View Full Version : [EMPIRE!] Fera Cracks - Mysteries of the Green Pools

Rain Dragon
2015-08-26, 12:48 AM
Fera, Fręzeid, Britath
The Year 571 of the Common Calendar

The trading outpost of Britath was unusually empty when Mendev and Elyx arrived. Shaking their heads in dismay, the pair sat and awaited any who would answer their call. The outpost was a typical Feran assortment of tents, storehouses and ornate decoration all relying on the assistance of the large windmills to run the various pulleys, conveyor belts and miscellaneous clockwork devices. Britath was once one of the few consistently busy trading outposts in Fera. Tents belonging to hundreds of Ferans would surround the place. Airships would anchor near the Airship Assembly Area to unload their goods the old-fashioned way due to the Tower often being full. Of a night, Feran merchants would be trying to catch the attention of passers by with impressive displays of their wares. Today, however the place was a ghost town. Life was certainly different before the strange cracks began to emanate from Griuhna Sjova in Neo Scandza.

When aspiring adventurers arrived they discovered the reason for Britath's desertion; a large chasm split the place unevenly in two. Mendev and Elyx could be found sitting against an Aizium pole which spiraled up to help support the roof of the large open building. The two stood out not only for their unusual appearance but the fact the Masked Ones were not trying to fade into the background as they were known to do. When Mendev and Elyx stood to greet new arrivals, their great height was immediately apparent as they both stood roughly the height of two humans while seeming far more delicately built. They wore matching black coats which almost reached the top of their hoof-like feet. Well fitting long black skirts with ornate strips of bright green cloth did not quite reach the ground. Their brightly coloured hair stood out against the black cloth masks they wore over their lower faces. The two quietly greeted the new arrivals before offering a seat and water while they wait for any others.

(( -- OOC --

This is a freeform adventure set in the world of EMPIRE!. More details about the world can be found here (http://http://www.giantitp.com/forums/showthread.php?351078-Empire!-The-Lands-of-Telluris-(the-fluff-beyond-the-crunch)).

Feel free to bring any character, though any obvious slavers, murderers, poachers, etc. will likely have a very difficult time even during the chaos caused by the disaster. One could also choose to RP as a Feran, if one so desired. Most importantly, have fun!

The premise is that the Ferans have tried and failed to glean any information on the cracks of Fera. Though it may already be too late, the Masked Ones Mendev and Elyx decided not attempt to join their mysteriously disappearing Masked One kin just yet, instead sending a desperate call to any who may be able to help. If necessary, they would break Feran Law to save their land and as such even the despised Maurians were sent word of this alongside ways to enter Fera and arrive at Britath unharmed.))

2015-08-26, 05:44 PM
Fera, Fręzeid, Britath, 571
Semelea and Henlief

According to official KOI records, Semelea Llorens and Henleif Deathbranch were both missing persons, presumed to be among the casualities of the Twice Heeled Travelers incident in Aloren years ago. A Foreign Affairs Ambassador, Semelea had been slated to return to the austere Urusilium outpost to continue trade negotiations with the Kell and her faithful guard Henleif was to return with her. KOI military rules of conduct strictly forbid any sort of fraternizing with your assignments in any way outside of official capacities, an arrangement which no longer suited the pair, who, in the ensuing chaos of Aloren, booked passage across the Sea of the Golden Sun and disappeared into Alydaxis. After the Alydaxan Dominion descended into chaos, they hiked over the mountains and into Angan Anvale. They were wed by a solemn Ashenian Priest under the light of the silver moons on a cold, clear night.

The pair continued their journey West, eventually crossing into Niskovia. They were used to the curious glances their unusual appearances garnered them. They were both tall, even for Spriggans, and towered over the mostly human and fae people they had encountered on their travels. It was while attending a bazaar in Karintiya to browse the local garments that Semelea had first heard of the Cracks of Fera. She and Henlief both stared curiously at the muddied leaflet she had plucked from the bottom of her boot. Fera was not know to be welcoming to outsiders, but whoever had distributed this leaflet promised safe passage in return for accompanying an expedition party in Britath. Semelea and Henleif regarded each other and shrugged, they had come this far. It had taken them several more days to traverse the vast Niskovian landscape before they reached one of the safe entry spots detailed on the pamphlet.

