View Full Version : Twf with 4 arms = 2 falchions?

2015-08-28, 07:41 AM
As thr title suggests can a thri-kreen ranger with twf and itwf use two falcions? They have the arms for it.. what would the penalties come out to? Theyre not light weapons

2015-08-28, 07:50 AM
He cannot use those feats at all, rather he should take the multiweapon fighting line of feats, listed here: http://www.d20srd.org/srd/monsterFeats.htm

2015-08-28, 07:57 AM
I think OP is asking "can I dual-wield a pair of two-handed weapons if I have four arms?"

I don't know about Thri-Kreen, but the Diopsid from Dragon Compendium are another 4-armed insect race that can explicitly do this.

2015-08-28, 08:07 AM
I think OP is asking "can I dual-wield a pair of two-handed weapons if I have four arms?"

I don't know about Thri-Kreen, but the Diopsid from Dragon Compendium are another 4-armed insect race that can explicitly do this.

This helps ill look them up thanks!

Also about multiweapon fighting thats great news!

2015-08-28, 08:27 AM
Yes, they can, though it's probably not a good idea. With IMF and MF, your attack routine would look something like this at BaB 11 (not taking STR into account):


You're probably better off just using one one handed weapon and 3 light ones.

2015-08-28, 12:05 PM
As thr title suggests can a thri-kreen ranger with twf and itwf use two falcions? They have the arms for it.. what would the penalties come out to? Theyre not light weapons

Short answer: -4 primary, -4 offhand.

(Although technically a thri-kreen doesn't have TWF or ITWF unless you chop off two arms. They get MWF and Improved MWF instead, although watch out for the BAB prereqs.)

You're probably better off with two-handing a pair of one-handed weapons and use Oversized TWF (Complete Adventurer) to treat the offhand as light. Still allows full Power Attack. If you really need a one-handed falchion, Sandstorm has the Great Scimitar, although I'm partial to bastard swords.

Add Cavestalker 4 (Drow of the Underdark) and you can wield four spiked chains at once.