View Full Version : Yet Another Leadership Thread: Storytime

2015-09-01, 02:34 PM
Since there are so many leadership threads right now, I thought "Why not make one about stories that arise around this feat?". Actually, that's a lie. What I really thought was more along the lines of "**** it, I can make leadership thread too!", but that doesn't sound as good.

Anyway, let us share our Stories about this wonderful feat. Here ist mine.


Graythorn, a Doppelganger/Tarrasque/something
Mortarion, a Pit Fiend/Mess of Multiclassing. This guy had leadership, representing a cult he has built around himself. His cohort was following him around.
Gento Valdis, Warlock, Monk, Sorcerer and most powerful member of this cult. Also the cohort.
Yes, we do use a lot of monster classes. And homebrew. And Gestalt.

The group was currently in an underground city of the dwarves called Duerok. Both of them appeared to be human.
Mortarion decided to travel to Baator in ordr to gain some information, while Graythorn waited in the city of Duerok, expecting Mortarion to take at most slightly more than 8 hours. However, 8 hours became several 8 hours more, due to a strengthening of the planar barriers which caused several plane shift attempts by Mortarion to fail. Also, Gather Information took some time as well.
So Graythorn decided he would have some fun with Gento and turned into the human form of Mortarion.
He gave some commands I can't really remember, mostly confusing Gento. Also telling him to hug him (Mortarion) when seeing him the next time he saw him. While looking like Mortarion.

Eventually, Mortarion returned. Graythorn acted like he had no idea why Gento was acting weird, while Gento was... well, acting weird. In the eyes of Mortarion at least. Also, Gento did not hug Mortarion, which confused Graythorn.

So Mortarion told his cohort to leave the room and do... something. Can't remember.

When Mortarion left the room, he rolled a spot check.

This revealed a poorly hidden Gento, standing in the shadows of the doorway.

After asking Gento, what he was doing, Mortarion suddenly had several unholy symbols shoved into his face while hearing screams along the lines of "By the unholy powers of the nine hells of Baator, I expell thee, oh heavenly being! Begone, Angel of the upper planes, for in the names of the devils I cast thee out, blessed one!"

The reactions where rather amusing.

By the way, all cohorts in this game are made and roleplayed by me. In combat usually controlled by the player.

2015-09-01, 02:52 PM
Well manuals use leadership on the players.

2015-09-01, 03:15 PM
First and best game I ever played(that I count, I don't count the one that I only played 5 minutes in and involved going around the table in turns), I was a fighter because I'd only played MMO's and tanks are awesome, decided to try and become an orc chieftain style character after I found out the game had more depth and I researched the feats more. I pick up leadership and after trying to explain what it was to my DM(also a noob at the time), finally I tried to recruit a cohort.

He had me pay pretty much all my gold to the only orc in the bar in exchange for joining me, we agreed to meet at the quest location(the guards barracks/tower) but he wasn't there when we went. I questioned the DM and he said there's no reason to believe some stranger won't just take your gold and run, I was confused about not getting a sense motive check, and then gave up so we could continue the game. After the session was over I confronted him about not understanding how the feat worked and he said he would look it up later.

Next game I get a nice young orc warrior to follow me, pretty sure was level one and my leadership score was 10 but whatever I'm happy for something. Immediately after we leave the village I recruited him from the party's only experienced player, a guy playing a "hot" female drow rogue(the same one that got my AC nerfed from 22 to 20 because his OP rogue had to roll over 10 to hit me twice while duel wielding), describes seducing and murdering my "cohort" as soon as we go to sleep, DM's all for it, says I can always get another. If 10 gets me a level one I don't want what 8 gets me.

Needless to say I never tried to give substance to a melee again, until recently when I decided to try the barbarian who thinks he's a wizard build, but regretted that because the paladin(a new player) couldn't understand I don't actually cast spells and complains constantly that it's not fair I have casting and can be as good in melee as him :smallannoyed: