkar jumping was a reverse angle shot. :smallwink:

Also, the last time we say the Huecuva, it was ordered to march toward the walls. And since we haven't actually seen it do anything in the meantime, I think it is safe to presume that it was the one on the right, and we were seeing it move toward the battle.

2007-05-10, 01:33 PM
so now belkar will be duel wielding skulls if the hecuva shows up, what's a hecuva do again, could belkar use it's head for anything fun?

The Viking
2007-05-10, 02:11 PM
Well, obviously the amount of mobs Belkar killed caused a major rift in time and space, transporting him to another dimension where left is right and right is left.

2007-05-10, 02:42 PM
I thnk that the huecuva has surpassed the EoFaF and take his place under the walls... poor little useless EoFaF :biggrin: