View Full Version : [3.PF] Best Spell List to draw random spells from.

The Vagabond
2015-08-30, 08:17 PM
This is just my curiosity getting to me- Let's say there's a world where every living creature Gestalts with a single spellcasting class- But spell lists are determined randomly, and it's always a spontaneous spell list. What spellcasting class has the best spell list to draw from?

2015-08-30, 08:27 PM
To avoid random Death by Magic Cockroach, I suggest Healer.

More seriously, the Divine Crusader has a pretty narrow list, that is, one cleric domain exactly. If you pick a strong domain, that's a reliable way of getting good spells. It's more a matter of removing randomness than having a good list, though.

For a real, basic spell list: Sorcerer/wizard. Yes, there's lots of crap, but at least you get to UMD all those tasty sor/wiz items.

Extra Anchovies
2015-08-30, 08:58 PM
Can two creatures learn from different lists, or does every creature learn from the same list? I'm assuming the former.

I'd personally want to learn spells from the Wu Jen, Shugenja, or Shaman lists. The spell lists from the classes in the PHB and DMG (Bard, Cleric, Druid, Paladin, Ranger, Sorcerer/Wizard, Assassin, Blackguard) all get a lot of heavily situational things from splatbooks, which dilutes the number of generally useful options they have, but the OA classes (and the updates to the Wu Jen and Shugenja in Complete Divine and Complete Arcane) don't suffer from that. Their lists may not have the strongest options, but they aren't bloated with usually-worthless spells like the core classes' lists are, and they aren't focused heavily in one area like the other 9th-casting classes that don't share lists with core classes (e.g. beguiler, warmage, dread necromancer).

2015-08-30, 09:00 PM
To avoid random Death by Magic Cockroach, I suggest Healer.

More seriously, the Divine Crusader has a pretty narrow list, that is

I'd start more or less where Ex is coming from ^
Pick a small list, preferably from a NON-main-book class.
Because they're likely to already have a fairly useful list, and will NOT be likely to receive "extra spells" from random splat books.

And/Or, pick a "restricted school" list class like Healer or Warmage, that way you sort-of-know what spells you are getting, and can actually make use of feats/abilities like Spell Focus and whatnot.

2015-08-31, 08:23 AM
As I understand it, you always know what spells you're getting, at least in time to choose feats based on it. It sounds like the random roll is made at character creation, and possibly again at every level-up, but that you still start the day knowing what you'll get (the same garbage as yesterday).

And Adept might be another good choice. It only goes up to 6th level, but to compensate for that, some of their spells are at lower level than normal.