View Full Version : Pathfinder Ultimate Psionics Metamorph

2015-08-29, 06:09 AM
I'm looking through my Ultimate Psionics book and I'm running through ideas in my head. I've got a well-built thrallherd and now I'm looking at building a Metamorph. I'm looking at this idea because I've been watching Batman TAS and I like the way Clayface works.

I looked at the Druid class, but he's honestly more of a psionic character. He has no desire to be in tune with nature, only looking out for himself, and a way to return to his former life, through mutable stability. He honestly seems content with who he is, but he'd prefer being able to look normal and blend in with a crowd.

That said, I'm also looking at his abilities. He has a primarily amorphous physiology, preferring a humanoid approach, will shift his limbs into weapons when needed, and is an effective tank until he's diluted by a large amount of water, or he suffers a mental breakdown.

Back to my question; If I go with a Psion(Egoist)/Metamorph build, what feats, besides Improved Metamorphosis, should I be looking for? If I can build a Tank out of this character I'd definitely love that.

2015-08-29, 08:00 AM
It's a pretty nice class, it's basically mandatory you take the Psychic Knack trait in order to not only recoup the lost manifester levels, but also gain a bonus from Natural Shifter.

You probably want to pick up Swift Shapeshifter so you can get Master of Many Forms from the class (or take both and retrain out of Master when you hit 5th level in the PRC). They become less useful at 10th level, but still worth it for getting a whole new set of options.

If you're not a Wilder you probably want Overchannel, because augmenting your Metamorphosis is really good.

If you want to be a tank, Expanded Knowledge:Hostile Empathic Transfer is probably worth it, it's a nice efficient combo of healing and damage. Otherwise all you really need is Vigor and some buffs.

2015-08-29, 08:37 AM
You're confusing me with the "Master of Many Forms" thing, because I'm using Pathfinder, and it's not coming up when I search it up in d20pfsrd.

Swift Shapeshifter and Overchannel look pretty good. Empathic Transfer, Hostile is amazing since I'm going to be dealing with heavy hitters. I can pick up items that'll boost AC and make me a hard to hit damage soaking tank as well.

2015-08-29, 08:48 AM
I think they mean to say Master of All Forms (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/master-of-all-forms-psionic)

2015-08-29, 10:04 AM
Ahh! That makes more sense. Can't believe I didn't notice that. Also, while I do like that you guys included a trait, I don't believe my GM uses them. He hasn't before, and we've been fine without them.

So how does this look for a basic feats at lvl 11?

Psion(Egoist)5/Metamorph 6
(Not sure on Race yet)

1- Toughness, Improved Metamorphosis (P)
3- Combat Manifestation
5- Swift Shapeshifter, Master of All Forms (P)
7- Expanded Knowledge (Empathic Transfer, Hostile)
9- Extend Power
11- Overchannel

2015-08-29, 10:41 AM

Transmogrifist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/psion/psionic-disciplines/psychometabolism/transmogrifist). Either 8 or 3+ with Student’s Robes (Can't find it on SRD. +5 levels for discipline abilities for 13000gp).

2015-08-29, 10:57 AM
Transmogrifist (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/classes/psion/psionic-disciplines/psychometabolism/transmogrifist). Either 8 or 3+ with Student’s Robes (Can't find it on SRD. +5 levels for discipline abilities for 13000gp).

Wow.... WOW! That's insane. So it increases everything by 50%? Natural attack damage, stat bonuses, size bonuses, fast healing, temp hp, natural armor? How does it interact with save DCs for the Metamorphosis poisons and fear aura? They're technically numeric effects of the power (since it's separate from the normal power save DC).

2015-08-29, 08:53 PM
If I recall correctly, errata/clarification on the old forums indicated that the bonus is not applied to every number in the power, only those numbers which are part of the direct effect. For example, +2 natural attacks that deal 1d6 damage each becomes +3 natural attacks that deal 1d6 damage each - the damage itself is merely a characteristic of the attacks, not a numerical bonus.

That is, imagine you had a psychometabolism power that sets enemies you strike on fire for 1d4 rounds, along with text that indicates burning enemies take 1d6 damage. The 1d4 rounds is a numeric effect of the power subject to multiplication, but the 1d6 damage is merely descriptive of what burning does, so it isn't increased.
Conversely, if you had a power that bestowed upon all of your natural attacks a weapon special quality that set foes on fire for 1d4, you wouldn't even get the duration extension because the rules text of the weapon special is independent of the power's effects.

I'm probably describing this terribly, and I recommend checking the errata yourself if it's been recovered.

Edit: Scrap that, it's not in the errata. Must have been remembering posts from back during the playtest.

2015-08-29, 09:24 PM
Found the Student's Robes in my book, also I could go a Psion(Transmorgrifist)8/Metamorph 3 It'd be a more balanced build in the long run. That 50% increase is super helpful as well.

So edit on the build~ I'll start human

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 8 (+2 Str)

1- Toughness, Improved Metamorphosis (P), Rapid Metabolism (H)
3- Combat Manifestation
5- Swift Shapeshifter, Body Fuel (P)
7- Expanded Knowledge (Empathic Transfer, Hostile)
9- Mind over Body
11- Master of All Forms
13- Overchannel

If I take Master of All Forms earlier, I'll lose the benefits of Quick Shift, and I don't think I'll regain it if I retrain the feat.

2015-08-30, 12:52 AM
If he dips Aegis, Metamorph will advance it for free. Be a heavily armored T-Rex, but even bigger, with a fly speed and a cockpit (Extra Passenger) for you.

2015-08-30, 03:04 AM
If he dips Aegis, Metamorph will advance it for free. Be a heavily armored T-Rex, but even bigger, with a fly speed and a cockpit (Extra Passenger) for you.

Manifesting: When indicated, the character gains additional power points per day and access to new powers as if he had also gained a level in any one manifesting class he belonged to previously. He does not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained (bonus metapsionic or item creation feats, and so on). This essentially means that he adds that level of metamorph to the level of whatever other manifesting class the character has, and then determines power points per day, powers known, and manifester level accordingly.

If a character had more than one manifesting class before he became a metamorph, he must decide to which class he adds the level of metamorph for purpose of determining power points per day, powers known, and manifester level.

This leads me to believe that the Aegis armor will not scale with levels in Metamorph.
First, the levels only stack with manifester levels to determine power points, powers known, and total manifester levels.
Second, I have to choose a class in which the metamorph levels stack with, which I will choose Psion for the scaling fast healing. Which is permanent at lvl 18.

EDIT: Okay guys, how does this look now?

Str 16, Dex 14, Con 14, Int 16, Wis 13, Cha 8 (+2 Str) (+1 Int at 4, 12, 16, 20) (+1 Int at 8)

1- Rapid Metabolism, Improved Metamorphosis (P), Toughness (H)
3- Combat Manifestation
5- Psionic Meditation, Swift Shapeshifter (P)
7- Expanded Knowledge (Empathic Transfer, Hostile)
9- Mind over Body
11- Body Fuel
13- Overchannel, Master of All Forms (M)

2015-08-30, 07:41 AM
Wow.... WOW! That's insane.
It works only with very narrow subset of powers. Basically thicken skin, chameleon, and metamorphosis line.

EDIT: Okay guys, how does this look now?
Rapid Metabolism becomes obsolete at level 5, when you get hast healing from metamorphosis, and it's not good before that either.

Toughness is ****. If you are worried about early levels survival (I believe you start at 11 though?) get Psionic Body feat. Psychic reformation it when you don't need it any more, i.e. right when you get said psychic reformation.

Combat Manifestation is... well, you guessed by now, right? You have options to take 15 (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats#TOC-Psionic-Focus) on concentration check by expending focus, to 5ft step away, or just don't manifest when threatened and use natural weapons from metamorphosis instead.

Mind Over Body - egoist class list have two powers to heal ability damage.

Body Fuel - I'm tempted to say even Psionic Talent is better.

Metamorph doesn't really do anything base egoist can't do. Almost all its class features are obsolete by true metamorphosis. Inb4 Permanent Shift - 10min/level at 17+ is as good as permanent. Supernatural Shift is nice, but IMO not worth a bonus feat and level 20 discipline ability.
Psion10/Metamorph10 have BAB of +12. You are not going to hit anything with that.

My favorite build for "I want to be Psion who hits things" is psion 4 / warder (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/classes/warder) 1 / awakened blade (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/path-of-war/prestige-classes/awakened-blade) 10. Finishing with psion 5 gives you BAB +15, ML 17, IL 15. Spending two traits bumps ML and IL by 2 each. Starting at 11 you can go transmogrifist 4 / warder 1 / transmogrifist 4 / awakened blade 2.

If you don't have access to Path of War, almost any UPsi full BAB PRC works fine for psionic gish.

2015-08-30, 09:14 AM
Well the only other way to get Metamorphosis is to get the Expanded Knowledge Feat. But at the end of all this, I'm beginning to love my thrallherd more and more.

I'd just like to make a Tanky build that'll just plow into the enemies like Darkseid from a Boom Tube. I remember Clayface being pretty formidable and thought he'd be best designed as a Metamorph seeing as his physical form is practically dependent on him maintaining mental focus.

2015-08-30, 09:30 AM
Well the only other way to get Metamorphosis is to get the Expanded Knowledge Feat.

Not sure what you mean, it's on egoist power list.

2015-08-30, 09:39 AM
Not sure what you mean, it's on egoist power list.

The Egoist is a Psion. And if I were to make a more combat oriented build, a Psychic Warrior for example, I'd have to use the Expanded Knowledge (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/psionics-unleashed/feats/expanded-knowledge-psionic) feat to get Metamorphosis. :smallsigh: Psionics can be so confusing sometimes.

2015-08-30, 03:36 PM
I was thinking of the rule in high psionics games, where +1 manifester levels also advance the Aegis' customization points. I just forgot it was high psionics only, whoops.