View Full Version : Pathfinder Help Me Optimize My Whip Based Build

2015-08-30, 10:22 AM
I'm working on a build involving the Lore Warden/Martial Master combination, but tossing in options from PF Unchained to see what I can do without adding spell casting into the mix. I'm assuming Fighters get Combat Stamina for free.

I'm starting with a Swashbuckler dip, with the Mysterious Avenger archetype before moving into the Fighter levels. I intend to take a VMC, the only question is which one should be picked up. I'm leaning towards Bard for utility.

Here's the build so far:
1) Swashbuckler - Whip Proficiency, Weapon Focus (Whip), Slashing Grace (Whip), Swashbuckler's Finesse, Panache, Deeds (Derring-Do, Dodging Panache, Parry & Riposte).
2) Fighter - Combat Stamina, Whip Mastery
3) Fighter - Agile Maneuvers, VMC Ability
4) Fighter
5) Fighter - Combat Reflexes, Piranha Strike
6) Fighter - Martial Flexibility (1 Feat, 5 uses/day)
7) Fighter - Weapon Specialization (Whip)

So, I have a 15 foot reach while still being able to attack (and threaten) adjacent targets. With Combat Stamina, Whip Mastery bumps my damage dice to 1d8 while dealing non-lethal damage. I can spend 2 Stamina as a free action to bump up my effective size for 1 attack, so a 2d6 attack if I want. I can also spend 2 Stamina at a time to bump up my effective size on a maneuver, so I can make maneuvers effectively through even high level combat.

What do y'all think?