View Full Version : About Magic Items

Xar Zarath
2015-08-31, 11:53 PM
A few questions to clarify on items;

A) magic item that has limited charges for example a wand which has 50, if it gets used up its completely useless after that right?

B) magic items that have charges per day when used up, those charges are generated back again for the day correct?

C) where can I find more information and rulings on magic items?

2015-09-01, 12:08 AM
A: Yes, an item with a set number of limited charges that gets used up can no longer be used for that purpose. However, certain items (mostly staffs) are also a magic weapon or another type of permanent magic item in addition to having charges of one or more spells, such items retain their permanent magic effect once their charges have been exhausted.

B: Yes, if an item has a limited number of charges per day then those charges are completely refreshed at the start of every day, regardless of how many were remaining at the end of the previous day.

C: The SRD Magic Items (http://www.d20srd.org/indexes/magicItems.htm) section, or the magic items chapter in the Dungeon Master's Guide. There's also information in the Magic Item Compendium and the Rules Compendium, both separate books.