View Full Version : Could I get a CR estimate?

2015-08-29, 07:55 PM
Hey all!

We recently had an encounter with our friendly neighbourhood BBEG, and i'm trying to figure out his rough CR based on the fight. Anybody reckon they can give it a shot?

700 HP
AC 26 (became 28 when he was reduced to half health)
At least +3-4 for his bad saves, roughly +8-10 on good ones (Str, Dex and Con were good i think)
Save DC for abilities about 20

Regular longsword about 20 damage per hit, two swings per attack action
When hitting with a longsword attack there is a Wisdom save vs being frightened until the end of your next turn
Capable of boosting damage of attacks, probably from a paladin-like smite.

Presumably as a wizard/sorcerer with access to 9th level spells
-He is known to have access to Gate and 2x dimension doors
- Single target attack for about 60ish necrotic damage, Con save half
- 60' radius attack for about 40ish cold damage, Con save half
- 60' radius attack for about 20ish damage, dex save half plus pushes creatures from 30' - 60' feet away and restrains them until end of turn.
- These could be custom spells or monster recharge abilities, can't be sure.

Lastly he used no legendary or lair actions, because he teleported to us to take our McGuffin (so teleport is probably on that spell list too). He presumably has at least lair actions in his spire that at some point we will have to tackle.

2015-08-29, 08:12 PM
Ancient Red Dragon
HP 540
AC 22
3 attacks (20 damage)
Similar frightening effect
Breath weapon
CR 24

Yours have more HP, insane AC, same damage, similar frightening effect, and lv 9 spells instead of breath.
Is he a Demigod? Otherwise you got a bit carried away with that NPC
CR 28-30 (without legendary stuff)

2015-08-29, 08:35 PM
He may or may not have been inspired by Arthas