View Full Version : Princes of the apocalypse question

2015-08-30, 06:01 PM
So the next time we play I will get to play instead of DM duty and gave my princes of the apocalypse book to my friend who will DM(no I have not read the book), we are level 6 atm so guess it makes sense we start a bit into the adventure right? So what I am wondering is which chapter would be a good starting point to suggest to my DM to start us off from? So he could just go over what has happened up until then and for example our party could take up the gauntlet where another party has fallen or smthn such.

2015-08-31, 07:31 AM
So the next time we play I will get to play instead of DM duty and gave my princes of the apocalypse book to my friend who will DM(no I have not read the book), we are level 6 atm so guess it makes sense we start a bit into the adventure right? So what I am wondering is which chapter would be a good starting point to suggest to my DM to start us off from? So he could just go over what has happened up until then and for example our party could take up the gauntlet where another party has fallen or smthn such.

That's not at all how this adventure is organized. There are locations with NPC's. Y'all ought to start at the beginning of the adventure. Anywhere else simply wouldn't make sense. It's sandbox. Y'all can go anywhere you like.

To tell you much more would spoil the early adventuring. Your friend should be asking.

2015-08-31, 08:44 AM
I have to agree with SliceandDiceKid. I will be DMing the adventure soon and my group starts as 4 characters at 5. level. I thought about leaving some parts out, but it just would not make any sense.

Instead I would advise to adjust the encounters if needed. I'm actually thinking about leaving them as they are. My group will probably be very fast in the first parts of the adventure but it will even out soon i guess.

There are some parts, that are designed to take the characters from level 1 to 3. I would recommend leaving them out, unless he really likes one or the other. I think I will probably run one of them, because I like the story and introduces the theme of the whole campaign nicely.

But again, as SliceandDiceKid said, we can't tell you a lot without spoiling it.

2015-08-31, 05:04 PM
Princes of the Apocalypse is actually already built to support characters who are higher level to begin with. They put in some filler missions to get folks to 3-4, so it won't require any adjustment except perhaps an addition of a thug or two to the first few encounters.

2015-09-01, 05:43 AM
ummm....maybe trust your friend to decide that kind of thing....you know....the DM?

2015-09-02, 03:51 AM
ummm....maybe trust your friend to decide that kind of thing....you know....the DM?

Well first time for him to DM so thought it were best to ask around but he said he had already decided to skip the starter part of it thats supposed to take
you to lvl 3-4. :)