They were surprised to be greeted in Britath by a pair of normally reticent Masked Ones.
"Hello, I'm Semelea and this is my husband Henlief. I understand there's some issue with um, cracks?" Her cheerful tone trailed off as she gazed at the wide crevasse that had split the area with concern. This was seemingly more serious than she and Henlief had thought.

Rain Dragon
2015-08-28, 08:37 PM
Fera, Fręzeid, Britath
The Year 571 of the Common Calendar
Mendev and Elyx

The pair matched the couple's enhusiasm, greeting them in the traditional Feran way and offering them Absinthe. When it was revealed they were wed, Mendev and Elyx looked confused, curious and joyful all at once. They looked at each other briefly as though they had a thousand questions and fixed the pair with an embarrassed stare instead. Elyx blinked their absinthe green eyes slowly and looked to the ground, hints of the Masked Ones' usual demeanour showing through. To each other, it was clearly difficult to ask about this marriage and love concept; so much so that they didn't realise how their behaviour might be odd or disturbing to others.

Mendev and Elyx hesitated briefly. "Exerri ara ev Fryx. Yes and no." Elyx spoke in the Masked One's native tongue; something so rarely done that even the Griuhna Haljans who live alongside the Masked Ones know only small bits and pieces. "We Fryx’s Children know things the other Ferans do not. It is... forbidden, but..." Mendev trailed off, their long ears curled back far enough to almost touch their shoulders. It was clear this was difficult for the Masked Ones, but after a time Elyx said hesitantly, "We hold different views to our kin. They leave and we should too, but first we want to see... see if. What if our Prophecy is not what is happening now?" Mendev blinked large, sad blue eyes which glowed lightly. Though there was no iris nor pupil, it seemed clear Mendev was looking past the couple. "Why are our people leaving the Ferans? I just... we... after all this time. But, if they would not help us, would you?" Mendev asked. Elyx added, "To look for the signs of the Prophecy. If it is true, the Ferans must also leave or..."

2015-09-01, 05:15 PM
Semelea cocked her head and furrowed her brow as she listened intently to Elyx and Mendev's hesitant words, when they were done speaking, she looked to her husband who nodded briefly. His scarred face looked on the pair with interest, this was an unprecedented level of loquacity for Masked Ones.
"Henlief and I will be happy to help investigate! First though, what is this prophecy of which you speak?"

2015-09-01, 06:28 PM
These were both good and bad times to be a mercenary. The chaos in his homeland was long since settled, but more recently Arin had made a pretty penny from the war in Bordeux. Once that army was broken, though, and the king they called mad dead, the sorry remnants of his regiments streaming back towards the Celerese border, he had discreetly taken his leave. There was word of fighting in the west, monstrous insects swarming into Maur and the Free Cities, and while he had no particular desire to face off against such monsters, pay was pay, and he earned nothing sitting on his backside.

If he had thought he would stand out among the paleface westerners, he need not have worried, for there were enough traders and merchants that his appearance merited hardly any more than a raised eyebrow among most of the lands he passed through. By the time he descended shivering from the mountains, though, his plans had changed. Never mind these bugs from the desert, it seemed Fera was in need of people to investigate these strange green cracks. And if it turned out to be nothing, he'd still get paid (he'd make sure of that), and Fraezeid was hardly out of his way.

His clothing was a terrible mishmash: he must look like a complete vagabond. Niskan clothing was all too small, and he'd had to barter a jacket from a departing Ashenite, while his cloak had made it all the way from Celero with him. His trousers he'd picked up in Kyaralath and despite the trek from there they still showed some signs of their garish colour, and his boots had been patched and re-cobbled so many times it was debatable if they were even still the same pair. A furry Niskovian hat, slightly too small but warm enough to do the job, perched atop his head, and his gloves had never matched. Nevertheless, if anyone cared to inspect his relevant equipment, they would find that well-maintained.

"Arin Kaeltin," he grunted to the Masked Ones as they made to greet him. He gratefully accepted the offer of water and a seat.