View Full Version : Need some advice on what I should play in an upcoming 3.5 game

2015-08-29, 05:13 PM
Hello Gitp, Malphite here and I was looking for some advice on what I should play for an upcoming d&d game I am going to be in. For reference this is all for fluff and the role playing experience so any optimization will not be happening, or well I hope won't. The game is going to be heavy undead slightly based off of the idea of Leoric the Skeleton King from Diablo 3. Our party so far is.

(Also just to know, we cannot double up on classes or races as a rule, personally I think allowing more of the same race is fine but is up to the DM).
A Elf Monk hoping to become a Justicar of Taiya.
A Halfling Warmage.
A Gnome Ranger(This player was roped into the game doesn't like to play d&d much anymore because he can't restrain himself from optimization).
And then there's me and I've been bouncing around a few ideas the one I'm sticking with right now is a Human Cleric of Pelor going to a Radiant Servant of Pelor.

I'm not sure I should stick with being a Cleric although I do like the fluff I have created for him so far his main goal currently is to find the largest chapel to Pelor, and help as many people as possible. Friend to all living things kind of person, my other ideas include.

A Paladin of Heironeous who is heavily focused on Shield and Sword defense, using all the shield feats and Divine Shield to increase AC make myself unable to be hit by normal creatures, multiclassing into Crusader since his flavor focuses a lot on pursuing Justice, protecting the innocent, and being as I call the build the Shield of God, and he has a lot of religious zeal plus the extra defensive stuff is awesome for the build.

A Paladin of St. Cuthbert who will go into Pious Templar(DM is allowing the True Believer feat to be waved for Paladins if they are devote to a god that doesn't match their alignment), duel wields Heavy Maces, views himself as the Jury to St. Cuthbert's Judge, or the Judge for St. Cuthbert on the mortal plane, an inquisitor type character essentially. Very much for law and carrying out justice just with more grey then my Paladin of Heironeous.

A Orc Blademaster from Warcraft, essentially a Barbarian multiclassing into Warblade two handing a Katana that always looks for new challenges and to prove himself in combat, also refuses to wear armor of any kind to make him seem more of the savage warrior type character who believes wearing armor keeps him from truly experiencing combat.

Or a Swashbuckler multiclassing into Swordsage who duel wields a Short sword with his Rapier and wants to become the best duelist in the land, respectful and elegant but not too poncy or snarky. Might also take the prc Duelist for flavor as well.

What do you guys think? Or what other ideas should I consider? Thanks GITP!

2015-08-29, 07:53 PM
I'd say Crusader, worship Heironeous or St. Cuthbert, and decide you're going to protect one of your party members. Fluff-wise, you could say that you're sworn to protect the weak and have taken a party member under your care for the duration of your journey. Interesting roleplay opportunities imho.

There's also the Crusader/Cleric/Ruby Knight Vindicator if you want to worship Wee Jas and get in on some divine magic shenanigans.

Just my $.02

2015-08-29, 11:56 PM
Heavy undead campaign + cleric going RSoP may not need to be optimized to be strong. In terms of role playing, you may feel more central to the story than you intend.