View Full Version : Writing module, trolling for ideas

2015-08-30, 10:19 PM
Doing an amalgam of Wrath of the Immortals/Red Arrow, Black Shield. Concept is rival immortals start two wars at opposite ends of the continent. On the West Desert Nomads of Hule try to conquer the Republic of Darokin and all surrounding areas. On the East the Empires of Thyatis and Alphatia start up a longer simmering tension into full blown war. This is a war that takes two years, and it is very much a race against the clock. At certain times events will happen, and the players have to earn a certain number of VPs to get the good version of the event. They have to hold on the Nomads long enough to get allies from the surrounding nations, and hopefully try to end the war between the Empires to get one of them to aid in against the Nomads. Each nation has different possibilities, some aiding Darokin, while other options tip the balance of the Empires' war. If one empire gets enough to win, it takes large portions of territory but then declares neutrality unless the PCs end the war. Ideally the campaign goes from levels 1-20, and spans the known world in the process. For those familiar with Mystara I'm looking for feedback. If anybody wants to help, look at the Mystara Player's Handbook a little down the forums.

So far these are the ideas I have:
Karameikos: Aid Stefan and drive the Black Eagle Barony out: +VP to Darokin, +VP to Alphatia
Karameikos: Help Von Hendricks overthrow Stefan: +VP to Thyatis
Shadow Elves: Help Shadow Elves take Broken Lands as start of new homelands: +VP to Darokin
Shadow Elves: Refuse to help and Shadow Elves conquer Alfheim instead: -VP to Darokin
Ierendi: Put candidate of their choose on throne: +VP to which ever faction PC side with. Automatically get best result during Seige of Shireton event.