View Full Version : E6 Need Balancing Help

2015-08-25, 08:49 PM
Bit of background info: I'm building a total 3.5 conversion to a Cyberpunk, political subterfuge game that runs in E6.

My questions are:

1. If a very specific build line of classes, were given what is essentially limited wish as a capstone, how would I go about balancing that? I was thinking Only allowing it 1/week, or alternatively, having it take up half your daily allowance of spells. Should I be more strict on its usage? Should I relax more? Or should I just scrap it?

2. Automatic weapons. D20 Modern's rules just didn't do it for me when it came to handling them. Any ideas?

Also general curiosity question, I've heard of E8 rules is there any specific documentation for those or is it just the same as E6 but at level 8?

2015-08-25, 08:54 PM
On the limited wish capstone, keep in mind that it can duplicate any spell of 5th level or lower, or any sorcerer/wizard spell of 6th level or lower, as well as undoing just about anything negative that's within the realm of possibility for an E6 game. That's honestly way too good, considering it was never intended to give access to spells above 3rd level. Maybe switch it to an even more limited version, that duplicates a sorcerer/wizard spell of 3rd level or lower, or any other spell of 2nd level or lower. Currently it can duplicate Heal from the Adept list (http://www.d20srd.org/srd/npcClasses/adept.htm), Disintegrate, Teleport, etc. Those things shouldn't be available at all in E6.

2015-08-25, 09:02 PM
Yeah I'm completely redoing the spell list to fit better with the setting

Like the only thing I'm really keeping from 3.5 is the rules itself.

So new classes, spell lists, items etc. Meaning Limited wish could yeah, duplicate any spell of 3rd level or lower and if you do good enough maybe one level 4 one. I am also scaling the power level so that if I were to transpose it back into 3.5 it'd be more like a level 3 - 8 campaign as opposed to a 1 - 6.