View Full Version : Pathfinder Forcibly Applying Templates to High Level PCs.

2015-08-31, 06:25 PM
Okay, so here's a thought experiment. At high levels (15th and above) curses, disease, poison and death almost have no lasting game-play elements. In my search for better and better ways to challenge my PCs, I came across an interesting monster: a Colour out of space (http://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/oozes/colour-out-of-space).

Props goes to HP Lovecraft and if you've never read this particular story of the same name - stop reading this right now and go read it. It's worth it.

Regardless, the CooS is what I like to call one of those "scenario monsters" where you wouldn't just throw one of these willy-nilly into a dungeon or as a random monster. This is a story driven creature where you plan a whole session or more just around taking out this one beast.

Anyway, what I'm interested in is the Template it applies to living creatures - the colour-blighted template.

Colour-Blighted Simple Template (CR +0)

A creature with the colour-blighted simple template appears hideously deformed and glows with the same unnamable color as the creature that blighted it. A colour-blighted creature's quick and rebuild rules are the same.

Rebuild Rules: A colour-blighted creature's ability scores are already drained as a result of being fed upon by a colour out of space, but once a creature gains this template it becomes immune to further feed attacks from colours out of space until it loses the colour-blighted simple template. A Charisma score drained to 0 by a colour out of space's feed attack is raised to 1; otherwise, its ability scores are not altered by this template. In order to remove this simple template from a creature, one only has to restore all of its drained ability scores to normal. As long as a creature suffers the colour-blighted template, it becomes aggressive toward creatures that do not exude the colors of a colour out of space, and gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against such targets. Every 24 hours, a creature suffering from this simple template must succeed at a DC 12 Fortitude save or crumble into fine, white ash—such a doom means instant death and, for many color-blighted creatures, the only chance at escape from a life filled with pain.

Okay, what I'm most interested in is the precedent of a monster applying a template to a PC. If the CooS does it, then perhaps other monsters will apply a template to non-dead characters as well.

So, my questions: 1) Are there any other creatures or things that force templates on living/non-monstrous (so Runeslave is a no-go) PCs such as the way the CooS does? If there are, what are they?
2) What ways are there to remove a template in PF? I currently know of none, (except by perhaps using a 'wisher-beware' wish) so if anyone knows of one, I'd gladly eat that knowledge up.
3) If no other (or insufficient amounts of) precedent exists for forcing a template on a character to make their lives more miserable, etc and increase the challenge involved in a game, what would be a fair and legitimate effect that a template could force a PC to experience for 15th level and higher PCs.

Any takers on this?

Milo v3
2015-08-31, 07:51 PM
1. The vampire, nosferatu, jiang-shi, vetala, werewolf, broken soul, and petitioner can all be applied to a creature against their will, though only vampire, nosferatu, jiang-shi, vetala, and werewolf are creatures themselves.
2. Sometimes a template has a way to remove it, like killing a vampire and resurrecting them. Colour-blighted doesn't since it is basically just a template to put on creatures that have already been defeated.

2015-09-01, 12:39 PM
1. The vampire, nosferatu, jiang-shi, vetala, werewolf, broken soul, and petitioner can all be applied to a creature against their will, though only vampire, nosferatu, jiang-shi, vetala, and werewolf are creatures themselves.
2. Sometimes a template has a way to remove it, like killing a vampire and resurrecting them. Colour-blighted doesn't since it is basically just a template to put on creatures that have already been defeated.

But, if the Colour-Blighted Templated creature is slain, then raised, is it still color blighted? As it is a template with no way to remove it listed in the template itself, is there really no way to get rid of it? Once a creature has the CBT forever CBT even after death and raise?

Milo v3
2015-09-01, 08:38 PM
But, if the Colour-Blighted Templated creature is slain, then raised, is it still color blighted? As it is a template with no way to remove it listed in the template itself, is there really no way to get rid of it? Once a creature has the CBT forever CBT even after death and raise?

Nothing in the rules suggests that the Colour Blighted template would be removed, though a GM could likely make that ruling without any issue.

2015-09-01, 09:36 PM
But, if the Colour-Blighted Templated creature is slain, then raised, is it still color blighted? As it is a template with no way to remove it listed in the template itself, is there really no way to get rid of it? Once a creature has the CBT forever CBT even after death and raise?

Says in the entry you posted:

In order to remove this simple template from a creature, one only has to restore all of its drained ability scores to normal.

So... yes it has the template even after death and raise, no there is a described way to remove it.

2015-09-02, 04:11 PM
no there is a described way to remove it.


Anyway, thanks for that.

But I'm still wondering about number 3. LOL.